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Nevrickghem D.



A reflection paper based on the subject
Biblical Theology of Mission

God’s mission is a theme that runs through the whole Bible. In the Old Testament we
see that through the ages, seasons and circumstances of God’s people, the Lord’s plan of
salvation has always prevailed. His mission remained constant.

As I reflect on the story when Christ was born, Israel as a nation no longer had political
power. The whole area of Palestine and much of the known world of that era were part of the
Roman Empire. This was a challenging time for the Jews. And yet, God chose this period in
history to be the perfect time to send Jesus into the world to fulfil God’s plan of redemption. As
we face these challenging times when our world continues to struggle with a pandemic, let’s
remember that God’s mission has not changed. The Great Commission still stands. But how do
we continue to obey the Great Commission in this time of Covid? How do we balance our
response to this crisis with our response to the need of missions?

Upon reading Matthew 9:35-38, there are three things that I’ve learned from the story
of Jesus on how remain faithful to the great commission in this time of crisis.
“35 Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the
good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. 36 When he saw the crowds,
he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a
shepherd. 37 Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. 38
Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”


Jesus had the right perspective. He knew what his purpose was. He knew His mission.
And He proclaimed His message. In this time of challenges and crisis, it is important to have a
proper perspective of our identity. We are beloved children of God. We are empowered by His
Spirit and He is with us as we go through all these difficulties. We are not victims. In Christ we
are victorious. We are His ambassadors, His channels of blessing to the world. Jesus never
forgot that He came to save the lost and to initiate the beginning of God’s reign on earth in the
lives of all who will believe in Him for salvation.

In this time of pandemic and all its accompanying challenges and crises, it is important
for us to have a proper perspective not only of our identity but also of our purpose. We are
children of God, saved by His grace and we have been commissioned and empowered to make
disciples of all nations, to be His instruments in expanding God’s Kingdom here in on earth, for
His glory. It is important that as we face the chaos, we don’t lose sight of the big picture. Covid
is a global crisis causing sickness and death, but sin has long been a global crisis destroying lives
and bringing eternal death. Pandemics are temporary. The Kingdom of God is for eternity.

Jesus’ ministry was all about reaching out to people. Jesus did not create programs,
build church buildings or establish organizations or denominations. Jesus made disciples. He
called people to follow Him. And for what purpose? So, He can make them fishers of men.
Jesus’ heart was compassionate towards people. He reflected God’s love toward people. He
spent much time with people. He reached out to people and ministered to people. His
compassion was expansive and inclusive. For Jesus there were no outcasts, no second-class
citizens. He touched the leper. He forgave the adulteress. He was a friend of sinners. He healed
the sick. He fed the hungry. He cast out demons from people. He raised the dead. He blessed
the children. Jesus’ actions overflowed from his compassion for people. He crossed cultural,
social and moral barriers to talk to the Samaritan woman. He crossed geographical and cultural
barriers to heal the demon-possessed man in the Greek- speaking province of Decapolis.
This pandemic has caused a crisis but it has also opened so many opportunities for us to be
Christ’s ambassadors to a world that desperately needs Him. As our country and our whole
world continues to struggle with this pandemic, now more than ever, people need to know the
love and compassion of Jesus. In this time when fear is rampant, people need to experience the
peace that only Jesus can give. In this time when many are at the point of despair people need
to know the hope that is in Christ Jesus.

Let’s ask God to fill our hearts with compassion for people. And like Jesus, let’s reach out
to people and minister to their needs. Let’s cross all kinds of barriers and bring the love of Jesus
to them.


Jesus had compassion on the crowds because “they were harassed and helpless, like
sheep without a shepherd.” Jesus saw beyond the obvious needs they were presenting to Him.
He saw their real needs, their deepest needs, and their eternal needs. He saw the real condition
of their heart, their helplessness, their need for salvation. There is a sense of urgency when
Jesus said that “the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.”

The harvest is a priority. Sending workers is a priority; a priority that calls for much
prayer. During these times when movement across countries and regions are restricted, the
harvest has become even more plentiful, and the workers have become fewer. The need for
prayer has become even greater. Prayer plays a huge role in missions. Prayer is something that
everyone can do. Prayer does not cost a centavo. Yet prayer can reach places that missionaries
cannot. Prayer is a simple act, yet it can accomplish things in the spiritual realm that mere
human effort cannot.
I remember in the parable of the lost sheep, the Shepherd leaves the 99 to search for one lost
sheep. To the shepherd, finding that one lost sheep was important and urgent. Even with all
the troubles of this pandemic, reaching the lost remains important and urgent to God.
Missions is still a priority. When we look at Jesus’ life and ministry we see that His priority was
to fulfil God’s purpose for His life here on earth.

We have a global crisis on one hand and the great commission on the other hand. This is
a challenge for all of us who call ourselves disciples of Jesus. To remain obedient to Christ’s
command in this time of covid, let’s realign our priorities with His priorities and participate in
whatever we can to fulfil the Great Commission.

There is no doubt that we are in the end times. This pandemic is just one of the signs.
Let us not be distracted and let us not be side-tracked. Let’s remain faithful to our task and fulfil
the Great Commission. Let’s have the right perspective, reach out to people, realign our
priorities and do everything we can to participate in the task of reaching the unreached until
the end will come.

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