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Teacher Effectiveness In Teaching With Visual Learning Media

Alfa Frammudianto¹, Dian Person Purba², Muhammad Rayhan Fadhlillah

¹Mahasiswa Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, ²Mahasiswa Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, ³Mahasiswa
Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

The world of education lives in the world of media, where learning activities have
moved towards reducing the system of delivering teaching materials with the lecture method
and being replaced by the use of learning media. Moreover, in learning activities that
emphasize competencies related to process skills, the role of learning media is needed. Media
as an integral part of learning, this component needs to get the attention of teachers. The
importance of media in facilitating students (learners), the presentation is adjusted to the set
learning objectives. The presence of media in the learning process really helps students better
understand what they are learning.

Learning media is one of the important elements in the teaching and learning process
today, as well as other elements such as models, methods, teaching materials, etc. The use of
media in every learning process has become a demand or even a necessity for every teacher.
The importance of using media in the learning process has been stated by many experts.
Rusman (2013: 93-94) argues that the use of media in learning serves as a driver of student
learning motivation, clarifies and facilitates abstract concepts, and enhances absorption.
Suryani (2015:2) argues that besides being able to arouse students' motivation and interest,
the use of media can help students improve understanding, present data in an interesting and
reliable way, facilitate interpretation, and condense the presentation of data.

In general it can be said that, the substance of the learning media is 1) the form of the
channel used to channel messages, information or learning materials to the recipient of the
message or the learner 2) various types of components in the learning environment that can
stimulate learners to learn 3) the form of physical tools that can present messages and
stimulate learners to learn. learning and 4) forms of communication that can stimulate
learners to learn, both printed and offline audio, visual and audio visual.

Visual media has the meaning of media that only involves the sense of sight. Included
in this type of media are print-verbal media, print-graphic media, and non-print visual media.
Like learning media in general, visual media are also used as intermediaries to help the
learning process in schools. Media Visual learning in particular is able to display what should
be and the real appearance of the phenomena being studied. By using Visual learning media,
students can no longer only imagine the phenomena studied, the teacher also has no difficulty
showing what is meant and is about to be conveyed.
Each of the learning media, of course there are advantages and disadvantages. One of
them is projection media, the advantages obtained are that the same material can be
distributed to all students simultaneously, children's attention can be focused on certain
objects, the audience's thinking function is stimulated and developed freely. Then the
drawback is that OHP facilities must be available, Electricity in the room or location must be
available., Without a tiltable screen it is difficult to overcome the distortion of the trapezoidal
impression, Must have special techniques for ordering both in terms of presentation and
storage. Then there is also Media Audio-Visual media. The advantages are that it attracts and
motivates students to learn more material, making models that will be imitated by students,
preparing interesting variations and changing the level of learning speed on a subject or a
problem. And the drawback of this media is that it places too much emphasis on mastery of
the material rather than the development process and still views audio-visual material as a
teacher's tool in the learning process.

In addition, the importance of using learning media is also in line with the paradigm
of student-centered learning, where the teacher no longer acts as a transmitter of information,
as the only source of knowledge, but as a mediator and facilitator. In this kind of learning, the
existence of the media becomes very important. That is why, teachers or learners need to plan
carefully when designing learning in the classroom. However, at this time, the problem faced
is that there are still some teachers who do not understand the development of technology
which can be used as a learning media. Realizing the importance of media in the learning
process, on this very good opportunity we (teachers) are starting to realize that without the
media the learning process will not take place effectively. Based on the description above, it
can be concluded that although its existence is very important, the use of learning media must
also pay attention to many things, such as the availability of supporting facilities and
infrastructure, the ability of teachers to use media, and so on. In addition, another thing that is
also important is that the media used must be in accordance with the characteristics of the
subjects, learning materials and learning objectives to be achieved.

With regard to the development of learning technology, the role of the media is very
important. Learning media in the form of machines (technology) is seen as the application of
knowledge in the form of electronic media or other learning machines occupying a strategic
position in facilitating and facilitating learning.
According to Hamidjojo, what is meant by media are all forms of intermediaries used
by people to spread ideas, so that the idea reaches the recipient. Meanwhile, McLuhan
provides a limitation in essence that the media is a means called a channel, because in
essence the media has expanded and extended the human ability to feel, hear and see within a
certain distance and time limit, now with the help of the media these limits almost disappear.
And furthermore, Blacks and Horalsen argue, media is a communication channel or medium
used to carry or convey a message, where the medium is the path or tool by which a message
travels between communicators to communicants.
Learning media according to (Surayya, 2012) is a tool that is able to assist the
teaching and learning process and serves to clarify the meaning of the message or information
conveyed, so as to achieve the planned learning objectives. Learning media can be
understood as anything that can channel information from information sources to recipients
of information (Falahudin, 2014). Learning media as a whole is a tool or material used in the
teaching and learning process which has a function as a carrier of information from learning
Based on the classification of learning media, each media has different characteristics.
These characteristics can be seen from the display of the media shown. Learning media is
displayed according to the ability of the media to provide a stimulus to the senses of sight,
touch, taste, hearing, and smell. Based on these characteristics, teachers can choose to use
learning media which is adapted to the learning situation. There are several types of learning
media that need to be known to be used in the teaching and learning process.
According to Djamarah (2002: 144) visual-based media is media that only uses the
function of the sense of sight. Visual-based media has a very important role in the learning
process. Visual media can improve understanding and strengthen students' memory of
learning materials. Visual media can provide an overview of the content of the subject matter
with knowledge in the real world and can foster student interest in learning. According to
Asriyati (2016: 13) visual-based learning media are everything that can be used to channel
and convey messages through viewing experiences so as to create a conducive learning
environment that can encourage students to carry out the learning process effectively and


Visual-based learning media has several advantages in its use. According to Hamalik
(1994: 63-64) visual media has several advantages compared to other graphic media. These
advantages are: (1) having a concrete nature, (2) overcoming space and time, (3) explaining a
problem, (4) being cheap and easy, (5) minimizing the limitations of eye observation. It is
concrete, meaning that the images or photos displayed in visual media can be used by
students in a clear and tangible way that shows the material or message conveyed.
Overcoming space and time that can minimize the use of time to show real objects that are far
from the school location. Visual media can explain a problem in the learning material,
allowing a problem or phenomenon to be understood equally. This visual media can be made
by yourself at an affordable cost and can even take advantage of used goods that can be
processed and are easy to use. Minimizing the limitations of eye vision means to explain
certain objects that are difficult to be presented in real terms, then media in the form of
photos or images can be used.
Visual-based learning media has several shortcomings in its use. According to
Hamalik (1994: 63-64) visual media has several shortcomings compared to other types of
media. These shortcomings are: (1) emphasizing visual perception only, (2) the size is very
limited for use in student study groups, and (3) if the objects / objects displayed are complex,
the media will be less effective. According to Arsyad (2011: 49-50) the shortcomings of
visual-based learning media are: (1) the cost of making media is quite expensive, (2) the
absence of audio, (3) limited visuals, (4) less practical and slow in use, and (5) not always in
accordance with the needs and expected learning objectives so that it needs to be designed
specifically for certain needs. The absence of audio means that the visual media is only in the
form of writing without supporting sound, so that it does not explain the material clearly.


The solutions that can be done are: First, conduct training for educators, namely by
improving the quality in utilizing learning media and most importantly forming the mindset
of teachers to consciously use learning media in teaching. This is very useful, because it will
help educators in gaining knowledge and skills in producing and developing learning media.
However, awareness to use media is also much more important than training to use certain
media. This means that if the teacher is proficient in using the media but is still lazy to use the
media, it will only be the same (it will not be used by the teacher).

Second, the management of learning media management, which can be done by

making a list of the number of learning media available in schools, making a schedule for
learning media users, forming a media maintenance management team, and making other
relevant notes for the management of learning media management.

Third, make use of available learning media. To overcome problems in designing

media, especially IT-based media, then utilizing the media that is already available is a way
that can be used to find learning media.
Fourth, Communicating the plan for the use of learning media to the manager of the
school's learning media facilities. The absence of communication about the planned use of
media to the managers of media facilities can result in disruption of the implementation of the
use of learning media. Communication with the manager of this modern learning media
facility will require the manager's activity to check the various modern learning media
facilities needed by the teacher so that at the time of utilization, all the learning media
facilities are ready and in good condition. So it is very necessary for managers especially to
deal with problems and damage that occurs in the media.


Learning media is very important for a teacher. The creativity of a teacher is very
influential on the understanding of students. Teach students to use easy methods, give
examples of their application in everyday life. The use of technology as a learning media is a
complex process to solve problems an educational problem that occurs in the learning
process. Educational technology is more about assessing the technique of learning activities
or technical learning that is carried out. Educational technology can also be used as a
technique to support the existing learning system in learning. Educational technology can
support learning materials in education so that they can achieve the desired goals.
Educational technology itself affects the learning that takes place to support the learning
system that is implemented. Learning media is a tool that really helps the teaching and
learning process so that the message conveyed becomes more effective clear and
educational/learning objectives can be achieved by effective and efficient. Learning outcomes
are the results given to students in the form of an assessment after following the learning
process by assessing the knowledge, attitudes, skills of students with changes in behavior.
Learning media is intended as a source of student learning to obtain messages and
information from the teacher so that learning materials can be further improved and shape
student knowledge.
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