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Keysticks - Control your PC with a gamepad or joystick - http://keysticks.


Copyright 2020 Tim Brogden

All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
which accompanies this distribution, and is available at

Use of third-party components


Keysticks uses the OpenAdaptxt API by KeyPoint Technologies (UK) Ltd

to provide word suggestions as you type text using your controller.
The OpenAdaptxt API is made available under the terms of the
Eclipse Public License v1.0 (
For further information, see

Keysticks uses icons from the Silk icon set 1.3 by Mark James.
The icon set is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License
For further information, see

Keysticks uses the SlimDX API by SlimDX Group to read input from gamepad
and joystick devices. SlimDX is made available under the terms of the MIT License.
If the Keysticks installer needs to install SlimDX, you are asked to confirm your
acceptance of the license terms for it.
For further information, see


If you are a software developer who would like to build the Keysticks application,
you will
need to install the following prerequisites:
1. SlimDX SDK .NET 4.0 x86 (available from This is required to
the KeysticksApp project.
2. NSIS (the Nullsoft Scriptable Install System, available from This is required to package the MSI file
built by
the KeysticksSetup project into an installer exe of the form KeysticksSetup-
If you just want to install and use Keysticks, you don't need these.

Contents of this source distribution


The Keysticks.sln solution, which can be built using Microsoft Visual Studio
Community 2019,
contains the following projects:

- KeysticksApp
C# .NET WPF application - the main Keysticks program.

- KeysticksSetup
Setup project - builds the MSI installer file.
1. In order for this project to load in Microsoft Visual Studio 2019, you need to
install the "Microsoft Visual Studio Installer Projects" extension.
2. Before building this project, you need to add the SlimDX Runtime to Visual
Studio's bootstrapper packages so that it can be selected in the Prerequisites
dialog. To do this, copy the folder SlimDXJan2012_VS10_Net40_x86 from the
ThirdParty folder to your bootstrapper packages folder (which might be "C:\Program
Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\ClickOnce Bootstrapper\Packages" or similar - see
packages?view=vs-2019 for more information).
Note that the registry check in Product.xml within that folder
has been changed to ensure that the installer correctly detects whether the SlimDX
runtime is already installed (changes marked '').
3. After building the KeysticksSetup project, you can manually combine the project
outputs into
a single installer exe of the form KeysticksSetup-x.x.x.x.exe by editing and
running the CreateKeysticksSetup.bat script, which itself calls the
KeysticksSetup.nsi NSIS script.

- Keysticks.InstallUtils
Performs a small number of installation tasks when the user runs the Keysticks

- Keysticks.Common
Small DLL project - constants and data structures that are also used by the website.

- WordPredictor
COM Component (C++) - a wrapper that allows Keysticks to interface with the
OpenAdaptxt API.
After building this project for the first time, run the script
WordPredictor/RegisterComponent.bat as Administrator to register the COM component.
If you wish to deregister the component at any time, run
WordPredictor/DeregisterComponent.bat as Administrator.

- WordPredictionDemo
C# .NET WPF application - a simple demonstration of how to use the WordPredictor
in a .NET application. This application is not required by Keysticks.

The source distribution also contains the following folders:

- Data
Local data folder that is used by the application when run from its build location
(i.e. during development).

- Help
Microsoft HTML Help Workshop project that builds the CHM help file for Keysticks.

- ThirdParty
Third party components that are used by Keysticks.

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