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Name:............................ Date:............................

English worksheet

Prepositions of time (at, in, on)

Write the correct preposition of time:

1-Let’s meet ______ six o’clock.

2-I went to Scotland ______ 1980.

3-I will start my new job ______ Friday.

4-We met her______ New Year’s Eve.

5-We arrived in Romania _______ October.

6-I love to go shopping _______ Christmas time.

7-We get up early ________ the morning.

9-Do you dream_______ night?

10-What do you like doing _______ Fridays?

11-He is working on the project _______the moment.

12-I lived in Spain _______ the 1970s.

13-I will see you _______ a few weeks.

14- The telephone and the doorbell rang ______ the same time.

15- My wife gave me a wonderful present _____ my birthday.

16- The doctor will see you _______ two o’clock.

17- We got up ______ dawn today.

18-I like to drink tea ______ the evening.

19-I was born _______ the 15th of March, 1990.

20-I want to be a famous writer _______ the future.

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