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Asking for and Providing Information

about One’s Profession

( Meminta informasi dan memberi informasi tentang
profesi/pekerjaan seseorang )

Asking about one’s Profession Responding

● What does your uncle do ? ● He is a pilot

● What does your brother do ? ● He is an architect
● What is your father’s job ? ● He is a marketing manager
● What is your sister’s profession ? ● She is a supervisor
● Where does she work ? ● She works in a textile company
● What does your aunt do ? ● She is a veterinarian
● Where does she work ? ● She works in a zoo
● What is her duty ? ● She treats sick animals

pay attention to the following sentences ! 

(Perhatikan dalam penggunaan kalimat ! ) 
● Emily : What does your father do, Erlin ? 
Erlin : He is a baker. 
● Emily : What about your mother ? What does she do ? 
Erlin : She is florist. 
Look at the following picture 
What does each person in the picture do ? 
Mention the duty and workplace of each profession  
( Lihatlah gambar, Apa yang orang lakukan pada setiap 
gambar kemudian sebutkan tugas dan tempat bekerja setiap 
pekerjaan ) 
Example (Contoh )  
Santi’s father is a baker. He bakes cookies 
and bread. He works in a bakery. 
1. ……………………………………………… 
2. ……………………………………………… 
3. ……………………………………………… 
4. ……………………………………………… 
5. ………………………………………… 
Kerjakan tugas ini print gambar, tempel di buku tulis kalian 
dan buat kalimat sesuai dengan perintah dan contoh di atas. 
setelah itu foto hasil pekerjaanmu kirimkan pada WA guru 
kalian. Terakhir pengumpulan hari senin, 8 Februari 2021. 
Kls 7A,7B,7C (B.Dyah 0813-3319-0252) 
Kls 7D,7E,7F,7G (B.Rining 0896-1738-4140) 
Kls 7H, 7I, 7J (P.Dedi 0815-5341-4402) 

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