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The Alphabear

Encounter Difficulty
“The Alphabear” is balanced as a medium difficulty
encounter for adventurers of 3rd level.

It would be a hard difficulty for adventurers of 2nd level.

It would be an easy difficulty for adventurers of 4th level or above.

Monsters/NPC’s: 1 Owlbear.

Setting the Stage

The local town has been plagued by owlbear attacks which
have become more and more frequent of late. Woodsmen
are afraid to enter the local wood for many have gone
missing. Unbeknownst to the people of the town rockfalls in
the nearby woods have destroyed or blocked the entrances
to many of the owlbears’ caves, and a territorial alpha has
been chasing the other owlbears out of his domain and into
the town.

Encounter Hooks:
• The adventurers are asked by the locals to hunt down the
owlbears in the nearby woods.

• A local druid wishes to discover why the owlbears • Heal the wounded Alphabear, making it friendly. At the
have become increasingly aggressive and sends the Game Master’s discretion the owlbear will then follow the
adventurers to investigate. adventurers out of the glade, allowing the other owlbears
• The path to the adventurers’ next objective runs through to move back into the territory.
the forest around Ursibis Glade and they discover signs
someone has been attacked nearby. Note: If the owlbear accompanies the adventurers and you
find this unbalances future encounters, look to the
“Increasing the Challenge” section to help balance
Encounter Hooks for The Verdant Queen: things out. If adding the owlbear negatively impacts
• The adventurers encounter the rockfall after leaving the your game consider this potential resolution: Have
city of Chivesse. the Alphabear encounter a lone, injured cub during
the adventurers’ travels. The Alphabear takes the
• The adventurers are asked by a local resident to look into young cub under its wing and nests in a nearby cave,
the recent attacks. The resident fears they are somehow leaving the adventurers after gifting them with one
connected to the Southern Terror. of its feathers to remember it by.

Gathering More Information

Ursibis Glade
To learn more about the owlbear attacks, the adventurers
can attempt various skill checks such as talking with locals You press through the dense forest into a clearing. Small
or recalling information about the region.
tufts of grass and the occasional tree dot an otherwise
Suggested Skills: Intelligence (Investigation/Nature), open and mossy glen. A mass of stone and rock sits at the
Wisdom (Survival), Charisma opposite end of the glade, much of it tumbled from the
nearby cliffs and scattered around the area. A waterfall

DC 15: You know that there is a clearing nearby known as roars among the fallen rocks, its churning foam scattering
Ursibis Glade. Many claim that the area is densely
populated with owlbears, and locals dare not venture there.
on the surface of the river formed below. A large stone lies
across the cliffs, forming a sort of natural bridge just in
DC 20: Recent rumblings near Ursibis Glade indicate front of the roaring waterfall. You can see trails of clawed
there may have been recent rockslides in the more footprints and torn earth spread throughout the grove.
mountainous areas surrounding the glade.
Once the adventurers enter Ursibis Glade they can
investigate the area for clues as to what has happened.
While they investigate the Alphabear prowls about atop
Some Ways to Resolve the Encounter:
the fallen rock blocking the entrances to the owlbear caves.
• Slay the Alphabear. The Alphabear watches the adventurers for a time, before
moving in to attack. The Alphabear attempts to kill the
• Clear the rockfalls, allowing the owlbears to move back largest adventurer first, seeing the creature as a challenge
into their old dens. to his dominance.

Potential Actions/Skill Checks Random Treasure Table (owlbear cave)
The cave has one of the following, determined by rolling a d10
Climb up the slippery, naturally formed, stone steps.
DC 10 Strength (Athletics) check. (Map: 1) 1 13 gp spilling from a torn cloth sack

2 Large black-tipped owlbear feather

Swim across the stream. DC 10 Strength (Athletics) check
3 Bloodied set of traveler’s clothes
Hop from one rock to the other across the stream.
4 Small brass statue of a hand, likely a paperweight
DC 15 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check
5 Worn and lightly damaged saddle
Resist being swept downstream if pushed in.
6 Spell scroll (expeditious retreat) (common), bloodstained
DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check
7 Fine cloth cloak trimmed with feathers (25 gp)
Scale the 60-foot cliff face.
8 Carved wooden scroll case bearing claw marks (25 gp)
DC 25 Strength (Athletics) check (Map: 2)
9 Potion of animal friendship (uncommon), the glass
Examine the clearing for clues. showing signs of cracking
DC 10 Wisdom (Perception or Survival) check: You
10 Driftglobe (uncommon), wrapped in a filthy rag
can see that the fallen rock seems to have blocked off
several cave entrances about the glen.
Increasing the Challenge:
DC 15 Wisdom (Perception or Survival) check: You note If the encounter is too low a CR for the adventurers consider
massive tracks leading through the glen towards the increasing the difficulty in the following ways:
fallen rock. Scratches on the stone indicate something
may have clambered up atop the stone. • Add additional owlbears driven forth from their hiding
places by the Alphabear. The Alphabear would drive these
owlbears ahead, into the adventurers, lumbering off before
Alphabear Attack: returning to engage them if they defeat the lesser owlbears.

• Add a pack of gnolls hiding in the cliffs nearby. These

A massive creature lumbers along the rockfall before you. gnolls caused the rockfall that destroyed many of the
It resembles a massive black bear with the curved beak owlbear caves in an attempt to ensnare and hunt them
down as part of a ritual to their dark god. They are
and glowering eyes of an owl. One of the creature’s eyes attempting to bring the head of the Alphabear back to
is blind, a great open wound cuts across its face, and their camp and will stop at nothing to slay the beast and
arrow shafts stick out of its back like spines. The creature any that interfere with their plans.

bears the scars and open wounds of many battles, and its • For a truly uncanny encounter, give the Alphabear
one good eye roils as it rushes toward you, the wounded enhanced statistics, flight, a swim speed, or the effects
of the enhance ability spell to make it stand out as a
creature letting out a horrid sound as blood drips upon the significantly more powerful foe than a normal owlbear
stone behind it. while increasing the CR of the encounter.

The Alphabear bursts from its cave when anyone steps Encounter Tie-Ins:
onto the stone bridge or ascends the cliff face outside of its
cave. The Alphabear first attempts to push any intruder off After your group has resolved the encounter, consider using
the cliff face or into the waterfall. If this is unsuccessful the the following to build off of this encounter:
owlbear begins attacking wildly at the nearest opponent.
• A pack of gnolls caused the recent rockfall in an attempt
to entrap the owlbears and hunt them, and recent
Potential Actions/Skill Checks rumblings indicate the gnolls have caused another
rockfall for an unknown purpose…
Heal the owlbear. Requires a successful DC 20 Wisdom
(Animal Handling) check followed by a successful DC 20 • A troubled druid approaches the adventurers, informing
Wisdom (Medicine) check. them their recent actions have disturbed the balance of
the forest and they must venture to a holy well within the
Clear the rocks. An adventurer can take an action to woods to set things right.
clear away a section of rock by succeeding on a DC 15
Strength check. • The owlbear cave could be more than a small chamber,
and a successful DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) check could
reveal a hidden path leading deeper into the earth.

Loot: The Verdant Queen Tie-In:

The owlbear cave is a small, filthy chamber filled with This chance encounter in Ursibis Glade was not caused by
the carcasses of the creature’s victims. Searching the the Southern Terror but serves as a world-building element
owlbear cave, the adventurers can discover the following for the GM as the adventurers progress on their way to the
loot at random. Verdant Queen.

Owlbear Keen Sight and Smell. The owlbear has advantage on
Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight or smell.
Large monstrosity, unaligned

Armor Class 13 (Natural Armor)
Hit Points 59 (7d10+21) Multiattack. The owlbear makes two attacks: one with its
Speed 40 ft. beak and one with its claws.

Beak. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA creature. Hit: (1d10 + 5) piercing damage.
20 (+5) 12 (+1) 17 (+3) 3 (-4) 12 (+1) 7 (-2)
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Skills Perception +3 target. Hit: (2d8 + 5) slashing damage.
Senses Darkvision 60 Ft., passive Perception 13
Challenge 3 (700 XP)

0 5 10 15 20


The Owlbear is used under Open Game License v1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, LLC.


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