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North American Journal of Fisheries Management

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Effects of Variable Mortality and Recruitment

on Performance of Catch-Curve Residuals as
Indicators of Fish Year-Class Strength

Matthew J. Catalano , Andrew C. Dutterer , William E. Pine III & Micheal S.


To cite this article: Matthew J. Catalano , Andrew C. Dutterer , William E. Pine III & Micheal
S. Allen (2009) Effects of Variable Mortality and Recruitment on Performance of Catch-Curve
Residuals as Indicators of Fish Year-Class Strength, North American Journal of Fisheries
Management, 29:2, 295-305, DOI: 10.1577/M07-209.1

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North American Journal of Fisheries Management 29:295–305, 2009 [Article]
Ó Copyright by the American Fisheries Society 2009
DOI: 10.1577/M07-209.1

Effects of Variable Mortality and Recruitment on Performance of

Catch-Curve Residuals as Indicators of Fish Year-Class Strength
Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, University of Florida,
7922 Northwest 71st Street, Gainesville, Florida 32653-3071, USA

Abstract.—We built a simulation model to assess the performance of catch-curve residuals as an index of
year-class strength for a short-lived and a long-lived fish life history type across a range of assumed values for
the variation in recruitment (CVR) and fishing mortality (CVF). The magnitude of CVR strongly influenced the
utility of catch-curve residuals in assessing year-class strength. The probability of finding a significant
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correlation between catch-curve residuals and true recruitment values exceeded 0.9 when CVR was greater
than 0.5 for the long-lived and greater than 1.0 for the short-lived life history types. This suggests that larger
recruitment values have a greater probability of being successfully ‘‘tracked’’ through the age structure.
Conversely, the magnitude of interannual variation in fishing mortality weakly influenced the performance of
catch-curve residuals. The inspection of individual catch-curve residuals relative to the known recruitment
values that produced them showed considerable scatter, indicating that the utility of this metric in assessing
individual year-class strength is small. Sensitivity analyses showed that the performance of catch-curve
residuals improved modestly with equal sampling vulnerability across ages and decreased slightly with
increased fishing mortality. Our results suggest that catch-curve residuals can serve as a rudimentary measure
of recruitment under ranges of recruitment and mortality variation similar to those frequently observed in field

Fish recruitment is commonly used as a metric with ingly this approach is being used to relate year-class
which to assess the impacts of management actions or strength to environmental variables for several fish
changes in environmental conditions. Monitoring species, including crappies Pomoxis spp. (Maceina and
recruitment can be costly because of the need for Stimpert 1998; Isermann et al. 2002; Sammons et al.
repeated annual sampling to estimate recruitment time 2002; Maceina 2003), largemouth bass Micropterus
series. A rapid assessment technique to associate salmoides (Maceina 1997; Maceina and Bettoli 1998;
recruitment responses to these types of events would Bonvechio and Allen 2005), smallmouth bass M.
aid fishery managers. One approach to evaluating the dolomieu (Slipke et al. 1998; Smith et al. 2005),
correlation between abiotic or biotic factors and walleye Sander vitreus (Quist 2007), and white bass
recruitment patterns is the use of catch-curve residuals Morone chrysops (DiCenzo and Duval 2002).
to assess year-class strength (Maceina 1997). A catch The utility of catch-curve residuals to assess year-
curve is a regression of the loge transformed number of class strength is predicated on several assumptions that
fish at each age on age, where the slope of the line may be difficult to satisfy in practice: (1) recruitment is
represents the instantaneous total mortality (Z; Ricker constant, (2) survival is constant among year-classes,
1975). Maceina (1997) showed that residuals around a (3) survival is constant among ages, and (4) catches are
catch curve can index the relative year-class strength of proportional to abundance (no gear selectivity). One
cohorts, where positive residuals indicate above- potential downfall to using catch-curve residuals is that
average recruitment levels and vice versa. If the temporally variable natural and fishing mortality rates
residual approach was reliable, fishery managers could could mask recruitment effects on residuals. Attribut-
collect an age sample in a single year and make ing unexplained variation in a catch curve solely to
inferences about relative year-class strength in the past, recruitment variation may lead to bias in year-class
and then relate these annual residuals to covariates such strength under variable survival, gear selectivity, or
as hydrology. Using catch curves of fish collected in a both. Quist (2007) found that the relative abundance of
single year is appealing to managers because of the age-0 walleyes was strongly related to future catches at
minimal data requirements and low cost of producing a ages 1 and 2 but poorly related to catches at ages 3 and
metric useful in evaluating recruitment trends. Increas- 4. This author attributed the lack of association
between fish at young and older ages to fishing
* Corresponding author: mortality, where years with high recruitment attract
Received November 19, 2007; accepted July 22, 2008 anglers leading to increased fishing mortality. Similar-
Published online March 19, 2009 ly, changes in natural mortality can also affect the


recruitment and lognormally distributed random re-

cruitment variation. We simulated a sampling and
aging process by which age–length samples were
collected from the simulated population and numbers at
age were estimated with an age–length key. The model
accounted for variation in the year signal in the
estimated numbers at age by incorporating annual
variation in fishing mortality, random errors in the
length–age sampling process, and aging errors. Catch
curves were constructed from the estimated age
frequencies, and residuals were obtained from a linear
regression of loge(catch) on age. Performance of catch-
curve residuals was evaluated by comparing the
Downloaded by [Nanyang Technological University] at 23:41 05 June 2016

residuals with the known recruitment values that

produced the estimated numbers at age. We assessed
the influence of the magnitude of variation in
recruitment and fishing mortality, and longevity (short
lived versus long lived) on catch-curve residual
FIGURE 1.—Sampling and harvest vulnerability with respect performance using Monte Carlo simulation.
to fish total length as a fraction of L‘ for the long-lived life
Model formulation.—Population numbers at age and
history type. This pattern also characterized the short-lived life
history type. year (Na,t) were calculated from age 1 to age tmax using
(Ricker 1975), that is,

relationship between year-class strength and catch- Na1;t ¼ Na;t1  eðMþFt1 va1 Þ :
curve residuals. Missing year-classes preclude year-
class strength estimation using catch-curve residuals if where M is the instantaneous natural mortality rate,
no fish of a given age are captured due to large natural Ft1 is the instantaneous fishing mortality rate, and
mortality events. These examples show that variable va1 represents age-specific harvest vulnerability.
mortality among years, cohorts, or both is possible, Harvest vulnerability was knife edge and was attained
which could make catch-curve residuals an unreliable when fish exceeded a minimum length limit (MLL),
index of year-class strength. then declined with length thereafter (Figure 1).
The magnitude of recruitment variation within a Declining harvest vulnerability with age (or length)
population may also affect the performance of catch- has been documented for recreational line fisheries
curve residuals in describing recruitment history. The (Miranda and Dorr 2000; Newby et al. 2000). The
influence of recruitment on age structure may be more catch-curve method assumes constant survival across
pronounced in populations exhibiting relatively high ages. Therefore, including declining fishing mortality
degrees of recruitment variation when compared with with age allowed us to evaluate the robustness of the
populations where recruitment variation is considered method to violations of the constant mortality assump-
low. Fish longevity could also influence the utility of tion.
catch-curve residuals in indexing year-class strength Time-specific fishing mortality was calculated as
because long-lived fishes would have more observa- Ft ¼ F̄wt ;
tions (ages) in the catch curve than short-lived fishes.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects where F̄ is the average instantaneous fishing mortality
of fish longevity, recruitment variation, and variation in rate and wt represents a random, lognormally distrib-
fishing mortality on reliability of catch-curve residuals uted annual fishing effort deviate with a median of 1
as a rapid measure of year-class strength using a and a variance of loge(CV2F þ 1), where CVF is the
population simulation model. coefficient of variation (SD/mean) in the instantaneous
fishing mortality rate (Limpert et al. 2001).
Methods Numbers at age and year were driven by the annual
We used a population simulation model to evaluate number of recruits to age 1. These were calculated as
the performance of catch-curve residuals as indicators the product of the average annual recruitment, R0, and a
of year-class strength. The model represented an age- random lognormally distributed deviate with a median
structured fish population having density-dependent of 1 and a variance of loge(CV2R þ 1), where CVR is the

coefficient of variation in annual recruitment (Limpert randomly selecting 10 fish per centimeter group. Aging
et al. 2001). error was incorporated using methods described in
Sampling the simulated population.—The popula- Richards et al. (1992) and Coggins and Quinn (1998).
tion was projected forward for three times the We modeled increasing probability of incorrect age
maximum age before simulated length–age samples assignment with fish age and errors were normally
were collected. After this burn-in period, assessment distributed with no systematic bias in age estimation.
catches at age were simulated via the Poisson sampling We set the SD for correct age assignment at 0.4 for
process, namely, age-1 fish and 0.6 for age-tmax fish. Aged fish were
used to simulate an age–length key that was applied to
Ca ; Poiðka ¼ qNa sa Þ; the simulated catch-at-length data to estimate the age
where q is an assumed catchability coefficient and sa is composition of the catch. Catch-curve residuals were
the age schedule for dome-shaped vulnerability to the calculated from a linear regression analysis of the
sampling gear. In the analysis, q was scaled to result in natural log of catches at age versus age.
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a total catch of approximately 1,200 fish, of which Correctly modeling how data analysts decide which
roughly 25–45% were aged, depending on longevity ages to include in the catch curve is critical to
and asymptotic length. Dome-shaped sampling vulner- realistically simulating the process. Typically, analysts
ability was modeled using the exponential logistic include ages beginning with the age having the largest
function (Thompson 1994) catch but may also use some judgment as to the
selective properties of the gear to guide their decision.
1 1  c c ebcðL50la Þ For example, if an age structure exhibited declining
sa ¼ catches beginning at age 2 but with an anomalous
1c c 1 þ ebðL50la Þ
maximum catch at age 7, presumably due to extreme
where la is the age-specific total length (mm), L50 is recruitment variation, the experienced analyst might
the length at which the vulnerability to capture is 0.5, b begin the catch curve at age 2 instead of age 7.
is the slope of the function at L50, and c determines the Therefore, our model assumed that analysts had some
strength of the dome shape. Age-specific total length knowledge of the selective properties of the gear but
was calculated using the von Bertalanffy (1938) model would also begin including age samples at the age
h i with the largest catch. We specified a window of 1
la ¼ L‘ 1  eKðat0 Þ ; year on either side of the age of maximum expected
catch (i.e., max[ka]) and began the catch curve at the
where L‘ is the asymptotic length parameter, K is the age of maximum catch within this 3-year window. In
metabolic parameter, and t0 is the time at zero length. doing so, we did not always begin the catch curve at
Note that we assumed sampling and harvest gears had the age at maximum catch and were able to calculate
different vulnerability schedules. We chose dome- residuals for extreme recruitment events. Ages were
shaped sampling gear vulnerability because typical included up to the oldest age with at least five
sampling gears such as electrofishing and gill nets individuals captured.
often capture intermediate-sized fish more effectively Model parameterization and analyses.—We evalu-
than small and large individuals (Hansen et al. 1997; ated the performance of catch-curve residuals as
Bayley and Austen 2002). However, the catch-curve indicators of year-class strength across a range of
technique assumes that fish are sampled in proportion recruitment variation (CVR) and fishing mortality
to their abundance. Thus, we could assess the variation (CVF) for two longevities (short lived and
robustness of the catch-curve residual method by long lived; see Table 1 for model parameter values).
violating this assumption using dome-shaped sampling Model parameters were set to generally represent North
vulnerability. American open-access recreational fisheries. Instanta-
The population was sampled to mimic the field neous natural mortality was calculated from tmax using
practice of selecting a specified number of fish from a the empirical relationship of Hoenig (1983) and was
specified size range (i.e., 10 fish per centimeter group) constant across years and ages. The coefficient of
for aging. Catch-at-age samples were converted to variation in recruitment ranged from 0.4 to 1.2 (nine
length–age samples by choosing Ca lognormally levels) to reflect values observed for largemouth bass
distributed random deviates for total length (mm) of (CV range ¼ 0.11–1.89; Allen and Pine 2000), crappies
median la and SD (CVl 3 la) to approximate a (CV range ¼ 0.55–1.24; Allen and Pine 2000),
multiplicative error structure, where CVl is the walleyes (CV ¼ 0.77; Hansen et al. 1998), and spotted
coefficient of variation in length at age. These catch- seatrout Cynoscion nebulosus (CV ¼ 0.35; Murphy
at-age samples were subsampled for age analysis by 2006). Published time series data on the variation in

TABLE 1.—Input parameters used in the age-structured

models for simulations of the short-lived and long-lived life
history types. See text for additional details.
Parameter Units Short lived Long lived

tmax year 10 30
M year1 0.42 0.14
L‘ mm 500 1,000
K year1 0.28 0.092
t0 year 0 0
F̄ year1 0.2 0.2
CVF 0.1–0.6 0.1–0.6
CVR 0.4–1.2 0.4–1.2
R0 Recruits 1,000,000 1,000,000
CVl 0.1 0.1
MLL mm 300 600
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L50 mm 175 353

c 0.16 0.17
b 0.022 0.011

fishing mortality for open-access fisheries are rare. We

set the range of CVF from 0.1 to 0.6 (9 levels), which
exceeded the temporal variation in the exploitation
patterns for walleye (CV ¼ 0.43; Serns and Kempinger
1981) and spotted seatrout (CV ¼ 0.21; Murphy 2006)
fisheries by approximately 40–50%. The average
instantaneous fishing mortality rate (F̄) was 0.2/year
to approximate values for largemouth bass (median ¼
0.18; Allen et al. 2007), walleyes (mean ¼ 0.24; FIGURE 2.—Representative 50-year time series of the
Baccante and Colby 1996), spotted sea trout (mean ¼ exploitation rate and annual recruitment under high, moderate,
0.23; Murphy 2006), crappies (mean ¼ 0.65; Allen et and low levels of variation in fishing mortality (CVF) and
al. 1998), and northern pike Esox lucius (mean ¼ 0.12; recruitment (CVR).
Allen et al. 1998). The longevity of the short-lived life
history type was 10 years, whereas that of the long
Carlo iterations of the process for each combination of
lived was 30 years to represent the range observed for
CVR and CVF, and for each we calculated the
recreationally exploited fish species. Sampling vulner-
probability of finding a statistically significant corre-
ability parameters (L50, c, and b) were set such that
lation between catch-curve residuals and recruitment
fish were (1) 50% vulnerable at 0.25  L‘, (2) fully
values. The probability was calculated as the propor-
vulnerable at 0.5  L‘, and (3) 50% vulnerable at L‘,
tion of Monte Carlo iterations resulting in a correlation
which approximated the patterns from Bayley and
coefficient greater than or equal to 0.55 (i.e.,
Austen (2002; Figure 2). Fish became vulnerable to
harvest at a minimum length limit (MLL) of 0.6  L‘, approximate correlation at a ¼ 0.1). We kept the test
and harvest vulnerability declined with length thereaf- criteria the same for both longevities to allow for
ter to 60% vulnerability at L‘ (Figure 2; Miranda and comparisons between the two even though the sample
Dorr 2000; Newby et al. 2000). sizes differed due to differences in the number of ages
For each combination of CVR, CVF, and longevity, represented.
we compared catch-curve residuals with the true The second analysis evaluated how well we could
recruitment values that produced them. We were predict an individual catch-curve residual from a true
interested in three levels of analysis: (1) the overall recruitment value. For this analysis, we chose two
pattern of residuals versus true recruitment values, (2) levels for CVR (low ¼ 0.5; high ¼ 1.1) and CVF (low ¼
how well individual recruitment values predicted 0.2; high ¼ 0.5), and we pooled all of the residual–
individual catch-curve residuals, and (3) how changes recruitment pairs across the 5,000 Monte Carlo
in key underlying assumptions of the population model iterations for each combination of CVR, CVF, and
affected performance of catch-curve residuals. For the longevity. First, we evaluated the probability that we
first analysis, we correlated catch-curve residuals with would obtain a strong year-class (positive residual)
the recruitment values that produced them using when the true recruitment value was the same (i.e.,
Pearson’s correlations. We performed 5,000 Monte above-average recruitment) by calculating the propor-

tion of residual–recruitment pairs for which the sign

(6) agreed. We then used linear regression to model
the catch-curve residuals as a function of the true
recruitment values. We estimated the slope of this
relationship and calculated 95% prediction intervals for
the catch-curve residuals as a function of the
recruitment values.
Assessing model assumptions.—We evaluated the
effect of changes to assumptions of the base model on
the probability of detecting significant correlations
between catch-curve residuals and recruitment values.
This was accomplished by running the model with
systematic variations to the parameters and comparing
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the results with a base model. The base model was run
at intermediate values of CVF (0.35) and CVR (0.8) for
both longevities. We evaluated the effect of varying
input parameter values for_, M, aging error, and the
shape of the fishery and sampling vulnerability
schedules. We assessed the effect of higher fishing
mortality rates by increasing F̄ by 50% from 0.2 to 0.3/
year. The effect of changes in M was evaluated by
increasing M by 50%. The effect of aging error was
assessed by running the model without aging error. The
influence of changes in harvest vulnerability were
evaluated by assuming full vulnerability (knife-edge,
sigmoidal curve) to harvest upon reaching the mini-
mum length limit and constant vulnerability thereafter.
Similarly, changes in sampling vulnerability were FIGURE 3.—Simulated probabilities (isopleths) of a signif-
assessed by setting the vulnerability equal among icant correlation (a ¼ 0.10) between catch-curve residuals and
size-classes (ages). For each model assumption, we recruitment values as a function of the coefficient of variation
calculated the proportion of 5,000 Monte Carlo in recruitment and the coefficient of variation in fishing
iterations that resulted in correlation coefficients mortality for the long-lived and short-lived life history types.
Each probability was calculated as a proportion of 5,000
greater than or equal to 0.55 (i.e., approximate
Monte Carlo iterations that resulted in a correlation of more
correlation at a ¼ 0.1), and compared these values than 0.55, which corresponded to a significance level of about
with those of the base model. We calculated the percent 0.10.
change in the probability of finding a significant
correlation as
the probability of finding a significant correlation
ðPalt  Pbase Þ=Pbase ; between catch-curve residuals and true recruitment
where Palt is the probability of finding a correlation values increased with increasing CVR and exceeded 0.9
greater than 0.55 for an alternative model (i.e., models above a CVR of 1.0 (Figure 3, top panel). For the long-
with systematically varied assumptions) and Pbase is the lived life history type, the probability of finding
probability of finding a correlation greater than 0.55 for significant correlations between catch-curve residuals
the base model. and true recruitment values exceeded 0.9 above a CVR
of about 0.5 (Figure 3, bottom panel). Variation in
Results fishing mortality did not strongly influence the
The simulation model showed that the utility of probability of a significant correlation (Figure 3).
catch-curve residuals to index year-class strength was Unlike recruitment variation, the influence of variation
positively related to the CV in annual recruitment in fishing mortality was similar between life history
(CVR) but weakly affected by the CV in fishing types.
mortality (CVF). Less recruitment variation was Catch-curve residuals increased at less than a 1:1
required to produce significant residual–recruitment ratio with increases in true recruitment values,
correlations for the long-lived than for the short-lived indicating a dampening of the magnitude of strong
life history type. For the short-lived life history type, and weak year-classes in the catch-at-age data (Table 2;

TABLE 2.—Results of 5,000 Monte Carlo simulations comparing catch-curve residuals with the recruitment values that
produced them. The symbols CVR and CVF stand for the coefficients of variation in annual recruitment and fishing mortality,
respectively. The probability of sign agreement is the probability of obtaining a positive catch-curve residual when the true
recruitment value is above average. The 95% prediction interval is an average prediction interval for expected catch-curve
residuals as a function of recruitment values from a linear regression, and the regression slope is the slope of the linear model.
Life history Cohort Probability of 95% Prediction Regression
type age CVR CVF sign agreement interval (6) slope

Short lived Age 5 Low Low 0.73 0.53 0.48

High 0.72 0.53 0.49
High Low 0.80 0.71 0.50
High 0.79 0.72 0.49
.Age 5 Low Low 0.71 0.64 0.51
High 0.70 0.65 0.51
High Low 0.76 0.82 0.48
High 0.75 0.82 0.47
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Long lived Age 9 Low Low 0.74 0.58 0.64

High 0.73 0.60 0.63
High Low 0.81 0.74 0.66
High 0.82 0.74 0.66
.Age 9 Low Low 0.75 0.70 0.71
High 0.74 0.72 0.70
High Low 0.81 0.88 0.67
High 0.81 0.89 0.67

Figures 4, 5). The slope of this relationship was steeper the short-lived and long-lived life history type,
for the long-lived than for the short-lived life history respectively. Changes in the natural mortality rate,
type (Table 2). Despite this overall positive trend, there aging error, and harvest vulnerability had minimal
was substantial variation in predictions of individual effect (1%) on correlations between catch-curve
catch-curve residuals as evident by the scatter around residuals and recruitment values.
the regression line. The probability of obtaining a
strong year-class when the true recruitment value was Discussion
positive (i.e., sign agreement) was around 0.75 for both Our results suggest that the magnitude of recruitment
longevities and was slightly greater for old than for variation and fish longevity strongly influence corre-
young fish (age 5 for the short-lived life history type lations between catch-curve residuals and recruitment
and age 9 for the long-lived life history type; Table values. Catch-curve residuals are a reasonable proxy
2). The 95% prediction intervals for catch-curve for year-class strength so long as recruitment variation
residuals as a function of true recruitment values (CV in recruitment) exceeds about 50–80%. Allen and
ranged from 0.53 to 0.82 for the short-lived life history Pine (2000) reported a recruitment CV of 82% (range,
type, and from 0.58 to 0.89 for the long-lived life 55–124%) for crappie and 66% (range, 11–189%) for
history type, the highest values being observed for old largemouth bass, which are species primarily from the
fish and at higher CVR values (Table 2). Thus, high southeastern United States. Given these CVs in
recruitment variation improved overall correlations recruitment levels, catch-curve residuals would prob-
between catch-curve residuals and recruitment values, ably perform well for other species with similar levels
but also worsened predictions regarding individual of recruitment variation. Recruitment variation less
catch-curve residuals. than 50% probably results in a weak recruitment signal
that is obscured by other factors such as mortality
Assessing Model Assumptions variation and sampling variability. We suggest that the
Changes in fishing mortality and sampling vulner- magnitude of recruitment variation be assessed using a
ability had the largest effect on the probability of metric such as the recruitment coefficient of determi-
detecting a relationship between catch-curve residuals nation or the recruitment variability index to evaluate
and year-class strength (Table 3). When compared with the usefulness of catch-curve residuals for specific
the base model, a 50% increase in the fishing mortality populations before attempting the analysis (Isermann et
rate resulted in 7% and 3% decreases in the probability al. 2002).
of detecting a significant correlation for the short-lived Fishery managers are often interested in making
and long-lived life history types, respectively. Assum- inferences regarding the strength of individual year-
ing equal sampling vulnerability across ages resulted in classes. Our simulations show that although correla-
a 6% and 1% increase in correlation probabilities for tions between catch-curve residuals and recruitment
Downloaded by [Nanyang Technological University] at 23:41 05 June 2016

FIGURE 4.—Scatterplots of individual recruitment values versus catch-curve residuals for a short-lived life history type for two
levels of the coefficient of variation in recruitment (CVR; 0.5 and 1.1) and the coefficient of variation in fishing mortality (CVF;
0.2 and 0.5). This figure shows the deviations of individual catch-curve residuals from their respective true recruitment values.
Each point on the plot is the residual for a single age in a catch-curve. The 458 line represents a 1:1 ratio between residuals and
recruitment values. The dashed lines indicate regression slopes for young and old cohorts. These slopes were obtained from
5,000 Monte Carlo iterations of the model, but we only show the results from the first 30 iterations for clarity. The recruitment
values were loge transformed to linearize the relationship owing to the different scaling of the catch-curve residuals (normally
distributed; range ¼ ‘ to ‘) and recruitment values (lognormally distributed; range ¼ 0 to ‘).

values may be strong, there is much uncertainty in (Maceina 2004). Smith et al. (2005) reported signifi-
making predictions regarding the strength of individual cant correlations between catch-curve residuals and
year-classes. This uncertainty was relatively constant age-0 electrofishing catch per effort (CPE) for small-
across longevity and CVF values but depended on the mouth bass in three Virginia rivers. Bonvechio and
age of the year-class and the magnitude of recruitment Allen (2005) verified catch-curve residuals using a sign
variation, as prediction intervals were wider for older test to evaluate concordance of catch-curve residuals in
fish and higher CVR values. We propose that inferences sequential years of electrofishing samples on eight
of individual year-classes should consider this uncer- Florida water bodies. Allen et al. (2003) reported
tainty and that assertions of individual year-class general agreement between catch-curve residuals and
strength should be made cautiously. long-term electrofishing catch rates for age-0 large-
Several authors have attempted to validate catch- mouth bass at Lake Kissimmee, Florida. Conversely,
curve residuals as indicators of year-class strength, and Quist (2007) found that age-0 CPE from gill nets was
the results thus far have been mixed. Catch-curve poorly correlated with subsequent catch-curve residuals
residuals were significantly correlated with year-class for walleye in eight Kansas reservoirs. Isermann et al.
strength for crappie from trap nets and largemouth bass (2002) found poor associations between catch-curve
collected via electrofishing in Alabama reservoirs residuals and long-term recruitment estimates for
Downloaded by [Nanyang Technological University] at 23:41 05 June 2016

FIGURE 5.—Scatterplots of individual recruitment values versus catch-curve residuals for a long-lived life history type for two
levels of the coefficient of variation in recruitment (CVR; 0.5 and 1.1) and the coefficient of variation in fishing mortality (CVF;
0.2 and 0.5). See Figure 4 for additional details.

crappie collected in trap nets, but the gear type was

thought to have poorly represented age-0 CPE due to
selectivity patterns. Field studies such as these are often
impeded by extreme variation in both independent
TABLE 3.—Effects of varying simulation model assumptions (errors-in-variables problem) and dependent variables.
on the probability of detecting a significant correlation Consequently, catch-curve residuals are not directly
between catch-curve residuals and recruitment values. The compared with true underlying recruitment values in
columns are the probabilities of detecting a correlation greater
than 0.55 for the base model and five alternative model field studies, but rather scientists correlate them with
formulations for the short- and long-lived life history types. age-0 or age-1 CPE, which is subject to substantial
The values in parentheses are the percent differences in sampling variability. In addition, comparing residuals
probability relative to the base model. Each assumption was to age-0 catches does not account for the possibility
tested individually and was based on 5,000 Monte Carlo that year-class strength may not be established during
the first year of life.
Model Short-lived Long-lived The simulation approach that we used circumvented
Base model 0.88 0.98
the problem of validating catch-curve residuals against
Increase F̄ by 50% 0.81 (7%) 0.95 (3%) CPE indices, which are prone to sampling bias and
Increase M by 50% 0.87 (1%) 0.98 (0%) noise. Our approach provided perfect knowledge of the
Remove aging error 0.87 (1%) 0.98 (0%)
Knife-edge sigmoidal harvest true underlying recruitment time series and compared
vulnerability 0.87 (1%) 0.98 (0%) these to subsequent catch-curve residuals to evaluate
Constant sampling vulnerability performance of the approach. Another advantage of
(i.e., no size selectivity) 0.93 (þ6%) 0.99 (þ1%)
simulation is that we were able to purposefully violate

the assumptions of catch curves in a controlled manner due to anglers targeting strong year-classes. However,
and evaluate the effects on catch-curve residual we did allow the fishing mortality rate to vary widely
performance. In this way, we could systematically test among years, which reduced year-class abundances at
the limits of the approach to determine conditions random periods through the simulations.
under which it is most likely to succeed. This cannot be In evaluating the assumptions of our model, we
done by comparing residuals and annual recruitment found that catch-curve residuals were robust to
indices from a few populations with unknown violations of catch-curve assumptions. We found high
underlying demographic parameters and sampling probabilities of significant residual–recruitment corre-
variability. The disadvantage of a simulation approach lations despite violating the equal capture probability
is that no model can represent the richness and assumption by using a dome-shaped sampling vulner-
complexity of processes found in nature. In a purely ability schedule. Another assumption of the catch curve
simulation framework, the model results are directly is constant mortality across ages. Our analysis detected
dependent on the input parameters, which represent our only a small increase in the performance of catch-curve
Downloaded by [Nanyang Technological University] at 23:41 05 June 2016

imperfect knowledge of system structure. Such simu- residuals when assuming a knife-edge sigmoidal
lations can lose context in the absence of data from real vulnerability function (i.e., fully vulnerable across all
fish populations. Nevertheless, we feel our simulations ages after reaching the minimum length limit) instead
provided insight into the conditions under which catch- of declining fishing mortality with age. The catch-
curve residuals should be used, which could be curve technique also assumes constant mortality
compared with field investigations of this issue (e.g., through time. Our simulation violated this assumption
Isermann et al. 2002; Allen et al. 2003; Maceina 2004; by allowing time-varying fishing mortality. However,
Bonvechio and Allen 2005; Smith et al. 2005; Quist we found that the performance of catch-curve residuals
2007). was only weakly reduced by increasing the CV in
Factors such as natural mortality variation, fishing fishing mortality. Our model did not allow time-
mortality, density-dependent survival, and growth varying natural mortality, which could affect perfor-
affect the performance of catch-curve residuals. mance and should be considered in systems with
Maceina (2004) reported density-dependent growth episodic mass-mortality events. Finally, catch curves
and mortality during the second year of life for crappie assume constant recruitment such that residuals are the
in Alabama reservoirs. Our model assumed that all result of normally distributed random recruitment
density-dependent processes occurred before recruit- variation. We show that the magnitude of this variation
ment to age 1, and thus was unable to account for is important in determining the degree of correlation
density dependence later in life. Our predictions between recruitment and catch-curve residuals. Catch-
regarding catch-curve residual performance would be curve residuals could be biased if there is a recent trend
overly optimistic for populations with strong density in recruitment, but our model did not evaluate this
dependence after the first year of life, particularly if possible assumption violation. For example, several
prerecruit age-classes were included in the catch curve. recent years of high recruitment can overestimate the
Density-dependent fishing mortality may also be total mortality rate, and residuals from such an analysis
important to the performance of catch-curve residuals. may not depict recruitment patterns. This should be
Quist (2007) found poor performance of catch-curve considered in systems that are suspected of having
residuals because of high fishing mortality on large cyclic recruitment dynamics.
year-classes due to shifts in angler effort. Such effort
shifts have been documented for many recreational Management Implications
fisheries (Cox et al. 2002). Cox and Walters (2002) Catch-curve residuals represent a potentially rapid
showed that the spatial distribution of fishing effort way of assessing year-class strength that can be used to
changes as a function of angler catch rate, and Cox et relate recruitment to environmental variables. Our
al. (2003) developed a model that predicts how effort results suggest that catch curves are likely to reveal
limitations would be required to optimize recreational broad relationships between environmental variables
fisheries due to angler movements to water bodies that and recruitment at realistic levels of recruitment
maximize their catch. Thus, catch-curve residual variability as well as moderate variability in mortality
performance may be hindered if fishing mortality is rates. Furthermore, the technique is robust to violations
positively correlated with recruitment, which would of the underlying assumptions of the catch-curve
reduce the magnitude of the residuals for strong year- method. However, we propose several caveats for the
classes in the catch curve. Our model simulated use of this technique: (1) assessing the magnitude of
random variation in fishing mortality but did not specific year-classes using catch-curve residuals is
account for density dependent shifts in fishing effort often not reliable, (2) the method is probably most

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and Lew Coggins, Carl Walters, and Steve Martell for Journal of Fisheries Management 22:620–626.
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