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Inform about my future plans.

Use the structure “GOING TO” in the sentences.
Present ideas of future plans illustrated into power point presentation.

I need to find out certain things that can spark my internal fervor. I’m going to be too
enthusiastic about my dreams, but…HOW AM I GOING TO ACCOMPLISH THEM?

First, I’m going to write down on paper, computer or any other device my wishes and
plans. Specifically…Where, when and How is it going to be? What type of wishes would
I like to obtain in my life?

Second, keep moving forward on my path and be persistent. I’m going to identify the best
path to start on to set properly the accomplishment of MY DREAMS. For instance, how
I’m going to prepare my path to acquire my desirable college to study on, family
dreams, or traveling dreams.

Afterward, I’m going to create a corkboard, look for pictures in magazines, and cut them
out. Meanwhile, I’m going to look out for some notice board pin and add the pictures
after cutting them out.

The corkboard is going to help me out clearly on my dreams and remember them all the
time even when I’m about to give up on my dreams.

Third, I'm going to check out my internal programs thoroughly. It's going to help me a
lot overcoming obstacles, forget about negativity and stick myself precisely to the
rules. This step is going to be so crucial in the process due to if I do it wrong it might
affect the following steps that are part of my plans.

On top of that, I need to be consistent and enjoy the process of getting my dreams comes
through. I’m going to see the struggles or difficulties as a big chance to keep learning and
growing, professionally and personally, as well.

Also, but not less important, I’m not going to give up because I will get closer to my
goals and I’m going to become stronger to succeed in every challenge presented to me in
my path to acquire happiness getting my goals accomplished.
Finally, I’m going to complete baby steps and celebrate them. At this step, I would like to
sit down and remember how hard the process of accomplishing my goals was. I'm going
to remember how difficult was to overpass them and how I pushed myself to my limits to
get them; I'm going to remember how people nearby to me help me out and how God
gave me enough wisdom to get my dreams.

After reaching out all my dreams; I'm going to congratulate myself on how hard I pushed
myself to acquire what I always wanted in my life.

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