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“Buenos cristianos y honestos ciudadanos” VERSIÓN: 01


Asignatura: emprendimiento taller: pasado perfecto Fecha: Noviembre 03 2021

Nombre del Estudiante: Curso: 11 Periodo: 4 .
Nombre del docente: JUAN CAMILO SUAREZ Revisó: Juan Suarez


Elon Musk says he is willing to spend $6 billion to

fight world hunger—on one condition
Elon Musk is now worth more than $300 billion, and he’s apparently ready to start

The Tesla and SpaceX CEO — whose net worth has ballooned by more than $140
billion this year, thanks largely to the skyrocketing value of his electric automaker —
tweeted Sunday that he was willing to consider a proposal from a United Nations official
who said that a $6 billion donation from one of the world’s wealthiest people could help
stop world hunger.

Last week, David Beasley, the director of the UN’s World Food Programme, told CNN that
it was time for the ultra-wealthy to “step up now, on a one-time basis” in order to “help 42
million people that are literally going to die if we don’t reach them.” He specifically
mentioned Musk and Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, the two richest men in the world.

On Sunday, Musk replied to a Twitter user who pointed out that $6 billion would be just
2% of his net worth. Musk said that if the WFP could describe “exactly” how the donation
would solve world hunger, he would “sell Tesla stock right now and do it.”

In a follow-up tweet, Musk added that the UN’s plan must include “open source
accounting, so the public sees precisely how the money is spent.”

Beasley responded to Musk a few hours later, offering to “be on the next flight to you” and
saying that the executive can “throw me out if you don’t like what you hear.”

Beasley also said that the $6 billion figure wouldn’t solve world hunger, but “WILL prevent
global political instability, mass migration and save 42 million people on the brink of

Musk replied by asking him to publicly publish the organization’s current and proposed
spending in detail. “Sunlight is a wonderful thing,” Musk wrote.

In a separate tweet, Musk shared a link to a 2015 Express report alleging that UN

peacekeepers were sexually abusing children in the Central African Republic in 2014,
adding the comment “What happened here?”
“Buenos cristianos y honestos ciudadanos” VERSIÓN: 01


representative for Tesla did not immediately respond to CNBC Make It’s request for

If Musk were to sell $6 billion worth of Tesla shares to make a donation, it would be the
largest known charitable contribution he has ever made.

Musk has previously been criticized for not giving away more of his massive fortune,
though he has also said he prefers to remain anonymous when giving away money and
earlier this year asked Twitter users for “critical feedback” on ways he can donate.

Earlier this year, Musk pledged to give away $150 million, including a $100 million prize in
a carbon removal contest.

Answer the following questions?

1. Do you think that by donating 6 billion dollars, the world hunger could be fixed?

it is very difficult to be able to affirm such a thing given that nowadays there is
a lot of corruption in the handling of money, but looking at it that way I would
say that it would not be enough to cover a need in the whole world.

2. What would you do to help the world hunger problem?

I would be more honest myself if I were to one day become a governor of

some organization or of lagunpais and direct the vast majority of income to
these types of people.
3. Is it possible to solve that issue?

it is almost impossible because this is a matter for the government and today, with little
honesty on the part of those in high places, it is very difficult to say that poverty in the world
will end.

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