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“Don’t worry honey, I got this”

 Get 8-9 hours of sleep in a completely dark, cool room

 Stop consuming sugar and grains. Eat mostly unprocessed, natural fresh foods that human evolved to eat: meat,
vegetables, legumes, tubers, nuts, berries and fermented foods
 Lift heavy things at high intensity
 Get more sunshine
 Do mindfulness meditation and gratitude
 Improve your circle of friends and your social relationships
 Be happy, make what makes you happy and do it with others
 Be playful after the person is more comfortable with you, playfulness is a mindset. It’s about seeing the objects,
people, and situation around you as occasions for fun rather than serious burdens to cope with.
 Be open, “That looks cool. I’ve never done that before. I’ll give that a try”, Openness is exposing yourself to new
things, foods, people, places and cultures without getting overwhelmed, stressed or destabilized.
 Be resilient, when a problem arise you need to know how to calmly, quickly and effectively solve the problem
 Be kind and generous.
 Deal with problems in a firmly, politely and assertive way.
 Spend money on experiences not on things.
 Learn to dance (nightclub two-step, hustle, west coast swing, waltz, foxtrot, quickstep, cha-cha, rumba/mambo,
merengue, salsa)
 Learn to make stuff, learn to draw
 Learn to be a better storyteller (DON’T TELL PEOPLE WHAT HAPPEN TELL THEM WHY)
 Don’t think about another thing while talking to a person.
 Negative-Positive sandwich (say something Positive, Negative, Positive to reduce hurting)
 Don’t try to control people, live YOUR life.
 If you’re not willing to be uncomfortable, you’ll never have the life you want.
 don't lay down in your bed if it is unnecessary, it makes you lazy and depressed
 Make small gifts
 Learn to cook
 Have wet wipes in bathroom
 If a child asks you a question, instead of answering it straight away, ask them what they think the answer is.
 If you're talking with someone, pause periodically, especially between topics. This will encourage the
conversation to be two-way.
 If you like something about a person, tell them,
 When someone asks if they have done something wrong. Be honest
 The simple act of smiling has the power to lift your mood all by itself.
 Have a positive thinking and keep repeating future scenarios in your mind.
 If you can’t find the answer to a problem take a nap and leave your mind work by itself.
 Spend some time picturing what you want to be or what you want to accomplish.
 If you like what someone is doing, or wearing, or saying—let them know it.
 The way to make a good impression on other people is: Never consciously “try” to make a good impression on

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