Controlling Fertility Worksheet GCSE Biology Troilo

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1. Which hormones are in the combined oral contraceptive pill? Underline two.

LSH Oestrogen FH Progesterone

2. Giving a reason for each answer, suggest a suitable contraception method for the following

a) A couple in their late thirties who already have children and are certain that they don’t
want any more.


b) A new couple where one or both partners have not yet been screened for sexually
transmitted diseases.


c) A couple who want children but have decided to postpone until after moving house. The
woman is concerned that she may forget to take the pill.


3. Which of the following are ways in which progesterone prevents pregnancy (tick all that

□ It inhibits the release of LH and FSH preventing the release of the egg

□ It is a spermicide (kills sperm or prevents their movement)

□ It stimulates production of thick mucus which blocks the sperm from reaching the egg

□ It prevents implantation of a fertilised egg

□ It inhibits oestrogen, preventing growth of the uterine lining

4. Why might a couple choose to use the natural (or rhythm) method of contraception, and
why does this method have a high failure rate?




1. Oestrogen and progesterone

2. a) male sterilisation (vasectomy) / female sterilisation or intrauterine device (IUD) because

these are permanent or long-term methods.

b) condoms because this is the method which protects against STDs

c) contraceptive patch / contraceptive injection because these do not need to be applied

daily but are not long-term contraceptives

It inhibits the release of LH and FSH preventing the release of the egg

It stimulates production of thick mucus which blocks the sperm from reaching the egg

It prevents implantation of a fertilised egg

4. A couple may choose the natural method of contraception if they:

belong to a faith which prohibits other methods / are concerned about side effects of
hormonal contraception / are in a situation where regular access to contraception is difficult

It has a high failure rate because the length of the menstrual cycle can vary and there are
many factors which can throw off the timing e.g. stress

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