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The most needed skills and knowledge needed by social workers in the agency

include interpersonal skills, social skills, time management, and organizational

skills. One can design practicum experiences that will help them acquire them by

setting goals and reflecting continuously, finding a mentor, seeing challenges as

opportunities, and engaging.

2. I would apply the social learning theory in my practicum. Orienting theories

describe and explain behavior regarding the development of problems. They also

explain significant social problems such as poverty, mental illness, crime, and

racial discrimination. Social learning, in particular, focused on how an individual

develops cognitive functioning. This theory can help social workers understand

how cognitive structures enable them to adapt and be organized—social workers

who apply this theory focus on changing the support that continues that behavior.

3. I would apply problem-solving, task-centered, solution-focused, narrative, and

crisis practice models in my practicum to address the needs of clients and client

systems. Problem-solving helps the social worker help the client understand the

problem and brainstorm possible solutions. Task-centered helps a social worker

help a client break down the problem into achievable goals. On the other hand,

solution-focused helps the social worker help the client identify the solution first.

4. Understand for a social worker means to perceive the intended language. Utilizing

means making practical and effective use of their skills, and analyzing means

examining the structure of learning and performance precisely as a social worker.

To integrate is to blend with social workers with similar skills. On the other hand,
synthesis is to combine orientation and practice theories. Finally, to critique for a

social worker is is to analyze and assess a theory in detail.

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