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Nama : Putra Arif Wicaksana

NIM : 1905101050069
Kelas : Bahasa Inggris 03

1. Please choose and write 20 vocabularies related to agriculture and translate them.
2. Then, based on that article, make 5 questions and answer them.

Irrigation : Irigasi
Agronomy : Agronomi
Crops : Tanaman
Grain : Butir
Pests : Hama
Leaf : Daun
Vegetable : Sayur
Fruit : Buah
Field : Ladang
Flower : Bunga
Soil : Tanah
Hoe : Cangkul
Enviroment : Lingkungan
Groundwater : Air tanah
Straw : Jerami
Growth : Pertumbuhan
Pests : Hama
Milling : Penggilingan
Fertilizier : Pupuk
Plant breeding : Pemuliaan tanaman

1. Why was the implementation of the green revolution inappropriate in Africa at that
Sub-Saharan Africa is not suitable for implementing green revolution technology due
to poor infrastructure, high transportation costs, limited investment in irrigation, and
pricing and marketing policies that punish farmers, as well as high investment costs in
implementing technology.

2. Explain the negative impact of the green revolution?

Answer: The green revolutio resulted in environmental degradation due to the
excessive and inappropriate use of fertilizers and pesticides polluting waterways,
poisoning agricultural workers, and killing beneficial insects and other wildlife. The
green revolution also increased income inequality, unequal distribution of assets, and
exacerbated absolute poverty. Smallholders are not affected or disadvantaged because
the green revolution resulted in lower product prices, higher input prices, and attempts
by landlords to increase rents or force tenants off the land. The Green Revolution
encouraged unnecessary mechanization, thereby depressing rural wages and

3. The term “Green Revolution” is to describe?

Administrator William S. Gaud coined the term “Green Revolution” to describe this
phenomenal growth in agriculture.

4. What did scientists need to do to achieve higher yields for rice and wheat?
Answer :
To achieve higher yields for rice and wheat, scientists needed to develop plants that
were more responsive to plant nutrients and that had shorter, stiffer straw to support
the weight of heavier heads of grain. They also needed to develop varieties that could
mature quicker and grow at any time of the year, thereby permitting farmers to grow
more crops each year on the same land. New varieties also needed to be resistant to
major pests and diseases,which flourish under intensive farming conditions, and to
retain desirable cooking and consumption traits.

5. Explain the negative impact of the green

revolution? Answer:
The green revolution resulted in environmental degradation due to the excessive and
inappropriate use of fertilizers and pesticides polluting waterways, poisoning
agricultural workers, and killing beneficial insects and other wildlife. The green
revolution also increased income inequality, unequal distribution of assets, and
exacerbated absolute poverty. Smallholders are not affected or disadvantaged because
the green revolution resulted in lower product prices, higher input prices, and attempts
by landlords to increase rents or force tenants off the land. The Green Revolution
encouraged unnecessary mechanization, thereby depressing rural wages and

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