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Course Code/ Section: PSYCHOLOGY 182

ACTIVITY 6 – Leadership

In the present world, leadership abilities are urgent for both individual and expert turn of events.
Leadership is a significant capacity of the board which assists an individual or a business with amplifying
proficiency and to accomplish objectives. Initiative has various implications to different authors. It is
characterized as having influence, that is, the art of affecting individuals so they will endeavor readily and
eagerly toward the accomplishment of objectives.

What I like about this topic is the “Situational-Leadership Theory” which stated that is the
person in question with the most noteworthy likelihood of achievement in each circumstance they
experience. It is critical that the directions you give to your colleagues are clear and precise in order to do
so successfully while encouraging and motivating our team. The leader must ensure that his or her team
members are aware of their responsibilities from the start. Only then will they be able to take little moves
forward and achieve success after success, ensuring and maintaining the group's motivation.

It is critical for leaders to desire and understand how to delegate duties to their teams. Individuals
are mature at this level of situational leadership; they understand how to behave, what their function is,
and what is expected of them because their leader has been able to properly explain everything. What I
wish that should be given more emphasis is the disadvantages of having these characteristics and how it
was affecting the whole organization or what if an added topic about the flaws of having this kind of
Situational leaders consider interpersonal and social relationships as they adjust their leadership
style. Good leaders understand there is no perfect formula, and that they can adapt their style to changing
situations This is the key learning that everyone should know is, the importance of knowing and being
knowledgeable of proper work attitudes leadership and theories of knowing the outcome of an actions.

The universal myth that leaders are born and not made is no more accurate, given the examples
of several great leaders we have today. There is no denying that everybody can become a leader, but it is
true that not every leader can be significant.


Faculty, Department of Psychology
College of Education, Arts and Science Prof.

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