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2016 24th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO)



Jiadong Sun Shanglin Ye Elias Aboutanios

School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications

The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia

ABSTRACT High resolution parameter estimators for exponential sig-

nals, such as MUltiple SIgnal Classification (MUSIC) [6] and
We present a novel algorithm for rapid and efficient estima- Estimation of Signal Parameters via Rotational Invariance
tion of the fundamental frequency, phase and amplitude of Techniques (ESPRIT) [7], are popular methods for paramet-
harmonically distorted signals in balanced three-phase (3PH) ric estimation of 3PH signals that are capable of producing
power systems. The proposed algorithm exploits the harmon- unbiased estimates for harmonic distorted signals. Clarke’s
ic structure of the signal to enhance the quality of the parame- α, β transformation is first used to convert the 3PH voltage to
ter estimates. It operates in the frequency domain, employing a complex multi-tone signal before applying these algorithm-
an efficient iterative interpolation procedure on the Fourier co- s. In the case of harmonically distorted signals, the Weighted
efficients. The estimator has a low computational complexity, Least Squares (WLS) approach exploits the harmonic struc-
being of the same order as the fast Fourier transform (FFT) ture to obtain further improvement in the estimation accuracy,
algorithm. Yet, it outperforms state-of-art high resolution pa- [8] [2]. However, these methods approach the Cramer-Rao
rameter estimators for 3PH power system signals, especially Lower Bound (CRLB) only when all the harmonics have rel-
when the available data points are limited and/or the signal to atively high signal to noise ratio (SNR) and are plagued by a
noise ratio is poor. high computational cost which is of order N 3 where N is the
Index Terms— Fundamental frequency estimation, smart number of time samples.
grid, Fourier interpolation, three-phase power system. In this paper, we present a novel efficient and accurate pa-
rameter estimator for harmonically distorted 3PH signals in
balanced power system which overcomes the limitations of
1. INTRODUCTION the previously proposed methods. The new algorithm em-
ploys the Clarke transform followed by interpolation on the
The estimation of the parameters of the voltage in a three- Fourier coefficients of the signal combined with an iterative
phase (3PH) power system is of significant importance in or- leakage subtraction step. It exploits the harmonic structure of
der to ensure the balance between energy generation and con- the signal to yield an excellent estimation performance.
sumption, as it allows the system to deploy the power flows The rest of the paper is organised as follows. We first
between the main grid and micro-girds and hence optimize present the harmonic signal model in Section 2. The new al-
the power delivery [1]. However, this task can be complicated gorithm is then described in Section 3. Simulation results are
by variations in the fundamental frequency and harmonic dis- shown in Section 4 followed by conclusions in Section 5.
tortion [2] arising from factors such as the distributed nature
of power sources, duality between loads and supplies, and 2. THE SIGNAL MODEL
frequent demand-supply mismatch [3]. As a result, research
to develop robust estimation algorithms, especially those that The voltage in a balanced 3PH power system follows the
can accurately track the change of frequency and are capable model
of tackling harmonic distortion, is urgent and necessary. K " !#
State-of-the-art frequency tracking methods for 3PH sig-
X f0
va (n) = Vk cos k 2π n + φ + wa (n),
nal include the Augmented Complex Least Mean Square (A- k=1
CLMS) method, the Kalman filter (KF) method [4], and the K " !#
X f0 2π
zero-crossing method [5]. They can achieve reliable track- vb (n) = Vk cos k 2π n + φ − + wb (n),
ing of the frequency with reasonable accuracy when the 3PH k=1
fs 3
signal model simply contains only the fundamental frequency XK "
f0 2π
component. Therefore, they exhibit undesirable performance vc (n) = Vk cos k 2π n + φ + + wc (n), (1)
fs 3
for harmonically distorted signals. k=1

978-0-9928-6265-7/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE 408

2016 24th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO)

where n = 0, 1 . . . N − 1 is the sampling time index and f s is Assuming that only the fundamental component x1 (n) =
the sampling frequency. K is the number of harnomic compo- A1 e jφ e j2π f n is present in the signal, then its frequency estimate
nents present in the signal and is assumed given. Vk > 0, k = obtained from the coarse step can be further refined using any
1, . . . , K is the amplitude of the kth harmonic component. f0 is efficient single-tone estimator such as Quinn’s algorithm [12]
the fundamental frequency and φ ∈ [0, 2π) is the phase. The or the A&M estimator [13, 14]. These interpolate on a small
noise terms of the three phases {wa (n), wb (n), wc (n)} are mu- number of Fourier coefficients either side of the maximum bin
tually independent and assumed to be real Gaussian with zero m̂0 . Let X p denote the noiseless Fourier coefficients of x1 (n)
mean and variance σ2 . at frequencies (m̂0 ± p)/N where |p| ≤ 1. Then we have
The 3PH signal model in Eq. (1) can be mapped to the N−1
α, β, 0 reference frame using an orthogonal transformation p
A1 e jφ e j2π f n e− j2π( f + N )n
Xp =
matrix known as Clarke’s transform: n=0
 √ √ √  1 − e j2π(δ−p)

 v0 (n) 
  2 2 2  
  va (n)  = A1 e jφ , (5)
 2  2 2 2 2π
 vα (n)  =  1 −√2 −√2   vb (n)  . 1 − e j N (δ−p)
1 1
   
vβ (n) 3 3  vc (n)
0 − 3

2 2 where δ = N( f − fˆinitial ) ∈ [−0.5, 0.5] is the frequency residual.
Defining z = e j2πδ/N = e j2π( f − finitial ) , the estimate of f can
Then the direct-axis component vα (n) and quadrature-axis
be refined by
component vβ (n) can be combined into the following com- ={ln(ẑ)}
plex harmonic exponential signal [2], fˆ = + fˆinitial , (6)

x(n) = vα (n) + jvβ (n) where ={•} is the imaginary part of •. In Quinn’s method, z
K is estimated by
X 1−v
= Ak e jlk (2π f n+φ) + w(n), n = 0, . . . , N − 1, (3) ẑ = p , (7)
k=1 1 − ve− j2π N
where lk = [(−1)k−1 (6k − 3) + 1]/4 and Ak = V|lk | . Clearly, l1 = v=
, p = sgn(|X1 | − |X−1 |), (8)
1. Without loss of generality, we set f = f0 / f s ∈ [−0.5, 0.5] as Xp
the normalised frequency. The noise terms w(n) are complex and sgn(•) signifies the sign of •. In the A&M algorithm, on
Gaussian with zero mean and variance 4σ2 /3 [2]. For practi- the other hand, ẑ is given by
cal 3PH signals, we usually have Ak > Ak+1 , k = 1, . . . , K − 1
[9], and we define the SNR of the signal as ρ = 3A21 /4σ2 . π X0.5 + X−0.5  π #−1
As a result, given observations va (n), vb (n), vc (n), the orig- ẑ = cos −j sin . (9)
N X0.5 − X−0.5 N
inal parameter estimation problem in a 3PH power system is
converted into the parameter estimation problem of the single- For a complex signal with harmonic distortion as Eq. (3),
phase complex harmonic exponentials in noise. The novel es- however, the actual noiseless Fourier interpolated coefficients
timation algorithm presented in the following section aims to are the sum of X p and the spectral leakage terms introduced by
estimate f0 , φ and A1 of the transformed exponential signal. the K −1 harmonic components, which we denote as {X p,k }k=2 .
It is then necessary to subtract this leakage before refining the
normalized frequency f by exploiting the harmonic structure.
3. THE PROPOSED METHOD Using X̃ p to denote the actual interpolated Fourier coeffi-
cients of the harmonic signal, we have
In the rest of this paper, we use λ̂ to denote the estimate of the
parameter λ. Given estimates of the frequencies in Eq. (3), N−1
X p
x(n)e− j2πn( f + N )
least squares estimates of the amplitudes and phases of the X̃ p =
3PH signal in Eq. (3) can be obtained [10]. Consequently, the n=0
proposed method aims to obtain highly accurate and robust 1 + e j2πN( f − f )
estimates of the frequencies. The frequency estimator at the = A1 e jφ p
1 − e j2π( f − fˆ) e− j2π N
heart of our approach consists of two steps, an initial coarse K ˆ
X 1 + e j2πN(lk f − f )
estimator followed by a fine estimation step. The coarse es- + Ak e jlk φ p + Wp
timate of the fundamental frequency is obtained by a peak k=2 1 − e j2π(lk f − fˆ) e− j2π N
search of the periodogram of the signal [11], K
= Xp + X p,k + W p , (10)
fˆinitial = , where m̂0 = arg max |X(m)|2 , (4) k=2
N m
where W± are the Fourier coefficients of the noise at the in-
and X(m) is the N-point FFT of x(n). terpolation locations. Due to the relationship between the

2016 24th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO)

that the A&M algorithm is considered here is that it works in

Table 1. The proposed algorithm
an iterative fashion and converges to the minimum variance at
Given A length-N complex harmonic signal x(n); δ = 0 [13]. Quinn’s algorithm, on the other hand, is not used
Calculate X(m) = FFT{x(n)}, m = 0, 1, . . . , N − 1; as it cannot be implemented iteratively due to the fact that its
estimation variance is maximum at δ = 0 [12]. It is also worth
Find m̂0 = arg max |X(m)|2 ;
m noting that HAM can also handle the estimation of singe-
Initialise fˆ = m̂0
N , { Â k
}k=1 = φ̂ = 0 ; phase complex harmonic exponentials. From the procedure
Do For q = 1 to Q, loop: we can see that the overall computational cost is O(N log2 N)
ˆ 0.5 and unlike the state-of-art high resolution estimators such as
(1) X̃± = n=0
x(n)e− j2πn( f ± N ) ; MUSIC and ESPRIT, no singular value decomposition (SVD)
j2πN fˆ(l −1)
(2) X̂±,k = Âk e jlk φ̂ 1+ej2π fˆ(lk −1)k ∓ j Nπ ; or eigenvalue decomposition (EVD) is required.
PK1−e e
(3) X̂± = X̃± − k=2 X̂±,k ;
(4) ẑ = cos Nπ − j X̂X̂+ +−X̂X̂− sin Nπ 4. SIMULATION RESULTS
+ −

(5) fˆ = ={ln(ẑ)}
+ fˆ;
2π Simulation results are presented in this section to verify the
(6) â = [ZH ( fˆ)Z( fˆ)]−1 ZH ( fˆ)x ; performance of the proposed estimator. We consider a 3PH
Finally fˆ0 = fˆ f s , Â1 = |â(1)| and φ̂ = ∠â(1). signal based on the Australian standard AS/NZS 61000.2.2
[9]. Specifically, the fundamental frequency f0 is 50Hz and
the phase φ is 10◦ . After performing the Clarke’s transform
Eq. (2), the signal comprises the six harmonic components
harmonic frequencies, the leakage terms X p,k and hence X̃ p shown in Table 2. The sampling frequency f s is chosen as
are functions of f . Therefore, assuming that the estimates of 4, 000Hz, which means that there are 80 samples in a single
{Ak }k=2 and φ are available, the reconstructed leakage terms cycle. We compare the performance of the HAM algorithm
{X p,k }k=2 become with ESPRIT [7], ESPRIT-WLS [8] and the Multi-tone A&M
ˆ (MAM) algorithm [10]. We also include the CRLB [2] for
1 + e j2πN(lk −1) f
X̂ p,k = Âk e jlk φ̂ p , k = 2, . . . , K, (11) reference. To generate each graph, 5,000 Monte Carlo runs
1 − e j2π(lk −1) fˆe− j2π N were used.
Figs. 1 to 3 show the root mean square error (RMSE) of
and the leakage-free Fourier Coefficients are recovered as
fˆ0 , φ̂ and Â1 versus SNR obtained by various methods when
X N = 64. To implement ESPRIT and ESPRIT-WLS, we set
X̂ p = X̃ p − X̂ p,k . (12) the degree of freedom L = dN/3e where d•e is the ceiling op-
k=2 eration. As neither HAM and MAM shows any improvement
for Q > 4, we run HAM for Q = 2 and 4 iterations, and
We can now use these leakage-free coefficients to inter-
MAM for Q = 4 iterations only. Observe that when Q = 4,
polate for the fundamental frequency. Given the frequency
the RMSE of HAM is just slightly above the CRLB at SNR
estimate, the amplitudes and phases of the fundamental and
> 0dB. The other methods, on the other hand, exhibit high
harmonics are obtained as follows. Writing the signal in vec-
SNR thresholds below which the estimates are not reliable.
tor notation, we have that
This is because the performance of MAM and ESPRIT meth-
x = Z( fˆ)a + w, (13) ods is dependent on the SNR of all harmonic components,
while HAM performs estimation by only utilising the Fouri-
where x = [x(0), . . . , x(N − 1)]T , w = [w(0), . . . , w(N − 1)]T , er coefficients close to the fundamental frequency. Therefore,
a = [A1 e jφ , . . . , AK e jlK φ ]T , Z( fˆ) = [z1 , . . . , zK ], and zk = for 3PH signals where the SNR of the harmonic components
ˆ ˆ
[1, e j2πlk f , . . . , e j2π(N−1)lk f ]T . Solving the LS problem yields are small compared to that of the fundamental component,
the complex amplitude vector a, HAM is the most robust method.
In practical application, a good tracking performance of
â = arg min ||x − Z( fˆ)a|| = [ZH ( fˆ)Z( fˆ)]−1 ZH ( fˆ)x. (14) the algorithm is always expected. This requires the parameter
estimator to be capable of achieving accurate estimation when
Equivalently, each entry in â can also be calculated using DFT the data record is short. In Figs. 4 to 6, we compare the per-
[10], which costs O(N). The estimated values of amplitude formance of the methods when the available data points are
and phase vectors are given by |a| and ∠a respectively. within one cycle. In this test, the SNR is fixed to 60dB. HAM
Table 1 summarises the proposed algorithm. The fine es- is implemented using Q = 4 and 6. We find that HAM outper-
timation step for the frequency and LS amplitude estimator forms other methods as the number of iterations increases and
are implemented for Q(Q ≥ 2) iterations. We refer to the new Q = 6 brings the RMSE of HAM down to the CRLB when
method the Harmonic A&M (HAM) algorithm and the reason only 0.3 cycles, i.e. 24 samples, are available.

2016 24th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO)

Table 2. The orders of harmonic components and the corre- CRLB
sponding amplitudes of the simulated power signal ESPRIT−WLS
−20 MAM, Q=4
Order 1 5 7 11 13 17 HAM, Q=2

Amplitude 1 0.06 0.05 0.032 0.03 0.018 HAM, Q=4

For further demonstration of HAM’s performance, we ap-
ply the algorithm to the following harmonic signal with a
varying number of harmonic components K, 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
X e j2πk f n
x(n) = + w(n), n = 0, . . . , 63. (15) Fig. 2. RMSE of φ̂ versus SNR when N = 64.

To generate the signal, f is chosen randomly in [3/N, 4/N] 20

and SNR is set to 10dB. The RMSE of fˆ is shown in Fig. 7 0
where we vary K from 2 to 10. The estimation results of phase MAM, Q=4
−20 HAM, Q=2
and amplitudes are similar as fˆ and therefore not shown here.

HAM, Q=4
We see that when the harmonic order K is small such that −40

all harmonics have high SNR, WLS can perform better than −60
HAM. However, as the number of harmonic components in- −80
creases, HAM starts to outperform the other methods. The
reason is that as the number of harmonics in the signal in- −20 −10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
creases, their SNR decreases and the frequency estimation of
ESPRIT and MAM becomes less reliable. When the estima-
tion of the harmonics is inaccurate, WLS does not lead to any Fig. 3. RMSE of Â1 versus SNR when N = 64.
performance improvement as the estimation error of all com-
ponents will be accumulated. The performance of HAM, on estimator can obtain RMSE values that are close to CRLB
the other hand, is not affected as it is independent of the esti- under limited sampling data and low SNR conditions.
mation accuracy of the harmonic components.

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2016 24th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO)

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−140 −100
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HAM, Q=10

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