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The Living Heritage and Contemplations

about Muslim

Jhanelle C. Almodal

AMA Computer Learning Center, Cainta Rizal


Mrs. Chickie Marshall

September 23, 2021



In this paper, I suggest that distinct historical trajectories and challenges have shaped—and

obstructed—the study of cultural heritage preservation methods in Muslim societies. These

come from the field of cultural heritage preservation, which has its history and principles

that have complicated the relationship between religious beliefs and uses and legacy. As a

result, research into and by Muslim communities' preservation techniques is still in its

infancy. Islam appears to have the most ubiquitous involvement in current politics among

the four great world cultural traditions—Confucianism, Hinduism, Islam, and Christianity. The

large and diverse range of scholarly works that have tackled this unique phenomenon began

with a tradition that assumed a confrontation between Islam and political modernity while

emphasizing the faith's centrality and universality for Muslims. This viewpoint contradicts

historical Islam's acceptance of the reality of secular politics. If there is, on the other hand,

compatibility between Islam and modernity, one must nevertheless account for the


Keywords: cultural, preservation, beliefs, historical


The Living Heritage and Contemplations about Muslim

Why do cultural heritage conservation attempts outside of the West, such as those in

Arab Muslim communities, continuously fail to pique the interest and acceptance of

conservative traditional groups? To understand how to bridge the gap for more effective and

relevant conservation and management of cultural heritage, the current paper aims to

investigate the causes of conflicts in attitudes and differences in values and methods.

Integrity and Authenticity Evaluation

“Integrity is a measure of the totality and intactness of the natural and/or cultural heritage

and its attributes,” according to the World Heritage Convention's Operational Guidelines

(UNESCO 2005, paragraph 88). This is the most common definition of integrity in Islamic

contexts, and it excludes the definition of integrity as "a steadfast commitment to a code of

moral standards," which is one of Merriam Webster's Collegiate Dictionary's definitions.

Furthermore, shari'ah is a well-developed and closely followed canonical source for methods

and tools to analyze the integrity of values in an Islamic context.



Waqf is an Islamic endowment system founded by the Prophet Muhammad in the early

years of Islam. Waqf, like any other endowment system, entails securing financial resources

to create a revenue-generating investment dedicated to the management, maintenance,

However, understanding waqf within the context of the Islamic worldview is necessary to

know its purpose and how it functions within a Muslim society. The Islamic concept of

sustainable philanthropy, which refers to a charitable act that continues to benefit the

community, motivates Muslims to establish and respect a waqf arrangement.

Historic Mosques

In an Islamic environment, there are many clear examples of opposing viewpoints. Most, if

not all, premodern mosques in the Islamic world were linked to a waqf agreement that

guaranteed financial resources and management plans for maintaining and ensuring their


Sustainability and Recycling

Instead of demolition and replacement, which is more common in modern times, the Islamic

emphasis on sustainability and good environmental management encourages recycling

historic buildings and giving them new purposes or incorporating them into newer buildings.

The goal of human life on Earth, according to Islamic beliefs on sustainability, is to do good

to please Allah.

“ Do not waste water even if performing ablution on the bank of a fast flowing

large river. “

Muslims are instructed by the Qur’an to manage resources wisely

“ So this day We shall deliver your (dead) body (out from the sea) that you may

be a sign to those who come after you! “ (The Qur’an 10:92)

Should recycling and archaeological study conflict, archaeology would take precedence, as

the importance of verifying history is vital to shari'ah, and hence surpasses other features

and values.


Islam is neither what is indoctrinated by religious authorities nor learned systematically in

study circles or mosques, created according to their needs in daily life. These findings suggest

tha Islam, in the globalized age, can survive as an everyday lived religion that is practiced and

produced daily in different ways by common believers,



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