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Therese A.




June 30, 2021

Funtional Perspective

By: Randy Hirokawa and Dennis Gouran

We were required to write a research paper as part of our Senior High School curriculum. As a group
leader, I do not have the authority to decide everything, so I discuss and ask my groupmates for their
individual opinions and suggestions in order to write a nice research report. We establish plans and take
steps to reach our main aim of writing a decent research paper and passing this subject.

Cultural Approach to Organizations

By: Clifford Geertz and Michael Pacanowsky

I was born and raised a Catholic, but it wasn't until 2019 that I began attending Christian mass. It was
influenced by my boyfriend's family; as a Catholic, I had no idea what Christians did. When the mass
began, I found it to be quite uninteresting because it was not the regular mass I attended. As a new "sister"
of the Church of God in Christ, I must exercise restraint and observe the organization. Even if I knew a
lot of people there, that didn't mean I had to automatically become one of them. As we went to New Life
Borongan for a join fellowship, I had no idea that when the praise and worship started, everyone was
dancing, singing, raising their hands and waving them, and crying because they felt the presence of the
Lord. As a first-timer, I just stare at them and eventually laugh because it's so strange for me. When my
boyfriend notices that my shoulder is still moving because I'm laughing, he pinches me and tells me to
stop. After the mass, I asked him a lot of questions about their faith, and he answered them all and
advised me to pay attention when we went to each fellowship. After some time has passed, I've finally
figured out what their religion is. I began to enjoy it, and I learned a great deal, particularly about God. I
chose to be baptized as a Christian and to be a part of the COGIC youth who serve God totally, and as a
result, I finally understand my role in this organization and my opinion of it.

Critical Theory of Communication in Organization

By: Stanley Deetz

When I was in grade 12, one of my teachers assigned a last-grade activity in which none of the Sinulog
participants participated. Due to health issues, two of my friends did not participate in the Sinulog.
Because there are just a few pupils remaining to complete the work, our teacher decided to divide them
into two groups. They must sell some foods for the topic Entrepreneurship2, and they must devise their
own marketing and sales tactics. Each group leader assigns each member to a specific task. They only had
one week to complete the work, and everything went smoothly except for one of my friend's group leader,
who did nothing but ask her group members what to do. She's the only one who makes decisions for her
group, and her peers criticize her because they're graded as a group, but their efforts aren't as a whole.

Narrative Paradigm

By: Walter Fisher

Kuya Lusot is our closest buddy and the reason why my boyfriend and I met in the first place. After a
year of dating, we encountered a major issue: cheating, which involved one of our group of friends' girls.
When Kuya Lusot unexpectedly paid me a visit on June 19, 2019, I was perplexed as to why on earth he
came to my house at 11 p.m. during a brownout; he explained that he wanted me to know something
important, so I let him in. He began telling me everything that my boyfriend told his barkada, and I
became completely speechless, unsure of what to do or say. Even though he didn't provide me with proof,
the manner he told me the story convinced me.

Media Ecology

By: Marshall McLuhan

In today's world, we rely on technology. Children, in particular, are engrossed in their phones; I, for one,
am engrossed in mine. Everything that is going on around me makes me believe that technology will be
able to solve the problem. It brings my life here, but it also makes me lethargic. I always take in
information from the media, and sometimes we take in incorrect information. Almost everyone's life
revolves around media, and now the new way of studying is through technology, and I'm still not content
because I almost didn't have any learning opportunities.

Cultural Studies

By: Stuart Hall

In our barangay, there is one disabled person who has been evicted from his home due to the ignorance of
his siblings, who believe he is useless because he can only perform a few things. However, by God's
grace, he was given the opportunity to work for the PWD, where he will be able to stay. His massage
center became his home, and his disabled coworkers became his family. These items have no relevance
for him outside of societal structures, notwithstanding his impairment.

Cultivation Theory

By: George Gerbner

My younger brother is 8 years old, and he has a lot of younger and older pals. One time, he and his
friends were playing under our house because we lived near the sea, and I overheard them talking about
cigarettes. At first, I didn't pay attention because I assumed it was just a game for them, but after a few
minutes, I smelled someone smoking. At first, I assumed it was just an adult man outside our house
smoking, but then I heard one of them say "kadi akon naman," and I automatically assumed it was him.
When I asked them where they learnt it, the youngest, who was probably around 3 to 4 years old,
exclaimed "sugad man it an amon ginkulawan ha tv" I was taken aback and realized that they are overly
exposed to television and are learning unsuitable things from it.

Agenda-Setting Theory

By: Maxwell McCombs & Donald Shaw

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