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April & May 2021

Guided Teacher
English Teachers Network
Ministry of Education
English Opens Doors Program
By Melody Shuman Alvarez, English Language Fellow and PIAP Team
English Teachers Networks
Guidelines 2021

Teacher Introduction
Reflection The purpose of the questions contained
within is to guide teacher reflection and

discussion regarding specific topics
of interest based on ETN members’
feedback. These questions are not

& Focus meant to be used exclusively for these

meetings. You may find that some

Questions questions are more relevant than

others. All questions do not need to
be addressed during your meeting.
Rather, these are suggested topics to
discuss. You may find one question
initiates others that are not on the list.
Please share your thoughts and your
discussions with us!
We suggest you choose no more than
3 questions for the group discussion
and assign the roles for facilitating the
effective communication according to
your ETN meeting structure. There is also
a suggested Plan for ETNs to guide their
sessions. See Appendix 1.
The topics for reflection are aligned to
the “Marco para la Buena Enseñanza”
See Appendix 2. and Teachers’
Academy’s themes.
April - May 2021

April -May 2021

Formative Assessment
Section 1
Please note:
Formative Assessment is assessment FOR learning while Summative
Assessment is assessment OF learning.

Formative assessments are used to inform and drive your everyday

instruction for the purpose of improving student learning.

The following 3 sets of discussion prompts will guide your group

reflection. Choose at least one question from each box.

Discussion questions
1. Watch this video to discuss the following prompts (Video 1).

A. In the video, the teacher mentions using both written and verbal feedback as
a form of formative assessment. She demonstrates an example by pointing to a
visual on her whiteboard indicating “I can do it!” “I’m nearly there!” and “I’m not
sure yet.”

Now, based on the example given, elaborate on a formative assessment activity

you commonly use with your students.
B. In the video example outlined above, the teacher explains that she uses student
responses to “redirect lessons to better support them”. Discuss how you use
formative assessments to inform your teaching practices.

Guided Teacher Reflection

2. Read the attached excerpt on Formative Assessment taken from Mineduc guidelines
(Appendix 3) and answer the following questions. You can find the full version doc.
on this LINK.
A. Why is it so fundamental to incorporate formative assessment in the teaching and
learning process? What is the role of students in this process?
B. Based on the four strategy dimensions presented in the Mineduc guidelines,
describe a current strategy you use to include students in the learning process.

3. Thinking about the challenges faced by teachers and students alike during the
A. How have you conducted formative assessments in your online classes?
B. What, if any, professional development opportunities have you received in
conducting formative assessments in an online environment?

April - May 2021

Discussion Topic - Section 1

Comments, Questions, and Concerns
Use the shapes to record your comments, thoughts, ideas as well as your
questions and concerns about Formative Assessment Section 1.

Any comments, thoughts, or ideas you would like to share

regarding Formative Assessment Section 1?

What questions do you have about Formative Assessment Section 1?

Any Concerns moving forward with Formative

Assessment Section 1?

Guided Teacher Reflection

April -May 2021

Formative Assessment Continued
Section 2

To prepare for the May discussion, use what you have discussed and learned
during this meeting to implement one new Formative Assessment routine into
your daily lessons. You may use one of the ideas presented in the resources
provided during the April discussion or locate/design one of your own. The
idea is to try something new and stick with it until the next meeting. You will
then share your experience with your colleagues.

In May, elaborate on the new Formative Assessment routine you

implemented based on the videos, readings, and discussion you had in
the previous session and share your experience with your colleagues.

Questions below are for guidance only. They are meant to support your reflective process.

1. How much time did you spend preparing, adapting, and/or using the new Formative Assessment
tool during a lesson?

2. What resource did you use to choose the Formative Assessment (web link, book, article, etc.)?

3. What results in student achievement and engagement have you seen since implementing the
Formative Assessment?

4. How have your students responded to the Formative Assessment tool? Why do you think they
responded that way?

April - May 2021

Discussion Topic - Section 2

Comments, Questions, and Concerns
Use the shapes to record your comments, thoughts, ideas as well as your
questions and concerns about Formative Assessment Section 2.

Any comments, thoughts, or ideas you would like to share

regarding Formative Assessment Section 2?

What questions do you have about Formative Assessment Section 2?

Any Concerns moving forward with Formative

Assessment Section 2?

Guided Teacher Reflection

Appendix 1
Suggested ETN monthly meeting structure
Considering the current situation and challenges that online modality
has triggered, we encourage and motivate you to cover at least two
fundamental components during meetings: Pedagogical reflection and
Peer learning & collaborative work. More importantly, we strongly suggest
that you revise your ETNs needs and concerns every session at any time
you consider suitable during the meeting. This is part of ETNs dynamics.

Components of Time
Key aspects to consider
the session suggested

→ Introduce the agenda (ideally previously sent to the

teachers along with the reflection guidelines and link for the
Welcome and online meeting on time)
10 minutes
→ Have ice-breakers activities (short ones 5-10 minutes). This
can help warm-up the session and welcome new members.

→ Have a facilitator who can help organize teachers’ talk turns

and someone who can take notes and keep records of the
Pedagogical meetings.
30 minutes
Reflection → Make the most of the time discussing and exchanging ideas
that contribute to enhancing your reflection and practice
as a teacher.

→ This time is an opportunity for working collaboratively with

peers. For sharing, revising, and/or designing e-learning
Peer learning and material, such as games, handouts, rubrics, etc.
30 minutes
collaborative work
→ Time to share meaningful material and resources you have
created and/or tried out.

→ State and discuss your main concerns and needs. (Can be

ETN needs 15 minutes
done at any part of the session you consider suitable)

→ Wrap up and review main ideas, reflections, agreements,

Closing 5 minutes
and/or friendly reminders.

Total time
90 minutes

April - May 2021

Appendix 2
Pedagogical reflection and its connection with the MBE
The topic is related to the following competency descriptors presented in
the MBE framework:


D1: Las estrategias de evaluación

El profesor son coherentes con los
reflexiona objetivos de aprendizaje,
sistemática- A A5 la disciplina que enseña, el
mente sobre marco curricular nacional y
su práctica. permite a todos los alumnos
D3: Asume demostrar lo aprendido.
lidades en la
de sus alum-
actualiza- Evalúa y monitorea el proceso
da sobre su de comprensión y apropiación
C C6
profesión, el de los contenidos por parte de
sistema los estudiantes
educativo y
las políticas

Guided Teacher Reflection

Appendix 3
Excerpt from Mineduc Guidelines on
Formative Assessment
Excerpt Page 18

EVALUACIÓN FORMATIVA EN EL AULA Orientaciones para docentes

¿cÓMO Se POne en


¿cómo se ve la evaluación formativa en el aula? ¿de qué manera se entrelaza esta con
la enseñanza y el aprendizaje?
¿Qué tipos de estrategias dan cuenta de que se está usando formativamente la eva-
luación? ¿cómo podemos incorporarlas más en nuestra práctica pedagógica habitual?


April - May 2021

Excerpt Page 19

4 · ¿Cómo se pone en práctica la evaluación formativa?

El proceso de evaluación formativa pretende articular el proceso La figura 1 ilustra cómo se relacionan las estrategias de evaluación
de enseñanza-aprendizaje con el fin de que estudiantes y docentes formativa con estas preguntas: visualizar “Hacia dónde voy” requerirá
puedan responder a las siguientes preguntas: ¿hacia dónde voy? (¿qué trabajar con los y las estudiantes para que comprendan los objetivos de
objetivo de aprendizaje espero lograr?), ¿dónde estoy ahora? (¿cuán aprendizaje y sus criterios de logro; para entender “dónde estoy” habrá
cerca o lejos me encuentro de lograr ese aprendizaje?) y ¿qué puedo que realizar actividades de aprendizaje y evaluación que generen
hacer para llegar a donde tengo que ir? (¿qué pasos tengo que dar para evidencia sobre el lugar en el que se encuentran los y las estudiantes
acercarme a ese aprendizaje?). en su trayectoria hacia el aprendizaje que se busca lograr; efectuar
acciones para acercarse al objetivo (“cómo llego”) implicará retroali-
para abordar estas preguntas se pueden utilizar diferentes estrate- mentar de manera oportuna a los y las estudiantes considerando sus
gias. En esta sección se presentan cuatro estrategias de evaluación características y necesidades, y ajustar la práctica pedagógica para
formativa en el aula que, usadas en conjunto y sistemáticamente, dan apoyarlos del mejor modo posible. por último, la cuarta estrategia de
a la evaluación en la sala de clases un mayor uso pedagógico. Estas son: evaluación formativa de auto- y coevaluación cruza transversalmente
- compartir los objetivos de aprendizaje y sus criterios de logro. y es alimentada por las tres estrategias mencionadas.
- diseñar y realizar actividades que permitan evidenciar el aprendizaje.
- retroalimentar efectiva y oportunamente. Los y las estudiantes son diferentes y presentan necesidades que
- dar oportunidades para la autoevaluación y coevaluación. pueden ir variando a lo largo de su trayectoria escolar, por lo que todos
ellos y todas ellas comienzan los procesos de aprendizaje desde distin-
¿cóMo LLEgo? tos puntos de partida, como también ilustra la figura 1. sin embargo,
retroalimentación existen expectativas y objetivos de Aprendizaje comunes para el con-
efec tiva y oportuna
junto de estudiantes, que han sido definidos en el currículum Nacional.
para avanzar hacia estos objetivos, las y los estudiantes pueden tran-
sitar por distintas rutas de aprendizaje, proponerse diferentes metas
intermedias y necesitar variados tipos de apoyo. como se verá en esta
sección, integrar la evaluación al proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje
¿dóNdE Estoy? ¿HAcIA dóNdE voy? es fundamental para visibilizar lo que los y las estudiantes necesitan
diseña r y realizar compartir objetivos para aprender, así como para poder tomar decisiones pedagógicas
actividades que permitan y criterios de logro
evidenciar el aprend izaje pertinentes y oportunas en apoyo a ellas y ellos.

Autoevaluación y coevaluación

Figura 1. preguntas y estrategias centrales de la evaluación formativa.



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