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“Unbroken Love from a Broken Heart”

Hosea 3:1-5

At first, I thought it was a bit repulsive to talk about “love-life”, it’s not like I have been
bitter about it but that was what I thought before they explained what does this quote really
God's message was conveyed to the nation via Hosea, his wife, and his children's lives. It
is truth incarnated, if you will, acted out by actual people rather than actors. God's word was
delivered to Hosea in the context of particular demands in Israel's existence at this time in their
history. This word that comes to Hosea in verse 2 is solid and creative, but it is also terrifying
because it throws Hosea's existence on its head. God designs Hosea's marriage and the family he
is destined to raise to capture the entire country's attention. When the LORD first spoke through
Hosea, the LORD said to him, "Go, take a harlot wife and have harlot children, for the land
commits tremendous harlotry by abandoning the LORD." So, he went and kidnapped Gomer,
Diblaim's daughter. This implies that Hosea already has an ongoing and fruitful prophetic
ministry of preaching and representing God to the people. But then, early in his career, God
appears and speaks again, this time with a solid order to marry a prostitute as a bride. It's nearly
incredible. God invites this young prophet to love and marry a lady, knowing well that she will
eventually betray him. However, I believe it began with a genuine love relationship between
Hosea and Gomer. Hosea's connections with his young bride and their three children are
strikingly symbolic of the Lord's relationship with a spiritually unfaithful or adulterous country.
He discovered her, chose her, and adored her in her youth. He is often referred to as the father of
spiritual sons and daughters who fight against his control and question his love. As a result,
Hosea's marriage and family will mirror God's experience with the country. Hosea is instructed
to make the same decision that God created. He is to fall in love with and then marry a woman
who will commit physical adultery, just as God was faced with the dilemma of being true to the
people of Israel. In contrast, they committed spiritual adultery by surrendering their total
allegiance to him. It is the haunting idea of unbroken love that emerges from both God's and
Hosea's wounded hearts. God cannot abandon his wife, no matter how she has abused herself and
her relationship with him. And, despite Gomer's continuous betrayal of him, Hosea would not
give up on her. If we are God's people through Jesus, God chooses us and will continue to
choose us even when we reject his loyalty to us. There are no depths of immoral rebellion to
which he will not seek us out and try to pull us back to himself, seeking to restore us to proper
connection with him. However, the grace depicted in this narrative and this sequence of
prophecies is not cheap. grace As a show of his generous love, God will pass reasonable
judgment on Gomer's sin and the sins of each of the children, just as he does on our sin. Another
sad element in this symphony of grace is judgment as a result of sin. We must try very hard to
personalize God's problem in dealing with Israel's unfaithfulness. One method is to consider the
cross of Calvary. Christ's death there reveals two opposing forces at work in God's heart. It
shows God's judgment of sin, his fierce rage at our unfaithfulness, his due but withheld wrath,
and the cost paid for wicked rebellion. However, the cross also speaks of God's compassionate
forgiveness of sin, his kind compassion toward our disobedience, and the washing away of our
sin. It becomes dire when we examine our own life and evaluate God's concern with each of us
honestly. He can't turn a blind eye to our sin. Our sins, which are manifestations of our
resistance, alienate us from him. So he must do two things at once: find a method to attract our
attention and confront us and find a means to heal and forgive us.
I learned from this recollection that we have come from damaged homes, shattered lives
as a result of addiction, broken marital commitments, and so on. The list goes on and on, and it is
impossible to keep track of it all. But there is one place we can all go for unwavering love–run to
our Lord Jesus Christ. "He bandages up our wounds and mends the brokenhearted." If you're still
in need of healing, rush to him–ready He's to wrap His arms around you. He comes close to the
broken. He understands what it means to be broken. His body was broken. His heart was broken
when those who followed Him deserted and betrayed Him. Let His amazing love lead straight to
a life of unbroken faith. He is wanting to demonstrate His love through us. He will give us the
perseverance to do so, through His precious Holy Spirit, which now resides in us.

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