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The Spellmonger jumpchain

By hellisfurry
Source material by
Terry Mancour
You appear in this world after the events of the second novel in the series. (Write a better intro)
Age: roll 1d8 and add 20
Gender: your gender remains the same from your previous jump. You may change your gender
for free but be advised that, depending on your background, your gender will play a large role in
your social standing/position; this is set in a feudal medieval society after all.

Roll 1d8 or pay 50cp to choose your starting area and specific location.
1: the Duchy of Alshar
Vorone: Vorone is the northern capital of the Duchy of Alshar and contains the Alshari
ducal summer palace. Despite, or perhaps because of, this Vorone is something of a
pleasure town and contains no real fortifications or defenses of note.
Falas: the southern capital of Alshar, Falas is one of the few Alshari cities that dates
back to the time of the magocracy.
The bay of elentire: home to the infamous sea lords, the wealthy coast lords, and
surrounded by the powerful cotton lords, the Bay is a place where all things are bought
and sold, from exotic spices, to weapons, to people's very lives. In this place the nobility
rule with an iron fist and the commoners obey or face destruction; but there are many
opportunities here for the canny, the powerful, or the wise.
The Alshari wildlands: the wildlands of Alshar have recently been overrun by hordes of
gurvanni, and darker things, but for all that they are a picturesque and rugged land of
trackless forests and raging rivers split only rarely by signs of human habitation.
2: the Duchy of Castal
Wilderhall: summer capital of castal and home to the great ducal fortress of the same
name, this city is primarily a city of a civic and defensive nature. While in the world you
come from this would mean the city would be bland and grey, in the time of knights this
means the city plays host to a great many palatial noble manors and artisans that cater
to the aforementioned nobles, meaning the city itself is very clean and free of slums for a
medieval city.
The Castali riverlands: a picturesque realm of sprawling hills and running rivers this is
the heart of castali chivalry and home to a great many prized estates. It will soon be the
new home of Minalan the spellmonger, head of the nascent arcane orders.
The Castali wildlands: unlike the wildlands of Alshar the Castali wildlands are not, as of
yet, overrun with gurvanni. Slightly more populous than the Alshari wildlands, the
Castali wildlands are still very sparsely populated and home to some of the most
picturesque views to be found in all of Castal. Home to great forests and a great deal of
untapped resources this area offers great promise to those willing to put in the work.
Castabriel: capital of the Duchy of Castal and home to the ducal palace Castabriel is a
city of hundreds of thousands and is home to some of the greatest temples and civil
institutions in the western duchies. Many things may be found here but beware the halls
of power, for politics will ensnare you if they can.
3: the Duchy of Remere
Remere proper: you find yourself in remere proper, home to great merchant families
and parties that would make Slaanesh proud. This is a land of plenty and little in the way
of physical threats, but it is not without its dangers. For Remere is famed as the greatest
player of the great game and is home to a great many skilled poisoners, assassins, and
Wenshar: you find yourself in the client state of Wenshar north of the Duchy of remere
proper; home to the strongest bastions of the censorate as it stood before the
coming of the arcane orders.
4: the Kasari Groves
Groves: you find yourself standing amongst the trees of one of the famed Kasari groves.
Home to a race of humans that live in tune with nature they pride themselves on their
ability to hunt and track, build and grow, and above all else survive in any wilderness
known to man.
5: Farise
Farise proper: this is the jungle city of Farise, recently conquered by an alliance of the
five duchies in order to secure the head of the mad mage, it stands somewhat worse for
the wear but is still a strong coastal power and home to much formerly lost knowledge.
Jungle: this is a tropical jungle full of dangers and beauty in equal measure and is home
to many native tribes and primitive gurvanni.
6: the Duchy of Merwin
Merwin: merwin is the second richest of the duchies, after remere, and stands as one of
the premier sea powers of this age. Merwin will soon be home to the remnants of the
7: the Duchy of Vore
Vore proper: vore is considered to be the most marginal of the five duchies, and
honestly that opinion is somewhat justified. Ruled over by the aptly named bloody duke
vore is home to a great deal of marginal farmland and only a few major seaports to make
up for that. Its northern border is constantly harassed by the descendants of the horse
lords that conquered the magocrasy in the first place.
8: free choice!
Ifina has smiled on you my friend for you may pick anyplace upon the surface of
Callador to begin your journey through this land.

You may freely combine any backgrounds you wish to pay for but you may not take more than 1
free background, you may not combine highmage with baron, and you may not combine
craftsman with any noble backgrounds. If you wish all of the free backgrounds may instead be
counted as drop in for the purposes of gaining additional memories.
commoner (+100cp):
Craftsman (free): you are a craftsman, whether a smith, a baker, a wheelwright, or any
other it matters not. Socially you are one step up from a peasant and can expect to be
treated as such.
Soldier (100cp): you are a career soldier, most likely a mercenary, and have lived most
of your life by the sword/bow/axe/spear. This grants you great experience, if not skill,
with most medieval weaponry.
Merchant Prince (200cp): you are the leader of a moderately powerful merchant family
from based primarily in your starting location but with networks and contacts spreading
all throughout the lands. This affords you with luxuries non-nobles can hardly dream of
and a not insignificant amount of influence you can throw around.
noble (free):
Knight Errant (free): while possessing of noble title you have no lands to call your own.
That being said you are still afforded all the rights and responsibilities your noble lineage
affords you and wherever you go you will be treated as such.
Domain Lord (100cp): possessing of a noble title and holding the writ to a domain
within your bloodline you are the sitting lord (or lady) of a domain with all the rights and
responsibilities entail by such a title. You may choose whether or not your domain is part
of a larger barony or stands independent of such things with all the benefits and
drawbacks that either entails.
Baron (200cp): you are the baron of a mid sized barony located somewhere within your
starting location with your own domain and a number of vassal domains you may call
upon for support in times of war.
magi (free):
Sport (free): not a true Magi but possessing Rajia nonetheless, you possess an innate
skill and great power for one particular act of magic. Historically Sports have either been
ignored by the magical community at large or hunted down and executed by the
Practical adept/spellmonger (100cp): you are a practical mage that works for a living.
You have worked your way up from a lowly apprentice and gained a knowledge of more
practical magic.
Warmage (200cp):you are an imperially trained graduate of the warmage’s college of
Relan Cor, possessing some level of experience on the field of battle. Perhaps
you were a member of the Farise campaign, or perhaps you have been a wandering
mercenary through the whole of your professional career. Either way you have the
training and some practical skill at turning magic to the art of war.
Highmage (300cp): you posses ironite and have been sworn in as a member of the high
mages of the Arcane Orders by Minalan the spellmonger. You are an imperially trained
magi of no rude skill and have the backing of the Arcane Orders to call upon in times of
hardship and strife. Must take the sworn to war drawback for no extra points

The first 100cp perk is free and all others are discounted
War Training (100cp): you are proficient in most of the basic skills required to wage
medieval warfare and are competent in the use of three medieval weapons of your
choice. (free: nobles, soldier, and warmage)
Blademaster (200cp): you have become the epitome of human skill in one style of
medieval combat, be it dueling, archery, mounted warfare, horse archery,
swashbuckling, spear wielding, or any other type you can think of. (free warmage)
Kasari skills (200cp): you possess all the skills of a seasoned Kasari Raptor, capable of
feats of woodcraft and archery that would put basically any other human ranger to
shame. Tracking, hunting, and general wilderness survival come as easy to you as
breathing these days, while passing through any sort of wooded area without a trace is
as easy as walking calmly down the street, with even the most subtle of magics having
difficulty tracking you, so great is your skill.
Visit the Yith (400cp): be given the answer to any seven questions you have of the
reality you are currently in by the eldritch being known as the Yith, with the drawback of
getting a new person’s echo shoved into your brain for each question answered thusly.
Old World Knowledge (400cp): you possess the knowledge of old Perwyn, the
schematics of everything from plasma rifles to AI to star Vessels and orbital arrays of
great power. You possess none of the tools to make this useful for practical purposes,
and not all of it works reliably within high magic zones such as Calidor, but this is still the
entire tech base of a post FTL human colony mission, and that is nothing to sneeze at.
Blessings of the Gods (600cp): the gods of this world have touched your soul and
found it sufficient for their purposes. The blessings laid upon you are as varied and
fractious as the gods themselves, but none can deny their power. Blessings of Ishi raise
your beauty just past what is possible for a human, blessings of Duin grant you a skill at
war and slaughter to match the greatest warmages with naught but the strength of your
arm, blessings of Avital granting you a skill with engineering and the magic to enhance
such to rival the greatest architects in history, blessings of Briga ensuring flame does not
touch you and your muse never runs dry, blessings of Ferum guiding your hammer to
perfection and artistry with any craft, and many many more.
A Scientific Understanding (600cp): you possess sufficient background in the fields of
particle physics and quantum mechanics to easily qualify as a genius capable of keeping
up with dedicated AI in these fields, and even surpassing them given you putting in the
effort. As a consequence you understand Magic from a Scientific perspective, able to
piece together its underlying principles, how the underpinnings of whichever reality you
find yourself within interacts with it, and perhaps most importantly, how to shield yourself
or an area from natural or manufactured effects designed to interrupt the workings of
magic and similar fields.
Journeyman (100cp): you gain the skills and licenses to practice one medieval level
craft of your choice. This may be taken multiple times at a discount.
Ignore the Servants Dear (200cp): when you wish you may activate an aura that
causes all of a higher social standing than you to treat you as another part of the
background and thus ignore everything you do as long as you don't interrupt their
Down to Earth Competency (400cp): no matter how far you travel or what horrors you
have borne witness to you will always be able to ground yourself on the level of the
normal people around you. You also gain the ability to bestow this on any you spend
more than two, continuous, hours speaking with.
Master Craftsmen (600cp discount craftsmen): you have become the epitome of
human skill in your chosen profession and can expect people to come from far and wide
to marvel at your work. Epitome of human skill is the best a human body could
theoretically achieve given light speed delays in thought patterns and reaction times.
This may be purchased more than once with an additional 50% discount after the first
Purchase. Meaning a total discount of 75% on any purchase after the first for craftsmen
and a 50% discount for everyone else.
Condottieri (600cp discount soldier): you are a charismatic and skilled leader of men,
able to take the most ragged green troops and train them up into competent soldiers in
half the time it would take any others all the while instilling in them an unshakable sense
of loyalty and discipline.
Business Sense (600cp discount merchant prince): you have become an
astoundingly adept merchant, with a tongue of silver and a mind like a steel trap, you
could turn a healthy profit shipping ice from antarctica to the arctic and selling it to the
eskimos. Expect to make a large return on any investment that you actively assist and
prepare for most to assume you are pulling gold out of thin air.
The Great Game (100cp): you have become skilled at the intricate dance of favors
parties, gifts, rumors, and schemes required to play, what the Remerans call the great
game, but most just call politics.
Vassal Management (200cp): you have become very skilled indeed in inspiring trust
and loyalty in your vassals and an equal measure of skill at playing those that you
cannot instill such loyalty into off of each other so they are not a threat to you and yours.
This also increases your ability to inspire loyalty in your followers as well as significantly
boosts the morale of any you lead personally.
Grease the Wheels (400cp): you have gained a truly preternatural skill at wielding the
most hated of human institutions, bureaucracy itself. Your skill is such that it seems
magical. You can push your objectives through even the creakiest and most byzantine
bureaucracy faster than should be physically possible. What would take others years or
decades would take you months, what would take others months would take you days,
and what would take others weeks would take you scant hours. This works in reverse as
well. If you apply yourself you can delay yourself or your enemies by the same amount.
What should take hours will take weeks, what should be days will take months, and what
should be months will take decades to push through.
Chivalrous Exemplar (600cp discount knight errant): you are an exemplar of
chivalrous errantry. Your every blow appears as if the war gods themselves are guiding
your hand. Your every action inspires all those around you to valour and heroism. You
are quick to grant mercy where you can and quick to deal justice where honor demands
it. This grants a great increase in your ability to wield the classical knightly weapons and
a great increase in your charisma when you are behaving honorably.
Lord of the Land (600cp discount domain lord): after spending a lifetime ruling your
lands you have developed a startling affinity for it and it for you. This manifests in subtle
but profound ways and only grows more powerful with time. Inside lands you call your
own the land itself obeys your desires. Spend years ruling a place and a forest will clear
you a path through its darkest depths, plants will grow faster or more slowly, wild beasts
will never harm you, rivers will run more calmly, and the weather will reach few extremes
unless you will it so. At your desire your enemies will find themselves lost in your woods,
they will find the fauna hostile and the flora devious, they will find bridges rotting under
their feet and fords flooding to bar their way. Spend decades ruling a land and trees will
bend to your will, beasts will come at your call, plants will grow as you command, the
weather will calm as you wish, rivers will run as swiftly as you desire, and you will begin
to be able to shape the land to your desire. Your enemies will find themselves tripping on
stones that weren't there before, the weather will be hostile to their objectives, and the
land will prohibit all attempts at stealth. Spend centuries ruling and you will be able to
call the weather to your will, shape the land as your heart desires, and command the
beasts to do your bidding. Spend millenia ruling a land and your will be as powerful as
any god while in your domain.
Lord of Men (600cp discount Baron): loyalty amongst your vassals is absolute unless
you go out of your way to alienate them. In addition anyone who follows you will never
flee in the face of fear and will stand with you until the end of time if you let them. At your
will you may grant any of your vassals weakened imitations of your powers, singularly or
in any number you wish, and may also enhance any current powers that they
themselves possess. This power only grows more potent with time. The longer a being
stays your vassal the stronger your granted powers get and the greater the magnification
of their own powers becomes. If a man could ignite candles with a snap of his fingers,
with your blessing he could instead light bonfires. After a year this man could ignite
whole houses, after a decade he could ignite castles and small towns, after a century
entire forests, after a millennia an entire kingdom could go up in flames, and so on and
so forth. This does work for your companions but any of your powers that you grant them
will never reach past 75% of your power or skill with them.


Sportish Talent (200cp free sport): You possess the talent of a sport and your magic
manifests itself in one specific way. Cannon examples include but are not limited to; the
ability to augment your blows with magically generated force, the ability to accurately
estimate anything except things related to causality, the ability to compel people to tell
the truth, the ability to find fresh water, the ability to talk to animals, and the ability to see
engrams which is basically the ability to see the source code of minds. You may choose
from among the above or you may create your own but any sportish talent thus created
must be narrow in scope if not in power.
Imperially Trained (300cp free adept, warmage, highmage):
You possess the Rajia and the training necessary to count yourself amongst the
practitioners of classical imperial magic. This provides a basic competency and
knowledge in all of the common schools of magic, though it does not include any
competency in the more obscure schools of magic such as thaumaturgy, shadow magic,
or sex magic to name but a few.
War Magic (200cp requires Imperially trained free warmage):
You are a fully licensed and trained graduate of Relan Cor with all the skill and
expertise that requires. In addition you are now very skilled in any one area of war
magic, be it scrying, siege magic, curses, direct attack magic, moral magic, or anything
else you can think of. The more narrow the focus the more skilled you become but the
less utility this will net you.
Green Magic specialisation (100cp requires imperially trained):
You have become quite skilled in the magical manipulation of flora of all sorts. This
grants you great skill in horticulture, climatology, and geology in regards to natural
Healing Magic specialisation (100cp requires imperially trained):
More aptly classed as biological magic this school focuses on the magical manipulation
of biological tissues, bones, nerve clusters, and the like.
Sex Magic specialisation (100cp requires imperially trained):
Sex magic is an obscure school of magic that has been repressed on Callador since the
magocrasy fell but is nonetheless quite powerful when properly applied. Its greatest
benefit is its ability to raise tremendous amounts of power when proper technique is
Thaumaturgy specialisation (100cp requires imperially trained):
This is the science of magic and you have become very good at it indeed. While this
disciple rarely has direct application to accomplishing your goals it is the bedrock upon
which new spells and schools of magic are built. This also grants you great skill at
ferreting out the nature of any spell work you come across, though it works less well with
magic systems you are unfamiliar with.
Photomancy specialisation(100cp requires imperially trained):
Photomancy is a school of magic that focuses on the manipulation of light and other,
more general, espionage spellcraft. This will give you the spell craft and skill to sneak
into all but the most extravagantly defended locations unnoticed.
Weather Magic specialisation(100cp requires imperially trained):
Weather magic is mostly shunned by classically trained magi not because of a lack of
ability but simply because messing with the weather on a large scale can have very
disastrous consequences. That does not mean that weather magic cannot be a powerful
and dangerous art though. Indeed there are several entire schools of magic devoted to
its study and manipulation.
Brown Magic specialisation (100cp requires imperially trained):
Brown magic is the art of commanding beasts of all sorts to do your bidding in all things.
The highest art and rarest talent among brown mages is the ability to project your
conscience into a beast of low intelligence and control it directly.
Enchantment specialisation (100cp requires imperially trained):
This is the art of imbuing magic and spells into objects to turn them into objects of power.
This grants you great skill in imbuing any spells you can cast into objects and items so
they can do the work you may not have time for.
Blue Magic specialisation (100cp requires imperially trained):
The magic of the mind is very subtle and very powerful when properly applied and now
you too can wield its power.
Death Magic specialisation (100cp requires imperially trained):
Death magic is a controversial art to say the least. On the one hand it can be very very
powerful and all warmages pick up at least a little of it over the course of their careers
but on the other hand death magic can and will destroy you if you are not careful and
wise in its practice.
Theurgy specialisation (100cp requires imperially trained):
The magic of religion this is rather unexplored in the books but what it seems to do is
allow you to channel belief into magical power.
Warding Magic specialisation (100cp requires imperially trained):
This is the spell craft of wards of all types, from utility wards to combat wards and
everything in between there is much utility in this school of magic and it is as deep as it
is wide. This covers things from warding away pests and leaks to projectiles and attack
Elemental Affinity (400cp):
This grants a significant increase in power to any spells you cast that match the affinity
you choose here. The classical affinities are, of course air, earth, water, and fire, but you
may choose a more exzotic or specific affinity if you desire.
High Magic (600cp requires imperially trained free highmage):
You have become attuned to your witchstone and its power has opened entire new
realms of possibility to your spellwork. This works as a capstone booster significantly
improving the power and sophistication of your spellwork and thus increases the power
and utility of all of your schools of magic.

Gold (50cp): 5000 thousand ounces of gold in the denomination of your choosing. Domain
Lords begin with 1, Merchant princes begin with 2, and Barons begin with 3 purchases free.
Copious amounts of booze (50cp): this purchase will net you barrels and barrels of various
kinds of alcohol, from the lightest ciders to the hardest moonshine, there is a barrel of
everything in this collection and whenever you empty one another appears in its place. All of this
alcohol is guaranteed to taste amazing, though not all types will suit all people.

The right Tool for the Job (200cp): This large wagon always possesses any tool you could
possibly need for the job at hand, though this noticeably does not provide any weapons that are
not specifically designed to be tools.
A hawk of your own (400cp): with a giant size changing hawk and the armaments and barding
to go with it, you can now count yourself among the august ranks of the skyriders. With a size
and wingspan capable of lifting you and all of your personal gear, matched to a hunter's instinct
and a warlike nature, this great bird will serve you well in your travels of these lands, allowing
you to claim some small fraction of your ancestor’s mastery of the skies.
The ten thousand (600cp discount soldier): you have gained the commanding position in a
mercenary force of ten thousand hardened veterans split into ten, thousand man companies.
The specifics of the troop divisions and armaments are up to you but they cannot exceed a
medieval level of technology and cannot contain more than one thousand knights at the start.
These men are completely loyal to you and would follow you straight into the warp and then turn
around and go back because you dropped your wallet on Slaanesh’s corpse. These men will
follow you between jumps and will slowly heal up to full strength by recruiting from the local
human populose. You may upgrade them as you see fit with any method at your disposal but,
should any of them fall, they will be replaced by stock humans or creatures that are functionally
the same in universes without native humans. At the beginning of each jump they will have
supplies for 2 years of campaigning but beyond that you must provide them with supplies. You
may decide not to bring them into a jump but doing so will lock them out of your reach until your
next jump. You may not import any of them as companions, you may not use them as storage
lockers for your things, you may not use them as human sacrifices, and you may not use them
to smuggle named characters out of their universe. At the start of your jump they will appear out
of the nearest transportation network to your starting location and set up camp.
The jumper’s trading guild (600cp discount Merchant prince): you are now the head of a
singularly powerful trading consortium that will follow you between worlds. The consortium
boasts the capability to get anything anywhere faster than you thought possible. While this is a
slight exaggeration it is only a slight one. At its base this is a trading network that spreads
throughout the entirety of human habitation on Callador and truly can ship goods to any location
you can conceive of their in. While this consortium begins with a medieval level of technology it
will retain any upgrades you give them between jumps. You hold a controlling interest in this
consortium and will retain such throughout your journey. Poor management will not bring this
consortium down but neither will it bring any profit your way. It possess a council that will
competently manage the day to day minutiae of running such an enterprise but, by themselves,
they have no inherent advantage in any market they operate in. This council will be composed
of individuals and species that make sense for the setting and will grow and shrink over time.
This consortium will seamlessly work itself into the background of any jump you enter and will
not meaningfully change the plot in any way, by itself. Any advanced tech or magic you give this
consortium will increase their capabilities but will not seem out of place to any locals. All
employees will change every jump so you may not use this to smuggle people between jumps.
You may not use consortium assets to store your things (except money). You may not use
company employees as sacrifices. You may not use the consortium to import items from past
jumps. You may not use the consortium to ship things through time. Post spark all the
consortiums you have created become united across the multiverse, although only the highest
ups in each one know this, and you will be able to draw on their resources from wherever or
whenever you are.

Noble steed and noble arms (100cp free noble): you gain the finest quality warhorse and
castle forged arms and armor suitable for the greatest of knights errant.
Domain (300cp free and mandatory Domain lord): This is a good sized estate located in the
area you started in, the particulars of which are up to you but shall not contain, more than
10,000 souls living within its borders (to start), may contain no more than two fortresses of note
(to start, watchtowers and the like don't count), may not contain more than two towns and four
villages (to start), may contain no more than two dozen yeoman's holds (to start), may not be
more than 50 miles across at its widest point (to start), may not contain more than two mines of
any note (to start), may contain no more than two mills, three smithies, one potter, one glass
blower, two temples (shrines don’t count), six inns, two liveries, two tanneries, one lumber yard,
two quarries, and no more than 500 men at arms (not counting militia) (to start). This will follow
you between jumps if you desire it and will retain any upgrades you give it but the people will
change between jumps, though they will retain their general sense of loyalty to you. You may
also import this land as a warehouse attachment if you so desire but doing so will preclude you
from importing it into a jump until post spark. This last function may not allow you to smuggle
extra people out of a jump and you may not import any of the people who live here as
companions but any companions you don't import into a jump are free to hang out here while
you are off adventuring across the multiverse.
Barony: (400cp free and mandatory Baron): your barony is made up of 6 domains that fit the
description of the Domain item purchase run by 6 loyal vassals and an additional domain that
serves as your seat of power that has all of the numerical values in the domain item purchase
tripled, in addition to containing no more than one citadel (to start), no more than two ports of
any note, no more than one city whose population numbers greater than 10,000. The maximum
population cap is also increased to 70,000 souls and the permanent men at arms no more than
4000 (not counting militia) (to start). This will follow you between jumps if you desire it and will
retain any upgrades you give it but the people will change between jumps, though they will
retain their general sense of loyalty to you. You may also import this land as a warehouse
attachment if you so desire but doing so will preclude you from importing it into a jump until post
spark. This last function may not allow you to smuggle extra people out of a jump and you may
not import any of the people who live here as companions but any companions you don't import
into a jump are free to hang out here while you are off adventuring across the multiverse.

Mages funny hat (free magi): you gain a funny hat of your own design that denotes your
position and power within your profession.
Warwand (100cp): a war wand is essentially a wooden dowel up to two feet in length that is
imbued with one or more offensive spells that can be discharged against a foe at need.
Warstaff (200cp): a warstaff is similar to a war wand but contains a much much greater variety
of both offensive and defensive enchantments to assist its wielder in battle.
Ironite (400cp free and mandatory highmagi): you have, in your hand, one of the most
powerful rocks on Callador. Acting as both a ridiculous source of power and a truly terrifying
spell magnifier this little green rock sets you among the elite of this world. Capable of such feats
as summoning fire elementals hundreds of feet tall, and leveling entire cities, with this you stand
very high indeed. This particular piece is about the size of one of the shards the dead god
hands out though you may make repeat purchases to double it in size or gain another of equal
A Mountain of Your Own (600cp discount magi): as a mage of great power you too now
possess a mountain of magical rock that has an effect of your choosing. This may be a second
snowstone deposit or anything else you can think of from rock that absorbs magic to rock that
manipulates gravity when exposed to magic. This may not give you a stone that manipulates
time or space but your mountain can contain gems that allow such feats of magic.

Available Vassals
Sworn Sword (200cp): create or import a companion with 800cp to spend on backgrounds and
perks from the commoner tree. Companions may not take companion perks nor may they take
Knighted Vassal (200cp): create or import a companion with 800cp to spend on backgrounds
and perks from the noble tree. Companions may not take companion perks nor may they take
Court Mage (200cp): create or import a companion with 800cp to spend on backgrounds and
perks from the Magi tree. Companions may not take companion perks nor may they take
Dragon friend (200cp): a friendly, if young, dragon to call friend. A massive, sapient, flying
lizard heavily resistant to magic, their plasma breath is capable of melting entire castles and
scouring vast swaths of foes. Your purchase of this will allow them to use their natural telepathy
to speak to you even within high magic zones.
Assemble the Champions (400cp): create or import up to 8 companions granting them 800cp
to spend on backgrounds and perks. Companions may not take companion perks nor may they
take drawbacks.
Call the Banners (600cp): import all of your companions granting them 600cp to spend on
backgrounds and perks. Companions may not take companion perks nor may they take

Until the end (+100cp): you will stay on Callador until both Shereul and Korbal the
Necromancer have been defeated
Sworn to war (+100cp): you have sworn to defend humanity against the threat of Sherul and
Korbal and will be expected to respond to any calls for aid from the front lines of the war. Expect
to be called to war at least once a year and to spend at least a season on the frontlines for each
Ire of the censorate (+200cp): the censorate will hunt you down as a violator of the Bans of
magic until either you or they are dead or shattered as an organization.
Wrath of the censorate (+200cp): the censorate shall never stop their attempts to kill
you through your entire time on this world even should you wipe them all out to the last
man you will never manage to stop these attacks entirely. (requires ire of the censorate)
Doom of the restless dead (+400cp): you have attracted the Ire of both Korbal and Sherul and
can expect them to expend significant resources hunting you down. They will not take the field
against you to begin with but be prepared to face them in combat at least once before your time
here is up.
Doom of the endless deeps (+600cp): your entrance into this world was not unnoticed by the
great powers and the sea folk are set on hunting you down and banishing you back from
whence you came. This may not seem like much of a threat since you are not truly of this
universe but this race has changed the course of the stars themselves before so i recommend
not taking their threats lightly.
Common trash (+100cp): throughout your entire time in these lands you will never be taken
seriously by those that are above your station in life. (commoner only drawback)
Wrong side of the law (+100cp): throughout your entire time upon this rock you will always
come out as the loser in any legal dispute you are involved in. While this is hardly a debilitating
problem for one of your power it will nonetheless be very annoying. (commoner only drawback)
Strong arm of the law(+200cp): now wherever you go upon this world the law of the
nearest sovereign territory will hunt you relentlessly for real and imagined crimes.
(commoner only requires wrong side of the law)
Dynastic feuding (+100cp): throughout your entire time on the world of Callador all of your
descendants and relatives will acquire a very annoying habit of challenging each other to
dynastic duels to the death. If you choose a drop in background this will apply to any lord you
find yourself working under. (Noble only drawback)
Ambitious neighbors (+100cp): most of the neighboring lands or baronies surrounding your
homeland are ruled by ambitious lords that will constantly seek to conquer your lands. No
amount of diplomacy (compromise, blackmail, or otherwise) will avail you of this until you have
soundly beaten them all at least once on the field of battle while personally leading your
soldiers. (domain lord or baron only)
Rival bloodlines (+200cp): In the past your family insulted one of the
neighboring domains so badly that to this day they seek to end your line entirely. To that
end they will seek to hinder you at any opportunity and will attack and harass you at
every turn in their attempts to bring your family low. In order to halt these attacks you
must personally hunt down and kill every surviving heir and conquer every one of their
domains through strength of arms, including every bastard any of the heirs have ever
had lest they take up the sword against you once the true heirs have fallen. You need
not make war on any noble higher than count in these attempts for they will see the
wisdom of letting bygones be bygones. (domain lord or baron only, requires Ambitious
Fresh faced recruit (+100cp): instead of having practical experience in the art of war magic
you have instead just graduated from Rlen Chor and have no practical experience nor a
professional reputation to fall back upon in a fight. (warmage only)
Renegade highmage (+100cp): instead of being sworn to the service of the Arcane Orders you
have acquired Ironite through other means and thus will be hunted by the censorate and the
orders unless you swear in to their respective guilds. Do not expect this to be easy for both
sides will distrust you immensely at the start and no amount of out of jump powers will allow you
to circumvent this through any method other than old fashioned hard work. (highmage only)
Dark highmage (+200): you have acquired a piece of tainted ironite chipped from the
great green orb himself whether through service or the spoils of war is up to you but you
you will have to contend with his influence on your mind for your entire stay in these
Lands and no amount of out of jump power will allow you to dampen his influence
Entirely.this precludes you from taking the domain lord background (highmage only,
requires Renegade highmage)

With help from:

Anonymous editors 1 and 2

Any magical school encompasses the entirety of the concept that could reasonably be
contained in its title.

V1.05 spelling and grammar,
V1.05 slight clarification on master craftsmen,
V1.1 added 6 new perks and general edits.

New perk ideas

Visit the yith
A hawk of your own
Dragon friend
Understanding of Hawking radiation effects and how to counter them
Old world knowledge
Kasari skills
God blessings

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