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Tips to improve our game. Reiner 11.08.

2021 Platzreife

1) Blumen immer im Kopf

Mistake to correct:

Thinking that you must do a shot and look were the ball goes immediately.

Sometimes, you look very early and therefore you don´t do a clean shot because the last seconds of
impact are not clear, as your head is already moving to look were the ball goes.

Wrong principle because if you do this, your focus is already in: “Where will the ball go” and the
most important is: “Where is the ball right now and how my impact in the ball will be”.

How to correct it:

It is very important that you take few seconds more even after you hit the ball.

The best way is to imagine behind the ball a flower, the one you like, or even better at the beginning
to put a small flower behind the ball.

Once you are approaching to hit the ball, look at the ball and the flower, but once you hit the ball
continue looking the imaginary flower where it was few seconds more.

With this we achieve few seconds, that are key because we are fully in the moment of the impact
and therefore, we minimize the chance of mistakes.

2) Give holidays to your right Hand

Mistake to correct:

Taking to strong the grip with the right hand. The hand that works is the one with the glove on it,
the other one must be relaxed and just accompanying but without any extra work to do.

How to correct it:

Relaxing the left hand and at the time of crossing the right thumb and the right index in the strong
grip, we must imagine that we softly hold a coin of 2 cents between our fingers. In a very relaxed way
but not letting the coin fall.

3) Breath and reduce the speed of the swing.

Mistake to correct:

Thinking that speed means power.

Speed means instability, means less control, means mistakes but not power.
How to correct it:

By reducing the speed of the swing plus maintaining a few seconds more the eyes in the impact of
the ball we significantly improve our chances to hit properly the ball.

There are less chances of bad movements because we control the club, the club is not controlling us.

4) “Wir spielen sicher”

No need to do big things just play safe and the best you can but without any kind of rush, stress or
thinking that you must do a Par in every hole.

5) See always the 2 first knuckles of your working hand (With glove)

This gives more stability to the hand that is making most part of the effort and give you more sense
of control when you are hitting the ball. With this we also achieve more precision if we want to have
a straight shot also.

6) Rotation of the club for chipping and complex deep rough or semi rough.

Big problem we all face every time, how to hit the ball.

If the ball lies in a nice grass, we play save. We take the shot normally.

If the ball lies in a deep rough the best is to apply all what we mentioned before, but also put the
orientation of the club to the left knee and the ball closer to the right foot

With this movement automatically the head of the club is rotating also and is vertical to the ball. We
must do like a brushing exercise to get the ball out of the trouble zone with a powerful shot if we
need distance or less in the case of a chipping but using the same principle.

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