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Omar Ward

Mrs. Bowman
Exercise Leadership
September 8, 2020

Fitness Plan: Full Body Strength Workout

Location:Seton Hill Athletes Weight Room
Total Time:1 hour and 10 minutes
Equipment: Squat racks, stop watch, Dumbbells, Physioball, foam roller, stretch bands

● For the participants to enhance their muscular strength in their lower and upper body
extremities and at the end to strengthen their abdominal muscles.
● They’ll be paired with a partner of similar strength attributes so they will have someone
to help motivate them metnally and physically and so they’ll have enough time to have
rests in between sets.
● Focused on good movements in the different planes to allow their mobility to be
enhanced also

Warm up: 15 minutes

Foam Roll- stretch bands-spiderman stretch, cat/camels, lunge stretch, skips, high knee, butt
Static Stretching as a group:3 minutes

Foam Roll Back 20 seconds

Foam Roll Hamstrings 20 seconds

Foam Roll Calves 20 seconds

Foam Roll Quadriceps 20 seconds

Foam Roll Hips 20 seconds

Spiderman Stretch 4 reps each legs

Cat/Camels 5 reps

Lunge Stretch 5 reps each leg

Dynamic Stretches as a group:

A-Skips 15 yards

High knees 15 yards

Frankenstiens 15 yards

Side shuffle to the left 15 yards

Side shuffle to the right 15 yards

75% run 15 yards

Workout:50 minutes There are going to be 4 stations with a 5th station at the end for Core that
everyone will do together. This will be full body so all of the extremities will be used, Upper
body, lower body and the abdominal muscles.
-There will be modifications at every station
● Take the time you need to have some water if you start to get tired.
Station 1.
Equipment: Dumbbells and medicine balls
● 1A. Goblet squats 3 sets 5 reps
● 1B.Standing Medicine ball Slams 3 sets 5 reps
Station 2.
Equipment: Dumbbells
● 2A. Dumbbell bench press 3 sets 5 reps
● 2B.Push ups 3 sets 10 reps
Station 3.
Equipment: Physio ball and for the pushup assisted a stretch band
● 3A.Physio ball leg curls 3 sets 5 reps (each leg)
● 3B.Pull ups (assisted if need be) 3 sets Until failure
Station 4.
Equipment: N/A
● 4A.Jump squats 3 sets 10 reps
● 4B.Body weight Reverse lunges 3 sets 10 reps
Station 5. CORE
● Front plank 45 seconds 2 times
● Side plank each arm 20 seconds 2 times
● Crunches 2 sets of 25

COOL DOWN 5 minutes:

● 2 minutes of jogging
● Child's pose 30 seconds
● Cat dog 30 seconds
● Walking 2 minutes

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