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Syahrul Khairah
Dusun Mon Buluko, Desa Li-Eue, Aceh Besar
23373 Indonesia
Mobile Phone: (+62) 812 6083 6569
November 8th 2021
INSPIRASI Foundation

To Whom It May Concern,

I am writing this letter regarding your job opportunities I found on social media about INSPIRASI
Foundation. I would very much love to use the experience I gained to join this position as Project Officer.

Personally, I am a result-oriented community practitioner experienced in providing administrative support

to complete projects. Since 2012 until now I am still working as a Radio Announcer, during that time I
often communicate and meet with various communities, governments, and other stakeholders. From 2017
until the beginning of 2020, it assigned me to be Station Manager, and I led approximately 35 people. In
my duty, I was in charge of all radio licensing by dealing with the government, building human resources
and good morale in the radio's scope to be accountable to The Director. I have strong capability in
negotiating with the government, institutions and with the community in order to make it deal with the
negotiation process related to achieving the major goals of the project or dealing corporation process.

As well, I have experienced as a teacher or a mentor. I was lucky to get a task to visit the outer islands of
Indonesia in 2017. This was a program under the Ministry of Marine Affairs where I became the leader of
my team to provide educational counselling, record health, employment data, and welfare levels on
Simeulue island, Aceh. We carried out every task in various fields, such as law, agriculture, education,
society, and the economy. With a good teamwork, in terms of communication, time management, sharing
roles and tasks, we completed the Ekspedisi Nusantara Jaya program well. On the other hand, I am a
person who interested in Disability issues. I become an editor of the FKM-BKU Aceh (Forum
Komunikasi Masyarakat – Berkebutuhan Khusus) in 2019. I joined the team that researched the
monitoring of justice reports for community development. We reviewed the implementation of
sustainable development goals and development justice for persons with disabilities and women in
Indonesia. Currently, I am developing an Instagram account as a form of my personal advocacy to raise
and present content on disability issues, under the name “Dekap Disabilitas”.

Furthermore, In 2021, I managed my international network to join as Program Director for an NGO,
called Al-quds Amaanati Indonesia-Aceh. This NGO works in humanity, focusing on the sustainability of
the Palestinian society. There I created various national and international scale programs to provide
assistance for the community. The help provided is as provision of food, education, and infrastructure.

Overall, I am a persistent, committed, innovative and hard-working person. I am always eager to learn
about social movement development. I wish I could join for this position as soon as possible. I would
appreciate the opportunity to discuss my qualifications further and possibly get the position. Please find
other mandatory documentation attached for your review. I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours very truly,

M. Syahrul Khairah

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