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Assalammualaikum wr wb.

Hello my name is risalia nur fendera, im a

student of architecture program, faculty of
engineering,muhammadiyah university of Surakarta

Im from klaten distric

In this video Im gonna to talk about Intersting fact about klaten city

Klaten Regency is one of the cities in Central Java that has a slick
achievement in various fields. There are several major economic
centers in Klaten such as the Convention Industrial Center, burlap sack
in Delanggu, Pottery in Krakitan and many others. This economic
potential makes Klaten more developed and developed. Not only from
the business sector, Klaten also get a lot of great revenue from tourism
centers. This interesting fact is quite amazing considering Klaten is only
a small district.

If you are curious about the interesting facts of Klaten city, the
following reviews will answer all your curiosity.

1. Klaten has two large temples

Prambanan Temple is located in two districts of Jogjakarta and Klaten

and Sewu Temple not far from the temple complex of Siwa. The facts
about Klaten that have two magnificent temples deserve thumbs up.

2. Location close to Mount Merapi

Not only Jogja residents who are overwhelmed if Merapi erupts, but
also Klaten residents. Klaten is located in the southeast of Mount
Merapi which makes the rest of the eruption as rain dust falls into this
small town.

3. It has three attractive downtowns

One of the unique facts about Klaten is that there are three advanced
sub-districts in this regency: “Klaten Utara”, “Klaten Tengah” and
“Klaten Selatan”. There is even a discourse to form the city itself which
consists of three districts.

4. Klaten was once an administrative city

Klaten was once an administrative city before the government finally

abolished the administrative city in 1999. The law prompted the city of
Klaten to rejoin Klaten district.

5. It has four area codes

Unlike other cities with only one area code, Klaten has four different
area codes. Klaten Utara has code 0276 because it borders with
Boyolali, Klaten the west and south has the area code 0274 while the
eastern border with Surakarta has code 0271. While the official code of
Klaten district is 0272. Very interesting, is not it?

5 interesting facts about Klaten may add to your insight into one of the
advanced economic-based districts in Central Java. In addition, many
Klaten tourist destinations that you must visit together with beloved

Thank you for visiting our website

Visit klaten – Klaten tourism and advertising map – Let’s Go To Klaten !.

Is a media of tourism information and advertising media in the area

klaten, surakarta, yogyakarta, boyolali and surrounding areas.

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