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7/24/2018 Angels – Part III

Bible Believers' Newsletter 1034

"We focus on the present Truth – what Jesus is doing now. . ."
ISSN 1442-8660

Christian greetings in the precious Name of our Lord Jesus Christ; we appreciate your
presence today around God's unchanging Word.

In "Angels – Part III" we continue our exposition of angels,

theophanies and demons, emphasizing the seven dimensions and
three heavens taught in Scripture and applying Brother
Branham's admonition: "in using God's Word there are three
things that you must not do. You must not misinterpret the
Word, and you must not misplace the Word, and you must not
dislocate the Word." In a zeal to follow the words of Brother Branham in his sermon "Christ
is the Mystery of God Revealed" and support him with the Bible some Brethren have
unintentionally overridden the "three must nots" showing "the letter killeth" indeed, but
God's love is corrective and "the spirit giveth Life" (II Corinthians 3:6).

Taking the letter of the Prophet's Message and the Bible I once fell into the so-called "Two
Souls," or replacement of souls error drawn from the Talmud "that makes the Word of God
of none effect" (Matthew 15:6). Consider the Judaeo-Roman Catholics and their apostate
(once) Protestant image who baptize in three Titles instead of in the Name (singular) of our
LORD JESUS CHRIST, and worship the Babylonian trinity of Gods; many of these good folk
are sincere, but they have neglected the "three must nots, and are "presuming" this is "the
foundation of the apostles and prophets" upon which Christ is building His Church when
these traditions did not arise until the fourth century.

This Newsletter serves those of like precious faith. Whoever will receive the truth is
welcome to feed their soul from the waters of the River of Life. Everything here presented
should be confirmed personally in your own Bible.

Your brother-in-Christ
Anthony Grigor-Scott

Evidence Hawaii Eruptions caused by Fracking

June 18, 2018 — The now non-operational Puna Geothermal Venture which once supplied
25 percent of the island's electricity is owned by an Israeli company linked to Rothschild.
There are some interesting hypotheses in the video. Eruptions from the volcano began on
May 3 . . . Lava from Kilauea volcano's lower East Rift Zone continues to inch its way along
the lower Puna coastline. "The ocean entry has expanded to the west, about 750 meters
(820 yards) from the Isaac Hale Beach Park and Pohoiki boat ramp . . ." Full story:,

Jewish Inquisition: Canadian Woman arrested in

Germany for Thought Crime, faces 18 Yrs
July 17, 2018 — In Germany, it's apparently socially encouraged to
flaunt one's sexual perversions, to capitalize on sexual perversion, to
teach children about sexual prevision and to look the other way when
migrants from second- and third-world countries commit grotesque
acts of sexual perversion and rape against their own young folks.

But heaven help you if you question the holocaust or use the J-word in
anything other than a flattering or sympathetic context. Financially
powerful and politically connected international Jewish organizations are conducting an 1/10
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international Jewish Inquisition. Within the European Union countries, it appears that
Germany is running the show—just as with most things EU-related.

Germany has become so oppressive that a person can't even joke around by making a Nazi
salute in a selfie without being arrested and threatened with a three-year prison term
and/or forced to pay a hefty civil penalty. It doesn't matter if you're a tourist or a German
citizen. It may not matter if your comments were made in your home country where such
draconian laws don't exist. It doesn't matter if your thoughts were formally published or if
it was just something you shared on social media . . . Full story:

UK and Ecuador conspiring to extradite Assange to US

July 17, 2018 — On July 15, the London Sunday Times reported UK and Ecuadorian
ministers at the highest levels are conspiring to evict Assange from the South American
country's embassy, given safe haven there in 2012. [President] Moreno lied calling
Assange a "hacker." He a publisher of vital truths imperial America, Britain, and their NATO
partners in high crimes want suppressed . . . He's an Australian national, abandoned by his
native country in deference to Washington . . . Wiki Leaks is a media organization,
publishing information it's provided, operating legally, stealing nothing, committing no
crimes. Yet it's unjustly targeted anyway . . . Full story:

The Holes in the Official Skripal Story

July 12, 2018 — "Russia has a decade long secret programme of
producing and stockpiling novichok nerve agents. It also has been training
agents in secret assassination techniques, and British intelligence has a
copy of the Russian training manual, which includes instruction on painting
nerve agent on doorknobs" — Boris Johnson. Backing for this statement is
alleged "intelligence"; unfortunately "intelligence" about Russia's secret
novichok programme comes from exactly the same people who brought you the
intelligence about Saddam Hussein's WMD programme—proven liars. Furthermore, the
question arises why Britain has been sitting on this intelligence for a decade and doing
nothing about it, including not telling the OPCW inspectors who certified Russia's chemical
weapons stocks as dismantled.

If Russia really has a professional novichok assassin training programme, why was the
assassination so badly botched? In a decade of development they would have discovered
that the alleged method of gel on doorknob did not work? Where is the training manual
which Boris Johnson claimed to possess? Having told the world—including Russia—the UK
has it, what is stopping the UK from producing it, with marks that could identify the specific
copy erased? . . . Full story:

Comment: Massive lies by perfidious Albion in their clumsy and stupid false flag op!
President of the Czech Republic, Miloš Zeman indicated he commissioned his
secret services to produce a report on the Russian allegation and it was probably
his country that produced Novichok.

Refiner in China replacing US Imports with Iranian

July 11, 2018 — Beijing is planning to slap tariffs on US crude oil imports and replace
them with West African and Middle Eastern crude, including crude from Iran, Oil Price
reported. China has already said that it will not comply with US sanctions against Iran and
it seems to be the only country for now in a position to do this. US crude oil exports to
China reached 400,000 barrels per day at the beginning of this month, but now Beijing is
planning to impose a 25% tariff on these . . . Full story: 2/10
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Expectations Vs Reality in Russia – the Truth about the

World Cup 2018
July 1, 2018 — Me and my father talk about our experience in Russia over the last 2
weeks and discuss how it was perceived back at home in England compared to reality in
Russia . . . Full story:

Robert Mueller: Crime Syndicate Operative

October 25, 2017 — When you consider Robert Mueller's background as a cover-up
agent, it's quite astonishing that any serious person would think that real truth will emerge
with him as "special counsel" overseeing the investigations into the dismissal of James
Comey and Russian interference in the 2016 US elections. The only real question is who
will he frame or throw under the bus, and how many billable hours will be awarded to
cronies . . .

Mueller and Comey are masters of the "just a coincidence" and incompetence school of
explaining events. It was because of errors and incompetence. Nothing to see here, move
along. Then, as with all Syndicate hacks who fall down on the job or affect oppressive
outcomes for the citizenry, these bad actors are promoted. Full story:

Were Jesuits Crypto-Jews? Did they stem from Kabbalist

May 27, 2018 — Ignatius of Loyola, a Spaniard from the Basque city of
Loyola, and six others, mostly of Castilian origin, founded the Jesuit
Order, or Society of Jesus, on August 15, 1534. Ignatius was a Captain in
the Spanish army, and the order demanded military discipline, blind
obedience and strict secrecy. The society was committed to accepting
orders anywhere and to endure any conditions. Without a doubt, the
Jesuits were hyper-active secret-society plotters and schemers.
Colloquially, they're referred to as God's soldiers, God's marines and The
Company . . . The society participated in the counter-Reformation and,
later, in the implementation of the liberalized Second Vatican Council. In
2013, Jorge Mario Bergoglio became the first Jesuit Pope, taking the name Pope Francis. In
1540, the Jesuits were approved by the corrupt Pope Paul III (1468-1549). He used
nepotism to advance the power and fortunes of his black-nobility Caetani-Farnese family.
He worked closely with Jewish usurers and bankers. Francis Borgia of top ranking Spanish
nobility was co-founder of the Jesuit Order. He became Jesuit General (Black Pope) with
substantial powers in the realm of assassinations and conspiracies and could now engage
in commerce and banking. The overarching goal was universal power . . . Full story:

'Jesus prayed more earnestly: and His Sweat fell to the

Ground like Great Drops of Blood'
October 23, 2017 — The University of Florence study, which was published in the
Canadian Medical Association Journal, explained that the twenty-one year old Italian
patient has experienced random bleeding episodes in situations where she is feeling
stressed or nervous, and this has been occurring on random occasions over the past three
years. A close analysis revealed that she was suffering from 3/10
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hematohidrosis, a rare condition in which a human being sweats

blood. Leonardo Da Vinci described a soldier who sweated blood
before battle. Jesus Christ experienced hematohidrosis while
praying in the Garden of Gethsemane before His crucifixion
as mentioned by the Physician Luke as "and being in
anguish he prayed more earnestly and his sweat was like
drops of blood falling to the ground" (Indian Journal of
Dermatology; Luke 22:39-44). Full story:

Angels – Part III

Brother Branham's sermon "Christ is revealed in His Own Word" contrasts the fallibility of
man's finite knowledge and intellectual reasoning against the infallibility of God's
unchanging Word. "When the Bible said that "John saw four Angels standing on the four
corners of the earth," that that couldn't be. The earth was round." But the Bible said, "four
corners." Well, now you seen, two weeks ago, or three weeks ago, it's been now, the
papers packing this article, they found out that the world is square. How many seen that?
Why, sure . . ."

Throughout the Book of Revelation John represents YOU and every

member of Christ's end-time Bride—not the Church Age saints. This is
so because the Bible was sealed until the end of the Laodicean Church
Age. Brother Branham was caught up into the Pillar of Cloud upon
Mount Sunset on March 8, 1963 to complete the constellation of the
seven stars of Revelation 1:16—the theophanies of the previous six
angels or seraphim who delivered "that which was in PART" to the
saints of their respective Church Age. Their alignment indicated "that
which is perfect or complete—Christ, the fullness of the Word—had
come," fulfilling Revelation 4, 5, 6, 10:1-6, and I Corinthians 13:10. Jesus told His Prophet,
William Branham, "return to your Church in Jeffersonville where I will reveal the mysteries
of the Seven Thunders which are the revelations contained in the Seven Seals, and your
Message should "finish the mystery of God" (Revelation 10:7).

The angel comes at the end of the Age and of all those born-again in Laodicea, he alone
will receive the revelation for the new dispensation—our present holy convocation, the
antitype of the fiftieth day of Israel's Pentecostal Feast. Brother Branham delivered these
mysteries to Pentecostal saints, but the revelation of the "letter" of those recorded
Messages was not sent for them. It did not begin to unfold until the mid 70s, and as
always, the revelation of the new Message created division because the Laodicean saints
could not receive it.

Revelation 7 is a parenthesis between chapters 6-8

showing what took place under the Fourth Seal of our
redemption. Brother Branham had been referring to
Revelation 7:1, "After announcing the first Six Seals . . . .
[insert YOUR name] . . . . saw four angels [Satan,
changing horses as he rode through the first four Seals
recruiting his subjects under spiritual, political, and
demonic power to incarnate himself after the Fourth Seal
when the Sixth Seal, Seventh Trumpet and Seventh Vial
manifest]. Standing on the four corners of the earth, [north, south, east, and west] they
restrain the four cardinal winds of the earth. [Winds signify war and strife; four winds
signify world war. Jesus mysteriously stopped World War I]. So that the wind should not
blow on the [US, beast out of the] earth, nor on the [Roman beast out of the] sea, nor on
any tree [the eleventh hour people (Matthew 20:1-16; Revelation 7:2-3) causing a
premature Armageddon]. At the start of the Sixth Seal Christ's Bride of all Ages will be
resurrected and glorified. In the first half of Daniel's Seventieth Week "Christ, the Son of
Man will send His angels (Zechariah 4; Revelation 11:3-13) with a great sound of the
[Seventh] Trumpet, and they shall gather together His elect from the four winds [the 'hot
stage' of World War III] from one end of heaven to the other" (Matthew 24:31). Following 4/10
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the utter defeat of faux Israel and the exodus of non-Semitic, anti-Semitic self-styled Jews,
Israelites unwelcome in the Muslim nations of the Middle East, North Africa and other
countries INTO the Land of the Covenant. Then in the second half of Daniel's Seventieth
Week we see the sealing and martyrdom of 144,000 elect Israelites.

[The world is of course square on a

Mercator projection like this United
Nations map illustrating "the four
corners of our [round] earth" whence
come wars. Brother Branham was
speaking metaphorically not literally,
explaining how the seven realms and
seven dimensions are all earth-centred.
Although Jesus is presently seated on
His Father's Throne in the seventh
dimension, the inhabitants of these
realms are in different dimensions
separated by diverse frequencies, and
as Son of David His throne will be on the earth with His people (Revelation

"See? I got it all copied off, just waiting for somebody

to say something. And they're going to find out,
someday, that they're not seeing a hundred and fifty
million years of light space either. They're going right
around in a circle." [That circle is God's first Bible, the
Witness of the Stars or Zodiac. It began with Virgo
and ends with Leo. The Sphinx has the body of a lion
with the head of a woman; the word means "to bind
closely together" and shows where the circle broken
by time will be healed, restoring us to eternity]. "You're going to find out, one of these
days, that when you go to Heaven, you don't fly off somewhere else. You're still right here,
too, just in another dimension faster than this."

"Right through this room [in another dimension] is coming colour.

Every colour, shirt, dress, whatever you got on, is Eternal, laying
right on records, going around and around the world. Every time you
bat your eyes, it's right on record. Television will prove that."

"When you are born, God sets a record on [mortal spirit]. It don't
make much noise for a little while, you know. That's the little baby,
till it comes to accountability; then the noise starts, he starts saying
things and doing things he has to answer for. And then when that life
ends, that record or tape is took off and laid in the great big library of
God. Now, how you going to get around it at the Judgment Bar? It's played right back in
front of you, every move you made, every thought that went through your mind. Can you
see that? . . ."

[Brother Branham proceeded to explain how the Messianic sign enabled him to see and
discern the thoughts of a man through the fourth dimension]. "Hebrews 4:12. "The Word
of God is sharper, more powerful than a two-edged sword, even a discerner of the
thoughts and intents of the mind." See? Goes way down into the mind, and pulls out, and
discerns. What is discern? "Make known, reveal out." And that's what the Word of God

"Today we say, "The Catholic church is the Word of God; the Baptists, the Methodists, the
Pentecostal, the tabernacle." That's wrong. The Word is the revelation; God, revealed
by the Word. No, we could [not] have got . . . any continuity amongst medics, amongst
scientists, different ones."

"If Einstein had only had the spiritual application, as he had the physical
application, as he studied the laws of light, and so forth, he could have told us
something. When I heard his message on that great center somewhere into the skies,
that, "Ever contacted with that center, you could create earths, do anything, and the power 5/10
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would be unlimited." See? He had seen that."

"You see these little pockets going through the air, they call "saucers," so forth . . . "Hear
all these people come up missing?" You say, "Don't hear from them; they're standing
there [in another dimension], and they're not there."

"That's the way the Rapture is going to be. One of them will drop right down, and this
[glorified] terrestrial body will take on a celestial body. And they'll be . . . hide, hair, or
bones left; it'll be transformed in a moment of time, dropping right out of space and taking
that Home. We see all this going on now, and the Pentagon wondering about these lights,
and mystic lights, and everything they're seeing in the sky. You seen they had one here in
the paper at Jeffersonville this week, and so forth, "a mystic light." So, oh, they don't know
what that is. But listen, little children, It's going to pick you up, one of these days. See?
See? Don't worry" (Christ is Revealed in His Own Word, p. 14:62-69b).

The Prophet proceeded to speak on "the investigation judgment" which was typed in the
Old Testament by the Ordeal of Jealousy (Numbers 5:11-31) the New Testament antitype
is the Seven Vials (Revelation 16:1-21). Remember, Jesus said, "As it was in the days of

In "Christ is the Mystery of God Revealed" (p. 80:607-608) Brother Branham said, "Did
you notice the Angels that come down, investigated Sodom before Sodom was
destroyed? . . . They were Lights from Heaven, that came down in the investigation
judgment. Look where they're all found. Around the Pentagon and things, they find them
[Billy Graham and Oral Roberts]. That's the world judgment, Sodom. And there is One will
be represented amongst the churches, will be Christ Himself, a-vindicating Himself [veiled
behind William Branham]".

In Luke 17:28-30 Jesus prophesied, "As it was in the days of Lot; they ate, they drank,
they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded [neither knowing nor caring that
God had sent three Messengers with warning and a way of escape before
destruction]; but the same day that Lot [a type of the foolish virgins] went out of
Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all. Even
thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed" [by the Messianic sign of
Hebrews 4:12 veiled behind the flesh of William Branham, as in the days of Lot He was
veiled behind the flesh of a created Man, and in the days of His flesh He was veiled behind
the virgin born Man.

The world is in a Sodom condition and in our day the three angels were Billy Graham, Oral
Roberts and William Branham]. "It's doing, the same thing today. It's an investigation
judgment. Why, after a while, the Church, when it can stay in that place, and every seed
has been brought to its spot, they'll be gone. They won't know what happened to them.
One will be going one way. See? One will be going over to the pastor's house, and one will
be going here, or down there, and, the first thing you know, they're not there. For Enoch
which was the type, "God took him, and he was found not." Come down to investigate! The
continuity, how the Enoch translation . . . the Word of God is so perfect, even to the Old
and New Testament, is two halves and one whole. That's right. Old Testament is half of it,
and New Testament is half of it; put it together, you got the whole revelation of Jesus
Christ. There is the prophets speaking, and here He is in Person; see, two halves and one
whole . . ." (Christ is revealed in His Own Word, p. 16:69b-70).

As we have explained in the past, the Bible is the story of God unfolding Himself
or changing His form from the eternal Spirit alone with His eternal thoughts to
the manifestation of those thoughts in the flesh of His glorified family, of whom
Jesus Christ, the last Adam, is the first born in this new creation of God-men
(Romans 8:29; Colossians 1:15, 18).

We know the angel mentioned in Revelation 1:1 was William Branham (1909-1965)
because the Bible was sealed to the time of the end "But in the days of the voice of the
seventh angel, [William Branham], when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God
should be finished, as He has declared to His servants the prophets" (Amos 3:7; Luke
17:28-30; Romans 16:25-26; Revelation 22:17-19). His Book is correctly titled: "The
Revelation of Jesus Christ"—Jesus Christ is the mystery of God revealed—not one of three,
or six of one and half a dozen of some other persons, but the One Person of God. 6/10
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William Branham was the angel who guided John throughout the visions of God
from AD95-96 when he was imprisoned "on Patmos Isle, for the Word of God, and
for the testimony of Jesus Christ." Brother Branham's ministry fulfilled all prophecies
concerning the angel to the seventh Church Age, and we learn from Revelation 4:1-2 that
"After the close of the Seventh or Laodicean Church Age John looked, and beheld a door
standing open in heaven: and the first voice he had heard [in Revelation 1:10] like a
trumpet speaking with him said, Come up here, and I will show you what must take place
after the seven Church Ages of PART-Word and Christ's Mediation for ignorance are
fulfilled. And immediately . . . . [insert YOUR name] . . . . was in the Spirit: and, behold, a
throne was standing in heaven, and One [not two or three] sat on the throne".

Christ did not open and reveal the Seven Seals until the last
saint predestined to the last Church Age was baptized into
the Body. God intended William Branham's Message solely
for Christ's end-time Bride; throughout the Book of
Revelation John represents those ordained to be baptized
into the Capstone of the Body of Christ in the antitype of
the holy convocation of the fiftieth day of Israel's
Pentecostal feast (Leviticus 23:16-22). So you can replace
John's name with your own because when he was caught up
in Revelation 4 every member of Christ's end-time Bride
was accounted caught up by the summons drawing them across the breach between the
Church Ages of PART-Word into "that which is perfect [or complete]" (I Corinthians 13:10).
John's rapture is your catching up by the "shout" of I Thessalonians 4:16.

Like Paul, Brother Branham was caught up into the third heaven and saw his
converts waiting in the sixth dimension as he explained: "Now since each of these
Messages is directed to the 'angel'—a very great responsibility as well as a wonderful
privilege is his lot. To these men God makes special promises, as in the case of the twelve
apostles sitting on twelve thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel (Matthew 19:28-30).
Paul was also given a special promise: that of presenting the people of the Bride in his day
to Jesus:

II Corinthians 11:2, "For I am jealous over you with godly jealousy; for I have espoused
you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ".

"So will it be with every messenger who has been faithful to the Word of his hour and his
Age. It will be so in the last day. It will be the same special reward that was given to Paul.
I think most of you remember how I said I had always been afraid to die lest I should meet
the Lord and He should not be pleased with me as I had failed Him so many times. Well, I
had been thinking of that one morning as I lay in bed and suddenly I was caught up in a
most peculiar vision. I say it was peculiar for I have had thousands of visions and not once
did I seem to leave my body. But there I was caught up; and I looked back to see my wife,
and I saw my body lying there beside her. Then I found myself in the most beautiful place
I have ever seen. It was a paradise. I saw throngs of the most beautiful and happiest
people I have ever seen. They all looked so young—about 18 to 21 years of age. There was
not a gray hair or a wrinkle or any deformity amongst them. The young women all had hair
down to their waists, and the young men were so handsome and strong. Oh, how they
welcomed me. They hugged me and called me their darling brother, and kept telling me
how glad they were to see me. As I wondered who all those folks were, one beside me
said, "They are your people".

I was so astonished I asked, "Are all these Branhams?"

He said, "No, they are your converts." He then pointed to one lady and said, "See that
young lady that you were admiring a moment ago. She was 90 years old when you won
her to the Lord."

I said, "Oh my, and to think this is what I was afraid of."

The man said, "We are resting here while waiting for the Coming of the Lord."

I replied, "I want to see Him." 7/10
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He said, "You can't see Him just yet; but He is coming soon, and when He does He will
come to you first, and you will be judged according to the Gospel you have preached, and
we will be your subjects."

I said, "Do you mean I am responsible for all these?"

He said, "Everyone. You were born a leader."

I asked him, "Will everyone be responsible? What about Saint Paul?"

He answered me, "He will be responsible for his day."

"Well," I said, "I've preached the same Gospel that Paul preached." And the
multitude cried, "We're resting on that" (An Exposition of the Seven Church
Ages, p. 209:1 – 210:7).

In the Old Testament, "paradise" was a place where the departed saints under the blood of
bulls and goats waited for their Kinsman Redeemer to pay sin's price. Somewhat like the
breach between the Church Ages and the Seals, an impassable chasm separated saints
from sinners in torment pending the judgment. If you recall the parable in Luke 16, the
rich young ruler in torment could see and communicate with the beggar Lazarus in
paradise, but could not cross the chasm. He called to Abraham and was recognized,
proving "they are not all Israel who are of Israel" (Romans 9:6). "And Abraham told him, If
they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose
from the dead" (Luke 16:31).

Since Calvary and Christ's cleansing of the heavenly tabernacle from the
accumulated sins of the Old Testament saints, paradise emptied out and is
replaced by the kingdom of heaven or sixth dimension which the glorified saints
entered after Jesus' ascension (Matthew 27:50-53; Acts 1:9-11).

Acts 3:21, "The [third] heaven must receive Jesus Christ [in the seventh dimension] until
the times of universal restoration of which God spoke through the ages by the mouth of His
holy prophets." This refers to the whole period between Christ's ascension and His second
visible advent when all the disorders of the fall have been rectified: not when New
Jerusalem descends upon the renewed heavens and earth.

Paul's soul was caught up out of his body into his theophany and he entered into the third
heaven in the sixth dimension of the new Paradise or Kingdom of heaven.

The first heaven is the clouds. This will "pass away" or change and be renewed (Matthew

The second heaven is the sidereal realm of stars, galaxies and planets.

The third heaven is the Place where Jesus' body is now. Hebrews 4:14, "Seeing then that
we have a great high priest, that is passed through the second or starry heaven into the
heaven of heavens (Deuteronomy 10:14), Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our
profession" (Acts 3:21; Ephesians 4:10). The Kingdom shall at last descend to earth as the
tabernacle of God (Gk.) 'naos' in Christ and His Bride (Revelation 21:22-24).

No longer a Garden of Eden but the heavenly city New Jerusalem on earth, in harmony
with nature and art—one vast Temple of living Word perfectly consecrated to God as seen
by Moses on Mount Sinai (Hebrews 12:18-24; Exodus 24:8-10; 25:9, 40).

As to the saints, "Christ has raised us up together with Him and made us sit together in
heavenly places in Christ Jesus"—your position in the Body as shown in this diagram
(Ephesians 2:6). "Heavenly places" is the believer's position in Christ "as He has chosen
us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame
before Him in love. He predestined us to adoption [recognition and placement] as sons
through Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the kind intention of His will, to the praise of
the glory of His grace, wherein He has made us accepted in the beloved" (Ephesians 1:4-
6). 8/10
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Revelation 4:1-2 shows that Christ's end-time Bride,

including those who have not yet recognized their destiny
and position in Christ, is accounted in the Capstone by the
'rapture,' for we are all members of one Body. And we are
in a contest between two spirits, one building His kingdom
by faith—revelations and visions in agreement with
Scripture from Genesis to Revelation; the other upon
reasoning, doubt and unbelief. One spirit is building up for
eternity, while one is building down to perdition.

There are seven dimensions and we mortals live in the first three dimensions of
light, matter, and time. We contact these dimensions with the five senses of our
corruptible flesh and the five senses of our mortal spirit. We contact light through our
sense of sight, matter by the five senses of our body, and time by all ten senses.

With our conscious and subconscious mind we can communicate with the fourth
dimension. Going up the Holy Spirit influences us in spiritual dreams, visions, revelation
and inspiration through our 'sixth sense': faith. Science has discovered and works through
the fourth dimension with radio frequencies for healing, x-rays, radio, television, radar,
HAARP, curing plastic dental fillings, and Quantum physics.

Above this is the sixth dimension where the souls of the born-again elect dwell under the
Altar of Incense that belongs to the Holy of Holies.

Above this is the seventh dimension or Holy of Holies where God and Jesus' glorified
body is.

Going down from our mortal realm in the third dimension to the fourth dimension we
are subject to demonic influences from the souls of the unjust in Hades, under the altar of
sacrifice as it were; men that have never repented and are in torment pending judgment.
Witches, mediums, pagans, the superstitious, and all who believe or minister false religions
communicate with evil in this fourth dimension. Demons know not the future, only the
folly of their own life experiences.

Beneath this is the realm of Satan or fifth dimension and souls that are imprisoned now
while they are alive, having come to the place of no more repentance.

Presently we are in training to know our enemy in the contest and our own strengths and
weaknesses so that putting on the whole armour of God we can defend our self and hold
the sword of the Spirit to the throat of the enemy with the firm strong hand of faith, not
reasoning (Ephesians 6:10-19).

The Holy Spirit is a Person, and Satan is a real

person. Demons are tormenters and you have
authority to cast out demons, but you must do so in
the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ and in an audible
voice because Satan cannot read your thoughts.

Demons can torment the soul in the spiritual

realm, preying on the five senses of your mind as
indicated on this diagram, raising doubts,
condemnation, memories, fears or regrets, even to
insanity in a genuine saint (Romans 7:9-25).

All souls are foreknown from the foundation of the

world—before creation. Genesis 1:27, "God created
man [out of nothing] in his [own] image [a spirit], in the image of God He created him;
male and female He created them [everyone of Adam's race]." God distinguishes (Heb.)
'bara'—creation from nothing but His thought, from (Heb.) 'asah'—planned making from
existing material on the sixth period or day, from (Heb.) 'yatsar'—actually moulding matter
into shape in time in the seventh period. In Genesis 2:1-7 God explains that until the
seventh period there was no vegetation for man, bird or beast to eat. After it grew He
formed man in His likeness; subsequently He formed the animals and brought them to 9/10
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Adam to name as lord of this earth (Genesis 2:18-20). Perhaps 130 years after He had
finished creation He (Heb.) 'banah'—made a by-product from Adam's bone and flesh a
continuation of the man called woman (Genesis 2:21-23; 5:1-3).

Then God made Himself in the likeness of man to redeem mankind, this brings us
back to Revelation 3:14 and Jesus Christ the first God-man. Living the revelation of
the Word for our day by the baptism with the Holy Spirit we are re-born as children of God,
males and females, under pre-eminence to His Word for dominion over earth and all that is

Demons can torment in the physical realm; disease is a spirit, an alien parasitical life
that feeds on and grows in your body. That spirit must obey the Christian. When a demonic
life is cast out, its alien body, the growth in your body is dead. If it is external it will dry
up, fall away, and you will feel well. But if the growth is internal you may feel very sick.
High fever confirms that your blood stream is breaking down those putrefying cells for you
to excrete, an encouraging sign that betokens God's answer to prayer.

Demons can also torment in the religious realm, so your life and conduct must
match your profession. In Acts 19:13-16 we learn how the seven non-Christian sons of
Sceva, the chief of Jewish priests in Corinth, attempted to exorcise evil spirits "by Jesus
whom Paul preaches." And the evil spirit answered and said, Jesus I know, and Paul I
know; but who are you? And the man in whom the evil spirit was leaped on them, and
overcame them, and prevailed against them, so that they fled out of that house naked and
wounded." The Devil knows his own and is not deceived by hypocrisy. nl1034.htm

Pass it on . . . please send this article to someone you know

Brother Grigor-Scott is a non-denominational minister who has ministered full-time since
1981, primarily to other ministers and their congregations overseas. He pastors Bible
Believers' tiny congregation, and is available to teach in your church.

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