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Jethro Porin

Math 212 Engg Data Analysis(prob.&stat)

E59/E3 TTH 8-9:30am (1st Sem)

Quiz #2 Engg Data analysis

1. Determine the sample size of each of the following, given the population size
with the corresponding margin of errors?
(a) N = 350; e =10%
N 350
n= n= =77.78∨78
1+ N e 2 1+350 (0.1)2

(b) N =5,600; e = 5%;

n= 2
1+5600( 0.05)

(c) N = 850, e = 8%
n= =131.99∨132
1+850 (0.08)2

(d) N = 2,500, e = 6 %
n= 2
1+2500 (0.06)

(e) N = 1,750, e = 9%.

n= =115.32∨115
1+1750( 0.09)2

2. A researcher is conducting an investigation regarding the factors affecting the

level of efficiency of the Municipal mayors of the Philippines. If there are 780
Municipal Mayors through out the country, then determine the sample size he
should use if he wanted to have a margin of error of 5%.

N 780
n= n= 2
1+ N e 2 1+780(0.05)

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