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Estudiante: Carlos Geraldo Cárdenas Tamayo
Docente: Carlos Eduardo Yungo Suero

a. Create a New Project

First of all, I created a new Project in

Studio Project Wizard

In this oportunity I choose my name to

Project’s name

Then just click in “Siguiente” button until


Finished to create the new Project, should show up the interface of program like this.

For I can work this lab, I needed to draw a geometry shape, and I chose an arrow and a
square, then I gave bulkiness for work in 3D
b. Define a section with direction NS
Select this optión and choose what potion
want to use, then select what kind of line
be need (H,V,P)

c. Define a section with 2 point The same operation that before step,
nevertheless choosing other optión (2
point) and take 2 point of the shapes

2 Point Horizontal View

d. Define a section with level 50 m

e. Move a plane each 12.5m

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