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Computer and Internet Literacy

Fall 2021
Mid-Term Quiz
Part 2

Name:Stefano Ferri

This quiz is individual. Please, answer the questions presented in this Word document. Rename
the document by entering your last name (e.g. Echeverria_Quiz1.docx).

Part 1 (20%)
From the list above, provide a recommendation for buying a computer for Video editing. Video
editing requires a high-performing PC and computing power to render and encode 4K videos
(usually large size videos). This software loads parts of the video in the RAM and process the
images in the CPU, and sometimes in the GPU (Graphical Processor Unit). the Write a
paragraph explaining why you would choose a particular computer considering the hardware
specifications (200 words).

I will truly recommend the first option which is the Razer Blade 15. I belief that this is a very god
option because of all the specifications it has. The CPU that is a Core i7 is very useful and has a
very good performance to process many types of applications, including video editing, this is
because the primary use for i7 processors is multitasking, rendering, and desktop virtualization. The
fact of having more processing cores and threads means that the processor will have a greater
capacity to process tasks simultaneously and this is the key to its use. Also, the graphic card is one
of the most advanced ones, because Nvidia goes for high resolutions, faster frame rates, and low
latency on different platforms. Specifically, GeForce RTX 3080, will allow you to play games at
1440p resolution and 120 fps on PC. Another important reason is the storage of 1TB, which is a lot
of storage, with this, the user will be able to store a lot videos and programs that will help in having
a high-quality video, which is one of the goals of video editing. Finally, thunderbolt is a very helpful
tool in video editing, because it has the capacity to offer high bandwidth, and if the number of bits is
higher, the quality of the video will be higher to.

Part 2 (10%)
There are different technologies for storage devices, namely magnetic, optical, and solid-state
technologies. Fill in the table below with two characteristics, two advantages, and two

Storage device Characteristics Advantages Disadvantages

Magnetic Is the most frequent They are cheap. Can be easily
storage device in Fast access and damaged
computers retrieval times
compared to other Fast access and
Uses magnetic storage devices. retrieval times
particle to store compared to other
data Slower access than storage devices.
Solid State Drives.
Optical Used to store HD Can hold a lot of Are more expensive
movies and other data than DVDs.
HD recordings
Offer high level of Due to its size,
Uses laser stability optical disks are
technology prone to loss and
Solid-state Are used as a more Very compact in More expensive
efficient and size and very than
portable removable portable magnetic storage
storage medium
High speed of data More vulnerable to
Memory cards are transfer and low abrupt power loss
used as a power consumption and electro-
convenient and magnetic fields.
portable removable
storage medium.

Part 3 (30%)
The following video depicts key events during entry, descent, and landing that will occur when
NASA’s Perseverance rover lands on Mars February 18, 2021. In the span of about seven
minutes, the spacecraft slows down from about 12,100 mph (19,500 kph) at the top of the
Martian atmosphere to about 2 mph (3 kph) at touchdown in an area called Jezero Crater.

a. Describe in your own words how the computational model works. What the computer is
trying to model? What information from the environment is needed? (10%) (150 words)
I this case computational model contains a high number of variables in how the mission will be
done. For example, the simulation is trying to model how would be the trajectory of the
spaceship, because it is important to enter the correct calculation in order for the spaceship to
have a safe and quick travel, also in the deployment of the robot that need to have a safe landing
in order to avoid any kind of damage in its equipment. Also, environmental simulation models
are tools that aim to simulate the behavior of complex systems based on physical, chemical or
hydrological data that must give a result about what consequences a new project or installation
could have at the environmental level. In this case a simulation would be very helpful, because it
is needed the conditions of the soil, wind and gravitational force of the planet with the objective
to have a perfect landing.

b. Complete the table describing the reasons for using computational models in this context.
If a reason does not apply, leave that space blank.

Reason Mars landing model

Existence Building a computational model may help researchers and engineers to

calculate the trajectory of the robot in order for the operation to be successful
Physical Computer modeling help in the physical realization, because it can be
realization simulated the building of all the robot and spaceship, which will help saving
Safety Since there are no living beings in the mission, there aren’t any kind of risk
in human lives.
Speed of The speed of these robots and machines will be very efficient, because with
construction all the computational models and programs available, the construction will
be faster and more efficient.
Time scale Computers can make a time scale of the time that the spaceship will take to
arrive in mars
Ethical behavior The use of robots will eradicate the use of animals in the space operations
Ease of If the results of the simulations are not the expected, it would only need
modification some numerical changes to modification the trajectory of the spaceship.

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