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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

edi t or i a l s

Illuminating the Potential of Pluripotent Stem Cells

Anthony Rosenzweig, M.D.

A classic joke often used to illustrate the nature systems recapitulate disease phenotypes. Several
of scientific investigation describes a drunk search- groups have generated patient-specific induced
ing for his keys under a lamppost, even though pluripotent stem cells, differentiated them into
he dropped them some distance away, because relevant cell types, and demonstrated that the cells
“that’s where the light is.” Similarly, since the time produced by this process still harbor the respon-
of William Harvey, attempts to understand human sible mutations6,7 and manifest the morphologic
cardiac physiology have relied heavily on animal characteristics of the disease.8,9 However, whether
models. Although much has been learned through this system could robustly and reproducibly model
these efforts, there are important differences complex physiological processes such as those
among species that reinforce the intuitive prem- seen in beating cardiomyocytes has been less
ise that it would be preferable to study human clear.
pathophysiology in human cells. In this issue of Moretti and colleagues assessed the electro-
the Journal, Moretti and colleagues1 elegantly physiological characteristics of cardiomyocytes de-
show the feasibility of doing just this by using a rived from induced pluripotent stem cells from
recently developed approach to turn a patient’s a family with the most common form of the long-
skin cells into pluripotent stem cells that can QT syndrome, long-QT syndrome type 1. Evalu-
then be differentiated into human heart muscle ation of an 8-year-old boy with a prolonged QT
cells (cardiomyocytes). interval led to the identification of a missense mu-
In 2006, Takahashi and Yamanaka reported tation in KCNQ1, a potassium channel that con-
that differentiated murine fibroblasts could be re- tributes to delayed rectifying currents involved in
programmed into stem cells capable of forming termination of the action potential and that has
all three germ layers; they termed these cells “in- already been implicated in long-QT syndrome
duced pluripotent stem cells.”2 The process re- type 1. With the use of skin biopsies, induced plu-
quired expression of a small number of transcrip- ripotent stem cells were generated from the boy
tion factors and was quickly extended to human and his father (who harbored the same mutation),
cells.3-5 Although much excitement has been gen- as well as from two healthy control subjects, and
erated by the potential for therapeutic delivery of were then differentiated into cardiomyocytes. Car-
such cells for tissue regeneration, considerable diomyocytes derived from induced pluripotent
challenges remain to make this a practical reality. stem cells beat spontaneously in a dish or can be
A more immediate application of this technol- paced to provide a standardized stimulus. Since
ogy that may also have important implications induced pluripotent stem cells can differentiate
for human health lies in the development of cel- into various cardiomyocyte lineages with distinct
lular models of disease genetically matched to characteristics, Moretti and colleagues used elec-
specific patients. Such models provide a human trophysiological measurements to categorize the
context for unraveling disease pathophysiology, cardiomyocytes that were generated as having
validating therapeutic targets, and examining the “atrial,” “nodal,” or “ventricular” characteristics
response to pharmacologic interventions. The fea- and then evaluated the “ventricular” cardiomyo-
sibility of this approach depends on how well such cytes at baseline and in response to pharmaco-

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

logic manipulation. The patient-derived cardio- of these diseases may require multiple cell types
myocytes manifested slower repolarization with or interactions that are present only in vivo. In
prolonged action potential durations and a highly some diseases, it even remains unclear which cell
specific defect in the particular potassium current type is most relevant. In addition, most diseases
(Iks) encoded by KCNQ1. Adrenergic stimulation are complex traits reflecting a mixture of multi-
(a recognized trigger of arrhythmia in patients ple genetic and environmental influences. In
with long-QT syndrome type 1) exacerbated the such disorders, as compared with mendelian con-
electrophysiological abnormalities in the patient- ditions (such as long-QT syndrome type 1), the
derived cardiomyocytes, and this effect was mit- effects of genetic variation are likely to be more
igated by beta-blockade (a mainstay of current subtle and difficult to study in cells derived from
therapy). induced pluripotent stem cells.
Although these results are largely confirma- Despite these challenges, patient-specific cellu-
tory of similar observations in animal models, lar models derived from induced pluripotent stem
such validation may be particularly meaningful in cells provide an important additional tool for the
the case of long-QT syndrome type 1, since rec- study of human disease. In the case of research
tifying potassium currents are quite different in on cardiac conditions, in which the availability
mice,10 a species commonly used for studies of and viability of human cardiomyocytes have been
long-QT syndrome, than in humans. Moretti and limiting factors, induced pluripotent stem cells
colleagues went on to show that, although the provide an unprecedented opportunity to study
level of expression of KCNQ1 in cardiomyocytes de- disease mechanisms and potential therapies in a
rived from induced pluripotent stem cells from human cellular context, shining a new and pow-
the patients with long-QT syndrome type 1 was erful light on some of the very processes we hope
similar to that seen in cells from healthy controls, to understand.
the distribution of KCNQ1 within these cells ap- Disclosure forms provided by the author are available with the
full text of this article at
peared to be abnormal. Additional studies in
From the Cardiovascular Division, Beth Israel Deaconess Med-
which either the wild-type or mutant subunits ical Center, and Harvard Medical School — both in Boston,
were expressed suggested that the mutation alters and the Harvard Stem Cell Institute, Cambridge, MA.
membrane trafficking of the channel and may act 1. Moretti A, Bellin M, Welling A, et al. Patient-specific induced
in a dominant negative manner when incorporat- pluripotent stem-cell models for long-QT syndrome. N Engl J
ed into the tetrameric channel. Ironically, these Med 2010;363:1397-1409.
2. Takahashi K, Yamanaka S. Induction of pluripotent stem cells
expression studies were performed in H9c2 cells, from mouse embryonic and adult fibroblast cultures by defined
a rat cell line, presumably because the studies factors. Cell 2006;126:663-76.
were easier to perform in those cells, underscor- 3. Takahashi K, Tanabe K, Ohnuki M, et al. Induction of plu-
ripotent stem cells from adult human fibroblasts by defined fac-
ing the technical challenges that remain in work- tors. Cell 2007;131:861-72.
ing with cardiomyocytes derived from induced 4. Yu J, Vodyanik MA, Smuga-Otto K, et al. Induced pluripotent
pluripotent stem cells. Nevertheless, these stud- stem cell lines derived from human somatic cells. Science 2007;
ies provide important proof of concept that car- 5. Park IH, Zhao R, West JA, et al. Reprogramming of human
diomyocytes derived from induced pluripotent somatic cells to pluripotency with defined factors. Nature 2008;
stem cells can be used to recapitulate complex 451:141-6.
6. Park IH, Arora N, Huo H, et al. Disease-specific induced
physiological phenotypes, probe pharmacologic pluripotent stem cells. Cell 2008;134:877-86.
responses, and provide novel mechanistic insights. 7. Dimos JT, Rodolfa KT, Niakan KK, et al. Induced pluripotent
Realizing the full potential of this approach stem cells generated from patients with ALS can be differenti-
ated into motor neurons. Science 2008;321:1218-21.
will itself be challenging. Working with induced 8. Ebert AD, Yu J, Rose FF Jr, et al. Induced pluripotent stem
pluripotent stem cells remains technically de- cells from a spinal muscular atrophy patient. Nature 2009;457:
manding, and the process of differentiation into 277-80.
9. Carvajal-Vergara X, Sevilla A, D’Souza SL, et al. Patient-spe-
specific cell types is incompletely understood, of- cific induced pluripotent stem-cell-derived models of LEOPARD
ten inefficient, and somewhat variable. It is im- syndrome. Nature 2010;465:808-12.
portant to note that there are many disease phe- 10. Xu H, Guo W, Nerbonne JM. Four kinetically distinct depo-
larization-activated K+ currents in adult mouse ventricular myo-
notypes that simple in vitro models may not be cytes. J Gen Physiol 1999;113:661-78.
able to recapitulate, since the pathophysiology Copyright © 2010 Massachusetts Medical Society.

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