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to stem to come or derivate from

sedentary lifestyle people sit for long periods or generally inactive.

obesity synonym of overweight
inadequate development obstructed growth
strain synonym of pressure and stress
symptoms indication of medical problem
impairment In health, a deterioration in the functioning of a body part or organ
poor diet food without necessary nutrients for the system body
convenience food food that is commercially prepared
addition it is a chronic condition marked by excess
to socialize participate in community activities

interpersonal skills synonym of soft skills

to underperform No have skills to get achivements

active lifestyle people do physical activity throughout the day

a regime strict instructions from the doctor

a programme routine to follow activities

to detoxify remove toxic substances from the system body.

Sponsorship companies financing people for deals

Participation to be in an event or activity

Competitive give all of you in an activity or situation

Ameliorating the physical effects decrease the consequences

Remedies a medicine or treatment for ills

An initiative a new process to achieve or solve a problem

Raise awareness signs of warning about the product

Champions a competitor who won the championship

Figure heads person that represent the company

Dependency something that is requirement

Pursuits act of searching or following for someone or something

to come or derivate from
people sit for long periods or generally inactive.
synonym of overweight
obstructed growth
synonym of pressure and stress
indication of medical problem
In health, a deterioration in the functioning of a body part or organ
food without necessary nutrients for the system body
food that is commercially prepared
it is a chronic condition marked by excess
participate in community activities

synonym of soft skills

No have skills to get achivements

people do physical activity throughout the day

strict instructions from the doctor

routine to follow activities

remove toxic substances from the system body.

companies financing people for deals

to be in an event or activity

give all of you in an activity or situation

decrease the consequences

a medicine or treatment for ills

a new process to achieve or solve a problem

signs of warning about the product

a competitor who won the championship

person that represent the company

something that is requirement

act of searching or following for someone or something

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