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Xavier University-Ateneo de Cagayan

College of Nursing
NCM 105: Nutrition and Diet Therapy

Assignment 1

Name: Andrea Colleen R. Glova_________________________ Score: ______________________

Year and Section: BSN 2 ND___________________________ Date: August 30, 2021__________

Food labels are primary means of communication between the producer or the manufacturer and the consumer or
the purchaser.

 To use one of the basic tool of nutrition as assessing the nutritional component of the food.
 To convey the nutrient content or information on a label.

I. Find a food product with food label. Take a picture of the food product and its food label. Put the
picture in designated box. .ND

Food Product

Food Label
II. Questions for Discussion:

1. Assess, how many serving in the food product? 7 servings. 2slices per serving

2. Assess, how much is the calorie per serving? 153kcal per serving

3. Is there a vitamin/s and mineral/s? If yes, what are these?

Yes. Vitamin A, vitamin C, Calcium, Iron, Vitamin B1(Thiamine), Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin), Vitamin B3
(Niacin), Iodine and Folate.

4. How the important to identify the basic tools of nutrition?

The major benefits of identifying these instruments include enhanced accuracy of food and nutrient intake
information through the inclusion of pictures of food to aid in portion size estimation, direct data input,
which reduces mistakes and interviewer bias, and immediate data analysis. Identifying the basic nutrition
tools is critical for us to be guided and live a healthy life as it sets standards for us consumers to consider.
A nutritious diet throughout life promotes normal growth, development, and aging, it  aids in the
maintenance of a healthy body weight, and lowers the risk of chronic illness, all of which contribute to
general health and well-being.

5. What are the benefits in reading the Nutritional Labeling?

It is essential that as consumers of these products we must check and read nutritional labeling as it
assists customers in making educated food purchasing decisions and in securely storing and using the
food they have purchased. As a consumer, we must make informed decisions about the food we
consume. Here's where food labels come in handy. They assist us in making educated decisions about
diet and health. Knowing how to read food labels also ensures that we get more value for our money and
protects us from misleading product promises. It also provides us consumers with useful information
about the product and how this would fit into their daily diets

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