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Jack Kerouac: was an American novelist, pioneer of the Beat Generation with his friends and

also writers William S. Burroughs and Allen Ginsberg. He is renowned for his spontaneous
prose. Considered the "King of the Beat's" author of the iconic novel of the beat generation
"On the Road".

1. What was the first book that struck you and why?
2. Who is your favorite writer? You can choose more than one and from all eras.
3. How have your writer friends influenced your work as an author?
4. Do you plan the stories in detail before writing them or do you let them emerge on the
5. Something you would never talk about in your texts?
6. What has cost you the most to write?
7. Have you ever fallen in love with a character?
8. How did you feel the first time something was posted to you?
9. Have you changed any endings after writing it?
10. Any advice to new writers?

1. They shared the same philosophy of thought and through their texts dealt with issues
such as drug use, sexual debauchery and the rejection of classical American values.
2. They used a very direct language and addressed crude themes. They were repudiated
by society and repressed by the police forces.
3. They were not people who wanted to gain power or wealth and lived day to day.
4. They had pacifist thoughts and advocated for homosexuals, feminist groups, and
people of color.
5. They developed a fairly deep spirituality, many of them were linked to Buddhism.

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