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Hello, Good Morning! I am Cindy Kate S.

Anana, and now, we are going to

discuss the Direct Quotation.

So first, what is Direct Quotation?

 A Direct Quotation reproduces word-for-word material taken directly from another
author’s work.
- This means that direct quotation matches the source word-for-word 
- If we mean word-for-word, it means that it follows the exact words or the passage
that the author provided, and also, you don’t need to change the words or paraphrase
the passage that the author provided.-

 Usually short part of the text

- It is usually a short part of the original text because we are just getting short part
from the passage which we often think is the highlight of the original text

 Cited part appears between quotation marks “ ” ”

- I think everyone in here already know what quotation mark is, uhm kanang kuhit.
- So since we are getting the exact words for the original passage, you have to
enclose the idea between quotation mark to show that the particular part is not
yours but from the other author or from the other source.

 Does match the original source word-for-word

- Just like I said earlier, direct quotation matches the source word-for-word, which
means it follows the exact words that the author provided

 Must be attributed to the original source

- This applies to paraphrasing and Direct Quotation, just like what Sam said.
- Your words should still be connected or attributed to the original idea of the text,
so do not change & and go far from the original idea

So now we are going to the steps/guidelines of DIRECT QUOTATION:

So the first thing that you need to do is:
1. Copy exactly the part of the text that you want to use
- Take note that in direct quoting, you are not allowed to change any word from the
part of the text that you will be using
2. Use quotation marks to show the beginning & ending of the quote
- Just like I said earlier, you need to put the quotation marks between passage to
enclose it and to avoid plagiarizing the other author’s work
3. Record the details of the original source
- This might include the author name/s, date of publication, title, publisher, place of
publishing, URL if it’s online and page numbers
- And also take note that indicating the page number is necessary in citing sources
in quoting

And lastly,
4. You have to format your quotation properly

So for formatting your quotations properly, here are some examples of Direct Quoting:
 If your direct quotation is less than 40 words, then original words or the idea of
the author will appear between the quotation marks.
- As you can see in here, the passage is enclosed quotation marks because we
didn’t change any words from the original text, but instead we get the exact
words & ideas
- We also use quotation marks to avoid plagiarism and it is also for the readers to
know that the particular part is someone’s idea.
- Most importantly we also need to include the name of the author and page
number, where you get the particular part of the message.

 And if your direct quotation is more than 40 words or more, then it should be
intended and excluded the quotation mark
- This means that you should start a block quotation on a new line and indent the
whole block from the left margin and not use quotation marks to enclose a block
- This is actually called block quotation
- As you can see in here, the passage has been indented because the words of
the source is a long quotation, but still the original words or the idea of the author
are still there though we excluded the quotation marks.
- And again, we also need to include the name of the author and page number, or
where you get the particular part of the message.

Lastly, when are we going to use Direct Quotation:

- Quote a text that conveys powerful message or will show less impact if it is
paraphrased or summarized
- Quote directly when you want to
a. Begin with your discussion with the author’s stand; or
b. Highlight the author’s expertise in your claim, argument or discussion
- If the author's opinion represents a large group of experts or scholars.
- It's hard to summarize the original paragraph, and if you do you will change the

And that’s all for today, Thank you for listening!

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