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SWS Generator for In-text Citations

What is the author's last name?

In-text citations require the last name of the author. If there are multiple authors, use the last
name of the first author. The author may not always be a person. An author can be an
organization, committee, or another group. If there is no author - reconsider the credibility of the


What number is the source in the Source List?

In-text citations require the number of the source in the Source List. A Source List is at the end
of a paper/presentation and lists all sources used within the writing. The first source used within
your writing should be the first in the Source List. If the source is not in your list - be sure to add
it now!


Are you summarizing/paraphrasing or quoting?

In-text citations for paraphrased and summarized content do not require page or paragraph
numbers. In-text citations for direct quotes recommend a page or paragraph numbers to show the
reader where in the source that the quote comes from. Page numbers are not required.

I am summarizing or paraphrasing:

I am quoting and this is the page/paragraph number:

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