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Student_ Gorodinschi Mihaela _________

1. Give the definitions of the following terms and write sentences of your own: (12p.)
staff -
the employees of an organisation

Example: You brief my staff on issues of national importance

compensation -
payment including salary and ther
incentives like stock options

Example: He did not know why he should think of it as compensation, but he did and it was

stock option - an options given to executive employees allowing

them to buy shares in the company at a favourable

Example: Maybe they'll give us stock options and we'll be rich.

motivate -
someone willing to work hardes
Example: The promise of money motivates them to be efficient.

authority -
the freedom to make your own decision
without having to request authorisation

Example: He was elected the Vatican's overall artistic authority.

pension -
regular paymnt made to a person after they
have retired from active work

Example: Lives in a small flat, has a pension and a small income from stocks

2. Change the form of the word in brackets and complete these sentences: (11p.)
1. Increasing salaries is only one way to increase ___motivation_____________.
2. Fear of __failure____________ is another way to inspire staff. (fail)
3. Many managers believe __employees_______________ cannot be trusted. (employ)
4. I have _an appraisal____________ with my six subordinates today. (appraise)
5. Did you hear about the basketball _____coach_________ who strangled a subordinate?
6. We are in danger of setting our ____expectation_______________ too high. (expect)
7. The board of __directors_______________ meets four times a year. (direct)
8. We like every member of staff to have their own
_____responsibilities______________ and independence. (responsible)

9. We encourage our employees to make themselves ___dispensable______________.

10. When business is good, fear is used less as a ____coach______________ tactic. (manage)
11. There was no link to ___performance__________________. (perform)

3. Complete the sentences with these verbs: (7p.)

do make meet take set have lose
1. Managers inspire workers when they ___ser________ a good example.
2. We can’t ___meet_________ the deadline. It’s unrealistic.
3. I think we’ll __make___________ a profit this year.
4. Most managers _____lose_______ their tempers when their team loses.
5. Sorry, but I don’t ___have_________ time to help.
6. It’s too risky. We can’t ____take________ a chance like this.
7. Would you __do_______ me a favor?

4. Writhe the correct form of the verbs in brackets, Present Perfect or Past Simple.
1. George Washington __was______ the first American president. (be)
2. I _have never been________________ to London. (never be)
3. We sacked_____________ 20 employees last month. (sack)
4. We ____have_sackedresigned________ 20 employees so far. (sack)
5. When leaving the company, the CEO ___has_asked_for_________ a pretty huge golden
parachute. (ask for)
6. The shareholders __voted____________ on the proposed pay deals at yesterday’s meeting.
7. I really liked our ex-leader, he ____preferred___________ to delegate responsibility to
subordinates and not to use his authority to control operations directly. (prefer)
8. Terror in the work place __has__resigned___________ a comeback these days. (make)

9. A photographer ___witnessed____________ the manager kicking David Beckham.

10. After many arguments, he __has_resigned___________. (resign)

1. Comment on the following in 200-250 words: LEADERSHIP IS THE CAPACITY


__.Leadership is the capacity to translate into really


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