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I. Short Response Test

1. What is linear programming?

• Linear programming is one of the simplest ways to perform

optimization. Its goal is to find the values of the variables that maximize
the objective function. It is used to solve questions on matching diets to
nutritional and other additional constraints with a minimum amount of
changes. It is also used in mathematics, and to a lesser extent on
business, economics and for some engineering problems. Through
linear programming, we can formulate our real-life problem into a
mathematical model.

2. How is linear programming used in the real world?

• Linear programming is a method to achieve the best outcome such

as maximum profit or lowest cost. It helps us to achieve or to solve
something in the best way according to what we want when there are
several constraints involved. An example of a real world situation which
uses a linear programming are the farmers. The farmers apply linear
programming techniques to their work. By determining what crops they
should grow, the quantity of it and how to use it efficiently, farmers can
increase their revenue.

II. Show your solution completely

1.) -3x1 + x2 ≤ 6

0 – x2 = 6
X2 = 6

(x2=6, x1=0)

-3x1 – 0 = 6
X1 = 6/-3
X1 = -2

(x1= -2, x2=0)

2.) X1 – 2x2 ≥ 5

0 – 2x2 = 5
X2 = -5/2

(x2= -5/2, x1=0)

X1 – 0 = 5
X1 = 5

(x1= 5, x2= 0)

3.) X = Wooden Desk

Y = Tables

Constraints: X ≥ 0

2.5x + y ≤ 20 — y ≤ -5/2x + 20
3x + 3y ≤ 30 — y ≤ -x + 10
x + 2y ≤ 16 — y ≤ -1/2x + 8

Objective Function P(x , y) = 3x + 4y

Solution: Make 7 desks and 4 tables to have a maximum profit of 37.

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