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Free Doll Clothes Patterns from

Bicentenial dresses for the fashion doll

Vintage doll clothes patterns to sew
Bicentenial Dresses

Fabrics: Light weight cotton

View 1 (seated figure)

Use pattern pieces: A, B, C, E, E2 and the mop cap and scarf

Bodice: seam backs to front at shoulders, add the neck facing, clip and turn and press.
Sew darts front and back and trim front darts.
Using pre-gathered eyelet sew to bottom of sleeves and than set sleeves into the bodice.
Sew side seams, clipping where needed for a nice fit.
Skirt: Sew the 4 panels together but leave 4th seam open. Gather to fit the bodice and sew on.
Sew up back to 2" of waist.
Hem bottom. Hem or fold back seam allowance for placket. Close back with 3 snaps.
Scarf. Hem the 3 sides or add a narrow piece of lace
Mop Cap: Add narrow lace and than gather with soft elastic about 1/2" from edge.
Note: You can use a tiny rubber band and zig zag it around edge.

View 2: (Middle of picture)

Pattern pieces: A, B, D, F, F2, F3

(Note) Dress doesn't have a point in front as the picture shows.
Dress is made much the same as View 1 with these exceptions:
Sleeve is hemmed first than a 2nd set of sleeves cut from a plain fabric were put under and pined in
place while they were sewn in arm hole as one.
Later before side seams are sewn gather it with elastic to fit waist.
Front Bodice: Sew backs to front and add facing than make your insert. Add a solid color fabric over a
print by gathering a strip 3" long and 1 1/4" wide. Gather on onle long edge, bnind than fit bottom in
and baste flat.
Set into neck and top stitch around neck stitching it in place. For the rest of the dress follow
instructions same as view 1.

View 3:

Make a tiny stirpe with white ruffles and straps and mop cap.
Pattern pieces: A, B, C, G, G2, G3, G4, and mop cap.
Cut all but G4 with stipes going up and down. Cut G4 with them going across and cut 1 more of B with
stripes going across.
Mop Cap of white made much the same as view 1 but the skirt has 5 panels. The one with stripes going
across goes in the middle.
Sleeves same as view 1 (cut your own ruffle 1" wide and twice as long as bottom of sleeve) hem and
gather to sleeve.
Bodice is done as follows: Sew darts in bodice first (front) sew the straps by seaming the seam opposite
fold. Turn and press flat.

Hem sides of bib gather straps to top of bib with fold to center on each. Now pin to bodice front., Sew
in straps at shoulder and add facing and sleeves and fnish as view 1.
Mop cap same as before.

(Note) You can make changes such as adding rows of lace ruffles to skirt to match sleeve ruffles. Using
two colors on view 3. Make the skirt fuller by using 6 panles instead of 4. Or add an over skirt of lave
by using skirt pattern and opening down the front.


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