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October 7th, 2016

Lawrence Wells,
Manager at Windows Unlimited,
Batak Street, No. 123 Medan
Dear Laurence Wells,
On October 7th, I purchased some curtains for my home and asked to have them installed the
next day. I was willing to pay the additional cost and was informed that the installer would
install them the next morning. When he came with my curtains, I was very disappointed to find
that not only were they different color than what I had ordered, but one of them was ripped.
I was looking forward to having the beautiful curtains I had ordered for my new home, but I was
very upset at what you had sent.

To remedy this situation, I would like replacement curtains that are the exact color I picked out,
and all of them should be in proper condition. I am also asking that the next-day the curtains
must be installed punctually.
I have already complained to the employee who sold me the curtains, Sally Sarah Eugene, but
she could not help me and therefore referred me to you.
I don't think this is too much to ask in exchange for the inconvenience this has caused me.
Thank you for your fast response in this matter.

Jane Dae

Students’ Union
 Englishiana High School
                                                                                                              November 9th, 2016

Dear all students’ union members:

Our Regular Board meeting will be held on November 18th, 2016 and you are welcome to
observe our discussions related to the items in the agenda. The Meeting will begin at 2:30 pm
in the K building.
If you have items that you would like us to consider for inclusion on the Board Agenda, please
send an email to and copy to our Students’ Union Advisor, Mr. Mujiono at no later than four days before the scheduled meeting. We will review the
request with the advisor and we may include as part of the agenda or refer to the advisor for
further analysis.
Best regards,

Gabriel Delgado
Student’s Union President


Kertosari Street No 87 Banyuwangi
No. Phone. (0333) 41678

Banyuwangi, April 7, 2018

No: 71/ SMAN 1 Banyuwangi / 15/2018

Attachment: –
Subject: Announcement

Parents of Class XII
SMA Negeri 1 Banyuwangi

With respect,
To increase the students’ knowledge of SMAN 1 Banyuwangi, especially class XII. So, at this time
we intend to conduct a field study for students of both social studies and science outside of
school. The event will be held on :

Day/Date : Sunday/April 12, 2018

Time : 08.00 - end
Place : Botanical Gardens
Event : Rare Plants Research
We hope you can give permission to your children to join this activity. Thanks for your

The Principal of SMAN 1 Banyuwangi,

Anton Jaya, M. Pd
Bandung, April 7, 2018
Dear Sir or Madam,
Principal Majalah Kita
Jl. Perjuangan No. 123
In accordance with your advertisement at Republik Post at April 6, 2018, I am really interested
in applying the position as a writer in Majalah Kita due to my qualified background as you
I have an ability in English writing because I am the student of English Study Program in
University of Muhammadiyah Metro. I won many English writing competition when I was in
senior high school. For further details, you can read my resume. Furthermore, I have been living
around Metro This may be a good chance for me to concentrate in this position.
I look forward to meeting you and encouraged to be interviewed soon. I can be reached at the
above phone number or email. Finally, I greatly appreciate your consideration.
Edwin Wijaya
Jl. Perjuangan No. 123
Jakarta, April 7, 2018
Mr. Bagus Setiawan
Customer Service Manager
Super Electronics
Pahlawan Street No 67
Bandar Lampung, Lampung
Dear Sir,
I am writing this letter to make complaint regarding the product that I purchased recently. I
bought a washing machine with serial number no. 1234.567 and product model no. 9876.432
from one of your outlet in Dirgantara Street, no. 15, Metro, Lampung.
The product did not work properly. Its water player cannot move and when it operates the
machine became very hot quickly. I have lodged a complaint on your customer service center,
but there is no respond or action taken till now.
I have been a customer of your outlet for long, but this incident made me disappointed with the
service you provide. Therefore, I ask want you to take an action to resolve this problem as early
as possible. I attached a copy of the bill and photos of the product.
Anton Jaya
Jl. Perjuangan No. 123

Jakarta, 07 April 2018

Kepada :
Tuan Bagus Setiawan,
Manajer Pelayanan Pelanggan
Super Electronics
Jalan Pahlawan Nomor 67
Bandar Lampung, Lampung

Kepada Yth,.
Yang terhormat,.
Saya menulis surat ini untuk mengajukan keluhan terkait produk yang saya beli baru-baru ini.
Saya membeli mesin cuci dengan nomor seri no. 1234.567 dan model produk no. 9876.432 dari
salah satu outlet Anda di Jalan Dirgantara, no. 15, Metro, Lampung.
Produk tidak berfungsi sebagaimana mestinya. Pemutar airnya tidak bisa bergerak dan ketika
beroperasi, mesin menjadi sangat panas dengan cepat. Saya telah mengajukan keluhan pada
pusat layanan pelanggan Anda, tetapi tidak ada tanggapan atau tindakan yang diambil sampai
Saya sudah lama menjadi pelanggan outlet Anda, tetapi kejadian ini membuat saya kecewa
dengan layanan yang Anda berikan. Karena itu, saya meminta Anda mengambil tindakan untuk
menyelesaikan masalah ini sedini mungkin. Saya melampirkan salinan tagihan dan foto-foto

Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini.

Anton Jaya

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