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This recruitment test consists of 2 (two) parts:

1. Diagnostic Flow Case

2. Answering Cases

Read and follow the instructions for each part carefully.

Submit your answer in a PDF file.

Part I
Diagnostic Flow Case

AI-Care is a healthtech application based on Artificial Intelligence to diagnose a symptom by

using a symptom checker. This symptom checker is addressed to the user in a telemedicine
setting. Please create an anamnesis flow to the specific symptom “Headache” and by
following these rules:
1. Systematic approach based on anamnesis (without physical examination)
2. Avoid using diagnostic assessment or tools such as laboratorium result or
imaging while making the flow chart, stick to developing the detailed anamnesis to
get as much diagnosis as possible
3. Every answer must be followed with more detailed questions or conclusion
4. The conclusion consists of a main diagnosis and several (min. 2)
differential diagnosis
5. Make sure the diagnostic flow and diagnosis given are the most updated
medical information
6. Avoid using any medical jargon that might confuse the user
7. Using Bahasa Indonesia is allowed, however using English is a plus

The following chart is a flow based on symptom “Kelelahan”

Please use this flowchart as an example and develop yours as detail as possible.
uafas sesak hoiponticoiodarrdarah’Amda:’Bla’
- Meras a in gin pi ngsan gagnoianya.te onhiasi.A aakan
diminum ”seur ur h‹dup. Pern'eriksaan dare h
bér1<a la diperlukan..untuk me m antau dosis


' WARN1N G !
poss‹bI e c au se: Mungk in Anda meng id a p
anernia. yait u kekuranga n piq me n
nemogiobin Dernbaw a oksi Oen dalam daralJ.
Anemia clapaI d' ise ba b ka n ol<• h berDa qai
penyebab Iain.
action Uokter akan me JaL tak an
peoJer iksaan darah uratuk me rna »tik an
diagnos a ini. Pada bebera pa kasus,
cnunqkin rnenierlukan beberapa pernebksaan
!aNjM£ an u n Euk m enemuKan [men y e ba
D r erj udirty a a nernia. Pe n an ua n an an
emia b i a sa nya per I u +J i k o mbina si
dengan penangana n penyeDa o \ ain yang
n4 enoa s ar inya

Adakah salah satu gejala ber• kut? possible cause: Beberapa jenfs obac
seperti Deca -broker wr1cadang bisa
5uI1L berkonsentras i
’ Kurang be re em angat actions:”Periksakan ke dokter. -Serrienta”ra
- H i I ang gaira h seks itujéñgañ’hentitan’pemakaianob’ét

Depresi bsa berkembangrnenadi


”’’:tenMa%nos :’’baJda%ram‹n)’’
Part II
Answering Cases

Candidate must follow the rules for answering questions:

1. Systematic approach and patient-centered. Always do the anamnesis.
2. Give relevant working diagnosis and differential diagnosis in logical sequence.
3. Mention possible causes and risk factors when applicable.
4. Mention diagnosis process and possible medical treatment.
5. Give possible home remedies for patients before going to the doctor, what to do or
what not to do for the symptoms.
6. Give relevant e-prescription if needed, with considering safety. Do not give
e-prescription for babies under 3 months old and any medicine that is forbidden to be
prescribed online (such as psychotropics, pharmacy precursor, etc).
7. Always mention red flags warning or referral to doctor if symptoms don't go away
or get worse or if a patient is worried.
8. Avoid using medical jargons, if any, then try to deliver it with common terms
9. Able to provide extra, related answers if possible.
10. Show professionalism and genuine care.
11. Ensure that the answers given are most updated.
12. Do not copy paste from any sources.

Please answer the questions using Bahasa:

1. Hai, Dok, Saya ibu hamil sudah 25 minggu. Saya ingin bertanya mengenai kondisi
saya. Saya 3 bulan lalu terkena covid, tapi saat ini saya masih ada keluhan pilek
yang kadang muncul, saya punya riwayat maag juga, dok. Kadang maag nya masih
suka kambuh juga. Kalau demam, saya belum ukur suhunya. Saya juga punya
alergi obat antibiotik tapi saya lupa namanya. Kira-kira apakah saya bisa vaksin dan
untuk meredakan gejala saya, dokter punya rekomendasi obat ga?
2. Dok, anak saya laki-laki umur 3 tahun, udah bisa ngomong, tapi kok dia cadel ya
dok, ngomong R nya gabisa. Berat badan nya juga susah naik padahal
makannya banyak. Ga pernah sakit padahal anaknya. Itu kenapa ya dok, kalo
cadel itu bisa sembuh ga sih, dok? Ada vitamin ga dok biar naik berat badannya?

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