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INGLES II Class 5.

UnitS IV, V. Congratulations!

1. listen the conversation
2. words and picture from conversation.
3. Use there is / there are sentences.
4. Use is there / are there questions 
5. Use the how much / how many
6. simple present: affirmative sentences.
7. Use your ,his, her, and our.

1. Identity and manage sentences made in the classroom, using there is, there are and
2. Identity and use personal pronouns to refer people using how many and how much.

3. Identity and use the there is / are to indicate the relationship between different
individuals and their personal information.
Dialog at a restaurant.
VICKY - Hi Rebecca.
REBECCA - Oh hi Vicky.
VICKY - How's your new house?
REBECCA - It's great.
VICKY - Is it big?
REBECCA - Yeah. There are three bedrooms and two bathrooms. There's also a
big yard and a swimming pool.
VICKY - Wow! Do you have enough furniture?
REBECCA - We bought some new furniture. There's a new sofa in the living
room. We bought a new table and chairs for the dining room and a
new dresser for the bedroom.
VICKY - When can I see your new house?
REBECCA Come over tomorrow for lunch and you can see the new house.

 Let´s practice the conversation

 Translate the conversation.

Use there is / there are sentences.

Las expresiones there is y there are hablan de la existencia o no-existencia de las cosas,
como en español y es el verbo compuesto haber o mas sencillo hay.

Por ejemplo…

Hay algo de café en la cocina. = There is some coffee in the kitchen

Hay dos personas en el ascensor. = There are two people in the elevator.

La gran diferencia con el español es que en inglés diferenciamos entre there is en

singular y there are en plural.

There is y there are para singular y plural

Usamos there is para singular (y para cosas incontables).

Por ejemplo:

There is a dog in the park.

There is a man at the door.

There is a gas station down the street.

There is a bus stop on the corner.

There’s some wine in the bottle.

Ejemplos de “there are” para plurales

Usamos there are con sustantivos en plural.

There are three bottles of beer in the fridge.

There are six cats in the living room.

There are several shops on this street.

There are some people outside.

There’re two new students in class.

La pregunta se hace colocando el verbo al principio de la frase, y la respuesta corta se hace

repitiendo las mismas palabras en singular o plural, positivo o negativo, según el caso.

Q: Are there any shops on this street?

A: Yes, there are.
Q: Is there any food in the fridge?
A: Yes, there is.
Q: Is there a message for me?
A: No, there isn’t.
Q: Are there any people on the train?
A: No, there aren’t.
También podemos hacer preguntas abiertas con how much, how many, etc.
Q: How many tomatoes are there in the fridge?
A: There are 3 tomatoes in the fridge.

Q: How many people are there on the bus?

A: There are 10 people on the bus.

Q: How much coffee is there in the kitchen?

A: There’s only a little coffee in the kitchen.

How much y How many (contable e incontable)

How much y how many se usan para formar preguntas…

Y la explicación corta es que how much se usa con algo incontable y how many con algo


Contables. Cats, chairs, students, etc.

No contables: Water, oil, money etc.

En la gramática, un sustantivo contable se refiere a algo que se puede contar, algo que
acepta un número y tiene una forma plural.

Ejemplos de sustantivos contables: two girls, three people, twenty-five cats, a million
dollars, two cookies, five bottles, four apples, seven gigabytes, sixteen potatoes, ten books,

Hago notar que People, es la forma plural de person, y así es contable.

Pero muchas cosas son incontables también.

Ejemplos de sustantivos incontables: rice, water, meat, money, time, fruit, bread, air, wine,
coffee, tea y mucho más.

Casi todas las cosas incontables se pueden contar de una forma u otra: two cups of rice, five
litres of water, three pieces of meat, two euros, ten minutes, six kilos of fruit, eight loaves
of bread.

Así contamos algo más específico: kilos, litros, barras de pan, etc.
Cómo usar how much y how many en inglés
Usamos how much y how many cuando hacemos preguntas.

How much = cuánto (se usa para preguntar la cantidad de algo incontable)

How many = cuántos (se usa para preguntar el número de algo contable).


Q: How much did your jacket cost?

A: Not much. I got it on sale last year.

Q: How many apples did you eat?

A: Not many. Just two, I think.

Q: How many cows live on your father’s farm?

A: Not many. Only 10 or 12.

How much es que muchas veces tenemos que entrar en territorio contable (incluso con
cosas incontables) para contestar con una medida exacta.

Q: How much meat should I buy?

A: Hm. I guess you should get a kilo.

Q: And how much wine should I get?

A: Get two bottles, just in case.

How much y how many en frases afirmativas y negativas

También podemos usar how much y how many en frases afirmativas y negativas – no solo
en preguntas.

I know how much you worked on this project, and I really appreciate it. (Hablando de
work, un sustantivo incontable.)

It doesn’t matter how many times you ask. The answer is no! (Hablando de times, que son
I’d like to know how many people are coming to the party. (People es contable, otra vez.)

Please tell me how much it costs. (Hablando de money, un sustantivo incontable.)

Los primeros ejemplos son afirmaciones, los otros son “preguntas indirectas”. Pero igual se
usa how much para algo incontable y how many para contable.

Simple present: affirmative sentences

El present simple es uno de los tiempos verbales en inglés. Su uso correcto es muy
importante porque se utiliza para múltiples situaciones,

El present simple en inglés es el tiempo verbal indicado cuando quieras expresar alguna de
las siguientes condiciones:

Dar a conocer acciones o estados permanentes

Ejemplo: Guadalajara is the capital of Jalisco.

Comunicar acciones o estados que se repiten en el tiempo

Ejemplo: Every four years is a leap year.

Transmitir rutinas, hechos continuos y que se repiten de forma diaria o con periodicidad

Ejemplo: I walk to my work.

Dar instrucciones o indicaciones.

Ejemplo: First, smash the potatoes and then pour some milk.

Mencionar hechos, compromisos o citas que ocurrirán en el futuro en una hora y día

Ejemplo: Next Saturday is my wedding!

Cómo es la estructura del present simple para formar oraciones

Este tiempo verbal tiene una estructura básica para sus modos afirmativo, negativo e
interrogativo. En la siguiente tabla puedes conocerla mejor.
Present simple: estructura

Sujeto + verbo + complemento


Sujeto + auxiliar do/does not + verbo + complemento


Auxiliar do/does + sujeto + verbo + complemento

Conjugación del present simple

Para utilizar de la forma correcta el presente simple en inglés no basta con conocer su
estructura, sino que también es necesario saber cuál es la conjugación adecuada.

I ___________ DO

You ________ do

He We

She does You do

It they

Completa las siguientes oraciones eligiendo la opción correcta.

1. ______________________ a book on the chair.

2. ______________________ any milk in the fridge.
3. _______________________ some tea in the pot.
4. _______________________ twenty children in the class.
5. _______________________ two beds in your bedroom?
6. _______________________ an Internet café in the town?
7. _______________________ three dogs in the garden.
8. ________________________ twenty cigarettes in a packet?
9. ________________________ a book about computers in the library.
10. ________________________ two rabbits in the picture.

1. _______________________________ brothers and sisters do you have?

2. _______________________________ did you learn when you were in the UK?
3. ________________________________ people are there at the party?
4. ________________________________calories are there in a cake?
5. ________________________________ money do you earn?
6. ________________________________ types of cheese are there in France?
7. ________________________________ languages do you speak?
8. ________________________________children has she got?
9. __________________________________ is breakfast?' ' It's included.'
10. ___________________________________days do you want to stay here?

a. Anne ________________ in a language school. (work)

b. She ___________________ a teacher. ( be )
c. She _____________________ English. (teach)
d. Her students ______________________from all over the world.(come)
e. Anne usually ______________________ to school by bus.(go)
f. On the bus she______________________ time to correct a few tests. (have)

Forma oraciones negativas.

1. The children ________________________ tired. (be/not)

2. Carol _________________________ any brothers or sisters. (have not)
3. I _______________________ milk. (drink/not)
4. She _______________________ maths. (like / not)

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