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Evolutionary Ecology of Marine Invertebrate Larvae

Ecology of Marine
Invertebrate Larvae

Ed i t e d by

Tyler J. Carrier
University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA

Adam M. Reitzel
University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA

Andreas Heyland
University of Guelph, Canada

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We dedicate this edited volume to the “Larval Marvel,” Larry McEdward. Larry edited
Ecology of Marine Invertebrate Larvae (1995), the first comprehensive edited volume with a
marine larval ecology focus. His keen interest and knowledge in the field started many
years before, and was nurtured under the guidance of Dr. John Lawrence and Dr. Richard
Strathmann. In the late 1980s, Larry organized a group of biologists whose expertise
included a diversity of topics centered around larval life histories such as fertilization,
feeding, development, dispersal, and settlement, which resulted in the publication
of Ecology of Marine Invertebrate Larvae. In the past two decades, this text has inspired
new and experienced researchers alike and brought a new generation of students into
the field. Larry’s passing in 2001 was a great loss to the field of marine larval biology.
We hope that the current volume, Evolutionary Ecology of Marine Invertebrate Larvae, will
continue inspiring scholars of the field to investigate the many marvels of larvae. We miss
you, Larry.

Benjamin G. Miner
Adam M. Reitzel
Andreas Heyland
Many of the authors of this edited volume cut our teeth on Ecology of Marine Invertebrate
Larvae (1995). The work of Larry McEdward as well as others of his generation and
their mentors built a foundation for understanding a diverse set of topics about marine
invertebrate larvae. With this formative groundwork laid, we have been able to pose
and actively pursue answers to difficult questions about mechanisms and evolution of
larval development and life histories; to apply our knowledge to systems beyond our
easily accessible nearshore environment; and to seek answers to pressing questions about
marine life in the context of our rapidly changing climate.
Diane K. Adams was a rising star in developmental and larval ecology who dove
headfirst into these difficult questions. In her short career, she significantly advanced our
understanding of the mechanisms that underlie phenotypic plasticity of larval feeding
structures and contributed groundbreaking work on dispersal of deep-sea hydrothermal
vent larvae. We will miss our friend, colleague, and collaborator, and dedicate Chapters
8 and 16 of this volume to the memory of Diane. We promise to keep tackling the hard
questions, Di.

Shawn Arellano
Justin McAlister

For more than a century, evolutionary biologists, ecologists, and oceanographers alike have been intellectually
stimulated by marine invertebrate larval forms. In 1995, Ecology of Marine Invertebrate Larvae, edited by the
late Dr. Larry McEdward, captured the fundamental phenomenon and tremendous diversity of reproductive,
biological, and oceanographic aspects of larval ecology. Now, more than twenty years later, this edited vol-
ume provides an update to many of the original 13 chapters, while also reviewing several branches of larval
ecology and evolution that have developed since. In Evolutionary Ecology of Marine Invertebrate Larvae,
authors review the origins of marine invertebrate larvae and the developmental mechanisms and ecological
factors that may generate this great diversity, and how these microscopic organisms feed, develop, and be-
have in the pelagic environment. Whether in coastal areas or the deep sea, larvae are exposed to a diversity
of environmental factors, which affect their physiology and development as well as subsequent stages of
their life history. Now, in an age of climate change, larvae face a warmer, more acidic, and more toxic ocean
than ever before. Responses to these plus many other stressors and facets of larval biology can be broadly
profiled, with current technological advances. This edited volume provides a major synthesis of an important
interdisciplinary field, as it aims to foster stimulating discussions centered on the evolution and ecology of
marine invertebrate larvae.

Marine invertebrate larvae, ecology, evolution, oceanography, life history

In the early twentieth century, the field of larval ecol- it provides unique insight into how gene regulatory
ogy materialized into an independent discipline of networks may have diversified over evolutionary
study. The following decades brought tremendous time in patterning the larval body. In Chapter 3,
advances in the appreciation and understanding of Dustin Marshall and colleagues revisit questions
larvae, including the sheer morphological diversity, of parental investment and life history trade-offs,
mechanisms of feeding, and processes of metamor- as originally addressed by Vance, McEdward, and
phosis. The conceptual framework of larval ecology others. These important questions, as they have
as a field was not summarized until the end of that for decades, continue to have a fundamental influ-
century, when the late Larry McEdward edited a ence on the life history theory of marine larvae. In
13-chapter volume entitled Ecology of Marine Inver- ­Chapter 4, Rachel Collin and Amy Moran primar-
tebrate Larvae (1995). Now, following more than two ily discuss transitions in developmental mode.
decades of development, we have decided to organ- Namely, while planktotrophy (feeding) and lecitho-
ize an update for many of the chapters featured in trophy (nonfeeding) have largely dominated this
Ecology of Marine Invertebrate Larvae as well as re- discussion in the past, a thorough phylogenetic ap-
views of several new directions the field has taken. proach, using broad taxon sampling provides excit-
Because many of the chapters in this volume are ing new evidence for how these primary modes of
highly integrative and cover many different species development and feeding may have changed over
as well as approaches, we grouped them conceptu- evolutionary time. Lastly, in Chapter 5, Jonathan
ally into four sections: (1) Evolutionary origins and Allen and colleagues summarize the current under-
transitions in developmental mode; (2) Functional standing of asexual reproduction by larvae, includ-
morphology and ecology of larval forms; (3) Larval ing the diversity of developmental strategies and
transport, settlement and metamorphosis; and (4) environmental factors eliciting a cloning response.
Larval ecology at the extremes. Section 2, Functional morphology and ecology of
Section 1, Evolutionary origins and transitions in larval forms: In Chapter 7, Bruno Pernet reviews
developmental mode: In Chapter 1, Claus Nielsen pro- fundamental principles for mechanisms of larval
vides an overview of the diversity of larval types feeding, as well as detailing the specifics for more
from groups of marine invertebrates as diverse than a dozen phyla of marine invertebrates. He
as  the echinoderms, crustacean, and annelids, as then compares rates of feeding and performance
well as emphasizes some of the central hypoth- for many larval types in nature. In Chapter 8, Justin
eses regarding the evolution of larval types and McAlister and Benjamin Miner outline the pheno-
how they evolved in the first place. In Chapter  2, typic plasticity of feeding structures in marine in-
Heather Marlow provides a detailed overview of vertebrate larvae. They discuss the evolution and
the evolutionary development of marine larvae. molecular underpinnings of this trait, as well as
She revisits the question, “What is a larva?” and proper experimental design and statistical analy-
guides her discussion by comparing specific sen- ses. Finally, in Chapter 9, William Jaeckle focuses
sory structures of the planktonic life form and how his chapter on the physiology of larval feeding: he
x   P r e fa c e

begins with the ingestion of a food particle or dis- the ABC transporters of echinoids. They provide a
solved organic material and ends with the delivery history of ABC transporters, discuss the utility of
and assimilation of the associated biomolecules. echinoids in ecotoxicology research, and emphasize
Section 3, Larval transport, settlement, and meta- the need to find complementary models. In Chapter
morphosis: In Chapter 11, Jesús Pineda and Nathalie 19, Elizabeth Williams and Tyler Carrier provide an
Reyns define and discuss larval transport, both as -omics-focused perspective on marine invertebrate
a concept and as a measurement. In doing so, they larvae. Specifically, they outline the use of a multi-
provide an overview of components of larval trans- omics approach in deciphering the molecular mech-
port, from behavior to advective and diffusive pro- anisms of life history evolution and the resiliency
cesses, as well as present challenges the field faces to environmental stress, as well as new fronts in
and emerging approaches to combat these chal- the field, including characterizing larval-associated
lenges. In Chapter 12, Peter Marko and Michael microbiota. In Chapter 21, we conclude the volume
Hart provide a lucid discussion of approaches for with a summary of its contents from Richard Strath-
genetic analysis of larval dispersal and population mann and Alan Love, who propose how marine in-
connectivity. They discuss the use of genetic data vertebrate larvae continue to collectively serve as a
in characterizing connectivity, the differentiation model for studying life history evolution.
of individual- vs. population-based methods, and The editors and many of the chapter authors
the utility of isolation-by-distance patterns and dis- who contributed to this edited volume would like
persal kernels. In Chapter 13, Jason Hodin and col- to acknowledge the impact that Ecology of Marine
leagues emphasize the integration of fluid dynamics Invertebrate Larvae (McEdward, 1995) had on our re-
and sensory ecology, across spatial and temporal search interests and, indeed, even on our decisions
bounds, in the process of settlement and metamor- to pursue science as a profession. We anticipate that
phosis to holistically assess how larvae use diverse research utilizing marine invertebrate larvae will
cues to find settling grounds. Finally, in Chapter 14, continue to grow, and just as the previous two dec-
Jan Pechenik discusses latent effects, the embryonic ades have opened up new avenues in research since
and larval experience and its influence on life after McEdward (1995), the coming years will continue
metamorphosis. He outlines how abiotic and biotic to bring new ways to understand marine inverte-
stressors that larvae face shape this experience, as brate larvae. If this book can have even a small im-
well as begins to detail how many mechanisms me- pact on promoting the growth of the field, then we
diating these consequences remain unknown. will feel this project will have been successful. As
Section 4, Larval ecology at the extremes: In Chap- a field, we still know surprisingly little about vast
ter  16, Craig Young and colleagues assess larval numbers of marine invertebrates, including whole
transport patterns in the deep-sea and the ecologi- phyla in some cases, and parts of the globe remain
cal and evolutionary constraints on such patterns. virtually unexplored. Lastly, marine invertebrate
They specifically hypothesize how these environ- larvae have at different times in history held par-
ments may select for specific reproductive and lar- ticular sway in the understanding of central ques-
val characteristics in these vast habitats. In Chapter tions in biology, ranging from macro-evolution of
17, Maria Byrne and colleagues shift our perspective life histories to cell differentiation, developmental
of larval evolutionary ecology toward the predicted pathways, and gene regulatory networks; the time
future ocean, by outlining how marine invertebrate may be ripe, again, for larvae to take center stage.
larvae are affected by ocean warming and acidifica- There are many people who contributed substan-
tion, as well as the interaction between these stress- tially to the planning and preparation of this volume.
ors. They discuss how a changing oceanic climate We first thank Ian Sherman, Senior Commissioning
favors poleward movement, and why certain larval Editor for Biology at Oxford University Press, for
types may be more resilient to these stressors than agreeing to undertake this project and especially for
others. In Chapter 18, Ilaria Corsi and Luis Fer- guiding us through the publishing process. Thanks
nando Marques-Santos discuss how toxicants affect to Lucy Nash and Bethany Kershaw, Senior Assis-
embryonic and larval functionality with a focus on tant Commissioning Editors at Oxford University
P r e fa c e    xi

Press, for their immense assistance in organizing Reitzel was done in the Department of Biologi-
this volume. Lastly, we thank the external reviewers cal Sciences at the University of North Carolina at
commissioned by Oxford University Press for this Charlotte and supported by a Junior Faculty Devel-
project, as well as the external reviewers as selected opment Award from UNC Charlotte. The work of
by the editors, for providing invaluable remarks on Andreas Heyland was done in the Department of
improving our original drafts of our proposal and Integrative Biology at the University of Guelph and
chapters submitted by the authors, respectively. at the Friday Harbor Laboratories of the University
The editorial work of Tyler Carrier was done in of Washington. We greatly appreciate the facilities
the Department of Biological Sciences at the Uni- and assistance from the staff at these institutions.
versity of North Carolina at Charlotte and at both
Tyler J. Carrier
the Friday Harbor Laboratories of the University of
Adam M. Reitzel
Washington and the Darling Marine Center of the
Andreas Heyland
University of Maine. The editorial work of Adam
The Editors

Tyler J. Carrier, BS, is an NSF Graduate Research symposia. Dr. Reitzel has received funding from
Fellow, an NSF Graduate Research Opportunity National Science Foundation, the National Insti-
Worldwide awardee, and a PhD student in the De- tutes of Health, the Human Frontiers Science Pro-
partment of Biological Sciences at the University of gram, and other organizations in support of his
North Carolina at Charlotte. research program.
He received his BS from the University of Maine He is interested in the ecology and evolution of
in 2015, was a visiting research scholar at Brown coastal invertebrates, particularly echinoderms and
University that summer, and began his PhD that cnidarians. His research combines comparative de-
fall. As part of his doctoral work, he has been a velopment, phylogenomics, and functional biology
visiting graduate researcher at the Friday Harbor to test hypotheses concerning the origin of signal-
Laboratories of the University of Washington, the ing pathways and mechanisms mediating organ-
Darling Marine Center of the University of Maine, ism-environment interactions.
the Duke Marine Lab of Duke University, and the
University of Sydney (Australia). Andreas Heyland, PhD, is an Associate Professor
Tyler has been the recipient of research grants in the Department of Integrative Biology at the Uni-
from the National Science Foundation, the Maine as versity of Guelph.
well as North Carolina Sea Grants, and Sigma Xi. To Dr. Heyland obtained his MSc in zoology from
date he has published six peer-reviewed papers in the University of Zurich in 1999, a PhD in zoology
international journals. from the University of Florida in 2004, and was
His research interests are in how oceanographic trained as a postdoctoral fellow with Leonid Mo-
phenomena shape evolution in the sea with an roz from 2004 to 2007 at the Whitney Laboratory for
emphasis on marine invertebrate larvae, as well as Marine Biosciences.
host-microbiota partnerships and how these rela- He has published more than 60 peer-reviewed
tionships promote evolutionary innovation. scientific articles, published abstracts and book
chapters, many in international journals such as Bio­
Adam M. Reitzel, PhD, is an Assistant Professor in Essays, Evolution, Evolution & Development, Nature,
the Department of Biological Sciences at the Uni- and Cell. He co-edited the book Mechanisms of Life
versity of North Carolina at Charlotte. History Evolution with Thomas Flatt. He is regularly
Dr. Reitzel obtained his MSc in zoology from the invited to speak at universities and conferences and
University of Florida in 2002, a PhD in biology from to review journal articles and grant proposals.
Boston University in 2008, and was a postdoctoral Dr. Heyland is interested in understanding the
scholar and fellow with Ann Tarrant and Mark physiological and molecular mechanisms under-
Hahn at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute from lying marine invertebrate life histories. Using a
2008 to 2012. combination of evolutionary-developmental biol-
Dr. Reitzel has published more than 60 peer- ogy, functional genomics, and physiology, his work
reviewed publications in journals such as Molecu­ examines the role of hormones in development,
lar Ecology, BioEssays, and Marine Ecology Progress metamorphosis, and life history plasticity in marine
Series, and has organized various meetings and invertebrates, such as echinoderms.
List of Contributors

Jonathan D. Allen  College of William & Mary, USA Luis F. Marques-Santos  University of Paraiba, Brazil
Shawn M. Arellano  Shannon Point Marine Center, Dustin J. Marshall  Monash University, Australia
Western Washington University, USA Justin S. McAlister  College of the Holy Cross, USA
Maria Byrne  University of Sydney, Australia Annie Mercier  Memorial University, Canada
Tyler J. Carrier  University of North Carolina at Peter B. Marko  University of Hawaii at Mānoa, USA
Charlotte, USA Benjamin G. Miner  Western Washington University,
Rachel Collin  Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, USA
Republic of Panama Amy Moran  University of Hawaii at Mānoa, USA
Ilaria Corsi  University of Siena, Italy Claus Nielsen  Natural History Museum of Denmark,
Symon A. Dworjanyn  Southern Cross University, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Australia Laura M. Parker  University of Sydney, Australia
Matthew C. Ferner  San Francisco Bay National Jan A. Pechenik  Tufts University, USA
Estuarine Research Reserve and San Francisco State Bruno Pernet  California State University Long Beach,
University, USA USA
Brian Gaylord  Bodega Marine Laboratory, University Jesús Pineda  Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution,
of California at Davis, USA USA
Michael W. Hart  Simon Fraser University, Canada Adam M. Reitzel  University of North Carolina at
Jean-François Hamel  Society for the Exploration and Charlotte, USA
Valuing of the Environment, Canada Nathalie B. Reyns  University of San Diego, USA
Andreas Heyland  University of Guelph, Canada Pauline M. Ross  University of Sydney, Australia
Jason Hodin  Friday Harbor Laboratories, University of Richard R. Strathmann  Friday Harbor Laboratories,
Washington, USA University of Washington, USA
William B. Jaeckle  Illinois Wesleyan University, USA Elizabeth A. Williams  Max Planck Institute for
Alan C. Love  University of Minnesota, USA Developmental Biology, Germany
Heather Marlow  Pasteur Institute, France Craig M. Young  University of Oregon, USA
C h a pt er 1

Origin and Diversity of Marine Larvae

Claus Nielsen

1.1  Introduction—Defining a Larva from planktotrophy to benthic feeding. This transi-

tion involves loss of larval feeding structures, such
Marine larvae have fascinated zoologists for centu- as larval ciliary bands, the velum in gastropods and
ries, not only for their beauty, but also for their in- bivalves, or long spines or chaetae in crustaceans
formation about animal evolution, about food webs and polychaetes.
in the plankton, and, more recently, about the gen- Metamorphosis may be very gradual, as, for ex-
etic regulation of development (Davidson, 2001). ample, in the Müller’s larvae of polyclad turbellar-
But what is a larva? (For an additional discussion of ians, where the larval tentacles are lost gradually
this issue see Marlow chapter in this volume.) (Rupper­ t, 1978), or “catastrophic,” where larger
Intuitively it seems easy to define a larva, based larval structures are cast off or devoured, as, for ex-
on observations of life cycles. Two main types are ample, in the annelid Polygordius lacteus ­(Figure 1.2F)
generally recognized: indirect (biphasic) life cycle and the phoronid Phoronis muelleri ­(Herrmann, 1979).
with a larval stage (morphologically and ecologic- A change of habitat/lifestyle, such as planktonic
ally different from the adult) and direct without to  benthic (free-living or sessile) or parasitic, is
a larva. However, even this simple distinction is observed in a majority of species. Only a few hol-
problematic. There are numerous definitions both of oplanktonic species, such as some heteropod gastro-
the term larva (e.g., Hickman, 1999; Young, 2002b) pods, have a life cycle with a planktotrophic veliger
and of the term metamorphosis (e.g., Bishop et al., larva and a carnivorous adult. One complication
2006). The typical indirect development of marine is seen, for example, in many marine gastropods
invertebrates involves an embryo (within the fertil- which go through a nonfeedin­g larval stage with a
ization membrane), hatching from the fertilization velum within an egg capsule and then hatch as ju-
membrane, a larva (with special larval structures), veniles without the velum (e.g., Littorin­a obtusata
metamorphosis (with loss of larval structures), and and Buccinu­m undatum; Frette­r and Graha­m, 1994).
a juvenile/adult (with special adult structures). In Galeodea (Cassidaria), the intracapsular veliger
This type of life cycle is shown, for example, in is even “filtering” yolk particles with the ciliary
many molluscs, annelids, and echinoderms. bands (Fioroni, 1966). Another complication is the
Hatching intuitively appears as a well-defined “metagenesis” of the medusozoans, where the larva
process, but the egg membrane becomes incorpo- settles and metamorphoses into a juvenile (polyp),
rated into the larval cuticle, for example, in annelids which then buds off ephyra stages rather differ-
such as Phragmatopoma, Polygordius, and Phascolo- ent from the sexually mature medusae; these small
soma (Rice, 1967; Eckelbarger and Chia, 1978; Smart ephyras (Figure 1.1D) are often called larvae.
and Von Dassow, 2009) and in gastropods such as As should be expected from a continuously
Ifremeria (Reynolds et al., 2010). Most often, meta- evolving group such as the metazoans, develop-
morphosis marks the transition from one lifestyle mental types do not fall into well-defined “boxes,”
to another, for example, from pelagic to benthic or so a pragmatic definition will be used here: a larva

Nielsen, C., Origin and diversity of marine larvae. In. Evolutionary Ecology of Marine Invertebrate Larvae.
Edited by Tyler J. Carrier, Adam M. Reitzel, and Andreas Heyland: Oxford University Press (2018).
© Oxford University Press. DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780198786962.003.0001
4   E v o l u t i o n a ry E c o l o g y o f M a r i ne In v e rt e b r at e L a r va e

(A) (B) (C) (D)

(E) (F) (G)

(H) (I) (J)

(K) (L) (M)

Figure 1.1  (A) Larva of the sponge Spongia ceylonensis (courtesy of Liu Li-Lian, National SunYat-sen Univ.). (B–D) Cnidarian larvae: (B) Larva of the
anthozoan Nematostella vectensis (courtesy of Gáspár Jékely, Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology, Tübingen). (C) Larva of the anthozoan
Isarachnanthus nocturnus manii (courtesy of Alvaro Esteves Migotto, Univ. São Paulo). (D) Ephyra “larva” of Aurelia sp. (courtesy of Peter Bryant, Univ.
California, Irvine). (E) Cydippid larva of a ctenophore (courtesy of Otto Larink, TU-Braunschweig). (F) Müller’s larva of a polyclad turbellarian (courtesy
of Kate Rawlinson, Cambridge Univ.). (G,H) Nemertine larvae: (G) Pilidium larva of Maculaura cerebrosa and (H) lecithotrophic larva of Pantinonemertes
californiensis (both courtesy of Svetlana Maslakova, Univ. Oregon). (I,J) Brachiopod larvae: (I) Terebratalia transversa (© Nina Furchheim), (J) Lingula
anatina (courtesy of Karen Chan, STRI). (K,L) Bryozoa: (K) Cyphonautes larva of Membranipora sp. (courtesy of Peter Bryant, Univ. California, Irvine). (L)
Drawing of the lecithotrophic larva of Scrupocellaria scruposa (after Calvet, 1900). (M) Actinotrocha larva of a phoronid (courtesy of George van Dassow,
Univ. Oregon) (see Plate 1).
O r i g i n a nd D i v e r s i t y o f M a r i ne L a r va e    5

(A) (B) (C)

(D) (E) (F)

(G) (H) (I)

(J) (K) (L)

Figure 1.2 Annelid (A–F) and mollusc (G–L) larvae. (A) Metatrochophora larva of Hydroides sp. (courtesy of Brian Nedved, Univ. Hawai´i at
Mānoa). (B) Large larva of a chaetopterid (courtesy of Karen Osborn, Smithsonian Institution). (C) Pelagosphaera larva of a sipunculan (courtesy
of Mary Rice, Smithsonian Marine Station at Fort Pierce). (D,E) Sabellaria sp. (D) undisturbed larva, (E) protective pose with spread chaetae (both
courtesy of Otto Larink, TU-Braunschweig). (F) Drawings of the pericalymma larva and its metamorphosis of Polygordius sp. (after Woltereck, 1902).
(G) Larva of a polyplacophoran (courtesy of Jenna R. Valley, Univ. Oregon). (H) Unidentified gastropod veliger (courtesy of Peter Bryant, Univ.
California, Irvine). (I) Veliger of the heteropod Carinaria japonica (courtesy of Jackie Sones, Univ. California, Davis). (J) Unidentified gastropod
veliger (courtesy of Peter Bryant, Univ. California, Irvine). (K) Veliger of Mytilus californianus (courtesy of Eric Sanford, Univ. California, Davis).
(L) Unidentified bivalve veliger (courtesy of George von Dassow, Univ. Oregon) (see Plate 2).
6   E v o l u t i o n a ry E c o l o g y o f M a r i ne In v e rt e b r at e L a r va e

is the part of the life cycle stage between hatch- and the adult—the intercalation theory, or by add-
ing and “metamorphosis,” where metamorphosis ing a new adult stage to the life cycle and retaining
marks more-or-less radical changes in both mor- the “old” adult as a larva—the terminal addition
phology and lifestyle. theory (Figure 1.3). The terminal addition theory
can be explained by adaptive evolution from small,
1.2  Origin of Larvae probably holopelagic, planktotrophic ancestors to
forms with planktonic, planktotrophic larvae and
It seems generally accepted that the ancestral meta- larger benthic adults, which could exploit a variety
zoan was a spherical, ciliated organism with direct of new feeding modes (Nielsen, 2012b). The inter-
development (Richter and King, 2013; see Marlow calation theory cannot explain the evolution of the
chapter in this volume for additional hypothesis), several specialized structures of the larval feeding
probably consisting of choanoflagellate-like cells, structures, which can only be of adaptive value
a choanoblastaea (Nielsen, 2008). The biphasic life when fully formed (Nielsen, 2009). A very illus-
cycle with a larva and an adult can in principle have trative example is the downstream-collecting cili-
developed in two ways; either by intercalation of a ary system of the trochophora larvae (Figure 1.4),
larval stage into the life cycle between the zygote which can only function when fully differentiated

Terminal addition theory


adult gastraea


planktotrophic benthic deposit-feeding adult


Intercalation theory


benthic deposit-feeding adult

Figure 1.3 Two theories for the “origin of larvae.”
planktotrophic benthic deposit-feeding adult The added stage of the life cycle is dark gray (modified
larva from Nielsen, 2013).
O r i g i n a nd D i v e r s i t y o f M a r i ne L a r va e    7

apical tuft


mouth metatroch gastrotroch

(A) (B)

Figure 1.4 The “typical” planktotrophic trochophora larva exemplified by serpulid polychaetes. (A) Light microscopy of Hydroides sp. (courtesy
of Bruno Pernet, California State Univ., Long Beach). (B) SEM of Serpula columbiana (Claus Nielsen).

(Nielsen, 2013). Further, an intercalation of the feed- development is well documented, whereas evolu-
ing trochophora larva would involve convergent tion in the opposite direction is poorly documented
evolution of the complex downstream-collecting (see the following and chapter by Collin and Mora­n,
ciliary system hundreds of times in a number of this volume).
phyla, which appears highly unlikely. Moreover,
it appears that the eumetazoans may have evolved
1.3  Variation in Larval Types
from larvae of a poriferan or a poriferan ancestor,
because the choanoflagellates and the adult sponges As mentioned earlier, invertebrate larvae show an
have undulatory cilia, whereas the sponge larvae immense diversity (Levin and Bridges, 1995). This
and most of the eumetazoans, both larvae and brief discussion will center around the variation in
adults, have “effective stroke cilia” (Nielsen, 2012a). developmental types: planktotrophic-lecithotrophic-
The new hypothesis proposing that the ctenophores direct, but special larval structures which protect
are the sister group of all other metazoans (Ryan et the larvae from predation is amply demonstrated
al., 2013; Moroz et al., 2014) is still much discussed through the illustrations.
(Pisani et al., 2015). It is not important for the pre- The developmental type varies in several of the
sent discussion. larger clades. Ciliated “primary” larvae are found
Direct development is found in many metazoan in many clades, but, for example, all ecdysozoan
lineages, and is prevalent in small, interstitial spe- larvae are characterized as secondary larvae be-
cies. This lifestyle and developmental type, perhaps cause they lack ciliated epithelia (Hadfield et al.,
originating in anaerobic environments, has been 2001). Direct development is found in most free-
interpreted as ancestral (Boaden, 1989) and is still living platyhelminth groups, but planktotrophic
discussed (Laumer et al., 2015), but this would im- larvae are found in some polyclads (Figure 1.1F).
ply that the planktotrophic larval stages with com- Cephalopods are almost exclusively direct develop-
plicated feeding structures characteristic of many ers, but species of the family Chirotheuthidae have
phyla have evolved convergently numerous times. a “paralarva” stage with a very special morphol-
It should be mentioned that evolution of non- ogy, which was originally described as a separate
planktotroph­y in clades with mainly planktotrophic genus, Doratopsis (Young, 1991). The ascidians are
8   E v o l u t i o n a ry E c o l o g y o f M a r i ne In v e rt e b r at e L a r va e

especially interesting, because most species have a contain embryos with completely different develop-
life cycle with a tadpole larva, but a number of spe- mental types, direct-developing embryos which feed
cies of the families Molgulidae and Styelidae have on nurse eggs/embryos and embryos which hatch
“anuran” larvae without the tail (Hadfield et al., as planktotrophic veligers (McDonald et al., 2014).
1995). Experimental work has demonstrated that There seems to be no intermediate embryo types, so
the silencing of just one gene changes the develop- this must be interpreted as a genetic shift similar to
mental type from the “tailed” to the “tail-less” type that observed in some ascidians, where tailed, plank-
(Swalla and Jeffery, 1996), and this, together with tonic and anuran (tail-less), benthic larvae are found
the scattered occurrence of the anuran larval type in in closely related species of ascidians (see earlier). It
the two families, shows that the direct-developing must be assumed that in the poecilogenous species,
type can easily change from the indirect, whereas all the fertilized eggs contain the genetic informa-
evolution in the opposite direction is not known. tion for making a trochophora larva, but that this
Many marine larvae are planktotrophic, that is, is somehow switched off in the direct-developing
they depend on feeding in the plankton, whereas embryos. This is a further indication that the indi-
others are lecithotrophic, that is, they contain suf- rect development with planktotrophic larvae is the
ficient yolk for the whole planktonic development ancestral developmental type at least in the bilate-
until metamorphosis. However, a few species are rians. The gastropod Alderia willowi shows seasonal
facultative planktotrophs—they may develop changes in developmental type, with smaller eggs
through metamorphosis to juveniles without feed- producing planktotrophic larvae being most com-
ing, but if food is available they feed and grow to a mon in the summer months and larger eggs pro-
larger size before metamorphosis, for example, the ducing lecithotrophic larvae more common in the
echinoid Brisaster latifrons (Hart, 1996). winter; intermediate development occurs but is rare,
It appears that lecithotrophy has evolved in many and experiments show that the developmental type
smaller or larger lineages, for example, many times is environmentally induced (Krug et al., 2012).
within the gastropod family Littorinidae (Reid,
1989), and larger groups as cephalopods (although
this does of course depend on the interpretation of 1.4  An Overview of the Diversity
mollusc phylogeny). There is no well-documented of Marine Larvae
example of an evolution in the opposite direction.
The re-evolution of planktotrophy in some littorinid Many animal phyla show examples of both indirect
lineages and in Crepidula is a simple “reactivation” and direct development, and many groups have
of the ciliated velum present in species with intraca- characteristic larvae, which have been given spe-
psular development (Collin et al., 2007; Nielsen, cial names, in some cases because the larvae could
2013). Independent evolution of lecithotrophy has not be linked with the adults. An example is the
been directly demonstrated by the rich fossil record actinotroch, which was described long before the
of spatangoid echinoids, where lecithotrophy has adult Phoronis was discovered. A large selection of
evolved independently in five lineages (Cunning- larvae is pictured in the Atlas of Marine Invertebrate
ham and Abt, 2009). Larvae (Young, 2002a).
Another illuminating example is the rare type Porifera: The compact, almost completely cili-
of development called poecilogony (Knott and ated, lecithotrophic larvae can be difficult to distin-
McHugh, 2012), where a species shows two types of guish from other small ciliated larvae (Ereskovsky,
development, either in different periods of the year 2010). Some demosponge larvae show a ring of
or even within the same egg capsule. The annelid Py- longer, photosensitive cilia around the posterior
gospio elegans deposits egg masses in their tube, and pole (Figure 1.1A).
each egg cocoon may contain embryos of the usual Cnidaria: Almost all cnidarians have spherical
feeding trochophora type and almost globular, yolky to ellipsoidal, ciliated planula larvae, which are
embryos (Rasmussen, 1973) (Figure 1.4). Also, the difficult to identify; some of the anthozoan lar-
egg capsules of the gastropod Calyptraea lichen may vae are planktotrophic (Figure 1.1B). Among the
O r i g i n a nd D i v e r s i t y o f M a r i ne L a r va e    9

anthozoans some cerianthids have juvenile pelagic

polyps (Figure 1.1C) and some zoanthids have
zoanthina or zoanthella larvae with special cili-
ary bands (Martin and Koss, 2002). In the hydroid
Tubularia, the embryos grow to a polypide-like,
free-swimming stage called actinula (Martin and
Koss, 2002). The scyphozoan polyps bud off stacks
of ephyra “larvae” (Figure 1.1D), which during
growth gradually transform into the adult medusa.
Ctenophora: Adult ctenophores show a wide mor-
phological variation, from spherical types (e.g.,
Pleurobrachia) to blown-up types with large oral lap-
pets, found in both planktonic types (e.g., Bolinop- Figure 1.5 Poecilogeny. Egg capsule of the polychaete Polydora
sis) and creeping types (e.g., Coeloplana), and even ciliata containing a fully differentiated trochophora larva and three
leathery, sessile types such as Tjalfiella (Mortensen, bumpy lecithotrophic embryos (from Rasmussen, 1973).
1912). However, all types show a characteristic “cy-
dippid” larval stage when hatching (Martindale,
2002) (Figure 1.1E), and all feed on smaller or larger Mollusca: Solenogasters, caudofoveates, poly-
plankton organisms. placophorans, and schaphopods have lecitho-
trophic larvae with only the prototroch, for
example, in polyplacophorans, (Figure 1.2G)
1.4.1  Spiralia (Lophotrochozoa)
or prototroch and telotroch, for example, in so-
Many spiralians have indirect development with lenogasters (Okusu, 2002). Cephalopods have
characteristic, ciliated larval types, but direct devel- direct development. Gastropods have plank-
opment is characteristic of the phyla Gastrotricha, totrophic or lecithotrophic veliger larvae, but
Gnathostomulida, Micrognathozoa, and Rotifera some of the lecithotrophic veligers lose the ve-
(Nielsen, 2012a). lum before hatching from the egg capsule. Most
Annelida: Annelids show a wide variety of devel- of the planktotrophic veligers show a velum
opmental types. Some have filter-feeding, almost with small rounded or oval lobes, but a number
schematic trochophora larvae (Figure 1.5), feeding of species have the velum extended into long
with a downstream-collecting ciliary system of pro- lappets (Figure 1.2H–J). The veligers are ciliary
totroch, metatroch, and adoral ciliary zone (Riisgård feeders using a downstream-collecting system
et al., 2000), but many are lecithotrophic with only (Riisgård et al., 2000). Protobranch bivalves have
one or two prominent ciliary bands, prototroch or pericalymma larvae, where the huge prototroch
telotroch, and some capture larger organisms with cells cover the remaining parts of the larval body
palps or other structures, for example, the larva of (Zardus and Morse, 1998), whereas almost all
Magelona (Lebour, 2009). A special type is the perica- autobranchs have veliger larvae, usually with a
lymma larva, in which the “adult” body develops in small roundish or bilobed velum (Figure 1.2K,L).
a deep invagination. In Polygordius and Eulalia, where Nemertea: Many nemertines have lecithotrophic
the body below the metatroch develops in the invagi- development (Figure 1.1H), but a number of the
nation, the main part of the adult body is covered by pilidiophorans have indirect development with
a “serosa.” At metamorphosis, the larval structures, the characteristic planktotrophic pilidium larvae
including the large prototroch, are shed and may be (Figure 1.1G). Feeding by the pilidia of the species
devoured (Figure 1.2F). In the planktotrophic larva of Micrura alaskensis was described by von Dassow
the annelid Owenia, the part of the body behind the et al., (2013). Their observations revealed a unique
first setigerous segment develops in an invagination feeding strategy consisting of a multi-stage process
(Smart and Von Dassow, 2009). Most of the sipuncu- composed of ciliary-driven water movement and
lans have pelagosphaera larvae (Figure 1.2C). behavioral mechanisms.
10   E v o l u t i o n a ry E c o l o g y o f M a r i ne In v e rt e b r at e L a r va e

Platyhelminthes: Most of the species have direct de- most groups have larvae, and the nauplius larva
velopment, but some polyclads have planktotrophic (Figure 1.6C,D) is now generally regarded as the
larvae with a number of ciliated lappets, called ei- ancestral larval type of the crustaceans (Martin et
ther Müller’s or Goette’s larvae (Figure 1.1F). The al., 2015b). Nauplii of some copepods create small
parasitic groups show various types of ciliated, lec- water currents and intercept food particles indi-
ithotrophic larvae, for example, the oncomiracidium vidually (Bruno et al., 2012). Larger larvae show a
of monogenes; the cestodes have complicated life wide variety of feeding modes, from filter feeding
cycles with ciliated miracidia and unciliated cercaria to carnivory (Anger, 2001). Most free-living cope-
(Smith et al., 2002). pods go through a gradual development with ad-
Bryozoa: The planktotrophic cyphonautes larva dition of segments, but many other groups show
(Figure 1.1K) is found in basal eurystome groups, characteristic larval forms, which have been given
and lecithotrophic larvae of various types are found special names (Figure 1.6E–J). A series of larval
in the remaining groups (Figure 1.1L). The cypho- stages is seen, for example, in cirripedes (Figure
nautes larvae are ciliary filter feeders with the cilia 1.6D,E) and in many decapods (Figure 1.6G,H).
situated on a “ciliated ridge” with ciliary bands like Many types show spines on various parts of the
one side of an adult bryozoan tentacle (Nielsen, body, which must protect against predation (Figure
2002). The filtering mechanism is of the ciliary- 1.6G–J). Also the extremely expanded, thin body
sievin­g type (Strathmann, 2006). of the phyllosoma larvae (Figure 1.6F) must be of
Entoprocta: All entoprocts develop through a tro- protective value. A detailed treatment of crustacean
chophora stage, which may be planktotrophic or larvae is found in Martin et al. (2015a).
lecithotrophic (Nielsen, 1971). Loricifera: The tiny loriciferans have a meioben-
Phoronida: All phoronids but one develop through thic larval type called the Higgins larva; its feeding
the characteristic planktotrophic actinotrocha stage biology is unknown (Kristensen, 1991).
(Figure 1.1M). Its ciliated tentacles are similar to Priapula: The benthic priapulan larvae resemble
those of the adults; their feeding mechanism is cili- the adults, but have a ring of longitudinal plates at
ary sieving (Temereva and Malakhov, 2010). the body; it is probably carnivorous like the adults
Brachiopoda: All brachiopods have ciliated (Higgins et al., 1993).
larvae, which are planktotrophic in the lingu-
liforms (Figure 1.1J) and lecithotrophic in rhyn-
1.4.3 Ambulacraria
chonelliforms and craniiforms (Figure 1.1I). The
planktotrophic larvae are filter feeding, using a Enteropneusta: Indirect development with the char-
ciliary-sieving system (Strathmann, 2005). acteristic planktotrophic tornaria larva with an an-
terior convoluted ciliary band used in feeding and
a large posterior band of compound cilia used in lo-
1.4.2 Ecdysozoa
comotion is found in genera such as Ptychodera and
All ecdysozoans larvae are characterized as second- Schizocardium (Figure 1.7A,B). The anterior ciliary
ary larvae because they lack ciliated epithelia (Had- band is used in particle collection, probably using a
field et al., 2001). ciliary reversal method like that of the echinoderm
Arthropoda: Only two of the chelicerate groups have larvae. Lecithotrophic larvae with only the poste-
remarkable marine larvae: the pycnogonids have rior band are found, for example, in Saccoglossus.
brood protection where the males carry the brood un- The planktotrophic larvae go through a series of
til a fairly advanced juvenile stage. The early stages stages, which have been given special names, and
resemble crustacean nauplii, but the first pair of ap- the last stage before settling resembles that of the
pendages are cheliceres (Figure 1.6A). The xipho- lecithotrophic larvae (Figure 1.7C).
surans deposit their eggs in the intertidal and the Echinodermata: All described crinoid larvae are
larvae hatch as so-called trilobite larvae (Figure 1.6B). lecithotrophic, but the four other classes show
Crustacea: Some crustacean groups, such as am- much variation, from planktotrophic larvae to com-
phipods and isopods, have direct development, but pletely featureless lecithotrophic “shmoo” larvae
O r i g i n a nd D i v e r s i t y o f M a r i ne L a r va e    11

(A) (B) (C)

(D) (E) (F)

(G) (H) (I)


Figure 1.6  Arthropod larvae: (A,B) Chelicerates, (C–K) Crustaceans. (A) First instar larva of the pycnogonid Achelia assimilis (courtesy of Tobias
Lehman, Bavarian State Collection of Zoology, Munich). (B) Trilobite larva of the xiphosuran Tachypleus tridentatus (courtesy of Arild Hagen,
Slaastad, Norway). (C) Nauplius larva of the copepod Macrocyclops (courtesy of Anne Bruce, Lancaster, UK). (D,E) Nauplius larva of the barnacle
Elminius modestus and cypris larva of an unidentified barnacle (courtesy of Otto Larink, TU-Braunschweig). (F) Phyllosoma larva of the rock lobster
Sagmariasus verreauxi (courtesy of Alan Blacklock, NIWA). (G,H) Zoea and megalopa larvae of a crab (courtesy of Guillermo Guerao, Barcelona,
Spain). (I) Pseudozoea larva of the stomatopod Squilla mantis (© Jean Lecomte). (J) Zoea larva of a porcellanid crab (courtesy of Christian Sardet,
Observatoire Océanologique, Villefranche-sur-Mer) (see Plate 3).

(Figure 1.7F). The different larval types are clearly larvae (Figur­e 1.7H). The early bipinnaria type as-
variations over the supposedly ancestral larval stage, teroid larva develops shorter or longer arms and
the dipleurula, which can be recognized in early de- becomes a brachiolaria (Figure 1.7D), and a juvenile
velopmental stages in most of the planktotrophic rudiment differentiates on the left side of the body
12   E v o l u t i o n a ry E c o l o g y o f M a r i ne In v e rt e b r at e L a r va e

(A) (B) (C)

(D) (E)


(G) (H)

(I) (J)

Figure 1.7 Ambulacrarian larvae. (A–C) Enteropneusts, (D–J) Echinoderms. (A) Tornaria larva of Schizocardium sp. (courtesy of Paul Gonzalez, Stanford
Univ.). (B) Tornaria larva with a most complicated ciliary band extended onto small tentacles (courtesy of Russell R. Hopcroft, Univ. Alaska, Fairbanks).
(C) Metamorphosing larva of Schizocardium (courtesy of Poul Gonzales, Stanford Univ.). (D) Brachiolaria larva of the asteroid Pisaster ochraceus (Univ.
Saskatchewan Archives & Special Collections, TC Lacalli fonds, MG 210). (E) Echinopluteus larva of the echinoid Strongylocentrotus franciscanus (Univ.
Saskatchewan Archives & Special Collections, TC Lacalli fonds, MG 210). (F) Lecithotrophic larva of the asteroid Solaster stimpsonii (courtesy of Jochanan
Aronowicz, Stanford Univ.). (G) Metamorphosing larva of the asteroid Asterias rubens; the larval body is being resorbed (© Dr Richard Kirby, reproduced
with permission). (H) Early bipinnaria larva of an asteroid (© Wim von Egmond). (I) Ophiopluteus larva of the ophiuroid Ophiura albida (© Wim von
Egmond). (J) The ophiuroid Ophiopholis aculeata: fully differentiated ophiopluteus (above) and late metamorphosis stage showing the small juvenile at the
center (below) (courtesy of Richard R. Emlet, Univ. Oregon) (see Plate 4).
O r i g i n a nd D i v e r s i t y o f M a r i ne L a r va e    13

(Figure 1.7G); the larval body becomes resorbed. 1.5 Summary

The planktotrophic pluteus larvae of echinoids
(Figur­e 1.7E) and ophiuroids (Figure 1.7I,J) have The myriad of planktonic larvae shows all sorts
long ciliated arms with delicate calcareous skele- of adaptations not least to a life in the free water
tons. Most holothurians have lecithotrophic larvae, masses. Some clades, such as protobranch bivalves
but a few groups have planktotrophic larvae, which and linguliform brachiopods, show very little vari-
first resemble asteroid bipinnaria, but their ciliary ation in developmental type. Other clades show
band breaks up and becomes reorganized into five enormous variations, even between closely related
rings like those of the crinoid larvae, a larval type species, such as the echinoids Heliocidaris tuberculata
called doliolaria (Sewell and McEuen, 2002). The cil- with a planktotrophic echinopluteus larva and H.
iary bands are used in locomotion and feeding. The erythrogramma with a lecithotrophic “shmoo” larva
feeding mechanism is an upstream-collecting sys- without gut and larval arms (Laegdsgaard et al.,
tem that involves reversal of individual cilia “push- 1991), and the occurrence of tailed and anuran (tail-
ing” particles to the oral field (Strathmann, 2007). less) larvae in closely related species of the ascidian
Pterobranchia: Only lecithotrophic larvae have genus Molgula (Jeffery et al., 1999). In these cases,
been reported (Lester, 1988). the adults resemble each other very much, but their
larvae are profoundly different.
1.4.4 Chordata The study of marine larvae, their shapes, feeding,
reactions to biological and non-biological stimuli,
Urochordata: Most urochordates have the character- adaptations to various types/availability of food
istic lecithotrophic “tadpole larva” with the noto- and to predators, etc., is fascinating in itself, but it
chord and neural tube in the tail, which becomes also throws light on many evolutionary, ecological,
resorbed after settling (Figure 1.8A,B). and physiological principles. It should be remem-
Cephalochordata: Amphioxus has pelagic larvae, bered that although marine larvae have been stud-
which gradually attain the adult morphology ied for centuries, there are still important gaps in
(Figure 1.8C). our knowledge of almost all aspects. Many species
are still undescribed, and the development of many
of the known species is still unknown.
So, there should be plenty of interesting study
subjects for any type of scientific inclination.

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2013. The genome of the ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi Invertebrate Biology 117: 221–244.
Ch a pt er 2

Evolutionary Development
of Marine Larvae
Heather Marlow

2.1 Introduction only our understanding of developmental diversity

but also help us tackle classical questions regarding
Embryology and larval biology have been linked the origin and diversification of larval forms.
from the early years. Pioneering embryologists Among the earliest pursuits of marine embryolo-
were among the first to establish and populate gists was to uncover the origins of marine larvae, to
marine biology field stations with the aim to ac- determine how often such forms have arisen (once
cess a wide diversity of early animal stages. Their or at multiple points independently on the animal
descriptions of developmental programs came at a tree), and what relationship they share with adult
critical juncture in our understanding of selective body plans. Such endeavors to assign homology to
mechanism and evolutionary theory, leading to entire life history stages are challenging, as discrete
some of first theories of body plan evolution (Hall, features, including ciliary or sensory structures, ex-
2000; Horder, 2006). Organisms with distinct larval cretory cells, and even the gut, can evolve in one
life history stages such as molluscs as well as non- stage and shift by heterochrony to another—in large
vertebrate deuterostomes served as popular study part driven by environmental and perhaps genetic
animals (Conklin, 1897; Goodrich, 1903), with some factors (Raff et al., 1990; McDougall et al., 2006).
models, such as the sea urchin and tunicate, contin- Genomic studies have revealed that most animal­s in
uing to serve as valuable models for gene regulation the clade encompassing the Cnidaria and Bilateria
(Davidso­n et al., 2002; Bertrand et al., 2003). A focus use very similar gene repertoires to build this vast
on the establishment of systems appropriate for morphological array of structures, necessitating that
functional studies in the early days of genetic tech- individual genes are used and reused in seemingly
niques later pushed investigators inland to research unrelated structures (Glassford et al., 2015). Adding
centers and led to the establishment of laboratory further to the problem, the expression of batteries
models for early development such as Drosophila of genes is often linked, and the expression of any
melanogaster and Caenorhabditis elegans, thus shifting single gene in such a battery cannot be treated as an
focus away from marine species and their charac- independent character without prior knowledge of
teristic larval forms. New breakthroughs in high- its function in development. The challenge for evo-
throughput sequencing technology and genetic lutionary-developmental biology in the molecular
interference have removed many of the technical era lies in determining if these disparate approaches
barriers to the study of marine organisms (Cong to the study of larval developmental features and
et al., 2013; Doudna and Charpentier, 2014) and are cell types, modular genetic landscapes, and charac-
pushing new generations of researchers to examine ter co-option can be integrated and if a signal for the
the diversity of development from a molecular and origin of life history transitions will emerge. Were
mechanistic perspective (see Williams and Carrier, the first animals direct developers (either holope-
this volume). These emerging studies inform not lagic or holobenthic) or were they benthic animals

Marlow, H., Evolutionary development of marine larvae. In. Evolutionary Ecology of Marine Invertebrate Larvae.
Edited by Tyler J. Carrier, Adam M. Reitzel, and Andreas Heyland: Oxford University Press (2018).
© Oxford University Press. DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780198786962.003.0002
E v o l u t i o n a ry D e v e l o p me n t o f M a r i n e L a r va e    17

that dispersed their developmental stages via the (Box 2.1). One of the most formidable challenges
plankton from the very start? has been the comparison and study of “primary
The marine larva represents an interesting devel- larvae” in Bilateria, which are also the focus of this
opmental paradox. It is clearly an embryonic stage chapter and the discussions which follow (also see
which will continue to form new cell types and struc- Nielsen, this volume). Primary larvae here will be
tures and organs, and in many cases, an entirely new considered those with a ciliated apical (anterior)
body axis. However, it is also a functional organism epithelium that often possesses an apical organ of
which locomotes, may feed, and is capable of coordi- long tufted sensory cilia. The primary body axis of
nating a sensory response. While this juxtaposition the larva is that of an apical (anterior)-oral (poste-
of functional sensory, feeding, and locomotory ma- rior) poles, and the body plan in this context refers
chinery on top of an early embryonic form is rarely to the position of the blastopore, mouth, and apical
seen in terrestrial systems, it is commonplace in the organ in relation to the primary axis of symmetry—
marine ecosystem, and as life evolved in the sea, it is in many lineages additional features such as ciliary
likely that such a dichotomy of life history was pre- swimming bands, eyes, kidneys, chaetae, or muscu-
sent from the very beginnings of animal evolution. lature may be present but are not essential features
of the primary larval body plan.
2.2  Homologous Larval Features Due to the widespread distribution of primary
larvae among bilaterians, it has been proposed
A larva can be most broadly defined as an interme- that primary larvae are an ancient metazoan fea-
diate developmental stage between the embryonic ture to facilitate the widespread distribution of
and adult stages. For evolutionary studies, several benthic adult forms via a planktonic intermediary
more specific definitions have been proposed to ac- stage. It has been argued that this dispersal stage
count for the wide diversity of larvae and the per- can be traced to the root of the bilaterian animals.
spective of the researcher in considering this stage By contrast, a novel, lineage-specific larval form

Box 2.1  Terminology utilized in the discussion of life history strategy evolution. Such terms
are often nonexclusive and many larval forms or life history strategies can be assigned to
multiple categories.

Term Definition Origin Examples (Non-Exhaustive)

Primary Larva Ciliated, swimming larva common to Jägersten, 1972 cnidarians, sea urchins, annelids, hemichordates,
marine organisms Mollusks, nemerteans
Secondary Larva Independently acquired larval form Peterson, 1997 insects, vertebrates (aneurans)
through intercalation (often of a
modified adult form)
Planktotrophic A feeding larva sea urchins, molluscs
Lecithotrophic A non-feeding larva annelids
Maximally Indirect Bi-phasic life history in which little Davidson, 1995 phoronids, sea urchins, nemerteans, ascidians
Development of the larval body plan is re-used in
formation of the
Minimally Indirect A larva which undergoes a minimum Marlow,, 2014 cnidarians, amphioxus, hemichordates
Development amount of tissue remodeling during
Catastrophic Laraval form that undergoes dramatic Emig, 2001 nemerteans, sea urchins
Metamorphosis body plan modification during
Direct A life history in which no larval form is sea urchins,vertebrates (mammals)
Development present
18   E v o l u t i o n a ry E c o l o g y o f M a r i n e I n v e rt eb r at e L a r va e

is referred to as a “secondary larva” and can be A third scenario in which the larval and adult
clearly recognized in ecdysozoan groups such as forms existed at the base of metazoans, serves as an
crustaceans. It is often the case, however, that the intermediate between the larval and adult-centric
origin of a particular larval form may be more am- views of body plan and life history evolution. In this
biguous. Diversity of larval forms and the gradi- scenario, first proposed by Jagerston (1972) and later
ent, which often exists in defining the larval vs. supported by Rieger (1994), both larval and adult
adult stage, as is the case for animals which un- body plans existed at the base of bilaterian animals.
dergo a gradual metamorphosis, pose a challenge In this view, the ancestral larval form would have
to determining if modern larvae can indeed be been a nonfeeding form that could have been elabo-
traced to a single emergence. rated subsequently in different bilaterian lineages
(Haszprunar et al., 1995). If similarities which exist
2.3  History of the Debate in both larval and adult forms are considered ho-
for Ancestrality of Larval and Adult mologous, it can be considered that these two body
plans and, by extension, the biphasic life cycle, are
ancestral metazoan or bilaterian features. For the
Two opposing viewpoints, and several intermedi- ancestrality of the biphasic life cycle to be examined,
ate variations, dominate the debate regarding the distinct homologies for adult and larval body plans
appearance of metazoan larval forms (Figure 2.1). must be identified and the process of metamorpho-
A larva-centric theory proposed by Nielsen (see sis among lineages should be compared (see later).
Nielsen chapter in this volume), and anchored in
morphological affinity of diverse larval forms, 2.4  Molecular Approaches to Comparing
holds that the first metazoans were holopelagic Larval Features
larva-like forms that fed and reproduced in the
plankton (Nielsen, 1985). This theory expands upon As the number of genomes and transcriptomes
the initial observation made by Ernst Haeckel that available for study has rapidly increased in the
larval forms likely originated from an ancestral last decade (Dunn and Ryan, 2015), evolutionary-
swimming gastrula-like form and that adult stages developmenta­ l biologists have sought to utilize
arose from this gastrea (Haeckel, 1874). Importantly, these new “molecular characters” as characters
the trochaea theory makes specific homology state- when comparing larval tissues and cell types
ments regarding the apical organ and blastopore of ­(Santagata et al., 2012; Marlow et al., 2014; Hiebert
extant metazoans as well as larval feeding systems, and M­ aslakova, 2015). Often this involves attempts
and sets the stage for recent molecular work com- to define a particular tissue by the expression of a
paring these structures (Nielsen, 2013). This theory single molecular marker, such as a transcription
is consistent with geochemical data which suggests factor or effector molecule. An analogous approach
that low oxygen conditions limited animal body has been utilized with great success to determine
size, complexity (Sperling et al., 2013 and Raff and the relationship between species and solve the
Raff, 1970). A second, diametrically opposed the- phylogenetic relationships among animal groups
ory recognizing the similarity of adult body plans, (Dunn et al., 2008; Rouse et al., 2016).
suggests that the first animals were adult benthic The ever-growing number of sequenced genomes
forms. This theory, proposed by Raff, suggests that available for analysis now roughly covers the main
the larval forms are convergent stages added to the branches of the animal phylogenetic tree: we now
life cycle via intercalation (Raff, 2008). Under this have draft assemblies from both vertebrate and
scenario, adult bilaterian body plans are homolo- invertebrate deuterostomes, protostome models
gous and larvae have been derived independently including lophotrochozoans (annelids, molluscs,
in echinoderms, hemichordates, lophotrochozoans, and rotifers included), non-insect ecdysozoans (pri-
and ecdysozoans. No distinction is made between apulids, crustaceans, and chelicerates) and all of the
primary and secondary larvae, as all forms would early branching non-bilaterian lineages (cnidarians,
be considered secondary to the evolution of the an- ctenophores, sponges, and placozoans) (Dunn and
cestral, shared bilaterian body plan. Ryan, 2015). While many additional genome studies
E v o l u t i o n a ry D e v e l o p me n t o f M a r i n e L a r va e    19

Cnidarian Lophotrochozoan Deuterostome Cnidarian Lophotrochozoan Deuterostome

pelagic benthic pelagic benthic pelagic benthic pelagic benthic pelagic benthic pelagic benthic

ancestor pelagic benthic ancestor


(A) (B)

Cnidarian Lophotrochozoan Deuterostome

pelagic benthic pelagic benthic pelagic benthic



Figure 2.1 The three scenarios show the origin of the pelagic larval body plan. The presence of pelagic forms is indicated by black lines and that
of benthic forms by gray lines. A single-colored line indicates a monophasic life cycle that would be pelagic in scenario B and benthic in scenario C.
Double lines (black and gray) indicate a biphasic, pelago-benthic life cycle (with pelagic larval and benthic adult forms). Note that the biphasic life cycle
is assumed to have evolved multiple times independently in scenario C. (A) The classical view implies homology of both ciliated larvae and benthic
adults that, once evolved, have remained part of the eumetazoan life cycle (Jagersten, 1972). (B) Nielsen (2012) modified this view to propose that
the holopelagic neuralian ancestors persisted beyond the initial divergence of the major neuralian clades, and that the biphasic life cycle with benthic
adults arose independently in the cnidarians and once or twice in the bilaterians. (C) In stark contrast, other authors assume that today’s ciliated larvae
arose convergently many times by the repeated intercalation of a pelagic dispersal larva into primarily monophasic, holobenthic life cycles and are thus
evolutionarily unrelated. This view implies that the characteristics of today’s swimming larvae such as apical organs and equatorial ciliary bands evolved
convergently (Raff, 2008). Figure and legend taken from Marlow et al. (2014).

will likely fill in the remaining gaps, these data have and allowed us to plot broad patterns of gene gain
served as the basis for a number of phylogenetic and loss, genome reorganization, duplications and
studies which have convincingly structured the core conservation of synteny (gene order) (Dunn et al.,
branching order for the divergence of key lineages 2008; 2014). Clear patterns of “ancestral linkage
20   E v o l u t i o n a ry E c o l o g y o f M a r i n e I n v e rt eb r at e L a r va e

groups” indicate that there has been conservation debated, (2) an extended hox-patterned trunk re-
of gene order within the linear genome sequence, gion, and (3) a tripartite through-gut. Determining
but that this order is only retained in some lineages how these hallmarks are distributed in extant adult
while it has been lost in others (Irimia et al., 2012; and larval forms has helped distinguish whether
Simakov et al., 2013; 2015). A similar pattern can be the LCBA body plan was more similar to a pelagic
observed for the internal structure of genes. While larva, a benthic adult, or perhaps was represented
the scale of gene loci can vary drastically between by an ancestral biphasic life cycle. Molecular stud-
lineages, the structure of key features such as exon- ies over the last 30 years have contributed signifi-
intron boundaries have been stable in some lineages cantly to our understanding of body plan evolution
and can be traced to the last common ancestor of by providing a vastly expanded set of genetic
Cnidaria and Bilateria (Raible et al., 2005; Putnam characters which can be used to test hypotheses re-
et al., 2007). Despite the significant variations in ge- garding the homology of features of the bilaterian
nome structure and size, the protein-coding gene body plan. While many open questions remain, it is
content is surprisingly similar among bilaterians, now rather clear that the ciliated swimming larvae
and, to a large extent, this gene content is shared and benthic muscular body plans originate from a
with the cnidarians, while other basal metazoan lin- biphasic ancestral life history that occurred at the
eages such as sponges and ctenophores show con- base of the Bilateria.
siderably less similarity to bilaterian protein-coding Among the essential functions of the LCBA body
genes (Putnam et al., 2007; Ryan et al., 2013). Ad- plan were to feed and locomote, but tracing the ori-
ditional genome sequencing projects will be needed gin of feeding stages has been particularly difficult
to determine whether this represents a secondary when considering the evolution of primary larval
loss of ancient genome features or whether these forms considering the number of feeding transitions
lineages predate the origin of the genomic features and reversals which have occurred within phyla—
shared among Cnidaria and Bilateria. the echinoderms are a particularly illustrative ex-
While the construction of species trees has pro- ample of this challenge (Strathmann, 1985; Rouse,
vided great insight into the evolution of animal 2000). There is, however, a stronger phylogenetic
body plans and life histories, considerably more signal for the origins of locomotory mechanisms
caution must be taken when using molecular char- among adults and larvae. The advent of locomo-
acters to assess the origin of new phenotypic traits. tory mechanisms likely drove the evolution of the
Limitations to the molecular character approach three key bilaterian features, through-gut, trunk,
are highlighted by key differences in the analysis and anterior neuralization. In general, primary
of species trees and phenotypic character trees (e.g. larval forms use ciliary beating in response to en-
cell type trees). Specifically, genes are rarely passed vironmental sensory stimuli and passive transport
between lineages in a species tree (later gene trans- as their primary mode of locomotion (Jékely et al.,
fer), but are often co-opted between cell types in a 2008; Jékely, 2011). In contrast, despite the tremen-
cell-type tree (co-option of genetic modules). dous variation in locomotory modes (e.g., burrow-
ing vs. undulatory movement) in benthic bilaterian
animals, nearly all of these modes rely primarily
2.5  Distinguishing Larval Features upon muscle-based mechanisms (Clark, 1981).
and Adult Features: Body Plan In larval forms, the anterior neurogenic ecto-
and Innovations in Gene Regulation derm often termed the “apical plate” or “larval epi-
sphere” coordinates the locomotory behavior and
Three defining features characterize what is gener- is characterized by the expression of what has been
ally accepted to represent the bilaterian body plan, termed the “head patterning network” (Lemon­ s
and by extension, the body plan of the last common et al., 2010; Sinigaglia et al., 2013; Arendt et al.,
bilaterian ancestor (LCBA): (1) a neuralized anterior 2016b). Considerable recent progress has begun to
region—the degree of centralization and structure uncover the critical role of the larval apical plate in
of an anterior brain of this ancestral form remains ciliary swimming, settlement, and modulation of
E v o l u t i o n a ry D e v e l o p me n t o f M a r i n e L a r va e    21

behavior via neurohormones. Members of the genetic of the musculature and neurons (hallmarks of the
network that patterns the larval apical plate have been bilaterian trunk) (Holland, 2015). A second clus-
described in conserved, nested expression domains in ter of colinear antp-class homeodomain genes, the
both protostome and deuterostome larvae, strongly parahox genes, arose through duplication of the
supporting that the anterior ectoderm and its most ancestral hox-like genes and, in association with
prominent sensory structure, the apical tuft, were the winged-helix foxA and GATA transcription
present in the LCBA (Marlow et al., 2014; Sinigagli­a factors, has evolved to pattern both the larval and
et al., 2015). However, this network and the transcrip- adult tripartite gut (Fröbius and Seaver, 2006; Boyle
tion factors and signaling molecules that comprise it and Seaver, 2008; Annunziata and Arnone, 2014;
are not restricted solely to larvae and a multitude of Martín-Durán and Hejnol, 2015). Hox and parahox
direct-developing groups—those with secondary lar- gene expression, when present in marine larvae,
vae also employ this network for sensory organ and is most commonly confined to tissues which give
brain development (Lemons et al., 2010, 10.1016/j. rise to the adult gut and trunk, the larval rudiments
cub.2016.10.047), with a study in direct-developing (Arenas-Mena et al., 2000; Hiebert and Maslakova,
centipedes highlighting the role of these factors in 2015). While larval metamorphoses can be vastly
the development of an ancient discrete brain neuro- different and range from gradual to “catastrophic,”
hormone center that was likely lost in many insects the result is nearly universal, the reduction of the
(Hunnekuh­l and Akam, 2014). The widespread dis- anterior ciliated epithelium and the generation via
tribution of this network in marine larvae argues in rapid development of the mesoderm, the adult
favor of an ancestral larval body plan (Marlow et al., musculature. So, in short, a diffusely neuralized
2014); its integration into protostome and deuteros- anterior epithelium or episphere which coordinates
tome adult brains presents the intriguing possibility ciliated locomotion is a larval feature, while an ex-
that the anterior brain may have had its roots in larval tended mesodermally patterned trunk which gives
sensory cell types (Tosches and Arendt, 2013). rise to locomotory musculature represents an adult
While larval-specific characters are exemplified feature. It is therefore feasible that hox and parahox
by the sensory epithelium and apical organ, adult gene diversification accompanied the evolution of
features are associated with the development of the the trunk and through-gut prior to the bilaterian
trunk, its musculature and innervating neural com- radiation.
ponents (Shankland and Bruce, 1998; Shankland While features of this biphasic life cycle—most
and Seaver, 2000; Arendt et al., 2016b). Develop- prominently, a neuralized apical plate and apical
ment of the trunk is linked to the development of the organ patterned by the “head patterning network”
mesoderm, the formation of the ventral nerve cords (Lemons et al., 2010)—can be recognized in cnidar-
of protostomes, when present, and the formation of ians and perhaps even earlier branches of the ani-
the coelomic cavities, structures which may form mal tree, significant work needs to be conducted to
in larvae but persist into the adult stage (Arendt et understand the relationship of the adult cnidarian
al., 2015). Its formation is concurrent with the settle- polyp body plan to that in bilaterians. As the hox
ment process in marine organisms in which a bipha- cluster organization in Cnidaria comprises a mini-
sic life cycle is present (Gonzalez et al., 2016; Hejnol mal cluster and clear orthologs of posterior parahox
and Vellutini, 2016). The developing trunk tissues genes are absent, it is possible that the adult ben-
across adult bilaterian animals express the hox fac- thic polyp body plan arose prior to the advent of
tors, homeodomain transcription factors famous for the benthic body plan shared by bilaterian adult
their role in body plan patterning, with numerous stages (Chourrout et al., 2006; Ryan et al., 2007).
functional roles in development (Kulakova et al., Conversely, it is possible that the cnidarian adult
2007). A unifying theme in their expression is the polyp body plan has been significantly modified
nested anterior-posterior progression of cluster ex- from the ancestral state, however, such an asser-
pression along the main body (Kmita and Duboule, tion will remain purely speculative until further
2003). It has been strongly argued that the elabora- studies can be conducted in additional cnidar-
tion of the hox genes has driven the elaboration of ian species. Therefore, it can be concluded that a
animal body plans by facilitating the development ciliated swimming dispersal stage was present in
22   E v o l u t i o n a ry E c o l o g y o f M a r i n e I n v e rt eb r at e L a r va e

the last common ancestor of cnidarians and bilate- Gühmann et al., 2015), the same molecules re-
rians, and that a biphasic life cycle with a ciliated sponsible for photoreception in the vertebrate eye.
larvae bearing significant similarity to that found Additional studies have uncovered ancient neuro-
in Cnidaria was present at the base of the Bilateria. secretory cells of the larval apical plate as well as
neuropeptide-expressing cells involved in settle-
2.6  Comparison of Cell Types ment and metamorphosis (Tessmar-Raible et al.,
2007; Conzelmann et al., 2013b).
The use of molecular characters in assessing homol- The reliance on the candidate gene approach in
ogy has significantly informed our understanding particular has likely led to an overestimation of the
of the evolution of the body plan, and these same number of homologous cell types shared among
molecular characters in conjunction with new and bilaterians, and, as genome-wide sequencing tech-
highly sensitive sequencing technologies are set to nologies have advanced, a clearer picture of the
re-enliven the classical pursuit of tracing cell-type startling diversity of animal cell types is beginning
homologies. Traditionally, photoreceptors, osmoreg- to emerge. Strikingly, of the sequenced marine in-
ulatory structures, ciliated cells, muscle cells, and vertebrate genomes characterized, most show in-
neurons have been identified and compared based credible diversity in neural molecule complexity,
upon subcellular structures via differential stain- much of which is independently derived in these
ings, later via EM microscopy, and now through lineages—hinting that much of the cell-type diver-
the generation of spatial in situ hybridization data, sity of marine organisms may be independently
wherein labeled riboprobes are used to detect gene evolved (Moroz et al., 2014). Examples include
expression through hybridization to endogenous heavily diversified ion channels (Li et al., 2015;
RNA molecules (Arendt et al., 2004; Martindale Mora­n et al., 2015) and neuropeptides (Shapiro et
et al., 2004), and increasingly through single-cell al., 2013), indicating that while many neural fea-
RNAseq technologies. This approach follows the tures can be traced to origins that predate Bilateria,
same logic wherein cell morphologies (e.g., micro- an incredible amount of subsequent diversification
tubule organization, vesicle presence or structure. has occurred in animal lineages. The independent
etc.) have been used as characters (Bartolomaeus elaboration of metazoan nervous systems, while
and Ax, 1992; Purschke et al., 2006). The result is a striking, is not entirely unexpected given the highly
gene expression signature which is then taken as a specific sensory stimuli and environmental con-
phenotypic character and compared among species ditions which pose strong selective pressure for
in an effort to assert or refute homology and used adaptive change. Such a diversity in sensory cells
to build “cell-type trees” in which the origin of cell explains how larval forms navigate the vast pelagic
types and their diversification in distinct lineages environment and ultimately identify a minuscule,
can be traced within animals (Arendt, 2008). and highly specific micro-niche that is appropriate
The number of cells which can be recognized for settlement and initiation of the benthic stage of
microscopically in marine organisms, particularly their life cycle.
marine larvae, is extremely limited, leading some While technical barriers have limited the number
to term the diversity of morphologically nonde- of cells which can be investigated using molecular
script, but molecularly distinct, cell types as “cryp- data, this field is poised to advance dramatically
tic complexity” (Miller and Ball, 2008). RNA in situ in the coming years with the advent of single-cell
hybridization techniques have provided a valuable sequencing technologies which allow for genome-
tool in allowing these cells to be identified, but are wide profiling of single cells in high throughput
still greatly limited by their low-throughput and re- and without reliance upon the candidate gene ap-
liance upon the candidate gene approach. Despite proach (Shapiro et al., 2013). This field is currently
these limitations, this characterization has allowed uncovering previously unrecognized cellular diver-
for the identification of a complex repertoire of sity even in well-studied organ systems such as the
larval sensory cells, including distinct photorecep- retina and spleen (Jaitin et al., 2014; Shekhar et al.,
tor cell types utilizing opsins (Tosches et al., 2014; 2016), and will be instrumental in describing the
E v o l u t i o n a ry D e v e l o p me n t o f M a r i n e L a r va e    23

full complement of cells in marine larvae. Highly and tissues as well as the developmental programs
specialized ciliary swimming band cells in proto- required for the generation of these phenotypes.
stomes and deuterostomes as well as osmoregu- Studies which characterize the age of genes ex-
latory structures and the tufted cells of the apical pressed at a given ontogenetic time point and the
organ await detailed molecular characterization. similarity of expression between species within
a phylum appear to support the developmental
hourglass model (Domazet-Lošo and Tautz, 2010;
2.7  Comparison of Global Transcriptional Kalinka et al., 2010). Put simply, conserved develop-
Signals—Assessing Homology mental stages express genes which originated early
of Ontogenetic Process in metazoan evolution and lineage-specific innova-
tions are characterized by developmental programs
Examination of molecular data associated with utilizing young genes. Evolution and diversifica-
distinct cell types has driven evolutionary- tion of the minicollagen genes characteristic of
developmenta­l studies to a reductionist level, and the lineage-specific cnidarian cnidocytes (stinging
allowed for the identification of cell types or func- cells) is an example of “young genes” in novel cell
tions in larval forms and the comparison of these types (Beckmann and Özbek, 2012). In vertebrates
cell types between species. A complementary ap- and fruit flies, these studies pinpoint the segmen-
proach in which global transcriptional signatures tation period and the germ band extension stage
are compared at the phylum or species level have as hotspots of conservation (10.1038/nature09632
also been used to generate evolutionary hypoth- and 10.1038/nature09634), heavily arguing for the
eses regarding the evolution of animal body plans ancestrality of adult patterning mechanisms. How-
(Kalink­a et al., 2010; Levin et al., 2016). ever, both insects and vertebrates have lost primary
Comparison of global developmental programs, larvae, making it impossible to assess the conserva-
like the examination of morphological cell types, is a tion of the larval body plan from this dataset.
classical pursuit most famously popularized by the The utility of these approaches remain to be as-
German embryologist Ernst Haeckel, in which he sessed for marine larvae, as no study has yet fo-
ascertained that, within vertebrates, a stage in which cused on bentho-pelagic life history transitions
a common “phylotypic stage”—a developmental characteristic of marine invertebrates. However, a
stage in which intermediate developmental stages recent study assessing ten different phyla did find
most closely resembled the presumed ancestral form evidence for a conserved intaphyletic stage cor-
for that lineage—could be identified (Haeckel, 1866). responding to what the authors interpret as the
This concept was later revisited by Duboule, who ar- phylotypic stage. Interestingly, conservation be-
gued that embryogenesis resembled an hourglass in tween phyla was observed at early stages and late
which distinct developmental processes may be con- stages, but diverged significantly at the phylotypic
strained in order to give rise to critical morphologi- stage (Levin et al., 2016). Subsequently, it has been
cal phenotypes characteristic of particular phyla, in pointed out that such approaches are sensitive to
that particular case, the role of hox genes in anterior- noise from highly divergent lineages or insuffi-
posterior patterning and growth (Duboule, 1994). In ciency of sampling (Hejnol and Dunn, 2016; Levin
both instances, the aim of the studies was to charac- et al., 2016), and it is conceivable that heterochro-
terize and compare developmental programs in or- nic shifts in the appearances of structures or organ
der to identify which features of a group of animals systems, or the elaboration or lengthening of life
are “ancient” and which developmental programs history stages would likely pose significant chal-
are constrained in defining these ancient features. lenges in the interpretation of such datasets. Such
To test these early comparative frameworks in approaches serve as a strong counterpoint to the
relation to animal life histories, contemporary stud- cell-type specific analyses discussed previously as
ies have focused on transcriptomics to pinpoint or they attempt to integrate the total developmental
molecularly characterize the “phylotypic stage” signal across a complete ontogeny rather than dis-
and to argue for the ancestrality of organ systems crete cellular units. An understanding of cell-type
24   E v o l u t i o n a ry E c o l o g y o f M a r i n e I n v e rt eb r at e L a r va e

Minimally Indirect Development: A hypothesis for the

evolution of the Metazoan Biphasic Life Cycle

Conserved Larval Features Patterns of Developmental Development of the Adult

Conservation in Biphasic Life Trunk
Extension and Growth of the
Patterning of the Larval Axis Trunk Following Settlement
and Apical Organ Establishment of the
six3/6 Axis
(Larval Epithelium Acquisition of
Patterning) (Heterochrony)
larval form
Settlement Development
Neurohormone-Mediated of trunk Settlement via Eversion
Settlement rudiment of Pre-formed Rudiment

Extension and
Patterning of the
(Adult Mesoderm)
(A) (B) Feeding (C)

Figure 2.2  Conservation of life history transitions in minimally indirect development. A. Patterning of the larval episphere-blastoporal axis is
dependent on Wnt signaling and the conserved expression of the transcription factor Six3/6 is a common feature in primary marine larvae (Marlow et
al., 2014). The transition from the larval-to-adult transition is mediated by conserved signaling via a GLWamide-like peptide (MIP) in multiple species
of primary marine larvae (Conzelmann et al., 2013b). B. Assuming homology of the biphasic life cycle among marine invertebrates, the larval form,
the adult form, and the metamorphic transition between these forms are homologous. Placing this hypothesis within the hourglass framework would
generate a trimeric pattern of conservation. Heterochronic shifts in the development of adult feeding structures and the adult trunk frequently result
in the precocious development of these structures in larval stages. C. Two examples of the formation of the adult trunk. Extension of the post-ciliary
band region of a hemichordate larva in which gradual extension gives rise to the adult trunk; reproduced from Burdon-Jones (1952). Rapid extrusion
of a pre-formed trunk rudiment in a polychaete larva gives rise to the adult trunk; reproduced from Wilson (1932).

specific gene expression, as well as global develop- changes in animals, meaning that new features may
mental programs, is necessary to understand the arise without drastically new gene complements;
evolution of animal developmental programs and (2) genes, particularly transcription factors, can be
how the output (morphologies generated) of these reused to build incredibly diverse features of the
programs may be compared—one such hypothesis body plan; (3) genes do not act independently and
is presented here (Figure 2.2). equivalently and therefore may face distinct selec-
tive pressures.
To understand how a relatively stable protein-
2.8  Developmental Networks
coding gene repertoire among the extant Bilateria
and the Modularity of Gene Expression: gives rise to the great diversity of animal body
Integrating Global and Cell-Type Specific plans, organ systems, and cell types found therein,
Transcriptional Programs one must have an understanding how of how genes
give rise to specific developmental programs and
Utilizing molecular characters to compare mor- resultant phenotypes. Our understanding of the
phological features is significantly more chal- mechanisms of gene regulation in an increasing
lenging than the construction of species trees for number of model and non-model animal species
several reasons: (1) changes in protein-coding gene has advanced dramatically, providing critical in-
complements do not fully account for phenotypic sight into how regulatory programs function, and,
E v o l u t i o n a ry D e v e l o p me n t o f M a r i n e L a r va e    25

relatedly, how they are then subject to selective neuron identity is tied to the combinatorial expres-
pressure (Schwaiger et al., 2014; Cook et al., 2016). sion of selector transcription factors and that fate
One framework for understanding the hierarchical conversion can occur simply through the dysregu-
nature of gene regulation during development is lation of a single transcription factor (Gordon and
the concept of the “gene regulatory network,” most Hobert, 2015), indicating that effector modules can
notably employed in modeling the development of be redeployed in new contexts, thus conferring new
sea urchin endomesoderm specification (Davidson functional properties and thereby generating new
et al., 2002; Davidson, 2010a; 2010b). cell types. While cell-type identity concepts have
In such a framework, genes can belong to early matured to take into account the modularity of gene
patterning and specification cassettes and down- expression and the non-independence of the activ-
stream effector target genes. Of particular note is ity of individual genes, many of these frameworks
the modular nature of such interactions (Davidson, still focus on the cell as the unit of selection and con-
2010a). Genes which act in concert to produce a sider that cells can be traced back over evolutionary
particular phenotype are often wired “recursively” time by tracing their divergence of function (Achim
to allow for robust maintenance of expression and Arendt, 2014; Arendt, 2015).
(McCaule­ y et al., 2010). One observation arising A recent framework for understanding cell-type
from such a framework is that individual network evolution argues that emphasis for cell identity
components (e.g., genes) are not independent, and should be placed on terminal selectors and effec-
that the redeployment of a single gene (i.e., tran- tor genes and that less emphasis should be placed
scription factor) can influence and in some cases di- on the upstream regulatory cascade. However,
rect the expression of other interdependent genes. this framework still specifies that cells evolve via
Therefore, in order to compare molecular features a bifurcation process much akin to speciation in
such as gene expression patterns, one must have which “sister cell types” are produced (Arendt et
a prior knowledge of the way in which such fac- al., 2016a); even so, this concept risks potentially ob-
tors are linked to other genes, a measure of non-­ scuring cases in which genetic modules can be as-
independence, and a solid understanding of the sembled entirely de novo. Nevertheless, it must still
developmental networks in each species compared. be taken into account that cell state is not equivalent
Gene networks are not static entities; significant to cell identity and that genetic modules can be co-
modifications occur rapidly, even among closely opted into new functions, both within the lifespan
related lineages. It has been demonstrated that of a single animal and across divergent species.
such changes in gene regulation are responsible A view more in line with modern network biol-
for change at micro- and macroevolutionary scales ogy and consistent with previous network evo-
and can even be linked to changes at the level of the lution models, such as the modular networks
body plan (Davidson and Erwin, 2006; Peter and proposed by Davidson and Erwin (2009), suggests
Davidson, 2011). Once a useful genetic module has that the co-regulation of gene expression is tied to
appeared, such a module may be reused or “rede- functional protein modules which can be deployed
ployed” under different conditions to give rise to in a variety of developmental or cellular contexts
additional structures (Hinman et al., 2003). Clear and whose physical interaction gives rise to emer-
examples can be found from the head patterning gent functional properties (Wan et al., 2015), but
network, the retinal determination network, and whose deployment can be rapidly changed over
that employed in muscle striation (Lemons et al., short evolutionary timescales.
2010; Martik and McClay, 2015; Brunet et al., 2016). Despite the many ways in which networks can
Just as early developmental network compo- be modified, there are still clear patterns of conser-
nents can be co-opted to give rise to new struc- vation for the linkage between some genetic mod-
tures, downstream terminal selector transcription ules and the developmental processes they govern.
factors and the effector genes they regulate can be These observations necessitate that networks—not
deployed in novel contexts, thus giving rise to new just their terminal branching points and resultant
cell types. Work in C. elegans has demonstrated that cell-specific transcriptomes—must be considered
26   E v o l u t i o n a ry E c o l o g y o f M a r i n e I n v e rt eb r at e L a r va e

when comparing tissue- and cell-level homology. be considered as “competency factors” akin to the
These master transcription factors and their associ- kernels of GRNs hypothesized to establish prolif-
ated genetic modules have been termed “kernels” erative zones (Erwin and Davidson, 2009).
due to the centrality of their function in establish-
ing animal body plans (Davidson and Erwin, 2006;
Erwin and Davidson, 2009). Such an ability to es- 2.9  A Case Study in Heterochrony:
tablish and maintain a tissue-level competency may Modularity Gives Rise to Heterochronic
therefore represent a selectable molecular trait that Shifts in Feeding Structures
has been subsequently preserved in tissues, which
are shared across many species. Some insight into While the larval anterior epithelium and the adult
how particular developmental processes and their locomotory trunk can be generally described as
“master transcription factors” may be linked comes stage-specific features, many organ systems and
from an improved understanding of the function tissues may emerge in one stage and later become
of these transcription factors in regulating gene selectively advantageous in another, resulting in a
activity. heterochronic shift of a specific morphological fea-
To understand how transcription factor expres- ture or behavior. Shifts in the development of mor-
sion may be tied to a specific developmental process, phological features occur in both directions, with
we can consider two analogous cases: the anteri- larval features retained in adult organisms and
orly expressed homeodomain transcription factor adult structures deployed in the planktonic larval
Six3/6 and FoxA, a winged-helix transcription fac- stage (Seuss et al., 2012).
tor expressed in the foregut. Anterior expression of Larval and adult feeding organs are conten-
Six3/6 is conserved from cnidarians and across bi- tious features, particularly as relates to the evolu-
laterians in the anterior epidermis (­ Sinigaglia et al., tion of the lophophore (byrozoans, brachiopods,
2013; Marlow et al., 2014), while FoxA is expressed and phoronids) and ambulacrarian feeding bands.
in the foregut in both protostomes and deuteros- While some of these controversies have been satis-
tomes, as well as the pharynx of cnidarians (Mar- factorily “solved” by modern phylogenetic meth-
tindale et al., 2004; Boyle and Seaver, 2008; de-Leon ods—as is the case for the convergent evolution
and Davidson, 2010). In both cases, these factors of lophophore-like structures (Halanych, 1996;
are expressed early in the developmental process Philippe et al., 2005)—others are much less clear. It
in a large population of spatially contiguous cells has been demonstrated that the presence of larval
that are fated to give rise to a heterogeneous cell feeding is a non-stable character which evolves rap-
population within a wide diversity of animals, and idly in the presence of environmental pressures (see
while they operate via different mechanisms, they Collin and Moran, this volume), in part driven by
share a common capacity to establish and main- the duration of the larval period.
tain the state of a progenitor field. Recent work in Much effort has been devoted to the ciliary feed-
liver cells has identified FoxA as a “pioneer tran- ing bands of deuterostome larvae and their com-
scription factor” capable of opening chromatin and parison to feeding structures of adult and larval
facilitating the binding of additional, and perhaps lophophorate phyla (bryozoans, brachiopods, and
more cell-type specific, transcription factors (Zaret phoronids). While these structures are superfi-
and Carroll, 2011; Iwafuchi-Doi et al., 2016). Six3/6 cially similar, structural differences in their form
has been identified as a co-factor of the GROUCHO and function indicate that they appeared conver-
co-repressor (Kobayashi et al., 2001), and has been gently. Similarity in adult feeding organs in hemi-
shown to act in establishing anterior neural pro- chordates and amphioxus and the tornaria larvae
genitor fields (Gestri et al., 2005). While Six3/6 and of hemichordates has also raised the possibility of
FoxA have clearly distinct roles in regulating gene a conserved evolutionary relationship between all
expression, both share the ability to establish and three structures, and supports that a heterochronic
maintain a heterogeneous field of lineage and fate- shift from larvae to adults (or vice versa) has oc-
restricted progenitors; such factors could therefore curred somewhere along the deuterostome lineage
E v o l u t i o n a ry D e v e l o p me n t o f M a r i n e L a r va e    27

(Brambell and Cole, 1939). In phoronids, the ac- search for homologous features. However, many
tinotroch larva bears a complex feeding apparatus commonalities exist in this transition among spe-
consisting of many ciliated tentacles and large oral cies. This process has been examined extensively,
hood. While this structure is shed and replaced by but can be generally defined by two phases:
a new lophophore in some species upon settlement,
1. Induction of the metamorphic process via the
this feeding apparatus is clearly derived from the
apical organ (likely through G-protein-coupled
adult structure. Similar studies have focused on
the feeding bands of molluscan veliger larvae and
2. Rapid generation of the adult form via extension
annelid trochophores, and conclude that while
of the trunk (selective pressure for speed—con-
the prototroch (swimming band) is ancestral, the
vergent extension)
specialized feeding bands of various lophotrocho-
zoa are likely convergently acquired traits (Rouse, In order to transition from the pelagic, free-­
1999). Although the emergence and homology of swimming form, larvae need to successfully
these bands is contentious, it is clear that they dis- identify a suitable substrate and in many cases ir-
play a higher level of lineage restriction than more reversibly initiate a transformation to the adult
ubiquitous structures such as the apical organ— form. Functional evidence has identified the apical
for example, while apical organs share homology organ as the mediator of the larval metamorphic
across Bilateria, feeding bands have likely evolved transition (Hadfield et al., 2000; Rentzsch et al.,
through convergent evolution in echinoderms, 2008). Biotic and abiotic factors which trigger this
molluscs, and annelids secondarily. Furthermore, metamorphic process are incredibly diverse and
in cases where larval feeding organs are present, a range from specific bacterial, fungal, or algal sub-
fully functional through-gut is also present, and like strates that, by way of the co-occurrence with suit-
the adult gut, shows regional expression of parahox able habitats, have become biotic homing beacons
genes (Brooke et al., 1998; Annunziata and Arnone, for the larvae they attract (Hadfield and Paul, 2001).
2014). These points provide compelling evidence Similarly, abiotic factors such as oxygen, tempera-
that larval feeding and digestion represent adult ture, and dissolved substances factor into the set-
features which have heterochronically shifted to tlement choice. While there is astounding diversity
earlier developmental stages to allow for the pro- in the cues larvae utilize in finding a suitable habi-
longation of the larval period. It remains to be de- tat, it is likely that these cues are detected and re-
termined how often and with what frequency these layed to the nervous system via a familiar route, the
shifts have occurred. G-protein-coupled family of receptors (GPCRs).
These molecules can be traced to the very root of the
animal tree and appear in great diversity from nearly
2.10  Pelago-benthic Metamorphosis the beginning of their appearance (Churcher and
Is an Ancestral Metazoan Feature Taylor, 2011). GPCRs can change function rapidly
via change of a small number of residues (Bockaert
While the morphological features linked to larval- and Pin, 1999). This makes them a highly adaptable
and adult-specific behaviors, ciliary swimming, system for the detection of settlement cues (much as
and adult locomotion are useful starting points for they are for odorants and many other environmen-
examining homology relationships among lineages, tal stimuli). While it is currently unknown which
it can be difficult to assign these features exclusively receptors function in the detection of environmental
to one or the other stage. One feature, however, stimuli, exciting new work has begun to pinpoint
stands out as particularly suitable to a core ques- the receptor necessary to relay this settlement signal
tion in the evolutionary development of marine lar- to the rest of the organism (Conzelmann 2013b).
vae: the larval-to-adult transition—metamorphosis. Once an initial settlement cue is detected, this
Metamorphosis itself occurs in many forms among signal must be transmitted via the nervous system
marine larvae, which, at first inspection, would or through paracrine transmission to other tissues
make this process an unlikely starting point in a so that a global metamorphic process requiring
28   E v o l u t i o n a ry E c o l o g y o f M a r i n e I n v e rt eb r at e L a r va e

the remodeling of the body architecture can be in- form. In some cases, the transition is moderate, in-
itiated. Several neurohormones have been inves- volving only the elaboration of pre-formed adult
tigated and found to play a role in the settlement structures. In other cases, the transition is dra-
process in marine larvae, although the way in matic and involves the de novo growth of entirely
which these hormones act and the developmental new structures. In both cases, a common outcome
processes they regulate are varied (Heyland et al., is the rapid extension of adult features through
2005). Recent work has highlighted the key role the process of convergent extension. Convergent
of GLWamide-like neuropeptides in mediating extension is the reshuffling of cellular neighbors
the larval-to-adult transition in cnidarians, an- in such a way as to allow for the elongation of the
nelids, and potentially sponges (Iwao et al., 2002; primary body axis. Such processes are common
Conzelmann et al., 2013b), and the widespread oc- in animals and can be found in the germ band
currence of this hormone across animals suggests extension of Drosophila (Irvine and Wieschaus,
that its role in the pelagic-to-benthic transition 1994) and the posterior growth of vertebrates
may have arisen early in the metazoan lineage—a (Wallingfor­ d et al., 2002). During settlement, a
hypothesis that awaits investigation in additional larva is virtually immobilized and unable to es-
lineages. Functional evidence suggests that this cape potential predators, which provides a major
hormone acts via a conserved receptor to mediate selective pressure for this transition to occur rap-
the larval metamorphic transition (Conzelmann idly. As a result, most metamorphoses are driven
et al., 2013b). by rapid cell rearrangements, and occasionally
How a neuropeptide acting as a neurohormone cell death, rather than de novo growth or prolif-
came to govern the larval settlement process is an eration of new structures. In numerous cases, the
interesting question. A diffusible neurohormone primary mechanism driving this transition has
can propagate the settlement signal via synaptic been identified as convergent extension of the epi-
and non-synaptic transmission and lead to changes thelium. This process has been described during
via the nervous system as well as at a global level. the metamorphosis of ascidians and polychaetes
This ability to globally alter the physiology and be- and is likely an underlying mechanism in many
havior of nearly every cell within the animal allows other species (Munro and Odell, 2002; Jiang et al.,
the coordination of an organismal-level response. 2005; Steinmetz et al., 2007).
Interestingly, this same class of neuropeptides has While convergent extension takes place in many
been shown to mediate the activity of musculature contexts—and it is not currently possible to rule out
in both insects and cnidarians (Takahashi et al., that this module represents a homoplastic character
2003; Lange et al., 2012) as well as feeding behavior redeployed in the face of strong selective pressure—
in polychaetes (Williams et al., 2015). It is conceiv- the molecular underpinnings of this process repre-
able that metamorphosin/GLWamide first acted to sent a conserved genetic activity of the Wnt/PCP
coordinate the contraction of musculature for ho- pathway (Heisenberg et al., 2000; Ninomiya et al.,
meostatic processes such as respiration, peristaltic 2004; Roszko et al., 2009). In cnidarians, PCP signal-
digestion, or perhaps locomotion but was later co- ing has been implicated in epithelial polarity and
opted to mediate the settlement process. It is also cnidarian noncanonical Wnt ligands can regulate
conceivable, however, that its first role was in the convergent extension behaviors in Xenopus (Rigo-
mediation of settlement and that it was later co- Watermeier et al., 2011; Momose et al., 2012). Both
opted into additional roles in the adult organism. In canonical and noncanonical Wnt ligands have been
one such scenario, GL Wamide may in and of itself identified to specifically localize to the blastopore
been the first intrinsic settlement cue to signal to the (posterior pole of the embryo) in numerous species.
animal nervous system that the adult musculature Here, they have been demonstrated to play a role in
and feeding system were mature and functional and both ectodermal patterning and endoderm specifi-
that the initiation of settlement was appropriate. cation. It is likely that ligands also mediate the con-
Metamorphosis, once triggered, leads to an of- vergent extension of tissues during axis elongation
ten rapid and irreversible transition to the adult during settlement.
E v o l u t i o n a ry D e v e l o p me n t o f M a r i n e L a r va e    29

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Ch a pt er 3

Evolutionary Ecology of Parental

Investment and Larval Diversity
Dustin Marshall, Justin S. McAlister, and Adam M. Reitzel

3.1 Introduction marine organisms. Finally, we will provide some

suggestions as to future work in this field.
Marine larvae vary enormously in the amount of Before we consider parental investment in detail,
care—be it in the form of energy or other costly it is first important to define it. General life history
caregiving that increases offspring fitness—they re- theoreticians, such as Clutton-Brock and Stearns,
ceive from their parents. At one end of the spectrum have provided elegant descriptions and justifica-
of parental investment, the offspring of some spe- tions of parental investment, and we use a similar
cies receive very little from their parents: they are definition here: the best measure of parental invest-
released as tiny eggs (< 40 μm diameter), and must ment is the proportion of surplus power devoted
complete every element of their development in- to reproduction for each offspring (Clutton-Brock,
dependently, from fertilization all the way through 1991; Stearns, 1992). Whether that surplus power is
to metamorphosis. At the other extreme, some spe- direct energy investments into offspring in the form
cies are released as fully formed juveniles ~2000 of provisioning eggs, embryos, or juveniles; the con-
μm in length, with their entire development com- struction of protective capsules or egg masses; or
plete. Between these two extremes lie every possi- the energy expended ventilating a clutch of eggs—
ble level of parental investment, and most species all these acts involve the use of energy specifically
lie somewhere along this continuum. In contrast for reproduction. One key element of parental
to terrestrial taxa, parental investment is less cou- investment we will focus on in this chapter is off-
pled to phylogeny in marine taxa, such that closely spring size. We have that focus for several reasons:
related species may have wildly different parental first, offspring is an axis of parental investment that
investment strategies (Marshall et al., 2012). For shows enormous variation among species; second,
example, the congeneric sea urchins Heliocidaris it maps to major differences in life history; third, it
erythrogramma and H. tuberculata live in the same is likely that this axis captures much (but certainly
habitat but produce offspring that differ in volume not all; see following) of the variation in parental
by 35-fold (Marshall et al., 2012). Such diversity investment in marine organisms; and, finally, off-
demands explanation, and marine biologists have spring size is a component of parental investment
been fascinated by variation in parental investment for which we have the most data both in terms of
for over 100 years. In this chapter, we will review its variation and in terms of its consequences for the
patterns in parental investment in space, review the ecology marine organisms.
theory of parental investment in life history theory, As we begin the chapter, we would first like to ac-
explore the key assumptions of life history theory knowledge and recommend the work of the giants
as it pertains to parental investment, and then ex- in this field, including but not limited to the early
amine the evolutionary causes and ecological con- works of Mortensen, Thorson, Strathmann, Emlet,
sequences of variation in parental investment for and McEdward (e.g., Mortensen, 1922; Thorson, 1950;

Marshall, D., McAlister, J., and Retizel, A., Evolutionary ecology of parental investment and larval diversity. In. Evolutionary
Ecology of Marine Invertebrate Larvae. Edited by Tyler J. Carrier, Adam M. Reitzel, and Andreas Heyland:
Oxford University Press (2018). © Oxford University Press. DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780198786962.003.0003
Par e n ta l I n v e s t m e n t a n d Lar va l D i v e rsi t y    35

Strathmann, 1985; Emlet et al., 1987; McEdwar­d and latitudinal patterns in marine organisms were less
Miner; 2001). Furthermore, this chapter hopefully clear than once thought (Pearse and Lockhart, 2004).
builds on work by Will Jaeckle and Jon Havenhand Over the next decade, life history data continued
(see Havenhand, 1995; Jaeckle, 1995), and we strongly to accumulate and explorations of biogeographi-
recommend these as an excellent starting point. cal patterns in marine life histories became more
sophisticated (Fernandez et al., 2009). More recent
3.2  The Biogeography of Parental studies have taken advantage of technological
Investment in the Sea achievements that were unavailable in Thorson’s
day. These include, for example, more formal sta-
Biologists have noticed patterns in parental invest- tistical analyses of the association between life his-
ment in marine systems for at least 100 years. The tory and latitude, an exploration of the biophysical
great larval biologist Gunnar Thorson reviewed drivers underlying latitudinal gradients, and the
the literature in the early 1900s and concluded introduction of phylogenetic techniques to control
that there were latitudinal gradients both in larval for common ancestry in constraining biogeographi-
development types and offspring size in marine cal patterns (Marshall et al., 2012). Today, a modi-
invertebrates (Thorson, 1936). Specifically, he sug- fied version of Thorson’s rule has been revived
gested that species that lacked a larval stage were (Marshal­l et al., 2012). Generally, higher latitudes
more common in high latitudes and that offspring are associated with larger offspring sizes, regardless
sizes were generally larger at the poles relative to of clade or hemisphere. This pattern appears most
the tropics (Thorson, 1950). Though Thorson was associated with latitudinal gradients in mean tem-
always troubled by the fact that some species with perature. The tropics tend to have a higher propor-
small eggs and extended larval phases still thrived tion of species with feeding larvae while the poles
in the poles, he came to believe that the poles “sup- are dominated by species with larvae that do not
pressed” such species and favored species that feed. Higher latitudes in the southern hemisphere
lacked a larval phase and produced larger offspring tend to have much higher proportions of species
(Thorson, 1950). Thorson believed that the colder that lack a larval phase, but this pattern does not
temperatures of the poles and the lack of planktonic occur in the northern hemisphere. While the poles
food were the drivers of the life history patterns he and tropics are extremes and most different with
observed. These ideas remained highly influential respect to marine life history patterns, it is worth
for the next 30 years, with extensions of the pattern noting that they don’t drive these patterns exclu-
beyond marine invertebrates to marine fishes. This sively—the gradients exist within just the temper-
eventually came to be known as “Thorson’s rule” ate latitudes as well (Marshall et al., 2012).
(Laptikhovsky, 2006). Interestingly, some life history patterns were not
In the 1990s, marine biologists started to chal- correlated with differences in mean environmental
lenge the orthodoxy of Thorson’s rule for several conditions. For example, the proportion of species
reasons (Pearse, 1994). Thorson’s ideas were not with planktonic-feeding larvae and the size of off-
without problems; his understanding was limited spring in this group are both unrelated to the mean
by the data at the time. He thought that species with abundance of planktonic food. This finding is sur-
nonfeeding larvae were rare and did not occu­r at prising given that feeding larvae depend on plank-
the poles. As studies accumulated, it became clear tonic food to complete their development. Instead,
that many species have nonfeeding larvae and these it seems that the predictability and seasonality of
were particularly common at the poles (Pearse, planktonic food at any one latitude is more impor-
1994). Thorson assumed that the poles were food- tant than the simple mean abundance for determin-
less deserts, but later studies showed that phyto- ing the prevalence and offspring size of species
plankton blooms, while brief, were significant in with feeding larvae (Marshall and Burgess, 2015).
both the Arctic and Antarctic (Marshall et al., 2012). Accordingly, future studies should move beyond
By the end of the 1990s there was a growing con- using simple means as a descriptor of environmen-
sensus that Thorson’s ideas were outdated and that tal conditions and formally incorporate variability
36   E v o l u t i o n ary E c o l o g y o f M ari n e I n v e rt e b rat e Lar va e

and predictability, as these clearly also act to shape but the overwhelming majority of marine inver-
marine life histories (Marshall and Burgess, 2015). tebrate larvae either do not feed at all or must feed
Given the strong biogeographical relationship to complete development. Offspring size covaries
we observe between temperature and develop- with developmental mode strongly (Figure 3.1): eggs
mental mode, it seems reasonable to predict that smaller than around 120 μm in diameter tend to pro-
future global change will alter the global distri- duce feeding larvae, while eggs larger 300 μm tend
bution of developmental modes. Specifically, we to only produce nonfeeding larvae (with the notable
would predict a poleward extension of species with exception of Conus, in which feeding larvae can be up
feeding larvae associated with global temperature to 400 μm in diameter; Kohn and Perron, 1994). For
increases. Initial evidence supports this prediction, a detailed consideration of the differences between
with some species with feeding larvae greatly ex- planktotrophy, lecithotrophy, and feeding and non-
tending their range to higher latitudes (Marshall et feeding larvae, see Strathmann (1985). The covariance
al., 2012). There is some support for this prediction between egg size and developmental mode has long
already (Ling et al., 2009). Whether species with fascinated biologists, and there have been repeated
nonfeeding or aplanktonic development are made theoretical attempts to explain the evolution of egg
more rare by global climate change remains unclear size and development starting almost 50 years ago.
but is certainly a concerning possibility. Richard Vance developed a theoretical model for
predicting offspring size in 1973, and he developed
3.3  Theory of Parental Investment it specifically for marine invertebrates (Vance, 1973).
Smith and Fretwell published a more general model
in Marine Organisms
the following year (Smith and Fretwell, 1974), and
One of the starkest dichotomies in marine inver- this has received more attention from a broader au-
tebrate life histories is the grouping of species with dience, but it is worth noting that the first optimal-
feeding vs. nonfeeding larvae (Strathmann, 1985). ity model of offspring size was Vance’s—a fact not
There are a very few species, known as facultative often appreciated among life history theoreticians
planktotrophs, which can feed but can also complete more generally. Vance’s model has two key com-
development without feeding (Herrera et al., 1996), ponents, an offspring size-number trade-off and

Egg size distributions (n = 1167)






Figure 3.1  Distribution of offspring sizes (data taken

from Marshall et al., 2012) across three developmental
modes. The darkest bars are for species with feeding
0 0.00 larvae, the intermediate shade for species with
100 1,000 nonfeeding larvae, and the lightest bars are for species
Egg size (μm) that lack a planktonic larval phase (see Plate 6).
Par e n ta l I n v e s t m e n t a n d Lar va l D i v e rsi t y    37

an offspring size-fitness function (Vance, 1973). As Vance’s model predicted that mothers should ei-
far as we are aware, these two basic components ther produce the smallest possible offspring or the
have been retained in all models of offspring size largest possible offspring (to a maximum size s = 1),
since then. In this section we will consider the ba- and that local conditions would alter the balance be-
sic model of Vance, and outline some modifications tween these extremes (Vance, 1973). The model pre-
that have been added in order to better reflect our dicted that food availability should affect the relative
understanding of how offspring size affects ma- advantages of producing feeding vs. nonfeeding lar-
rine invertebrate life histories. We will later deal vae: higher food abundances should favor the pro-
with empirical evidence for each component (the duction of feeding larvae. However, as we saw in the
size-number trade-off and the offspring size-fitness previous section, this intuition is not supported in
function) separately. We will now briefly consider a straightforward way. Vance’s model had the prob-
Vance’s model (for a more detailed review see lem of “lost souls”: infinitely (and therefore infinitely
Marshal­l and Keough, 2008a). numerous) small offspring still had some fitness
In six relatively simple equations, Vance laid out because the model always predicts fitness is maxi-
his assumptions about how egg size affected fitness mized by producing infinitely small eggs—Vance
in marine invertebrates (Vance, 1973). He assumed assumed an arbitrary minimum viable offspring size
that larger eggs took longer to develop through the to work around this problem.
embryonic stage before becoming larvae that could The theoretical framework that Vance provided
either feed or not feed. Thus, in species with non- was an invaluable contribution to the field, and the
feeding larvae, the length of the larval phase was paper should still be considered required reading
positively correlated with egg size. This was a par- by today’s marine evolutionary ecologists. Never-
ticularly prescient assumption given there was lit- theless, the model contains assumptions that today
tle supporting data in 1973, but since then several have less support, and is limited to only one section
studies have confirmed this relationship (Marshall of the life history, whereas it now appears that egg
and Keough, 2008a). Vance further assumed that in size has pervasive consequences across the entire
species with feeding larvae, larger eggs developed life cycle. In what follows, we consider the key com-
into larvae that spent less time in the plankton be- ponents of Vance’s model and revise these in light
fore accumulating sufficient resources to metamor- of our current understanding.
phose—relative to the pre-feeding phase, Vance
assumed that the length of the feeding period was 3.4  Parental Investment, Egg Size,
much greater. Vance made no assumptions about and the Size-Number Trade-Off
size-specific mortality rates, though later models
did (Christiansen and Fenchel, 1979). Vance also as- Vance’s original suggestion that mothers must bal-
sumed that larvae would only ever be large enough ance the size and number offspring that they can
to complete metamorphosis, a size he called s— produce due to energy constraints has reverber-
there was no fitness advantage to producing eggs ated through the literature ever since. Upon initial
that are larger than s. Later studies by Herrera et consideration, such a constraint has intuitive ap-
al. (1996) and McEdward and Miner (2006) further peal—mothers have a limited amount of energy
discussed and quantified s in relation to maternal they can devote to reproduction and so increases in
investment and nutritional mode of larvae. Vance the energy contained in each offspring must come
also assumed that mortality rates were constant in at a cost to the number of offspring that can be pro-
the plankton, such that any extension of the larval duced. Thus, it could be argued that the natural unit
period incurred more mortality. Finally, Vance as- of parental investment is the energy content of off-
sumed a direct energy trade-off between the size spring rather than the size of offspring, and so stud-
and number of offspring that mothers could pro- ies should seek to measure energy content wherever
duce: any increase in size yields a concomitant re- possible. Such an approach raises the practical dif-
duction in the number of offspring that mothers ficulty of measuring energy content of very small
could make due to energy constraints. individuals, often in destructive ways. If offspring
38   E v o l u t i o n ary E c o l o g y o f M ari n e I n v e rt e b rat e Lar va e

size is well correlated with energy content, then off- between egg size and content (McEdward and
spring size would be a convenient proxy for energy Coulter, 1987), but a better replicated study later
content, with the additional advantage of being a found that such a relationship did exist (McEdward
nondestructive measure. Offspring size also has and Chia, 1991), suggesting the earlier analysis had
the convenient property of capturing other poten- suffered a Type II error. There are a few different
tial trade-offs and can directly affect performance ways of dealing with this issue that we recommend.
(more about this later). Thus, the crucial question One approach would be to simply use a different
remains: how well are offspring size and energy α for concluding that a relationship is significantly
content correlated? different from zero (for a detailed consideration
of adjusting α, see Quinn and Keough, 2002). We
would argue, however, that even this approach is
3.4.1  Does Offspring Size Reflect Energy
probably not the most informative.
Imagine that we find a significant relationship be-
Interspecific studies show strong relationships be- tween offspring size and content. Under a standard
tween egg size and energy content, but these are frequentist approach, this tells us that the relation-
largely irrelevant to our considerations here given ship is significantly different from zero, but it tells
selection acts within species (Jaeckle, 1995). Like- us nothing about how a single unit increase in size
wise, while Vance’s model has often been invoked results in a corresponding increase in content. Yet
to explain differences among species, the processes for the strict energy-based trade-off that is often
that operate to increase fitness of one pheno- modeled to apply, there needs to be a one-to-one
type over another operate within species. Indeed, relationship between offspring size and content. We
Vance’s model is explicitly intraspecific in its ap- recommend that future studies focus on this one-
proach, though it is used to make inferences about to-one relationship; specifically, a more appropriate
interspecific patterns. Thus, while macroevolution- statistical approach would be to test whether the
ary patterns among species may provide clues as relationship between offspring size (volume) and
to the microevolutionary processes that produced content scale significantly differently from 1.
them, the key relationships to be considered are the There are several ways of doing this. The simplest
covariances between offspring size, energy content, might be to determine whether the confidence in-
and offspring performance within species. tervals on the coefficient linking size and content
Two problems with estimating the relationship overlap 1. Alternatively, a Wald test—where the dif-
between offspring size and energy content within ference between the coefficient and 1 is divided by
species are that we’re often working with relatively the standard error of the coefficient and then com-
small amounts of variation in offspring size, such pared against a t distribution (as in a standard Wald
that the “signal” of covariation is likely to be small, test for whether a slope is sufficiently different from
and relatively imprecise methods for estimating 0, but here 0 is replaced by 1)—could be used to
content—though technological advances are im- determine whether the relationship is significantly
proving methods all the time—such that the “noise” different from 1. The equivalent approach under a
is likely to be substantial. This low signal-to-noise Bayesian framework would also work well. Regard-
ratio makes tests of the relationship between off- less of the specific approach, we suggest that simply
spring size and content highly susceptible to Type II testing whether the relationship between offspring
statistical errors (false negatives). One might errone- content and size is different from 0 is relatively
ously conclude that there is no relationship between uninformative, and future studies should instead
offspring size and content simply because the range formally test whether offspring size (volume) and
of sizes tested is too small and the imprecision of content scale differently to a one-to-one ratio (Mora­n
the measurement of content is too great. A good et al., 2013). As always, a power analysis should also
illustration of this problem is provided by Solaster be considered to determine whether such an effect
stimpsoni, where an influential study using only a can even be detected. This approach also reduces
small number of replicates found no relationship the likelihood of committing a Type II error.
Par e n ta l I n v e s t m e n t a n d Lar va l D i v e rsi t y    39

3.4.2  Does Energy Content or Size Reflect Total a few studies have estimated the costs of brooding,
Per-Offspring Investment? and ventilation in marine invertebrates (McClary
and Mladenov, 1990), the energy content of acces-
Vance’s original focus on the energy content of off- sory structures (Bolton et al., 2000), and the provi-
spring means that subsequent studies have typi- sioning of nurse egg structures (Collin and Moran,
cally estimated the energy content of offspring once this volume), there are too few to generalize, and
they are released from the parent, or have com- existing theory is yet to incorporate these overhead
pleted development. For example, there have been costs into offspring size-number models.
several subsequent reviews that cover the differ-
ences in composition of eggs from species with vari-
ous developmental modes (Moran and McAlister, 3.4.3  Does Energy Content Reflect the Proximal
2009). An issue with such an approach is that it only Constraints on Maternal Investment?
captures a proportion of the energy that the parent One problem with assuming that mothers are lim-
expended on each offspring. Similarly, offspring ited by energy in determining how they should
size only estimates the physical dimensions of an balance the size and number of offspring that they
offspring upon release, and may not estimate all of produce is that it assumes that energy is the proxi-
the investment made to produce that offspring. mal limiting factor. Instead, in any one reproduc-
Ideally, any measure of parental investment tive bout, the reproductive capacity of a female may
should include the total costs of producing each simply be limited by size. For species that broad-
offspring; this would include the costs of creating cast spawn, total investment in reproduction may
the reproductive structure that produced the egg, be limited by maximum gonad size, and for species
the reproductive tract for either receiving the sperm that brood, total investment might be limited by the
or spawning the egg, any accessory costs associated maximum size of a brood that can be maintained
with the egg (e.g., follicle cells, egg coats, mucilage, or oxygenated (Strathmann and Strathmann, 1982).
and thickeners), and costs of moving to a spawning From this perspective, offspring size may repre-
site. Gametes stored in the gonad are unlikely to be sent a more natural currency to consider as a direct
completely metabolically inert, and will consume trade-off for number. However, too few studies
some resources until release. In species that brood have examined how space limited brood or gonad
developing offspring, some require costly ventila- capacity is in marine invertebrates (though Strath-
tion (e.g., crustacean egg broods) and others draw mann and others have argued that it does represent
resources from the mother while developing (e.g., an important limit).
bryozoans, echinoderms; McClary and Mladenov,
1990). For mothers that release offspring into egg
3.5  Offspring Size-Fitness Functions
masses or capsules, the costs of the protective struc-
tures, as well as nutritive eggs or yolk material, must Regardless of what costs (space, energy) are associ-
also be factored into the energy costs of producing ated with increasing offspring size, it seems reason-
the offspring. These costs matter because they will able to assume that if offspring size does not affect
influence the per capita energy costs of producing subsequent offspring fitness, then mothers should
offspring and alter the optimal balance between the produce the smallest, cheapest (in terms of energy)
size and number of offspring that mothers should offspring possible because this will maximize ma-
produce. For example, Sakai and Harada (2001) pre- ternal fitness. If, on the other hand, offspring size
dict that, because brooded offspring (in their case does positively affect fitness, then mothers must bal-
seeds, but the theory equally applies to brooded ance the costs of producing larger, more expensive
offspring) consume resources while increasing in offspring with the benefits of each offspring having
size, the rate at which offspring consume resources higher fitness. Ever since Vance’s assumption that
relative to their supply while being brooded alters offspring size affects planktonic duration alone, we
the predicted optimal offspring size that mothers now have a wealth of data that suggests that off-
should produce in order to maximize fitness. While spring size affects every aspect of offspring fitness,
40   E v o l u t i o n ary E c o l o g y o f M ari n e I n v e rt e b rat e Lar va e

from initial fertilization through metamorphosis, being equal, high densities of sperm/males should
and can affect adult reproduction and even lifespan. favor smaller eggs and low densities should favor
Throughout the following, we will consider only larger eggs, a prediction that has some empirical
the effects of offspring size on subsequent perfor- support (e.g., Crean and Marshall, 2008).
mance within species, as this is an appropriate scale
for considering the eco-evolutionary dynamics of
3.5.2  Offspring Size and the Planktonic Period
parental investment. For an exploration of among-
species covariation between offspring size and per- Looking across species and developmental modes,
formance, see Marshall and Keough (2008a). species with small eggs and feeding larvae tend to
have longer planktonic periods than species with
larger eggs and nonfeeding larvae. A study of echi-
3.5.1  Offspring Size and Fertilization Success
noderm life histories found that planktonic duration
By recent estimates, around 50% of all marine inver- did not correlate well with developmental mode
tebrates have external fertilization, where eggs and (Mercier et al., 2013); in only two classes out of four
sperm must meet in water (Monro and Marshal­l, (echinoids and ophiuroids) did species with feed-
2015). External fertilization is fraught, with the ing larvae have longer durations than species with
probability of being fertilized strongly dependent nonfeeding larvae. The failure to find an effect of
on sperm concentration and thus the density of developmental mode for holothuroids and asteroids
spawning males. When sperm concentrations (and is surprising, and we decided to reanalyze those
male densities) are too low, the probability of an egg data. Importantly, we included the effect of rear-
being contacted by a sperm is low and so fertiliza- ing temperature in the analysis for which data were
tion success is sperm-limited. When sperm concen- available because planktotrophic species are more
tration (and male densities) are too high, then the likely to occur in warmer waters and nonfeeding
probability of eggs being contacted by multiple species are more likely to occur in cooler waters; in
sperm simultaneously is high, and if multiple sperm other words, temperature could confound the effect
enter the egg before the egg has a chance to create of developmental mode. Given that temperature is
a block, then the egg suffers a condition known as likely to drive developmental times strongly and
polyspermy and usually dies. While there has been that the key comparison of interest is the effect of
debate regarding the prevalence of both sperm limi- developmental mode on developmental period for
tation and polyspermy in natural populations, it is a given temperature, we therefore statistically con-
reasonable to assume that both happen and their trolled for temperature by including it as a covariate.
likelihood depends mostly on the density of spawn- Usin­g an ANCOVA approach, we found a strong ef-
ing males and local hydrodynamic conditions. It fect of developmental mode in both holothuroids
now seems that egg size also affects fertilization (F1,24 = 15.15, P <0.001) and asteroids (F1,50 = 22.59,
with consequences for selection on offspring size. P <0.001). For asteroids, we find that for a given tem-
Vogel et al. (1982) predicted and Levitan (1996) perature, feeding larvae have a developmental pe-
showed that egg size affects the kinetics of fertiliza- riod that is twice as long as nonfeeding larvae, and
tion: larger eggs are more likely to be contacted by for holothuroids, feeding larval periods are almost
sperm simply because they present a larger target eight times longer than nonfeeding larval periods.
for sperm to hit. Levitan showed that under sperm- Thus, we would agree with Mercier et al. (2013) that
limiting conditions, larger eggs were favored; larval developmental mode alone is a poor predictor
Levitan incorporated the influence of egg size on of developmental period across wide temperature
fertilization into a modified version of the Vance ranges. Nevertheless, once the confounding influ-
model (Levitan, 2000). Later, Marshall et al. (2002) ence of temperature is taken into account, we would
showed that not only were larger eggs more likely instead conclude that larval mode is an excellent
to be fertilized under sperm-limiting conditions, predictor of developmental period across all echino-
but they are also more likely to suffer polyspermy derm classes. Thus, Vance’s intuition that plankto-
under sperm-saturating conditions. Thus, all else trophs are cheaper to make but spend longer in the
Par e n ta l I n v e s t m e n t a n d Lar va l D i v e rsi t y    41

plankton and therefore accumulate more mortality how offspring size may affect the ability of larvae
holds true for Echinodermata in any one thermal to feed, exploit different food resources, or resist
environment. We will now examine patterns within starvation. Furthermore, offspring size has long
each developmental mode and within species. been predicted to affect susceptibility to predation
Vance’s predictions about how offspring size af- (Christiansen and Fenchel, 1979), a prediction that
fects planktonic period were remarkably prescient. has some initial support (Allen 2008).
In species with nonfeeding larvae, larger eggs gen-
erally take longer to develop and hatch than smaller
3.5.3  Offspring Size Effects on Post-metamorphic
eggs (though there are exceptions). Larger nonfeed-
ing larvae also tend to be more selective with respect
to settlement, taking longer to reach competence to Offspring size affects the survival, growth, repro-
metamorphose, but are also more likely to reject duction, and longevity of marine invertebrates
low quality settlement sites for longer (Marshal­l (Table 3.1). Within a range of species and devel-
and Steinberg, 2014). opmental modes, larger offspring tend to survive
In species that are released as competent non- better than smaller offspring. The mechanisms by
feeding larvae (e.g., colonial ascidians, bryozoans, which larger offspring have a survival advantage
and sponges), larger larvae tend to have longer are unclear. Larger offspring can be better buffered
planktonic periods than smaller larvae. Though against starvation, more resistant to predation, and
larger larvae are capable of ending the larval period more competitive than their smaller conspecifics
as soon as smaller larvae, it is thought that larger (Marshall and Keough, 2008a).
larvae are more likely to delay settlement in the ab- Larger offspring also tend to show higher rates
sence of cues for high quality habitat. A recent study of post-metamorphic growth than smaller offspring
(Pettersen et al., 2015) suggests that larger larvae (Table 3.1). In contrast, one study (Jacobs and
not only begin life with more energy, but because Sherrard, 2010) on seven ascidians failed to find a
of the allometric relationship between offspring relationship between initial offspring size and sub-
size and offspring metabolism, larger larvae also sequent size though this study had limited replica-
utilize a lower proportion of their energy reserves, tion (an average of nine replicates per species). In
such that delaying metamorphosis is less costly in some colonial marine invertebrates, offspring size
larger larvae relative to smaller larvae. Regardless affects initial asexual budding rates with larger
of the mechanism, it seems that larger larvae have a offspring producing more daughter zooids than
higher chance of settling into higher quality. smaller offspring. In other species, the mechanism
In species with feeding larvae, limited evidence by which offspring size affects growth remains
suggests that larger eggs take longer to hatch into unclear, though viable explanations include size-
feeding larvae than smaller eggs. A series of el- based differences in feeding structures or foraging
egant manipulations of egg size by Sinervo and behavior such that larger offspring can gain re-
McEdwar­d (1988) as well as Hart (1995) showed sources more efficiently (Kosman and Perne­t, 2011).
that egg size also affects the duration of the larval A recent study (Pettersen et al., 2015) also shows
feeding period in sea urchins in the manner pre- that metamorphosis is relatively less costly for
dicted by Vance. Later studies also show that gener- larger offspring than smaller offspring. Petterse­n
ally, larger eggs require less time as feeding larvae et al. (2015) show that, because metabolism scales
in order to complete development. allometrically with size, smaller offspring burn
While the effects of egg size on the overall plank- ~47% of their energy reserves in order to complete
tonic period are increasingly well understood, more metamorphosis while larger offspring will burn
detailed explorations of the mechanisms by which ~22%. Thus, as well as possibly beginning life with
offspring size affects fitness in species with feeding a higher research of energy, larger offspring are
larvae are lacking. For example, it is easy to imagine also more efficient in passing through the costly
42   E v o l u t i o n ary E c o l o g y o f M ari n e I n v e rt e b rat e Lar va e

Table 3.1  Studies Examining Effect of Offspring Size on Post-Metamorphic Performance in Marine Invertebrates.

Study Location Species Survival Growth Reproduction

Emlet and Sadro, 2006 Field Balanus glandula ✗ ✓

Kosman and Pernet, 2011 Lab Bugula californica ✓
Burgess et al., 2013 Field Bugula neritina ✓ ✓ ✓
Monro et al., 2010 Field Bugula neritina Mixed ✗
Monro et al., 2010 Lab Bugula neritina ✗ ✓
Kosman and Pernet, 2011 Lab Bugula neritina ✓
Dias and Marshall, 2010 Field Celleporaria sp. ✓ ✓
Kosman and Pernet, 2011 Lab Cryptosula pallasiana ✓
Allen and Marshall, 2014 Field Hydroides diramphus ✗ ✓
Allen and Marshall, 2013 Field Hydroides diramphus ✓ ✓
Kesselring et al., 2012 Field Janua pagenstecheri ✓(negative effect) ✓ ✓
Gehman and Bingham, 2009 Lab Leptasterias aequalis ✓ ✓
Rius et al., 2010 Field Microcosmus squamiger ✓ ✓
Sun et al., 2015 Lab Urticina felina ✗
Davis and Marshall, 2014 Field Watersipora subtorquata ✓
Marshall and Monro, 2012 Field Watersipora subtorquata ✓ ✓
Marshall and Keough, 2008 Field Watersipora subtorquata ✓ ✓
Lange and Marshall, 2016 Field Watersipora subtorquata ✓
Crean et al., 2011 Field Styela plicata ✓ ✓
Jacobs and Sherrard, 2010 Field Boltenia villosa ✗
Jacobs and Sherrard, 2010 Field Styela gibbsii ✗
Jacobs and Sherrard, 2010 Field Corella inflate ✗
Jacobs and Sherrard, 2010 Field Diplosoma macdonaldi ✗
Jacobs and Sherrard, 2010 Field Distaplia occidentalis ✗
Jacobs and Sherrard, 2010 Field Botrylloides violaceus ✗
Jacobs and Sherrard, 2010 Lab Boltenia villosa ✗
Jacobs and Sherrard, 2010 Lab Styela gibbsii ✗
Jacobs and Sherrard, 2010 Lab Corella inflate ✗
Jacobs and Sherrard, 2010 Lab Ciona savigni ✗
Jacobs and Sherrard, 2010 Lab Diplosoma macdonaldi ✗
Jacobs and Sherrard, 2010 Lab Distaplia occidentalis ✗
Jacobs and Sherrard, 2010 Lab Botrylloides violaceus ✗
Carrasco et al., 2012 Lab Cominella virgata ✗ ✓
Carrasco et al., 2012 Lab Cominella maculosa Mixed ✓
Pernet et al., 2012 Lab Capitella teleta ✓ ✓

Note. Unless otherwise stated, crosses indicate no significant effect, and check marks indicate a significant, positive effect of offspring size on performance. Where
mixed effects were recorded, the effects of offspring size were inconsistent among different experiments.
Par e n ta l I n v e s t m e n t a n d Lar va l D i v e rsi t y    43

metamorphic stage. Though there are fewer stud- of the ecological importance of offspring size
ies, offspring size effects on post-metamorphic per- for populations are exceedingly rare but the one
formance also occur in species with feeding larvae study that has explored this formally found that
(Allen and Marshall, 2010). It seems that even small offspring size plays only a limited role: offspring
differences in initial investment can still manifest in size only accounted for between 0.1% and 15% of
the adult stage despite an extended larval feeding total variation in post-metamorphic performance
stage. This persistent difference may be due to the in the bryozoan Watersipora subtorquata (Lange and
differences in efficiency between smaller and larger Marshall, 2016). Importantly, offspring size may
offspring discussed above, but tests of metabolic not only affect the dynamics of the focal species in
scaling in species with feeding larvae suggest oth- which offspring size varies, rather it can also affect
erwise (Moran and Allen, 2007). the assembly of the surrounding community. Davis
Experimental studies within species that differ in and Marshall (2014) found that offspring size in a
relative investment suggest that offspring size may resident species can be more important in driving
have complex relationships with reproduction. For community assembly in the field than the density
example, both Marshall et al. (2003) and Dias and of the resident species. Paradoxically, when the resi-
Marshall (2010) find that larger offspring tend pro- dent species originated from larger offspring (and
duce more offspring themselves relative to smaller therefore grow faster), the community that subse-
offspring. These effects are not always straightfor- quently assembled was denser than when the resi-
ward, however: Kesselring et al. (2012) showed that dent species originated from smaller offspring (and
while larger offspring tended to reproduce more in therefore grew slower). These results suggest that
any one reproductive bout, they also died sooner offspring size affects not only the performance of
than smaller offspring such that they took part in the focal species but also affects its niche usage and
fewer reproductive events. These experimental re- the capacity for other species to coexist. Whether
sults are essential in order to provide empirical tests offspring size has community-level effects in other
for hypotheses developed in the context of models systems or species remains completely unexplored,
or comparative datasets. Given that reproductive but as Davis and Marshall (2014) argue, such effects
output is one of the best estimates of true fitness, are likely to be widespread.
we would argue that more studies that follow the
entire life history, including life span and total re- 3.6.2  Drivers of Among-Environment Variation
productive output, are needed.
in Offspring Size
Previous reviews (e.g., Marshall et al., 2008a; 2012)
3.6  Eco-evolutionary Dynamics have identified the drivers of broadscale temporal
of Parental Investment (e.g., seasonal) and spatial (e.g., latitudinal) patterns
in offspring size, and so here we focus on local-scale
3.6.1 Ecological Importance of Offspring Size
source of variation in offspring size. Similarly, the
Given the effects of offspring size on subsequent role of maternal phenotypes such as size in altering
performance, it seems reasonable to assume that the offspring size relationship has also been dealt
variation in offspring size is likely to be an impor- with in a separate review.
tant driver of ecological dynamics. While marine Life history theory predicts that changes in the
ecologists have long focused on the role of variation offspring size-performance relationship should al-
in the quantity of larvae entering the population as ter the offspring size that mothers should produce
a driver of population dynamics, offspring size ef- (Parker and Begon, 1986; Kindsvater and Otto,
fects suggest that we should also consider the qual- 2014). Formal theory predicts that optimal offspring
ity of larvae entering the population. Indeed, larval size is dependent on the steepness of the relation-
quality effects more generally can overwhelm the ship between offspring size and performance. Gen-
effects of larval quantity effects in marine popula- erally, if the relationship is steep, then mothers will
tions (Burgess and Marshall, 2011a). Examination be better off producing larger offspring because the
44   E v o l u t i o n ary E c o l o g y o f M ari n e I n v e rt e b rat e Lar va e

per capita fitness return of high performing, larger Such size-based changes in offspring size are
offspring exceeds the per capita cost of producing not universal. For example, in tubeworms, moth-
larger offspring. Conversely, when the relationship ers exposed to lower salinities or higher tempera-
is shallow, mothers should produce smaller off- tures do not change the size of their offspring, even
spring because they get much of a less fitness return though the performance of their offspring changes
for a given increase in per capita investment and are dramatically, suggesting that mothers can manipu-
better off maximizing the number of offspring that late the phenotype of their offspring in numerous
they can produce. Thus, any changes in the envi- ways (Jensen et al., 2014; Guillaume et al., 2015),
ronment that alter the offspring size-performance which may differ between populations (Collin and
relationship should alter the fitness returns of a Salaza­r, 2010).
given offspring size.
If the maternal environment changes, and it is a 3.6.3 Environmental Dependent Variation
good predictor of the offspring environment, then
in Offspring Quality Other than Size
selection should favor mothers that alter the size of
their offspring accordingly (Burgess and Marshal­l, Mothers may be able to manipulate the phenotype
2014). There is increasing evidence that such of the eggs and offspring in ways that are unrelated
transgenerational plasticity is widespread in marine to size. Maternal effects beyond offspring size are
invertebrates both among and within populations. common in diverse organisms (e.g., oviparous ver-
The environmental cues to which mothers modify tebrates, insects, vascular plants; Rossiter, 1996) and
the investment in eggs include diverse factors: biotic are surely present in marine invertebrates as well.
and abiotic, as well as natural and anthropogenic. Thus, while much of the theoretical and empirical
In the bryozoan Bugula neritina, colonies reared in work on ecologically and evolutionary related vari-
high-competition environments produce larger off- ation in marine invertebrate offspring has focused
spring that are better competitors and more likely on size as a proxy for investment, additional ele-
to disperse away from local competitive conditions ments of the egg phenotype affect offspring fitness.
(Allen et al., 2008). Similarly, colonies exposed to a Vitellogenesis broadly refers to the period of oo-
heavy metal stress will also produce larger, more cyte development in the ovary where protein, lipids,
resistant offspring that are more likely to disperse and carbohydrates are synthesized or assimilated
away, potentially to avoid the physiological stressor into the maturing egg. These biochemical compo-
in the next generation (Marshall, 2008). Mothers nents can either be synthesized in a non-ovarian tis-
exposed to higher temperature tend to produce sue (liver in mammals, fat body in insects) or in the
smaller offspring that perform better in higher tem- ovary and transported into the oocyte via endocytosis
peratures themselves (Burgess and Marshall, 2011b). (termed, heterosynthetic), or they can be synthesized
Mothers can also alter the phenotype of their off- by the egg itself after small molecule uptake (termed,
spring in relatively subtle ways. For example, in the autosynthetic). Research by Eckelbarge­r (2005) sug-
ascidian Styela clava, individuals reared at high den- gests that species with heterosynthetic mechanisms
sities produce smaller eggs than individuals reared of yolk synthesis can produce mature eggs rapidly
at low densities (Crean and Marshall, 2008). The because large molecules like vitellogenin are deliv-
change in overall egg size comes from a decrease ered and endocytosed in mature form. Furthermore,
in the size of egg accessory structures (follicle cells) Eckelbarger (2005) hypothesized these mechanisms
such that the overall target of the egg is smaller and and the ovary may exert significant effects on egg in-
less susceptible to polyspermy. Even though the vestment, among other factors, important for larval
overall egg size is smaller, the ovicell, the portion of development. Thus, these vitellogenic mechanisms
the egg that provides nutrition for the offspring, ac- could promote different forms of plasticity in egg
tually increases in size in individuals reared at high composition. For species with heterosynthetic yolk
densities—presumably to increase the dispersal po- production, the quantity of yolk deposited into each
tential and competitive ability of those individuals egg could be altered by environment-dependen­ t
(Crean and Marshall, 2008). shifts in vitellogenin and other large molecules
Par e n ta l I n v e s t m e n t a n d Lar va l D i v e rsi t y    45

available during oocyte maturation or the modifica- general chaperon proteins like heat-shock proteins or
tion of lipoproteins and vitellogenin-specific cell re- process-specific proteins like aquaporins.
ceptors on the oocyte membrane. For autosynthetic We should also recognize that the evolution of
species, the environment may shift the proportion environmental manipulations to eggs is limited by
of amino acids, monosaccharides, and fatty acids the costs and limits common to any plasticity re-
circulating in the female during egg maturation and sponse. The environment may not represent reliable
thus the small molecules available from which larger cues to mothers such that there is no selection for
nutritive molecules are synthesized. In both cases, mothers to alter their offspring size—formal esti-
the mature egg may more closely match the mater- mates of environmental predictability are necessary
nal nutritive profile and thus may better match the if tests of transgenerational plasticity are to be reli-
current environment. Mature oocytes provide the able (Burges­s and Marshall, 2014).
initial nutrition to the embryo in the form of yolk
protein. In many oviparous organisms, vitellogenin
3.6.4  Within-Brood Variation
serves as the precursor yolk protein that is enzymati-
cally cleaved into lipoproteins and phosphoproteins. Offspring size varies not only among broods and
Biochemical measurements of mature oocytes have mothers, but it also varies within broods. Whether
determined the quantity of lipids, proteins, and car- this variation is adaptive is hard to determine. It
bohydrates and, in some cases have treated these as has been suggested that within-brood variation
species’ characteristics that represent maternal in- represents a form of bet-hedging, mothers may
vestment. However, females may shift not only the make a range of offspring sizes when their future
total caloric investment but potentially the represen- environment is unpredictable (Crean and Marshall,
tation of each category of molecule in functionally 2009). Among species patterns in within-brood
important ways, particularly in response to envi- variation suggest that species with more disper-
ronmental variation (Moran and McAlister, 2009; sive larvae (and less predictable experience) tend
Marshall and Keough, 2008b). For example, females to have higher within-brood variation in offspring
experiencing lower food environments at time of re- but any number of factors could drive these effects
production may produce eggs with higher relative (Marshall et al., 2008b). Within species tests of this
protein in place of lipid for their size than conspecif- idea are rare and inconclusive (Crean and Marshall,
ics in more food rich environments. Thus, while the 2009). Empirically distinguishing between adaptive
size and total caloric content may remain the same, bet-hedging strategies and simple developmen-
the molecules may shift. tal instability may prove difficult in most systems
Furthermore, mature eggs are incredibly complex and so for now, the adaptive significance of within-
cells with subcellular localization of proteins to the brood variation in offspring size remains unclear.
membrane and other regions of the cell, diverse RNA
types, and organelles. For example, proteomic ap- 3.7  Future Directions
proaches applied to oocytes have shown that mature
eggs are composed of hundreds to thousands of pro- Marshall et al. (2012) reviewed the biogeography of
teins that are not explicit sources of energy but instead marine invertebrate life histories, and their Figure 1
involved in the development of the embryo (Lotan et provides a striking visual indication that there are
al., 2014). These proteins have diverse roles including still vast swaths of the global marine environment
cell cycle regulation, RNA silencing, membrane sign- that remain unexplored (or at the least, undocu-
aling, and metabolism. Thus, females may provision mented). With respect to marine invertebrate life
their eggs with proteins to better suit their offspring to histories, the possibility exists that some of these
the current environment. For example, the aforemen- unexplored areas have in fact been studied and
tioned tubeworms exposed to low salinity may have that difficulties in obtaining published work in lan-
increased relative amounts of mRNA or proteins into guages utilizing a non-Latin alphabet may bias our
their eggs favoring performance in these more stress- understanding. However, the majority of global lo-
ful environments. Potential candidates could include cations are represented by only one to two published
46   E v o l u t i o n ary E c o l o g y o f M ari n e I n v e rt e b rat e Lar va e

studies, and in only three areas (the Puget Sound available data to test this hypothesis are limited and
region of North America, the English Channel, and results appear to vary by taxa and location, there is
Eastern Australia) do the number of studies fall a trend toward the production of larger eggs with
into the article’s highest category (55–104 published increasing depth (Gage and Tyler, 1991; Auel, 2004).
studies). These results suggest that well-studied ar- Refinement of this hypothesis would require addi-
eas are outliers to the overwhelming paucity of data tional deep-sea research efforts to specifically exam-
on marine invertebrate life histories, globally. ine reproductive biology. If these types of studies are
Further study of this image reveals broader- conducted within a comparative framework, taking
scale patterns of our lack of information. There is a advantage of unique replicated environments, they
bias toward more information from northern than may provide for powerful tests of the biogeographi-
southern hemisphere locations, toward temperate cal ideas presented here. Lastly, modern technologi-
over tropical regions, and data from polar loca- cal advances in computing and social connectivity
tions is largely absent, aside from two moderately make it feasible to establish online databases that
well studied locations in Antarctica adjacent to compile offspring size data that is collected and
polar research stations. Other largely unexplored uploaded directly by local researchers. Large-scale
coastal areas include the majority of the coasts of projects of empirical data collection based on a
Africa, South America, and Antarctica, the Middle crowd-source model may be possible and may yield
East and India, Indonesia, northern Russia and the unique insights into how reproductive patterns are
Kamchatka Peninsula, northern Canada, Alaska changing globally in our rapidly warmin­g world.
and the Aleutian Islands, as well as many isolated
island archipelagos worldwide. The life histories of 3.8 Summary
marine invertebrates inhabiting the vast majority of
the deep-sea benthos (the largest habitat on Earth) 1. Parental investment varies dramatically in ma-
are also unknown to science. rine invertebrates and is largely unrelated to
Going forward, how may exploration into these phylogeny. Instead, strong biogeographical pat-
biogeographically understudied areas be important terns in parental investment exist with the larg-
for refining a general theory of offspring investment? est offspring being produced at the poles and the
Temperature and food availability are recognized as smallest in the tropics.
the dominant variables contributing to latitudinal 2. Offspring size is a convenient proxy for parental
patterns in offspring size and maternal investment investment but uncertainty remains regarding
(Thorson, 1950; Vance, 1973; Laptikhovsky, 2006; how completely offspring size captures total pa-
O’Connor, 2007). Additional latitudinal and longitu- rental investment.
dinal sampling will allow us to ascertain if these vari- 3. Some of the first life history models of offspring
ables function in similar ways at similar geographical size were developed for marine invertebrates,
positions, or if other organism or ecosystem specific and for over 40 years marine biologists have
variables play significant roles. For example, marine sought to parameterize these models but key
habitats off the western coasts of North and South gaps our understanding regarding the offspring
America, and Northwestern and Southwestern size-number trade-off remain.
Afric­a all experience wind-driven coastal upwelling. 4. Offspring size not only affects the larval period,
Comparing patterns of offspring size and maternal as was initially thought, but instead affects the
investment within and among taxa from these four entire life history, from fertilization through to
areas would provide a strong test of whether pat- post-metamorphic performance.
terns of offspring size and maternal investment hold 5. There is increasing evidence that mothers manip-
across species found in similar marine ecosystems ulate the size and phenotype of their offspring in
at similar latitudes or if they differ longitudinally response to local environmental variation in or-
or across taxa. Increasing depth may also yield pat- der to maximize offspring fitness.
terns of offspring size and maternal investment that 6. Despite decades of study, much of the world’s
are similar to those found by latitude. Although the life history variation remains unknown; instead,
Par e n ta l I n v e s t m e n t a n d Lar va l D i v e rsi t y    47

we know a lot about only a few places. We also Crean, A.J. and Marshall, D.J. 2008. Adaptive gamete plas-
have little understanding of the mechanisms by ticity in a broadcast spawning marine invertebrate. Pro-
which mothers manipulate the phenotype of off- ceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United
States of America, 105: 13508–13513.
spring in order to maximize fitness.
Crean, A.J. and Marshall, D.J. 2009. Coping with environmen-
tal uncertainty: dynamic bet-hedging as a maternal effect.
Acknowledgments Proceeding of the Royal Society of London B 364: 1087–1096.
Davis, K. and Marshall, D.J. 2014. Offspring size in a resi-
JSM would like to thank Amy Moran, Bob Podolsky, dent species affects community assembly. Journal of Ani-
Jon Allen, Steve Stancyk and Richard Strathmann mal Ecology 83: 322–331.
for many insightful conversations on the ecological Dias, G.M. and Marshall, D.J. 2010. Does the relationship
between offspring size and performance change across
and evolutionary implications of maternal provi-
the life-history? Oikos 119: 154–162.
sioning. AMR would like to thank the University
Eckelbarger, K.J. 2005. Oogenesis and oocytes. Hydrobio-
of North Carolina at Charlotte for support through logia 535: 179–198.
a Junior Faculty Development Award. Emlet, R.B., McEdward, L.R., and Strathmann, R.R. 1987.
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Langoux and J. Lawrence (eds.), Echinoderm Studies, pp.
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Ch a pt er 4

Evolutionary Transitions in Mode

of Development
Rachel Collin and Amy Moran

4.1 Introduction that act on that variation among individuals, popu-

lations, or closely related congeners—are more ap-
Since the field of larval biology was first framed by propriate to answer questions about mechanisms
Thorson (1946; 1950), much attention has focused underlying the loss and regain of major complex
on the strategies that marine invertebrates employ characters such as feeding larvae.
to transform an egg into a juvenile. Because these Many groups of marine invertebrates include
strategies can generally be placed into one of two both species with planktotrophic larvae and species
more-or-less discrete categories (planktotrophic and that lack a feeding larval stage, and a few groups
lecithotrophic; see Table 4.1), a main line of inquiry also include unusual intermediates like faculta-
has been to understand the ecological and evolu- tive feeding larvae and polymorphic development
tionary mechanisms underlying transitions be- (Allen and Pernet, 2007; Collin, 2012; Table  4.1).
tween these strategies. A large body of literature has Nonplanktotrophic development has been vari-
focused on studies of the evolutionary origin, loss, ously subdivided in the literature, depending on
and potential regain of feeding larvae. In this chap- whether larvae are pelagic or spend part or all of
ter, we argue that in the past, most of the focus has development in capsules, gel masses, or brooded;
typically been on the long view; that is, evolution of however, a commonly listed dichotomy is between
complex larval traits is generally discussed in the planktotrophic and lecithotrophic (yolk-feeding)
context of phylogenetic patterns that have formed development, where lecithotrophy encompasses
over long evolutionary timescales, and that are de- all nonplanktotrophic modes as well as nonfeeding
tectable when making comparisons within families, planktonic larvae. Planktonic larvae are free-living
classes, or phyla. We increasingly use an analytical animals with complex morphologies that are gen-
approach incorporating comparative phylogenetics erally characteristic of a phylum, class, or family.
to address these long-view questions. Such an ap- Feeding larvae may live for days, weeks, months,
proach is necessary for studies of the origin of larval or even years in the water column, whereas pe-
types and broad macroevolutionary patterns, but lagic lecithotrophic larvae generally spend hours to
will not be as effective for understanding the select- days in the plankton (Olson, 1985; Strathmann and
ive forces causing evolutionary transitions in larval ­Strathmann, 2007; Neilson, this volume; Marshall
feeding modes or the evolutionary processes that et al., this volume). While the evolutionary loss of
facilitate or limit change. Here we discuss what has feeding is often the main focus of comparative stud-
been learned from taking a comparative phylogen- ies (Strathmann, 1978; 1985; Wray, 1995; 1996; Rouse,
etic approach and the limitations of this approach. 2000; Collin, 2004), the evolutionary loss of plankto-
We propose that approaches based on a closer trophic larvae entails not just the loss of feeding per
view—analyses based on genetic, morphological, se, but also loss or modification of other characteris-
and functional variation as well as selective forces tics that are associated with planktotrophy such as

Collin, R. and Moran, A., Evolutionary transitions in mode of development. In. Evolutionary Ecology of Marine Invertebrate Larvae.
Edited by Tyler J. Carrier, Adam M. Reitzel, and Andreas Heyland: Oxford University Press (2018).
© Oxford University Press. DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780198786962.003.0004
E v o l u t i o n ary Tra n s i t i o n s i n M o d e o f De v e l o p me n t    51

Table 4.1  Summary of Terms as Used in This Contribution. ciliated arms that are key to particle capture in the
pluteus larva of planktotrophic echinoids and ophi-
Term Explanation
uroids (Emlet, 1994; Hart, 2000; Selvakumaraswam­y
Planktotrophic development Including a larval stage that swims and Byrne, 2000; McEdward and Miner, 2001), loss
and feeds on plankton of the shell and feeding apparatus of the bryozoan
Lecithotrophic development Development without feeding on cyphonautes larva (Nielsen and Worsaae, 2010), and
= nonfeeding development plankton loss of the pilidium body form and ciliated lateral
Lecithotrophic larva A free-living larva that does not lobes necessary for particle capture in some lecitho-
feed on plankton trophic nemerteans (Maslakova and von Dassow,
Protected development Development that is maternally 2012; Martín-Durán et  al., 2015; Maslakova and
protected or encapsulated and does Hiebert, 2015). Many lecithotrophic larvae also lack
not include a planktonic larval stage
a complete digestive system or functional gut, and
Embryo Any developmental stage before in taxa that lack a free-living larval stage, the ability
to swim has also frequently been lost (Moran, 1999;
Chaparro et  al., 2002; Hofstee and Pernet, 2011).
swimming structures, anti-predatory defenses, ma- Along with such dramatic morphological changes,
ternal protection, maternal investment, and many other obvious but equally essential feeding char-
others (Strathmann, 1978; 1985), as well as likely acters are likely to be lost in many lecithotrophic
modification of the genetic architecture underlying taxa, including sensory, behavioral, or physiological
these traits (see Israel et al., 2016). pathways that facilitate feeding, though these types
of characters have received less attention.
4.2  The Analytical Approach Although it is indisputably difficult to imagine
evolutionary pathways that could lead to the reversal
Historical recognition of the gross morphological of the loss of complex suites of larval feeding struc-
similarity between feeding larvae in each phylum tures, this failure of our imaginations is likely a func-
or class, along with reduction in morphological tion of taking the long rather than the closer view
complexity in those species that lack a feeding lar- of the evolutionary dynamics of mode of develop-
val stage, has led to two main inferences from the ment. Here we discuss results of recent phylogenetic
long view: (1) the evolutionary transition from spe- studies that test the three major predictions derived
cies with feeding to species with nonfeeding larval from the traditional long view that feeding larvae are
stages has happened multiple times in diverse lin- lost but not regained. We describe the strengths and
eages (Strathmann, 1978; 1985; Hart, 1996; Smith weaknesses of this approach for testing the general
et  al., 2007; Krug et  al., 2015), and (2) the evolu- theory of irreversibility of the loss of larval feeding
tionary reversal of this transition, or the regain of and other transitions in mode of development.
feeding larvae, is either very rare or impossible. The
Prediction #1: Species lacking feeding larvae should
asymmetry in (2) has been attributed to Dollo’s Law,
be nested within clades of species with feeding larvae;
which posits that complex characters that are not
species with nonfeeding development should not be re-
used are quickly lost and cannot be regained (Hart,
constructed as the ancestors of species with feeding
2000; Smith et al., 2007; Collin and Miglietta, 2008).
It is indeed difficult to imagine how the profound
losses of characteristic larval structures in the most Most types of feeding larvae (e.g., echinopluteus,
derived types of lecithotrophic development could veliger, pilidium, actinotroch) are widespread in
be reversed to give rise again to the typical plank- their phylum or class and appear to have evolved
totrophic larval form for the group; in many taxa, only once, and long ago (Strathmann, 1978; 1993).
nonfeeding larvae or embryos with nonfeeding de- However, phylogenetically widespread does not
velopment entirely lack the obvious structures used necessarily equate to ancestral, and formal phyloge-
for feeding by planktotrophic larvae of related spe- netic analyses followed by ancestral character-state
cies. Examples of this include the loss of the long reconstructions are necessary to determine whether
52   E v o l u t i o n ary E c o l o g y o f M ar i n e I n v ert e b rat e Lar vae

lecithotrophic species are nested within clades of a handful of other taxonomic groups (Table  4.2).
species with feeding larvae. Analytical methods of Overall, these analyses show that ancestral states
ancestral trait reconstruction must then be applied can be reconstructed with high confidence if evolu-
to assess the direction of character-state change. tionary transitions are infrequent. For example, in a
Such approaches have been used in efforts to un- molecular phylogeny of temnopleurid sea urchins,
ravel the evolution of mode of development within the ancestral mode of development was recon-
a number of gastropod taxa; surprisingly, how- structed as planktotrophic with complete certainty
ever, these analyses have been carried out in only (Jeffery et al., 2003). The results of this analysis were

Table 4.2  A Summary of Phylogenetic Studies Used to Document Evolution of Mode of Development.

Group Number of species Phylogenetic Conclusions of comparative Reference

included / included with coverage (total analysis
developmental data species in group)

Conus s.l. 70/60 8% (~750) Planktotrophy lost often and recently. Palumbi and
Duda 1999
Calyptraeids 72/72 51% (~140) Change too common to reconstruct Collin 2004
patterns with confidence.
Crepipatella 6/5 62% (8) Planktotrophy regained once. Collin et al. 2007
Sacoglossans 202/113 39% (~290) Planktotrophy lost; often not regained. Krug et al. 2015
Muricids 45/45 3% (~1600) Planktotrophy evolved three times. Pappalardo et al. 2014
Nucella 9/8 80% (10) Transitions between lecithotrophy with Marko et al. 2014
large eggs and with nurse eggs are
Phestilla 6/4 100% (4) No formal analysis; plantktotrophy Faucci et al. 2007
regained twice.
Lasaea 27/27# 100% (23) Three independent losses of Li and Ó Foighil 2016
planktotrophy; no regains.
Ostreidae 21/21 38% (~55) Maternal care evolved once and is Ó Foighil and
ancestral for the only lecithotrophic Taylor 2000
Asterinids 28/150 19% (~150) Results vary with model parameters. Keever and Hart 2008
Macrophiothrix 15/9 20% (45) No formal analysis; change is frequent. Hart and
Podolsky 2005
Temnopleurids 24/24 39% (61) Planktotrophy is lost once; change is rare. Jeffery et al. 2003
Gymnolaemate 48/43 <1% (>5000) Ancestral state is ambiguous with Waeschenbach
bryozoans parsimony reconstruction. et al. 2012
Styelidae & 45/45 10% (~400) Swimming has been lost multiple times, Maliska et al. 2013
Molgulidae but cannot be regained.

*Phylogenetic coverage is rough estimate, calculated as the number of species with developmental data in the phylogeny divided by the total number of species in the
group (obtained from the cited reference or from WoRMS).
#Number of asexual lineages. Since lineages may not coincide with named species, this could result in an upward bias in taxonomic coverage.
E v o l u t i o n ary Tra n s i t i o n s i n M o d e o f De v e l o p me n t    53

clear because there was only a single loss of feeding Irreversibility would be supported if the estimated
in the phylogeny, and all descendants of that node rate of transitions far exceeds the rate or reversals or
were also nonfeeding (Jeffery et  al., 2003). Ances- if the rate of reversals is estimated as zero. Second,
tral states can also be reconstructed with high con- given a particular distribution of traits on a phylog-
fidence when one state substantially outnumbers eny, likelihood ratio tests can be used to compare
the other, as occurs in plakobranchacean sea slugs the fit of different models of evolution between an
(Krug et  al., 2015). In this clade, 21 of 62 taxa for irreversible model and an unconstrained model that
which developmental information is available are allows both transitions and reversals. Phylogenetic
lecithotrophic. An evolutionary quantitative genet- analyses that have taken these approaches have gen-
ics model reconstructed ancestral character states erated a variety of estimates of rates of transitions
as planktotrophic at many internal nodes with pos- and reversals and may also produce results that
terior probabilities greater than 95% (Krug et  al., seem contradictory. In temnopleurid sea urchins,
2015). In contrast, ancestral states in the sister group, the group in which a clade of lecithotrophs is nested
Oxynoace­ a, which includes seven lecithotrophic within a clade of pure planktotrophs, the one-rate
species and nine planktotrophic species, could not model fits significantly better than a two-rate model,
be reconstructed with any certainty; both states showing that the null hypothesis that losses and re-
were equally likely at many nodes (Krug et  al., gains are equally likely cannot be rejected (­Jeffery
2015). Analyses of other groups in which mode of et  al., 2003). In contrast, the irreversible model of
development is highly variable have also generally character change fit the data significantly better
failed to assign ancestral character states with con- than the unconstrained model (as only one transi-
fidence, including calyptraeid gastropods (Colli­n, tion and no reversals were evident), providing sup-
2004), muricid gastropods (Pappalardo et al., 2014; port for the idea that reversals do not occur (Jeffery
in their Figure  4.2), bryozoans (Waeschenbach et  al., 2003). These different results may be due to
et  al., 2012), and asterinid sea stars (Keever and the small number of changes, limiting the power of
Hart, 2008). Recent analysis of continuous charac- the test to reject the single-rate model. However, in
ters (e.g., egg size and number) suggests that use a larger phylogeny of calyptraeid gastropods, the
of continuous characters and the inclusion of other single-rate model was also the best fit for both gains
life history traits that might promote or constrain and losses of planktotrophy and gains and losses of
evolutionary transitions in the focal character may the ability to swim (Collin, 2004).
be powerful aids to reaching a fuller understanding Mode of development may show patterns of phy-
of the subtleties of the evolution of development logenetic correlation with other features like extra-
(Marko et al., 2014; Krug et al., 2015). cellular yolk (ECY) (Krug et al., 2015) or soft vs. hard
substrate (Pappalardo et al., 2014). For ­example, in
Prediction #2: Reconstructed rates of transitions between
muricid gastropods the estimated rates of change
modes of development should be highly asymmetrical.
between pelagic and benthic development were
If (as seems likely) evolutionary transitions from virtually zero in both directions for species living
planktotrophy to lecithotrophy are more probable on hard bottoms, but estimated transitions from
than reversals, or if reversals are impossible, spe- benthic to pelagic development were significantly
cific patterns should be recovered by analyses of greater than transition to benthic development in
character-state evolution. Support for irreversibility species living on soft bottoms ­(Pappalardo et  al.,
could be found in two aspects of a given analysis. 2014). Unfortunately, scant taxonomic sampling
First, likelihood and Bayesian models of character makes these results difficult to interpret. A study
evolution provide a platform to determine if the of sacoglossan sea slugs with substantially more
data are best fit by a single-rate or a two-rate model. thorough taxonomic sampling showed that mod-
A single-rate model is favored when the data do not els allowing covariance of lecithotrophy and ECY
support different rates of transitions and their re- were highly preferred over those with independ-
versals. When the data favor unequal rates of tran- ent evolution of the two traits: in the presence of
sitions and reversals, a two-rate model is favored. ECY, lecithotrophy was twice as likely to evolve as
54   E v o l u t i o n ary E c o l o g y o f M ar i n e I n v ert e b rat e Lar vae

it was in lineages lacking ECY (Krug et  al., 2015). The most well-studied examples of feeding-­
Likewise, in Nucella whelks, egg size and relative structure loss come from sea urchins. The character-
number of nurse eggs are significantly evolutionar- istic larval form of sea urchins, the echinopluteus,
ily correlated (Marko et  al., 2014). Nurse eggs are is conserved across all echinoid families, suggest-
estimated to have been lost twice and significantly ing this is a plesiomorphic character for the group.
reduced in two other lineages; however, no esti- In lecithotrophic species, larvae often lack arms or
mates of the confidence in these reconstructions are guts (­Emlet, 1994; McEdward and Miner, 2001).
reported (Marko et al., 2014). However, on close examination, vestiges of feed-
Surprisingly, several phylogenies provide some ing structures such as arm spicules are present even
support for a reversal: the evolution of planktotro- in the most derived lecithotrophic echinoid larvae
phy from lecithotrophic ancestors. In two genera of (Emlet, 1995). This is also the case in other classes
calyptraeid gastropods there is clear evidence that of echinoderms such as asteroids and ophiuroids,
planktotrophic species are nested deeply within where some lecithotrophic larvae have retained
clades of lecithotrophic species, and a likelihood many features of planktotrophs but others are so
reconstruction of the character states at specific altered as to be almost unrecognizable (McEdward
nodes supports the re-evolution of feeding larvae and Miner, 2001; Selvakumaraswamy and Byrne,
in one genus (Collin et  al., 2007), while a formal 2004; Byrne, 2006). In a larger but less thoroughly
analysis has not been conducted on the other ge- studied group, the gastropods, the characteristic
nus ­(Collin, 2005). A similar result was obtained by feeding structure is the velum. The velum is gen-
Faucci et al. (2007) who observed that two species of erally present in lecithotrophic larvae, probably
planktotrophic Phestilla were nested within a clade because it retains a swimming function, although it
of lecithotrophic taxa, although the small num- tends to be smaller and less elaborate than in plank-
ber of species in this genus suggests that a formal totrophs (Moran, 1999). The velum is also retained
analysis may not resolve the ancestral states with in many species with encapsulated lecithotrophic
any confidence. Notably, in both of these analyses, development (Moran, 1999; Chaparro et  al., 2002),
lecithotrophic species were more numerous than but in other species, all outwardly visible vestiges
planktotrophs. In the sacoglossan sea slugs and Co- of the velum are lost (e.g., Collin, 2000; Figure 4.1).
nus (Palumbi and Duda, 1999), where planktotrophs Similarly, in lecithotrophic larvae of bryozoans and
predominate, no patterns of reversals are recovered. nemerteans, the characteristic feeding structures of
It is not clear if this represents an analytical artifact the planktotrophic larva are absent, and in many of
or a difference between the mechanisms driving life these lecithotrophic taxa, the larva bears little re-
history evolution in these taxa. semblance to the planktotrophic form (Zimmer and
Woollacott, 1977; Maslakova and Hiebert, 2015).
Prediction #3: Species with lecithotrophic development
should lose the structures used for feeding, but retain
vestigial features that indicate descent from plankto- 4.3  Limitations of the Long View
trophic ancestors.
There are a number of challenges to taking the broad
Overall, the literature shows strong support for approach to studying evolutionary transitions in
this prediction. Numerous studies of comparative mode of development. For transitions that likely hap-
embryology and larval biology show that charac- pened many tens or hundreds of million years ago,
teristic features of feeding larvae are reduced or such as the presumed loss of feeding larvae by an
(incompletely) lost in species with lecithotrophic entire class of echinoderms (Crinoidea; McEdward
development. Features used for swimming are also and Miner, 2001), these challenges are perhaps in-
lost in species with benthic development. However, surmountable due to the difficulty in reconstructing
groups vary considerably in the degree to which ancient events. However, for more recent (but still
larval features are lost, and this may in turn influ- long-view) transitions, impediments to inferring an-
ence the probability of regaining feeding in lecitho- cestral states fall into two main groups: (1) the fact that
trophic lineages (Collin and Miglietta, 2008). phylogenies of many (most) marine invertebrate taxa
E v o l u t i o n ary Tra n s i t i o n s i n M o d e o f De v e l o p me n t    55

(A) (B) n

s s Figure  4.1 Lecithotrophic modifications of

embryos in three adelphophagic calyptraeid
species. A. Mid-stage embryo of Crepidula
coquimbensis lacks a velum entirely.
(C) (D) (E) n The velum would be clearly visible in the
same stage of an embryo of species with
n v planktotrophic development. B. Late-stage
embryo of Bostrycapulus odites, which retains
a small but distinct velum. C. Early stage of
C. coquimbensis at which the embryo has
already begun to ingest siblings. D. Early-
stage C. coquimbensis embryo ingesting a
sibling nurse embryo. E. A mid-stage embryo
of Crepipatella dilatata using the velum to
s position a nurse egg for ingestion. v = velum;
s = shell, n = nurse egg/embryo.

are woefully incomplete, and (2) shortcomings inher- cases (e.g., bivalves, shelled gastropods, some echi-
ent to most methods of character-state reconstruction. noids, brachiopods, and bryozoans) it is possible to
Comparative data from a growing number of gen- determine developmental mode from fossil mor-
era or families indicate that in at least some cases, phology, but this is generally not the case. It is also
transitions in mode of development occur often and difficult to include fossil taxa with any confidence
rapidly. This means that the results of comparative in phylogenies of extant taxa generated from DNA
phylogenetic approaches could be significantly im- sequence data, and it is not generally possible to
pacted by taxa that are missing from the phylogeny, generate well-estimate­d branch lengths with fossil
or for which mode of development is not known. data, as is required for most methods of ancestral
Only a small number of published analyses include state reconstruction. Overall, because sampling
50% or more of the currently recognized species in needs to be dense relative to the events of interest
the genus or family under study (Table 4.2). Under- (transitions in mode of development), the compara-
standably, studies with dense taxonomic coverage tive phylogenetic approach may be useful in groups
of extant species are those focused on small taxa where evolution in mode of development is slow
(e.g., a genus with only a handful of species; Marko and changes occur infrequently. To be effective in
et al., 2014; Faucci et al., 2007), and this may limit taxa where changes in mode of development are
both the power of the analysis and the opportunity rampant, extremely dense taxon sampling of recent
to capture rare evolutionary events. Even if all liv- clades where extinction is thought to be minimal is
ing species in a taxon were included in a phylogeny likely the best approach.
and the developmental mode was known for all Methods for reconstructing character-state evo-
the species, comparative phylogenetic studies may lution have come a long way in the last 20 years.
still be compromised by incomplete taxon sampling In particular, current methods have made sub-
due to loss of species through extinction. In some stantial progress toward addressing the circularity
56   E v o l u t i o n ary E c o l o g y o f M ar i n e I n v ert e b rat e Lar vae

inherent in early attempts at using parsimony to although it remains to be seen how accurately this
describe asymmetry in frequencies of transitions approach models life history evolution.
and reversals (Strathmann and Eernisse, 1994; Unfortunately, when more sophisticated models
­Cunningham et al., 1998; Cunningham, 1999; Collin are developed, more sophisticated inputs are often
and Migliett­a, 2008; Keever and Hart, 2008). How- necessary and more sophisticated problems arise.
ever, modern methods and the ways they are used For example, a recent phylogenetic analysis of sa-
to examine character evolution still make assump- coglossans provided support for state-specific spe-
tions about the pattern of character-state evolution ciation and extinction rates. Such differences in rate
and are subject to bias from phylogenetic uncer- could challenge estimates of character-state transi-
tainty (Duchêne and Lanfear, 2015). A clear example tions. If speciation and extinction rates depend on
of the importance of model selection: Keever and the mode of development such that the derived state
Hart (2008) used asterinid sea star phylogenies to (lecithotrophy) has a lower diversification rate than
illustrate the importance of differentiating between the ancestral state, the phylogeny is likely to lack old
(1) the use of phylogenetic comparative analyses to lecithotrophic lineages. This pattern could bias esti-
determine which model of character evolution is mated reversal rates upwards (Krug et al., 2015). Be-
supported by the data and (2) their use to recon- cause differences in life history characters are thought
struct ancestral states at specific nodes. They clearly to alter dispersal and gene flow and therefore impact
demonstrated that using a model based on our heu- speciation and extinction probabilities, state-specific
ristic understanding of larval biology (incorporat- extinction and speciation rates could potentially oc-
ing the idea that characteristic larval morphologies cur in many or most clades of marine invertebrates.
may be difficult for lecithotrophs to regain) pro- Summing up the long-view evidence, both the
duces different results from application of a model majority of the literature and common sense dictate
with unconstrained rates. Reconstructions of char- that lecithotrophic taxa are generally derived from
acter evolution in sacoglossans also depended on planktotrophic ancestors, and reversals are rare
the model selected; the unconstrained model esti- but perhaps not impossible. Supporting evidence
mated the rate for loss of planktotrophy as lower comes largely from homologous feeding struc-
than the rate of reversals, a result considered to be tures that are found across classes and from phy-
biologically unreasonable by Krug et  al. (2015). In logenies where transitions are relatively rare and
addition, both rates were very high. A model that lecithotrophic development is uncommon. In these
prohibited reversals estimated the rates of losses as latter cases results are likely to be robust to the
about 1/10 of those estimated by the unconstrained choice of model selection. However, comparative
model, clearly showing the impact of model choice analyses of deeply intriguing taxa such as Patiriella,
on both the estimated rates and directions of change Macrophiothrix, and calyptraeids—where no one
(Figure 5 in Krug et al., 2015). feeding mode dominates and transitions may be
Researchers agree that accurate reconstruction frequent—fail to provide support for the accepted
of ancestral developmental mode requires a model view. Unfortunately, comparative methods are not
of evolution that is corroborated with independent yet likely to provide satisfying answers about evo-
traits, but anything more than the simplest models lutionary transitions in what are arguably the most
have yet to be developed (Collin, 2007; Keever and interesting taxa: groups where life history charac-
Hart, 2008; Krug et al., 2015; see following). Newly ters evolve rapidly and transitions are common.
developed evolutionary quantitative genetic models
may be more appropriate than discrete-state mod-
els for traits like mode of development because the 4.4  Future Directions and Unanswered
longer a lineage drifts away from the character-state Questions for Analytical Approaches
transition, the less likely reversals become (Revell,
2014; Krug et  al., 2015). This matches our under- The development of more sophisticated meth-
standing that the likelihood of reversals decreases ods for comparative analyses now allows some
following the loss of feeding larval development, longstanding questions in larval biology to be
E v o l u t i o n ary Tra n s i t i o n s i n M o d e o f De v e l o p me n t    57

addressed. First, it has been widely accepted that gastropods that develop without a feeding larval
(1) species with lecithotrophic development have stage from large eggs and those that develop from
lower levels of dispersal and gene flow than do small eggs with embryos that consume each other
planktotrophic species (Collin, 2001; Selkoe and would both be coded as “nonplanktotrophic.”
Toonen, 2011; Ellingso­n and Krug, 2015), and that Therefore, use of continuous measures like egg
(2) this results in higher rates of speciation and/ size or nurse egg number (Marko et  al., 2014;
or extinction in lecithotrophic species than in Krug, 2015), and more nuanced descriptions of
planktotrophic species (Hansen, 1980; Jablonski development that separate modes of development
and Lutz, 1983; Marko and Moran, 2009). How- into multiple discrete states (Collin, 2004; Keever
ever, two recent comparative analyses testing for and Hart, 2008) are likely to produce more robust
state-specific rates of diversification (speciation- results. In addition, simultaneous analyses of cor-
extinction), have shown that diversification rates related characters or characters that may influence
are lower in species with development resulting or constrain the trait of interest may significantly
in lower dispersal. In sacoglossan­s, lecithotrophic improve results (Ó Foighil and Taylor, 2000; Krug
slugs have lower diversification rates compared et al., 2015). Therefore, as much care should be put
to planktotrophs (Krug et al., 2015). In fact, higher into coding characters—­including the most appro-
extinction rates lower the net diversity of lecitho- priate traits as correlates—as is put into the analy-
trophs despite the fact that lecithotrophy originates ses themselves.
frequently. Krug et al. (2015) suggest that this pat- Finally, questions about whether shifts in mode
tern could explain the long-term maintenance of of development are associated with the process
planktotrophy in clades despite the fact that loss of of speciation, and if shifts occur during gradual
planktotrophy is a frequent event. Species selection change in a species or divergence in isolated pe-
against a trait that reduces dispersal has also been ripheral populations, are also understudied. Since
demonstrated in ascidians, where speciation rate closely related sister species often differ in mode
is higher and range size is larger in species with of development in speciose clades, it is possible
tailed tadpoles than in those whose development that changes in mode of development contribute
lacks a tailed swimming larva (Maliska et al., 2013). to speciation. The largest study to explicitly ad-
The apparent discordance between results from dress this question across a deep phylogeny found
fossils, population genetics, and comparative phy- that models allowing divergence in mode of de-
logenetics needs to be investigated in more detail. velopment at nodes as well as along branches did
It is possible that this discordance is due to specific not perform any better than a model that allowed
features of the biology of sacoglossans (many are change only along branches (Krug et  al., 2015),
obligate specialist herbivores) or tunicates (many though a model where change occurred only at
are fouling organisms subject to rafting). Clearly, nodes was not tested. Further detailed study of
a concerted effort must be made to generate large, populations of slugs in the process of diverging
densely sampled phylogenies, especially for taxa suggested that reduction or loss of dispersal asso-
with extensive background data on population ge- ciated with a shift toward aplanktic development
netics and larval biology, so that similar tests on could increase local recruitment and inbreeding,
other taxa can be performed. leading to the evolution of reproductive isolation
Second, in order for phylogenetic models to per- (Ellingson and Krug, 2015). More detailed studies
form well, it is necessary to have well-­characterized of this kind are necessary to assess this possibil-
traits. It may be both appealing and ecologically ity. Detailed genome scans of closely related spe-
relevant to dichotomously classify development cies are now possible for non-model taxa, and are
as planktotrophic vs. lecithotrophic, pelagic vs. likely to provide exciting new insights into what
benthic, or brooded vs. broadcasted, but a poten- genes are under selection in diverging or recently
tial downfall of using discrete classification is that diverged taxa, potentially clarifying links between
it can become implicit in the phylogenetic method shifts in developmental mode and speciation
that the states are homologous. For  example, (Zaka­s and Rockman, 2015).
58   E v o l u t i o n ary E c o l o g y o f M ar i n e I n v ert e b rat e Lar vae

4.5  A Closer View way the characters are scored can significantly im-
pact the conclusions of the study (e.g., Collin, 2004;
We argue that unlike the deep questions surround- Keever and Hart, 2008). Once the characters are
ing the origin of larval feeding modes in large coded, comparative methods can be used to deter-
clades such as echinoids, gastropods, bryozoans, mine the rates of c­haracter-state transformations
etc., which have the potential to be answered by that are best supported by the data (phylogeny and
combining data from phylogenies, the fossil record, the character states of the operational taxonomic
and morphological evidence from modern taxa, unit (OTUs)). However, this approach ignores any
many questions about life history transitions are independent knowledge we have about the likeli-
essentially shallow ones that hinge on microevo- hood of the transitions, and when this information
lutionary processes. If we are really to understand is included in a crude way, the results of the compar-
the causes and processes involved in transitions ative analyses often differ (e.g., Krug et al., 2015).
between modes of development, it is important to Computational biologists are constantly working
use what we have learned from broad compara- to refine the way independent data can be incor-
tive analyses to look closely at divergence in action. porated into such analyses, but larval and devel-
Ideally, the broadly comparative analytical and the opmental biologists need to put effort into refining
more detailed descriptive views can be reciprocally evidence and developing formal models of how
illuminating: phylogenetic analyses can help iden- evolutionary transitions among modes of develop-
tify species or small sub-clades that are of particu- ment work. This includes articulating explicit mod-
lar interest, and detailed analyses at the population els of how different developmental morphologies
or species level can provide a close-up view of the are related to each other, postulating the selective
underlying genetic, morphological, and functional forces that are acting most strongly on different
variation, and selective forces that act on that vari- kinds of development, and developing hypotheses
ation. In the rest of this chapter we list some major about the selective factors that could drive evolu-
unanswered questions that we feel would benefit tionary change. At this point heuristic models have
from greater research emphasis on closer detailed been developed for sea urchins (Smith et al., 2007)
descriptions and microevolutionary approaches. and sea stars (Keever and Hart, 2008). The overall
Question #1: Does the order of transitional steps in the paradigm based on these echinoderms roughly
evolution of direct development differ among taxa, and posits that changes occur in this order: (1) energy
what selective forces act along the way? content of eggs increases; (2) development to meta-
morphosis accelerates; (3) the requirement/ability
When using modern comparative phylogenetic to feed is lost; (4) time to metamorphosis is short-
methods to understand character-state evolution, ened by additional reduction of larval structures
two key factors are coding the characters and choos- (Smith et al., 2007). In order to adapt this heuristic
ing a model of character-state transformation. At model of transitions between modes of develop-
the most basic this includes the null model of losses ment to other taxa, features relevant to those taxa
and reversals being equally likely vs. the hypothesis need to be considered. For many groups these in-
that losses are irreversible. If there is a continuum of clude encapsulation or maternal protection and
character states (e.g., egg size) along which plank- extraembryonic nutrition (extracellular yolk; nurse
totrophic species must move in order to eventually eggs; matrotrophy). Some differences in the factors
make the switch to lecithotrophy (e.g., brittle stars that are most likely under selection during differ-
which may include an ophiopluteus which may ent stages and kinds of development are presented
or may not feed and/or a distinct vitellaria stage; in Figure 4.2. It is important to emphasize that few
McEdward and Miner, 2001; Selvakumaraswamy detailed datasets have been developed to describe
and Byrne, 2004), or if species find alternative solu- these steps and that heuristic schemes describing
tions to the same problem (e.g., gastropods where evolutionary trajectories are generally based on log-
lecithotrophic development can proceed from large ical interpretations of known larval morphologies
eggs or from small eggs with adelphophagy), the (McEdward and Janies, 1993; McEdward and Miner,
E v o l u t i o n ary Tra n s i t i o n s i n M o d e o f De v e l o p me n t    59

An integrative model of transitions Planktotrophy Lecithotrophy

EEN = Extraembryonic nutrition Defenses/stress tolerance Defenses/stress tolerance
Rapid development Rapid development of Rapid development to
to larva juvenile juvenile
Stress tolerance Settlement Settlement
Swimming Swimming



Mother embryo, Juvenile
no EEn

Gas exchange
Stress tolerance

Egg number Protetcted

Egg size embryo,
Egg content EEN
Maternal care

Gas exchange
Stress tolerance
Consuming EEN
Outcompeting siblings

Figure 4.2  Alternative pathways of larval development from egg to juvenile and the major features under selection at each stage. Defining or unique
selective forces for each stage are indicated in bold.

2001; Smith et  al., 2007). Larry McEdward was a morphology of the embryos and larvae, and in par-
major proponent of this approach (McEdwar­d and ticular the structures used for feeding and swim-
Janies, 1993; McEdward and Miner, 2001) and his ming. However, changes in numerous other features
heuristic models still form an important framework may occur either via genetic drift or through active
for explicit hypothesis testing. Similar detailed ef- selection for alternate function. Understanding
forts are needed to provide clear models for non- these may help further refine our view of how se-
echinoderm taxa that could help to inform more lection acts on small details of development and
sophisticated comparative analyses. ultimately produces transitions between modes of
development. While egg size has long been a focus
Question #2: What features other than gross larval
of life history studies, one related character that has
morphology change during transitions in mode of
received considerable attention in recent years is
the biochemical composition of the egg.
The major focus of marine invertebrate biolo- The major constituents of eggs are protein, lipid,
gists working on the evolutionary transitions be- and carbohydrate, and the proportion and type of
tween modes of development has been the gross these constituents is correlated with developmental
60   E v o l u t i o n ary E c o l o g y o f M ar i n e I n v ert e b rat e Lar vae

mode in what is generally interpreted as an adap- determining the probability and direction of transi-
tive way. As one broad example, the eggs of lecitho- tions in life history characters.
trophic species generally contain proportionally
Question #3: If planktotrophy were to re-evolve, how
more lipid, which is thought to provide energy
would it happen and how could we recognize it?
for the metamorph as well as the nonfeeding larva
(Emlet and Hoegh-Guldberg, 1997; Mora­ n and Thought exercises exploring possible routes to the
Manahan, 2003; Prowse et  al., 2008; Moran et  al., re-evolution of feeding larvae have been performed
2013; Falkner et  al., 2015) and has also been im- over deep phylogenies (Strathmann, 1978). Two
plicated in buoyancy (Arai et  al., 1993). Feeding primary routes have been considered: larvae of a
larvae, in contrast, contain proportionally more non-planktotrophic species could regain function of
protein and build lipid reserves through feeding vestigial feeding structures, or larvae could regain
(Jaeckle, 1995; Moran and Manahan, 2004; Sewell, feeding through co-option of juvenile or adult feed-
2005; Moran et al., 2013). Lipid profiles also differ ing structures. For many taxa, the striking reduction
by taxon and mode of development; for example, or loss of larval feeding structures suggests that co-
in asterinid sea stars, triglycerides are relatively option of juvenile features may be the only option
more abundant in eggs of most lecithotrophic spe- available for re-evolving feeding larvae. This may
cies than in planktotrophic species (Prowse et  al., have occurred in the ancestors of modern clades of
2008), while some lecithotrophic ophiuroids sup- inarticulate brachiopods, cerianthid cnidarians, and
ply eggs with wax esters, a lipid class not found cephalopods, all of which have feeding larvae which
in planktotrophs (Falkner et  al., 2015). As another are strikingly similar to their juveniles. This option,
example, thyroid hormones are required for meta- however, is not equally open to all taxa; for exam-
morphosis in many echinoderms (Heyland et  al., ple, in echinoderms the juvenile feeding structures
2004). For planktotrophic species, these hormones appear to be poorly suited for planktonic feeding
are acquired through feeding; in lecithotrophs, ex- (Strathmann, 1978). It may be noteworthy that no
ogenous acquisition has been replaced by endog- cases of the recent regain of feeding via “larvaliza-
enous production (Heyland et al., 2004; Armstrong tion” of the juvenile has been reported in individual
and Lessios, 2015). species or genera; however, one related example has
Other changes we might expect with the switch been described in Pteraster tessulatus, in which non-
to lecithotrophy are the loss of larval sensory struc- feeding larvalization has occurred through the re-
tures and threat responses in species with protected cent evolution of a swimming juvenile (McEdwar­d
development. Species lacking free-living larval and Janies, 1993). Closer examination of these rare
stages may also show loss or reduction of the path- cases could provide important insight into the pro-
ways associated with triggers for settlement and cesses involved in transitions of early life history
metamorphosis (see Section  3 of this volume), as stages between the benthos and the plankton.
well as changes in the genetic architecture, maternal Re-evolution of planktotrophy may also happen
provisioning of mRNA, cell fates, and other compo- through regain of function of vestigial feeding struc-
nents of development. For example, in Heliocidaris tures (Strathmann, 1978). It is intuitively apparent
the animal-vegetal axis is maternally specified in that the probability of regaining function would be
the planktotrophic species, while in the lecitho- negatively correlated with the degree of loss; thus,
trophic species the dorso-ventral axis is also mater- a facultatively feeding larva that is functionally lec-
nally specified (Henry et al., 1990). Clearly, the loss ithotrophic but can still feed would much more eas-
of feeding larvae is accompanied not just by mor- ily return to the planktotrophic state than a species
phological changes to larvae, but also by more sub- whose lecithotrophic larvae have lost feeding struc-
tle physiological changes, as well as alterations to tures and a functional gut (Strathmann, 1978; 1985).
gene expression, maternal oogenetic pathways, and Similarly, encapsulated embryos that retain the lar-
maternal reproductive morphology. The evolution- val structures and their function may facilitate re-
ary lability of these less visible features has rarely evolution of larval feeding (Collin, 2004; Collin and
been explored, but they may play a major role in Miglietta, 2008). In this case, however, it would be
E v o l u t i o n ary Tra n s i t i o n s i n M o d e o f De v e l o p me n t    61

very difficult to distinguish a species that had tran- simple larvae. For example, while many cnidarian
sitioned back to planktotrophy based on morphol- larvae are morphologically similar, they vary sig-
ogy alone (McEdward and Janies, 1997). nificantly in their duration in the plankton as well as
A number of lecithotrophic species do seem to their reliance on yolk reserves, autotrophy, parasit-
retain the unused potential for larval feeding and ism, and larval feeding (Baird et  al., 2009). Due to
swimming (Hookham and Page, 2016). For exam- their simple forms, these larvae have been largely
ple, embryos of many calyptraeid gastropods retain overlooked in discussions of evolutionary transi-
the ability to capture and ingest particles (Chaparro tions in mode of development, but they may be a
et al., 2002; Collin, 2004; Collin, unpublished data). taxon ripe for study.
Likewise, a number of taxa have recently been
Question #4: How do mode of metamorphosis and ma-
demonstrated to possess facultatively feeding lar-
ternal protection influence the evolution of mode of
vae (Allen and Pernet, 2007). What, then, is needed
to identify species that may have reverted back to
planktotrophy from such a state? Three different factors may influence the modifi-
We know of no example from the marine inverte- cation of lecithotrophic developers compared to
brate larval literature, but one example from deep-sea their planktotrophic ancestors: (1) natural selec-
worms illuminates how phylogenetic and morpho- tion for better performance in larval functions (e.g.,
logical analyses can be used in concert to identify re- swimming, settlement site selection) results in con-
versals of past changes to complex life history traits. vergence on ball-like morphology and specific ar-
Working with the siboglinid genus Osedax, a group rangements of ciliary bands; (2) natural selection for
of saprotrophic worms in which males of most spe- faster development to the juvenile stage selects for
cies show extreme dwarfism as parasites on females, earlier allocation to juvenile structures and reduc-
Rouse et al. (2015) demonstrated an evolutionary re- tion of specific larval features; and (3) genetic drift
version from dwarf parasitic males (ancestral in this in the genes underlying unused structures and func-
clade) to free-living full-sized males. The evidence tions. For most species with large population sizes,
came from phylogenetic analyses, in which a spe- selection would be expected to act more quickly
cies with free-living non-dwarf males was nested than genetic drift. The relative importance of these
within a clade of species with parasitic dwarf males, factors has been discussed for echinoid models, but
and from retention of the dwarf-style testicular they may be quite different in other taxa.
structure on the males of the species that re-evolved Echinoids are the model on which much of our
large body size. A search for similar relic markers current understanding has been built, as plankto-
for direct development or lecithotrophy could help trophs have unprotected, maximally indirect devel-
identify potentially re-evolved larvae that could be opment. In species with feeding larvae the juvenile
the focus of further study. For example, neutral li- grows in a small pocket inside the larva. At meta-
pid classes that are not present in eggs of plankto- morphosis the juvenile emerges from the pocket
trophic ophiuroids occur in eggs of lecithotrophic and the vast majority of the larval body is discarded.
species (Falkner et  al., 2015); if a planktotroph’s This suggests that the larval and juvenile bodies are
eggs were found to contain these “lecithotrophic” largely independent and should be free to evolve
lipids, this could provide independent evidence for independently. Therefore, if the larva no longer
a phylogenetically based hypothesis for reversal needs to feed, the developing juvenile is probably
(Keever and Hart, 2008), or could indicate a taxon not strongly impacted by a reduction in the larval
in the early stages of transition. Similarly, in gastro- arms or rearrangement of the ciliary bands, and
pods, the retention of globose protoconch shapes, or the gross morphology of the larva could be altered
protoconchs lacking characteristic planktotrophic drastically. In fact, selection may act on a number
sculptures, may be evidence of reversions to plank- of facets of development to speed the loss of larval
totrophy (Reid, 1989). Finally, it would be interest- features once the transition is underway, including
ing to know if it is possible to detect transitions in selection for better swimming performance (Emlet,
mode of development in taxa with morphologically 1991; 1994) and selection for faster development
62   E v o l u t i o n ary E c o l o g y o f M ar i n e I n v ert e b rat e Lar vae

of the juvenile (Raff and Byrne, 2006; Smith et  al., resemble early development of other gastropods at
2007). Other larvae with similar development of the all (Rivest, 1983; Smith and Thatje, 2013; Figure 4.2).
juvenile within but largely distinct from the larval In general, however, in groups where the larval body
body include the pilidium larva of nemerteans and plan is the same as the juvenile body plan, the re-
mitraria of oweniid polychaetes. In nemerteans, lec- tention of ancestral larval feeding and swimming
ithotrophic pilidia tend to converge on ciliated balls structures appears to be common. Whether this is
similar to those predicted to perform well at swim- due to recent evolutionary origins of lecithotrophic
ming (Emlet, 1991; Maslakova and Hiebert, 2014). development or unidentified functions of these
Likewise, in lecithotrophic larvae of bryozoan­ s structures—or whether these features are simply not
and hemichordates, two other groups in which visible to natural selection and take a long time to be
metamorphosis of a planktotrophic larva involves a lost by the slow accumulation of mutations via ge-
drastic change in body plan, the lecithotrophic lar- netic drift—is an outstanding question.
vae appear to be optimized for swimming. Underlying all of these close-view questions is
In contrast, larvae of a number of other groups the issue of how microevolutionary processes pro-
have a body plan very similar to that of the juvenile. duce evolutionary change in mode of development.
These include most polychaetes, gastropods, and McEdward (2000) explained the importance of
polyclad flatworms in which the larval body is al- combining quantitative models that analyze the se-
most entirely the same as the juvenile body, but with lective factors that drive evolutionary change with
the addition of ciliated bands and projections used understanding of the genetic architecture underly-
for feeding and swimming. In these groups lecitho- ing the mechanisms of development. This is as true
trophic developers do not evolve into yolky ciliated today as it was nearly 20 years ago. While the field
balls, and they generally retain the body form that is of evo-devo has made rapid progress in under-
shared between the larva and the juvenile. In these standing the genetic mechanisms of development,
cases natural selection for rapid development of the little progress has been made in understanding
juvenile would not be expected to modify the body how selection acts on natural variation to generate
plan other than to perhaps reduce the size or com- divergent life histories. In the last 20 years, research
plexity of the specific larval structures. In addition, in on evolutionary transitions in mode of develop-
many of these groups the embryos are encapsulated, ment has been focused fruitfully on comparative
and it appears unlikely that natural selection would phylogenetic approaches. We hope that the next 20
act to modify them for swimming. However, in years will see an equally fruitful focus on microev-
many cases aspects of the encapsulated environment olutionary models to understand the evolutionary
may act to retain larval structures (Figure 4.1); for ex- mechanisms of transitions in mode of development
ample, the velum of gastropod larvae has a feeding (e.g., Garfield et al., 2013; Arendt, 2015; Zakas and
function in many species where nutrition is extraem- Rockman, 2015).
bryonic (e.g., adelphophagy) and species may be
selected for better and faster consumption of nurse
eggs, extraembryonic yolk, or albumen (reviewe­d in 4.6 Summary
Moran, 1999). The velum (or ciliary bands in other
taxa) may also serve encapsulated embryos by stir- 1. Despite the call for more phylogenetic analyses
ring capsule fluid and providing a large ciliated with dense sampling to understand evolution of
surface for enhancing gas exchange (Hunter and mode of development by McEdward and Miner
Vogel, 1986; Moran, 1999; Hofstee and Pernet, 2011). (2001), few such analyses have been published in
The intracapsular environment may in some cases the intervening 15 years.
have selected for dramatic modification to the ve- 2. Comparative analyses show well-supported
liger form; for example, inter-sibling competition for patterns when transitions are rare but are not
early nurse egg consumption in adelophophagic em- always able to reconstruct evolutionary patterns
bryos of Searlesia dira, and Buccinum undatum results of mode of development with confidence when
in embryos that are bags of yolky eggs and hardly evolutionary changes are rapid and common.
E v o l u t i o n ary Tra n s i t i o n s i n M o d e o f De v e l o p me n t    63

3. Improvements in phylogenetic comparative Chaparro, O., Charpentier, J.L., and Collin, R. 2002. Em-
methods and wider sampling are likely to im- bryonic velar structure and function in sibling species of
prove the utility of this approach, but significant Crepidula with different modes of development. Biologi-
cal Bulletin 203: 80–86.
weaknesses remain.
Collin, R. 2000. Sex change, reproduction and develop-
4. Overview of the published analyses shows that
ment of Crepidula adunca and C. lingulata (Gastropoda:
the “what makes sense” view of macroevolution- Calyptraeidae). The Veliger 43: 24–33.
ary patterns of the evolution of mode of devel- Collin, R. 2001. The effects of mode of development on
opment are not always supported. For example, phylogeography and population structure of North
contrary to what makes sense, planktotrophic Atlanti­c Crepidula (Gastropoda: Calyptraeidae). Molecu-
species showed a higher diversification rate than lar Ecology 10: 2249–2262.
lecithotrophs in sacoglossans (Krug et al., 2015). Collin, R. 2004. Phylogenetic effects, the loss of com-
5. Increased effort to examine closely the microevo- plex characters, and the evolution of development in
calyptraei­d gastropods. Evolution 58: 1488–1502.
lutionary processes involved in transitions and
Collin, R. 2005. Development, phylogeny, and taxonomy
the mechanisms like pleiotropy, plasticity, and
of Bostrycapulus (Caenogastropoda: Calyptraeidae), an
balancing selection, which potentially play a role ancient cryptic radiation. Zoological Journal of the Linnean
in the retention of reversal ability—another area of Society 144: 75–101.
study advocated by McEdward (2000)—are likely Collin, R. 2012. Non-traditional life history choices: what
to contribute significantly to our understanding. can “intermediates” tell us about evolutionary transi-
tions between modes of invertebrate development? In-
tegrative and Comparative Biology 52: 128–137.
Collin, R., Chaparro, O.R., Winkler, F., and Véliz, D. 2007.
Molecular phylogenetic and embryological evidence
We thank the editors for inviting us to contribute that feeding larvae have been reacquired in a marine
to this volume, the United States National Science gastropod. Biological Bulletin 212: 83–92.
Collin, R. and Miglietta, M. 2008. Reversing opinions
Foundation (IOS-1019727 to RC and OCE-1505158
on Dollo’s Law. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 23:
and PLR-1341476 to AM) for supporting our re- 602–609.
search on invertebrate development, and C. Zakas Cunningham, C.W. 1999. Some limitations of ancestral
for helpful comments on the manuscript. character-state reconstruction when testing evolution-
ary hypotheses. Systematic Biology 48: 665–674.
Cunningham, C.W., Omland, K.E., and Oakley, T.H. 1998.
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Raff, R.A. and Byrne, M. 2006. The active evolutionary velopment and life-history evolution in marine inver-
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C h a pt er 5

Asexual Reproduction of Marine

Invertebrate Embryos and Larvae
Jonathan D. Allen, Adam M. Reitzel, and William Jaeckle

5.1 Introduction addressed with respect to such aspects of sexual re-

production as facultative progenesis, where larval
The life histories of marine invertebrates are incred- stages develop gametes (Poulin, 2001), and poecil-
ibly diverse and provide a wealth of opportunities ogony, where one individual or species exhibits dif-
to develop and test hypotheses about how and why ferent reproductive modes (Krug, 1998). One area of
modes of reproduction, development, and behav- life history plasticity that is far more common, but
ior evolve within and among lineages. With respect has received less attention, is asexual reproduction.
to the evolution of reproductive and developmen- Asexual reproduction during development oc-
tal mode, phylogenetic, adaptive, and functional curs in most marine phyla (reviewed by Alvarado,
hypotheses presented over the past century have 2000; Blackstone and Jasker, 2003) and may occur
predominantly focused on the evolution of repro- at multiple stages during the indirect development
ductive traits (e.g., free spawning, brooding, en- of some species. Despite, or perhaps because of, its
capsulation; Rouse and Fitzhugh, 1994), nutritional broad distribution among phyla, diverse explana-
mode of larvae (e.g., planktotrophy and lecithotro- tions for the adaptive value or evolutionary sig-
phy; Strathmann, 1985; Hart et al., 1997), and devel- nificance of asexual reproduction as a life history
opmental form (e.g., larval morphology; Jeffery and strategy have been offered. Adaptive explanations
Swalla, 1992; direct and indirect development; Wray, include the following: as a method to weather
1995; McEdward and Janies, 1997). Frequently, but harsh environments (e.g., gemmules in sponges,
not exclusively, these hypotheses have been tied to statoblasts in bryozoans); as a short-term solution
changes in per-offspring investment (Emlet et  al., for escaping mutation load (Hurst and Peck, 1996);
1987; Sinervo and McEdward, 1988; Emlet and as a means to colonize and/or adapt to chang-
Hoegh-Guldberg, 1997), and influential models of ing or new habitats (Maynard Smith, 1971); or as
per-offspring investment often serve as a frame- a means to persist at low population sizes (Gerber
work for studies of the evolution of developmen- and Kokko, 2016). Several authors have addressed
tal modes (Vance, 1973; Christiansen and Fenchel, adult asexual propagation and regeneration across
1979; Levita­ n, 2000). Phylogenetic assessment of the animal kingdom (e.g., Ferretti and Geraudie
the evolution of character states within lineages has 2001), but asexual propagation is also employed by
revealed frequent shifts among life histories traits pre-adult stages. In this chapter we aim to synthe-
(McHugh and Rouse, 1998, and references therein). size the literature describing asexual reproduction
In addition to these macroevolutionary changes by embryonic and larval stages of marine inver-
among species, the life history exhibited by indi- tebrates, with a particular focus on echinoderms,
viduals may change in response to one or more where the ecological and evolutionary costs and
environmental features (life history plasticity). Plas- benefits of diverse modes of clonal replication have
ticity in the evolution of life histories has also been been most studied. We conclude with a list of open

Allen, J. D., Reitzel, A. M., and Jaeckle, W., Asexual reproduction of marine invertebrate embryos and larvae. In. Evolutionary Ecology
of Marine Invertebrate Larvae. Edited by Tyler J. Carrier, Adam M. Reitzel, and Andreas Heyland: Oxford University Press (2018).
© Oxford University Press. DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780198786962.003.0005
68   E v o l u t i o n ary E c o l o g y o f M ar i n e I n v ert e b rat e Lar vae

questions that may provide fruitful future research may also undergo facultative asexual propagation
avenues to better understand this understudied life to yield many hundreds of embryos that complete
history trait of marine invertebrates. development and that are released as lecithotrophic
larvae. Polyembryony has been described for one
5.2  Types of Asexual Reproduction species of cnidarian, the coral Acropora millepora,
where environmental turbulence fragments early
of and by Embryos and Larvae
embryos and the isolated blastomeres can develop
The general life history of a marine invertebrate into complete larvae (Heyward and Negri, 2012).
has two potential stages where asexual propaga- Among echinoderms, polyembryony has been ob-
tion could occur after fertilization, but prior to served in five species from the class Echinoidea: the
the development of the adult stage: the develop- sea urchins Prionocidaris baculosa (Mortensen, 1938),
ing embryo and, when present, the larva. Asexual Eucidaris tribuloides, Lytechinus variegatus, and Stron-
reproduction in various marine invertebrates, as gylocentrotus droebachiensis, and the sand dollar Echi-
well as throughout all animal phyla, also occurs narachnius parma (Allen et al., 2015). The incidence of
by an elimination of meiosis during reproduction polyembryony in these species is highly variable and
(e.g., parthenogenesis, apomixis, automixis; Judson significantly impacted by changes in environmental
and Normark, 1996) and during the juvenile/adult conditions (e.g., salinity, discussed later). Finally, a
stage (Blackstone and Jasker, 2003). species of ectoparasitic flatworm (phylum Platyhel-
minthes), Gyrodactylus elegans, also exhibits polyem-
bryony but through a different mechanism involving
5.2.1 Embryo
unequal cleavage, instead of embryo fragmentation.
Asexual propagation at the embryo stage is referred For this species, a single fertilized egg undergoes
to as polyembryony. Polyembryony is defined as unequal cleavage that produces a second embryo
the splitting of one sexually produced embryo into within the initial embryo, a third embryo within the
many independent individuals. Approximately 20 second, and a fourth embryo within the third (Kath-
years ago, Craig et  al. (1997) reviewed the occur- eriner, 1904).
rence of polyembryony in animals. They included
both fragmentation of embryonic stages and larval
5.2.2 Larva
budding within the term polyembryony, whereas
here we will limit our definition of polyembryony to Asexual propagation at the larval stage has been re-
asexual propagation prior to the formation of a de- ported in at least four phyla: Arthropoda, Cnidaria,
finitive larva. Embryos and larvae commonly have Neodermata (within the traditional phylum Platy-
different levels or degrees of tissue and structural helminthes), and Echinodermata (addressed in a
organization, which allow for different mechanisms separate section later). For those species where it
of asexual reproduction. For some terrestrial species has been described, asexual propagation occurs
(e.g., nine-banded armadillos and various species by budding, although the method of budding can
of parasitoid wasps), polyembryony is an obligate be quite variable. Within the phylum Arthropoda,
part of the life history where a single fertilized oo- the parasitic rhizocephalan barnacles display a bi-
cyte fragments to result in more than one develop- zarre method of larval budding, where they use
ing embryo. Polyembryony has also been reported totipotent cells for host invasion (Glenner and
in a handful of species from the Bryozoa, Cnidaria, Høeg, 1995). The cyprid larva settles on a decapod
Echinodermata, and Platyhelminthes. Some spe- host and transforms into a kentrogon, which then
cies of cyclostome bryozoans (e.g., Crisia denticulata; injects a number of de-differentiated cells into the
Hughes et al., 2005) exhibit polyembryony via frag- host. Each cell forms a vermiform stage that splits
mentation of the cleaving embryo. Adults produce into individual cells that will form independ-
one or two primary embryos in the gonozooid that in ent adults in different parts of the host. A similar
turn divide to produce up to 100 secondary embryos “infective” single-cell stage may occur via amoe-
(reviewed in Reed, 1991). These secondary embryos boid cells in narcomedusozoans (Russell, 1953),
A s e x ua l R e p r o d u c t i o n o f M ar i n e I n v ert e b rat e E m b ryo s a n d Lar vae    69

although the specific details are limited. For other infrequently observed and there is one larval form
species of narcomedusan hydrozoans (Osborn, (tentatively assigned to the taxonomic order Paxil-
2000), scyphozoan­s (Berrill, 1949), one species of sea losida, family Astropectinidae) that asexually re-
anemone (Edwardsiella lineata; Reitzel et  al., 2009), produces by autotomy of the preoral lobe (Jaeckl­e,
and trematodes and cestodes (Katheriner, 1904; 1994).
Poulin, 2007), a larva asexually propagates by bud- Cloning by ophiuroid larvae was originally sug-
ding from the existing larval tissue. gested by Mortensen (1921) and described by Balser
(1998) involving similar morphological changes to
those observed in asteroids, but the clone is formed
5.3  Asexual Reproduction by Feeding
after the separation of the larval body from the fully
Larvae of Echinoderms formed juvenile. The remnants of the “primary”
larva migrate to the vertex of the posterolateral
5.3.1  Class-level Distribution of Larval Cloning
arms and reiterate gastrulation (by invagination)
in Echinoderms
and form the digestive system of the secondary
Asexual propagation by larvae has been most larva. Balser (1998) reported that from a single
thoroughly described for planktotrophic larvae fertilized egg of Ophiopholis aculeata two juveniles
of echinoderms. A review by Mladenov (1996) could be formed and that the development of second
summarized the occurrence of asexual reproduc- clonal generation for one individual was initiated.
tion in echinoderm classes and life history stages, Among asteroids, a cloning sequence similar to
where 1.3% of species undergo asexual reproduc- that exhibited by ophioplutei is hypothetically pos-
tion as adults (0% of crinoids and echinoids, up sible. Cloning by larvae could occur after a larva
to 2.2% of ophiuroids). Asexual reproduction by and the fully formed juvenile separate as the larval
feeding larvae of echinoderms is known from four remnant may reenter the water column (e.g., Luidia
of five taxonomic classes (Asteroidea, Echinoidea, sarsi). Although the digestive system of the persist-
Holothuroidea, and Ophiuroidea), and is not
­ ing larval body contains only short esophageal and
known for larvae from the Crinoidea. Larval clon- intestinal segments, these individuals can survive
ing is more broadly distributed among echinoderm for some period of time (Tattersall and Sheppard,
classes than adult asexual reproduction despite the 1934). However, in culture they appear to be inca-
many fewer larval forms that have been studied, pable of feeding on particulate foods and “as far
some exclusively from field samples. as Luidia sarsi is concerned, regeneration followed
Of all reports, evidence of cloning by larvae in the by a second metamorphosis most probably never
field is known only for some members of the Aster- occur­s” (Wilson, 1978, p. 475).
oidea and Ophiuroidea (Bosch et  al., 1989; Bosch,
1992; Rao et  al., 1993; Jaeckle, 1994; Balser, 1998;
5.4  Modes of Asexual Reproduction
Knott et al., 2003; Galac et al., 2016). In the subtrop-
ical-tropical western Atlantic Ocean, asteroid larvae in Echinoderms
showing evidence of current and past asexual re-
5.4.1 Asexual Reproduction by Budding
production by paratomy are seasonally abundant
(Jaeckle, 1994; Knott et  al., 2003). Rao et  al. (1993) Larval budding has been reported for members of the
also reported cloning larvae from the Bay of Ben- echinoderm classes Asteroidea (Jaeckle, 1994; Vick-
gal (northeast Indian Ocean), and there is an image ery and McClintock, 2000), Holothuroidea (Eaves
of a cloning bipinnaria larva collected from waters and Palmer, 2003), and Echinoidea (Vaughn and
surrounding the Great Barrier Reef (Image Quest Strathmann, 2008; Vaughn, 2009; 2010; McDonal­d
Marine, personal communication). Two other forms and Vaughn, 2010). The details of this form of asex-
of asexual reproduction are exhibited by field- ual reproduction among groups are not well de-
collected asteroid larvae from the tropical west- scribed and the developmental sequence of events is,
ern Atlantic Ocean: the release of the tips of larval at best, superficially known. For asteroid larvae, the
arms (budding) by newly collected larvae has been released apices of the larval arms appear to reiterate
70   E v o l u t i o n ary E c o l o g y o f M ar i n e I n v ert e b rat e Lar vae

the sequence of development from a fertilized egg. of the parent arm corresponds to the posterior side of
Gastrulation by the blastula-stage secondary em- the offspring. How this axial inversion or any other
bryos reportedly occurs through unipolar invagina- attribute of asexual reproduction is genetically speci-
tion and the digestive system of the clone is derived fied or regulated has not been identified.
from the ectoderm of the parent larva (Jaeckle, 1994). Transformation of the posterolateral arms into
Although Jaeckle (1994) hypothesized that coelomo- new (secondary) individuals is morphologically
genesis in these embryos occurs through schizocoely, signaled by the dissipation of the ciliary band that
there are no new data that support this proposal. runs along the lateral sides of the posterolateral
arm and the transformation of a simple epithelium
into a stratified epithelium (Bosch et al., 1989). All
5.4.2 Asexual Reproduction by Paratomy
known forms of cloning exhibited by asteroid lar-
Paratomous asexual reproduction by asteroid larvae vae involve an apparent re-differentiation of cell
(Figure  5.1) is known from individuals collected in fates. During the paratomous transformation, the
plankton samples taken throughout the subtropical- presumptive ectoderm of the parent larva forms a
tropical western Atlantic Ocean. To our knowledge, new “secondary archenteron,” which forms the di-
in all examined clones formed by paratomy of the gestive system of the clone.
posterolateral arms, the anterior-posterior axis of the The archenteron develops along the length of the
developing clone is reversed to the anterior–posterior transforming arm (Bosch et  al., 1989; Figure  5.2).
axis of the parent arm; the proximal (anterior) portion




cA A

Figure  5.1 Scanning electron micrograph (ventral view) of a field-

collected early brachiolaria larva showing an unmodified posterolateral
arm (uM, left side) and a clonal arm (cA, right side) where the Figure  5.2 Light micrograph of a field-collected sea star larva with a
posterolateral arm is transforming into a new “secondary” larva gastrula-stage secondary larva (SL) forming from the posterolateral arm.
through the process of paratomy. Symbols: Cb = ciliary band, M = Symbols: A = archenteron of clone, E = esophagus of the primary larva,
mouth. Scale bar = 200 μm. PL = primary larva, S = stomach of the primary larva. Scale bar = 200 μm.
A s e x ua l R e p r o d u c t i o n o f M ar i n e I n v ert e b rat e E m b ryo s a n d Lar vae    71

However, it is unclear if the archenteron invaginates bipinnaria larva (Figure  5.4). Fully formed sec-
as a longitudinal furrow that closes along its length ondary bipinnariae may ingest particles prior to
to leave a circular posterior opening or if it forms separation from the parent larva. The only known
from a single invagination that extends distally observation of the separation of the clone from the
within the blastocoel of the transforming arm. After parent larva (of Luidia senegalensis) occurred as the
the archenteron achieves its full length, the tubular clone rotated about the long axis of the transform-
gut differentiates to become the esophagus, stomach, ing arm of the parent arm. This rotation tightened
and intestine, and the mouth is established as a new the stricture between the parent and clone and re-
opening on the distal side of the transforming arm. sulted in a breakage of the epithelial connection.
Coelom formation during the development of
the secondary (clonal) larva remains incompletely
5.4.3 Asexual Reproduction by Autotomy
described, but examination of physical and optical
sections of cloning larvae indicates that secondary Mortensen (1898) illustrated a larva (“Auricularia
coelomogenesis occurs by enterocoely (Figure 5.3). paradoxa”) collected from the tropical western At-
Ultimately, a single presumptive coelom may lie lantic Ocean (0° 24’ N; 46° 40’ W) that resembles an
lateral to the developing archenteron and extend asteroid larva with long posterolateral arms minus
beyond the archenteron in the distal side of the the preoral lobe. He described this larva by writing,
transforming larval arm. “The opening of the mouth seems to lie very close
Clonally produced individuals may separate to the anterior end, but everything which should
from the parent as an early stage or fully formed be above the anterior transverse margin is want-
ing.” Whether this individual was an auricularia
larva (Holothuroidea) that was damaged during

S-p PL




? SL


Figure 5.3 Combined optical sections (N=3) of a ventral view of a

primary larva (PL) with an attached secondary larva (SL) forming through Figure 5.4 Combined optical sections (N=3) of a dorsal view of an
the process of paratomy. The secondary archenteron (A) is continuous independent secondary larva formed by the process of paratomy. The
with a blastopore (B) and a thin-walled cavity whose developmental left axohydrocoel (A) extends a pore canal that fuses with the outer
fate is unresolved. Symbols: I-p = intestine of primary larva, LS = left epithelium (not shown), but there is no evidence of a right axohydrocoel.
somatocoel of the primary larva, S-p = stomach of primary larva. The Symbols: Cb = ciliary band, E = esophagus, S = stomach. The specimen
specimen was stained with Nile Red and examined using a Leica model was stained with Nile Red and examined using a Leica model TCS SP2
TCS SP2 scanning laser confocal microscope. Scale bar = 150 μm. scanning laser confocal microscope. Scale bar = 100 μm.
72   E v o l u t i o n ary E c o l o g y o f M ar i n e I n v ert e b rat e Lar vae

collection or an asteroid larva that had previously 5.5  Induction of Asexual Reproduction
autotomized its preoral lobe is not known. Nearly
100 years later, Jaeckle (1994) described larvae col- Little is known about the factors that induce asex-
lected from the subtropical western Atlantic Ocean ual reproduction in nature, but induction of poly-
with a common phenotype—but different from the embryony and larval cloning have been achieved
larva described by Mortensen—that reproduced by using a number of different cues in laboratory
autotomy of the preoral lobe. Autotomization of settings. Understanding the forces responsible for
the preoral lobe was then reported for cultured lar- inducing asexual reproduction, especially if they
vae of several forcipulatid asteroids: Pisaster ochra- are rather common, may help us understand the
ceus (Vickery and McClintock, 2000), Distolasterias frequency with which it occurs in nature. Studies
nipon (Kitazawa and Komatsu 2001), and Asterias to date suggest both abiotic and biotic factors can
forbesi (Blackburn and Allen, 2013, Figure 5.5). Au- result in larval cloning in different species.
totomy by cultured pluteus larvae of the sand dol-
lar Dendraster excentricus (order Clypeasteroida) 5.5.1 Abiotic
was seen after larvae were exposed to fish mucus
(Vaughn and Strathmann, 2008; Vaughn 2009; 2010) Abiotic cues of asexual reproduction include
or acute increases in food abundance (MacDonald changes in environmental parameters, including
and Vaughn, 2010). Despite multiple observations pH, salinity, temperature, and even the turbulence
of this form of cloning, the mechanism of asexual of the water. Few studies have investigated the
reproduction by autotomy is not known. degree to which these parameters (many of which
Examination of the “new” bipinnaria larvae are projected to covary in models of future climate
formed by autotomy of the preoral lobe of the change) may interact with one another to induce
parent larva reveals apparent differences in the asexual reproduction. Independently, each condi-
coelomic cavities. Examination of these small bi- tion has been demonstrated to play at least some
pinnariae revealed a precocious development of role in inducing asexual reproduction and thus all
the coelomic system, compared to a larva of similar are of great interest to both larval biologists and ma-
size formed from a fertilized egg. In one individual rine ecologists concerned about how recruitment
at the time of collection, there was no evidence of a patterns vary in space and time.
pore canal extending from the left axocoelic coelom There is recent interest in how ocean acidifica-
or a dorsal pore (“hydropore”). tion will affect the small, often partially calcified

Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Day 10 Day 11 Day 12 Day 19

Figure 5.5  Development/regeneration of the anterior portion of a bisected larva over 12 days. The preoral lobe was first observed floating in
culture on Day 7. Arrowhead indicates larval mouth. Arrow indicates the reappearance of coelomic cavities. The dark coloration of the stomach on
Day 19 indicates the presence of algal food following resumption of larval feeding. All images are at the same scale. Scale bar = 100 µm. All photos
courtesy of Holly Blackburn.
A s e x ua l R e p r o d u c t i o n o f M ar i n e I n v ert e b rat e E m b ryo s a n d Lar vae    73

developing stages of marine invertebrates (re- Mortensen (1938) suggested that polyembryony
viewed by Byrne, 2011), but relatively little is known may occur as part of the normal developmental
about the effect that acidification might have on the pathway in another cidaroid, Prionocidaris baculosa,
propensity of embryos or larvae to clone. Chan et al. but provided no information on the environmen-
(2013) demonstrated that pCO2 levels predicted for tal conditions (temperature, salinity, etc.) at which
2100 and 2300 induced high frequencies (>50%) of embryos were raised. Interestingly, embryos of two
budding for early larval stages of the purple sea ur- species of regular urchins (Strongylocentrotus droe-
chin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus. However, none bachiensis and Lytechinus variegatus) have also been
of the resultant buds survived for more than two tested for similar responses to salinity, but very
days, calling into question the viability of asexually rarely exhibited polyembryony.
produced propagules and also raising the possibil- Environmental induction of polyembryony in ir-
ity that methods for rearing buds may differ from regular echinoids but not in regular echinoids is con-
those sufficient to culture primary embryos and lar- sistent with chemical induction of polyembryony
vae. Low pH has also been reported to increase the as reported in a series of papers by Mazia and Vac-
frequency of conjoined twins in larvae of the gastro- quier (Mazia, 1958; Vacquier and Mazia, 1968a; b).
pod Crepidula fornicata (Eyster, 1995), but there is as Vacquier and Mazia (1968b) showed that the close
yet little evidence that this occurs in nature or that association of blastomeres with the hyaline layer in
unjoined twins are ever produced. regular echinoids kept cells pressed together even
Temperature has also been shown to affect the when cell-cell adhesion was disrupted by applica-
frequency of larval cloning in echinoderm larvae. In tion of dithiothreitol (DTT). In contrast, applica-
asteroids, Vickery and McClintock (2000) reported tion of DTT to Dendraster excentricus embryos with
that temperature exerted a strong effect on the like- a looser association with the hyaline layer resulted
lihood of larval cloning in the bipinnariae of the sea in dissociation of cells from one another and ulti-
star Pisaster ochraceus. At low temperatures (7–10 ºC) mately polyembryony. Since the presence of Ca2+
no larval cloning was observed, but at moderately ions is also required for normal interactions be-
increased temperatures (12–15 ºC) cloning was ob- tween blastomeres (Vacquier and Mazia, 1968a; b),
served in about 6% of larvae in culture. At more ex- it has been proposed that environmental induction
treme levels of temperature (17–20 ºC) no cloning of polyembryony at low salinities may result from
was observed, but this result may have been con- lower concentrations of Ca2 + in low-salinity seawa-
founded with high levels of mortality among pri- ter (Allen et al., 2015), but this has yet to be formally
mary larvae (Vickery and McClintock, 2000). tested. Regardless, the diversity of responses of
Similarly, few studies have assessed the role of regular and irregular echinoids to similar environ-
salinity as a factor that induces asexual reproduc- mental conditions suggests these lineages may be
tion by echinoderm embryos. In 2015, Allen et  al. promising models for future comparative studies of
described the role of salinity as a cue inducing the mechanisms of asexual propagation of embryos.
polyembryony in early embryos of two sea urchins, The combination of multiple stressors, either
the cidaroid Eucidaris tribuloides and the echinoid taken from the previous list or unique ones not
Echinarachnius parma. Reduced salinity resulted in yet considered, may be a fruitful area for future re-
higher frequencies of polyembryony in both spe- search on the induction of asexual reproduction in
cies, but also interacted significantly with increas- embryos and larvae.
ing temperature to yield even higher frequencies
of polyembryony. Similar results have been found
5.5.2 Biotic
in a third echinoid species, the sand dollar Den-
draster excentricus (Abdel Raheem and Allen, un- In addition to the abiotic stimuli described earlier,
published data). The interaction between salinity there is increasing evidence that asexual reproduc-
and temperature suggests that multiple factors may tion may also be induced by interactions between
act in synergistic ways to influence frequencies of larvae and other organisms in their environ-
asexual reproduction (see later). Prior to this work, ment. Biotic stimuli suggested to induce asexual
74   E v o l u t i o n ary E c o l o g y o f M ar i n e I n v ert e b rat e Lar vae

reproduction include the amount of phytoplankton clones in response to fish mucus is highly variable
in culture (Vickery and McClintock, 2000; Eaves and and appears to be influenced by genetic (maternal)
Palmer, 2003), a sudden change in food abundance background (Vaughn, 2009). The reduced size of
(McDonald and Vaughn, 2010), and the presence of larval clones relative to primary larvae has been
chemical cues from a possible predator (Vaughn and suggested to be an adaptive response (Vaughn and
Strathmann, 2008; Vaughn, 2009; 2010). The ability Strathmann, 2008; see further discussion later) to
of larval stages to perceive and respond to biologi- visual predators that are known to be size-specifi­c
cally produced chemical cues in their environment in their feeding on larval echinoids, preferring
is well known, and can be manifested in a number of larger larvae to smaller ones (Allen, 2008; Vaughn,
ways, including plasticity in arm length in response 2010). However, as with phytoplankton cues, the
to phytoplankton food (e.g., Hart and Strathmann, prevalence of predator-induced cloning in nature is
1994; Miner, 2005), plasticity in shell morphology unknown and the mucus inducer of larval cloning
in response to predators (Vaughn, 2007), delays in is isolated from a benthic fish (the dover sole, Micro-
hatching time in response to predators (Miner et al., stomus pacificus) that feeds preferentially on benthic
2010), and plasticity in settlement time in response polychaetes and ophiuroids as an adult (Gabriel
to prey (Hadfield, 1977). Thus, it may not be sur- and Pearcy, 1981), although the lengthy pelagic
prising that to the degree planktonic larvae are able period of its larvae may provide an opportunity
to reproduce asexually, they do so in response to for planktivory on echinoids (Pearcy et  al., 1977),
biological cues in their environment. However, the though that has yet to be demonstrated.
frequency of biologically induced cloning events in
nature is unknown. Only in a handful of controlled
laboratory studies do we have any evidence for bio- 5.6  Other Taxa
logical induction of asexual reproduction.
To date, only one study has examined the role of
The most detailed examples of biotic stimuli in-
environmental turbulence in asexual reproduc-
ducing asexual reproduction come from studies of
tion, occurring in the scleractinian coral Acropora
the effects of larval food supply (i.e., phytoplankton
millepora (Heyward and Negri, 2012). Cloned coral
abundance) on clone production in echinoderms.
embryos resulting from turbulence-induced blasto-
In the ochre sea star, Pisaster ochraceus, Vickery
mere separations at the two-, four-, and eight-cell
and McClintock (2000) showed that cloning rates
stages were able to successfully complete develop-
were highest when phytoplankton food was most
ment in the lab, albeit at smaller sizes. For embryos
abundant in culture and that a mixed diet (multi-
of A. millepora the levels of turbulence sufficient to
ple species of phytoplankton) yielded higher rates
induce cloning in the laboratory are equivalent to
of cloning than did a single-species diet. Similarly,
or less than those found in nature during the major-
phytoplankton abundance is also a cue for cloning
ity (52%) of spawning events on the Great Barrier
in the pluteus larvae of the sand dollar, Dendraster
Reef. It is therefore likely that natural turbulence
excentricus (McDonald and Vaughn, 2010). In the
generates cloned coral embryos, although the fate
case of D. excentricus, however, it is not the level
of these embryos and the potential adaptive value
of phytoplankton abundance that induces cloning,
of this response remains unknown.
but rather a sudden shift in phytoplankton abun-
dance (from low to high) that correlates with high
frequencies (50–100% of larvae) of clone production 5.7  Is Larval Cloning Adaptive?
(McDonald and Vaughn, 2010).
Perhaps the most surprising example of biologi- As noted earlier, it is tempting to view asexual re-
cal stimuli inducing clone production also comes production by embryos and larvae through the
from D. excentricus, where pluteus larvae can be lens of adaptation, but the adaptive value of poorly
induced to produce clones via budding after ex- understood phenotypes is difficult to demonstrate.
posure to mucus cues from planktivorous fish The hypothesized benefits of asexual reproduc-
(Vaughn and Strathmann, 2008). The production of tion by embryos and larvae are intuitive, related
A s e x ua l R e p r o d u c t i o n o f M ar i n e I n v ert e b rat e E m b ryo s a n d Lar vae    75

to increasing the number of genotype copies. They both lists of “consequences” are plausible, but re-
could contribute to reproductive success in one or main largely untested. The net effect of cloning is
more ways. Cloning: realized as the sum of these positive and negative
consequences, and there is no a priori reason to ex-
1. increases female fecundity without an apparent
pect that the result of this summation is constant
increase in resource allocation to reproduction;
from year to year.
2. may increase in the likelihood that a member of a
To our knowledge, there is only one formal at-
genet survives;
tempt to model the consequences of larval cloning.
3. may increase the probability that a member of
Rogers-Bennett and Rogers (2008) evaluated the
a genet will locate a suitable settlement site by
influence of an unspecified form of larval cloning
sampling a greater geographic area;
on dispersal distance. Their simulations predicted
4. may reduce the genet’s susceptibility to loss (i.e.,
(1) that cloning increases the dispersal potential
predation) by increasing propagule number; and
of a cohort of larvae, and (2) that the age of par-
5. may reduce the genet’s susceptibility to loss
ent larvae when asexually produced offspring are
(i.e., predation) by decreasing propagule size
released was positively related to the dispersal po-
(Vaughn, 2010).
tential of the cohort. Their model, however, did not
Nevertheless, the formation of each new individual incorporate any estimates of the cost(s) of asexual
(the clone) is a result of the loss of cell(s) from the reproduction to the parent larva or to the subse-
“parent” embryo or larva, and this reduction in bio- quent juvenile.
mass may negatively influence the larva, the result- Although the costs and benefits that may select
ing juvenile, or both. The impact of this tissue loss for evolution of larval cloning in marine inverte-
on the survivorship of the parent is unknown, but brates remain understudied in free-living marine
it seems reasonable to hypothesize that the cost of species, asexual reproduction of developmental
asexual reproduction to the parent embryo or larva stages in parasitic species are better characterized.
could include: Endoparasitic larval stages of digeneans, cestodes,
and other parasitic Platyhelminthes (Neodermata)
1. a decrease in larval feeding rate;
commonly exhibit asexual propagation in inter-
2. a decrease in larval grow rate;
mediate hosts. For example, the miracidium stage
3. an increase in the time to metamorphosis (with
that infects a snail host can asexually replicate itself
potentially increased exposure to planktonic
to generate thousands of cercariae, the next stage
predators); and
in the life history. The extent of asexual reproduc-
4. a decrease in juvenile size.
tion in these larval stages can vary widely due to
The extent to which any fitness trade-off varies taxonomic group (Rohde, 1982, p.  54) and a num-
among different forms of asexual reproduction by ber of interrelated life history factors summarized
larvae is unknown. However, it seems reasonable by Poulin (2007), including host size and infec-
to assume that any cost is correlated with two fac- tion longevity (Keeney et  al., 2008), competition
tors: (1) when asexual reproduction occurs dur- (Hendrickso­n and Curtis, 2002), and adult size or
ing a species’ life history and (2) the proportion of longevity (Moore, 1981).
the primary individual’s body that is allocated to In schistosome species, the extent of asexual re-
cloning. Cloning by budding removes the smallest production in the miracidium stage is an appar-
volume of material from the parent larva, and we ent trade-off with oocyte production, where larger
hypothesize that this form of asexual reproduction embryos have higher asexual reproduction rates
has the smallest cost to the parent larva. Autotomy (Loker, 1983). The increased number of asexually
of the preoral lobe or paratomy of the posterolateral produced individuals may represent one adaptive
arm(s), in contrast, involves loss of a greater volume mechanism for increasing successful transmission
of tissue and potentially results in a greater cost to to a second intermediate or terminal host, a step in
the parent larva through a reduction of feeding ca- the life history which may occur at a low frequency
pacity, loss of biomass, or both. Yet the elements of due to death of the current host or low encounter
76   E v o l u t i o n ary E c o l o g y o f M ar i n e I n v ert e b rat e Lar vae

rates with the next host. Asexual reproduction of completed metamorphosis to produce a benthic ju-
endoparasitic larvae in hosts may also be a com- venile. A more extreme example of the regenerative
mon strategy in other parasitic species, including potential of developmental stages of echinoderms
the sea anemone Edwardsiella lineata, where larval was described by Dan-Sohkawa et al. (1986). They
cloning occurs and parasite number correlates with dissociated gastrula-stage embryos of the sea star
host size (Reitzel et al., 2009). We can hypothesize Asterina pectinifera using osmotic, ionic, and physi-
that larvae of nonparasitic species may be selected cal forces, and then followed the re-­ aggregation
for asexual reproduction due to similar trade-offs of the isolated cells (or groups of cells). From
in the plankton, where different selection pressures the initial suspension of cells, a free-swimmin­ g,
(e.g., likelihood of predation, feeding environment, ­blastula-like embryo was established after ≈30 h
probability of successful settlement) may result post-­dissociation. After 80–100 h post-dissociatio­n,
in positive selection for asexual reproduction in a bipinnaria-stage larvae were reconstructed. Tamur­a
species-dependent manner. Discerning between po- et  al. (1998) examined the morphological events
tential selective factors will require a combination of secondary coelomogenesis and described two
of laboratory experimentation and resolved phylo- different processes that created the “coelomic
genetic relationships for closely related species with pouches.” In some larvae (37 of 62 individuals) a
and without larval asexual propagation. coelomic pouch was established through processes
reminiscent of enterocoelly (“­enterocoel-like” coe-
5.8  Open Questions for Future Research lom formation), while in other individuals (22 of
62 individuals) coeloms were established by an ag-
(1) Does asexual reproduction by cultured larvae offer a gregation of mesenchyme-like cells (“schizocoelic-
window to natural phenomena or represent an induced like” coelom formation); three reconstructed larvae
developmental response to unnatural environmental formed coeloms through both processes. Not all
conditions? reconstructed larvae were developmentally nor-
Production of asexual propagules in response to mal as some individuals developed a multiple or a
environmental conditions or changes in conditions branched digestive system.
(food abundance: Vickery and McClintock, 2000; (2) Does asexual reproduction occur in all groups of
Eaves and Palmer, 2003; McDonald and Vaughn, echinoderms, but the frequency of occurrence in some
2010; possible predators: Vaughn and Strathmann, groups is too low to detect in samples from the field?
2008; Vaughn, 2009; 2010) are known from in vitro Among echinoderm species that produce devel-
experiments. Consequently, it is not certain whether opmental stages that undergo asexual reproduc-
examples of asexual reproduction by embryos or tion, only cloning larvae of some species of the
larvae in culture represent natural phenomena or Asteroidea and the Ophiuroidea have been identi-
are developmental events induced by culture con- fied from plankton samples. However, species of
ditions. There is evidence provided by early work- the Echinoidea and Holothuroidea are known to re-
ers (e.g., Gemmill, 1914; 1915; MacBride, 1918) that produce asexually in laboratory cultures. If asexual
deviations from normal development (e.g., larvae reproduction occurs in all groups, but at a variable
with multiple or no pore canals) could be induced and, in some cases, low frequency, then detection of
by culture conditions. cloning by embryos or larvae in laboratory cultures
Echinoderm embryos and larvae exhibit a tremen- where large numbers of individuals can be evalu-
dous capacity for regeneration. Research has dem- ated is not surprising. A low frequency of occur-
onstrated that bisected echinoderm larvae of sea rence coupled with rapid rates of clone formation
stars (Pisaster ochraceus, Luidia foliolata, and Patiria (e.g., Vaughn, 2009) further reduces the likelihood
miniata) and sea urchins (Dendraster excentricus and of detecting rare, fast-developmental events from
Lytechinus variegatus) are capable of regrowing the field samples. MacBride (1918) similarly com-
excised portions of their body (Vickery and McClin- mented on the frequency of developmental abnor-
tock, 1998; Vickery et al., 2002; Oulhen et al., 2016). malities in coelomogenesis of echinoderm larvae:
In most cases, the regenerated larvae successfully “In this list of recorded instances of the occurrence
A s e x ua l R e p r o d u c t i o n o f M ar i n e I n v ert e b rat e E m b ryo s a n d Lar vae    77

of two hydrocoels among echinoderm larvae, it will Luidiidae, order Paxillosida, Ophidiasteridae, order
be noticed that only one such specimen was found Valvatida, and Oreasteridae, order Valvatida), but
among larvae fished from the open sea, although genus and species-level identities could not be re-
hundreds of such larvae have been examined.” We solved. More recently, Galac et al. (2016) sequenced
are hopeful that further field sampling will reveal mitochondrial and nuclear genes from cloning and
the presence of cloning larvae of echinoids and aclonal bipinnariae and brachiolariae collected
holothuroids. from the Florida Current of the Gulf Stream sys-
(3) How does the ability of larvae to clone evolve in tem expressing the same color phenotype. Through
marine invertebrate lineages? their analysis they assigned these specimens to a
Currently, most descriptions of larval cloning single, yet undescribed, species within the family
have been scattered throughout lineages, poten- Oreasteridae. Their species was equivalent to “Lar-
tially due to opportunistic observations or studies val Group 1” reported by Knott et al. (2003). To our
in species that can be cultured in the laboratory. If knowledge the only species of asteroid echinoderm
asexual reproduction is a component of a life his- known to produce secondary larvae by paratomy
tory that is under selection, we would expect it to is Luidia senegalensis (W. Jaeckle, personal observa-
be gained and lost in lineages in the same way as tion). This specimen was identified based on the
any other character. Research in gains and/or losses number of arm rays of the juvenile.
of asexual reproduction in sea anemones (Geller (4) Will changing climate lead to increased asexual re-
and Walton, 2001) as well as regeneration in an- production by larvae?
nelids (Bely and Sikes, 2010) and other spiralians There is abundant evidence that climate change
(Bely et al., 2014) suggest that these developmental will result in changes in ocean conditions that are
processes can be quite dynamic within particular likely to have strong effects on microscopic larvae.
lineages. The evolution of mechanisms of asexual Given what is known about abiotic induction of pol-
reproduction requires explicit comparison in a re- yembryony and larval cloning (see earlier), there is
solved phylogeny where the presence or absence of reason to believe that some potential outcomes of cli-
“asexual reproduction” by embryos or larvae can mate change will also lead to increased frequency of
be mapped to determine if this is a primitive or a asexual reproduction. First, phytoplankton blooms
derived life history character. may shift in their frequency, intensity, and location
In asteroids, current evidence hints that larval under future climate change scenarios. It is likely
asexual reproduction may have evolved multiple these changes will be uneven and likely difficult to
times. Cloning larvae have been collected from predict. For example, in the North Atlantic warming
opportunistic sampling from Barbados, Panama, sea surface temperatures have resulted in both in-
Beliz­e, Jamaica, Commonwealth of the Bahamas, creased (in cooler regions) and decreased (in warmer
Gulf of Mexico, and throughout the Gulf Stream regions) phytoplankton abundance (Richardson and
system. Despite this regional geographic distribu- Schoeman, 2004). If the overall levels of phytoplank-
tion and high seasonal abundances (Knott et  al., ton increase, or if the speed and intensity of bloom
2003), the species identity of cloning asteroid larvae appearance increase, current research (Vickery and
remains poorly resolved. Using morphological fea- McClintock, 2000; McDonald and Vaughn, 2010)
tures of collected larvae, Bosch et al. (1989) assigned suggests that larval cloning may be facilitated.
cloning bipinnariae from the Sargasso Sea to the ge- Concurrent with ocean warming, there has also
nus Luidia (order Paxillosida). Further samples from been a freshening of the surface waters where the
the waters surrounding the Commonwealth of the development of marine invertebrates frequently
Bahamas and from the Florida Current of the Gulf occurs. While freshening is not uniform globally,
system revealed the presence of cloning larvae from major portions of the world’s oceans are freshening,
a non-paxillosid group (Jaeckle, 1994). Knott et  al. including the Gulf of Maine (notably on Georges
(2003) compared tRNA gene sequences and recog- Bank), parts of the Indian and Pacific Oceans and
nized three groups of cloning asteroid larvae (that the Southern Ocean (Wong et  al., 1999; Drinkwa-
nested among species of the taxonomic families ter et al., 2009; Haumann et al., 2016). Since at least
78   E v o l u t i o n ary E c o l o g y o f M ar i n e I n v ert e b rat e Lar vae

some cases of polyembryony are reported to oc- Acknowledgment

cur in response to elevated temperature and con-
comitant reductions in salinity (Allen et al., 2015), We acknowledge the assistance of Dr. Uwe Staerzfo­r
it may be of special interest for developmental who provided a translation of Mortensen’s (1898)
biologists and larval ecologists to examine field- description of “Auricularia paradoxa.”
collected embryos and larvae for signs of polyem- AMR would like to thank the University of North
bryony and cloning in areas where the interactive Carolina at Charlotte for support through a Junior
effects of temperature rise and salinity decline may Faculty Development Award.
be strongest. Greater understanding of the physi-
ological tolerances and responses of embryos and
larvae, along with improved understanding of the
mechanisms of asexual reproduction are needed Allen, J.D. 2008. Size-specific predation on marine inverte-
before any substantive predictions can be made in brate larvae. Biological Bulletin 214: 42–49.
this regard. Allen, J.D., Armstrong, A.F., and Ziegler, S.L. 2015. Envi-
ronmental induction of polyembryony in echinoid echi-
noderms. Biological Bulletin 229: 221–231.
5.9 Summary Alvarado, A.S. 2000. Regeneration in the metazoans: why
does it happen? BioEssays 22: 578–590.
1. Larvae in multiple phyla of marine invertebrates Balser, E.J. 1998. Cloning by ophiuroid echinoderm larvae.
undergo asexual reproduction, with most obser- Biological Bulletin 194: 187–193.
vations occurring under laboratory conditions. Bely, A.E. and Sikes, J.M. 2010. Latent regeneration abili-
2. Echinoderms, particularly asteroids and echi- ties persist following recent evolutionary loss in asexual
noids, are the most thoroughly described group annelids. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of
with respect to the diversity of modes of asexual the United States of America 107: 1464–1469.
Bely, A.E., Zattara, E.E., and Sikes, J.M. 2014. Regeneration
reproduction as well as the occurrence of clonal
in spiralians: evolutionary patterns and developmental
reproduction in the natural environment.
processes. International Journal of Developmental Biology
3. Numerous abiotic and biotic factors have been 58: 623–634.
described that result in increased frequency Berrill, N.J. 1949. Developmental analysis of Scyphome-
of asexual reproduction events in echinoderm dusae. Biological Reviews 24: 393–410.
larvae, suggesting that larvae may respond to Blackburn, H.N. and Allen, J.D. 2013. Maternal effects on
diverse environmental signals by initiating a cloning frequency, larval development and juvenile size
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4. The fitness costs of cloning to the “parent” larva Biology 53: E18.
Blackstone, N.W. and Jasker, B.D. 2003. Phylogenetic con-
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siderations of clonality, coloniality, and, mode of ger-
forms of asexual reproduction are unknown and mline development in animals. Journal of Experimental
warrant future study. Zoology 297B: 35–47.
5. Future studies aimed at dissecting the evolution- Bosch, I. 1992. Symbiosis between bacteria and oceanic
ary gains and losses of larval cloning in particu- clonal sea star larvae in the western North Atlantic
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larvae. Nature 337: 169–170.
ticular species have included asexual reproduc-
Byrne, M. 2011. Impact of ocean warming and ocean acidi-
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fication on marine invertebrate life history stages: vul-
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living larvae are different reiterations of de- Chan, K.Y.K., Grünbaum, D., Arnberg, M., Thorndyke, M.
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developmental novelties. val sea urchins. Marine Biology 160: 2129–2135.
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Ch a pt er 6

Section 1 Summary—Evolutionary
Origins and Transitions
in Developmental Mode

Abiotic variables and biotic interactions can act driving factor in the evolution of alternative life
on variation in life history traits, ultimately lead- histories. Dustin Marshall and colleagues discuss
ing to divergence in reproductive mode. Marine the link between maternal investment and larval
invertebrates have a remarkable diversity in such diversity in Chapter 3. Chapter 4 by Rachel Collin
strategies, sometimes even between closely related and Amy Moran exemplifies how specific predic-
species. It is this natural diversity that lends itself tions can be derived from two main inferences ob-
to employing a powerful comparative approach, served in larval diversity, i.e., the transition from
both for particular morphological characteristics as feeding to nonfeeding and the hypothesis that
well as molecular signatures from developmental complex characters that are not used are quickly
genes. For example, complex life histories, where a lost. Lastly, Chapter 5 by Jonathan Allen and
larval stage is interposed between the embryo and colleagues discusses polyembryony and larval
juvenile, likely represent the product of numerous cloning, and presents many interesting new per-
selection pressures, historical and current, that have spectives for future research.
shaped the diversity of larval stages in extant ma- In summary, this section addresses central ques-
rine species. In fact, the very question about “what tions on the origin of larvae, the diverse mechanisms
is a larva?” has to be addressed, as it is so intimately for how the larval stage is modified and how these
connected to bentho-planktonic life cycle and meta- may relate the co-occurring changes in maternal in-
morphosis. Furthermore, novel larval types have vestment and the environment, and how life histo-
evolved in particular lineages and larvae have been ries have evolved from an indirect to direct mode.
secondarily lost in others. This in itself creates an In the process, these comparisons highlight the com-
interesting and exciting playground to test evolu- mon balance and difficulties of discerning between
tionary developmental hypotheses. homology and homoplasy in evolutionary biology.
Chapter  1 by Claus Nielsen explores the evo- Decades of research using comparative research
lutionary origins of larvae and through that pro- and life history models have developed hypotheses
vides many examples for the diversity of larval for correlates, and perhaps causes for how different
forms, as mentioned earlier. Similarly to Heather larval stages evolve. A particular focus in marine in-
Marlow (Chapter  2), Nielsen uses a compara- vertebrates has been maternal investment strategies,
tive framework to explore the question “What is where smaller eggs develop into planktotrophic lar-
a larvae?” In contrast, Marlow discusses specific vae and larger eggs into lecithotrophic. Reappraisal
developmental mechanisms involved in the for- of the hallmark mathematical models coupled with
mation of the larval body. Marlow further dis- data from an increasing array of species suggest
cusses maternal investment strategies as a major additional factors that can be profitably included

Carrier, T. J., Reitzel, A. M., and Heyland, A., Section 1 Summary—Evolutionary origins and transitions in developmental mode.
In. Evolutionary Ecology of Marine Invertebrate Larvae. Edited by Tyler J. Carrier, Adam M. Reitzel, and Andreas Heyland:
Oxford University Press (2018). © Oxford University Press. DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780198786962.003.0006
S e c t i o n 1 S u m m a ry    83

to characterize these transitions in investment and lost in the life cycles for marine invertebrates many
larval diversity. One of these factors is a shift in times independently. The selection pressures and
ecology of the larva itself, which includes a transi- functional limitations on the loss of the larval stage
tion from pelagic to demersal and from free-living represent fertile ground for how and why lineages
to parasitic. Lastly, larvae have been secondarily have evolved these major life history changes.
C h a pt er 7

Larval Feeding: Mechanisms, Rates,

and Performance in Nature
Bruno Pernet

7.1 Introduction In most taxa feeding larvae are strikingly different

in form from nonfeeding larvae, consistent with the
Adults of many marine invertebrates make tiny idea that the requirement for food shapes the evolu-
eggs, each provisioned with scant energy. These tion of larval form (Emlet, 1991).
typically develop into larvae that must acquire No matter the immediate interest of the biologist
energy and materials from the environment to studying larval feeding—functional morphology,
support growth and development through meta- population ecology, or the evolution of life histories
morphosis and to provision a successful juvenile. and larval nutritional mode—an ultimate aim must
To most biologists, larval feeding means the capture be to understand how well larvae feed in nature.
of suspended particulate food by planktonic larvae This is a challenge. Feeding larvae are generally tiny
(planktotrophy), though planktonic larvae may also (< 1 cm) and are subject to spread by “diffusion”
acquire dissolved organic matter from seawate­ r and advection (Pineda and Reyns, this volume). It
(Jaeckle, this volume), and many larvae spend part is thus difficult to study most aspects of larval biol-
of their lives in capsules or masses, where they of- ogy in the field. Most insights into larval feeding
ten acquire parentally supplied dissolved or partic- are based on results from laboratory beakers, or
ulate food. Here, I focus on suspension feeding on from rare studies in field-embedded mesocosms.
particles by planktonic larvae, a process that occurs However, conditions in nature differ from those in
in members of at least a dozen phyla. beakers in terms of hydrodynamics, the population
How well feeding larvae perform the task of of edible and inedible particles, and temporal and
capturing food has many potential consequences. spatial heterogeneity in these and other features. As
Food concentration is often so low that it limits noted by Strathmann (1987, p. 490), “The extension
larval growth, extending the time larvae spend in of laboratory results to field conditions is fraught
the plankton before metamorphosis (Fenaux et with uncertainties.”
al., 1994; Bos et al., 2006a; Pedersen et al., 2010). Such an extension, however, is needed. One way
Instantaneou­s mortality rates of planktonic larvae that it might be made is via detailed mechanistic
are generally thought to be high (Morgan, 1995; models linking larval form and feeding mechanism
Pedersen et al., 2008). Thus larval feeding perfor- to feeding performance. With high spatial and
mance may affect planktonic duration and risk of temporal resolution data on characteristics of the
mortality, as well as dispersal. The performance of feeding environment (in particular, temperature
feeding larvae may also have long-lasting effects and the abundance of particles of various types),
on juvenile performance (Pechenik, this volume). such models could be used to estimate larval in-
These ecological processes imply that there is selec- gestion rates over time, a parameter that can then
tion on the form and physiology of feeding larvae be integrated into broader bioenergetics models to
to maximize net rates of energy gain by feeding. predict rates of growth in particular environments

Pernet, B., Larval feeding: mechanisms, rates, and performance in nature. In. Evolutionary Ecology of Marine Invertebrate Larvae.
Edited by Tyler J. Carrier, Adam M. Reitzel, and Andreas Heyland: Oxford University Press (2018). © Oxford University Press.
DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780198786962.003.0007
88   E v o l u t i o n a ry E c o l o g y o f M a r i n e I n v e rt eb r at e L a r va e

(Bos et al., 2006a; Monaco et al., 2014). Such models 7.2.1 The Limited Palette of Physical Processes
can be used not only to understand the biology of of Particle Encounter and Capture
larvae in the habitats in which they evolved, but
also to predict larval responses to novel conditions, Given these conditions, larvae can use only a few
such as changes in seawater viscosity or in the processes to encounter and capture particles from
types of food particles available as a consequence suspension. They can be divided into two classes:
of ocean warming (Podolsky, 1994; Falkowski and those in which particles are trapped on a physical
Oliver, 2007). filter, which does not require a larva to alter behav-
Here I review progress in our understanding ior in response to individual particles, and those in
of larval feeding, focusing on three topics. First, which particles are individually detected, stimulat-
I describe the small set of physical processes that ing an active response by the larva to direct the par-
larvae can use to concentrate particles from the ticle toward a capturing surface (LaBarbera, 1984;
plankton, and the diverse morphologies and be- Strathmann, 1987; Hart and Strathmann, 1995).
haviors larvae use to implement these processes. Filtering processes include hydrosol filtration
I focus especially on discoveries made in the past and sieving of particles from suspension. Hydrosol
30 years, since Strathmann’s (1987) comprehen- filtration encompasses five distinct processes (di-
sive review of larval feeding. Second, I discuss rect interception, inertial impaction, gravitational
examples of models that link larval form and deposition, diffusional deposition, and electrostatic
feeding mechanism to feeding performance, and attraction) by which particles contact a capturing
review some of the insights these models have surface (Figure 7.1A). The capturing surface can be
yielded. Finally, I identify several areas in which of any shape—e.g., a sphere (like a cell) or a cyl-
advances are needed before we can achieve the inder (a cilium or seta)—and can be made up of a
goal of integrating such models into a broader bi- single component or an array of components (e.g.,
oenergetics context to predict how feeding larvae a band of cilia or an array of setae). Shimeta and
perform in nature. Jumars (1991) modeled encounter rates of particles
with idealized capturing surfaces for all five types
of hydrosol filtration. They distinguished between
7.2  How Do Marine Invertebrate Larvae encounter (physical contact of particle and captur-
ing surface) and retention (adhesion) of the parti-
cle on the capturing surface; together, they called
Planktonic larvae live in a dilute suspension of par- the two processes “capture” of a particle. For most
ticles (Kiørboe, 2011), only some of which are edible larvae, direct interception is the type of hydrosol
and nutritious. One way to acquire edible particles filtration that could yield high rates of particle cap-
is to rapidly drink the medium, but it would likely ture, though any given capturing surface might en-
be impossible for larvae to digest and assimilate counter particles by multiple varieties of hydrosol
particles at the high flow rates required by this filtration. For a cylindrical capturing surface, par-
strategy, and costs of pumping fluid through the di- ticles are encountered by direct interception (and
gestive system and rapidly losing secreted enzymes captured, assuming 100% retention) at rates propor-
would be high. Instead, feeding larvae concentrate tional to their diameter (Shimeta and Jumars, 1991).
particles from suspension before processing them In sieving, the medium is forced through pores
in the gut. Our intuitions about how larvae do this in a mesh. Suspended particles larger than pores
are not particularly useful, because larvae and their are trapped on the mesh. Particles smaller than
feeding structures are very small and flow around pores may also be captured on mesh elements by
them is very slow. At that scale, viscous forces dom- hydrosol filtration. Loudon and Alstad (1990) mod-
inate over inertial forces. Flow is laminar, and both eled this process, including both sieving and direct
feeding structures and potential food particles are interception as mechanisms. Examples of larvae
surrounded by thick shells of sticky fluid (Hodin et that sieve food from suspension (e.g., cyphonautes:
al., this volume). Figure 7.1B) are rare, presumably because pore size
L a r va l Fee d i n g    89

(A) (B) (C)

Figure 7.1  Examples of larvae that capture particles using hydrosol filtration, sieving, and active response. A. Veligers of gastropods capture particles
by direct interception on prototrochal cilia. Captured particles are transferred to a food groove between prototrochal and metatrochal bands, where
they are carried to the mouth. B. Cyphonautes of bryozoans use several particle capture mechanisms, one of which is sieving particles onto laterofrontal
cilia of the ciliated ridges in the mantle cavity. C. Echinoderm larvae use active responses in the locomotory and feeding ciliary band to capture particle.
Particles approaching the larva are detected by cilia in the band, and cilia near the particle reverse direction of beat, eventually driving the particle to
the mouth. Solid arrows indicate excurrent flow. Drawings modified from Fenchel and Ockelmann (2002), Strathmann and McEdward (1986), and
Strathmann (1971).

must be small to capture appropriately sized parti- are either swallowed as they arrive at the mouth, or
cles, but generating sufficient pressure to push fluid held in a storage area (e.g., the esophagus of echino-
through such a mesh is energetically costly. derm larvae) and swallowed in groups periodically.
In “active response” (also known as scan-and-
trap) processes, a larva detects an approaching par-
7.2.2 The Diverse Array of Larval Forms
ticle and alters its behavior to move a parcel of water
containing the particle or to move the larval body
and Feeding Mechanisms
relative to the particle, so that the particle ends up For the processes described previously, theoreti-
positioned near to a capturing surface (usually the cians have modeled how rates of particle capture
larval mouth) (Figure 7.1C). Detection may involve by simple capturing structures depend on particle
chemical or hydromechanical cues. The intensity size, concentration, and other variables. Larvae,
of such cues vary with particle size, among other however, feed using complex and varied morphol-
characteristics, and particle detection depends on ogies and behaviors. To understand how actual
the sensitivity of the larva’s sensors. Jumars (2003) larvae concentrate particles from suspension, we
and Kiørboe (2008) provide models for predicting need good descriptions of those morphologies and
encounter rates of particles by actively responding behaviors. Biologists have been studying larvae for
predators. In larvae that feed in this way, the ma- more than two centuries (Young, 1990), but often
nipulation of flow to reposition the particle near the not at a resolution sufficient to make strong infer-
larval mouth is often called particle capture (e.g., ences about mechanisms of larval feeding. In the
Hart, 1991), but the particle at this point has not past 50 years, however, light and scanning electron
adhered to or even necessarily contacted a feeding microscopy have allowed high spatial resolution
structure; it has really just come under the control of description of potential capturing surfaces, and film
the larva’s flow-management structures. It is then and video microscopy have allowed researchers to
directed toward a surface, where it is eventually observe behavior and the kinematics of particle
captured in the sense of hydrosol filtration. capture in living larvae at relevant temporal scales
Once captured, particles are rejected or trans- (Strathmann et al., 1972; Hart, 1996). Though these
ported to the mouth for ingestion. Captured par- tools have limitations (emphasized by Hart, 1996,
ticles may be rejected by larvae at multiple points and Strathmann, 2005), they have greatly enhanced
during the feeding process. If retained, particles are our knowledge of suspension feeding.
transported to the mouth. Captured particles may Here I briefly summarize our knowledge of how
be lost during transport to the mouth, but little is marine invertebrate larvae feed, focusing on recent
known about loss rates and whether or not these discoveries and on remaining gaps in our knowl-
rates differ between transport mechanisms. Particles edge. Strathmann (1987) provides more detailed
90   E v o l u t i o n a ry E c o l o g y o f M a r i n e I n v e rt eb r at e L a r va e

descriptions of feeding in many of these larvae. have distinctive helmet-shaped pilidium larvae that
Several more general overviews of suspension feed- bear lateral lappets and an anterior and a posterior
ing also provide useful perspectives (Riisgård and lobe; a nearly continuous primary ciliated band
Larsen, 2010; Kiørboe, 2011). runs along the edges of the lappets and lobes. Pi-
lidia have long been known to feed on phytoplank-
Cnidaria. Planulae of medusozoans lack a mouth
ton, but their feeding mechanism has only recently
(Martin and Koss, 2002), and there is no evidence that
been elucidated in one species (von Dassow et al.,
they can feed. Anthozoan planulae, however, have a
2013). Pilidia of this species (Micrura alaskensis) use
mouth and gastrovascular cavity. Capture and in-
the motile cilia of the primary ciliated band to gen-
gestion of particles has been documented in several
erate a swimming and feeding current. Particles ap-
species, but almost always under unusual circum-
proaching the primary ciliated band appear to be
stances (Tranter et al., 1982; Schwarz et al., 2002). In
detected by periodically spaced non-motile cilia in
most cases, planulae have not been observed feed-
that band. When a particle is detected, the lappet
ing unless first offered a slurry of macerated crusta-
or lobe nearest the particle is rapidly moved (using
cean tissue. When a slurry is added, planulae often
muscles) so as to locally direct the current into the
stop swimming and begin feeding from the bottom
region between the lappets and lobes, the vestibule.
of the dish. Some continue swimming, trailing a
Once the particle is in the vestibule, cilia of the in-
mucus strand to which particles adhere. The mucus
ner ciliated band—which runs inside the lappets,
strand is then drawn into the mouth. Siebert (1974)
parallel to the primary ciliated band—are raised to
observed planulae of two sea anemones feeding
form a “fence” preventing its escape. The particle is
in the absence of macerated tissue. They captured
then carried to the mouth by cilia of the esophageal
plastic beads 1 µm in diameter and algal cells via
funnel. This is an active response type of particle
a trailing mucus strand, but apparently rejected the
capture, and thus chemical or hydromechanical sig-
algal cells at the mouth. There is need for additional
nals from approaching particles must be detected to
studies of feeding by anthozoan planulae in more
stimulate the response; this suggests that very small
realistic conditions, with known and appropriate
particles (e.g., bacteria) are unlikely to be captured
concentrations of potential food items.
by this mechanism. It is not yet known if other
Platyhelminthes. Larvae of many polyclads hatch pilidi­a feed in the same way.
bearing four or more lobes and a mouth leading
Bryozoa. Only one type of bryozoan larva, the
to a blind gut. These larvae, known as Götte’s or
cyphonaute­s, is known to feed. These larvae (Figur­e
Müller’­s larvae depending on the number of lobes
7.1B) pump water through the mantle cavity us-
they bear, are completely ciliated, with longer cilia
ing cilia on a pair of ciliated ridges that divide it
arising from the edges of the lobes (Rawlinson,
into inhalant and exhalant chambers. Each ciliated
2014). Some are able to capture and ingest phyto-
ridge bears three parallel ciliary bands (frontal, lat-
plankton (Ballarin and Galleni, 1987; Scarpa et al.,
erofrontal, and lateral, from inhalant toward exhal-
1996), and larvae of one species survive for longer
ant) that run perpendicular to the direction of flow.
when fed than when starved (Scarpa et al., 1996).
The lateral cilia beat to generate a current through
Feeding mechanisms of these larvae are unknown,
the mantle cavity. As water flows between the cili-
as is the size range of particles that they can cap-
ated ridges, some particles are retained by sieving
ture and ingest.
on the laterofrontal cilia, and others seem to trig-
Nemertea. Some members of all three major groups ger localized reversal of the direction of beat of the
of nemerteans are known or inferred to have feed- lateral cilia, pushing the particle back into the in-
ing larval stages. The uniformly ciliated planuliform halant chamber (Strathmann, 2006). Thus, cypho-
larvae of some Paleonemertea and Hoplonemer- nautes seem capable of using both filtration and
tea seem to capture and ingest large prey, by un- active response to capture particles. Captured par-
known mechanisms (Jagersten, 1972; Maslakova ticles may be transported toward the mouth on the
and Hiebert­, 2014). Most members of Pilidiophora frontal cilia. Others are apparently directed toward
L a r va l Fee d i n g    91

the mouth by currents generated by reversal of the Mollusca. Veligers of gastropods and bivalves feed
lateral cilia, or, for particles sieved on laterofrontal using paired extensions of tissue, the velar lobes,
cilia, by flicks of the laterofrontal cilia toward the whose edges bear three parallel bands of cilia (Fig-
inhalant chamber. ure 7.1A). The long, compound prototrochal cilia
beat from anterior to posterior; metatrochal cilia beat
Brachiopoda. The larvae of lingulacean and disci-
in the opposite direction; and food groove cilia beat
niscid brachiopods feed on phytoplankton using
toward the mouth. Because prototrochal and meta-
tentacles of the lophophore. Feeding is best known
trochal cilia beat in opposite directions, this is some-
in larvae of the lingulacean Glottidia pyramidata
times called “opposed band” feeding (alternatively,
(Strathmann, 2005). Its tentacles bear three parallel
“catch-up principle” feeding; Riisgård et al., 2000).
ciliary bands: frontal, laterofrontal, and lateral. Lat-
Cilia and particle movements in tethered veligers
eral cilia beat from anterior to posterior, generating
suggest that as prototrochal cilia beat from anterior
a swimming and feeding current. Particles passing a
to posterior they overtake suspended particles and
tentacle can be retained on its frontal side by mech-
directly intercept them (Strathmann and Leise, 1979;
anisms similar to those used by cyphonautes larvae:
Gallager, 1988); evidence of adhesion between the
some are retained by sieving on the laterofrontal
prototrochal cilia of a gastropod and captured parti-
cilia, and others seem to trigger localized reversal
cles is consistent with that interpretation (Romero et
of the direction of beat of the lateral cilia. Captured
al., 2010; but see Mayer, 2001). Particles smaller than
particles are moved down the tentacle toward the
the metachronal length of the prototrochal ciliary
mouth, presumably by the action of frontal cilia.
band are captured at high rates (Strathmann and
Strathmann (2005) noted that a few particles caught
Leise, 1979; Gallager, 1988), suggesting that sieving
up in the feeding current moved directly into the
by prototrochal cilia is probably not important for
oral cavity without any direct interaction with the
smaller particles; it may, however, be involved in
ciliary bands of the tentacles.
the capture of larger particles. The maximum size of
Phoronida. Actinotrochs of phoronids have a mus- ingested particles may be determined by the length
cular hood over the mouth, and an arc of ten or of the prototrochal cilia or width of the food groove
more larval tentacles extending ventrally from just (Hansen, 1991). The role of the metatrochal cilia in
posterior to the mouth. Ciliation on the tentacles is particle capture in opposed band systems is un-
similar to that on the tentacles of brachiopod lar- clear (Strathmann and Grünbau­m, 2006). Once cap-
vae described previously. Lateral cilia beat from tured, particles are transferred to the food groove
anterior to posterior, generating a swimming and by unknown mechanisms. Food groove cilia may
feeding current (a ring of telotrochal cilia at the pos- bear stickier adhesive than do prototrochal cilia, fa-
terior end of the larva assists in swimming). Film cilitating transfer of particles, or the active strokes
and video of feeding actinotrochs show that some of metatrochal cilia may scrape captured particles
particles passing the larval tentacles are retained on off prototrochal cilia during the latter’s recovery
their upstream sides briefly. This initial retention strokes. Once in the food groove, particles are car-
of particles must be due to localized alteration of ried around the velar edge to the mouth, formed
beat of the lateral cilia (Riisgård, 2002) or to siev- into a bolus, and swallowed (Gallager, 1988).
ing on the array of laterofrontal cilia, or both. Re- Several authors have observed swimming ve-
tained particles are transported to the mouth via ligers trailing mucus strands behind them. Such
the frontal cilia (Strathmann, 1973) or by localized strands might serve as an additional capture sur-
muscular expansion of the oral hood, presumably face that then must be ingested. Alternatively, they
generating suction that draws the particle into the might have an indirect role in feeding: the increased
hood (Strathmann and Bone, 1997). Riisgård (2002) drag associated with such structures would in-
sometimes observed tentacles flicking anteriorly; crease shear around prototrochal cilia, enhancing
such flicks might deliver retained particles to the rates of direct interception (Emlet and Strathmann,
edge of the oral hood. Once in the oral hood, parti- 1985; Emlet, 1990; Fenchel and Ockelmann, 2002;
cles appear to be carried to the mouth by cilia. Strathmann and Grünbaum, 2006).
92   E v o l u t i o n a ry E c o l o g y o f M a r i n e I n v e rt eb r at e L a r va e

Annelida. Some trochophores in at least nine fami- are carried in a current to the elaborate oral hood
lies of annelids feed using an opposed band system before ingestion.
similar to that of veligers (Pernet et al., 2015). There Feeding mechanisms of some other annelid larvae
is substantial functional diversity in larval feeding are largely or completely unknown (Strathman­ n,
even within this set of taxa. For example, some feed- 1987; Pernet et al., 2002). Two taxa whose larval
ing larvae of Oweniidae and Capitellidae seem to use feeding mechanisms are of particular interest are the
a prototroch of simple, not compound, cilia (Emlet spionids and the sipunculids. Larvae of spionids are
and Strathmann, 1994; Pernet et al., 2015). Members often extremely common in coastal waters, and at
of two annelid families extend their opposed bands natural densities can sometimes control populations
on sinuous (Oweniidae: Emlet and Strathmann, of phytoplankton (Martin et al., 1996). Larvae of
1994) or elongate (Amphinomidae: Jagerste­n, 1972) one spionid use opposed bands for feeding (Pernet
lobes, but all other opposed band feeding annelids and McArthur, 2006), but larvae of many other spe-
bear relatively short opposed bands. Members of at cies lack opposed bands and must feed in another
least two families, Opheliida­e and Echiuridae, use fashion. The pelagosphaera larva of sipunculids are
opposed bands for feeding but also capture large very different in form from other annelid larvae. Pel-
particles directly at the mouth (Miner et al., 1999). agosphaera larvae of some sipunculids are known
Though the geometry and beat patterns of cilia in an- to feed, but the mechanisms by which they capture
nelids with opposed bands are similar to those of ve- particles are unknown (Strathmann, 1987).
ligers, direct interception of particles by prototrochal
Entoprocta. Feeding larvae of entoprocts have pro-
cilia has not been visualized in annelids. Assuming
totrochal, food groove, and metatrochal ciliary
that opposed band feeding annelids do capture par-
bands like those of feeding veligers and some an-
ticles by direct interception on prototrochal cilia, as
nelid trochophores (Mariscal, 1965; Jagersten, 1972).
in molluscs, it is not known how captured particles
Particle capture has not been described, but trans-
are transferred to the food groove.
port in the food groove is as expected for an op-
Other feeding larvae of annelids lack food groove
posed band system.
and metatrochal cilia and so must feed by alterna-
tive mechanisms. One example is that of feeding lar- Arthropoda. The larvae of crustaceans are strikingly
vae in the large clade Phyllodocida (which includes different from all other larvae described here, as
glycerids, hesionids, nephtyids, phyllodocids, they lack locomotory cilia and instead swim and
and polynoids, among others). Feeding has been feed using muscles to move pairs of jointed, setose
described in only one phyllodocidan, a polynoid appendages. Three main types of crustacean larvae
(Phillips and Pernet, 1996). Polynoid larvae bear a are usually recognized: nauplii, which swim using
tuft of long, compound cilia—the oral brush—on three pairs of cephalic appendages; zoeae, which
the left side of the mouth. The prototroch generates swim using thoracic appendages; and megalopae,
a swimming current. When large particles approach which swim using abdominal appendages (Harvey
or contact the larva’s anterior end (the episphere), et al., 2002). Free-swimming nauplii are widespread
they move toward the mouth, perhaps under the in Crustacea, but zoeae and megalopae are found
influence of episphere ciliary bands. The larva then only in Malacostraca.
recoils, disengaging the particle from the episphere. Nauplii are often extremely common in the
It then resumes rotating, with the particle now plankton, but little is known about their feeding
held in front of the mouth, perhaps by the erected mechanisms. Though they have only three pairs
oral brush. Eventually the particle is moved to the of appendages, of which the posterior two (second
mouth and swallowed. A second example is that of antennae and mandibles) probably play a primary
the larvae of pectinariids. Larvae of at least one spe- role in feeding, those appendages are morphologi-
cies secrete and inhabit large, transparent, spheroid cally complex and move at high frequency, making
“houses” whose walls are porous (Pernet, 2004). it difficult to visualize their movements and those of
The larva uses prototrochal cilia to pump water particles in relation to them. There is little consensus
through the house; particles retained in the house on naupliar feeding mechanisms in either copepods
L a r va l Fee d i n g    93

or cirripedes, the two best-studied groups. Strath- a feeding current. Approaching particles were de-
mann (1987) suggests two areas of agreement: (a) tected by contact with setae of an appendage, usu-
the proximal setae of the second antennae are used ally the first antennae. In some cases there was an
as filters that retain captured particles, and (b) the obvious response of the nauplius to the detected
gnathobases of the second antennae and mandibles particle, with a repositioning of the body before
aid in transport of captured particles to the mouth. capture, but in several other cases there was no ob-
There has been little recent progress in under- vious response to particles before capture. These
standing feeding by the nauplii of cirripedes, save alternative prey capture behaviors are associated
for the work of Stone (1988; 1989) suggesting that with distinct naupliar motility patterns, as demon-
the spacing of the setae and setules of the second strated by Titelman and Kiørboe (2003).
antennae is related to the size of cells that can be These studies show that there is diversity among
captured and ingested efficiently. There has been copepod nauplii in the behaviors associated with
significantly more work on feeding by copepod prey encounter and capture, and that nauplii of at
nauplii, with two studies of particular importance. least some copepods actively respond to detected
Paffenhöfer and Lewis (1989) studied both tethered prey items. Some nauplii appear to be able to cap-
and free-swimming nauplii of three calanoids feed- ture very small particles (e.g., bacteria: Turner and
ing on diatoms. Nauplii of two of the species cre- Tester, 1989; Vogt et al., 2013) that seem unlikely to
ated a feeding current using the second antennae provide chemical or hydromechanical cues detect-
and mandibles, then responded actively to each able by nauplii, suggesting that filtering processes
approaching particle by altering beat patterns of might also be involved in feeding.
the appendages nearest the particle. Eventually, a Later larval stages of malacostracans are ex-
combined inward motion of both mandibles moved tremely diverse in form (Harvey et al., 2002; Martin
the particle to the mouth. Paffenhöfer and Lewis et al., 2014). As noted by Strathmann (1987), though
inferred that detection of particles was by chemore- the morphology of feeding appendages has been
ception when particles were immediately adjacent described in detail, feeding mechanisms of zoeae
to or in contact with setae of the feeding append- are not well known. Zoeae of some species are ca-
ages, though mechanoreception seems a viable pable of some type of suspension feeding, captur-
interpretation as well. Nauplii of the third species ing relatively small phytoplankton cells, and even
apparently did not create a feeding current, instead tiny cyanobacteria (Factor and Dexter, 1993; Hinz et
swimming actively to encounter prey. al., 2001; Fileman et al., 2014), and most zoeae (es-
Bruno et al. (2012) examined prey detection and pecially later stages) also capture larger prey when
capture in free-swimming nauplii of three cope- they encounter them. Sight does not seem to be
pods. Nauplii of two species clearly detected ap- important in detection of large prey (Harvey and
proaching motile prey from a distance, presumably Epifani­o, 1997). Once encountered, prey are grasped
by hydromechanical signals. Detection of a prey using the endopods of the thoracic appendages, then
item induced the nauplius to carry out an attack moved forward to be held by the maxillae and torn
jump (driven by movements of the two pairs of an- and chewed by the mandibles. Megalopae are typi-
tennae in a calanoid, and by movements of all three cally considered encounter feeders, though there is
pairs of cephalic appendages in a cyclopoid), swim- some evidence of active response feeding on smaller
ming past the prey to end with it slightly posterior prey in feeding currents (McConaugha, 2002).
to the nauplius. The nauplius then used the second
Echinodermata. Feeding larvae of echinoderms bear
antennae and mandibles to create a current toward
a long sinuous band of simple cilia around the oral
the mouth, moving the prey item in that direction.
field (Figure 7.1C). Cilia on this band beat away
The actual events of capture were not visualized,
from the oral field to generate a swimming and
but once the prey was captured, handling and in-
feeding current. Particles appear to be captured
gestion involved additional movements of the sec-
by two distinct mechanisms. Most commonly, par-
ond antennae and mandibles. Nauplii of the third
ticles entrained in the current and approaching
species, another calanoid, captured particles from
94   E v o l u t i o n a ry E c o l o g y o f M a r i n e I n v e rt eb r at e L a r va e

the ciliary band trigger localized reversal of cili- esophagus by ciliary activity; ciliary action appar-
ary beat, pushing the particle toward the larva’s ently drives them into the stomach, as well, in con-
mouth (Strathmann, 1971). The stimulus trigger- trast to echinoderms, where particles move from
ing ciliary reversal is likely mechanical, which esophagus to stomach by peristaltic contractions of
suggests that very small particles should not be esophageal muscles.
detectable by this mechanism (Strathmann, 2007). Hart et al. (1994) made observations of particle
Redirected particles may be recaptured several movements around a living planctosphaera, which
times, appearing to “bounce” toward the mouth, is likely a giant (up to ~28 mm in diameter) entero-
before they are eventually carried into the buccal pneust larva. The individual examined was 18 mm
cavity by cilia-generated currents (Hart, 1991). In in diameter, but its convoluted ciliary band was an
these active responses of cilia to detected particles, estimated 1.5 m in length. Particle movements sug-
particles are generally not contacted by cilia, but gested that captures occurred by localized ciliary
instead local water currents are altered so that a reversal, followed by transport to the mouth in the
parcel of water containing the particle is redi- ciliated food grooves.
rected toward the buccal cavity. The complex flows
around echinoderm larvae, as well as direct obser-
vation of captures, suggest that different parts of 7.3  Predicting Larval Feeding
the ciliated band may vary in their effectiveness at Performance from Form and Feeding
capturing particles (Hart, 1991; Gilpin et al., 2016). Mechanism
Hart (1991) estimated that ~95% of the captures he
observed occurred by ciliary reversal. The remain- It would be ideal if we could combine knowledge
ing ~5% occurred without ciliary reversals, when of the physical processes of particle encounter and
particles entrained in the feeding current simply capture with data on the size, arrangement, and
followed a path that took them directly into the kinematics of feeding structures to yield predictions
buccal cavity. Peristaltic contractions of the mus- of larval feeding performance in a given environ-
cular esophagus push collected particles into the ment. Though theoreticians have modeled physi-
stomach (Strathmann, 1971). cal processes of particle encounter using idealized
capturing structures, such models have not been
Hemichordata. Some enteropneusts have feeding scaled up to the level of an individual larva, whose
tornaria larvae, which, like the larvae of echino- many capturing structures are organized in three-
derms, have a sinuous band of simple cilia around dimensional arrays and move in complex patterns
the oral field. Young tornariae have a relatively (e.g., rows of cilia beating in metachronal waves,
simply organized ciliary band, but as they increase with distinct active and recovery strokes). Progress
in size it becomes much more convoluted, some- toward this goal is being made, however (e.g., Ding
times developing small protrusions called tentacles and Kanso, 2015). Though not quite as satisfying, it
(see Hadfield, 2002). Tornariae also bear a posterior is currently possible to make predictions of feeding
ring of compound cilia, the telotroch, which is used performance from coarser models that include only
to generate a swimming current. Strathmann and information on the size and arrangement of feeding
Bonar (1976) described feeding in larvae of two structures, and estimates of water flow past them.
species. Most captures involve localized ciliary re- Before reviewing these, however, it is important
versal, as described for echinoderms. Detected par- to define “feeding performance.” Two metrics of
ticles are redirected to the food grooves, and then performance are commonly considered in studies of
carried by their cilia to the buccal cavity. As in echi- larval feeding. First is clearance rate—the volume of
noderms, a few particle captures occur when par- water a larva clears of particles per unit time. With
ticles reach the oral field without being redirected data on particle concentrations in the environment,
by ciliary reversal. Once in the oral field, captured clearance rates can be converted to ingestion rates.
particles are carried in food grooves to the buccal Clearance rates can be estimated in a diversity of
cavity. Particles are passed from the mouth to the ways. Maximum clearance rates can be estimated
L a r va l Fee d i n g    95

by directly observing captures by free-swimming the perceptive volume of an actively responding

larvae over brief periods of time (seconds–minutes) larva, and making assumptions about the propor-
or by quantifying ingestion rates during brief incu- tion of particles moving through this volume that
bations of larvae in suspensions of known concen- are captured and retained (in the absence of other in-
tration. Steady-state clearance rates are estimated in formation, investigators usually assume 100%). For
longer-term (hours) observations, usually by quan- larvae that feed using bands of cilia, Strathmann et
tifying rates of decline in particle concentration in al. (1972) pointed out that this could be estimated as:
incubation chambers. Estimates are usually made
C = lb (lc−lr) v
in suspensions of a single type of particle. These
are usually natural (e.g., laboratory-cultured uni- where C is maximum clearance rate, lb is the length
cellular algae), but artificial particles (e.g., plastic of the relevant ciliary band, lc is the length of the
beads) are often used to estimate maximum clear- cilia in that band, lr is a correction factor accounting
ance rates. All methods of estimating clearance rate for the ciliary recovery stroke, and v is the velocity
except for direct observation should yield under- of particles moving in the region of the ciliary band
estimates of maximum clearance rate (Appelmans, between lr and lc.
1994). Maximum clearance rate is an appropriate Numerous authors have used models of this sort.
metric of the performance of larvae in food-limited Strathmann and Leise (1979) created a slightly more
conditions, where ingestion rates are likely limited complex model incorporating empirically estimated
by particle capture rates and not by downstream retention rates to predict clearance rates of veliger
digestive processes. Many studies report on steady- larvae. Gallager’s (1988) estimate of “flow through
state clearance rates of various invertebrate larvae; the capture zone” based on similar morphological
fewer report on maximum clearance rates. A compi- and kinematic criteria for a bivalve veliger can be
lation of maximum clearance rates of diverse larvae used as an estimate of clearance rate. Several authors
is provided by Strathmann (1987; his Table 4.1). have used even simpler models, omitting the correc-
A second metric is the size spectrum of catchable tion for the ciliary recovery stroke (e.g., McEdwar­d
particles, or, more specifically, the shape of the re- and Strathmann, 1987; Hansen et al., 2010). As noted
lationship between clearance rate and particle size. by Strathmann et al. (1972), the most difficult param-
Potential food particles in the plankton vary in size eters to estimate for such models are velocity pro-
over at least four orders of magnitude, from bac- files of particles through the ciliary band. There is
teria and picoeukaryotes on the order of 0.1 µm in a close correlation between cilium length (whether
maximum dimension to phytoplankton aggrega- simple or compound) and maximum velocity of
tions or the embryos or larvae of other species 1000 particles through a feeding ciliary band (Emlet and
µm or more in maximum dimension. Further, parti- Strathmann, 1994, their Fig. 12.4), so it might be
cle size distributions vary over both space and time. possible to predict maximum velocities from cili-
One might imagine that larvae capable of feeding at ary length using this relationship. McEdwar­d and
high rates on a wide range of particle sizes would Strathmann (1987) used half of ciliary tip velocity as
perform better than those restricted to feeding only to approximate average velocity across the length of
on particles in a narrow size range. Though larval cilia in a band; Pernet and Strathmann (2011) used
feeding mechanisms undoubtedly do constrain the half of maximum particle velocity.
size spectra of catchable particles, we know rela- Though not maximally mechanistic, such models
tively little about how clearance rate varies with yield useful generalizations about how larval form
particle size for most larvae. affects feeding performance of larvae that feed with
ciliary bands. In echinoderm larvae, cilia in the
feeding ciliary band do not increase in length with
7.3.1 Predicting Maximum Clearance Rate
growth, but ciliary band length increases dramati-
The maximum clearance rate of any suspension- cally with growth (McEdward, 1986); thus maxi-
feeding larva may be modeled by estimating the rate mum clearance rate increases largely as a function of
that water passes by filtering structures or through ciliary band length (Strathmann, 1971; Hart, 1996).
96   E v o l u t i o n a ry E c o l o g y o f M a r i n e I n v e rt eb r at e L a r va e

In most larvae that feed with opposed bands, the 7.3.2 Predicting the Size Spectrum of Catchable
prototrochal band increases in length with growth Particles
(Henderson and Strathmann, 2000), but cilia in that
band also increase substantially in length and angu- Knowledge of the physical processes of particle
lar velocity (Emlet and Strathman­n, 1994); in these capture used by a larva should permit us to predict
species, maximum clearance rate thus depends not the rates at which it can capture of particles of dif-
only on prototrochal band length but also on the ferent sizes. There may be systematic differences
length of cilia in the band. in the size spectrum of catchable particles among
Because larvae with longer cilia in the ciliary larvae with different feeding mechanisms. For ex-
band should have higher clearance rates per length ample, larvae that feed with opposed bands of cilia
of ciliary band (because of increased area of captur- appear to capture particles by direct interception on
ing surface and higher angular velocities of cilia), prototrochal cilia. For an isolated cylindrical col-
and because larvae that feed using ciliary reversal lector, rates of encounter and clearance by direct
tend to have short simple cilia compared to the often interception should be proportional to particle di-
long compound cilia of most opposed band feed- ameter (Shimeta and Jumars, 1991). Thus one might
ers, larvae that feed with opposed bands may often predict that clearance rates in larvae that feed using
have higher per band-length clearance rates than opposed bands should be proportional to particle
larvae that feed by ciliary reversal. Such a pattern diameter, at least up to a limit where increased drag
is not evident in data on clearance rates compiled on large particles reduces retention on capturing
from the literature by Strathmann (1987). Planned surfaces, or where particles are too large (e.g., larger
comparisons are needed to test this hypothesis. If than the width of the food groove) to be transported
high band-length specific clearance rates are char- efficiently to the mouth after capture (Hansen, 1991;
acteristic of opposed band feeders, this might help 1993; but see Romero et al., 2010). Recent efforts to
explain the smaller egg sizes of many species with model particle capture by a prototroch-like band of
larvae that feed with opposed bands, compared to cilia suggest that the particle size-specific efficiency
egg sizes of echinoderms, whose larvae feed using of capture depends on the length of prototrochal
ciliary reversal (Strathmann and Vedder, 1977). cilia as well as their beat patterns (Ding and Kanso,
McEdward and Strathmann (1987) found that the 2015), but these predictions have not yet been tested.
maximum band-length specific clearance rates of a Likewise, in larvae that capture particles by siev-
cyphonautes and a pluteus were roughly similar, ing (e.g., cyphonautes), all particles larger than the
but that the cyphonautes had a much shorter cili- spacing between sieve elements (laterofrontal cilia,
ated band relative to body size than did the pluteus, spaced ~3–4 µm apart; Nielsen, 2005; Strathmann,
suggesting that feeding capacity relative to body 2006) should be captured. This suggests that cy-
size was lower for the cyphonautes than for the plu- phonautes should capture particles ≤3 µm in diam-
teus. The consequences of this are not clear. Cypho- eter at low rates, and particles above this size at
nautes develop from very small eggs, but co-occur high rates. The only data relevant to this predic-
with plutei in similar habitats and seasons, develop tion are those of McEdward and Strathmann (1987)
to a similar size at metamorphosis, and do not seem showing that cyphonautes capture 10 µm spheres
to have extraordinarily long planktonic periods. at clearance rates an average of 60 times higher
Similar models aimed at estimating the volume than those of 2 µm spheres (mean of three experi-
of water sampled for food per unit time have been ments in their Table IV).
used to predict clearance rate in crustacean nauplii, Many larvae (e.g., echinoderms) use cilia to de-
with parameters of naupliar size, perception dis- tect approaching particles in a current by chemical
tance, and difference in velocity between nauplius or hydromechanical signals, then reverse the beat of
and prey (Titelman and Kiørboe, 2003; Bruno et cilia near the particle to separate it from the feeding
al., 2012). Predictions of such models are similar to current and move it toward the mouth. Smaller cells
empirical estimates of clearance rate in at least one will generate smaller signals (Visser, 2001; Strath-
species. mann, 2007; Kiørboe, 2008), so one might predict
L a r va l Fee d i n g    97

cells below a size that will stimulate larval sensory and molluscs) have their highest clearance rates
cells should not be captured. The sensitivity of the on relatively small particles, consistent with the
relevant sensory cells is not known, so predictions idea that the width of the food groove places an
about the minimum size of particles that can be de- upper limit on the size of particles that can be ef-
tected are not yet possible. Nauplii of copepods also ficiently transported to the mouth, while larvae
may detect approaching particles by hydromechan- that feed using ciliary reversal (echinoderms)
ical or chemical signals, and thus should not react have their highest clearance rates on larger par-
to or capture particles too small to stimulate naup- ticles, consistent with the idea that large particles
lius sensors (mechano- or chemosensory setae). The are more likely to induce ciliary reversal events
sensitivity of the sensors of copepod nauplii has not than smaller particles (Figure 7.2).
been assessed directly, though they may be similar Building explicit models of how larval form and
to those of adults (Yen et al., 1992). As noted earlier, feeding mechanism affect feeding performance and
knowledge of the feeding mechanisms of cirripede testing their predictions is an obvious way to make
nauplii remains scant, but Stone (1988; 1989) sug- progress in our understanding of the form and
gested that the spacing of the setae and setules of function of feeding larvae. Hart and Strathmann
the second antennae is related to the sizes of cells (1995) point out the value of this approach, and the
that can be captured and ingested efficiently. hazards of ignoring it. Such studies remain rare.
As indicated previously, we know rather lit- Feeding rates are often quantified without refer-
tle about the size spectrum of catchable particles ence to larval form or function, which makes it dif-
for most types of larvae. There are even fewer ficult to interpret unexpected results. For example,
planned comparisons of this performance met- several workers have inferred high clearance rates
ric among larvae with different feeding mecha- on bacteria by annelid, echinoderm, and crustacean
nisms. One such comparison suggests that larvae larvae (Rivkin et al., 1986; Turner and Tester, 1989;
that feed using opposed bands of cilia (annelids Pile and Young, 2006). High clearance rates on such

1.0 echinoid

0.8 asteroid
relative clearance rate


0.4 gastropod


0 5 10 15 20 25 30
particle diameter (μm)

Figure 7.2 Relative clearance rate as a function of particle diameter for two larvae that feed with opposed bands (solid lines: the annelid Hydroides
gracilis and the gastropod Crepidula onyx), and two larvae that feed using ciliary reversal (dotted lines: the asteroid Patiria miniata and the echinoid
Dendraster excentricus) (B. Pernet and A. McKee, unpubl. data). Larvae of each species were offered uniformly flavored polystyrene divinylbenzene
spheres of a variety of sizes (0.45, 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 20, and 30 µm diameter, one size at a time) at low concentrations and allowed to feed for 10 min at
16 °C. Ingestion rates were then estimated from gut contents. Clearance rates for each species are scaled to the maximum for that species.
98   E v o l u t i o n a ry E c o l o g y o f M a r i n e I n v e rt eb r at e L a r va e

small particles are not predicted by hypotheses on and Havenhand (1998) found that reductions of
the feeding mechanisms of any of these species, 10 °C led to ~60% reductions in ingestion rate in
suggesting either that measured rates are overesti- larvae of an echinoid and an opposed band feed-
mates or that our understanding of how those lar- ing annelid, respectively. In the echinoid, changes
vae feed is incomplete. in viscosity independent of temperature affected
rates of consumption of particles of different sizes,
with large particles making up a larger propor-
7.4  Inferences on Larval Feeding tion of the ingested particles in high-viscosity
Performance in Nature conditions. Quantification of how temperature
affects ciliary beat frequency, angular velocity,
An ultimate goal of studies of larval feeding is to and water movement through the ciliary band in
understand how larval form and feeding mecha- various types of larvae would permit these vari-
nism affect development rate, planktonic mortality, ables to be included in models predicting feeding
and eventually recruitment to benthic populations performance.
in nature. What steps are necessary to approach Second, prediction of larval ingestion rates in
that goal? I suggest two general areas where pro- natural settings will only be possible with detailed
gress is needed. understanding of the diversity and distribution of
First, as described earlier, we need more detailed particles at spatial scales relevant to larvae. Our
mechanistic models linking larval form and feeding knowledge of the particles larvae interact with is
mechanism to feeding performance, especially on most frequently derived from proxy indices like
the relationship between clearance rate and particle chlorophyll concentration averaged over sample
size, as well as laboratory validation of the predic- volumes many orders of magnitude greater than
tions of these models. As noted, our knowledge of that of an individual larva. The low spatial resolu-
these linkages is not yet strong for any type of larva. tion of such measurements, and the fact that they
If we are unable to successfully predict larval feed- ignore potential food particles that do not contain
ing performance in simplified laboratory situations, chlorophyll but include chlorophyll-containing
our chances of doing so in complex natural habitats particles that may not be suitable as food (Olson
are slim. Progress in the development of models that et al., 1987; Reitzel et al., 2004), means that we can-
make specific predictions about the particle sizes that not use such data to make good predictions about
can be captured by ciliary arrays of various sorts has encounter rates of larvae with potential food items.
been made recently (Tripathi et al., 2013; Ding and Another approach is to sample smaller volumes
Kanso, 2015). Designing such models for the com- (tens of ml) of seawater and identify and measure
plex geometries of actual larvae should yield testable all the particles they contain (Bos et al., 2006b). This
predictions on larval feeding performance. yields data of much higher resolution, but is labor
One aspect of such models that especially needs intensive. A diversity of automated devices able to
improvement is in the incorporation of thermal ef- collect higher resolution data on the particle popu-
fects on larval feeding. Such data are necessary to lation surrounding larvae are now available. These
understand seasonal and geographic patterns in include in situ flow cytometers (Almeda et al., 2009),
feeding performance (e.g., feeding performance some of which are capable of imaging particles as
in temperate vs. polar echinoderm larvae), and to they pass through the flow cell (Olson and Sosik,
make predictions about the effects of changes in 2007). Such high-resolution sampling has led to the
ocean temperature on feeding performance (Byrne identification of spatial patterns in the concentra-
et al., this volume). This is critical in part because tion of particles at a variety of scales (e.g., in thin
of the complex effects of temperature on feeding phytoplankton layers; Durham and Stocker, 2012).
larvae: not only does it affect rates of biochemical Although when characterizing particles in the
processes, but it also affects the viscosity of seawa- plankton the focus is typically on the abundance of
ter. These changes may have dramatic effects on potential food items, it is also important to consider
feeding performance. Podolsky (1994) and Bolton that particles vary in their catchability, and that
L a r va l Fee d i n g    99

some particles may actually interfere with feeding. 4. Mechanistic models of larval feeding can be
Many protists have escape responses, for example combined with detailed data on food avail-
(Jakobsen, 2001); we do not know if larval feeding ability in nature and integrated into broader
behaviors trigger these responses, or whether they bioenergetics models to yield increased under-
are effective in preventing capture. Larvae have up- standing of the biology of larvae in complex
per limits on the sizes of particles they can capture natural habitats.
or swallow, but particles larger than these size limits
may frequently be common. Hansen et al. (1991) as-
sessed whether or not such large inedible particles Acknowledgments
might reduce clearance rates by a veliger on edible
particles. They found that the presence of large in- I thank D. Pace for helpful discussion, and B.
edible particles (plastic beads 45 µm in diameter) at Hansen and the editors of this volume for sug-
concentrations of 2,500•ml-1 or more reduced clear- gestions that helped improve an earlier version of
ance rates on edible particles. Additional studies this manuscript. This work was supported by Na-
aimed at understanding what types of planktonic tional Science Foundation grants OCE-1060801 and
particles are easily catchable by larvae, and what DEB-1257355.
types may actually hamper feeding, will be very
useful in interpreting rates of feeding in nature. References
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C h a pt er 8

Phenotypic Plasticity of Feeding

Structures in Marine Invertebrate
Justin S. McAlister and Benjamin G. Miner

Researchers have worked over the last thirty years Scheiner (2004). Here we summarize some of the
to examine and understand phenotypic plasticity main concepts in order to facilitate discussion of
in larvae of marine invertebrates. These studies plasticity in marine invertebrate larvae later in the
range from documenting the association between chapter. Phenotypic plasticity is defined as the abil-
algal food availability and larval morphology in ity of a genotype to produce different phenotypes
different species to examining the ecological and (developmental, physiological, morphological, be-
evolutionary implications of the plastic response. havioral, or life history traits) in response to differ-
However, investigators have used disparate sys- ent biotic or abiotic environmental factors. Plasticity
tems (genera and species of echinoid echinoderms can be adaptive, maladaptive, or effectively neutral.
mostly, but also other taxa), employed various When an organism possesses plasticity that confers
rearing and measuring techniques and levels of a fitness advantage, then plasticity is considered
genetic replication, and relied on different statisti- adaptive. Researchers have focused on examples in
cal methodologies for data analysis. They have also which there is evidence that plasticity is adaptive,
obtained results ranging from non-plastic to plastic, likely because of the evolutionary and ecological
and reached different conclusions about the func- consequences of phenotypes that improve an organ-
tional, ecological, and evolutionary roles of pheno- ism’s fitness. However, phenotypic plasticity can be
typic plasticity in marine larvae. Our goals with this non-adaptive and still have important ecological
chapter are twofold: to review the literature in order consequences (Miner et al., 2005). It is often difficult
to help researchers more quickly understand the to experimentally test whether plasticity is adaptive
extent and breadth of this field of research, and to because phenotype and environment are typically
identify gaps in our understanding in order to pro- confounded, and evidence often comes from both
vide guidance for future research. We begin with a experiments and functional arguments. In addition,
more general introduction of phenotypic plasticity, adaptation that leads to a fitness advantage (en-
and then focus on feeding-structure plasticity in lar- hanced reproductive success of phenotypes across
vae of marine invertebrates. generations) is difficult to demonstrate for larval
traits of organisms because of the time required to
8.1  Phenotypic Plasticity rear organisms to the adult stage. Plastic pheno-
types that are inducible are also classified broadly
Research on the expression and evolution of phe- as either defensive or offensive (Miner et al., 2005).
notypic plasticity is a rich field, and readers will Plastic phenotypes that protect an organism when
find valuable entries into the literature through at risk of death or injury are inducible defenses,
the books of West-Eberhard (2003) and DeWitt and whereas those that help an organism gain resources

McAlister, J. S. and Miner, B. G., Phenotypic plasticity of feeding structures in marine invertebrate larvae. In. Evolutionary Ecology
of Marine Invertebrate Larvae. Edited by Tyler J. Carrier, Adam M. Reitzel, and Andreas Heyland: Oxford University Press (2018).
© Oxford University Press. DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780198786962.003.0008
104   E v o l u t i o n a ry E c o l o g y o f M a r i n e I n v e rt eb r at e La r vae

when resources are limiting are inducible offenses. production of the phenotype must be appropriate
In some cases, inducible defenses and offenses both to the scale of environmental change (Padilla and
occur and are integrated in an organism. Adolf, 1996).
There are several general categories of pheno- The degree of plasticity for a given genotype is
typic plasticity—developmental, morphological, often measured as either the difference in the mag-
physiological, behavioral, or life historical. Re- nitude of phenotypes expressed between two envi-
sponses assigned to the same category often have ronments or the slope of the reaction norm across
similarities in the timing and reversibility of the environments. The reaction norm for a given geno-
response. Morphological changes typically require type depicts graphically the relationship between
relatively more time to produce than physiological phenotype and a specific environmental factor. The
and behavioral changes. Physiological, behavioral, phenotype is plastic when the slope of the relation-
and morphological changes are often, although not ship deviates from zero, and non-plastic (or con-
always, reversible when the stimulating environ- stant) when equal to zero. The degree of phenotypic
ment is allayed. Changes to an organism’s develop- plasticity can vary among genotypes within a pop-
mental trajectory or timing of transitions between ulation. Natural selection can act on this variation,
life-history stages can be difficult or impossible to and thus the degree of phenotypic plasticity for a
reverse. Though specifically defined responses are given trait is considered a trait in and of itself, with
relatively easy to fit into one of these categories, the potential to evolve. Numerous studies have
organisms generally respond to their environment documented the expression of phenotypic plastic-
with an integrated response of many traits that ity by organisms in general, but fewer have dem-
are defined by more than one category. For exam- onstrated variation for plasticity among genotypes
ple, some species of plant elongate their stem and both within and among populations, and fewer
grow taller when shaded by other plants (West- still have demonstrated that phenotypic plasticity
Eberhard, 2003). The response is morphological has evolved in response to environmental changes
but is the direct result of underlying physiological and results in higher fitness. Research on pheno-
and developmental plasticities. In addition to cause typic plasticity has a long history among terrestrial
and effect relationships among plastic responses, plants and insects, and a relatively recent history
energy can link different plasticity responses in an among marine invertebrates, particularly in early
organism. Responses that require more energy can life stages (e.g., larvae).
cause changes in development or life history tran- Marine invertebrates and their larvae face se-
sitions, such as metamorphosis from larva to juve- lective pressures in their environments that are
nile (West-Eberhard, 2003; Gilbert and Epel, 2015). similar in some ways to those faced by terres-
Often, delays in life history transitions result from trial plants and the freshwater juvenile stages of
an initial energetically expensive morphological or some terrestrial animals (e.g., predation, compe-
physiological plastic response. tition, and dispersal), yet are uniquely different
In order for plasticity to evolve, organisms in others (e.g., salinity and CO2-induced ocean
must detect reliable cues of environmental change acidification). Also, most freshwater inverte-
(chemical, tactile, etc.) and respond at an appro- brate species are taxonomically different, de-
priate temporal scale. Thus, plasticity must occur veloping directly and not through larval stages
after these cues are received and processed. In or- like marine invertebrates, although a few excep-
der for the organism to properly match phenotype tions exist. Thus marine invertebrates and their
to environment, these cues must be reliable, pro- larvae constitute a set of research systems that
viding information of environmental variability provide a counterpoint to terrestrial and fresh-
(e.g., magnitude and frequency). In addition, an water organisms for testing our ideas about the
induced phenotype must be well timed with en- biology of phenotypic plasticity. We believe that
vironmental change. To ensure that the induced food-induced phenotypic plasticity exhibited by
plastic response is effective, the period of time the planktotrophic (i.e., feeding) larvae of many
(i.e., lag-time) between sensation of the cue and
P h e n ot y p i c P l as t i c i t y o f Fee d i n g S t r u c t u r es    105

marine invertebrates provides one of the most and growth, the consequences of plasticity of egg
comprehensive examples of phenotypic plasticity organic and energy composition also affect adult
among marine organisms. fecundity and lie outside the scope of this review.
The duration of larval growth for feeding larvae
is influenced by temperature and the availability
8.2  Feeding Larvae of Marine of energetic resources (see Pernet, this volume;
Invertebrates Jaeckl­e, this volume). In general, higher tempera-
tures increase metabolic and growth rates, shorten-
The life histories of most species of marine inverte- ing the amount of time individuals spend as larvae
brates involve transitions through a series of suc- (O’Connor et al., 2007). Most feeding larvae actively
cessive developmental and ontogenetic stages (see acquire and assimilate energy and needed resources
Nielsen, this volume). Larvae are typically classi- by capturing and consuming unicellular algae us-
fied by whether they can acquire exogenous food ing elaborate ciliated feeding structures, which vary
and complete larval development using endog- greatly among taxonomic groups (Strathmann,
enous reserves in an egg. Feeding planktotrophic 1987). Exogenous energetic materials can also be
larvae must feed to gain nutrition from the plank- acquired passively through the uptake of dissolved
tonic environment, as they do not possess enough organic materials (Manahan et  al., 1983). The de-
energy in an egg to complete development and gree to which feeding larvae must acquire exoge-
metamorphose into a juvenile, whereas lecitho- nous food and resources is correlated with egg size
trophic larvae utilize primarily egg energy and (Herrer­a et  al., 1996; Miner et  al., 2005; McAlister
might have the ability to feed, though feeding is not and Moran, 2013). Some species require no or very
required. The combination of these two classifica- little additional energy or resources beyond what is
tion schemes results in four possible types of larvae, present in the egg (Allen and Pernet, 2007). Other
although only three are evolutionarily viable: feed- species cannot survive beyond the stage when they
ing planktotrophic larvae, feeding lecithotrophic gain the ability to feed. Small eggs contain less en-
larvae, and nonfeeding lecithotrophic larvae. The ergy than larger eggs (Jaeckle, 1995; McEdward and
fourth possibility, nonfeeding planktotrophic lar- Morgan, 2001), and presumably larvae that develop
vae, are not viable because there is no way for lar- from relatively smaller eggs likely require more
vae to gain the energy needed to metamorphose. food for metabolism and morphogenesis than lar-
The vast majority of species with larval forms are vae that develop from larger eggs. Feeding larvae
either feeding planktotrophic, typically referred to of some echinoid species also require the hormone
as just “planktotrophic” larvae, or nonfeeding lec- thyroxine to metamorphose, which they gain from
ithotrophic larvae, typically referred to as just “lec- their diet (Heyland and Hodin, 2004; Heyland et al.,
ithotrophic” larvae (Thorson, 1950; McEdward and 2004). The possibility exists that small eggs might
Miner, 2001; Marshall and Keough, 2008). Less com- also not contain enough of these non-energetic com-
mon are species with feeding lecithotrophic larvae, pounds needed for metamorphosis, although this
typically referred to as “facultative planktotrophic” remains to be more critically tested.
larvae (Allen and Pernet, 2007). In this chapter, we In preparation for the transition between larval
focus on plasticity of the feeding structures of feed- and juvenile life, and to ensure successful meta-
ing larvae, however, plasticity of other life history morphosis, feeding larvae from various taxa begin
characters are likely to exist and play important constructing juvenile structures by metamorphosis
roles for larvae of all developmental modes. For ex- within the larval body. Taxonomic groups of marine
ample, adults might preferentially, and plastically, species vary in the timing and duration of this tran-
provision eggs with different types and amounts sition, as well as in the mechanisms underlying this
of biochemical constituents, and thus energy, by process. In many species larvae can metamorphose
consuming different food resources or altering pat- rapidly and transition quickly between pelagic and
terns (e.g., rate and timing) of oogenesis. While this benthic environments (e.g., echinoderms), in other
type of plasticity will impact larval development species the transition is gradual (e.g., molluscs).
106   E v o l u t i o n a ry E c o l o g y o f M a r i n e I n v e rt eb r at e La r vae

However, in species in which larvae and juveniles

live in different environments (e.g., the plankton ~100 μm
and benthos), the ecological transition is almost
always quick, regardless duration of the morpho-
logical transition; thus metamorphosis represents
a critical developmental milestone for larvae. With
metamorphosis serving as a definitive end-point for
larvae, natural selection should favor mechanisms
that decrease the duration of the larval period—for
example, plasticity of structures associated with
food capture or processing or via increased mater-
nal provisioning, both of which ameliorate the ef- Low fed High fed
fects of oligotrophic conditions (see following and
Marshall et al., this volume). Figure  8.1 Low-fed (left) and high-fed (right) full-sib larvae of
Lytechinus variegatus at four days post-fertilization. Note longer larval
arms, both absolutely and relative to body length, of low-fed larva.
8.3  Plasticity of Feeding Structures
in Planktotrophic Larvae and holothuroid echinoderms, as well as in mol-
luscan veligers (Table 8.1), although there are many
8.3.1  Food Limitation, Resource Acquisition, phyla and larval types for which feeding-structure
and Energetic Trade-offs plasticity is undemonstrated or undocumented
(Table 8.2). By increasing the length of the ciliated
Larvae in the sea are presumably food limited be-
band and supporting body form, the larval surface-
cause the unicellular algae they eat are dilute and
to-volume ratio increases. This could also increase
patchily distributed in time and space (Conover,
the intake of dissolved organic matter (Manahan
1968; Paulay et al., 1985; Fenaux et al., 1988; 1994),
et al., 1983), albeit also increasing the surface area
and larvae have limited ability to track patchy
over which dissolved organics can leak, and thus
food. Thus, natural selection has likely favored
the net benefit is not clear.
strategies that improve the acquisition of scarce
Investing energy to lengthen larval feeding struc-
resources and reduce the amount of energy and
tures in low food conditions might result, how-
materials that need to be obtained from the envi-
ever, in decreased energetic investment in larval
ronment. Researchers in the late 1980s discovered
food-processing structures (e.g., the larval stomach;
an example of the first strategy; morphological
Miner, 2005) or juvenile structures required for met-
phenotypic plasticity in response to the amount
amorphosis (e.g., the juvenile rudiment; Boidron-
of food was demonstrated in feeding larvae from
Metairon, 1988; Strathmann et  al., 1992; Bertram
echinoid echinoderm species (Boidron-Metairon,
et al., 2009; see also Adams et al., 2011). In addition
1988; Fenaux et  al., 1988; Hart and Scheibling,
to increasing ciliary band length, larvae might also
1988). Larvae fed a dilute concentration of food
adjust capacity for capturing food relative to de-
respond by growing longer skeletal arms, which
mand for energy and materials for growth of post-
increases the length of the ciliated band used for
larval structures. For example, another response to
food collection (Strathman­ n, 1971; McEdward,
starvation might be to retain a given ciliary band
1986b; see Figure  8.1), thereby allowing larvae to
length but to reduce parts of the larval body not es-
capture more phytoplankton food particles from a
sential for larval life (e.g., the rudiment or epaulets).
greater volume of water (Hart, 1991). Furthermore,
This reduction of unessential larval tissues presum-
Hart and Strathmann (1994) demonstrated that
ably reduces demand for energy and materials
plasticity of ciliated band length was correlated
for maintenance, and uses the resorbed tissues as
with plasticity of arm length. Subsequent work
a source of both energy and materials, as demon-
has documented similar feeding-structur­e plastic-
strated in annelid trochophores (Pawlik and Mense,
ity in larvae of other echinoid species, ophiuroid,
P h e n ot y p i c P l as t i c i t y o f Fee d i n g S t r u c t u r es    107

Table 8.1  Marine Invertebrate Species Tested for Larval Feeding-Structure Plasticity.

Phylum Plasticity? Statistical Methodology Genetic Replication Reference

Class Species Measure Type

Acanthaster planci Yes: 1, 2 ANOVA, PCA 2F, 1M Wolfe et al. 2015
Luidia foliolata Yes: 0 ANOVA 1F, 1M for 1 full-sib family George 1994
Pisaster ochraceus Yes: 1, 2 ANOVA, Canonical Unspecified; multiple F and M George 1999
Discriminant Analysis
Sclerasterias mollis Yes: 1 PCA, Wilcox 3-way 4 parents (presume 2F, 2M) per Poorbagher et al. 2010a
Centrostephanus rodgersii No: 1, 2 ANOVA, ANCOVA, PCA 1F, 1M each for 3 full-sib families Soars et al. 2009
Clypeaster subdepressus Yes: 2 ANOVA 1F, 1M for 1 full-sib cross Reitzel and Heyland 2007
Dendraster excentricus Yes: 0 ANOVA Unspecified # of parents Boidron-Metairon 1988
Yes: 2, 3 ANCOVA 1F, 1M each for 2 full-sib families Hart and Strathmann 1994
Yes: 1 ANCOVA 1F, 1M each for 2 full-sib families Miner 2007
Diadema antillarum No: 1 Repeated measures ANCOVA 1F, 1M for 1 full-sib family McAlister 2008
Diadema mexicanum No: 1 Repeated measures ANCOVA 1F, 1M each for 4 full-sib families McAlister 2008
Echinometra lucunter No: 1 Repeated measures ANCOVA 1F, 1M each for 3 full-sib families McAlister 2008
Echinometra vanbrunti No: 1 Repeated measures ANCOVA 1F, 1M each for 3 full-sib families McAlister 2008
Echinometra viridis No: 1 Repeated measures ANCOVA 1F, 1M each for 3 full-sib families McAlister 2008
Encope michelini No: 0 ANOVA, MANOVA Unspecified # of parents Eckert 1995
Eucidaris tribuloides No: 1 Repeated measures ANCOVA 1F, 1M each for 3 full-sib families McAlister 2008
Eucidaris thouarsii No: 1 Repeated measures ANCOVA 1F, 1M for 1 full-sib family McAlister 2008
Evechinus chloroticus Yes: 1 ANOVA, MANOVA, PCA 1F, 1M for 1 full-sib family Sewell et al. 2004
Heliocidaris tuberculata Yes: 1 ANOVA, ANCOVA, PCA 1F, 1M for 1 full-sib family Soars et al. 2009
Leodia sexiesperforata No: 2 ANOVA 1F, 1M for 1 full-sib family Reitzel and Heyland 2007
Lytechinus variegatus Yes: 0 ANOVA Unspecified # of parents Boidron-Metairon 1988
Section 1.03
Yes: 1 ANOVA Unspecified # of parents McEdward and Herrera 1999
Yes: 1 Profile Analysis (Repeated 1F, 1M for 1 full-sib family Miner and Vonesh 2004
measures ANOVA and MANOVA)
Yes: 1 ANCOVA 18F, 6M breeding design for 29 McAlister 2007a
full-sib, half-sib families
Melitta tenuis Yes: 2 ANOVA 1F, 1M for 1 full-sib family Reitzel and Heyland 2007
Paracentrotus lividus Yes: 0 Not reported Unspecified # of parents Fenaux et al. 1988
Yes: 1, 2, 3 ANOVA 1F, 1M each for 3 full-sib families Strathmann et al. 1992
Yes: 3 ANOVA Full-sibling cultures, Unspecified # Fenaux et al. 1994
of parents
Pseudochinus huttoni Yes: 1, 2, 3 ANOVA, PCA 9–10F per parental diet Poorbagher et al. 2010b
treatment, 1M

108   E v o l u t i o n a ry E c o l o g y o f M a r i n e I n v e rt eb r at e La r vae

Table 8.1  (Continued)

Phylum Plasticity? Statistical Methodology Genetic Replication Reference

Class Species Measure Type

Strongylocentrotus Yes: 1 PCA 4F, 4M pooled gametes Hart and Scheibling 1988

droechachiensis Yes: 1, 2, 3 ANCOVA 8F (4F, 2 locations), 1M for Bertram and
8 half-sib families Strathmann 1998
No: 1 ANOVA, PCA 3F, 3M pooled gametes Meidel et al. 1999
N/A (examined N/A (examined gene Unspecified # of parents Carrier et al. 2015
gene expression) expression)
Strongylocentrotus Yes: 1, 2 ANCOVA 3F, 1M pooled gametes Miner 2005
franciscanus Yes: 1 ANCOVA 2F, 5M pooled gametes McAlister 2007b
Strongylocentrotus Yes: 1, 2 ANCOVA 3F, 1M pooled gametes Miner 2005
purpuratus Yes: 1 ANCOVA 1F, 1M each for 2 full-sib families Miner 2007
Yes: 1 ANCOVA 2F, 7M pooled gametes McAlister 2007b
Yes: 0 ANOVA Unspecified # of parents Adams et al. 2011
Tripneustes gratilla Yes: 1, 2 ANOVA, PCA 1F, 1M for 1 full-sib family Byrne et al. 2008
Australostichopus mollis Yes: 2, 3 ANOVA, PCA Unspecified # of parents Morgan 2008
Apostichopus japonicus Yes: 2 PCA 1 F, 1M for 1 full-sib family Sun and Li 2013
Macrophiothrix koehleri Yes: 1, 2 ANCOVA, Linear Mixed Model, 6 separate experiments, Podolsky and McAlister 2005
Cubic spline Unspecified # of parents
Macrophiothrix longipeda Yes: 1, 2 ANCOVA, Linear Mixed Model, 2 separate experiments, Podolsky and McAlister 2005
Cubic spline Unspecified # of parents
Macrophiothrix lorioli No: 1, 2 ANCOVA, Linear Mixed Model, 5 separate experiments, Podolsky and McAlister 2005
Cubic spline Unspecified # of parents
Macrophiothrix rhabdoti No: 1, 2 ANCOVA, Linear Mixed Model, 1 experiment, Unspecified # Podolsky and McAlister 2005
Cubic spline of parents
Crassostrea gigas Yes: 3 ANCOVA 9F, 2M pooled gametes Strathmann et al. 1993
Crepidula fornicata Yes: 3 ANCOVA 1F, unknown M Estrella Klinzing and
Pechenik 2000
Phragmatopoma lapidosa Yes: N/A Not reported Unspecified # of parents Pawlik and Mense 1994
Hydroides dianthus Yes: N/A ANOVA 15–25F, 1M pooled gametes Toonen and Pawlik 2001

P h e n ot y p i c P l as t i c i t y o f Fee d i n g S t r u c t u r es    109

Table 8.1  (Continued)

Phylum Plasticity? Statistical Methodology Genetic Replication Reference

Class Species Measure Type

Membranipora Yes: 3 ANOVA Unknown. Wild caught larvae Strathmann et al. 2008

Note. “Measure type” refers to measure of relative feeding-structure length to (1) midline body length or other structure functional only in larva, (2) stomach (functional
in both larva and juvenile), or (3) rudiments of juvenile structures (not functional in larva). A measure type of (0) indicates that data from absolute feeding-structure
length was used to assess plasticity, although data from body length, stomach length, or juvenile rudiment length may have also been reported. ANOVA = analysis of
variance; ANCOVA = analysis of covariance, MANOVA = multivariate analysis of variance, PCA = principle components analysis, F = female, M = male, N/A = not appli-
cable. Phyla in which plasticity of other larval structures, settlement and/or metamorphic competency (in association with feeding, starvation and subsequent re-feeding)
has been demonstrated, albeit not plasticity of feeding structures per se, are indicated by *.

Table  8.2  Phyla with Feeding Larvae for Which We Do Not Know rigorously tested in a field setting. Thus there exist
(or Negative Data Has Not Been Reported) Whether Larvae Possess several different, yet intricately connected exam-
Feeding-Structure Plasticity
ples of phenotypic plasticity in response to food
Phylum Feeding larva availability in this system: morphological plastici-
ties of feeding-structure size (larval arms and cili-
Cnidaria planula ated band lengths), food-processing structure size
Platyhelminthes müller’s larva (stomach length or volume), and developmental
Annelida trochophore* plasticities of the time to initial formation of the ju-
Mollusca trochophore venile rudiment and duration of the larval period
Sipuncula trochophore (time to metamorphosis). For the latter, the time pe-
riod is presumably shorter in low-fed larvae that ex-
Bryozoa cyphonaute*
hibit morphological plasticity of feeding structures
Phoronida actinotroph
as compared to low-fed larvae that do not exhibit
Arthropoda nauplius and zoea this form of plasticity. Difficulties in experimentally
Hemichordata tornaria preventing the expression of morphological plastic-
ity by larvae in low food conditions have prohibited
*Indicates larval types in which plasticity of other larval structures, settlement a direct test of this hypothesis. Studies that employ
and/or metamorphic competency (in association with feeding, starvation, and
subsequent re-feeding) has been demonstrated, albeit not plasticity of feeding targeted phenotypic engineering (e.g., through de-
structures per se. velopmental manipulation or genetic modification,
to “trick” larvae into expressing a short-arm pheno-
1994; Toonen and Pawlik, 2001) and bryozoan cy- type in a low food environment) could be used to
phonautes (Strathmann et  al., 2008) (see Table  8.1; test this assumption, and thus the adaptive signifi-
Table 8.2). cance of plasticity in this system. A study by Adams
As a consequence of these types of plasticity, et al. (2011) suggests that this type of manipulation
food-limited larvae exhibit delayed time to meta- or modification is feasible (see later).
morphosis, a potentially dangerous prospect for With respect to the second strategy, larger egg
planktonic-feeding organisms (Thorson, 1950; size typically reflects an increase in maternally
Rumrill, 1990; Morgan, 1995). Strathmann et  al. provisioned energetic materials, which are used
(1992) suggested that plasticity in larval arm length to build larger larvae and to fuel more rapid larval
provides information about larval feeding his- development (McAlister and Moran, 2012; 2013;
tory in the field, although this idea has not been see Marshall et al., 2008, and Moran and McAliste­r,
110   E v o l u t i o n a ry E c o l o g y o f M a r i n e I n v e rt eb r at e La r vae

2009, for reviews). Egg size has been linked to sev- planktotroph Clypeaster rosaceus, egg volume 10.77
eral life history traits or events, including larval nl, egg energy 110 mJ; Miner et al., 2002).
form (McEdward, 1986a), developmental mode There are two general hypotheses for the relation-
(Strathmann, 1985), and the length of larval devel- ship between egg size and degree of morphological
opment (Thorson, 1950; Vance, 1973; Strathmann, plasticity. Embryos that develop from larger eggs
1985). Herrera et al. (1996) demonstrated variation have access to greater endogenous materials and
in feeding period with egg size; development time energy and thus have the propensity to display a
to metamorphosis is inversely related to egg size greater degree of morphological plasticity than lar-
among various echinoid species. Poor larval feed- vae that develop from smaller eggs (Herrera et  al.,
ing environments might have selected for the evo- 1996; McAlister, 2007b). Alternatively, selection
lution of large eggs to minimize high planktonic might have favored a greater capacity for plasticity
mortality (Rumrill, 1990). Alternatively, condi- in embryos that develop from smaller eggs to more
tions of sperm limitation might have selected for effectively utilize exogenous resources (McAliste­ r,
large eggs to increase fertilization success (Levitan, 2007b). The results from other studies support both
1993; Podolsky and Strathmann, 1996), indirectly of these hypotheses. Comparative measurements
affecting larval traits. Several studies indicate between closely related species and physical ma-
that arm-length plasticity is primarily expressed nipulations of egg size in a single species demon-
(or at least is detectable) during early larval de- strate that large egg size is associated with a greater
velopment (Boidron-Metairon, 1988; Hart and degree of plasticity (McAlister, 2007b). Alternatively,
Scheiblin­g, 1988; Eckert, 1995; Miner, 2007; Adams comparative studies among multiple species of ophi-
et al., 2011; though see Hart and Strathmann, 1994; uroids (Podolsky and McAlister, 2005) and echinoids
George, 1999) and that the capacity for plasticity (Reitze­l and Heyland, 2007) have supported the alter-
of arm length early in development is associated nate hypothesis. Egg size is likely a coarse measure of
with the amount of maternally provisioned ener- egg energetic content, however, it provides no infor-
getic reserves, and thus with egg size (Bertram and mation about egg biochemical composition (Moran
Strathmann, 1998; McAlister, 2007b; Reitzel and and McAlister, 2009; Moran et al., 2011). Increases in
Heyland, 2007; Bertram et  al., 2009; Poorbagher egg size can be obtained through increased maternal
et  al., 2010a; 2010b). These results suggest that provisioning or through simple hydration (Podolsky
larvae utilize endogenous resources for the initial and Strathman­n, 1996; McAlister and Moran, 2012).
production of food-collecting structures, and then Thus, outside of a controlled phylogenetic context,
exploit exogenous resources for the development using egg size alone to make assumptions about egg
of other, later-appearing structures. composition and energetic content and their associa-
Given that feeding-structure plasticity is common tion with other life history characters might be prob-
in planktotrophic species of echinoids, coupled with lematic (McAlister and Moran, 2012). We suspect
the general interest in egg size and evolution of ma- that the relationship between plasticity and egg size
rine invertebrates, it is not surprising that research- is a combination of both hypotheses, and reflects a
ers have tested whether egg size is associated with nonlinear negative relationship between these vari-
feeding-structure plasticity in larvae. Indeed, egg ables for feeding larvae (Figure 8.2). For larvae that
size varies greatly (>80-fold difference in volume as develop from relatively small eggs (i.e., egg energy
calculated from values below) among species of echi- runs out shortly after larvae gain the ability to feed),
noids with planktotrophic larvae. In some species low levels of endogenous energy likely limit the pro-
mothers provision their offspring with a small por- duction of long arms when food is scarce. At the other
tion of the energy needed to complete larval develop- extreme, larvae that develop from relatively large
ment and metamorphose into a juvenile (e.g., Arbacia eggs (i.e., egg energy fuels nearly all of larval devel-
stellata, egg volume 0.13 nl, egg energy 1.0 mJ; Moran opment) are not energy limited and thus plasticity
et al., 2011); whereas in other species, mothers pro- of arm length does not improve fitness if the main
vide all of the energy needed to complete larval de- role of arms is feeding. Studies that manipulate the
velopment and metamorphosis (e.g., the facultative timing of exposure to exogenous food can elucidate
P h e n ot y p i c P l as t i c i t y o f Fee d i n g S t r u c t u r es    111

demonstrations and documentation of the expression

of feeding-structure plasticity. These studies have
included assessments of the presence, magnitude,
variability, and timing of the response within specific
taxa (Table 8.1). Other studies have investigated the
Degree of Plasticity

environmental cues that induce the ­feeding-structure

response, indicating that in addition to low algal
food availability, algal exudates (Miner, 2007) and
thyroxin compounds (Heyland and Hodin, 2004;
Heyland et al., 2004) can also play a role.
Many researchers measure plasticity early in lar-
val development and have demonstrated that for
the majority of species, larvae fed scarce amounts of
food after several days during the first week or two
of development exhibit longer larval arms than lar-
Egg Size vae fed abundant food (see Table 8.1). Across stud-
ies, starved larvae exhibit on the order of an 8–30%
Figure  8.2 Degree of phenotypic plasticity of feeding-structure
length relative to egg size. Feeding larvae that develop from small or increase in arm length over their well-fed counter-
large eggs exhibit lower degrees of plasticity (less difference between parts. Although the percentage difference in arm
phenotype values of high- and low-fed larvae) than larvae that develop length between well- and under-fed larvae can be
from intermediate size eggs. relatively small, because the relationship between
absolute arm length and food availability over time
whether the degree of the plastic response changes
is concave (both decreasing and decelerating; Miner
during the course of larval development and, further,
and Vonesh, 2004), morphological changes made
if the response is confined to specific developmental
early in development will have a greater influence
windows or time periods.
on an organism’s overarching ontogenetic trajec-
tory than will changes made later in development
8.3.2 Patterns of Expression and Environmental (Figure  8.3). Additionally, small differences made
Cues early in development, coupled with adjustments of
Although several studies have focused on under- metabolic rate, might also be very important if they
standing the energetic trade-offs discussed pre- increase the threshold at which larvae starve. It is
viously, more research has involved functional important to note, however, that not all species may

High Fed Low Fed
Low Fed
Arm Length

Figure 8.3  Absolute arm length relative to

time for high-fed larvae (solid line), low-fed
larvae exhibiting plasticity (long-dash line),
and low-fed larvae not exhibiting plasticity
(short-dash line). Phenotypically plastic
low-fed larvae exhibit longer arms early
in development and theoretically enjoy a
fitness advantage of reaching metamorphosis
Time sooner than non-plastic low-fed larvae.
112   E v o l u t i o n a ry E c o l o g y o f M a r i n e I n v e rt eb r at e La r vae

be phenotypically plastic (Eckert, 1995; McAliste­r, This might be due in part to the logistical complica-
2008; Soars et al., 2009; see caveat later), which sug- tions of simultaneously rearing multiple, replicated-
gests that the functional arguments for plasticity, treatment cultures of larvae and to the large numbers
its magnitude, and the cost-benefit relationship of genotypes that must be examined for valid sta-
for maintaining the ability to express plasticity, are tistical comparisons. Because phenotypic variation
needed for each case. among genotypes provides an opportunity for evo-
Another important metric for feeding-­structure lution by natural selection, studies that examine the
plasticity is the relative relationship between genotypic-level variation in phenotypic plasticity
feeding-structure length and a measure of body are needed. Data describing the across-environment
size, such as midline body length. In a system in pattern of phenotypic expression (e.g., mean and var-
which food is the inducing environmental vari- iance) among genotypes in a population could pro-
able, as well as the resource necessary for growth, vide important clues about the evolutionary potential
measurements of feeding-structure length (e.g., of the population. Examinations of this type could
arm length) relative to body length can indicate be extended to an inter-population level of analy-
whether low-fed larvae are expressing phenotypic sis. Although two studies have investigated differ-
plasticity throughout the duration of larval ontog- ences in phenotypic plasticity between populations
eny. In this scenario, graphical plots of arm length (Bertram and Strathmann, 1998; Poorbagher et  al.,
vs. body length will exhibit a more steeply sloped 2010b), these studies were concerned more with the
relationship for poorly fed than for well-fed larvae effects of nutrition on the expression of plasticity than
(Figure  8.4). Slopes calculated for individuals fed investigating differences in the degree of inter- and
different food levels can then be used to assess the intra-­population variation for plasticity. Researchers
degree of plasticity expressed by a given genotype, have proposed that phenotypic plasticity varies by
by plotting and calculating the slope of the reaction latitude: species, populations, and genotypes from
norm between these values. higher latitudes will express a greater degree of phe-
Different genotypes are expected to vary in their notypic plasticity than those from lower latitudes
degree of plasticity, though differences in the degree (McAliste­r, 2008; Soars et  al., 2009). This idea is un-
of plasticity among genotypes in marine invertebrates tested, but could be examined using multi-genotype,
remain largely unexplored (but see McAlister, 2007a). common-garden analyses.

Low Fed High Fed
Arm Length

Low Fed

Figure  8.4 Arm length relative to body

length. Phenotypically plastic low-fed larvae
(long-dash line) exhibit a more steeply sloped
relationship between these structures than
high-fed (solid line) or non-plastic low-fed
(short-dash line) larvae. High-fed larvae reach
metamorphosis sooner than plastic and non-
Body Length plastic low-fed larvae.
P h e n ot y p i c P l as t i c i t y o f Fee d i n g S t r u c t u r es    113

Hart and Strathmann (1994) showed that poorly capture particles of food by reversing a short section
fed larvae produced longer arms and ciliated bands of their ciliary band, which is composed of simple
and exhibited approximately a 20% increase in cilia. Molluscs are protostomes and many struc-
maximum clearance rates over well-fed larvae, tures are unchanged during metamorphosis from
providing evidence that arm length plasticity is larva to juvenile, but the larval feeding structure is
functionally significant. Strathmann et  al. (1992) resorbed or shed at metamorphosis. Feeding larvae
demonstrated that full-sibling larvae exhibit het- of molluscs capture particles with an opposed band
erochronic shifts in the relative timing of the de- feeding mechanism and compound cilia. For these
velopment of food-collecting arms and of the reasons, larvae of echinoderms and molluscs are
juvenile rudiment. However, production of larger thought to have evolved independently. Because
food-collecting structures occurs at the expense of feeding-structure plasticity has evolved in both
food processing (stomach) or postlarval (rudiment) groups, the implication is that plasticity is either
structures (Strathmann et  al., 1992; Miner, 2005). ancestral to both groups, or is a coevolved, homo-
Whether the delay in the development of postlar- plastic trait (Podolsky and McAlister, 2005).
val structures is due to larvae preferentially allocat- Among echinoderms, phenotypic plasticity of
ing energy, materials, or both to feeding structures larval feeding structures has been examined in ap-
or a consequence of larvae having fewer resources proximately 22 echinoid, four asteroid, two holo-
because they are fed less is currently unclear (but thuroid, and four ophiuroid species (Table 8.1). The
see Adams et al., 2011, for some evidence for pref- majority of species that exhibit no measured plastic-
erential allocation of energetic reserves). These ity in response to food-limiting conditions are tropi-
results suggest that feeding-structure plasticity is cal (Eckert, 1995; McAlister, 2008; Soars et al., 2009),
evolutionarily adaptive: larvae that alter feeding- which suggests there are general differences in the
structure length to match environmental conditions expression and evolution of plasticity between spe-
via plasticity will enjoy a fitness advantage rela- cies in temperate vs. tropical ecosystems. There also
tive to those that do not. Strathmann et  al. (1992) might be differences in plasticity on smaller geo-
hypothesize that plasticity in allocation toward the graphic scales, such as between more closely located
growth and developmental timing of body parts is populations of a given species. For example, two
associated with the evolution of lecithotrophy from populations of the subtropical subspecies Lytechinus
planktotrophy. Herrera et  al. (1996) demonstrated variegatus carolinus, located approximately 185 km
that species whose larvae develop from larger eggs, apart (collection sites near Beaufort and Wilmington,
and thus possess greater endogenous energy stores, North Carolina) differ (McAlister, unpublished data),
attain later developmental stages (characterized by with larvae from one population demonstrating arm-
the growth of successive pairs of larval arms to a length plasticity and the other seemingly not.
typical maximum of four pairs and lastly the ap- To date, studies examining feeding-structure
pearance of a juvenile rudiment adjacent to the lar- plasticity have utilized measures of absolute
val stomach) than species from smaller eggs. Thus ­feeding-structure length as well as three different
the effects of maternal nutrition on larval develop- types of relative measure: (1) to body length or some
ment and morphogenesis might mimic the effects of other measure restricted to ephemeral larval struc-
greater endogenous food supplies. tures, (2) to stomach, wherein the stomach is a
Strathmann et  al. (1993) suggest that larval structur­e that is functional in both the larva and post-
feeding-structure plasticity has evolved at least
­ larval juvenile, and (3) to rudiments of juvenile struc-
twice in marine invertebrates. Larvae of both echi- tures that are not functional until after the larval stage
noderms and molluscs display feeding-structure (see Section 8.3.4 for statistical considerations). While
plasticity, but are distantly related and have very feeding-structure plasticity may potentially be dem-
different types of larvae with different feeding onstrated as present through any of these metrics,
mechanisms. Echinoderms are deuterostomes and the conclusion that plasticity is absent in some spe-
the juvenile develops as a separate structure within cies (Eckert, 1995; McAlister, 2008; Soars et al., 2009)
the larval body. Feeding larvae of echinoderms or populations may be premature unless a study
114   E v o l u t i o n a ry E c o l o g y o f M a r i n e I n v e rt eb r at e La r vae

specifically includes measures of feeding-structure researchers are well poised to rapidly advance this
length relative to rudiments of juvenile structures area of research (reviewed by Miner, 2011; see also
(see Table 8.1). For example, if there was no change Adams et al., 2011; Carrier et al., 2015). First, sea ur-
in arm or ciliary band length in response to low food, chin larvae have long been a model system for de-
but development of the juvenile rudiment was de- velopment, and the developmental mechanisms for
layed until the larva had attained a stage with longer some of the structures involved in feeding-structure
arms or ciliary band, then that developmental delay plasticity in echinoid larvae are well understood
would confer some of the hypothesized benefits of (e.g., formation of the larval skeleton). Second, re-
producing absolutely longer arms or ciliary band cent advances in molecular techniques allow re-
earlier in the larval period. Demand for energy and searchers to measure changes in the timing and
materials for growth would thus be postponed un- quantities of gene expression in larvae exposed to
til the capacity to capture food had been increased. different concentrations of food. Last, the interest in
Although studies collecting absolute or relative ecological development is rapidly growing and as
measures similar to (1) or (2) are certainly valuable, new techniques emerge, feeding-structure plasticity
and may be logistically more feasible, future stud- in echinoids is very well suited to advance this field
ies should strive to include measures of both larval (Hofmann et  al., 2005; Adams et  al., 2011; Carrier
structures and the rudiments of juvenile structures to et al., 2015; Gilbert and Epel, 2015).
definitively confirm presence or absence of plasticity. Here we focus on four general questions that re-
Furthermore, from the population and geo- quire answers to understand how larvae adjust their
graphical patterns presented earlier, many new morphology in response to algal concentration: (1)
questions arise: What environmental factors or or- How do larvae detect algal concentration? (2) How
ganismal functions drive or constrain the expres- do larvae adjust the size of the ciliary band, skel-
sion of ­feeding-structure plasticity between taxa? eton (in echinoids and ophiuroids), and stomach?
Are there measurable environmental differences be- (3) How do larvae regulate the timing of production
tween sites or do differing results reflect some type of rudimentary juvenile structures? (4) How do lar-
of seasonal or individual sampling bias? Are dif- vae coordinate these different responses? We focu­s
ferences in expression proximally tied to ecological on several studies in which researchers have direct
differences between ecosystems or locales, or have answers about the developmental mechanisms of
ultimate evolutionary responses occurred in line- feeding-structure plasticity in larvae, and draw
ages? Has there been a loss of chemosensory struc- a few examples from a large body of research on
tures in non-plastic species? Is it difficult to regain the development of echinoderm larvae to highlight
these structures once lost? Does absence of plastic- some genes and pathways that are likely involved
ity merely reflect absence of measures that would in feeding-structure plasticity.
detect it? Answers to these questions will require There is indirect evidence about the type and
researchers to continue empirical analysis within location of receptors that larvae use to detect algal
a comparative framework while collecting all rel- concentrations. Echinoid larvae can respond to al-
evant metrics. At the same time, our understanding gal concentrations before they can even ingest al-
of the expression and evolution of plasticity will be gae (Miner, 2005; Adams et al., 2011). These results
deepened by delving into the developmental and suggest that larvae use receptors expressed in epi-
physiological mechanisms that are involved during thelial cells to detect algal concentrations (Shilling,
feeding-structure production. 1995; Miner, 2007). At least in some echinoid spe-
cies, these receptors are unlikely mechanoreceptors
because larvae do not alter their morphology in re-
8.3.3  Developmental Mechanisms of Feeding-
sponse to plastic beads that are similar in size and
Structure Plasticity
concentration to algae (Miner, 2007). More likely
Although there is currently limited research on the the receptors are chemoreceptors because larvae re-
developmental or physiological mechanisms that duce the size of their feeding structures in response
cause feeding-structure plasticity in marine larvae, to algal exudates (Miner, 2007) and amino acids
P h e n ot y p i c P l as t i c i t y o f Fee d i n g S t r u c t u r es    115

(Shilling, 1995) in these species. There is some evi- few of the genes likely involved specifying to the
dence that thyroxine is a signal molecule between ciliary band (Optim et  al., 2004; Tu et  al., 2006;
algae and larvae (Heyland and Hodi­n 2004), though Yankura et al., 2013). Of these genes, Hnf6 and Otxβ
researchers have not identified a chemoreceptor or are not regulated by genes that pattern the embryo,
specific chemical signal. In other echinoid species, which might allow their expression patterns to be
larvae might use both mechanoreceptors and chem- altered without disrupting general morphological
oreceptors in tandem to detect algal concentrations. development (Duboc et  al., 2004; Su et  al., 2009).
Larvae of a sand dollar only produce smaller feed- The length of the ciliary band might be regulated
ing structures in response to intact algae and not by genes, like forkhead J1 (FoxJ1), which are asso-
algal exudates or plastic beads (Miner, 2007). It is ciated with ciliagenesis. Starved plutei up-regulate
possible that larvae use the same receptors to de- FoxJ1 (Carrier et  al., 2015), which is a transcrip-
tect and capture algae and to alter the size of their tional regulator associated with many aspects of
feeding structures. There is also evidence that sug- cilia development in mouse (Choksi et  al., 2014).
gests larvae are more sensitive to environmental Despite our improving understanding of the path-
cues when starved. Starved larvae up-regulate ways that specify the ciliary band, understanding
cAMP response element-binding protein (CREB), the mechanisms responsible for adjusting the size
ETS domain-­containing protein (Elk), and an ex- of the ciliary band is critical, and an area that we
citatory amino acid transporter (EAAT), which in hope researchers investigate more in the future.
other organisms are known to increase the sensitiv- The pathways that control the length of the
ity to environmental stimuli (Carrier et  al., 2015). larval skeleton in echinoids are well studied in
Interestingly, thyroxine receptor and dopamine re- echinoids—though much less is known about ophi-
ceptor (see later) activity can cross-regulate CREB uroids, which also produce a larval skeleton (Dylus
(­Méndez-Pertuz, 2003; Neve et al., 2004). et  al., 2016). Primary mesenchyme cells form the
After larvae detect an external signal from algae, larval skeleton by producing an extracellular ma-
the nervous system and dopaminergic neurons are trix and precipitating calcium carbonate onto this
likely involved in the signaling pathway. Adams matrix (Killian and Wilt, 2008), and involve many
et al. (2011) demonstrated that dopamine is involved hundreds of genes (Ettensohn 2009; Rafiq et  al.,
in the signaling pathway that induces smaller feed- 2014). The location and length of the skeleton are
ing structures, which occur when food is abundant. regulated by interactions between the primary mes-
The ability to manipulate the phenotype of larvae enchyme cells and ectoderm (Hardin et  al., 1992;
through dopamine now allows researchers to de- Armstrong et al., 1993; Guss and Ettensohn, 1997).
couple the effects of energy and materials from algae Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), fibro-
from the effects of the induced response (e.g., Adams blast growth factors (FGF), orthopedia (Otp), and
et al., 2011). We look forward to future research on tetraspanin are involved in the interaction between
the role of dopamine, especially in other plastic spe- primary mesenchyme cells and ectoderm, and ap-
cies and related non-plastic species (see Table 8.1). pear to affect size of the skeleton (DiBernardo et al.,
Compared to research on the developmental 1999, Cavalieri et  al., 2007; Duloquin et  al., 2007;
pathways involved in creating the larval skeleton in Love et  al., 2007; Röttinger et  al., 2008)—the gen-
echinoids, there are fewer studies on the develop- eral shape of the skeleton appears fixed early in
mental pathways that larvae use to specify the cili- embryonic development (Armstrong and McClay,
ary band. However, our understanding is rapidly 1994). It is also possible that the transmembrane
improving as researchers use new tools to improve protein P16, which is necessary for skeletal spicules
the developmental map of echinoids (e.g., Li et al., to elongate, is involved in the pathway (Cheers and
2014). In echinoids, the ciliary band is specified by Ettensohn, 2005). In addition, the proteins spicular
interactions between the oral and aboral ectoderm matrix protein (SM 50), mesenchyme-specific pro-
(Davidson et al., 1998; Su et al., 2009), and the gene tein (MSP  130), advillin, and carbonic anhydrase
products of forkhead g (FoxG), hepatocyte nuclear are associated with primary mesenchyme cells,
factor 6 (Hnf6), and orthodenticle β ½ (Otxβ) are a and likely control, at least in part, the length of the
116   E v o l u t i o n a ry E c o l o g y o f M a r i n e I n v e rt eb r at e La r vae

skeleton (Carson et al., 1985; Leaf et al., 1987; Peled- Partitioning-defective protein localizes in both pri-
Kramar et al., 2002; Love et al., 2007). For example, mary mesenchyme and stomach cells, and might co-
advillin and carbonic anhydrase appear to pro- ordinate the response between these two structures
mote lengthening the skeleton at the tips, whereas (Shiomi and Yamaguchi, 2008).
MSP 130 adds more calcium carbonate to the exist- We encourage research specifically on the de-
ing skeleton (Carson et  al., 1985; Leaf et  al., 1987; velopmental and physiological mechanisms of
Peled-Kramar et al., 2002; Love et al., 2007). Similar ­feeding-structure plasticity in larvae. We antici-
to the pathways that specify the ciliary band, we pate that the current knowledge will allow rapid
hope researchers also focus on mechanisms that can progress for echinoids, and our understanding of
regulate the length of the skeleton. It will be espe- echinoids will facilitate research on other groups.
cially interesting to compare the pathways involved We especially encourage comparative studies
in skeletal plasticity between echinoids and ophi- that will permit tests of hypotheses about the
uroids because their skeletons are likely convergent. evolution of larval feeding-structure plasticity
Carrier et  al. (2015) provide information about among metazoans.
the pathways that might regulate the development
of the rudiment. Plutei adjust a suite of genes asso-
8.3.4 Experimental Designs and Analyses
ciated with metabolism when exposed to different
concentrations of unicellular algae. Starved plutei Investigators studying feeding-structure plastic-
down-regulate genes associated with growth and ity of larvae are faced with a challenge because
mitochondrial activity and up-regulate genes as- manipulating food concentrations alters rates of
sociated with energy homeostasis. In particular, growth and development, as well as size of feed-
starved larvae up-regulate forkhead O (FoxO) and ing structures (Hart and Scheibling, 1988). As a re-
down-regulate target of rapamycin, which is associ- sult, it is not possible to simply compare a metric of
ated with the formation of the rudiment. Given that ­feeding-structure size between treatments at a given
both of these genes respond similarly in distantly re- time. Fed larvae are typically much larger in gen-
lated model species, it is possible that this pathway eral, including the size of feeding structures, and
is conserved and involved in feeding-structure plas- more developed than starved larvae at any given
ticity in all echinoderms (Carrier et al., 2015). Unlike time. In what follows we discuss how investigators
adjusting of the length of the ciliary band and larval have tried to solve this challenge with the design
skeleton in certain regions in response to food, the of their experiments and the analysis of their data.
response of the rudiment only requires a shift in the Investigators often use a nested experimental
overall timing of when to produce the rudiment, design, where larvae are measured from a few rep-
which might indicate a simpler mechanism. licate containers per treatment. The reasons for a
Electrical and chemical signals likely coordinate nested design are primarily practical because rear-
the morphological responses among structures ing larvae in many replicate containers requires
(Adam­s et  al., 2011; Miner, 2011). The nervous sys- considerable time for maintenance, as well as spe-
tem is well developed in echinoderm larvae before cialized equipment to control temperature (e.g.,
larvae can feed (reviewed in Burke et al., 2006; also incubators or shallow tanks of water to partially
see Adams et al., 2011). Sensory neurons are located submerge containers)—containers typically only
on the epithelium and nerves are closely associated hold one or two liters and can fluctuate in tem-
with the ciliary band and stomach, especially the perature beyond the physiological limits of larvae
oral field and mouth. The close proximity between if temperature is not rigorously controlled. Most
the skeletal rods, primary mesenchyme cells, and ec- studies have less than five replicates per treatment.
toderm makes it more likely that chemical signals co- The small number of replicates, however, means
ordinate responses in the ciliary band and skeleton. that statistical power of experiments is often low,
For example, dopamine is found in close associa- which is of concern because differences between
tion with ectoderm and primary mesenchyme cells, treatments range from 10% to 30%. To increase
which produce the skeleton (Adams et  al., 2011). the statistical power and thus the ability to detect
P h e n ot y p i c P l as t i c i t y o f Fee d i n g S t r u c t u r es    117

plasticity, some investigators have analyzed data algae are added to a container: they can multiply, die
treating each individual larva as a replicate, after or sink to the bottom and become unavailable. Algae
determining that containers were not significantly are probably not very likely to divide much between
different within treatments (e.g., Strathmann et al., feedings every one to three days because researchers
1993; Hart and Strathmann, 1994), rather than us- rarely add nutrients to replicates or provide suffi-
ing the mean for each container. This is a reason- cient lighting for algal growth. However, if nutrients
able approach, but one with inherent problems. are added with algae and light is provided, then
For example, if there are really differences among alga­l growth might be of concern. Larval grazing
containers within treatments but only a few larvae is likely a larger concern because larvae can greatly
are measured per container, then an investigator is reduce algal concentrations. For example, feeding
much more likely to incorrectly determine that con- larvae of echinoids can clear 1 ml of water per day
tainers are not different (a Type II error). Differences of food (Hart and Strathmann, 1994). If there are 500
among containers within treatments are likely com- larvae in a container with 2 L of seawater (a concen-
mon (Sewell et  al., 2004), and therefore investiga- tration of 0.25 larvae per ml), then the larvae will
tors should not use larvae within a container as reduce the concentration of algae by 25% per day.
independent replicates without a clear justification There are two consequences that researchers should
and power analysis of the test to determine whether consider when algal densities change between feed-
containers within a treatment differ from one an- ings. First, the concentrations that are added to a
other. We recommend that investigators work to in- replicate container do not reflect the actual concen-
clude more containers, which are true independent trations that larvae experience, and researchers will
replicates, in their experiments. incorrectly estimate the relationship between larval
Most investigators have tested two or three con- morphology and algal concentration. Second, inves-
centrations of algal food as experimental treatments tigators manipulate a variety of aspects about the
and code algal concentration as a categorical vari- food environment (e.g., mean, variance, maximum,
able. This approach allows researchers to determine and minimum of algal concentration). Currently it is
whether there is an effect of food concentration, but unclear which parameters larvae use to adjust their
provides little information about the relationship be- morphology (Miner and Vonesh, 2004). Changes in
tween feeding structures and algal ­concentrations— algal concentrations among containers in a treat-
the shape of this relationship has important ecological ment might explain in part why in some studies
and evolutionary consequences. An alternative de- larvae in different containers of a treatment differ in
sign is to assign a different algal concentration to phenotype (Sewell et al., 2004).
each container within some range of concentrations Investigators have used either larval arm length or
and code the algal concentration as a continuous ciliary band length as a metric of feeding-structur­e
variable (Miner and Vonesh, 2004). Both approaches size and have employed a variety of different statis-
allow for inferences about whether plasticity occurs, tical approaches to detect feeding-structure plastic-
but the latter approach allows for stronger inferences ity in larvae. Because food concentrations also affect
about the shape of the reaction norm. Both linear and growth, investigators often measure a covariate to
generalized linear models can be used with either account for larval size (e.g., midline body length,
approach, though generalized linear models provide a skeletal component of the body, or shell length).
more flexibility because the researcher can indepen- Investigators often adjust for larval size, to com-
dently specify the relationship between the response pare larvae of an equivalent size, by dividing the
and predictor variable and the error structure (Quinn response variable by the covariate and testing for
and Keough, 2002)—however, they are more difficult differences with an analysis of variance (ANOVA;
to interpret with complex designs where multiple e.g., Sewell et  al., 2004; Byrne et  al., 2008), or an
factors are manipulated. analysis of covariance (ANCOVA; e.g., Miner, 2005;
Feeding interval can also affect the concentration McAlister, 2007b). An alternative approach used by
of algae and the interpretation of results. Two pro- some investigators is to measure a variety of met-
cesses can change the concentration of algae after rics and use principle components analysis (PCA)
118   E v o l u t i o n a ry E c o l o g y o f M a r i n e I n v e rt eb r at e La r vae

to reduce the number of variables before analyzing lack of genetic diversity across studies is striking
the principle components with ANOVA (Hart and and makes generalizing broad biological patterns,
Scheibling, 1988; Sewell et  al., 2004; Miner et  al., such as the temperate vs. tropical argument pre-
2005; Soars et al., 2009). All approaches have poten- sented earlier, from single-family data difficult and
tial problems that investigators should be aware of. potentially tenuous. Future studies should strive
Analyzing the ratio of the response variable to the to maximize genetic diversity by incorporating
covariate with ANOVA confounds which variable, as many full-sib families as is feasible, or alterna-
the response or covariate, is causing differences. By tively by maximizing the number of gametes from
contrast, ANCOVA explicitly tests whether larvae a given sex, as appropriate for the hypotheses driv-
of a given size differ in the response variable and ing a particular study. For example, increasing the
the interaction between the response and covariate. number of males in a given study will increase the
However, ANCOVA assumes there is no error in the amount of additive genetic variation among fami-
covariate (Quinn and Keough, 2002), which is never lies, whereas increasing the number of females
true when measuring some aspect of larval size. will diversify the effects toward growth of mater-
It is likely that the covariate will have similar er- nal provisions available from the egg. Research-
ror as the response variable. PCA is likely the most ers should incorporate and statistically account
problematic because transforming the original vari- for these variables (numbers of males and females
ables into composite variables mixes both among- used and full- and half-sib families reared) to the
and within-group variation, which often reduces degree possible given the space and time con-
the ability to detect differences among treatments straints associated with rearing multiple, replicate
(McCoy et  al., 2006). McCoy et  al. (2006) provide larval cultures.
a more appropriate, albeit more complex, method
(common principal components analysis combined 8.4 Summary
with Burnaby’s back projection method—CPCA/
BBPM), and we recommend that investigators use 1. There is compelling evidence that feeding-­
this approach in the future. structure plasticity in marine invertebrates is
To complicate the analysis even further, investi- adaptive, but we need a better understanding
gators often measure larvae from containers more of the genetic variation of plasticity within and
than once during the experiment. Repeatedly sam- among populations. Researchers should strive to
pling from containers presents the same challenges maximize genetic diversity in future studies.
as measuring multiple larvae from a container—data 2. There are important trade-offs among morpho-
collected at different times from a container are not logical structures and the timing of life history
independent. The common solution is to use repeated events that influence the evolution of feeding-
measures ANOVA or ANCOVA to test for differences structure plasticity.
among treatments. Recently, mixed effects models 3. Maternal provisions influence the evolution of
that utilize maximum likelihood are common in sta- feeding-structure plasticity; minimal provision-
tistical packages and allow for random effects that ing limits the energy available to produce larger
deal with the non-independence of repeatedly sam- feeding structures, whereas maximal provision-
pling from containers and measuring more than one ing removes the need to produce larger feeding
individual from a container at a given time. structures.
Lastly, and with respect to genotypic variation 4. Feeding-structure plasticity has likely evolved at
and genetic diversity broadly, our knowledge of least twice among marine invertebrates.
feeding-structure plasticity across taxa derives 5. Researchers are starting to understand the mo-
from data in which only a single female (and of- lecular mechanisms of feeding-structure plas-
ten only a single male for one full-sib family) was ticity in marine invertebrates. In light of our
used to produce the larvae examined in a given understanding of development in echinoids,
study. This is the case for approximately 1/3 of the this system is especially well suited for future
species (14 of 37) listed in Table 8.1. The collective research.
P h e n ot y p i c P l as t i c i t y o f Fee d i n g S t r u c t u r es    119

6. Researchers have used a variety of experimen- Burke, R.D., Angerer, L.M., Elphick, M.R., Humphrey,
tal designs and statistical analyses in studies of G.W. et al. 2006. A genomic view of the sea urchin nerv-
larval feeding-structure plasticity. Some of these ous system. Developmental Biology 300: 434–460.
Byrne, M., Sewell, M.A. and Prowse, T.A.A. 2008. Nutri-
designs are problematic and should be avoided
tional ecology of sea urchin larvae: influence of endog-
in the future. In all cases, all metadata, including
enous and exogenous nutrition on echiopluteal growth
larval density, food concentration and feeding and phenotypic plasticity in Tripneustes gratilla. Func-
frequency, should be reported. tional Ecology 22: 643–648.
Carrier, T.J., King, B.L., and Coffman, J.A. 2015. Gene ex-
pression changes associated with the developmental
Acknowledgments plasticity of sea urchin larvae in response to food avail-
ability. Biological Bulletin 228: 171–180.
The authors would like to acknowledge Adam Carson, D.D., Farach, M.C., Earles, D.S., Decker, G.L.
Reitzel, Andreas Heyland, and Tyler Carrier for et al. 1985. A monoclonal antibody inhibits calcium ac-
editing this book. We would also like to thank cumulation and skeleton formation in cultured embry-
Richard Strathmann, Dianna Padilla, David Leaf, onic cells of the sea urchin. Cell 41: 639–648.
Cavalieri, V., DiBernardo, M., and Spinelli, G. 2007. Regu-
Bob Podolsky, Joel Kingsolver, and Steve Stancyk
latory sequences driving expression of the sea urchin
for many insightful conversations. We particularly
Otp homeobox gene in oral ectoderm cells. Gene Expres-
thank Richard Strathmann, Dianna Padilla, and one sion Patterns 7: 124–130.
anonymous reviewer for providing insightful com- Cheers, M.S. and Ettensohn, C.A. 2005. P16 is an essential
ments that helped to improve this chapter. regulator of skeletogenesis in the sea urchin embryo.
Developmental Biology 283: 384–396.
Choksi, S.P., Lauter, G., Swoboda, P., and Roy, S. 2014.
References Switching on cilia: transcriptional networks regulating
ciliogenesis. Development 141: 1427–1441.
Adams, D.K., Sewell, M.A., Angerer, R.C., and Angerer,
Conover, R.J. 1968. Zooplankton––life in a nutritionally di-
L.M. 2011. Rapid adaptation to food availability by a
lute environment. American Zoologist 8: 107–118.
dopamine-mediated morphogenetic response. Nature
Davidson, E.H., Cameron, R.A., and Ransick, A. 1998.
Communications 2: 592.
Specification of cell fate in the sea urchin embryo: sum-
Allen, J.D., and Pernet, B. 2007. Intermediate modes of
mary and some proposed mechanisms. Development
larval development: bridging the gap between plank-
125: 3269–3290.
totrophy and lecithotrophy. Evolution and Development
DeWitt, T.J. and Scheiner, S.M. 2004 Phenotypic Plasticity:
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Ch a pt er 9

Physiology of Larval Feeding

William Jaeckle

9.1 Introduction 9.2  Physiology of Invertebrate Larvae:

The Challenge
The enormous diversity of form of marine inverte-
brate larvae has been long recognized (see Young Owing to their small size and associated low rates
et al., 2002, for a compilation). As larvae represent of physiological processes, the physiological and
a transient stage in a species’ life histor­y, their biochemical properties of a larva is challenging to
performance in situ has effects on survivorship measure, and groups of individuals are often com-
in the near term (larval life) and carryover effects bined to ensure a detectable signal. Such aggregated
that are realized in juveniles (e.g., ­Marshall et al., measurements result in an understanding of the
2003; Pechenik, this volume); recent work also average response of larvae and limits appreciation
indicates that such effects may exist across gen- of variability that exists among individuals. Given
erations (Dupont et al., 2008; Ross et al., 2016). Ir- this unknown variability, statistical assessments of
respective of how larval performance is measured experimental results benefit from inclusion of esti-
(development rate, metabolic rate, growth rate, mates of effect size (Nakagawa and Cuthill, 2007) in
etc.), it represents the summation of the physi- addition to or in lieu of traditional null hypothesis
ological activities of the individual, the interde- testing.
pendence among cells that make up the whole, When measures of variability among individu-
and the correct positioning of these cells within als are available (e.g., Marsh et al., 2001; Szela and
the larval body. Thus, the physiological properties Marsh, 2005), considerable differences are evident.
of larvae are constrained, in part, by their form, Although the ultimate cause of inter-individual
and the phrase, “physiology is the handmaid of differences is genetic, the underlying influence of
anatomy,” although typically applied in other genotype on physiological differences was, until
contexts (e.g., human anatomy and physiology; recently, largely inaccessible. Work on genetically
Robinson, 1847), aptly applies to marine inverte- defined strains of the Japanese oyster, Crassostrea
brate larvae. gigas, for example, has provided access into the
The focus of this chapter is to examine the physi- physiological and biochemical (Hedgecock et al.,
ology of marine invertebrate larvae from an organis- 1996; Bayne et al., 1999; Hedgecock et al., 2007;
mic perspective. The functional attributes of larvae Meyer and Manahan, 2010) bases for differences in
are, in part, a result of the integration of function(s) larval and adult performance. Using adults from in-
of their different parts (cells, tissues, and organs). bred, pedigreed “families,” Pace et al. (2006) dem-
Highlighting the importance of understanding the onstrated that differences in growth among larvae
relationship between structure and function in the from specific crosses were correlated with variation
context of larval physiology is an intentional focus in size-specific feeding capacity; ≈50% of the ob-
of this document. served variation in growth was explained by rates

Jaeckle, W., Physiology of larval feeding. In. Evolutionary Ecology of Marine Invertebrate Larvae.
Edited by Tyler J. Carrier, Adam M. Reitzel, and Andreas Heyland: Oxford University Press (2018).
© Oxford University Press. DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780198786962.003.0009
P h ys i o l o g y o f L a r va l F e e d i n g    125

of ingestion. They hypothesized that the remain- the absence of food, metamorphosis does not occur
ing differences in larval growth were explained by without input of “new” energy. Still others can feed,
genotype-specific variation in “other growth ef- but can complete development in the absence of ex-
ficiencies” such as efficiency of protein synthesis. ogenous food (reviewed in Allen and Pernet, 2007).
The value of understanding the effect of genotype The small size of larvae and their component
on physiological capacity of larvae increases as the cells has, to a large degree, hindered precise dis-
effects of current and future environmental condi- section and description of their physiological prop-
tions on marine invertebrates and their larvae are erties and how cells and tissues interact. Further,
explored. Recent work on the effects of climate the presence of anatomic structures named for one
change on marine invertebrates and their larvae function may also contribute to other physiological
(see Byrne and Przeslawski, 2013; Przeslawski et processes. For example, the presence of nephridia
al., 2015; Byrne et al., this volume) has also revealed in larvae does not necessarily predict a unique ex-
considerable variation within and among species. cretory function. Flows of fluid created during the
An ability to differentiate among the effect of treat- formation of “urine” may also contribute to distri-
ment or treatment level, genotype, and a geno- bution of materials within the larval body. Whether
type  × treatment interaction is necessary to more and how different regions of larvae are physiologi-
accurately assess sensitivities and predict eventu- cally linked is also not well known. However, appli-
alities (see Applebaum et al., 2014 for a discussion). cation of recently developed molecular techniques
Generalizations about the physiology of marine has provided opportunities for greater temporal
invertebrate larvae are inherently challenging ow- and spatial resolution about the physiological prop-
ing to the diversity in form of larvae among groups. erties of larvae (Hui et al., 2014; Carrier et al., 2015;
Taxonomic sampling for studies of the physiologi- Chen et al., 2015).
cal properties of larvae is inevitably skewed to those
groups with high fecundity, large size, easily scala- 9.3  Acquisition of Materials
ble culture requirements, and economic value. Such
focused attention on certain species results in few, The organic materials that support the development
well studied, experimentally tractable “models” and growth of feeding larvae are acquired from the
whose properties may or may not serve as accurate environment (see Pernet, this volume). Food sources
exemplars of the physiology of planktonic larvae. consumed by feeding larvae are divided between
The evident morphological diversity among lar- particulate organic materials such as bacteria, phyto-
vae also challenges the development of general plankton, and zooplankton (organic particles >~0.45
patterns among groups. The simplest separation µm in size) and dissolved organic materials (DOM,
among larval forms is the requirement for exog- organic particles < ~0.45 µm in size and individual
enous food. Feeding (= planktotrophic) larvae must or aggregated organic molecules). For feeding lar-
acquire food from the environment while nonfeed- vae these materials can be acquired through (1) the
ing (= lecithotrophic) larvae can complete their de- concentration and capture of suspended particles,
velopmental program in the absence of food. The (2) the ingestion of other organic particles too small
distinction between these two larval forms is cor- to be removed from suspension by described mech-
related with egg size (Vance, 1973; McEdward and anisms, and (3) by the direct assimilation of DOM
Morgan, 2001; ­Moran et al., 2013), but the size cut- by the cells of the outer epithelium or the epithelium
off between the small eggs of feeding larvae and the that lines the digestive system (­DeBurgh and Burke,
large eggs of nonfeeding larvae varies among groups 1983; Manaha­n and Crisp, 1983). The cells that as-
(see McAliste­r and Miner, this volume). Along this similate these different sources of organic matter
continuum fall larvae of several taxa that are mor- may differ in their position, form, or contribution to
phologically competent to feed, but can complete a the nutrition of the larva as a whole. For nonfeed-
significant percentage of their development program ing larvae—althoug­ h their development can be
without feeding (Herrera et al., 1996; reviewed in completed in the absence of exogenous m ­ aterials—
Anger, 2001). Despite the resilience of these larvae to the maternally provisioned organic content may
126   E v o l u t i o n a ry E c o l o g y o f M a r i n e I n v e rt e b r at e L a r va e

be augmented by the uptake of DOM (Jaeckl­e and Table 9.1  Reported Values of the Gut Passage Time (GPT) for Marine
Manahan, 1989a; 1989b; Shillin­g et al., 1996). Invertebrate Larvae.
How the development, growth, and survivorship
Phylum, Species or Diet GPT Source
of larvae is affected by quantitative and qualita- Species (min)
tive changes in diet has been the subject of many
detailed studies (e.g., Sprung, 1984a-d; reviewed in
Anger, 2001). Similarly, how events that occur dur- Mytilus (Nannochloropsis +
galloprovincialis oculata polystyrene
ing a planktonic larval existence influence benthic
juveniles (“carryover” effect) has also received con-
2-day-old 120+ Gray et al., 2015
siderable attention (Emlet and Hoegh-Guldberg,
1997; Wendt, 1998). Yet how the anatomy and phys- 7-day-old 56
iology of organ systems within larvae serve to link Crassostrea Isochrysis galbana ~60 Reinfelder and
inputs of organic materials to functional responses virginica Fisher, 1994
is, at best, incompletely understood. Although rates Mercenaria Isochrysis galbana ~60 Reinfelder and
mercenaria Fisher, 1994
of particle capture and uptake of DOM are readily
quantified, the physiological processes involved Ostrea chilensis colored plastic ~360 Chaparro et al.,
particles 2001
with food digestion, assimilation, and distribu-
tion within larval bodies are not. Consequently, the Arthropoda, Crustacea
physiological events that link feeding to develop- Artemia Isochrysis galbana 291 Evjemo et al.,
mental or phenotypic changes in larvae are largely franciscana 2000
unresolved. Although reports of the function and Penaeus monodon
structure of the digestive system of larvae are phy- protozoea herbivore/ 12 from Le Vay
logenetically scattered, comparative assessments omnivore et al., 2001
can yield insights about the design and physiology mysis herbivore/ 20
of the digestive system (Karasov et al., 2011; Kara- omnivore
sov and Douglas, 2013). Penaeus setiferus Tetraselmis chuii 5–15 Lovett and
Felder, 1990
Homarus Carnivore 660 from Le Vay
9.4  Material Movement sp. stage 1 et al., 2001
The rates of material transport through the digestive Scylla serrata
system of feeding larvae are known for relatively Zoea “rotifers” 80
few taxa. Processing of ingested foods within the megalopa “rotifers” 120–135 Serrano, 2012
digestive systems of invertebrate animals has been Echinodermata
modeled as a chemical reactor (Penry and Jumars,
Lytechinus pictus (Rhodomonas lens + 60–90 Huvard and
1987; Jumars, 2000a; 2000b; see also Logan et al., colloidal carbon) Holland, 1986
2002). Yet to my knowledge, there are few tests of Patiria miniata 60 Huvard and
how larval digestive systems conform to these func- Holland, 1986
tional hypotheses (plugged-flow reactors, batch re-
actors, or continuously stirred tank reactors). Gray Note. GPT represents the transit time of ingested materials through the larval
et al. (2015) compared the gut passage time (GPT) digestive system, but the manner in which it is measured varies considerably.
Reported values of GPT rarely include a parallel measure of the length of the
of material through the digestive system of veliger digestive system and, as a result, the velocity of material movement through the
larvae of the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis to the digestive system is unknown.
three “models” and reported that larvae match a 1Mean values reported by the authors.
continuously stirred tank reactor model in isolation
or in combination with a plugged-flow reactor. through the digestive system is accomplished by
Although not specifically evaluated in the context peristalsis, and currents created by cilia and may be
of a “reactor model,” intra- and interspecific differ- regulated by muscular sphincters. Regional compart-
ences exist in the GPT of larvae (Table 9.1). Transit mentalization and the ability to alter the residence
P h ys i o l o g y o f L a r va l F e e d i n g    127

time of material within the digestive system allow activity and GPT (reviewed in Anger, 2001). Be-
for digestion and assimilation to vary with rates of cause of the inverse relationship, these larvae were
food ingestion. More work is needed to assess the de- predicted to maintain a more-or-less stable extrac-
gree to which the digestive systems of larvae change tion efficiency. Evidence also exists for plasticity in
in response to previous and current nutritional con- GPT within species that is associated with the diet
ditions (e.g., difference in prey composition or abun- composition. Serrano (2012) suggested that GPT of
dance, presence of dissolved solutes). artificial food was greater than for live food (the ro-
The types of food ingested, the ease by which tifer Brachionus plicatilis) in larvae of the mud crab
these materials are digested, and the type and Scylla serrata.
abundance of digestive enzymes are factors that How GPT, length, diameter, and volume of the
influence GPT (Fretter and Pilkington, 1971; Strath- digestive system, and enzyme activity covary dur-
mann, 1971; Gallager, 1988; Karasov et al., 2011; ing the complete development of larvae is uncer-
Karasov and Douglas, 2013). Variations in GPT ex- tain. Evjemo et al. (2000) reported that ingestion
ist among larvae (Table 9.1) and are predicted to in- rate of the unicellular alga Isochrysis galbana by
fluence the extraction efficiency (the proportion of Artemia franciscana increased among three different
ingested material that is digested and assimilated stages (and sizes) of larvae and postlarvae; how-
by the digestive epithelia) by altering the residence ever, there were no significant differences in GPT
time of ingested materials within digestive and ab- among these groups. As the larval groups differ
sorptive regions of the digestive system. Larvae of significantly in average length (1.09, 2.74, and 5.15
echinoderms (Strathmann, 1971) and veliger lar- mm, respectively), the velocity of material move-
vae of gastropod and bivalve molluscs (Fretter and ment through the digestive system must be dif-
Pilkington, 1971; Gallager, 1988) show an ability to ferent. The differences in length of the digestive
differentially process organic and inorganic parti- system may explain how, despite a similar GPT,
cles. Inert particles are apparently sorted within the ingestion rate and extraction efficiency were in-
digestive system to decrease their GPT. In a taxo- versely related. The decrease in the proportion of
nomically broad review of digestive physiology of the ingested materials that is assimilated is appar-
animals, Karasov and Douglass (2013) described ently compensated by the increased rate of deliv-
different digestive strategies for species that ex- ery of food into the digestive system. For feeding
ploit types of food with different susceptibilities larvae, the rates and composition of ingested foods
to chemical digestion. Those species that ingest and the GPT influence a larva’s capacity to assimi-
materials largely refractory to chemical digestion late organic materials.
(e.g., cellulose-rich foods, phytoplankton) typically
possess a relatively rapid transit time through the 9.5  Ventilation of the Digestive System
digestive system. In contrast, species that ingest
more easily digested materials (e.g., animal tissue, A flow of seawater passes through the digestive sys-
zooplankton) generally have a relatively slow GPT, tem of crustacean larvae, and this ventilation occurs
which enhances chemical digestion. whether or not the larvae are actively capturing par-
The relationship between GPT and resistance to ticulate foods. The digestive system of crustacean
chemical digestion for crustacean larvae follows larvae is irrigated by an oral and, in some cases, an
this predicted pattern (reviewed by Le Vay et al., anal flow (see Fox, 1952, for an early review). Seawa-
2001). They found that those larvae exhibiting a pri- ter entered the mouth of larvae (protozoea and my-
marily herbivorous or omnivorous diet had shorter sis stage) and postlarvae of Penaeus setiferus in the
transit times through the digestive system when presence or absence of food, and anal irrigation was
compared to larvae with a predominantly carniv- interrupted only when feces were voided (Lovett
orous diet. There is also evidence that changes in and Felder, 1990). Lovett and Felder (1990) sug-
the GPT occur during larval life. Among different gested that these flows contribute to digestive pro-
larval stages of some caridean shrimps there is an cesses by hydrostatically expanding the tubules of
inverse relationship between digestive enzyme the hepatopancreas and by facilitating bidirectional
128   E v o l u t i o n a ry E c o l o g y o f M a r i n e I n v e rt e b r at e L a r va e

movement of materials within the digestive system. Ingestion of seawater by larvae is not unique to
Navarro et al. (1993) measured the “drinking rate” crustaceans. For feeding larvae that concentrate
of nauplius larvae of Artemia franciscana by moni- and clear particles from seawater, the movement of
toring the appearance of 14C in larvae incubated in material into the digestive system is accomplished
water containing 14C-labeled polyethylene glycol. within a discrete bolus or stream of seawater. Gil-
The radioactive label appeared in larvae at every mour (1985; 1986) described the movement of
tested temperature (15–35 °C, 5 °C intervals), and streamlines of seawater into the digestive system
the measured drinking rates (nL × hour-1—larva-1) of feeding larvae of the sea urchin Lytechinus pic-
equaled (15 °C) or exceeded (≥ 20 °C) the measured tus. The proportion of this flow that passed through
volume of the digestive system (0.55 nL). the esophagus into the stomach was not reported.
More recently, Morais et al. (2004) exposed newly However, the ingestion of seawater by a variety of
hatched nauplii of Artemia sp. to a mixture of 14C-­ feeding larvae is inferred by the delivery of minute
labeled amino acids and reported a rapid appear- particles or organic molecules into the digestive
ance of the 14C label in larvae. Although the cuticular system (Figure 9.1). However, little is known about
exoskeleton of crustacean larvae and adults is gen- how consumption of seawater impacts chemical di-
erally thought to inhibit assimilation of DOM from gestion and subsequent assimilation of particulate
seawater (reviewed in Manahan, 1990), the major- (≥1 μm) foods (see Stumpp et al., 2013, for a study
ity (≈85%) of the 14C label in Artemia nauplii was re- of how ocean acidification may influence chemical
covered as trichloroacetic acid–insoluble materials digestion by echinopluteus larvae).
(“proteins”). The anatomical location of the 14C-label Recent interest in the ecological and toxico-
in these larvae was not identified, but assimilation logical effects of nanoparticles on aquatic ecosys-
of these amino acids by cells of the digestive system tems has resulted in the discovery that feeding
could explain this experimental result. More work larvae of several taxa (Echinodermata: Magesky
is needed to understand how seawater ventilation et al., 2016; Crustacea: Bergami et al., 2016; and
influences digestive processes in crustacean larvae. Mollusca: Chan and Chiu, 2015) can ingest these



Figure 9.1  Light micrographs of larvae of Phoronis architecta exposed to the iron-containing protein ferritin (0.5 mg/mL) in seawater for four
hours. The darker shade denotes the location of Fe3 + (originally present in ferritin) within the digestive system and the bounding epithelia. Larvae
not exposed to ferritin (controls) contained significantly fewer and less intense spots (not shown). Left: Whole mount. Scale bar = 150 μm. Right:
1-μm transverse section at the level of the stomach. The darker-shade reaction product is contained within the epithelial cells of the larval stomach;
some of the apparent vesicles containing the reaction product are indicated by white triangles. Scale bar = 50 μm. Abbreviations: E = esophagus, M
= metasomal sack, Mg = midgut, P = proctodeum, S = stomach, T = larval tentacle (see Plate 7).
P h ys i o l o g y o f L a r va l F e e d i n g    129

minute particles that are <200 nm in diameter. For Starr, 2013). More recently, changes in the diges-
feeding larvae of echinoderms, particles of this tive enzymes produced by larvae have been as-
size do not induce behaviors normally associated sessed using mRNA-seq (Wei et al., 2014a; 2014b;
with the active capture of particles (Strathmann, Li et al., 2015; Yang et al., 2015; Perillo et al., 2016).
2007). Although the mechanism for ingesting Type and abundance of digestive enzymes re-
such tiny particles is not well explored (but see flect the dietary preferences of the larvae. Among
Shimeta, 1993; Pernet, this volume), ingestion of crustacean larvae, those that primarily consume
particle-containing seawater represents a possi- phytoplankton or detritus have lower abundances
ble mode of delivery into the digestive system. of proteolytic enzymes than larvae that consume
After silver nanoparticles entered the digestive zooplankton (see Anger, 2001, and Le Vay et al.,
system of pluteus larvae of the sea urchin Strong- 2001, for reviews). For those species where a die-
lyocentrotus droebachiensis, they were detected in tary shift occurs during larval life, there is evidence
cells of the digestive epithelium (Ma and Lin, for a compensatory shift in both the number and
2013; Beddoes et al., 2015) and were subsequently type of released proteases (Johnston et al., 2004;
translocated to other regions of the larval body Andres et al., 2010).
(Magesky et al., 2016). The end products of extracellular digestion are
assimilated by cells that line the digestive tube
(stomach, intestine, or equivalent). Specific mol-
9.6  Digestion and Absorption
ecules, like amino acids, are assimilated by solute-
Digestion of particles ingested by larvae occurs specific transport proteins (Applebaum et al., 2013;
intracellularly, extracellularly, or through a com- Meyer and Manahan, 2009); nonspecific assimila-
bination of both processes. Intracellular digestion tion can occur by diffusion and pinocytosis. Pino-
begins with the internalization of particles by cells cytosis is a broadly distributed form of absorption
through phagocytosis and is completed within (Huvard and Holland, 1986) that is inferred ana-
membrane-bounded phagosomes. Phagocyto- tomically by the presence of invaginations of the
sis of intact or fragments of algal cells has been apical epithelium and membrane-bounded, elec-
reported for larvae of molluscs (e.g., Kempf and tron-luscent vesicles within the apical cytoplasm
Hadfield, 1985; Muniai­n et al., 2001). In contrast, of cells and by the presence of a discretely visible
extracellular digestion requires the delivery of en- label within these vesicles (Huvard and Holland,
zymes into the lumen of the digestive system. Ex- 1986; Rivest, 1992).
amination of the fine structure of the epithelium Although quantitative data are few, there are
lining specific areas of the digestive system of apparent region-specific differences in the abil-
feeding larvae has revealed cells containing elec- ity of cells of the digestive system to absorb or-
tron-dense, membrane-bounded vesicles. These ganic materials. Absorptive cells of the stomach
“secretory” cells are hypothesized to be the source and intestine of feeding larvae of the sea urchin
of digestive enzymes released into the lumen of Lytechinus pictus and the sea star Patiria miniata
the larval digestive system (echinoderms: Burke, (Echinodermata) can assimilate dissolved pro-
1981; Huvard and Hollan­ d, 1986; enteropneust teins (Huvard and Holland, 1986); there was no
hemichordates: Dautov et al., 1994; crustacean­s: evidence of assimilation by esophageal cells.
Lovett and Felder, 1989). DeBurg­h and Burke (1983) reported amino acid
Digestive enzymes from a number of different uptake by the epithelia of the stomach and intes-
larval forms have been reported and include a di- tine of pluteus larvae of Dendraster excentricus, but
verse array of endo- and exoproteases, carbohy- again no esophageal assimilation was detected.
drases, and lipases (reviewed in Jones et al., 1997; Similarly, stomach cells of actinotroch larvae of
Anger, 2001, for crustacean larvae). Earlier stud- Phoronis architecta (Phoronida) revealed an ap-
ies, where the activities of relatively few enzymes parently greater capacity to assimilate the iron-­
within homogenates of whole animals were char- containing protein ferritin than epithelial cells
acterized, have been replaced by more specific from anterior and posterior regions of the diges-
and diverse chemical assays (e.g., Colli­ n and tive system (Jaeckle, unpubl., Figure 9.1).
130   E v o l u t i o n a ry E c o l o g y o f M a r i n e I n v e rt e b r at e L a r va e

9.7  Extraction Efficiency

[ reaction rates of  chemical digestion] × 
The proportion of ingested organic materials that
[ food retention within the digestive system]
is assimilated by cells of the digestive system is [ concentration of  materials within digestive system] × 
the extraction efficiency (assimilation efficiency, [ volume of  the digestive system]
Table 9.2). How this measure of digestive physi- The retention time of ingested food within the
ology is calculated varies among researchers, digestiv­e system is predicted as
and the proportion of assimilated carbon that is [ volume of  digestive system] 
lost as CO2 is commonly not reported. Irrespec-
tive of how extraction efficiency is calculated, it [ fluid  flow rate through the digestive system]
is sensitive to both the anatomic and physiologi- Estimates of extraction efficiency (“retention effi-
cal characteristics of the digestive system and the ciency”; Pace et al., 2006) for invertebrate larvae are
chemical composition of the ingested food. The typically made without knowledge of some of these
extraction efficiency is approximated by the fol- components. In the absence of such data, differences
lowing relationships (Karaso­v et al., 2011; ­Karasov in published values of extraction efficiencies among
and Douglas, 2013) among properties of the diges- larval forms (Table 9.2) are difficult to explain with
tive system: confidence.

Table 9.2  Variation in the Extraction (Assimilation) Efficiency of Elements within Particulate Foods Ingested by Marine Invertebrate Larvae.

Phylum, Species Element -species Extraction Efficiency (± SE) Source

Ilyanassa obsoletus C- Isochrysis galbana 40.5 (± 4.8) Pechenik, 1980
Ilyanassa obsoletus C- Isochrysis galbana 16.71 Pechenik and Fisher, 1979
C- Dunaliella tertiolecta 8.71 Pechenik and Fisher, 1979
C- Thalassiosira pseudonana 10.71 Pechenik and Fisher, 1979
Bittium alternatum C- Isochrysis galbana 40.8 (± 1.6) Pechenik, 1980
Crepidula fornicata C- Isochrysis galbana 69.82 Pechenik, 1980
Crassostrea gigas C- Isochrysis galbana 461 (150 µm); Pace et al., 2006
251 (300 µm)
Mercenaria C- Isochrysis galbana ~551 Gallager et al., 1994
Mercenaria C- Synechococcus sp ~551 Gallager et al., 1994
Crassostrea virginica C- Isochrysis galbana3 53.61 Reinfelder and Fisher, 1994
Mercenaria C- Isochrysis galbana3 62.61 Reinfelder and Fisher, 1994
Arthropoda, Crustacea
Artemia franciscana C- Isochrysis galbana (mg C/L) Evjemo et al., 2000
0.5 88.2
2.5 75.01
7.0 62.71
15 36.81
30 39.21

Note. All values included in this table were determined by experimentation.

Reported values are mean values reported by the authors.
Reported values represent a single measurement.
The extraction efficiency of other elements was reported in this work.
P h ys i o l o g y o f L a r va l F e e d i n g    131

Examination of variation in the extraction ef- contrast, Meyer and Manahan (2009) did not detect
ficiencies among stages or ages of larvae within uptake of a 3H-label by the digestive system of plu-
species, however, suggests some general patterns. teus larvae of Strongylocentrotus purpuratus after a
For example, the extraction efficiency of nauplii of 100-minute exposure to 1 µM 3H-alanine. Although
Artemia franciscana differed among stages and sizes the cause(s) of these differences among larvae is un-
of larvae, but decreased with increasing prey ra- known, this variation is potentially explained by dif-
tion for all larval stages (Evjemo et al., 2000). Pace ferences in the rate of seawater ingestion relative to
et al. (2006) measured the extraction efficiencies for the duration of the experiment, the surface area of
different-sized larvae of the Japanese oyster Crassos- the absorptive epithelium, the concentration of the
trea gigas from known pedigrees and specific crosses, label, and the volume of the digestive system.
and found no statistically significant difference be- Absorption of dissolved macromolecules in sea-
tween inbred and hybrid larvae. However, they also water by the digestive system of larvae has also been
reported a significant difference in ingestion rates described. Huvard and Holland (1986) detected
between these two larval groups (inbred < hybrid) ferritin in pinocytotic pits and within membrane-
and detected no difference in food retention (= GPT) bounded vesicles of epithelial cells of the digestive
in the digestive system. In contrast, when data for system of Lytechinus pictus and Patiria miniata, but no
all crosses were combined, there was a significant ferritin was detected in the outer epithelium. More
decrease in extraction efficiency as larvae grew from recently, Skikne et al. (2009) reported that ephyra
150 µm (~46% extraction efficiency) to 300 µm (~25% larvae of the scyphomedusa Aurelia labiata when
extraction efficiency) in shell length. Why the extrac- incubated with a fluorescently labeled lysine poly-
tion efficiencies of hybrid and inbred larvae were mer (3 µM) rapidly accumulated the label within the
similar is unknown and may relate to an unmeas- branched gastrovascular cavity. The distribution of
ured difference between the two groups of larvae. the fluorescence increased “over time” as the larval
Although larval feeding is generally modeled body became uniformly labeled. It is unknown if
as a two-step process of particle concentration and the movement of the label within these larvae accu-
capture (see Pernet, this volume), as mentioned ear- rately reflects the translocation of the intact polymer.
lier, seawater enters the digestive system of inver-
tebrate larvae. Any DOM within this flow would 9.8  Internal Transport Systems
enter the digestive system and become available for
digestion and assimilation. A number of laboratory- The movement of materials (water and solutes) from
based experiments using autoradiographic tech- the lumen of the digestive system to other areas of
niques have demonstrated the assimilation of DOM the larval body may occur through diffusive move-
by the epithelia of the digestive system of larvae. ment between (paracellular transport) or through
When veliger larvae of the bivalves Crassostrea gi- (transcellular transport) cells. Among adult inver-
gas, Ostrea edulis, and Mytilus edulis larvae were in- tebrates and their developmental stages, epithelial
cubated with 3H-labeled glycine (1 µM), the majority resistance to paracellular transport is regulated
of the label was present in ectodermal cells directly by subapical septate junctions (Itza and Mozingo,
exposed to seawater (Manahan and Crisp, 1983). 2005; Jonusaite et al., 2016). The “tightness” of epi-
However, when incubation periods were ≥100 min- thelia in larvae was demonstrated by Dan-Sohkawa
utes, the label was also detected within the cells of et al. (1995), who reported that epithelia of embryos
the digestive system. Similarly, DeBurgh and Burke and larvae of the sea stars Asterias amurensis and As-
(1983) also reported that the cells of the stomach and terina pectinifera were normally impermeable to flu-
intestine of pluteus larvae of the sea urchin Den- orescein isothiocyanate-labeled proteins. However,
draster excentricus became labeled after a 60-minute exposure to hypertonic seawater decreased the
exposure to a mixture of 3H-labeled amino acids number of physical contacts (septa) between adja-
(6.74 µM). Here, too, the intensity of the label in cent cells, and this structural change was correlated
the cells of the digestive system was lower than with the appearance of fluorescence within the blas-
that found in the cells of the outer epithelium. In tocoel. The effect of the hypertonic treatment (and
132   E v o l u t i o n a ry E c o l o g y o f M a r i n e I n v e rt e b r at e L a r va e

other treatments that destabilized septate junctions; during the formation of the primary (unmodified)
Kaneko et al., 1995) was reversed after the embryos urine could serve as the motive force to distribute
and larvae were returned to unaltered seawater, organic molecules or deliver material to a coelomic
and the physical integrity of the septate junctions circulatory system.
was re-established. The appearance of nanoparti- For those feeding larvae with an expansive
cles within the epithelial cells of the digestive sys- blastocoel (some echinoderms and enteropneust
tem, blastocoelic mesenchyme cells, and coelomic hemichordates), the “larval kidney” has been hy-
epithelia of sea urchin larvae (Magesky et al., 2016) pothesized to contribute to the distribution of ma-
is explained best by transcellular processes. terials within larvae (Ruppert and Balser, 1986).
The linkages between feeding and growth and Analysis of morphological and experimental data
development of larvae are intuitive. However, the from feeding larvae of the sea star Asterias forbesi
pathways and regulatory mechanisms that distrib- and the tornaria larvae of Schizocardium brasiliense
ute absorbed nutrients throughout the larval body supports the existence of a flow of blastocoelic
remain unknown and understudied. Distribution fluid across a permeable region of the mesothe-
of assimilated materials could be a consequence of lium into the left anterior coelom(s). According
diffusion or the combination of diffusive and ad- to their hypothesis, the composition of this “pri-
vective flows. Advection of fluid within and among mary urine” would be modified through reab-
compartments within the larval body is created by sorption as it is propelled along the pore canal
a pressure gradient formed by the beating of ne- that leads to a single pore on the dorsal surface of
phridial cilia (Ax and Bartolomaeus, 1992; Ruppert the larvae. When present, such a flow provides a
and Smith, 1988), contraction of body wall muscula- means to propel and distribute materials through
ture, and the movement of appendages. the gel-like extracellular matrix of the blastocoel
General morphological complexity of larvae and (Strathmann, 1989). Although the presence of
the size of body compartments (blastocoelic or coel- a nephridial system is common in most feeding
omic) vary among taxonomic groups. Yet, despite larvae of triploblastic invertebrates (Ruppert and
structural variability, the presence of a distribution Smith, 1988), if and how it contributes to the dis-
system within feeding larvae must be common to tribution of organic materials throughout the lar-
all. In the absence of such a system, ectodermal val body is not known.
and mesodermal cells would receive their nutrition Feeding larvae of asteroid echinoderms develop
from source(s) independent of the digestive system. a variably connected system of coelomic spaces; the
Similarly, how cells that are part of the digestive sys- cilia of the apical surface of the mesothelial cells
tem—but lie anterior to the sites of nutrient assimi- propel the coelomic fluid within these spaces. As
lation—receive nutrition is also unresolved. Under the coeloms connect during development (Gemmil­l,
these circumstances, spatially separated epithelia 1914) and the apical surface of coelomic epithelium
would be nutritionally isolated from one another. is ciliated, a circulation of coelomic fluid could dis-
The elements of a nutrient distribution (circula- tribute materials throughout this common space;
tory) system are well known from studies on larger Gemmill (1915) depicted such a coelomic circula-
animals (Schmidt-Nielsen, 1990). For feeding lar- tory system in these larvae. There is experimental
vae that lack a spacious internal body cavity (e.g., evidence for such a coelomic circulatory system in
anthozoan planulae), assimilated materials could feeding larvae of the sea urchin Paracentrotus depres-
simply be released from the basolateral surfaces sus. Unuma et al. (2009) reported the synthesis of a
of the absorptive cells and diffuse across the me- 180 kDa glycoprotein (“major yolk protein”) by epi-
soglea to superficial cells. For feeding larvae with thelial cells of the digestive system of late-stage plu-
internal body cavities, the release of assimilated teus larvae. The detection of this protein within the
materials across the basolateral surfaces of the ab- blastocoel and the epithelium of the posterior-most
sorptive cells would be a prerequisite for a nutrient coeloms (somatocoels, metacoels) is consistent with
distribution system. In those larvae with an excre- a connection between blastocoelic and coelomic cir-
tory system, the movement of blastocoelic fluid culatory systems.
P h ys i o l o g y o f L a r va l F e e d i n g    133

9.9  Alternative Sources of Organic through the digestive system, and physiological
Materials—Dissolved Organic Materials properties of the absorptive cells. However, Souza
et al. (2010) demonstrated the presence of cuticular
The organic material consumed by feeding larvae pores in phyllosoma larvae of the Japanese spiny
exists as particles (bacteria, phytoplankton, and lobster Panulirus japonicus. These perforations pro-
zooplankton) that are actively collected from sea- vide epithelial cells access to seawater, facilitating
water. Yet other sources of organic materials exist their exposure to and uptake of DOM. They also
in seawater that are too small to be captured by demonstrated 3H-glycine uptake by cells of the
commonly acknowledged mechanisms (see Per- anterior portion (oral) of the digestive system in
net, this volume). DOM in seawater represent a these larvae. The hypothesis that feeding larvae of
large pool of organic carbon that is heterogeneous crustaceans can assimilate DOM from seawater is
in size, composition, and biological availability to supported by other studies (e.g., Morais et al., 2004)
larvae. Recognized components of DOM include reporting the appearance of a radioactive label in
specific dissolved organic molecules (e.g., amino crustacean larvae.
acids, monosaccharides, nucleic acids), polymeric The cells responsible for the assimilation of spe-
macromolecules, gels, colloids, and bacteriophages cific organic solutes have been identified using
(­Passow, 2002; Ogawa and Taneou, 2003; Verdugo et autoradiography for feeding larvae of molluscs
al., 2004; Azam and Malfatti, 2007; Verdugo, 2012). (Manahan and Crisp, 1983), echinoderms (Karp
For feeding larvae, absorption of DOM may occur and Weems, 1975; DeBurgh and Burke, 1983; Meyer
across the outer epithelium or by the activity of and Manahan, 2009), and crustaceans (Souza et al.,
the cells of the digestive epithelium. The degree to 2010). In every instance, the label accumulated in
which “dissolved” materials in seawater contribute cells directly exposed to seawater. After short expo-
to the survivorship, growth, and development of sures, the cells of the outer epithelium contained the
marine invertebrate larvae is a consequence of their radioactive label, but with extended incubations the
form and abundance and the differences that exist label also appeared in epithelial cells of the diges-
among the anatomical and physiological properties tive system. The temporal lag in the appearance of
of larvae (Manahan, 1990). the label between the two epithelia can be attributed
Studies of DOM uptake by larvae have histori- to differences in exposure to the solutes, the surface
cally been focused on rates of transport of specific area of the absorptive cells, and the biochemical
molecules. Invertebrate larvae of almost all exam- properties of transport proteins (i.e., substrate affin-
ined groups have revealed a capacity to transport ity and transport capacity).
organic molecules from seawater (Manahan, 1990). The uptake of small organic molecules by lar-
Larvae of the Crustacea represent an apparent ex- vae appears to be the result of cellular assimilation
ception, as the presence of a continuous exoskeleton rather than passive diffusion of materials between
impedes direct exposure of the outer epithelium to ectodermal epithelial cells. The connections that ex-
seawater. Earlier reports of DOM uptake by crusta- ist between cells of the outer epithelium of larvae
ceans were attributed to the presence of epicuticular from different taxa consist of an apical zonula ad-
bacteria (Anderson and Stephens, 1969). An inabil- herens and subapical septate junction (see Bereiter-
ity to detect uptake of dissolved solutes by feeding Hahn et al., 1984; Harrison et al., 1990–1999). The
larvae of crustaceans is somewhat surprising in apparent impermeability of the outer epithelium of
light of reports of their ingestion of seawater (see embryos and early larvae of the sea stars Asterias
Section 9.5). If seawater containing DOM enters the amurensis and Asterina pectinifera is mediated by
digestive system of crustacean larvae, then varia- the integrity of septate junctions between epithe-
tion in a larva’s ability to assimilate DOM contained lial cells (Dan-Sohkawa et al., 1995; Kaneko et al.,
within this flow is explained by factors including 1995). These older, microscopy-based descriptions
the composition and concentration of the dissolved of membrane impermeability are in contrast to later
solutes, the rate of delivery of these materials into work by Stumpp et al. (2011), who reported a “rapid
the digestive system, the rate of movement of water equilibrium” between seawater and the blastocoelic
134   E v o l u t i o n a ry E c o l o g y o f M a r i n e I n v e rt e b r at e L a r va e

space in pluteus larvae of the sea urchin Strongylo- in seawater containing a fatty acid or a mixture
centrotus droebachiensis. Using microelectrodes and a of amino acids, and monitored the effect of each
pH-sensitive indicating dye, they reported that the treatment to reduce the energetic cost created by
pH of the blastocoel mirrored that of the surround- a prolonged larval life (detected as differences in
ing seawater, suggesting the existence of a “leaky” juvenile performance). Juveniles from larvae held
outer epithelium. When these larvae were exposed in augmented seawater experienced lower mortal-
to fluorescein-labeled dextrans (4–40 kDa), fluores- ity, greater metamorphic success, and produced
cence appeared within the blastocoelic space after larger feeding structures than juveniles from larvae
incubations of 15 and 60 minutes. These results that were reared in a reduced DOM treatment. The
were interpreted as evidence of paracellular move- rates of oxygen consumption by larvae experienc-
ment of materials through the outer epithelium. ing these treatments did not differ, and Johnson
Such epithelial permeability argues against the and Wendt (2007) suggested that the observed dif-
presence of a nutrient distribution system in these ferences were explained by the transport of DOM
larvae. If small molecular weight materials are re- from seawater.
leased by absorptive cells, then they would poten- Given the diversity in composition and size of
tially diffuse across the blastocoelic space and exit DOM in seawater, such solute-specific studies do
the larval body in these spaces between cells. An not reveal how larvae exploit other undefined com-
understanding of the permeability of all epithelia ponents of DOM in seawater. For example, the abun-
exposed to seawater is necessary before this appar- dance of bacteriophages in seawater (~108–1011/L;
ent paradox can be resolved. Suttle, 2007; Danovaro et al., 2011) and the amount
Assimilation of these materials by nonfeeding of organic carbon they represent (~400 nM; Jover et
larvae results from active or passive transport of al., 2014) suggest that this form of DOM could be an
materials uniquely across the outer epithelium. unrecognized source of organic material for feed-
Although nonfeeding larvae take up specific mol- ing larvae. Despite their abundance, if and to what
ecules from seawater (Jaeckle and Manahan, 1989a; degree bacteriophages and other minute (<0.45 µm)
Jaeckle, 1994; 1995; Shilling et al., 1996; Ben-David- organic particles in seawater directly contribute to
Zaslow and Benayahu, 2000), there are few data the nutrition of feeding and nonfeeding larvae is
from which to generalize about the sites of DOM unrecognized.
uptake and potential translocation to deeper (in- However, for some feeding larvae, there are exam-
terior) cells by nonfeeding larvae. Jaeckle (1995) ples where the ability to transport DOM from seawa-
reported that parenchymulla larvae of the demos- ter could explain resiliency to an apparent absence
ponge Tedania ignis assimilated the fatty acid pal- of particulate foods. Moran and Manahan (2004)
mitic acid (3H-labeled) from seawater. With longer reared feeding larvae of the Japanese oyster Cras-
incubation periods, the radioactive label appeared sostrea gigas in filtered seawater (0.2 μm pore size)
in deeper areas of the larval body, suggesting the and reported ~75% survivorship after two weeks
presence of a distribution system of organic mate- and ~15% survivorship after three weeks. Rates of
rial within this larva. aerobic metabolism for these larvae remained un-
Most studies of DOM uptake by larvae reveal changed throughout the experiments. When the
their capacity to assimilate a specific molecule(s). metabolic rates of larvae were converted to a rate of
For both feeding and nonfeeding larvae, rates of self-consumption (as predicted from the absence of
amino acid transport from seawater can be suffi- particulate foods), the larvae were persisting approx-
ciently high to represent a substantive proportion imately two weeks beyond the time when the initial
of aerobic metabolism (Manahan, 1990). In con- content in the egg would be consumed. This result
trast, transport of simple sugars by larvae does is not unique, as experiments on feeding larvae of
not (Welborn and Manahan, 1990). Johnson and polar (Sterechinus neumayeri: Marsh et al., 1999; Od-
Wendt (2007) used a different, holistic approach ontaster meridionalis: Ginsburg and Manahan, 2009)
to assess the effect of DOM on larvae. They reared and temperate (Patiria [Asterina] miniata: Pace and
nonfeeding larvae of the bryozoan Bugula neritina Manahan, 2007; Strongylocentrotus purpuratus: Meyer
P h ys i o l o g y o f L a r va l F e e d i n g    135

et al., 2007) echinoderms have also reported a similar of starvation (Xiwu et al., 2009), the metabolic rate
and unexpected resiliency to deprivation from par- of the larvae (Fu et al., 2014), the availability of al-
ticulate food (phytoplankton). In each of these cases, ternative food resources, and the ability of larvae to
during those periods when phytoplankton were exploit these materials.
absent, the maintenance metabolism of these larvae
is hypothesized to be supported by an external, un-
characterized source(s) of organic material. 9.10  An Example of Physiological
Such resiliency to periods of food deprivation Responses to Environmental
is not seen in all feeding larvae. The stasis of size Change—Ocean Acidification
and metabolism of larvae reared in filtered seawa-
ter is not reported for feeding larvae of crustaceans. Ocean acidification caused by increasing atmos-
When crustacean larvae are reared in seawater pheric CO2 can affect invertebrate larvae in a
without added food, there is a decrease in biomass, number of different ways, including changes in
biochemical composition, and aerobic metabolism transcription, larval shape, and rates of develop-
(reviewed in Anger, 2001). If starvation conditions ment, growth, and metabolism (Hofmann et al.,
extend beyond a certain time (variable among and 2010; Gazeau et al., 2013; Ross et al., 2016; Byrne et
within species), the reintroduction of food will not al., this volume). The effects of ocean acidification
affect the ability of larvae to complete development. on embryos and feeding larvae of sea urchins have
Anger and Dawirs (1981) described this as a “point been detected as changes in morphology (Chan et
of no return” (PNR50), the time period of nutrient al., 2011), gene expression (Pespeni et al., 2013), and
deprivation after which >50% of the larvae cannot a number of measures of larval metabolism and di-
progress to the juvenile stage. After larvae of crus- gestive physiology (Stumpp et al., 2011; 2013; Yu et
taceans have exceeded their PNR, if access to and al., 2011; 2013; Pan et al., 2015).
ingestion of food occurs, they remain incapable of Any negative effect on development rate and
completing the next molt cycle. growth rate of larvae after exposure to acidified
For larvae that grow continuously (i.e., not incre- seawater may be associated with a decrease in the
mentally), determining the PNR requires culturing digestive efficiency. Although the feeding rate of lar-
larvae through metamorphosis. When “unfed” (≤17 vae does not seem strongly influenced by environ-
days) larvae of C. gigas were provided phytoplank- mental acidification (Stumpp et al., 2011; 2013), this
ton, the resulting rates of growth (shell length), treatment decreased the pH of the stomach contents
metabolism, and accumulation of organic material in larvae of the sea urchins Strongylocentrotus droe-
approximated those of newly formed veliger lar- bachiensis by 0.3–0.5 pH units (Stumpp et al., 2013).
vae (Moran and Manahan, 2004). This capacity to This change in the internal environment of the diges-
respond to food availability after 17 days of an un- tive system is predicted (Stumpp et al., 2013; 2015) to
fed treatment suggests that, although development impair the function of digestive enzymes. Assuming
was retarded, these larvae have the ability to con- that the GPT is insensitive to acidification, then this
tinue and potentially complete their developmental decrease in digestive function alone could reduce
program. Fu et al. (2014) monitored the viability of the extraction efficiency of these larvae.
ephyra larvae of Aurelia aurita that were deprived of Alternatively, an increase in metabolic demand
food, and the PNR50 for these larvae ranged from 34 in response to exposure to acidified seawater may
days (15 °C) to 59 days (9 °C). In contrast to the sta- reduce the amount of energy or materials avail-
sis in size seen in larvae of C. gigas, during extended able for larval development and growth (Pan et al.,
periods of nutrient deprivation, larvae of A. aurita 2015). The nutritional history of larvae, however,
experienced significant self-consumption (42%–51% may also influence their metabolic response to acidi-
of initial carbon content). Although the physiologi- fied seawater, but the direction of the responses was
cal basis for the PNR is not fully understood, the du- different between larvae of the sea urchins Strongy-
ration of the PNR50 is related to a number of factors, locentrotus purpuratus and S. droebachiensis (Stumpp
including the initial size of the larvae at the onset et al., 2011; Pan et al., 2015; Byrne et al., this volume).
136   E v o l u t i o n a ry E c o l o g y o f M a r i n e I n v e rt e b r at e L a r va e

The aggregated work on the effects of seawater comments of Richard Strathmann and two anony-
acidification on the biology of Strongylocentrotus mous reviewers; any errors in this document are of
spp. larvae highlights the importance of study- my own making. This work would not exist with-
ing both the structural and functional attributes out the support of Nisa Blackmon and Jolie Hoff-
of larvae. A decrease in development or growth mann; their patience is greatly appreciated.
rate may be explained, in part, by change(s) in a
number of different processes (e.g., feeding rate,
efficiency of digestion, GPT, extraction efficiency)
that link the structure of larvae to their physiologi- Allen, J.D. and Pernet, B. 2007. Intermediate modes of
cal properties. The importance of integrating the larval development: bridging the gap between plank-
functions among spatially distant, differentiated totrophy and lecithotrophy. Evolution and Development
cells in “large” animals is readily acknowledged 9: 643–653.
Anderson, J.W. and Stephens, G.C. 1969. Uptake of organ-
(e.g., Schmidt-Nielsen, 1990). Despite their small
ic material by aquatic invertebrates. VI. Role of epiflora
size, larvae share many of these properties, and
in apparent uptake of glycine by marine crustaceans.
understanding how a larva “makes its living” re- Marine Biology 4: 243–249.
quires an appreciation of its structural and func- Andres, M., Gisbert, E., Diaz, M., Moyano, F.J. et al. 2010. On-
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9.11 Summary
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on the larval development of Hyas araneus (Decapoda,
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solved organic materials into growth and develop- Applebaum, S.L., Ginsburg, D.W., Capron, C.S., and Man-
ment of feeding invertebrate larvae is dependent ahan, D.T. 2013. Expression of amino acid transporter
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of cells that make up the digestive syste­m. arctic echinoderms. Polar Biology 36: 1257–1267.
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Manaha­n, D.T. 2014. Separating the nature and nurture
tant cells requires the presence of a distribution
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4. Ingestion of (drinking) water may represent Ax, P. and Bartolomaeus, T. 1992. Prontonephridia and
a mechanism common to feeding larvae that metanephridia: their relation within the Bilateria.
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5. Within and among feeding larvae of inverte- Azam, F. and Malfatti, F. 2007. Microbial structuring of ma-
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Bayne, B.L., Hedgecock, D., McGoldrick, D., and Rees, R.
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1999. Feeding behaviour and metabolic efficiency con-
through the digestive system, and mechanisms of
tribute to growth heterosis in Pacific oysters [Crassostrea
assimilation are understudied or unknown. gigas (Thunberg)]. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology
and Ecology 233: 115–130.
Acknowledgments Beddoes, C.M., Case, C.P., and Briscoe, W.H. 2015. Under-
standing nanoparticle cellular entry: a physicochemical
I appreciate the efforts of Crystal Boyce (Ames perspective. Advanced Colloid and Interface Science. 218:
Library) in tracking down early use of “physiol- 48–68.
ogy is the handmaid of anatomy.” The quality of Ben-David-Zaslow, R. and Benayahu, Y. 2000. Biochemi-
cal composition, metabolism, and amino acid transport
this document was significantly improved by the
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Ch a pt er 10

Section 2 Summary—Functional
Morphology and Ecology of Larval

Larvae are intermediate life history stages between pelagic environments is uncovering additional
embryos and juvenile and/or reproductive stages, complexity of larval morphology and physiology.
but this characteristic is about the only feature that For feeding larvae, the planktonic environment
unites the incredible diversity of larval forms. The is heterogeneous with respect to food availability
majority of larval forms evolved in the sea and ex- over space and time. Over the past few decades,
hibit tremendous morphological, physiological, considerable progress has been made in showing
and molecular variation, many of which are po- how larvae, like adults, can have tremendous plas-
tential adaptations to match form and function in ticity in their morphology depending on the food
the context of the aquatic environment. The three environment. In Chapter 8, Justin McAlister and
chapters in this section review how larvae from dif- Benjamin Miner review the phenotypic plasticity
ferent taxonomic groups sort through and ingest of feeding structures in marine invertebrate larvae.
exogenous nutrients and how environmental vari- They discuss how careful consideration of experi-
ation elicits morphological variation. mental design and associated statistical analyses
Planktotrophic larvae from various phyla of ma- are necessary for interpreting data from studies
rine species have been studied to characterize the of environmentally induced structures. They con-
diverse mechanisms for food capture and how these clude with a discussion on the evolution and mo-
relate to other features of larval shape. In Chapter 7, lecular underpinnings of morphological plasticity
Bruno Pernet reviews the methods which larvae in larvae.
with diverse morphologies use to feed. Specifi- Finally, in Chapter 9, William Jaeckle synthe-
cally, this chapter synthesizes feeding mechanisms sizes the extensive literature on the physiology of
across  phyla and larval types of marine inverte- larval feeding, beginning with the acquisition of
brates. ­Using empirical data and model-based pre- exogenous particles or dissolved organic material
dictions, he then compares rates of feeding and the and ending with the delivery and assimilation of
size spectrum of exogenous food to understand the biomolecules. He provides a summary of the move-
performance of particular larval types in nature. ment of materials in the digestive system of larvae
The movement of studies from simple experimental and patterns of extraction efficiency in different
designs (e.g., single algae species, one concentration taxa. These physiological processes are placed in
of food) to conditions more representative of natural the context of ongoing climate change.

Carrier, T. J., Reitzel, A. M., and Heyland, A., Section 2 Summary—Functional morphology and ecology of larval forms. In. Evolutionary
Ecology of Marine Invertebrate Larvae. Edited by Tyler J. Carrier, Adam M. Reitzel, and Andreas Heyland: Oxford University Press
(2018). © Oxford University Press. DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780198786962.003.0010
C h a pt er 11

Larval Transport in the Coastal Zone:

Biological and Physical Processes
Jesús Pineda and Nathalie Reyns

But the most frequent mode of transportation, probably, consists in their buoyancy of their eggs…
These…may be swept along by a wave that breaks upon a coral-reef, and may then be borne by a
current to a distance. Charles Lyell (1832, p.112)

11.1 Introduction Larval transport is a concept that can also be de-

scribed as a measurement and, more specifically,
The life cycle of most benthic marine metazoans is quantified as a flux, a quantity flowing across a sur-
characterized by large fecundities and a two-phase face per area and time (e.g., an “Eulerian” approach).
life cycle, where individuals produce hundreds to For example, larval flux across a lagoon’s mouth dur-
millions of eggs. Typically, fertilized zygotes de- ing the incoming tide (e.g., DiBacco and Chadwic­k,
velop into minute, swimming larvae, and larvae 2001) can be quantified using fixed nets at the la-
travel away from adult habitats as they develop. Af- goon’s mouth, together with measurements of flow
ter developing for minutes to several months, larvae across the mouth (with units # larvae/L2 · time).
must return to suitable adult habitats to settle, grow, To be most relevant to understanding population
and reproduce; this migration is mediated by larval processes, larval transport should be measured dur-
transport (see review of concepts by Young, 1990). ing the entire settlement season, including periods
Larval transport can play a key role in population when the bulk of larvae are transported. Measuring
dynamics by determining settlement rates (Rough- larval transport as larval flux in these cases is not
garden et al., 1988). Further, the local circulation typically practical, because larval transport tends to
regime (Zimmer et al., 2012), in conjunction with be sporadic, larvae are patchily distributed (Haury
behavioral and morphological characteristics of the et al., 1978; Natunewicz and Epifanio, 2001), and
larvae, may cause local population fecundities to the settlement season may be long (several months).
decouple from local settlement rates (reviewed in For example, plankton pump and trap data (Reyns
Pineda et al., 2010), such as when larvae produced and Sponaugle, 1999; Queiroga et al., 2006), as well
at one location are advected away from natal habi- as settlement, suggest that larval transport of crabs,
tats and must settle on distant habitats. Thus, larval barnacles, bivalves, gastropods, and polychaetes
transport is a key biological-physical process in the tends to be unpredictable, including long periods
ecology of benthic populations and communities. of negligible transport (weeks to months) punctu-
Further, larval transport is funda­mental to the dy- ated by daily or even hourly events (Garland et al.,
namics of metapopulations (Botsford et al., 2001), 2002; Porri et al., 2006; Reyns et al., unpub.) when
with implications for fisheries management and the bulk of the larvae are transported. For meas-
conservation. ures of larval flux to be effective in demarcating

Pineda, J. and Reyns, N., Larval transport in the coastal zone: biological and physical processes. In. Evolutionary Ecology
of Marine Invertebrate Larvae. Edited by Tyler J. Carrier, Adam M. Reitzel, and Andreas Heyland: Oxford University Press (2018).
© Oxford University Press. DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780198786962.003.0011
146   E v o l u t i o n a ry E c o l o g y o f M a r i ne In v ert e b r at e L a r va e

the relevant components of larval transport, con- modulate local biological and physical processes
tinuous measurements resolving short timescales that can determine larval transport, including sur-
(minutes to hours) and sustained for months would face gravity waves (Seymour et al., 1989) and ther-
be necessary. For most open coastline applications, mocline depth (Filonov and Tereshschenko, 2000).
however, such time-series biological measure- The spatial scales of larval transport—that is, the
ments would be impractical, requiring fixed sam- horizontal distances covered by the larvae—must
pling structures to measure larval fluxes through a vary in different systems (e.g., tropical estuaries,
depth layer or the entire water column. Moreover, seamounts, temperate intertidal). However, the
with current methodologies, the effort required to dominant scales of larval transport are imperfectly
process larval samples would be immense. Despite known. There is some consensus that dispersal
the potential advantages of measuring larval trans- distances in many coastal invertebrates are on the
port as larval flux, so far these measurements are order of 5–25 km (Shanks, 2009), but transport dis-
prohibitively taxing for the majority of benthic sys- tance over hundreds to thousands of kilometers
tems, and therefore marine ecologists have resorted have been inferred in species with a long larval
to other descriptions of larval transport. duration (Scheltema, 1968). Temporally, lunar and
Larval transport has been defined simply as “the seasonal variability in larval transport, inferred
horizontal translocation of a larva between points from settlement data, are important in many sys-
x1,y1 and x2,y2, where x and y are horizontal axes, say, tems, but in most cases, the relative contribution of
perpendicular and parallel to the coastline” (Pineda biological (reproductive cycles) and physical (e.g.,
et al., 2007). In this definition, larval transport is meas- water stratification, seasonal variability) processes
ured in length units (e.g., meters). To more closely re- is not well resolved, since rarely has larval trans-
late the meaning of larval transport to “Lagrangia­n” port and timing of reproduction been measured
descriptions of flow, which describe the trajectory of concurrently (but see Hurlbut, 1992; Barbosa et al.,
a parcel of water with respect to a temporal dimen- 2016). One exception is for many hermatypic corals
sion, a more refined definition is needed. and other reef fauna that spawn according to the
We define larval transport as the mean horizon- lunar cycle and season (Harrison et al., 1984), and
tal translocation of larvae between points along a speci- thus predictably initiate larval transport. A further
fied one-dimensional axis per unit time (with units L/ complication to understanding larval transport is
time). This definition does not consider timing and that the physical processes that might be involved
magnitude of spawning, larval abundance, mortal- are themselves imperfectly known (Lentz and
ity, or settlement (discussed in Pineda et al., 2007). It Fewings, 2012). For these reasons, a mechanistic
acknowledges the separation of pelagic and benthic understanding of the processes involved in larval
habitats, and accommodates the mechanistic resolu- transport is challenging, and the variability among
tion of the fundamental biological-physical processes systems is likely high.
accounting for larval translocation along a spatial di- This chapter reviews larval transport, empha-
mension of interest (e.g., alongshore, cross-shore). sizing the advances in the last 25 years. A full
discussion of the different processes and oceanic
11.2  Scales of Larval Transport regions is beyond the scope of this chapter. Thus,
we emphasize first-order phenomena, where
While understanding the processes that account for mechanistic understanding has been achieved
larval translocation appears straightforward, sev- and on the topics that may need more attention.
eral processes are involved which range over vast Whereas the processes we discuss apply to most
spatial and temporal scales. At one extreme, biolog- habitats, we focus on open coastal environments,
ical-physical accumulation processes with scales of which the bulk of studies on invertebrates are
centimeters to meters and seconds to minutes play concerned with and for which process-oriented
an important role. At the other extreme, processes understanding is most advanced. We use litera-
with thousands of kilometers and interannual ture for fish larvae and other environments when
scales, such as the El Niño–Southern Oscillation, it helps clarify the issues at hand.
La r va l Tr a n s p o rt i n t h e C o a s ta l Z o ne    147

11.3  Components of Larval Transport than non-oscillatory vertical flows (e.g., cm/s vs.
and Other Relevant Phenomena mm/s), and that (b) small invertebrate larvae are
weak swimmers and cannot generally determine
What are the components of “larval transport”—the their horizontal distribution by swimming against
first-order processes responsible for the translocation horizontal currents, then (c) by swimming verti-
of a larva from point a to point b? And what other cally, larvae can exploit the layered structure of the
general processes are relevant to larval transport it- horizontal currents, and in this way control their
self, and to benthic population dynamics, including horizontal distribution.
processes determining how many larvae transport, In its simplest and best-known version, a larva
and the spatial and temporal variability in the num- encounters a layer where the flow is predominantly
ber of larvae that transport? We suggest that the com- in one direction, resulting in transport in that direc-
ponents of larval transport include the following: (1) tion. This concept has been applied to two-layer es-
larval behavior, particularly behaviors influencing tuarine and coastal lagoon (Nelson, 1912; Bousfiel­d,
vertical distribution, and (2) the physical transport 1955), nearshore and coastal (Rothlisberg and
mechanisms accounting for advection, diffusion, and Miller, 1983; Cowen et al., 2000; Paris and Cowen,
their variability. In instances where larval transport 2004), and open-ocean (Scheltema, 1968) flows.
is associated with propagating fronts, an additional What triggers larvae to swim vertically to exploit
component is (3) the mechanism of larval accumula- depth-dependent flows? Studies invoking horizon-
tion in those features. Knowledge of all the compo- tal control of larval transport by vertical swimming
nents is necessary. For example, if one knows that the often explain vertical positioning as a fixed-schedul­e
cross-shore physical transport mechanism a features behavior promoting return to natal habitats. For ex-
an accumulation mechanism b which requires a be- ample, crab larvae can migrate vertically by enter-
havior c for accumulation and transport, then one ing the water column during one phase of the tidal
could make a larval transport prediction depending cycle and remaining near bottom during the other
on whether an untested species possesses behavior c. tidal phases, resulting in horizontal movement
termed selective tidal stream transport (Forward
and Tankersley, 2001). Another frequently invoked
11.3.1  Larval Behavior
view in coastal lagoons and other systems is ontoge-
Horizontal flow velocities vary with depth, from netic vertical positioning, where early stage larvae
slowing down toward the bottom due to friction, occupy a depth layer promoting their transport
to current reversals in different layers in some away from shallow adult habitats, followed by mi-
flows, and larvae may exploit this variability by gration of developing larvae to another depth layer
swimming vertically. The hypothesis that minute with flows promoting their return to adult habitats
planktonic larvae can control their horizontal trans- (Bousfield, 1955). In each case, behavioral responses
port by exploiting behaviorally the layered vertical to environmental cues, in the form of taxis or kine-
structure of marine flows was suggested over a cen- sis, mediate vertical larval migrations. Cues may
tury ago by J. Nelson (1912): include changes in temperature, salinity, gravity,
light, turbulence, currents, chemicals, and sound,
The swimming powers of the fry are too feeble to
among other factors, and have been extensively ad-
change their distribution in the current directly.
dressed elsewhere (Metaxas, 2001; Fuchs et al., 2004;
But they have the power to change this distribu-
Weidberg et al., 2015; Epifanio and Cohen, 2016).
tion indirectly. For they can rise and sink, they
Given the times scales of larval development,
have the power to seek the bottom and to rise to
which vary from minutes to years, with a mode
the top. . . . Then the larvae could control their
of ~1–8 weeks for temperate species (Levin and
own distribution. (p. 307)
Bridges, 1995), the implication is that there must
Thus, the essence of the “behavioral control of exist mean Eulerian flows connecting juvenile and
larval transport” hypothesis is (a) given that hori- adult benthic habitats to the “larval pool,” the pe-
zontal ocean current magnitudes are much larger lagic grounds where larvae develop. Moreover, the
148   E v o l u t i o n a ry E c o l o g y o f M a r i ne In v ert e b r at e L a r va e

temporal scales of these flows should be of similar a change in a physical field (Figure 11.1). Adaptive
order or longer than those of invertebrate larval du- behavior could lead to shifts in vertical distribution
ration. However, whereas these assumptions may or to swimming that reduces vertical displacement.
hold in some estuarine systems and oceanic islands The appearance of adaptive behaviors might coin-
and reefs, they are problematic for most continen- cide with developmental changes in morphology
tal open-coast nearshore systems, because mean and could be used to exploit event-type processes
cross-shore currents are small or negligible. While with short temporal scales, such as increased wave
vertical migration at fixed tidal and ontogenetic height, sea-level change (pressure), intensification
schedules may work in many systems, settlement of winds, upwelling relaxation, and internal tidal
data (a proxy for larval transport) indicate that at bores. Larvae possessing adaptive behaviors would
least some larval transport is associated with rapid have a higher success rate in reaching the juvenile
and unpredictable (in the short term) changes in hy- habitat, settling, and growing to reproduce.
drodynamic conditions, sometimes associated with
small-scale frontal features (Garland et al., 2002).
11.3.2 Physical Transport Mechanisms
How can larvae exploit depth-dependent flows
in unpredictable features? Pineda (1999) found that
and Hydrodynamic Variability
the vertical distribution of barnacle larvae switched Ecologists aspire to identify the advective physi-
from a deeper distribution at sites away from an cal mechanisms associated with larval transport to
internal bore warm front to a near-surface distribu- understand the spatial and temporal modulation of
tion at the front. It was speculated that cyprid larvae larval supply, settlement, recruitment, and popu-
responded to the convergent frontal downwelling lation dynamics by physical processes, as well as
currents by swimming up against the downwelling the larval traits that mediate transport. Advection
circulation, and in this way accumulated and translo- and diffusion determine planktonic larvae separa-
cated with the front. A later study found that cyprid tion with time (Scheltema, 1986), and a plethora of
larvae indeed respond to downwelling currents by small- to large-scale physical processes cause the
swimming up, indicating that this mechanism is water to move, from eddy diffusion, to the slow
plausible (DiBacco et al., 2011). Here we use “adap- Stokes drift associated with surface gravity waves
tive behavior” in the context of larval transport to (but see Lentz and Fewings, 2012), to fast western
denote near-instantaneous individual responses to boundary currents such as the Gulf Stream.

(A) (B)

Figure 11.1  Hypothesis of adaptive behavior. A rapid change in an environmental property, for example, currents (arrows on top of the panels)
leads to a sudden change in larval behavior in barnacle cyprids, such as swimming up in response to downwelling currents (DiBacco et al., 2011),
influencing vertical distribution and leading to larval transport in some taxonomic groups. Panels A and B are Time 1 and Time 2. Short-term changes
in vertical distribution in barnacle cyprids have been observed in response to internal tidal bore warm fronts and alongshore current reversals (Reyns et
al., unpub.). In this example, other type of larvae, such as bryozoan cyphonautes, gastropod veligers, and anemone planulae, do not change behavior;
shade gradients represent stratification (see Plate 8).
La r va l Tr a n s p o rt i n t h e C o a s ta l Z o ne    149

The fundamental attribute of advection in 11.4  Advective Physical Mechanisms

larval transport is variability. If currents would in the Coastal Ocean Associated With
flow in only one direction, with similar magni-
Larval Transport
tude at all depths and no temporal variability,
weak larval swimmers would have no chance to Winds, tides, and buoyancy-driven flows (flows as-
return to their natal habitats. Temporal current sociated with horizontal differences in water den-
variability is frequently associated with tides, but sity) are the three main forcing mechanisms in the
wind-forced, buoyancy-driven flows and other coastal ocean, and, unsurprisingly, most physical
processes (e.g., waves, internal waves) also cause mechanisms associated with larval transport in-
current fluctuations. Thus, spatial and temporal voke flows forced by these processes, a perception
hydrodynamic variability are fundamental in lar- that has changed little in the past 25 years (Epifanio
val transport. and Garvine, 2001). What has changed is a broader
Is larval transport intrinsically linked to certain use of physical measurements to study larval trans-
processes? Are mass transport, diffusion, and be- port, more attention to nearshore and small-scale
havior necessary for larval transport to occur? In flows in observational studies, and increased so-
principle, it appears that larval transport has no phistication in considering potential mechanisms
strict dependencies, as it can occur with or without at work. Waves, the main forcing mechanism in
mass transport and diffusion in the case of strong the surf zone (Lentz and Fewings 2012), have only
larval swimmers, and in the absence of any particu- been recently considered by larval ecologists as
lar behavior, when transport would be entirely de- a component of larval transport (Fujimura et al.,
pendent on advection and diffusion. 2014; Röhrs et al., 2014).
It is impossible for maximum larval distance The importance of the three main forcing mech-
to exceed the limits set by two factors: the upper anisms varies depending on the domain (i.e.,
limits of larval duration and the maximum sepa- cross- vs. alongshore). Some of the coastal physical
ration between initial and ending positions set by processes that tend to be energetic in the alongshore
advection and diffusion (i.e., maximum horizon- axis, such as tidal currents, tend to have smaller var-
tal particle dispersion), plus distance added by iability in the cross-shore (Figure 11.2). Conversely,
horizontal larval swimming. Further, larvae must the internal tide can have larger cross-shore vari-
be present to be transported; yet this obvious con- ability (Winant and Bratkovich, 1981). This asym-
sideration becomes non-trivial when testing links metry in cross- and alongshore processes, however,
between physical transport and larval supply or does not always hold in other systems where larval
settlement using time-series analyses (discussed transport is studied, including coral reefs, where
in Pineda, 2000). Diffusion is often used as an im- tidal currents play an important role (Wolanski et
portant source of larval loss (Hill, 1991), and it al., 1989), and in coastal lagoon mouths and chan-
also plays a role in the distribution and transport nels, where tidal currents are also energetic (Epifanio,
of invertebrate larvae (Okubo, 1994); however, its 1988; DiBacco and Chadwick, 2001). Much interest
role remains to be investigated in field conditions. in larval ecology in coastal areas is focused on larval
In one of the few observational studies addressing transport perpendicular to the shoreline. Nearshore
horizontal larval distributions, Natunewicz and water cooling during winter (Checkley et al., 1988),
Epifanio (2001) tracked larval crab patches and hy- thermocline shallowing associated with the internal
pothesized that patch coherence was maintained tide (Pineda, 1994), and strong offshore winds can
behaviorally. Larvae may aggregate in conver- lead to the appearance of a cool, dense body of wa-
gences, and these features limit larval dispersion. ter in the nearshore with corresponding cross-shore
Given that swarming behavior may be associated density gradients. If the density field relaxes on
with proficiency in swimming capabilities and that short timescales, these density gradients can create
larger larvae tend to be better swimmers, diffusion gravity currents, where the dense nearshore water
may be more important in larval transport of the flows and sinks offshore, while a buoyant, lighter
smallest and weakest swimmers. parcel of water advances shoreward.
150   E v o l u t i o n a ry E c o l o g y o f M a r i ne In v ert e b r at e L a r va e

70000 cross-shore currents

# of 1-minute samples



























70000 alongshore currents
# of 1-minute samples


























Figure 11.2 Frequency distribution of 1-minute averaged cross-shore (A) and alongshore (B) currents (m/s), collected in an open-coast nearshore
environment using an Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler deployed at an 8m, ~ 900m from Bird Rock, La Jolla, California, USA, during April–July
2014. Positive are southward and onshore currents. Near-surface, mid-depth, and near-bottom currents were collected at 6.7, 4.7, and 1.5 m above
bottom, respectfully. Cross-shore currents are less energetic and have a narrower distribution in speed than alongshore currents. Additionally, near-
surface currents have the largest range, and speeds decrease with depth (mid-depth and near-bottom have progressively smaller ranges in currents),
particularly in the alongshore domain (Reyns et al., unpub.).

During the past 25 years, studies have high- physical processes are not dominant (Hrycik et al.,
lighted evidence of larval transport or settlement 2013; Daigle et al., 2014).
associated with upwelling relaxation/downwelling Another recent development is the realization
(Farrell et al., 1991; Wing et al., 1995; Shanks et al., that large-scale and remote physical processes may
2000; Garland et al., 2002), internal tides (Pineda, modulate nearshore flows and larval transport (dis-
1994; 1999), storm systems (Eggleston et al., 1998; cussed in Pineda et al., 2007). For example, both
2010), mesoscale eddies (Sponaugle et al., 2005), coastally trapped waves (Brink, 1991) and mesoscale
and surface gravity waves (Pfaff et al., 2015). Many eddies (Sponaugle et al., 2005) influence nearshore
of these studies underscore the switch in focus from thermocline depth. The thermocline can shallow in
consideration of open-ocean processes to nearshore response to these processes, allowing the internal
processes (discussed in Pineda, 2000), such as sur- tide to penetrate the nearshore and settlement to
face gravity waves (Pfaff et al., 2015) and shallow- increase (Pineda and López, 2002; Sponaugle et al.,
ing of the internal tide (MacTavish et al., 2016). 2005). Thus, modulation of small-scale nearshore
Moving forward, there need to be more studies ex- flows by large-scale and remote processes provides a
amining systems where the previously mentioned way for linking small to larger scales (Mullin, 1993).
La r va l Tr a n s p o rt i n t h e C o a s ta l Z o ne    151

11.5  Other First-order Phenomena 2009) and used in modeling studies (discussed in
and Processes Relevant to Larval Transport Shanks, 2009; Leis et al., 2011). Scheltema (1989)
asked whether “these assumptions and intuitions are
11.5.1  Swimming Proficiency and Size really correct” and tested whether geographic range
correlated with larval duration in coastal larvae.
Larval swimming proficiency, a potentially key
Although he found no correlations, long-lived tel-
trait for the behavioral control of larval transport, is
eplanic larvae tended to have distributions on both
partially dependent on whether larvae use cilia or
sides of the Atlantic Ocean, whereas species with 2–4
muscles for locomotion (Young, 1995), and how this
week larval duration did not. Several biological and
varies with respect to phylogeny, size (from microns
physical factors negate a simple relationship between
to a few centimeters), and ontogenetic stage. For ex-
larval transport distance and larval duration. These
ample, late-stage bivalve larvae tend to be small (less
include larval behavior; taxon-specific swimming
than a few hundreds of microns), with some excep-
capabilities; physiological condition; impacts of vari-
tions (e.g., teleplanic Planktomya henseni maximum
able environmental conditions, such as temperature;
size 1.5 mm; Allen and Scheltema, 1972). Viscous
capacity for delaying settlement; as well as sheared
forces dominate the environment of the smallest
flows, including reduced velocities at the bottom of
plankton, so while these larvae may attain relatively
the benthic boundary layer; local physiography; the
large horizontal swimming speeds in body-lengths
coastal boundary (Shanks, 2009); and regional circu-
per second, these speeds may be insignificant for
lation singularities.
larval transport because they are negligible relative
Further, recent research indicates that larvae of
to the ambient flow velocity (see Hodin et al., this
some invertebrate and fish taxa may disperse less
volum­e). Even for the larger larvae (e.g., ~>1 millime-
from adult habitats and have more constrained dis-
ters to few centimeters), swimming efficiency ranges
tributions (Jones et al., 1999; Tapia and Pineda, 2007;
from excellent (e.g., crustacean larvae; Phillip­s and
Morgan et al., 2009) than anticipated by larval du-
McWilliam, 1986) to weak and at the mercy of the
ration (Efford, 1970); these findings could not have
flows (e.g., ascidian larvae; Olson, 1985).
been anticipated by simple relationships between
larval transport scale and larval duration. Thus, the
existence of an upper limit in larval transport dis-
11.5.2  Larval Duration
tance determined by maximum larval duration is
Is there a simple relationship between larval trans- arguably a useful construct; however, there is a need
port distance and larval duration? Most marine in- for rigorous observational data on larval transport
vertebrates develop through either a lecithotrophic and dispersal distance, and larval duration.
(nonfeeding) or planktotrophic (feeding) larval
phase, and it is generally accepted that feeding larvae
spend more time in the plankton than nonfeeding lar-
11.5.3 Accumulation
vae (e.g., Strathmann, 1985). This development time, Several studies have suggested that larval transport
or larval duration (we use larval duration instead of is associated with front propagation, including in-
the commonly used pelagic larval duration because ternal bore warm fronts and upwelling-relaxation
many invertebrate larvae are demersal and neritic, fronts (Pineda, 1999; Shanks et al., 2000). Accumu-
not pelagic), constrains the upper limit of larval trans- lation processes are likely particularly important in
port, with potentially greater spatial scales of larval buoyancy-driven flows. For example, accumulation
transport for longer-lived species (Scheltema, 1989), and transport associated with the propagation of
and clearly, species with very short larval life cannot gravity currents have been considered in the case of
translocate long distances (Gerrodette, 1981). There- larval transport by internal tidal bore warm fronts. In
fore, a simple relationship between larval duration these gravity flows, surface currents behind the lead-
and dispersal distance is expected (Scheltema 1989), ing edge of the gravity current, the front, are faster
and plots describing such relationships have been than the propagating speed of the front (Simpso­n
offered in the literature (Siegel et al., 2003; Shanks, and Britter, 1979; Helfrich and Pineda, 2003).
152   E v o l u t i o n a ry E c o l o g y o f M a r i ne In v ert e b r at e L a r va e

As fronts propagate, buoyant particles and plankton front would be shorter than for those larvae that are
behind the front reach the downwelling convergent advected but did not accumulate (Figure 11.3). Im-
frontal area, and those that swim up in response to portantly, a variety of phenomena can result in grav-
the frontal downwelling convergent currents will ac- ity current propagation, including nearshore cooling
cumulate near the surface and transport in the direc- by cold fronts (Checkley et al., 1988), internal tidal
tion of front propagation. Those lacking the swim-up bores (Pineda, 1994), and relaxation from cross-shore
behavioral response will also be transported, but to a winds (Shanks et al., 2000; Tilburg, 2003). In all cases,
lesser extent. Larval transport with accumulation in as well as in transport in trapped cores of depression
fronts can be more efficient than pure advection in and elevation in nonlinear internal waves, where
cases where the buoyant body advances all the way current speed can be larger than the propagation
to near the juvenile benthic habitat. After the front speed (White and Helfrich, 2008), relevant larval be-
reaches the juvenile habitat, mean distance between havior to transport efficiently is to swim against the
juvenile habitat and larvae that accumulated in the dominant vertical currents (Figure 11.4).

(A) (B)

Figure 11.3  Representation of larval transport associated with advection, with accumulation (panel A) and without accumulation (B). The shallow
adult habitat is on the left side of each diagram. Accumulation can occur when the current speed u associated with a parcel of water behind
(seaward side) a front (i.e., light arrows on the top of the panels) is faster than the propagation speed C of the front (thick black arrows), and larvae
swim against the dominant vertical current (curved arrows). Larvae that do not swim against the dominant vertical currents at the front will also be
advected and swept toward the front, but they will not accumulate at the front (panel B). Larvae that accumulate will reach the vicinity of the adult
habitat, while larvae that do not accumulate will be, on average, more distant (Pineda, 1999) (see Plate 9).

(A) (B)




Figure 11.4  Hypothesis that swimming behavior against vertical currents can lead to more efficient larval transport in a variety of physical
processes. Panel A: Onshore larval transport associated with gravity currents, including relaxation after nearshore cooling associated with cold fronts
(Checkley et al., 1988), in internal bore warm fronts (Pineda, 1999), upwelling relaxation/downwelling (Shanks et al., 2000), and after cross-shore
winds (Tilburg, 2003). Panel B: Larval transport associated with bottom-propagating gravity currents (Simpson and Britter 1979), such as internal
tidal bore cold surges. Sigma is density, and arrows denote the propagation direction of the gravity currents. Hypothetical onshore larval transport
associated with recirculating trapped cores in nonlinear internal waves of depression and elevation (not depicted; White and Helfrich, 2008) would
also be aided by the behavior of swimming against the vertical currents (see Plate 10).
La r va l Tr a n s p o rt i n t h e C o a s ta l Z o ne    153

11.5.4 Patchiness and Episodic Transport water column stratification. If increased stratifica-

tion leads to a more sheared environment, sites with
Patchiness is an aspect of spatial variability and is
stronger stratification might promote the retention
pervasive in all animal distributions, and in under-
of larvae that behaviorally exploit these flows, as
standing larval transport, the combination of patchy
speculated by Pineda and López (2002). Spatial
larval distributions and episodic physical transport
variability in benthic population abundance, an-
have conspired for decades against fundamental
other expression of patchiness, is a hallmark of
understanding. Put another way: while analyses of
many marine populations, and ecologists have
time series of dependent biological variables such
asked for decades whether this variability is related
as larval settlement and independent physical vari-
to variability in larval transport, settlement, and
ables associated with advection can be used to hy-
recruitment (Effor­d, 1970; Eggleston et al., 1998).
pothesize functional relationships between larval
Horizontal variability in larval transport has also
transport and physical forcing, these correlations
been related to coastal physiography (Morgan et
may be weak or fail due to larval patchiness (dis-
al., 2011; von der Meden et al., 2012) and potentially
cussed in Pineda, 2000). One way to circumvent
larval swimming proficiency (Daigle et al., 2014).
this problem is to use statistical analyses that filter
In coastal environments, cross-shore crustacean
the independent variable, keeping instances where
larval distributions are sometimes structured by
there is a response in the dependent variable such
stage (Bousfield, 1955) and reflect distance from na-
as settlement (Prager and Hoenig, 1989). Another,
tal habitat, with early stages adjacent to nearshore
more powerful approach, is using a hypothetic-
habitats. These distributions might also suggest
deductive method and sampling in response to the
changes in behavior with stage. For example, Tapia
hypothesized larval transport events.
and Pineda (2007) found early nauplii stage inter-
tidal barnacle larvae near the shore with mid-stages
11.5.5  Spatial Variability in Larval Abundance further offshore; yet larvae of the terminal cyprid
stage were found nearshore, suggesting an ontoge-
As noted previously, elucidating the vertical dis- netic change in behavior.
tribution of larvae is essential to resolve transport
processes. Larval transport hypotheses and re-
11.6  Challenges and Recent Approaches
search that disregards the layered structure of the
flows and the dependence of larval transport with to Understanding and Measuring Larval
depth may eventually prove wrong. Spatial scales Transport
of variability are expected to be larger on horizontal
scales where larval patches are separated by greater
11.6.1 Challenges
distances (kilometers) than on vertical scales. This The importance of larval movement and dispersal
is due to the constraining effects of the sea surface for the ecology of bottom organisms has been ac-
and sea floor in addition to physical (e.g., currents, knowledged for over one and a half centuries (Lyel­l,
temperature) and chemical (e.g., oxygen) gradients 1832; Young, 1990). For example, discussing the
that are much sharper in the vertical than horizon- mechanisms accounting for fish size-class strength,
tal dimensions. The vertical and horizontal scales Hjort (1926) offered two explanations, one based on
of variability might be more comparable in benthic food quality and the other on larval transport.
deep-sea environments because vertical gradients Despite decades of interest, larval transport
near the bottom may be less pronounced than in mechanisms for the majority of systems remain
shallow coastal environments that are influenced unresolved. Spatial and temporal scales of vari-
by sunlight and surface heating. However, some ability in chemical and physical variables can be
benthic deep-sea gastropod larvae can be found in addressed with time-series analyses using off-the-
surface waters (Killingley and Rex, 1985). shelf sensors (e.g., temperature loggers and acoustic
Horizontal variability in larval abundance may Doppler current meters) and statistical techniques,
relate to proximity of adult habitat, to habitat phys- such as spectral analyses (discussed in Haury et
iography (e.g., “coastal retention zones”), and to al., 1978). So far, these approaches are limited for
154   E v o l u t i o n a ry E c o l o g y o f M a r i ne In v ert e b r at e L a r va e

resolving larval transport and distribution because circumstances. Ideally, adaptive sampling should
high-frequency, species-specific sampling and pro- be accompanied by other types of measurements,
cessing capability of up to thousands of samples is including settlement time series. This sampling ap-
practically impossible. Moreover, variability in the proach also requires real-time communication to
larval pool may result in failure in identifying the remote environmental sensors (e.g., temperature
forcing physical processes, as discussed previously, or current velocity data). Technology for adap-
and zooplankton distributions are non-stationary tive sampling, including satellite, radio, and cell
(Haury et al., 1978), violating the assumptions of network communications, is mature and, because
spectral analysis. some of this technology is used commercially, it is
Ideally, development of high frequency and spa- relatively inexpensive. Adaptive sampling has been
tially dense sampling, and development of tech- used successfully in addressing various event-type
niques for analyzing large numbers of samples phenomena in biological oceanography, including
would resolve dynamic larval distributions, and in the study of larval transport by internal tidal bore
this way advance our understanding of the larval warm fronts (e.g., Pineda, 1999). Adaptive sampling
transport process. Pragmatically, costs associated is challenging to research teams because it requires
with the development of such sampling and anal- the formulation of a specific hypothesis and a crew
ysis techniques at current cost and funding levels to be in standby for extended periods.
may hinder their further development. Larval behavior during transport, (d), may be
The main challenges for resolving larval trans- more economical to address after other larval trans-
port include the following: (a) patchy spatial dis- port processes are identified, because the larval
tributions, (b) episodic larval transport events, (c) behavioral repertoire is very large (Metaxas, 2001;
enormous ranges of spatial and temporal scales of Epifanio and Cohen, 2016). For example, hypoth-
the potential processes, (d) knowledge of larval be- eses of larval behavior during transporting events
havior during transport, (e) imperfect knowledge of can be posed after identifying the physical pro-
physical transport processes, (f) the arduous nature cesses and the vertical distributions associated with
of observational approaches to measuring and in- the event. Improvement in understanding near-
ferring larval transport, and (g) the variety of spe- shore physical advective processes associated with
cies and settings to be understood. Next we discuss larval transport, (e), will require progress in under-
these challenges, and contemporary and promising standing fundamental nearshore hydrodynamics
approaches that might help resolve the larval trans- (Lentz and Fewings, 2012), as well as knowledge
port processes. We also caution about potential pit- of the nearshore and coastal circulation associated
falls of some methodologies. with unpredictable events, such as storms.
To address patchiness, episodic transport, and the Observationally, larval transport can be ad-
wide range of scales, (a)–(c), we suggest that, when dressed with field measurements of physical fields,
possible, a hypothesis-based approach and “adap- larval distribution, and settlement (f). In situ cir-
tive sampling” be used to test specific processes. culation and larval distribution studies can unam-
An explicit hypothesis-based approach identifies biguously identify larval transport processes, but
advective mechanisms underlying larval transport sustained and targeted studies of larval distribu-
events, with expectation on how physical fields tions are very challenging. Thus, researchers often
such as temperature and currents behave with or resort to study settlement, where long-term sus-
change in response to the advective event. It tests tained measurements are possible. These observa-
predictions of temporally and spatially constrained tions can reveal characteristic spatial and temporal
larval abundance, and horizontal and vertical dis- patterns and suggest larval transport mechanisms
tributions. In adaptive sampling, changes in specific (Eggleston et al., 1998; Reyns and Sponaugle, 1999;
environmental conditions initiate larval sampling. Pfaff et al., 2015). Settlement, however, is necessar-
Obviously, this approach requires contrasting ily inferential, and results require cautious interpre-
larval distributions during hypothesized trans- tation (Pineda, 2000). Simultaneous measurement
port against larval distributions in non-transport of larval distribution and settlement is arguably the
La r va l Tr a n s p o rt i n t h e C o a s ta l Z o ne    155

most powerful approach to address larval trans- helped resolve larval abundance and distribution
port processes. Finally, for addressing (g), the large fields, improvements in sample number, sampling
diversity of systems, the hope is that resolution volume, and cost reduction remain necessary. Other
of a number of larval transport cases will lead to recent advances include the development of drift-
some generalities, for example, swimming behavior ers that can be tracked and programmed for differ-
against the dominant vertical currents (Figure 11.4). ent vertical positioning (T. Wolcott and S. Morgan,
pers. comm.; Jaffe et al., 2017) The next step in AUV
development, particularly to address issues of lar-
11.6.2 Recent Approaches
val patchiness, might include swarms of AUVs
Recent technology and methodological approaches, that communicate and adaptively sample larval
including computer-technology miniaturization, distributions.
improved computing capability, development of
imaging techniques, and remote sensor develop-  Imaging in Distributional Studies
ment (e.g., satellite SAR and spectroradiometer and Species Identification
sensors), have revolutionized areas in ecology and Imaging of plankton using towed vehicles can re-
oceanography. Some of the recent technology and veal fine- to large-scale (centimeters to thousands of
approaches, including inexpensive sensors with im- kilometers) field distributions, and a variety of ap-
proved endurance, and numerical modeling, have proaches have been developed in the last 25 years
been used to address larval transport. These devel- (Wiebe and Benfield, 2003). Use of this approach has
opments represent opportunities for larval ecolo- revealed small (few centimeters) to basin-scale vari-
gists, yet there are also nagging issues to consider. ability in plankton distribution (Davis et al., 1992;
Davis and McGillicuddy, 2006), including distribu-  Autonomous and Remote Sampling tions of diverse trophic groups (Greer et al., 2013),
Autonomous and remote observations of physi- and spacing among and orientation of individual
cal and biological properties are revolutionizing zooplankton (Cowen and Guigand, 2008). A caveat
fields in oceanography (Clark and Isern, 2003). of some of these devices, small sample size, has been
One promising area for larval transport is the de- addressed with new systems that can sample larger
velopment of remote, autonomous sampling of volumes (Cowen and Guigand, 2008), although at
larval distributions by building and mounting the expense of sampling rate, towing speed, and
larval samplers to autonomous underwater vehi- plankton size resolution. These approaches have
cles (AUVs). Researchers have demonstrated AUV enormous potential for resolving plankton and lar-
sampling of larvae in coastal (e.g., Ryan et al., 2014; val distribution, but automatized identification of
Govindaraja­n et al., 2015) and benthic deep-sea en- rare or small and “difficult” invertebrate larvae re-
vironments (Billing­s et al., 2016). The advantages main a problem (Wiebe and Benfield, 2003), and the
of these devices over plankton pumps and nets cost of the technology makes it prohibitive for large
include (a) the ability to sample very close to the segments of the research community.
bottom; (b) increased spatial resolution (i.e., few Automated larval species recognition in field
meters), particularly for deep sampling, where net samples, one of the nagging issues in larval studies,
resolution is coarse and maneuvering a pump in- was addressed with the development of an imag-
take is very challenging; and (c) the possibility to ing approach based on automated recognition of
sample larvae adaptively, in response to changing species-specific coloration of larval bivalve shells
physical and biological fields (e.g., temperature, (Tiwari and Gallager, 2003; Thompson et al., 2012a).
fluorescence). These devices, however, take only a This approach has been used successfully in field
few samples (two to less than a handful; Ryan et al., studies of larval bivalve dynamics (Thompson et al.
2014; Billing­s et al. 2016), or sample a small volume 2012b; Goodwin et al. 2014). This system is, so far,
of water (~2 to 55 L; Ryan et al., 2014; Govindarajan limited to bivalve shells and requires a reference
et al., 2015). Further, they are expensive to build and ­library with the exact set of known species to be
operate. Therefore, while the devices have already identified (Thompson et al., 2012a).
156   E v o l u t i o n a ry E c o l o g y o f M a r i ne In v ert e b r at e L a r va e  In Situ Species Identification finding of constrained larval distributions in near-

and Robotic Techniques shore temperate settings (Barnett and Jahn, 1987;
The -omics approaches are revolutionizing the Tapi­a and Pineda, 2007; Morgan et al., 2009).
biological sciences, including select areas in ma- Simulation numerical models of larval transport
rine ecology, which are addressed in Williams and dispersal, on the other hand, are relatively inex-
and Carrie­r (this volume). Here, we point to two pensive to run, can readily fill any spatiotemporal
developments. First, use of barcoding to identify domain and simulate larval transport and dispersal
minute larvae to species (e.g., Ryan et al., 2014; processes at regional scales, link a variety of dis-
Govindarajan et al., 2015; Billings et al., 2016). This parate processes (Werner et al., 2007), and rapidly
development is p ­ articularly important for identify- generate results for unsuspecting researchers. Here,
ing problematic larvae (e.g., small bivalve larvae). we restrict our discussion to numerical simulation
A related approach is in situ species identification models at geophysical scales in the sense of Oreskes
using robotic systems and sandwich hybridization et al. (1994), where these models are used “to eval-
methods ­(Goffredi et al., 2006). With improvement uate large-scale or complex physical processes”
in sample processing time, necessary for resolving (p. 641). We do not deal with models based on inter-
high-frequency transporting events, these devices polated observations (Paris and Cowen, 2004), with
will be able to remotely detect species of interest “heuristic” models (Cowen et al., 2000; Botsford et
and perhaps initiate adaptive sampling. The wide- al., 2001; Tilburg, 2003; Pringle et al., 2011), where
spread use of these devices might only be feasible fundamental relationships are used to illustrate a
once costs decrease. given dynamics, or with models of small-scale do-
mains (Scotti and Pineda, 2007), where the physical  Numerical-Modeling and Observational processes are relatively well understood and the pa-
Approaches to Larval Transport rameter space is constrained.
Taking observations to measure larval transport is Compared to observational approaches, how-
arduous and expensive, equipment can be lost and ever, fundamental new insights by numerical mod-
vandalized, and researchers get seasick. Moreover, els are very rare, even considering their relatively
biological observations in systems where processes recent emergence in oceanography (late 1960s;
at multiple spatial and temporal scales operate tend Kantha and Clayson, 2000). For example, combined
to be sparse. Despite these impediments, observa- numerical modeling and observational studies
tional approaches have revealed almost all phe- have suggested that dispersal among coral reefs
nomena relevant to larval transport and dispersal, could be both limited and feasible (Wolanski et
including the following: (a) the realization that larval al., 1989; cited in Black et al., 1991). Other types of
vertical migration is the main mechanism determin- modeling (e.g., “heuristic” models, not simulation
ing horizontal transport (Nelson, 1912); (b) aware- models), have also contributed. A heuristic model
ness of “wastage” during the larval phase, including highlighted that diffusive and mortality processes
a geometric decrease of larval concentration with caused larval abundance to decrease geometrically
distance from natal habitat related to mortality and with distance from larval release, contributing to
diffusion (e.g., Hjort, 1926; Scheltema, 1986), and the the realization that marine populations were more
role of large-scale features in larval wastage (Porri et closed that originally thought (Cowen et al., 2000).
al., 2014); (c) the existence of long-lived larvae and Researchers are gravitating toward regional simu-
potentially large dispersal distances (Scheltema, lation numerical models, such as the regional ocean
1968); (d) that upwelling (Garland et al., 2002), up- modeling system (ROMS) and the finite volume
welling relaxation/downwelling (Farrel­l et al., 1991; community ocean model (FVCOM) to link hydro-
Wing et al., 1995), internal tidal bore warm fronts dynamic and larval behavior processes with lar-
(Pineda, 1999), and eddies (Sponaugle et al., 2005) val transport and dispersal patterns. Simulation of
are associated with onshore larval transport to adult physical fields (e.g., density, currents) by numerical
habitats; (e) unambiguous evidence that larvae can modeling is a key component in many disciplines,
return to natal habitats (Jones et al. 1999); and (f) the and these models are well accepted in situations
La r va l Tr a n s p o rt i n t h e C o a s ta l Z o ne    157

where the systems to model are relatively simple coastal and nearshore settings—another issue that
and the processes involved well understood and is not often addressed in the larval transport and
parameterized (e.g., White and Helfrich, 2008). In connectivity literature. For example, these models
systems where models have been thoroughly tested often do not capture the small-scale processes that
(Gilg and Hilbish, 2003), or the behavioral and dis- may account for nearshore larval transport (e.g.,
tributional processes accounting for the transport of transport by surface gravity waves and propagating
larvae are understood, and the hydrodynamic pro- convergences such as upwelling fronts and internal
cesses relatively well resolved (North et al., 2008), tidal bore warm  fronts). This is highlighted by re-
numerical modeling can offer valuable insights to cent advances in our understanding of the dominant
larval transport and dispersal issues. Research com- processes driving the cross-shelf circulation over the
paring model predictions and field observations is nearshore region (for a review, Lentz and Fewings,
also valuable, as modeling results can be tested 2012). Historically, studies of wind-driven shelf cir-
against some observable property (Wolansk­i et al., culation have focused on along-shelf wind forcing
1989; Sponaugle et al., 2012). and coastal upwelling or downwelling. The domi-
Unfortunately, many systems studied by marine nant role of surface waves and cross-shelf winds in
ecologists are complex (e.g., nearshore open-coast), driving cross-shelf circulation over the nearshore has
biological and physical processes are understudied been highlighted in a sequence of process-oriented
or unknown, and models go untested. Ecologists studies (Tilburg, 2003; Lentz et al., 2008), and, no-
should hold numerical-modeling studies to the tably, surface wave forcing has only recently been
same standards as experimental and observational incorporated into regional hydrostatic circulation
studies, but this practice is very rare. Simulation models (e.g., Newberger and Allen, 2007). Thus, the
numerical models, like other hypotheses, should be commonly invoked premise that numerical models
tested observationally, against “Lagrangian” obser- can be used to test the role of larval behavior in lar-
vations (e.g., Hrycik et al., 2013), or at least against val transport and dispersal by comparing numerical
other observed properties (Trindade et al., 2016). model output with observations of dispersal ob-
Further, in some larval transport and connectivity tained by other means does not hold, because the nu-
studies, numerical output is equated to an accurate merical model does not include all relevant processes
depiction of the physical fields, with little objec- that account for passive dispersal, and therefore the
tive evaluation of the assumptions or validity of “real” dispersal of passive particles is unknown.
this premise. In other cases, modeled and observed Regional hydrostatic models are not a substitute
“Eulerian” fields are compared, and if the compari- for process-oriented understanding of circulation.
son is favorable, the model is said to be “validated,” Particularly for research addressing complex set-
justifying using the numerical output as observa- tings such as the nearshore and coastal ocean, with
tions. However, simulation numerical models can- a large range of scales and where multiple mecha-
not be validated (Oreskes et al., 1994); they remain nisms might play a role, it should be obvious that
hypotheses. As such, it is untenable to use them to some level of process-understanding of larval trans-
test other observational data. Another complication port should be achieved first, followed by simula-
is the many and poorly characterized biological tions by numerical modeling. Knowledge of the
variables integrated in these models (Metaxas and process reduces the dimensional complexity of the
Saunders, 2009). Finally, because model parameters modeling problem, limiting the number of possible
can be tweaked to represent a range of results (e.g., scenarios, and focusing the modeling research. Blind
limited or wide dispersal distance), research report- modeling is risky and inefficient, yet, to date, few
ing modeling results should present a clear descrip- modeling studies addressing larval transport and
tion of the iterative parameter choice or a range of dispersal operate with knowledge of the specific
results (e.g., Ross et al., 2016). larval transport processes involved, and even fewer
No simulation numerical model features all the compare model predictions with observations.
potentially relevant mechanisms that move the In summary, process-oriented understanding
water and are associated with larval transport in of larval transport and model testing is key for
158   E v o l u t i o n a ry E c o l o g y o f M a r i ne In v ert e b r at e L a r va e

achieving an understanding of larval dispersal and of physical processes in complex systems is still in-
connectivity, and basic process understanding of bi- complete, and our knowledge of the relevant larval
ological and physical processes is necessary before processes to include in these models is meager.
credible simulation numerical modeling. We conclude by suggesting that the next step
in larval transport understanding should include
11.7  Conclusion and Next Steps wider use of emergent technologies and mecha-
nistic resolution of larval transport in multiple
Understanding larval transport processes in the systems. Numerical models studies will be useful
coastal ocean has increased considerably during if they incorporate the relevant larval transport
the past 25 years, due to improvements and cost processes, and are well tested; unfortunately, so far
reduction in technology, approaches often based these investigations are sorely lacking.
in hypothesis testing, a more sophisticated under-
standing of the behavioral and physical processes,
a more critical appraisal of the evidence in obser- 11.8 Summary
vational studies, and a mechanistic resolution of a
handful of larval transport cases. Advances include 1. Larval transport is defined and discussed, both
an understanding that larval supply and settlement as a concept and as a measurement.
observations measure different processes, apprecia- 2. The components of larval transport include
tion of the importance of accumulation processes larval behavior, primarily those behaviors in-
and of how larger-scale processes might modulate fluencing larval vertical distribution, physical
local factors that influence larval transport, a reali- advective and diffusive processes, and their vari-
zation that propagules and larvae have generally ability.
a more constrained distribution than originally 3. Other first-order phenomena in larval trans-
thought, and insight about the distinction of the port include larval accumulation in propagating
nearshore and open-ocean domains. Although pro- fronts, larval swimming proficiency and size,
cess-oriented understanding of larval transport has larval duration, larval patchiness and episodic
increased incrementally, more understanding of the larval transport, and spatial variability in larval
dominant mechanisms of larval transport is needed. transport.
On the other hand, interest and necessity in un- 4. There are multiple challenges for understanding
derstanding larval transport and connectivity at larval transport: (a) patchy spatial distributions,
regional scales, coupled with the difficulty in re- (b) episodic larval transport, (c) enormous range
solving observationally these processes, has led to of spatial and temporal scales of the potential
the growth of simulation numerical modeling. So processes, (d) knowledge of larval behavior, (e)
far, this growth has been disproportionate relative imperfect knowledge of physical transport pro-
to model testing and fundamental knowledge of the cesses, (f) the arduous nature of observational
processes. Thus, if these models are to be useful to approaches, and (g) the multitude of species and
understanding natural systems, simulation numeri- settings to be understood.
cal models should be accompanied by testing (e.g., 5. Recent approaches addressing larval transport
Hrycik et al., 2013) and constrained by understand- include autonomous and remote sampling, im-
ing of specific larval transport processes at work. aging approaches, in situ species identification
Technological development, broader sensor us- and robotic techniques, and numerical models.
age, and reduction of costs foretell a future where the 6. The advantages of simulation numerical models
coastal ocean will be seeded with a multitude of sen- are minimal cost and the ability to address re-
sors that aid in resolving larval transport. Nonethe- gional scales and link disparate processes. Some
less, intensive field and laboratory studies addressing drawbacks include lack of testing, use of nu-
process-level understanding of larval transport will merical output as observations, and uncertainty
still be sorely needed. Simulation numerical models surrounding whether relevant larval transport
are growing in sophistication, yet our understanding processes are included.
La r va l Tr a n s p o rt i n t h e C o a s ta l Z o ne    159

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Genetic Analysis of Larval Dispersal,

Gene Flow, and Connectivity
Peter B. Marko* and Michael W. Hart*
*These authors contributed equally to this chapter

“We have to remember that what we observe is not nature in itself but nature exposed to our
method of questioning.” – Werner Heisenberg (1958, p. 78)

12.1 Introduction (fewer settling larvae), but we cannot easily describe

the processes that affect the destination of larvae that
One of the major hallmarks of marine species is
disperse from a particular source, or the source of lar-
that many produce large numbers of small pelagic
vae that settle or recruit into a particular destination.
larvae that drift in the ocean for varying periods of
As with the study of all unobservable processes,
time. For these species, establishing the degree to
the methods of inquiry will determine, to some
which different populations are connected by larval
extent, the apparent properties of the process. For
dispersal is a fundamental goal for larval ecologists
example, not long ago, observations of marine lar-
interested in understanding the influence of plank-
vae far offshore (Scheltema, 1971) combined with
tonic processes and larval supply on ecological and
widespread genetic homogeneity at allozyme loci
evolutionary processes within populations. Assess-
(Buroke­r, 1983; Saunders et al., 1986) led many ma-
ing and predicting local population and commu-
rine ecologists to the reasonable conclusion that
nity dynamics, spread of invasive species, patterns
marine larvae regularly traveled vast distances,
of local adaptation, spread of advantageous alleles,
such that many marine populations were likely well
maintenance of local biodiversity, sustainability of
mixed on spatial scales of thousands to tens of thou-
fisheries, and effective marine reserve design all re-
sands of kilometers (Palumbi, 1992). When Palumbi
quire some knowledge of rates and patterns of lar-
(1995) reviewed the evidence for associations be-
val exchange among populations.
tween variation in larval dispersal potential (such
However, the tiny size of most marine larvae and
as among species with long or short pelagic larval
the variable length of time they spend in the plank-
duration) and the geographic distribution of genetic
ton present obvious and significant obstacles for
variation, nearly all comparative studies analyzed
identifying the geographic origins and destinations
small numbers of populations and loci (typically al-
of dispersing larvae. The fate of marine larvae in the
lozymes and mtDNA) with a limited number of ana-
plankton may be likened to a black box (Buston and
lytical approaches. In the intervening years, the size
D’Aloia, 2013): for any local population, we can esti-
of datasets and the diversity of methods of analysis
mate its contribution to the pool of individuals in the
have grown dramatically, and significant progress
planktonic darkness (many dispersing larvae) and
has been made toward understanding the scope and
its harvest of individuals that emerge into the light

Marko, P. B. and Hart, M. W., Genetic analysis of larval dispersal, gene flow, and connectivity. In. Evolutionary Ecology of Marine
Invertebrate Larvae. Edited by Tyler J. Carrier, Adam M. Reitzel, and Andreas Heyland: Oxford University Press (2018).
© Oxford University Press. DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780198786962.003.0012
G e n e t i c A n a lys i s    165

scale of larval dispersal. Many tools have been used, framework used to infer patterns of larval dispersal.
but much of this progress has come from using ge- The oldest and most familiar framework is based on
netic methods. In this chapter, we describe some data in the form of allele frequencies and gene gene-
of the most commonly used analytical genetic ap- alogies in explicit population genetic models. These
proaches and then discuss how these methods have population models include one or more parameters
improved our understanding of larval dispersal. that represent migration (m), the proportion of indi-
viduals or gene copies (i.e., alleles or haplotypes)
12.2  Genetic Approaches to the Study in a population that are new immigrants each gen-
of Larval Dispersal eration (and that successfully reproduce), and use
a diverse range of assumptions and calculations,
Rates and patterns of larval dispersal have been stud- and either optimization (e.g., maximum-likelihood)
ied using a wide variety of methods, including direct methods or simulations to find the best estimate of
observations of larval movement (e.g., Gerrodett­e, migration and other model parameter values fitted
1981; Olson, 1985; Knowlton and Kelle­r, 1986), mark- to the genetic data. When combined with an esti-
and-recapture (Jones et al., 1999; Thorrol­ d et al., mate of the effective population size (Ne or simply
2001), natural environmental markers (DiBacco and N), the product of the two parameters together can
levin, 2000), oceanographic modeling (Largier, 2003; be used to characterize the population migration
Siegel et al., 2003), hybrid zones (Gilg and Hilbis­h, rate (Nm), usually interpreted as the number of im-
2003), and the expansion of geographic ranges migrant individuals (i.e., organisms) per generation
caused by anthropogenic introductions (Kinlan et or the number of immigrant gene copies (2Nm, for
al., 2005) or by climate change (Sunday et al., 2015). diploid loci) per generation (Wright, 1969). Because
Techniques that employ artificial tags (i.e., to otoliths these population-based estimates represent the
or calcified structures) or that estimate dispersal number of gene copies moving between popula-
from inferred parent-offspring relationships may be tions, Nm is often called gene flow (Slatkin 1987;
considered direct measurements of net dispersal, but 1993; but see Mallet, 2001).
these methods do not necessarily measure larval dis- The second, newer framework for these ap-
persal alone, but instead some combination of larval proaches is based on data in the form of multilocus
and adult movement. We consider only direct obser- genotypes for individual organisms without speci-
vations of advection or diffusion of individual larvae fying a demographic model with explicit param-
in the plankton as yielding direct measurements of eters that represent migration or gene flow. Instead,
larval dispersal. Although direct observations give these individual-based approaches use multivariate
immediate insight into dispersal, they are limited clustering, similarity measures, or inferred parent-
to species with large, short-lived larvae that can be age to assign sampled individuals to groups (i.e.,
followed on small spatial scales. Indirect methods nominal populations consisting of similar geno-
based on experimental or natural marking of larvae types, or families consisting of parents, offspring,
are similarly limited to species with larval structures and siblings). Simple Mendelian inheritance rules
that can be marked and that are retained in adults, or population parameters are used to identify the
and they share with direct observations some other most likely number of groups or clusters that mini-
important limitations (especially the inability to in- mizes within-group differences (Pritchard et al.,
fer average effective rates of dispersal integrated 2000; Wilson and Rannala, 2003), or to assign indi-
over longer periods of time into the ecological or ge- viduals to likely families including parent-offspring
ological past). Consequently, indirect methods that pairs or groups of siblings (Marshall et al., 1998;
use genetic data have become the most widely used Wang, 2004). These individual-based approaches
approach for inferring patterns of larval dispersal. infer larval dispersal from counts of migrant individu-
Although many methods have been developed to als, including individuals that are strongly clustered
infer patterns of larval dispersal from genetic data, with individuals from a different sample, and indi-
we think a more useful and important categoriza- viduals that have a high likelihood of being closely
tion of genetic approaches is based on the theoretical related to parents or siblings in a different sample.
166   E v o l u t i o n a ry E c o l o g y o f M a r i n e I n v e rt e b r at e La r va e

One of the most important distinctions between strength (or weakness) of population connectivity
population-based methods and individual-based (Pinsky et al., 2016). Numerous factors can poten-
methods is the timescale over which they provide tially explain contradictory results from these two
information about migration. All population-based approaches (Palstra et al., 2007), such as natural
approaches assume that the spatial distribution of year-to-year variability, recent changes in larval
alleles, the frequency of alleles in populations, and dispersal caused by human impacts (and an oppor-
the structure of gene genealogies evolve slowly, and tunity for conservation ecologists to mitigate that
that this long timescale has an important effect on change), genotyping errors, or violation of assump-
the observed patterns of genetic similarity or dif- tions of either method. Distinguishing among these
ference among populations. Therefore, population- hypotheses may be difficult and will likely require
based approaches estimate migration and gene flow repeated studies.
as the time-averaged cumulative effects of varia- As with other approaches to the study of lar-
tion in larval dispersal, larval retention, population val dispersal, those that use genetic techniques
growth, and other demographic or ecological pro- have strengths and weaknesses, and the choice of
cesses integrated over relatively long evolutionary methods will depend on what a researcher wants
timescales (on the order of hundreds to thousands to know about larval dispersal: an understanding
of generations). Individual-based approaches also of migration rates over relatively long evolutionary
make an important but different assumption about timescales (population-based methods) or docu-
the temporal scale of genetic variation that can be mentation of extremely recent migration events
used to detect migration. Strong allele- or genotype- (individual-based methods). In the next section, we
sharing between members of the same genetic clus- briefly discuss the theory and practice of studying
ter or members of the same family is expected to larval dispersal of marine species using genetic data
be rapidly broken down by random mating with in either population- or individual-based methods.
local mates (from other clusters or families) after We then highlight some specific areas of progress
migration. Consequently, recombination among in applying both individual- and population-based
immigrant and local alleles will degrade the sig- methods, and consider how those approaches give
nal of group membership or family identity among concordant or discordant insight into genetic and
the descendants of an immigrant after one or a few demographic connectivity based on larval dispersal
generations. Counts of immigrants based on such among marine populations.
approaches can only identify new migrants or their
recent descendants on short ecological timescales,
12.3  How to Estimate Larval Dispersal
on the order of one or two generations (Wilson and
Rannala, 2003). A corollary of this limitation is that from Genetics
individual-based methods may not easily distin-
12.3.1  Population-Based Methods
guish between recent immigrants that reach sexual
maturity and reproduce (and contribute to gene The use of genetic methods to estimate larval dis-
flow) and those that do not. persal requires a realistic model of the processes
With the recent incorporation of individual-based that cause allele frequency changes and the evolu-
approaches into the genetic toolkit of larval biolo- tion of allelic differences between populations. The
gists, researchers can potentially compare counts primary processes are mutation, genetic drift, and
of immigrant individuals to historical patterns of natural selection. By contrast, gene flow is a ho-
gene flow inferred from more complex population- mogenizing evolutionary force that slows, erodes,
based approaches. In cases where both approaches or prevents the buildup of genetic difference be-
give similar estimates of genetic connectivity, lar- tween populations. Most of the population genetic
val dispersal may have been consistently high (or theory that has been developed to understand the
low) over both long and short (recent) timescales, movement of genes and individuals does so by fo-
and those concordant measures of dispersal on cusing on the interaction between gene flow (which
both timescales may give reliable insight into the introduces alleles to populations) and genetic drift
G e n e t i c A n a lys i s    167

(which eliminates alleles from populations). Be- population genetic methods is the Hardy-Weinberg
cause genetic drift is a stochastic evolutionary force equilibrium (HWE) principle: in the absence of any
caused by random mating in a finite-sized popula- evolutionary forces acting on a genetic locus, allele
tion, it will work randomly and independently in frequencies at that locus will remain constant over
different populations such that, in the absence of time. This deterministic theory also predicts that,
gene flow between populations, genetic drift is ex- for a locus with two alleles A and a with frequen-
pected to cause allele frequencies to diverge. Given cies p and q, respectively, the proportion of AA ho-
sufficient time (generations), drift will cause the mozygotes, aa homozygotes, and Aa heterozygotes
fixation of different alleles in different populations, is expected to be p2, q2, and 2pq, respectively. De-
meaning that different alleles will reach a frequency viations from the expected genotype proportions in
of 1.0 in each of the individual populations. natural populations provide evidence that at least
one force of evolution is influencing allele frequen-  Neutral genetic markers cies. In the absence of selection, Hardy-Weinberg
To concentrate exclusively on gene flow and genetic deviations can be caused by several processes that
drift, population geneticists focus on neutral poly- lead to non-random mating among individuals,
morphisms: allelic differences that are expected to and can provide insight into the genetic structure
have no (or few) direct effects on fitness. To focus on of populations and, potentially, patterns gene flow.
neutral loci, population geneticists can study genes For example, consider a neutral genetic locus in
or nucleotide sites that appear to have few functional two isolated populations (Figure 12.1). Because there
constraints, such as microsatellite loci, anonymous is no larval dispersal (and no gene flow) between
DNA, and synonymous third codon polymorphisms eastern and western populations, genetic drift has
in protein-coding DNA (Karl and Avise, 1992). One caused allele frequencies to diverge, such that they
important consideration in identifying candidate have become fixed for different alleles. In this situ-
neutral polymorphisms is their possible linkage to ation, the HWE principle provides a null model of
other polymorphisms under selection. More impor- high gene flow by predicting that, if eastern and
tantly, however, population geneticists can identify western individuals were freely exchanging migrants
neutral polymorphisms for analysis using data from and completely interbreeding with one another, half
multiple, unlinked genetic loci. Unlike migration of the individuals (i.e., 2pq) should be heterozygotes.
and genetic drift, natural selection is expected to Although an extreme example, any divergence in al-
cause idiosyncratic patterns of differentiation at indi- lele frequencies between populations will result in a
vidual loci, such that loci affected by selection can be deficit of heterozygotes compared to expected HWE
identified and potentially excluded as outliers with genotypic proportions under the null model of high
respect to a larger sample of loci from across the ge- gene flow between populations.
nome (Schopf, 1974; Koehn et al., 1976; Johnso­n and Detection of heterozygote deficiencies forms the
Black, 1984). The important corollary of this idea is basis for the most common measure of population
that similar spatial patterns of differentiation across genetic divergence, Wright’s (1978) FST = (HT−HS)/
multiple loci are best explained by the action of gene HT, the difference between the expected HWE het-
flow and genetic drift, forces that are expected to erozygosity for the “total” population (HT) and the
affect all loci across the genome in the same way. average expected heterozygosity among “subpopu-
The statistical power for identifying outlier loci (in- lations” or individual populations (HS) scaled by
fluenced by selection) has increased significantly as HT. Other measures of genetic differentiation have
data from very large numbers of loci can now be been developed, but are like FST in that they describe
gathered and analyzed, potentially within the frame- how genetic variation is partitioned among popu-
work of a linkage map (Bradbury et al., 2013). lations or samples from different geographic loca-
tions (Excoffier et al., 1992). Genetic differentiation  Classical population genetics measured as FST and its analogs can also be used to
With respect to estimates of dispersal and gene infer the rate of gene flow among populations; in
flow, an important point of departure for classical the simplest case, FST = 1/(4Nm + 1) under a set of
168   E v o l u t i o n a ry E c o l o g y o f M a r i n e I n v e rt e b r at e La r va e

West East

All AA All aa

Figure 12.1  A hypothetical example in which a large difference in allele frequency between two populations results in a deficiency of heterozygotes
if all individuals are assumed to be members of a single population with p = 0.5 and q = 0.5. The eastern and western populations are completely
isolated by a strong northward flowing current that prevents larvae from being exchanged between east and west. Expected heterozygosity for the total
population is HT = 2pq = 0.5, but the average expected heterozygosity for each of the two individual populations is HS = 0. Therefore, FST = (HT—HS)/HT
= 1.0. Adapted from Hartl and Clark (1997) (see Plate 11).

assumptions known collectively as Wright’s (1951) impact on allele frequencies in a large population
“island model.” The island model assumes many as a single migrant per generation has in a small
equally sized populations (each of size N) in which population. This counterintuitive result is explained
a fixed proportion (m) of every population are im- by the fact that, in a large population, the relatively
migrants each generation, and that m is relatively small impact of a single migrant on allele frequen-
small. The model also assumes each population cies is opposed by relatively weak genetic drift; by
has been separated for long enough that gene flow contrast, in a small population, a single migrant has
among populations and genetic drift within popu- a much larger effect on allele frequencies, but the im-
lations have reached an evolutionary equilibrium. pact of gene flow in a small population is opposed
An important consequence of these assumptions is by much stronger genetic drift. Second, the rela-
that FST can only be used to estimate the compound tionship between FST and Nm emphasizes how lit-
parameter Nm, a useful parameter for understand- tle gene flow is necessary to keep allele frequencies
ing the impact of gene flow on allele frequencies, similar among populations (Figure 12.2) and how
but of less value in understanding the demographic difficult it can be to precisely measure migration
impact of migration (see later). when Nm >10 migrants per generation, especially
Because many real populations likely do not considering that the error associated with estimates
conform to island-model assumptions (Beerli and of FST is often as large as the estimate itself when FST
Felsenstein, 1999; Whitlock and McCauley, 1999; is small (Waples, 1998). This “gene flow problem”
Neigel, 2002), estimates of Nm from FST are now rare (Waples, 1998) makes real population differentiation
in the literature (Marko and Hart, 2011). However, very difficult to distinguish from random noise in
understanding the theoretical relationship between marine species with high gene flow, and makes gene
Nm and FST highlights several important facts. First, flow that is sufficient to homogenize allele frequen-
Wright’s equation FST = 1/(4Nm + 1) demonstrates cies very difficult to distinguish from panmixia (i.e.,
that a single migrant per generation has the same all individuals are potential mating partners).
G e n e t i c A n a lys i s    169






0 Figure 12.2 The relationship between FST

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 and Nm based on Wright’s (1978) equation
FST = 1/(4Nm + 1) that assumes Wright’s
Nm island model.  Coalescent population genetics among) tree topologies and parameter values.
Rather than modeling how allele frequencies are Coalescent methods typically use computationally
expected to change moving forward in time, coa- intensive Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sam-
lescent population genetics focuses on the genea- plers, in which small random changes are repeat-
logical history (i.e., a gene tree) for a sample of gene edly applied to gene trees. The likelihood of each
copies moving backward in time: if two individual gene tree and parameter estimate is calculated at
gene copies have the same common ancestor in a each step in the search until the search converges
previous generation, those two copies are said to on a sample of highly likely gene trees and associ-
have coalesced. The earliest applications of coa- ated parameter estimates. This capability to calcu-
lescent theory were used to make inferences about late likelihoods for multiple individual parameter
demographic parameters for a single population, values (including those associated with gene flow
but the theoretical framework of the coalescent has and other demographic processes) is an important
been expanded to incorporate other demographic source of the increased realism of coalescent gene
parameters. For example, gene flow between popu- flow estimators, in contrast to the insights gained
lations can be estimated with gene trees by infer- from single summary statistics (such as FST). Either
ring the rate at which gene copies in one population Nm or m can be estimated with coalescent samplers,
coalesce in an ancestor in another population (Nath but estimates of m are typically scaled by mutation
and Griffiths, 1993; Beerli and Felsenstein, 1999; and can only be converted into demographically
Nielsen and Wakeley, 2001). meaningful values with an estimate (or assump-
The primary advantage of coalescent gene flow tion) about the mutation rate of the markers.
estimators is that they often employ a much more Coalescent methods have important limitations
realistic model of gene flow and population history (Marko and Hart, 2011). First, despite lacking sev-
than Wright’s island model (Beerli and Felsenstein, eral of the unrealistic assumptions of Wright’s
1999). Most coalescent gene flow estimators use a island model, each coalescent estimator has an
Bayesian statistical framework, in which a posterior underlying demographic model that still makes
distribution is estimated for each demographic pa- some assumptions about the history and struc-
rameter by simultaneously “sampling” (searching ture of the sampled populations that may or may
170   E v o l u t i o n a ry E c o l o g y o f M a r i n e I n v e rt e b r at e La r va e

not match reality. Second, given the high among- MCMC methods (Beaumont et al. 2002). However,
locus variance in the coalescent, robust and con- the practical advantages of ABC lie in the capabil-
sistent answers from coalescent estimators require ity to consider very large genome-wide datasets
data from multiple loci (Karl et al., 2012). Third, and to make direct comparisons among complex
even with high-performance computing clusters, demographic models defined by the investigator
it is impractical to apply coalescent methods that (Rougemont et al., 2016).
use MCMC samplers to genomic datasets consist- Alternatively, when estimating migration rates
ing of thousands of individual single nucleotide between two or more populations, the joint site fre-
polymorphisms (SNPs) in which each SNP has its quency spectrum (SFS) can be used instead of sum-
own gene tree (although many population genetic mary statistics. The SFS is more informative than
questions often do not require thousands of loci). any single summary statistic (all summary statistics
Lastly, coalescent theory is based on mathematical can be calculated from allele frequencies, but allele
approximations that assume that effective popula- frequencies cannot be calculated from summary
tion size is large and that migration rates are low. statistics) and is advantageous in that increasing
So, like FST, coalescent methods are not expected to the number of SNPs or individuals does not pro-
perform well when Nm is very large (>10) or when portionally increase the computational time, but
N is very small (<100). greatly increases the power of the analysis (Excoffier
et al., 2013). Another relatively new computation-  Approximation methods ally efficient approach for inferring demographic
A less computationally intensive alternative, ap- parameters (including migration) combines dif-
proximate Bayesian computation (ABC) meth- fusion approximation (Fisher, 1922; Kolmogorov,
ods (Beaumont, 2002; Lopes and Beaumont, 2009; 1931; Kimura, 1964) of the expected SFS under al-
Csilléry et al., 2010), estimate posterior distribu- ternative demographic models with maximization
tions of demographic parameters from simulated of the similarity between the observed SFS and the
datasets and summary statistics (e.g., number of simulated SFS across simulated parameter values in
alleles, genetic diversity, genetic distances) rather the demographic model (Gutenkunst et al., 2009).
than from samples of likely gene trees. Instead of
assuming a single demographic model (as with
12.3.2  Individual-Based Methods
Nm from FST and from coalescent estimators), ABC
typically starts by simulating data under several In contrast to population-based methods, the rate or
alternative demographic models (e.g., with and direction of ongoing dispersal can be estimated by the
without migration) and then either accepting or classification of individual genotypes as immigrants
rejecting models by comparing summary statistics (or the recent descendants of immigrants). This ap-
for each simulated dataset to the observed values. proach has great appeal because these insights into
The posterior distributions for demographic pa- the dispersal history of individual organisms pro-
rameters of interest are then approximated from the vide estimates of net dispersal and therefore come
distribution of parameters values from the accepted closer to the kind of direct insight into connectivity
models (like model selection and model averaging that would be gained from direct observations of
approaches used in some coalescent methods based larval movements in the plankton. Here we focus on
on likelihoods). Like other population-based meth- three methods and their implementation that have
ods, even though the posterior for m is estimated been used by empiricists studying marine larvae.
in demographic quantities in most ABC methods, All three of these methods use transient, short-lived
the value of m depends on the priors for mutation effects of immigration on inter-individual genetic
rates used in the simulations. Because ABC meth- variation to detect recent or ongoing migration
ods do not make full use of sequence data (i.e., the events. This feature also sets the individual-based
coalescent), they typically do not provide estimates methods apart from population-based methods that
of demographic parameters as precise as those from draw inferences from allele frequencies, coalescent
G e n e t i c A n a lys i s    171

times, or other population genetic variables that are for single loci (by adding unusual genotypes).
associated with changes in genetic variation on long These effects are expected to be short-lived because
timescales. Thus, individual-based methods give random mating and recombination will break up
insights into connectivity among populations that linkage groups and restore HWE within one or
are complementary to the results from population- a few generations after each immigration event.
based methods, but like population-based methods, Consequently, STRUCTURE results are sensitive
they have their own distinctive limitations on those mainly to the genetic signal from recent or ongoing
insights (Jones et al. 2005; Planes et al., 2009; Chris- immigration. In the original STRUCTURE model,
tie et al., 2010; Harrison et al., 2012; Saenz-Agudelo first-generation immigrant individuals could be
et al., 2012; Pusack et al., 2014). identified as those multilocus genotypes from one
geographic region (or destination) that had a high  Clustering individuals from different probability of assignment to a cluster that was com-
samples mon in a different geographic region (or source). In
The most intuitively appealing individual-based subsequent versions of the model, recent descend-
methods use clustering of individual genotypes from ants of immigrants could also be identified as those
multiple samples (e.g., from several geographic loca- individuals with an admixture of alleles character-
tions) into one or more genetically similar groups; istic of both the source and destination populations
immigrants can then be identified as genotypes from (Falush et al., 2003).
one sample that are more confidently clustered with Although STRUCTURE can be thought of as a
genotypes from some other sample or location. method to “let the data define the populations”
The most widely cited clustering method is (Pearse and Crandall, 2004), an important assump-
the suite of algorithms in the program called tion of STRUCTURE is that the total sample consists
STRUCTUR­E described by Pritchard et al. (2000). of one or more genetically discrete clusters, each of
Such clustering methods are sometimes described which is internally homogeneous, and that the true
as making fewer assumptions about demographic number of clusters (K) is known and specified by the
structure and history in comparison to population- researcher. In other words, K is not a model param-
based methods (Pearse and Crandall, 2004). In the eter value estimated from the data by optimization,
case of STRUCTURE, each cluster of genetically sim- but rather a variable in the optimization algorithm.
ilar individuals is assumed to have its own demo- Incorrectly specifying K can lead to errors in assign-
graphic history in which genotypes at a single locus ment, and thus errors in inferring dispersal from the
are in HWE (due to random mating in a large popu- distribution of clusters among different geographic
lation), and alleles at different loci are expected to locations. The limitations on inferring both number
be in linkage equilibrium (due to recombination and of clusters and assignment of genotypes to clusters
independent assortment). Optimization by MCMC in the same optimization are well known (Pritchard
is used to find the individual assignments to clus- et al., 2000), and several heuristic solutions to esti-
ters that minimize linkage disequilibrium (LD) and mating K have been proposed (Evanno et al., 2005;
maximize HWE within each cluster. Thus, although Kalinowski, 2011; Puechmaille, 2016).
clustering and other individual-based methods do A second important limitation of the STRUCTUR­E
not directly estimate migration rates or population method is the assumption that gene flow is low
size in an explicit population model, some of those (Pritchard et al., 2000) and immigrants are rare.
model parameters enter the individual-based meth- This assumption is inherent in all individual-based
ods under the guise of the quantities to be optimized methods (and like the assumptions underlying
in the search for immigrant genotypes. population-based methods), which depend on the
Under these assumptions, recent immigration occurrence of recognizable clusters or differentiated
events are expected to cause both transient LD populations that could be the source of distinctive
among loci (by adding unusual combinations of immigrant genotypes. This leads to the surprising
­alleles at different loci) and deviations from HWE expectation that as the true migration rate (and the
172   E v o l u t i o n a ry E c o l o g y o f M a r i n e I n v e rt e b r at e La r va e

expected occurrence of immigrants in population to multilocus genotype assignments is evaluated by

samples) increases, the sensitivity of individual- maximum likelihood, and optimization is used to
based methods to count immigrants and quantify find the most likely values of m that can account for
migration rates may greatly decline. Given this con- the number and source of immigrant genotypes (or
straint, can clustering methods be used to discover descendants of recent immigrants one or two gen-
ecologically meaningful gene flow, or can these erations into the past). As with clustering methods,
methods discover only gene flow that is trivially the assignment tests are sensitive only to recent im-
low? Simulations (Waples and Gaggiotti, 2006) sug- migration because additional generations of mat-
gest that there may be “situations where Nm is high ing with non-immigrant genotypes will erode the
enough that a realistic population sample would signal of immigrant ancestry beyond the second-
contain enough immigrants to shed light on immi- generation descendants of immigrants.
gration patterns, yet where there remained enough A significant limitation of this assignment ap-
differentiation between populations to endow ge- proach may be its ability to resolve complex pat-
netic assignment methods with adequate power for terns of migration among a biologically realistic
F0 [first-generation] immigrant detection” (Paetkau (large) number of populations (Faubet et al., 2007;
et al., 2004, p. 56). It seems uncertain whether such Mardulyn et al., 2008). Meirmans (2014) showed
situations are common among systems of marine that estimates of migration rates from BayesAss
animal populations. However, this sensitivity to analyses may be biased by computational limita-
the homogenizing effects of long-term gene flow tions on the ability to optimize model parameter
suggests caution in the interpretation of individual- values (migration rates into many populations)
based estimates of ongoing gene flow when those from limited data (small numbers of individuals
estimates are high (Saenz-Agudelo et al., 2009; and loci). In general, the quality of BayesAss results
Lowe and Allendorf, 2010). improves with larger samples of organisms and
deeper sampling of genomes, but declines with lar-  Assigning immigrant individuals ger numbers of populations.
to source populations
This second approach includes some of the same  Assigning individuals to families
model parameters from population-based meth- A third—and conceptually distinct—approach to
ods (including the migration rate, m), but estimates counting migration events includes the fewest popu-
those model parameters by identifying recent im- lation model parameters. This approach uses genea-
migrants and their population of origin (rather than logical methods to infer parent-offspring relationships
by characterizing long-term rates of gene flow). among sampled genotypes, and infers migration
The most widely used of these methods is called from the discovery of close family members in differ-
BayesAss (Wilson and Rannala, 2003). Each sam- ent population samples. One highly cited method is
pling location is assumed to constitute a population called CERVUS; the original version was designed to
that may include some first-generation immigrants assign paternity to offspring given genotype data for
from one or more source populations, as well as those offspring and their known mothers (Marshall
recent (second- or third-generation) descendants et al., 1998); extensions of the method allowed for the
of immigrants; allele and genotype frequencies at effects of genotyping errors, and for more accurate
each locus can vary among populations (and to assignment of parentage given only genotypes of off-
vary away from HWE conditions); and different spring and candidate parents (and without a known
pairs of populations may exchange migrants at dif- maternal or paternal genotype; Kalinowski et al.,
ferent rates. Unlike clustering methods, BayesAss 2007). Some candidate parents can be excluded by al-
starts with the assignment (Paetkau et al., 1995) lelic mismatches with offspring genotypes; like clus-
of each individual genotype to the sample where tering and assignment methods, CERVUS then uses
that genotype’s expected frequency is the great- likelihood scores to assess nonexcluded candidate
est (based on the observed distributions of alleles). parents and identify the most likely parent for each
Then, like clustering methods, the fit of the model parent-offspring pair (based on the frequencies of the
G e n e t i c A n a lys i s    173

shared alleles, and heterozygosity of the parental gen- exclusion (because non-parental alleles observed
otypes). Unlike other methods, which fit population in offspring may be sufficient to mistakenly ex-
model parameters (and characterize confidence in the clude a true parent-offspring pair), in contrast to
parameter value estimates) by optimization, parent- other individual- or population-based methods
age methods are based on simple Mendelian inher- where confidence in clustering or population as-
itance rules; instead of optimization, the confidence signment should increase with the number of loci
in the identification of a specific parent-offspring pair sampled (Sobel et al., 2002). Genotyping errors can
in CERVUS is assessed by comparison to simulations be included in probabilistic models for identifying
that use empirical allele frequencies from the sam- parent-offspring pairs (Kalinowski et al., 2007), but
pled populations. decreasing the sensitivity of the models to genotyp-
Although methods like CERVUS are designed ing error also decreases the accuracy with which
to assign parentage and identify parent-offspring true parent-offspring pairs may be distinguished
pairs, some studies that identify the same parent(s) from other genetic similarities between individuals
for more than one offspring can thus also identify (Christie, 2009). This sensitivity to genotyping er-
full- or half-sibling pairs, including siblings that rors may impose a significant limitation on the use
were collected in different population samples. of some parentage methods in genome-scale stud-
This is a significant but largely untapped strength ies of larval dispersal and gene flow.
of parentage methods: they provide the only indi-
vidual- or population-based genetic approach that
can quantify migration specifically caused by ad- 12.4  Improved Understanding of Larval
vection of offspring away from their parents (e.g., Dispersal and Gene Flow
a planktonic cohort of sibling larvae that disperses
Here we highlight several areas of advancement
away from the parental population in an ocean cur-
since Palumbi’s (1995) review, especially those ar-
rent), and distinguish this from migration caused
eas that have benefited from the application of new
by diffusion of siblings away from each other (e.g.,
coalescent population models or individual-based
spread of siblings of the same cohort or different
cohorts due to spatial or temporal variation in cur-
rent speed and direction). Both advection and dif-
fusion in the plankton contribute to observed levels 12.4.1  Biological Correlates of Larval Dispersal:
of migration and gene flow, but the two modes of
Planktonic Larval Duration
dispersal have different ecological and evolution-
ary consequences (Palmer and Strathmann, 1981) Because most marine larvae cannot be followed di-
on both small (Grosberg, 1991) and large (Largier, rectly in the plankton, ecologists have long searched
2003) spatial scales. for useful proxies for dispersal potential. One com-
Parentage methods (especially those that use mon and accessible proxy—the duration of the
exclusion to screen out most candidate parent- planktonic larval stage (PLD)—can be estimated by
offspring pairs) also have a significant weakness: rearing larvae in the laboratory or by observing cal-
they may be sensitive to the effects of genotyping ibrated growth marks (such as daily increments in
errors that cause non-parental alleles to be ob- growth of fish otoliths) in larvae collected from the
served in true offspring of a parent (e.g., so-called plankton. Estimates of dispersal potential based on
stuttering of microsatellite allele sizes; Bonin et al., PLD vary among species from several minutes to
2004); conversely, as the size of studies grow, a several years (Strathmann and Strathmann, 2007).
large number of pairwise comparisons can cause Palumbi (1995) reviewed the early evidence for
unrelated individuals to share alleles by chance. variation in PLD. He asked whether PLD covaries
A counterintuitive effect of the sensitivity to geno- with (and statistically accounts for) realized disper-
typing error is that the number of mistakes in par- sal measured as differentiation itself (e.g., FST) or as
entage assignment may increase with the number a pattern of increased differentiation among popu-
of sampled loci in assignment methods based on lations separated by larger geographic distances
174   E v o l u t i o n a ry E c o l o g y o f M a r i n e I n v e rt e b r at e La r va e

known as isolation-by-distance (IBD), in which the between PLD and metrics of population differentia-
strength of IBD is characterized by the slope of a tion (Bohonak, 1999; Shanks et al., 2003; Siegel, 2003)
regression of FST against geographic distance be- and others reporting a much weaker relationship
tween pairs of populations (Slatkin, 1993; Rousset, (Bradbury et al., 2008; Ross et al., 2009; Weersing
1997). This definition of IBD among populations in and Toonen, 2009; Kelly and Palumbi, 2010; Selkoe
a steppingstone model of multiple habitat patches and Toonen, 2011; Riginos et al., 2011).
is slightly different from Wright’s (1943) original Several factors may account for this uncertain or
definition of IBD among individuals in a single contentious relationship between PLD and popula-
habitat patch in which typical dispersal distances tion genetic differentiation. First, although meta-
are less than the dimensions of the habitat (what analyses of large numbers of studies have great
Wright called “local inbreeding in a continuous power, they also confound variation in the biology
area”). However, the two definitions share a similar of the study organisms with variation in the meth-
concept of limited or localized dispersal leading to odological approaches and shortcomings of the in-
greater genetic differences on larger spatial scales. dividual studies (Selkoe and Toonen, 2011; Dawson,
Several early and important comparative stud- 2014). Sample sizes, spatial scales of sampling, bio-
ies of congeneric marine gastropod species with geographic region, genetic marker choice, and the
or without planktonic larvae established support metric of realized larval dispersal (especially the
for the specific and intuitive idea of an inverse choice of FST vs. the IBD slope) can affect the ap-
relationship between PLD and population gen- parent relationship between PLD and population
etic differentiation (e.g., Berger, 1973; Snyder and genetic differentiation (Weersing and Toonen, 2009;
Gooch, 1973; Gooch, 1975), and the for the general Selkoe and Toonen, 2011).
idea that PLD can be used as a proxy for realized Second, the strength of early comparative studies
or typical larval dispersal distances (Crisp, 1978). lay in phylogenetically controlled comparisons of
Other comparative genetic studies of related and co-distributed taxa. However, these studies focused
co-distributed molluscs (Hoagland, 1986; Kyle and on comparisons between species with relatively
Boulding, 2000; Collin, 2001), fishes (Waples, 1987; large, qualitative differences in dispersal potential
Doherty et al., 1995), echinoderms (McMillan et al., (i.e., planktonic larvae vs. non-planktonic larvae).
1992; Arndt et al., 1998), corals (Hellberg, 1996), and Although species that lack planktonic larvae are rel-
crustaceans (Duffy, 1993) provide additional evi- evant to predictions about the effect of PLD on dis-
dence of a strong negative correlation between PLD persal, a strongly bimodal distribution of PLD (with
and population genetic differentiation. one mode at zero for species without a planktonic
However, a steady accumulation of counterex- larva) biases the perceived strength of the overall
amples cast some doubt on the generality of this relationship between time spent in the plankton
pattern (Burton, 1983; Palumbi, 1995). Some of the and genetic differentiation (Bay et al., 2006; Ross
exceptions are more difficult to evaluate given that et al., 2009; Weersing and Toonen, 2009; Kelly and
they are generally not comparative studies of either Palumbi, 2010; Riginos et al., 2011).
closely related or co-distributed taxa, but are instead Third, the use of PLD as a proxy for dispersal po-
studies of population structure in single species that tential is itself fraught with difficulty. Laboratory
revealed unexpectedly high or low genetic differen- measures of PLD do not easily account for seasonal
tiation relative to the authors’ expectations based and annual variation (especially in temperature and
on PLD estimates (Saunders et al., 1986; Watts et al., food availability) in nature. The capabilities of some
1990; France et al., 1992; Todd 2003; Planes, 1993; larvae to greatly extend their time in the plankton
Wares et al., 2001; Taylor and Hellberg, 2003; Rocha by the uptake of dissolved organic matter (Moran
et al., 2005; Baums et al., 2006; Bowen et al., 2006; and Manahan, 2004) or by developmental arrest
Marko et al., 2007). Several literature reviews and (Pradillon et al., 2001), and the abilities of other
meta-analyses have attempted to resolve this issue, larvae to enhance or limit their advection by active
but have come to substantially different conclusions, swimming (Kough et al., 2014) or by orientation to
with some studies reporting a strong relationship physical and chemical cues in the ocean (Mouritsen
G e n e t i c A n a lys i s    175

et al., 2013) may also contribute to a mismatch be- measured by similarly aged coalescents), so that ge-
tween laboratory measurements of PLD, actual netic drift has had the same opportunity to cause
time spent in the plankton, and the realized effects the evolution of population differentiation propor-
of larval duration on dispersal and gene flow. tional to PLD differences among species (Dawson,
Lastly, FST-based metrics of realized dispersal in- 2014; Dawson et al., 2014). Focusing only on such
voke Wright’s island-model assumptions. Are these synchronously diverging and co-distributed taxa
assumptions justified, or would other measures of may give the clearest view of the mechanistic rela-
migration and gene flow (McGovern et al., 2010; tionship between PLD and FST. Unfortunately, this
Crandall et al., 2012) more closely reflect the dispersal approach is less useful for interpreting population
capabilities of larvae? Most of these assumptions are differentiation in studies of single or idiosyncratic
difficult to test. The assumption of a drift-migration species (lacking a co-distributed species of a similar
equilibrium is supported by (but not a requirement coalescent age for comparison), for which popu-
for) observations of significant IBD in a system of lation genetic structure may be important and in-
populations (Wares, 2002). Gene flow and genetic teresting but for which a comparative context is
drift are also more likely to be near equilibrium at unavailable for interpreting the geographic extent
small spatial scales between neighboring popula- or magnitude of differentiation relative to PLD.
tions (Slatkin, 1993; Hellberg, 1995). Consistent with A second proposed solution is to ask the ques-
that view, Selkoe and Toonen (2011) found a stronger tion in a broadly expanded form that includes PLD
relationship between realized dispersal distances (the plus the many other factors that influence realized
IBD slope) and PLD when analyzing FST measured dispersal, such as the regional oceanography or
on relatively small spatial scales (<650 km). It was “seascape” (Barshis et al., 2011; Sunday et al., 2014;
surprising, then, that the relationship between PLD Liggins et al., 2016), habitat availability (Crandall
and FST was not improved by analyzing only datasets et al., 2012), population size and fecundity (Saenz-
with significant IBD (Selkoe and Toonen, 2011). Agudelo et al., 2012; Dawson et al., 2014), tem-
Given these conflicting results, it seems fair to perature (Kelly and Eernisse, 2007; Bradbury et al.,
ask: does planktonic larval duration predict the 2008), adult behavior during spawning (Carson
scale and magnitude of marine larval dispersal as et al., 2010), and larval behavior in the plankton
estimated from measures of population genetic dif- (Gerlac­h et al., 2007).
ferentiation? Clearly, species that lack planktonic This multifactorial approach seems promising.
larvae typically show much stronger patterns of For example, numerous studies have reported
population genetic differentiation than species highly variable genetic differentiation on small spa-
with planktonic larvae. However, the overall quan- tial scales, much less than the expected geographic
titative relationship between PLD and genetic dif- scale of larval dispersal. This pattern is in some ways
ferentiation is much less strong, probably because the opposite of IBD, and has been dubbed “chaotic
dispersal potential of planktonic larvae is difficult genetic patchiness” (Johnson and Black, 1982; Da-
to estimate from laboratory PLD, FST is sometimes a vid et al., 1997; Selkoe et al., 2010; Cornwell et al.,
poor proxy for gene flow, FST itself is sensitive to the 2016). One proposed cause of such patterns is strong
overall level of polymorphism of the genetic mark- temporal variation in both the source of plank-
ers (Meirmans and Hedrick, 2010), and because tonic larvae and in availability of recruitment sites
many other factors probably affect the realized dis- among destination populations (Johnso­n and Black,
persal of marine larvae. 1984). A second proposed cause of such patterns
One proposed solution to that unsatisfying con- is high variation in reproductive success among
clusion is to ask the same question in a more spe- broadcast-spawning adults, leading to low genetic
cific and restricted form. Evidence of a fundamental diversity within cohorts of offspring (relative to
mechanistic relationship between PLD and real- diversity among all adults) and strong differentia-
ized dispersal is most often clear in comparisons tion among cohorts (Hedgecoc­k, 1994; Hedgecoc­k
between co-distributed species that have occupied and Pudovki­n, 2011). This type of sweepstakes re-
the same seascape for the same amount of time (as production (with few winners and many losers)
176   E v o l u t i o n a ry E c o l o g y o f M a r i n e I n v e rt e b r at e La r va e

can reduce local genetic effective population size Ottmann et al., 2016; Selwyn et al., 2016), and could
within each reproductive event and may promote be readily tested using data from the quantification
population differentiation. However, migration of of dispersal kernels (Figure 12.3) using individual-
larvae—and especially the diffusion of larvae from based methods.
a single cohort away from each other—should lead
to the homogeneous sharing of offspring of the
12.4.2  Estimates of Dispersal Distances
sweepstakes winners among many populations,
and should prevent the evolution of genetic dif- Given that few generalities can be made about larval
ferentiation among populations with overlapping dispersal from large meta-analyses, the attention of
generations derived from multiple cohorts of larvae some marine ecologists has shifted toward under-
(Hedgecock, 1994). Broquet et al. (2013) used simu- standing how far individual larvae travel between
lations to show that a simple additional factor—a fertilization and metamorphosis, and to character-
small reduction in diffusion, or a small tendency for izing the frequency distribution of those dispersal
larvae to aggregate and to disperse together—could distances. That frequency distribution is also known
produce strong local population differentiation that as the dispersal kernel (Largier, 2003; Botsford et al.,
was quantitatively like empirical measures of cha- 2009), and it is expected to be related to many of the
otic patchiness in nature (also see Eldon et al., 2016). most important ecological and evolutionary quanti-
Broquet et al. (2013) conceded that aggregation and ties associated with pelagic larval development.
collective dispersal of cohorts seems unlikely, but
is consistent with greater than expected kinship Isolation-by-distance
among some larvae and new recruits (Selkoe et al., One approach to measuring characteristic larval
2006; Hedgecock et  al., 2007; Iacchei et al., 2013; dispersal distances has used parameter estimates

30 Dispersal kernel:
P(distance) = 0.36e–0.36(distance)


Number of offspring



0 5 10 15 20
Dispersal distance (km)

Figure 12.3 Frequency distribution of dispersal distances by larvae away from parents for 120 parent-offspring pairs of the neon goby Elacatinus
lori from the western Caribbean. The dispersal kernel was estimated by fitting a negative exponential function to the frequency distribution, with a
best estimate of the decay parameter λ = 0.36; the inverse of the decay parameter is the average dispersal distance (~2.8 km). Data and analysis
from D’Aloia et al. (2015); larval goby image from Smithsonian Belize Larval-Fish Group 2002, image ID C2-19 (see Plate 12).
G e n e t i c A n a lys i s    177

from population-based methods such as FST. How- adults of some other species have evolved to live only
ever, this fixation index is an unreliable measure in freshwater streams on high islands. Both types of
of genetic differentiation in species with high gene species have swimming planktonic marine larvae,
flow (Figure 12.2; Waples, 1998). The IBD slope is and adults of both types can live on high islands (in
likely a better proxy for realized dispersal in high- freshwater or marine habitats), but the two types of
dispersal marine species (Palumbi, 2003) because species differ in their opportunities for stepping stone
there should be no relationship between FST and gene flow: species with marine adults can disperse
geographic distance if error associated with FST is as between high islands over several generations by
large as the estimates of FST. using the marine habitats of low atolls as stepping-
In an influential study, Kinlan and Gaines (2003) stones; in contrast, amphidromous species can only
used a population genetic simulation of larval dis- disperse between high islands directly in a single
persal (from Palumbi, 2003) to characterize the rela- generation (because adults are unable to live on atolls
tionship between variation in simulated dispersal that lack freshwater habitats). By using a coalescent
distance and variation in the resulting IBD slope population-based method to model migration rates
among simulated populations. They then applied independent of other population model parameters,
that function to estimate dispersal distances from Crandall et al. showed that steppingstone dispersal
empirical studies of IBD patterns among popula- led to greater gene flow between high islands for one
tion genetic samples of marine organisms. Kinlan marine species but not for amphidromous species.
and Gaines (2003) used this simulation approach to A physical circulation model of ocean currents pro-
circumvent the difficulties in obtaining direct esti- vided important context for that comparison: in some
mates of larval dispersal distances for species with cases, high islands were connected by strong currents
prolonged planktonic development and large pop- that allowed direct dispersal between populations
ulation sizes (Cowen and Sponaugle, 2009). As with of both marine and amphidromous species; only in
Palumbi (2003), they inferred surprisingly short cases without a strong direct oceanographic connec-
dispersal distances of only approximately 0.01–100 tion did the two types of species differ in migration
km per generation, and proposed that a large part rates (due to their different abilities to make use of
of that extraordinary variation was related to PLD steppingstone dispersal via atolls).
and other intrinsic biological differences in disper- This example has several interesting implications.
sal potential among marine animal species. First, it shows that careful dissection of multiple
Many other marine animals have geographic factors (including ocean currents and adult habitat
ranges that greatly exceed the dispersal distances es- requirements) may often be needed to reveal the
timated from IBD patterns. A plausible mechanism specific circumstances that lead to a correlation
leading to that difference is steppingstone migration between genetic differentiation and geographic
(Kimura and Weiss, 1964) over many generations of distance, and to estimate the contribution of step-
short-­distance dispersal events that link far-flung pingstone larval dispersal to the direction and mag-
populations (Planes and Fauvelot, 2002). Crandall et nitude of gene flow. Second, the neritid example
al. (2012) reviewed examples of IBD, and noted that suggests that coalescent population models (rather
genetic evidence for steppingstone migration (and than summary statistics such as FST from Wright’s
its implications for larval dispersal) is rare relative to island model) may be needed to estimate migration
many examples of spatial genetic variation that are rates from genetic data in a complex biogeographi-
more consistent with the effects of recent range ex- cal setting where many other processes also affect
pansion, rare long-distance dispersal events, or other larval movements in the plankton. Third, the exam-
nonequilibrium processes. Crandall et al. (2012) used a ple illustrates a potentially important limitation on
clever comparative approach to distinguish the effects the use of individual-based methods and dispersal
of steppingstone gene flow from the contributions of kernels to understand larval migration, gene flow,
other processes to population genetic variation. They and population structure. Because individual-based
sampled mtDNA population variation across Indo- methods detect only the effects of ongoing or recent
Pacific island archipelagos for neritid snails in which immigration over one or a few generations, they
adults of some species live in marine habitats, but may be inherently incapable of capturing a complete
178   E v o l u t i o n a ry E c o l o g y o f M a r i n e I n v e rt e b r at e La r va e

view of larval migration if steppingstone dispersal To better understand those patterns, D’Aloia et
over many generations is an important mechanism al. (2015) then intensively sampled >105 single-locus
linking far-flung parts of a metapopulation. Dis- microsatellite genotypes from thousands of E. lori
tant populations in a stepping stone model may adults and newly recruited offspring along a 41-km
show little genetic connectivity on short timescales transect of the barrier reef. The parentage method
(measured by individual-based methods), but may in CERVUS identified 120 parent-offspring pairs,
show substantial connectivity on longer timescales which allowed D’Aloia et al. (2015) to characterize
(measured by population-based methods), espe- the dispersal kernel from that high-resolution fre-
cially if stepping stone gene flow is episodic and quency distribution: the most common dispersal
influenced by temporally varying patterns of ocean distance was ≤1 km, the mean distance (estimated
circulation. In this sense, the characterization of dis- by model-fitting; Figure  12.3) was <3 km, and the
persal kernels from data using clustering methods largest distance traveled by any offspring was only
or assignment tests (see later) may be a necessary ~16 km. Many (24) offspring were members of 11 dif-
but insufficient basis for linking larval biology and ferent full- or half-sib families, including eight fami-
dispersal to ecological or evolutionary processes, lies in which siblings diffused away from each other
and may require the addition of population-based and were advected different distances away from
methods that integrate the effects of gene flow over their parents; two families in which siblings were ad-
many generations via stepping stone migration. vected the same distance from the parent(s) (without
diffusion away from each other); and one family in  Dispersal kernels which all siblings recruited to the same location with
In contrast to the IBD approach that uses popula- the parent (and without advection or diffusion). A
tion-based methods, a second approach to measur- single family included both the longest observed dis-
ing characteristic larval dispersal distances is the persal distance from the parent (16.4 km) for one of
dispersal kernel or the frequency distribution of the half-sibs, as well as the modal dispersal distance
distances between parents and their offspring. This from the parent (0.8 km) for the other half-sib. That
distribution can be characterized using individual- variation within and among families suggests that
based methods to identify and count immigrants, advection (away from parents), diffusion (away from
assign them to source populations, and describe the siblings), and local retention of larvae all contribute
frequency distribution of larval dispersal distances. to patterns of larval dispersal and gene flow in E. lori.
An elegant example from a coral reef fish illustrates Additional modeling (D’Aloia et al., 2015) sug-
both the promise and the limits of this approach. gested that population genetic differentiation along
D’Aloia et al. (2014) used microsatellite polymor- the barrier reef was caused by a form of isolation-
phisms and mitochondrial DNA sequences to char- by-distance among mating groups (associated with
acterize population genetic variation in the neon different host sponges) that were separated by dis-
goby Elacatinus lori from several populations sam- tances greater than a few kilometers, like Wright’s
pled on the continuous barrier reef system and on (1943) original definition of IBD. Although D’Aloia
isolated atolls along ~150 km of the coast of Belize et al. (2014) emphasized a lack of isolation-by-
in the western Caribbean. Adults of this species live distanc­e among populations, a relatively strong
in large sponges where males brood developing pattern of IBD was evident among the barrier reef
embryos; hatched larvae leave the sponge (and the populations only (Figure 12.4), and that pattern was
parents) to spend three weeks or more in the plank- consistent with the expected effects of short-distance
ton before recruiting to a new sponge host. Despite larval dispersal along the continuously distributed
the potential for long-distance larval dispersal dur- barrier reef habitat. In contrast, D’Aloia et al. (2015)
ing that long planktonic period, population differ- argued that populations on atolls are demographi-
entiation (e.g., mtDNA FST up to 0.46) was strong cally isolated from the barrier reef (and from each
on both small (<  20 km) and large spatial scales; other) by deeper water and the absence of stepping-
differentiation was especially strong between atolls stones (the host sponge species) in the intervening
and the barrier reef; and there appeared to be little habitat. That interpretation was supported by the
evidence of IBD. absence of IBD on any geographic scale for pairwise
G e n e t i c A n a lys i s    179

differentiation among atoll populations or between and over long timescales (reflected in population
atolls and the barrier reef (Figure 12.4). model parameters such as pairwise population FST).
Comparable patterns of spatial genetic variation This detailed treatment of a specific example from
have been found in other Elacatinus species (Taylo­r gobies illustrates both the potential importance of
and Hellberg, 2003; 2006), and similar dispersal individual-based genetic methods and the limits on
kernels have been found in a handful of other stud- their application for understanding marine larval
ies that used individual-based genetic methods to dispersal. In a pilot study focused on a single E. lori
characterize dispersal distances (e.g., clownfish; population from a 0.5 km section of barrier reef,
Buston et al., 2012; Almany et al., 2013 Pinsky et al., D’Aloia et al. (2013) were able to assign almost 5% of
2016). These results seem important because they offspring to parents; when the geographic scale of the
suggest that realized dispersal distances of many study was extended to capture the full dispersal ker-
coral reef fish may be considerably shorter than ex- nel, the assignment rate was reduced by about half
pected (Kinlan and Gaines, 2003; Cowen and Spo- (D’Aloia et al., 2015), in spite of the large sample size
naugle, 2009; Shanks, 2009). They implicate larval of adults and offspring (>7,000), because the broader
behavior in the plankton (e.g., swimming activity, study area included many more individuals of which
orientation, vertical migration) and steppingstone a smaller proportion were sampled, genotyped, and
gene flow between habitat patches that are sepa- assigned to families. That difference suggests that it
rated by distances less than the typical larval dis- may be realistic to use parentage (or other individual-
persal distance (Crandall et al., 2012) as critically based) methods to characterize dispersal kernels only
important factors that mediate the relationship on the smallest spatial scales in small populations
between potential and realized dispersal over both of organisms with long-lived adults. For example,
short timescales (reflected in the dispersal kernel) Stockwell et al. (2016) sampled thousands of SNP loci


Microsatellite pairwise F st

R2 = 0.00265



R2 = 0.25814

0 50 100 150 200
Euclidean distance (km)

Figure 12.4  Patterns of isolation-by-distance (IBD) in the neon goby Elacatinus lori from the western Caribbean (D’Aloia et al., 2014) based on 13
microsatellite loci sampled for 20–30 adults from five populations along a continuous barrier reef and five populations from isolated atolls. Relatively
strong IBD is detectable among barrier reef populations (open symbols; high coefficient of determination R2 ~0.26) that are connected by stepping
stone gene flow. D’Aloia et al. (2014) found no IBD among populations from atolls, or between atoll and barrier reef populations (closed symbols;
R2 ~0.0026). Adapted (with permission) from data in D’Aloia et al. (2014).
180   E v o l u t i o n a ry E c o l o g y o f M a r i n e I n v e rt e b r at e La r va e

from Indo-Pacific parrotfish (Scarus niger) collected or spatial variation in the frequency distribution of
at several population locations in the Philippines dispersal distances would require spatial replication
separated by >100 km. They discovered convincing and temporal repetition. Those sampling constraints
evidence of larval dispersal and gene flow on that seem to put the dispersal kernel for S. niger and many
larger spatial scale (two pairs of siblings in different other species (with broad geographic ranges, exten-
populations, identified using an assignment method sive larval dispersal, and large populations subject to
for identifying family members called ML-RELATE; spatial and temporal variation in dispersal) out of the
Kalinowski et al., 2006). That discovery suggests that reach of individual-based methods, even for studies
the method can in principle be applied to widely like that of Stockwell et al. (2016) that use automated,
separated populations connected by planktonic lar- high-throughput genomic data collection.
val dispersal on scales much greater than observed
in species like E. lori. However, the low assignment 12.5  Consequences of Larval Dispersal:
rates for S. niger individuals grouped into families Genetic Connectivity vs. Demographic
(~2%) implies that a vast collecting and genotyping
effort might be needed to find large numbers of sib-
ling pairs (and dispersal distances) and to fully char- The distinction between population- and individual-
acterize the dispersal kernel to the same precision based methods, including the diversity of specific
achieved by D’Aloia et al. (2015; Figure 12.3). Moreo- parameters that each may estimate (e.g., Nm vs. m),
ver, such studies can provide only individual snap- has become increasingly important for marine ecolo-
shots of the dispersal kernel; accounting for temporal gists, who have emphasized understanding patterns

marine & “gene flow” marine & “gene flow”

& larva & dispersal
200 200
Web of Science entries matching four search terms

NOT connectivity

150 150

NOT connectivity

100 100

50 50 AND connectivity
AND connectivity

0 0
1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015
Publication date (five-year intervals)

Figure 12.5  Trends in the use of the keyword “connectivity” in studies of marine larval dispersal and gene flow; data are counts of citations that
use different keyword combinations in searchable fields of records in the Web of Science database for the years 1996 through 2015 in five-year
increments following the review by Palumbi (1995). Results are shown for two alternative keyword searches using the terms “larva*” or “dispersal”;
in each alternative search, the results for items without “connectivity” (closed symbols) are contrasted with results for items including “connectivity”
(open symbols). In both cases the use of “connectivity” has dramatically increased since 2005.
G e n e t i c A n a lys i s    181

of marine “connectivity” (Figure 12.5) via larval dis- divergence in allele frequencies, Nm >10); inbreeding
persal to resolve fisheries and conservation problems connectivity (gene flow that prevents the harmful
such as the design of effective networks of marine loss of genetic diversity, Nm >1); and adaptive con-
protected areas (MPAs; Gaines et al., 2010, Figure nectivity (gene flow that is sufficiently high to pro-
12.1). In this context, it is useful to distinguish among mote the spread of adaptive alleles, Nm >0.1).
several types of connectivity that reflect different The differences among population- and individ-
population processes and can be estimated from ge- ual-based genetic methods for analyzing larval dis-
netic data under different model assumptions. persal have obvious parallels with these distinctions
First, marine ecologists and resource managers are between demographic connectivity (focused on per
typically interested in characterizing demographic capita migration rates, m) and genetic connectivity
connectivity, the degree to which population per- (focused on gene flow, Nm), as well as implications
sistence or growth rates are affected over ecological for the choice of methods to meet different study
timescales by larval dispersal among populations objectives or goals. Clustering and assignment
(Waples, 1998; Waples and Gaggiotti, 2006; Lowe and methods characterize migration distances between
Allendorf, 2010). How much dispersal is necessary populations, and parentage methods characterize
to provide significant demographic linkage among migration distances away from parents; if sampling
individual populations is not well understood and is sufficiently intensive, some methods can estimate
highly context-dependent. One proposed standard the migration rate as the proportion of migrants
is that a migration rate of ~10% (e.g., m =  0.1) is entering a destination population (m) through the
needed to maintain demographic synchrony (simi- identification of migrant individuals, but not nec-
lar population dynamics and growth rates) among essarily the evolutionary impact of immigration in
separate populations linked by dispersal (Hastings, the destination population (Nm) unless the effective
1993; Waples and Gaggiotti, 2006). population size is known. Therefore, almost by defi-
By contrast, biogeographers and population ge- nition, individual-based methods have the potential
neticists have emphasized the degree to which lar- to characterize demographic connectivity on short
val dispersal affects evolutionary processes within (ecological) timescales (Christie et al., 2010); few give
populations and evolutionary divergence among insight into effective population size, such that indi-
them (Lowe and Allendorf, 2010). These effects vidual-based methods offer little insight into genetic
can include both positive (e.g., preventing inbreed- connectivity on longer (evolutionary) timescales.
ing depression) and negative consequences (e.g., By contrast, most population-based methods
preventing the fixation of locally adapted alleles (FST and coalescent methods) provide estimates of
via gene swamping) of gene flow. Wright (1951) the compound parameter Nm (the number of mi-
concluded that Nm >1 was sufficient to prevent grants per generation), which provides insight into
the harmful effects of inbreeding and genetic drift the evolutionary impact of larval dispersal. This is
within populations. As a consequence, many popu- an important limitation because estimates of Nm
lation geneticists have used this one-migrant-per- provide little insight into demographic connectivity
generation (OMPG) “rule” as a threshold value unless N or the population growth rate is known
defining genetic connectivity, the amount of gene (Lowe and ­Allendorf, 2010). This shortcoming of
flow necessary to homogenize allele frequencies population-based methods may often be moot for
among populations over evolutionary timescales. some marine species with large population sizes be-
However, close inspection of the relationship be- cause Nm can be most reliably estimated when it is
tween FST and Nm (Figure 12.2) reveals that much small (Nm <10), and for many marine species with
greater gene flow (Nm >10) is necessary to prevent large population sizes, Nm <10 implies m << 0.1 and
divergence in allele frequencies. The confusion in is likely to be demographically insignificant. The
the literature over the OMPG rule and the expected same cannot be said for cases in which Nm >10, be-
effects of gene flow led Lowe and Allendorf (2010) cause population-based methods have little power
to recognize three distinct levels of genetic connec- to distinguish drift connectivity from strong demo-
tivity: drift connectivity (gene flow that prevents graphic connectivity (Figure 12.2). However, even
182   E v o l u t i o n a ry E c o l o g y o f M a r i n e I n v e rt e b r at e La r va e

in cases where Nm can be reasonably interpreted in any single approach, particularly for predicting
in the context of demographic connectivity (or if m marine connectivity and its implications for fisher-
can be calculated with a known mutation rate), the ies management or the design of networks of MPAs
parameter estimates from most population-based in a rapidly changing environment. However, even
methods are time-averaged over long (evolution- though individual- and population-based estimates
ary) timescales, and may not be similar to present- of connectivity can be inferred from the same data,
day migration rates, particularly for species whose direct comparisons of migration rates over evo-
populations may be declining or growing, or whose lutionary timescales to migration on more recent
distributions may be fragmented and rapidly ecological timescales have been rare (e.g., Pusack
changing in response to anthropogenic effects. et al., 2014; D’Aloia et al., 2015; Pinsky et al., 2016),
possibly because gene flow is often too high to ex-
12.6 Conclusion pect informative population-based results on the
spatial scale at which individual-based methods
For the last 20 years, population-based genetic ap- are most often applied (but see Pinsky et al., 2016),
proaches have been the go-to analytical methods for and because the types of genetic markers that are
studying marine connectivity, whereas the develop- best for individual-based methods (microsatellites
ment and use of individual-based methods is in its and SNPs, but see Rougemont et al., 2016) are also
infancy. Do the differences among the two classes of not ideal for some of the most powerful population-
methods and their variants matter for genetic analy- based methods (DNA sequences). In addition to in-
ses of larval migration? Population-based methods ferences about larval dispersal from genetic data,
have proven to be most useful for identifying very direct measurements of the impacts of dispersal on
strong genetic breaks that often reflect a long-term demographic processes are likely crucial for dem-
lack of both genetic and demographically significant onstrating meaningful demographic connectivity
connectivity among populations, and genetic data for the purposes of resource management (Waples,
can provide crucial complementary data for ecolog- 1998; Lowe and Allendorf, 2010). The complemen-
ical studies that find evidence of demographic asyn- tary combination of these methods seems likely to
chrony (Peterson et al., 1996; Marko and Barr, 2007). illuminate both the scope and scale of larval disper-
However, if gene flow is high, population-based sal in marine systems.
methods are not expected to return clear and reli-
able answers about either genetic or demographic 12.7 Summary
connectivity. Individual-based methods may have
greater potential and show considerable promise 1. Genetic data can be used to characterize the scale
to uncover evidence of demographic connectiv- or magnitude of connectivity via larval dispersal
ity among populations, but, like population-based in the plankton as the per capita migration rate
methods, are not expected to perform well when (m), the rate of gene flow (Nm), or counts of im-
migration rates are high (Waples and Gaggiotti, migrant individuals.
2006; Paetkau et al., 2004; Lowe and Allendor­f, 2010) 2. Population-based methods infer average ef-
and rely fundamentally on intensive sampling of all fective rates of connectivity on long timescales
potential source and sink populations. In short, ge- (hundreds to thousands of generations), and
netic methods can provide strong inferences about those estimates will be influenced by many pro-
either an absence of (either genetic or demographic) cesses (including larval dispersal).
connectivity or high genetic connectivity, but they 3. Individual-based methods based on clustering
are, at present, less useful for demonstrating strong or assignment of individual genotypes to popu-
demographic connectivity. lations or families are suitable for estimating
Clearly, no single approach will always tell a connectivity on short timescales.
complete story of realized dispersal and connec- 4. The typical or characteristic larval dispersal dis-
tivity. Comparing results from different analyses tance for any one system of populations may
may generate insights or reveal problems inherent best be characterized by isolation-by-distance
G e n e t i c A n a lys i s    183

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I Feel That! Fluid Dynamics

and Sensory Aspects of Larval
Settlement Across Scales
Jason Hodin, Matthew C. Ferner, Andreas Heyland, and Brian Gaylord

13.1 Introduction the form of yolk, or provided it with chemical de-

fenses to deter planktonic predators. She may also
Standing on a wave-swept shore, it’s tempting to have released her offspring during a specific sea-
imagine that the myriad microscopic larvae beneath son, lunar phase, or time of day that could offer
the surface are simply at the mercy of oceanic forces, it the maximum available planktonic food, fewest
so-called “passive particles” being hurled to and potential predators, and most favorable oceanic
fro by the tremendous energy of tides, waves, and flow conditions to retain it near to shore (see On-
currents. In this conception, a larva that eventually line Supplementary Material).
would settle in the nearshore has three key tasks: But a growing body of evidence indicates that lar-
(1) to survive long enough and be lucky enough to vae are best considered as other than passive par-
be passively carried to a suitable adult habitat; ticles (see Morgan, 2014). Although the maximum
(2) to recognize such a habitat when it arrives swimming speed of the larvae of most invertebrates
there; and (<1 cm·sec-1 or far less; Chia et al., 1984; Fuchs and
(3) to attach or burrow into that habitat so as not to Gerbi, 2016) are too slow to make headway in
be swept away by impinging flows. strong oceanic currents (10s of cm·sec-1) or within
wave-driven flows (meters·sec-1), these larvae nev-
In this sense, even a larva that might appear “pas- ertheless have a behavioral repertoire that they
sive” with respect to typical flow regimes could be can exploit to increase their odds of finding food,
in some ways master of its own fate. For example, avoiding predators, and being carried back to shore
engaging larval defenses could increase its odds when they are ready to settle into benthic habitat.
of survival in the presence of predators, adjust- Stronger swimming larvae of crustaceans and fish
ing its feeding mechanisms could allow it to grow can swim against and at least partially resist such
faster and more efficiently, detecting conspecifics currents, and are thus even less passive.
or a favored adult food source could increase its Based on the notion that larvae of benthic spe-
likelihood of settling in an appropriate location, cies have an underappreciated capacity to influence
and quickly deploying well-developed adhesive their locations in space and thus their arrival into
structures could allow it to withstand agents of specific habitats, in this chapter we will draw upon
dislodgment when it arrives there. Furthermore, examples from disparate marine invertebrates to
our larva’s mother (and in some cases its father) describe the following:
could have stacked the deck in its favor. For ex-
ample, she might have protected the embryo and • the fluid environment that larvae experience in
larva for a time, endowed it with extra energy in the pelagic and benthic realms;

Hodin, J., Ferner, M. C., Heyland, A., and Gaylord, B., I feel that! Fluid dynamics and sensory aspects of larval settlement across scales.
In. Evolutionary Ecology of Marine Invertebrate Larvae. Edited by Tyler J. Carrier, Adam M. Reitzel, and Andreas Heyland:
Oxford University Press (2018). © Oxford University Press. DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780198786962.003.0013
F l u i d Dy n am i c s a n d S e n s o ry A s p e c t s o f La r va l S e t t l e m e n t    191

• what larva can sense in their fluid environment planktonic (millimeters or less) to oceanic (1000s of
and how they do so; and kilometers), whereby two organisms with the same
• what cues larvae utilize, and how their responses Re can be thought of as experiencing a similar fluid
to such cues vary depending on the scale relative dynamic environment.
to suitable settlement locations. Because the Reynolds number depends on a
length scale, two organisms that differ vastly in size
The main focus in this chapter is to review these
but occupy the same habitat (like a bottlenose dol-
­topics from the perspective of larvae maxi­­mizing
phin and a coral planula in a tropical lagoon) will ex-
their chances of surviving to settle at an appropri-
perience quite distinct fluid dynamic environments:
ate time and place. While addressing these issues,
while the density and viscosity of the ambient sea-
we will often connect to subjects of other chapters
water are more or less the same for the two organ-
in this volume, which we will cross-reference for
isms, the length of the dolphin (~3 m) is four orders
their more extensive consideration of such mate-
of magnitude greater than the length of the planula
rial. We also will highlight the tremendous progress
(~0.3 mm), and the swimming speeds of these two
made in larval ecology in the last 50 years, and in
animals also differ by about three orders of magni-
particular in the two decades since the publication
tude (~3 m·sec-1 vs. ~3 mm·sec-1, respectively). At
of Ecology of Marine Invertebrate Larvae (McEdward,
the scale of the dolphin, the value in the numerator
1995), the multi-authored work that inspired the
of the Re equation is thus very large, and the inertial
current edited volume. And, finally, we will look to
forces override the viscous ones. At the scale of the
the future of the field, where new techniques and
larva the opposite is true (see Vogel, 1994; and for a
interdisciplinary integration offer the promise of
more recent review, Weissburg et al., 2014).
deeper understanding of the surprisingly common
In terms of the relative flow experienced by each of
yet remarkably diverse complex life cycles of ma-
these animals, this difference could not be more pro-
rine organisms.
found. Flow at the scale of a dolphin (Re ~106) is cha-
otically turbulent: as it swims through the water, the
13.2  What Does It Feel Like to be a Larva? dolphin leaves a wake with swirling eddies behind
it (Vogel, 1994). In fact, the streamlined body of the
Although we do not know the complete answer to dolphin is well adapted to limit the size of the eddy-
this question, fluid dynamics offers some clues. A filled wake since it increases drag, and thus impedes
bottlenose dolphin swimming through the wate­r forward progress. By contrast, the planula (Re ~1 or
experiences its fluid environment much differ- less), due to its small size, does not create a turbu-
ently than does a coral planula larva. At the scale lent wake as it moves through the lagoon by ciliary
of the dolphin, inertial forces predominate (think of propulsion. Instead, the larva’s movement induces
a boat continuing to glide long after the engine is strong local gradients in velocity that are character-
cut); at the scale of the planula, the dominant forces ized by adjacent layers of fluid slipping smoothly
are viscous (akin to a human swimming in a vat of past one another, with little mixing-type motions
honey). The relative importance of inertial and vis- (Figure 13.1). Less well studied are flow fields sur-
cous forces can be described in terms of a parameter rounding organisms operating at intermediate
called the Reynolds number (Re): Reynolds numbers (Re in the 1–100 range), which is
Re =
( ρU l ) relevant for many larger larvae (such as in fish, as-
µ cidians, and some crustaceans; McHenry et al., 2003)
The factors in the numerator contribute to larger as well as during certain burst swimming modes in
inertial forces (ρ—the density of the fluid; U—the smaller larvae, such as in diving bivalves (e.g., Fuchs
fluid velocity; and l—a characteristic length of the et al., 2015). At such intermediate Re values, the flow
organism in flow), whereas the surrounding fluid’s characteristics transition from viscous-dominated
dynamic viscosity μ is in the denominator. The units to a domain where inertial forces are more promi-
cancel one another out, so the Reynolds number is nent, and the particular shapes of the larvae can
a dimensionless metric, useful across scales from have an increasing effect on the flow characteristics
192   E v o l u t i o n a ry Ec o l o g y o f M a r i n e I n v e rt e b r at e La r va e



flow field
(B) turbulent

0.3 mm

Figure 13.1 Turbulent and laminar flow at different Reynolds numbers (Re). As discussed in the text, a bottlenose dolphin (A) and a coral planula
larva (B) in the same habitat experience very different flow regimes, due to their vastly different sizes and corresponding Re. (A) At high Re, flow
(dashed black lines) even around a streamlined organism like a dolphin is broken up by turbulent eddies (dashed gray lines) in its wake, which
impedes forward progress. (B) At low Re, by contrast, typical flow around the larva is smooth, with no turbulent eddies. As such, any turbulent
intrusion (e.g., due to wave action) into the larval flow field would stand out against the background flow regime. Figure modeled after Weissburg
et al. (2014). Pocillopora damicornis planula photo by Bob Richmond. (see Plate 13)

compared to what is seen in lower Re conditions (see, Jumars, 1984; Butman, 1987). Flow over smooth sur-
e.g., Koehl, 1995; McHenry et al., 2003). faces creates a boundary effect, where flow speed
The former example of eddies produced by flow decreases on average the nearer that flow is to the
around larger and faster-moving objects is repre- surface. This principle holds across scales: it is why
sentative of turbulent flow: parcels of water moving taller wind turbines are more efficient (wind speed
in random directions on average relative to that of is slower near the ground), and it is why so many
the mean flow. The smooth flow around smaller ob- benthic filter feeders—from tube worms to barna-
jects is an example of laminar flow. Or, put another cles to brittle stars—extend their feeding append-
way: at larger organism sizes and higher Re (as in ages above the substrate into the flow to increase
dolphins), flows are typically turbulent, whereas at the rate of encounter with particles. Fast flow, es-
smaller organism sizes and smaller Re (as in planu- pecially over rough surfaces, creates turbulent vor-
lae), flows tend to be more laminar. Characterization tices that enhance transport of materials across the
of laminar vs. turbulent flow regimes (and the tran- boundary layer, and can expose organisms within
sitions between them) based solely on Re should the boundary layer to instantaneous bursts in veloc-
be undertaken cautiously, as local geometries and ity (Nowell and Jumars, 1984).
boundary conditions modulate such regime shifts Given these trends, a problem would emerge for
(see Denny, 1988; Vogel, 1994). In general, however, a larval-sized organism that relies on material ex-
flows at Re >105 tend to be turbulent, while flows at change from the surrounding fluid, that operates at
Re <10 tend to be laminar. low Re, and where surrounding flow is slow and
For the purposes of this chapter, the character- turbulent mixing is absent: such an organism itself
istics of the flow regime at the larval scale have has a boundary layer. This boundary layer would
several implications. But to appreciate these impli- tend to interfere with its ability to interact with
cations, we first need to consider one more concept: more distant portions of its surrounding fluid envi-
that of the boundary layer (reviewed in Nowell and ronment. For our larva, then, such limitations could
F l u i d Dy n am i c s a n d S e n s o ry A s p e c t s o f La r va l S e t t l e m e n t    193

cause significant challenges: the unicellular algae (i.e., converted into heat) due to viscosity: more in-
that our larva needs to eat, the oxygen that it needs tense turbulent flows result in higher levels of en-
to absorb, and the cue molecules that it would use ergy dissipation and a broader energy cascade that
to locate a suitable settlement location can be rap- sustains eddies of tinier size. Under the exception-
idly depleted adjacent to its body, and could take ally intense turbulence of the surf zones of rocky
considerable time to replenish via diffusion alone. shores (Gaylord et al., 2013), and to a somewhat
However, larvae have evolved mechanisms to lesser extent in the other turbulence-generating
counter such limitations; in particular, behaviors contexts mentioned earlier, the smallest turbulent
to ensure mixing across their boundary layers (see eddies operate at scales that are smaller than that
Strathmann, 1995; Karp-Boss et al., 1996). In many of a typical larva. As a consequence, such flow
feeding larvae (see Pernet, this volume)—such as in structures could conceivably be sensed by larvae
echinoderms, molluscs, and annelids—ciliary ac- as gradients in velocity across the dimensions of
tion creates currents and locomotory movements their bodies (Jumars et al., 2009; Fuchs and Gerbi,
that replenish the water alongside the larval body 2016). Furthermore, because turbulence is so strong
in a manner much more efficient than diffusion in shoreline areas where waves break, the local
alone (Gilpin et al., 2016). Likewise, larvae with level of turbulence could be potentially utilized by
movable appendages—such as in arthropods, as- larvae as a reasonable—though not entirely diag-
cidian tadpoles, and possibly brachiolaria-stage sea nostic—proxy for their approach to benthic habitat
stars (Bashevkin et al., 2016)—can also break up the (Gaylor­d et al., 2013; Fuchs and Gerbi, 2016). This
boundary layers around their bodies, aiding in fluid ability would have profound implications for lar-
and material exchange. vae settling into nearshore locations, and we will
A second implication of larval-scale flow, this one return to this point in some detail later.
more beneficial for our larva, relates to its entry into A fourth implication of flow for our larva also
the benthic boundary layer that forms over the sea- relates to boundary layers, but at much broader
floor. This boundary layer becomes relevant when scales. Unlike our previous examples of flow
our larva attempts to settle at the end of its pelagic around individual larvae, we here scale up to con-
life. In this context, solid surfaces within the bound- sider flow that can affect the transport of entire
ary layer—near which average flow speeds are cohorts of larvae, thus possibly impacting connec-
slower and (in the case of turbulent benthic bound- tivity among populations. Adjacent to coastlines,
ary layers) lulls in velocity occur with more regu- there is an area of slower alongshore flow known
larity—could afford precious refuge to our larva so as the coastal boundary layer (CBL). Several kil-
that it can attach strongly and reduce its chances ometers offshore, depending on the bathymetry,
of being dislodged (Mullineaux and Butman 1991, the alongshore (“free-stream”) flow is the fastest;
Crimaldi et al., 2002). nearer to the coastline, the prevailing alongshore
A third implication for our larva of the pre- flows decrease markedly due to the CBL. Larvae
dominantly laminar flow that moves past its body released on the shoreline can also be retained near
(Figure 13.1) is that any turbulent eddies that im- to shore by reduced cross-shore mixing within the
pinge upon it, could, in a sense, “stand out” above CBL (Nickols et al., 2013), representing one possible
the typical smooth background flow regime. Such mechanism of the “larval retention” that data from
turbulence could come from flow across rough sub- recent years (e.g., Morgan et al., 2009) has suggested
strates, as mentioned earlier, from wind-generate­d is much more common than previously thought.
white-capping at the ocean surface, from the wate­r In sum, understanding what it feels like to be a
movement created by potential predators, and larva involves understanding fluid dynamics at
could also come from crashing waves in the surf multiple scales. As we will see, larvae are not al-
zone. The chaotic water movement produced from ways purely at the mercy of these flows. In some
each of these processes is translated down through situations, they can manipulate the local flow re-
ever-smaller eddies to the smallest scales of fluid gime to their advantage, and in others they can uti-
motion where that turbulent energy is “dissipated” lize specific behaviors which increase the likelihood
194   E v o l u t i o n a ry Ec o l o g y o f M a r i n e I n v e rt e b r at e La r va e

that prevailing flows will carry them to suitable set- A full exploration of the sensory capabilities
tlement habitat: a critical need for every larva with and fluid dynamics of marine larvae—much less
a benthic adult. so their adults—is beyond the scope of the current
review (see Crisp, 1974; Young, 1995; Yen, 2000;
Kingsford et al., 2002; Epifanio and Cohen, 2016;
13.2.1  What Can a Larva Sense in Its Fluid
Fuchs and Gerbi, 2016). Instead, we will focus on
Environment and How Does It Do So? well-studied examples where larvae utilize charac-
The ocean is a rich sensory environment for the or- teristic features of the fluid environment to either
ganisms within. Sound, gravity, pressure, organic identify potential settlement locations or determine
and inorganic chemicals, flow, light, salinity, pH, their location relative to flow features that might
and temperature are sensed by marine organisms preferentially carry them to such locations. While
(Dusenbery, 1992; Young, 1995). In many cases, evi- doing so, we will briefly describe some of the cel-
dence for the sensory response of marine organisms lular mechanisms that larvae use or might use to
to these cues, and the cellular mechanisms by which monitor their external environment. We will con-
they do so, come from studies on adults (and in some clude this section by speculating how these cellular
cases their terrestrial relatives, such as insects and mechanisms might be integrated hierarchically not
nematodes). But whether larval forms in animals only to maximize the probability of successful set-
predated the origin of their corresponding adult tlement, but indeed to prevent the kinds of errors
body plans or the reverse (Strathmann, 1985), adults that would often be fatal for larvae making what
and their larvae share the same genomes. As such, it is usually their irreversible decision to leave the
seems reasonable to hypothesize that selection could plankton (see Table 13.1 for definitions of terms).
efficiently lead to the acquisition of sensory modali- Planktonic animals in general—and larvae
ties in larvae that are known to occur in adults. specificall­y—have been shown to have the ability

Table 13.1  Metamorphosis, Attachment, Settlement, Recruitment and “Continuous Settlement”.

Term Definition

Metamorphosis A more-or-less drastic morphological change between two multicellular phases (e.g., larva and juvenile),
often involving major changes in physiology and feeding. As such, the process can take from days to weeks to
complete, and can begin while the larva is still swimming (Chia, 1978).
Settlement The point at which the dispersive larval period ends in those marine organisms that undergo a shift between
the plankton and the benthos. As such, settlement is rapid (minutes to hours) and generally irreversible (though
there are a few exceptions to this; Richmond 1985). The notion that metamorphosis is distinct from settlement
is exemplified by crabs, whose metamorphosis occurs between the zooeal and megalopal stages, before
settlement occurs.
Attachment Typically the first step in the settlement process (though infaunal juveniles may burrow at settlement,
not attach). Care should be taken in using attachment as a proxy for settlement, since unlike settlement,
attachment can be and often is reversible. Larvae sampling the substrate might attach and release repeatedly
before finally settling.
Recruitment An ecological term describing the successful entry of a settled juvenile into a population of conspecifics. The
distinction between settlement and recruitment can be exemplified as follows: a larva that either settles in a
totally inappropriate location, far away from any conspecific adults—or a newly settled larva that is immediately
eaten—will never successfully recruit. A complication with the use of this term in the literature is that recruitment
is defined relative to a particular census time following settlement, which varies among studies.
Continuous A term proposed by Navarrete et al., (2015) to describe their observation of mussel “postlarvae” settling in
settlement-relocation one location and then tumbling along the substrate until they encounter their definitive adult (i.e., potential
recruitment) location.

Note. We here provide definitions of key terms involving the planktonic-benthic transition in marine invertebrates. We are compelled to do so due to the widely varied
(and often contradictory) definitions of these terms that have characterized the literature for over a hundred years right up to the present day.
F l u i d Dy n am i c s a n d S e n s o ry A s p e c t s o f La r va l S e t t l e m e n t    195

to detect a wide range of environmental stimuli settlement locations, and these are the ones we will
(Figure 13.2). The majority of this evidence comes briefly describe here.
from crustaceans (reviewed by Yen, 2000; Epifanio As mentioned earlier, most larvae swim too
and Cohen, 2016); however, several other phyla slowly to be able to control their horizontal pos-
have been studied as well (reviewed by Young, ition directly: their main strategy is to enter and exit
1995; Kingsford et al., 2002). In many cases, these horizontal flows by adjusting their vertical position.
cues have been hypothesized or demonstrated to Larvae can detect their depth by sensing pressure
be employed by larvae to assist them in locating (Young, 1995), and can potentially tell if they are


habitat (sensory inputs) possible behavioral outputs

larva’s developmental/ SETTLE

physiological state SWIM
relevant sensory inputs behavioral outputs
young larva with
immature nervous system SWIM

relevant sensory inputs behavioral outputs
competent larva with SETTLE
mature nervous system
ATTACH pressure


Figure 13.2  Graphical model of multisensory inputs and behavioral outputs as they relate to settlement. Here we consider only those sensory
modalities and larval behaviors that have direct relevance to settlement itself, or that increase the likelihood that larvae get retained near or carried to
suitable settlement locales. (A) In the basic model, a generic larva (here a trochophore) can detect a wide range of sensory inputs—the combination
of those inputs can be thought of as a representation of the habitat that the larva is in. The physiological and developmental state of the larva can
be thought of as a lens (pictured in the center) through which the larva interprets these inputs. The larval nervous system (pictured at right) then
integrates those sensory inputs to elicit specific behavioral outputs. (B) An example of an immature larva (here, a sea star bipinnaria) detecting a
series of sensory cues that inform upon its depth, flow regime, and position relative to fronts and clines. Integration of those cues can provoke specific
swimming behaviors that could increase its likelihood of arriving at suitable settlement locations later in ontogeny. (C) An example of a mature,
competent larva (here a sea star brachiolaria, with a very well-developed juvenile rudiment) ready to settle in a favorable locale. Now, additional cues
can aid the larva in making the final phase of its journey to settlement on the seafloor, via specific behaviors such as sinking and attaching in flow.
(D) Pictorial key to the sensory icons shown in the left half of panels A–C.
196   E v o l u t i o n a ry Ec o l o g y o f M a r i n e I n v e rt e b r at e La r va e

sinking, stable, or rising by monitoring light in- It should be noted that late-stage larvae of many
tensity, pressure, and their acceleration relative to taxa (e.g., echinoderms, gastropods, cladocerans,
gravity vectors over time (Figure 13.2). Although brachiopods, bryozoans, crustaceans) acquire shells
there is widespread behavioral evidence for these or skeletal structures that are retained as these or-
sensory capabilities across phyla, direct physio- ganisms enter the benthic juvenile stage. At some
logical and morphological evidence is more limited point, such structures are likely (and in a few cases
(Kingsford et al., 2002; Epifanio and Cohen, 2016). have been shown) to make these larvae negatively
To adjust their vertical position in response to these buoyant (Chia et al., 1984; but see Pennington and
cues, larvae can either swim upward or downward, Emlet, 1986). If so, we would argue that this is likely
sink passively if they are negatively buoyant, adjust an example of an exaptation (in the sense of Gould
their buoyancy, or deploy or retract devices—like and Vrba, 1982; often, but less precisely, called
threads or mucus—or appendages to either in- “co-option”): the likely selective advantage of pre-
crease or decrease resistance to sinking. settlement skeletal development is protection from
Using one or a combination of these mechanisms, predators, either in the benthos (e.g., newly settled
many larvae undergo daily migrations (so-called echinoderms) or in both the plankton and benthos
diel vertical migrations; DVM) from depths up into (e.g., gastropod larvae and corresponding juveniles).
surface waters at night, at a time when visual pred- The usefulness of such shells in helping larvae sink
ators are less of a problem, and prevailing winds would, in this conception, be a beneficial side effect.
tend to blow toward the shore, and hence poten- After depth regulation, the next best-studied be-
tially carry larvae there (reviewed in Queiroga and havioral capacity of larvae is olfaction (Figure 13.2).
Blanton, 2005). Other larvae undergo reverse DVM Detecting and responding to dissolved chemicals
into surface waters during the day, which would could be useful to some larvae in feeding and avoid-
tend to offer higher levels of their phytoplanktonic ing toxicants (see Corsi and Marques-Santos, this
food and a potential refuge from non-visual inver- volume; Yen, 2000; Zimmer and Butman, 2000), but
tebrate predators undergoing DVM, but could si- the most intensively researched olfactory behavior
multaneously expose larvae to visual predators and of larvae is surely in identifying potential settle-
potentially wind-driven offshore flows (Ohman ment cues and deterrents (reviewed in Pawlik, 1992;
et al., 1983, Pennington and Emlet, 1996). It may Young, 1995). In the cases where the existence and
be that larvae undergoing reverse DVM are well activity of such dissolved cues have been demon-
defended against visual predators, though we are strated, larval behavior in response to such cues can
aware of no compelling evidence that tests this idea be quite complex. For example, in the coral-grazin­g
in a comparative context. Larvae in estuaries are sea slug Phestilla sibogae, entering and exiting
known to undergo tidal migrations, which is best plumes of the dissolved coral-derived cue causes
studied in various crabs (reviewed in Queiroga larvae to sink and resume swimming, respectively
and Blanton, 2005). Depending on the species and (Koehl et al., 2007). Interestingly, larval responses to
developmental stage, these migrations can either settlement-inducing olfactory cues are modulated
retain or flush larvae from estuaries on ebb tides, during ontogeny: they manifest more or less sud-
and carry them up-estuary on flood tides. Finally, denly when a larva becomes “competent” to settle.
many larvae undergo so-called ontogenetic migra- Indeed, response to settlement cues is the way com-
tions, in which earlier stages behave differently petence has traditionally been defined (see Table
than later ones (reviewed in Queiroga and Blanton, 13.1; Hodin et al., 2015).
2005). Such ontogenetic shifts may manifest as dis- The cellular and molecular mechanisms of ol-
tinct tidal or DVM/reverse-DVM behaviors, or the faction are very well studied in fish and terres-
ontogenetic patterns might be consistent at a given trial organisms, including flies, roundworms, and
stage throughout the day or tidal cycle. The classic mammals. The similarities in olfactory mecha-
ontogenetic migration is to sink at late stages, which nisms among these taxa (e.g., the involvement of
is thought to be an adaptation for approaching po- G-protei­n coupled receptors; Kaupp, 2010) make
tential settlement habitat (McCarthy et al., 2002). it plausible that similar mechanisms are used by
F l u i d Dy n am i c s a n d S e n s o ry A s p e c t s o f La r va l S e t t l e m e n t    197

aquatic organisms in general, and diverse larvae (e.g., Denny and Shibata, 1989; Koehl et al., 2007).
at settlement in particular (Baxter and Morse, 1992; Therefore, if larvae are responding to dissolved
Amador-Cano et al., 2006). cues, this is typically only going to be effective once
Whatever are the cellular mechanisms, the afore- they have already managed to arrive extremely
mentioned observation—across marine phyla—of close to a potential settlement habitat. This is one
the sudden acquisition of competence and hence of the reasons that we maintain the a priori expec-
responsiveness to olfactory settlement cues is most tation that larvae also respond to other (non-olfac-
consistent with the following scenario: olfactory tory) types of cues that would be effective at scales
responsiveness is actively repressed in immature from centimeters to kilometers.
and precompetent larvae. This is sensible, given A third class of sensory modalities that larvae
that de-repressing (or “unmasking”; Chia, 1978) an could use to aid their successful settlement—and
intact olfactory signaling system is more efficient one that could potentially act at much broader scales
than assembling the transcripts and proteins in- than dissolved chemical cues—relates to water
volved de novo. Indeed, one potential global regu- movement. Larvae being carried in horizontal flows
lator of settlement is nitric oxide/cyclic guanosine of a given velocity would generally have no frame
monophosphate (NO/cGMP) signaling, which is of reference to detect that flow. By contrast, attached
an active repressor of settlement in multiple phyla larvae on the benthos are in some cases known to
(reviewed in Bishop and Biggers, 2014). Inhibition react to different rates of flow going past them, and
of NO/cGMP signaling then represses the repres- this can influence their decision to either settle per-
sor, thus uncovering the capacity of a larva to settle, manently in that location or to continue their search
possibly in part via unmasking an already intact ol- (see Table 13.1; Figure 13.2). In addition, some larvae
factory response. In sea urchins, histamine has been are known to respond to turbulence, and because
identified as another such regulator of settlement turbulence and wave motions are often stronger in
(Swanso­n, 2007; Sutherby et al., 2012), and, in the shoreline regions, they could be useful indicators
context of fertilization, has been shown to activate to larvae attempting to return to nearshore settle-
NO signaling (Leguia and Wessel, 2006). ment habitats, as we discuss in more detail later.
A few notes of caution about larval olfaction are The mechanisms by which larvae detect turbulence
warranted. First, the majority of studies of larval and wave motions are unknown, and furthermore,
responses to settlement inducers are undertaken there are several aspects of water motion to which
in dishes in the laboratory in still water. This is a larvae could be responding (Fuchs et al., 2015), in-
highly artificial situation (see, e.g., Metaxas, 2013), cluding translational acceleration, fluid rotation (via
and there is evidence that the olfactory system in- statocysts), various gradients in velocity (via defor-
tegrates with the larval response to water motion in mation of cilia or activation of stretch receptors), or
natural settings (Zimmer and Butman, 2000; Wood- some combination (Fuchs and Gerbi, 2016).
son et al., 2007). As such, more studies examining Additional sensory capabilities of larvae that
olfactory and other settlement responses under re- could aid their progression toward settlement are
alistic flow conditions would surely be welcome. the abilities to detect and monitor sound, touch,
Second, the levels of inducer that are needed to temperature, and salinity (Figure 13.2). Response
stimulate settlement are often orders of magnitude to temperature (e.g., via transient receptor poten-
higher than concentrations measured in the field tial channels) and salinity (via sodium and potas-
(but see, e.g., Swanson et al., 2007). In such cases, sium channels) are widespread and likely generic
we should be circumspect in ascribing ecological features of marine larvae. Behaviorally, responding
relevance to those cues and/or the mechanisms by to temperature and salinity can be adaptive for lar-
which larvae respond to them. Third, it has been vae entering or avoiding estuaries, or for entraining
argued by several authors that dissolved chemical into or exiting upwelling (colder, higher salinity) vs.
cues are unlikely to be effective in most natural set- downwelling (warmer, lower salinity) flows, as we
tings (and especially in high-flow environments) will discuss briefly later. Mechanosensation is also
beyond a few centimeters from the source of the cue likely generic, even if it has not been widely studied.
198   E v o l u t i o n a ry Ec o l o g y o f M a r i n e I n v e rt e b r at e La r va e

Examples include some fouling organisms like co- akin to an analytic hierarchy process (Saaty, 2008), in
lonial ascidian larvae, as well as some non-animal which larval experience could modulate the relative
propagules (e.g., kelp spores), which will seemingly importance and strength of certain cues. For exam-
settle when contacting virtually any solid surface ple, the presence of planktonic predators might lower
(Grosberg, 1981; Gaylord et al., 2006). Sound has a larva’s threshold sensitivity to a dissolved chemical
only recently been appreciated as an important cue inducer. More to the point, we might expect different
that larvae can use to recognize the overall features taxa in different types of habitats to prioritize certain
of their adult habitat. In the last few years, compel- cues over others. For example, larvae settling in high-
ling evidence has been presented that some larval energy habitats might prioritize turbulence cues over
reef fish and invertebrate larvae respond positively chemical cues, those settling in mangrove estuaries
to sound recordings of waves impacting coral reefs, might prioritize salinity and temperature cues over
and late-stage oyster larvae likewise respond spe- turbulence cues, and those settling on a specific spe-
cifically to recordings made over an intact oyster cies of coral might prioritize a specific dissolved
habitat, but not to control recordings from other chemical cue even in the temporary absence of char-
nearby locations (see Lillis et al., 2013). acteristic reef sounds. In particular, the hypothesized
We expect that larvae deciding where to irrevers- hierarchically arranged signaling pathways might
ibly settle would draw on a rich and diverse array of be more-or-less organized in a fashion parallel to
sensory information that could provide details about the scale over which the cue acts (Figure 13.3). For
the suitability of its potential adult habitat. In this example, salinity, turbulence, and sound cues could
sense, our larva might be expected to use a process operate at a broader “habitat” scale of meters to




Figure 13.3 Relevant scales of sensory input
for settlement. As in Figure 13.2, we focus on
olfaction those sensory modalities that larvae might
use to identify suitable settlement locations
or that might trigger behaviors that would
increase the likelihood that they are retained
near or carried to such sites. For example, we
do not here consider the many sensory inputs
that larvae use (or likely use) for feeding. Note
the logarithmic distance scale on the x-axis,
denoting the larva’s distance from a suitable
sound settlement site. The four scale bins shown
below the x-axis (macro, meso, local, and larval)
mirror our treatment of these scales in the text.
Grayscale gradients indicate our approximation
of the relative importance of a given sensory
0.1 mm 1 cm 1m 100 m 10 km modality at a range of scales; dashed regions
indicate probable gaps in our knowledge of
Spatial Scale (relative to settlement location) the importance of specific sensory inputs for
larval local meso macro settlement at those scales.
F l u i d Dy n am i c s a n d S e n s o ry A s p e c t s o f La r va l S e t t l e m e n t    199

kilometers, dissolved chemical cues and turbulent detailed mechanisms of sensory perception in lar-
flows over rough surfaces at millimeters to centim- vae, and how—on a mechanistic level—settlement
eters, and mechanosensory cues like surface topog- decisions are made.
raphy on sub-millimeter scales (Whalan et al., 2015).
Presently, the evidence for such hierarchical cue strat- 13.3  How Larvae Find Their Way Home:
egies for settlement is limited (Kingsford et al., 2002), Scales of Flow and Larval Behavior
and their arrangement by scale is pure speculation.
Still, it seems a fruitful area for future comparative We have considered the flow regimes that larvae ex-
investigations. perience as well as the sensory capacities that larvae
In more general terms, the behavioral integration use to detect cues in their environment. Now we
of multiple sensory modalities (multisensory inte- move back out to larger scales to try to address the
gration) is a concept that has received much atten- following question: where do larvae go, and how
tion in vertebrates and insects in recent years. It is, do they find their way back?
in brief, the interaction or synergy among the dif- In recent decades, our understanding of where
ferent senses and the compilation of their informa- larvae go and how they find their way back to shore
tion content (Stein et al., 2014). In mammals, such has grown enormously, with hundreds of papers
integration can typically be coordinated at multiple each year published on various aspects of this topic.
levels of the nervous system (Stein et al., 2014). In Nevertheless, there remain surprisingly fundamen-
flies, the integration between olfactory, visual, and tal disagreements in the field about the predomi-
mechanosensory input guides flight in three di- nant oceanographic mechanisms that deliver larvae
mensions (Duistermars et al., 2009), but the under- to coastal habitats (reviewed in Pineda et al., 2010).
lying mechanisms of this integration remain to be Are the numbers of larvae in the plankton (the so-
explored. Similarly, planktonic organisms maneu- called larval supply) a good predictor of the number
ver in a three-dimensional environment rich with of eventual settlers or not? Do larvae by and large
sensory cues, such as those outlined earlier (Wood- get advected far off shore by large-scale coastal pro-
son et al., 2007). Although larval nervous systems cesses like upwelling, only to be returned to shore on
are generally less centralized (and certainly less the occasional reversal events, or are most larvae ac-
well studied) than those of vertebrates and insects, tually retained very close to shore throughout their
larvae from disparate phyla have concentrated neu- entire larval life? (Morgan et al., 2009). If so, is this
ronal structures which in some cases are thought to pattern of nearshore retention due to active larval be-
function in sensory integration during settlement haviors or passive responses to oceanographic forces
via the action of familiar neurotransmitters, which beyond their control? Do larvae concentrate in clinal
act on single target cells, and neuromodulators, fronts, oceanographic eddies, or even flotsam as a
which can have multiple targets (Hadfield, 2011; possible means of remaining close and/or transport-
Bishop and Biggers, 2014; Sutherby et al., 2012). ing to shore? Do larvae easily transit through the surf
The small size of marine larvae makes functional zone, or do they remain in the waters just seaward of
neurophysiological studies challenging. Neverthe- the surf—like a sailing ship becalmed within sight of
less, modern methods examining the full comple- port—with the surf zone as a semi-permeable barrier
ment of proteins and metabolic profiles (proteomics (Rilov et al., 2008) to onshore delivery?
and metabolomics, respectively) that are expressed We will not attempt to offer definitive answers to
over time and under different conditions can and any of these questions. We instead defer to Pineda
are being employed in studies of larvae and their and Reyns (this volume), who treat these questions
metamorphoses (Song et al., 2016; Williams and in much greater detail. For our purposes, we will
Carrier, this volume). Furthermore, targeted gene briefly describe some of these oceanographic mech-
manipulation methods have begun to be applied anisms of transport as they relate to the likelihood
to metamorphic stages of marine larvae as well of larvae returning successfully to settlement lo-
(Heylan­d et al., 2014). As such, the coming years cales, and we will provide some of the evidence for
offer great promise for further elucidating the and against them from specific case studies. Finally,
200   E v o l u t i o n a ry Ec o l o g y o f M a r i n e I n v e rt e b r at e La r va e

we will indicate where we think there are gaps in Current flows from the north in the spring. Co-
the literature that could enrich our understanding riolis forces (driving Ekman transport) deflect the
of how disparate larvae in discrete geographic or prevailing currents offshore, with these displaced
oceanographic situations might enhance the prob- waters subsequently replaced through upwelling
ability of surviving to settle in the right place and of deep, nutrient-rich waters up onto the continen-
time. In so doing, we will follow our larva across tal shelf. These upwelled nutrients drive famous
multiple scales from offshore waters back to the seasonal plankton blooms, and Ekman transport is
nearshore, stressing the behavioral adjustments predicted to send these plankton—and the larvae
that larvae could make to maximize the likelihood therein—offshore. Occasional relaxations in the
of successful settlement in suitable habitats. prevailing winds cause temporary reversals in the
direction of the cross-shore currents, transporting
larvae shoreward.
13.3.1  The Macro Scale: ~1–100 Kilometers
Many observations have substantiated the pre-
Much effort in recent decades has been directed at dictions of this upwelling-relaxation hypothesis
developing increasingly realistic oceanographic cir- (Roughgarden et al., 1991), finding enhanced set-
culation models, and using them to predict the dis- tlement and/or recruitment (see Table 13.1 for the
persal patterns of larvae, other propagules, and the distinction) associated with relaxation conditions
plankton in general. With respect to settlement and and lower settlement/recruitment with upwelling
the delivery of larvae to the shoreline, many of these events. Nevertheless, there have also been numer-
aforementioned models have made the optimistic ous studies in recent decades finding just the oppo-
assumption that sampling of larvae at various dis- site: no association between upwelling-relaxation
tances from the shoreline will give direct insight events and onshore recruitment (see Pineda et al.,
into their settlement on the shore. Or, to put it an- 2010; Pineda and Reyns, this volume). Instead,
other way: larval supply is the main driver dictating these and other studies have identified or proposed
settlement and ultimately recruitment. This view is additional oceanographic mechanisms for onshore
not without support (see Pineda et al., 2010; Pineda transport, including internal tides, fronts, wave-
and Reyns, this volume), but many additional stud- driven flows, and even suspended materials like
ies have shown that the patterns are not quite so flocs, flotsam, and surface slicks.
simple, revealing situation-specific disconnects be- In some cases, the seemingly contradictory re-
tween larval supply and recruitment. For example, sults just outlined could simply be due to differ-
pre-settlement processes like density dependence ing sampling methodologies and intervals (Pineda
of settlement itself and the association between et al., 2010; Pineda and Reyns, this volume). Nev-
tidal height and settlement timing can profoundly ertheless, there are a growing number of studies in
impact recruitment success and location (Grosberg which the same species at different times or loca-
1981; 1982). Post-settlement processes such as sec- tions—or, more commonly, different species sam-
ondary movement of settled larvae and heavy pre- pled in the same location and time period—yield
dation or environmental stress on settlers can also conflicting support for relaxation-associated set-
break the simple connection between larval supply tlement, even within the same publication. In one
and recruitment (reviewed in Pineda et al., 2010). recent example from an upwelling region of Brazil,
With respect to larval transport, the following Mazzuco et al. (2015) found contrasting results for
question seems deceptively simple, but is fraught mussel and barnacle settlement: barnacles settled
with complexity and controversy: where do larvae in association with times of predicted relaxation
go? One attractive scenario in upwelling-dominated events, whereas mussel settlement patterns showed
regions such as the eastern Pacific and west coast of no such relationship.
South Africa is that predictable wind-driven cur- One particular set of observations that runs
rents cause large-scale, coordinated movements counter to a central prediction of the upwelling-
of larvae on a seasonal timescale. For example, relaxation hypothesis is the surprising finding that
along the California coast, the prevailing California many larvae are not advected far offshore at all.
F l u i d Dy n am i c s a n d S e n s o ry A s p e c t s o f La r va l S e t t l e m e n t    201

Instead, through various oceanographic and be- thus maintaining diversity in the way larvae re-
havioral mechanisms (such as the coastal boundary spond to oceanographic conditions. Such diversity
layer and vertical migration patterns, respectively, might be predicted to manifest in inconsistent geo-
as discussed earlier), larvae in multiple locations graphic and temporal patterns of larval dispersal
and contexts appear to complete all or most of their mechanisms both among and within species.
planktonic period very close to the shore at which Whether or not the SRS hypothesis is supported,
they were released. Thus a new paradigm has we conclude that biological and physical factors
emerged regarding so-called larval retention, which that vary geographically, seasonally, tidally, daily,
would of course seem to make it far more likely that and taxonomically can and do impact the relation-
larvae could make their way back to appropriate ship between supply and recruitment, and there-
settlement locations (presumably using the onshore fore we are still seeking a holistic understanding of
transport mechanisms previously referenced; see these processes that might offer predictive power.
Pineda et al., 2010; Pineda and Reyns, this volume). For example, we await a comprehensive meta-
One caveat with the majority of studies that have analysis of the myriad published studies on larval
addressed these issues to date is that they have gen- supply and recruitment to help illuminate the path
erally taken a rather limited taxonomic focus, with forward for the field.
barnacles and other crustaceans, mussels, and fishes
as the subject of nearly all of the published work.
13.3.2  The Meso Scale: <0.1–1 Kilometers
In certain respects, this focus is understandable.
First, most heavily studied taxa either have associ- At this point, by whatever mechanism has brought
ated fisheries (crustaceans, mussels, fishes) or are or retained our larva in the coastal zone, the diffi-
dominant in fouling communities (barnacles) as culties are far from over. A larva seeking shoreline
adults. Second, studying larvae in the plankton can habitat still needs to traverse the surf zone to arrive
be painstaking work, as larvae of many taxa appear on shore, and once it does so, to recognize that it has
highly episodically in the plankton and in recruit- indeed arrived there. Is it possible that the surf zone
ment events. By contrast, mussels, crabs, and bar- itself can provide such cues to larvae?
nacles, in particular, are dominant shoreline and Recent and growing evidence suggests that the
estuarine invertebrates in many locales, and like- answer is “yes” (Figure 13.3). First, larvae of mul-
wise dominate larval zooplankton assemblages in tiple taxa have recently been shown to respond to
corresponding offshore regions. Nevertheless, an ex- recordings of habitat sounds by increasing their
panded taxonomic focus seems necessary to give a likelihood to settle (see Lillis et al., 2013). Likewise,
more complete picture of where larvae go and when. there may be chemical cues in some specific situ-
But research focused even within the well-stud- ations that are enhanced in broader-scale habitats,
ied taxonomic groups has yielded contradictory like breakdown products of kelp in the nearshore,
findings, as mentioned earlier. It may be that the and mangrove-derived chemicals in tropical es-
taxonomically, spatially, and temporally diverse re- tuaries. Finally, the surf itself may be a cue. Stud-
sponses of larvae to a given set of oceanographic ies by Gaylord et al. (2013) and Hodin et al. (2015)
conditions is consistent with the sweepstakes repro- show that sea urchin and sand dollar larvae with
ductive success (SRS) hypothesis (see Hedgecoc­k nearshore adults exhibit enhanced settlement in re-
and Pudovkin, 2011). The SRS hypothesis posits sponse to high levels of turbulence: specifically, lev-
that larvae within populations demonstrate physi- els indicative of those seen under crashing waves.
ological and behavioral diversity with respect to Interestingly, turbulence is not a settlement “cue”
their context-dependent growth and survival in the per se, since it does not directly induce larvae to
plankton, and that successful recruitment can be settle. Instead, exposure to turbulence primes these
seen as a process akin to winning a sweepstakes, larvae to settle: a greater proportion of turbulence-
where all of the right circumstances come together exposed larvae will settle when subsequently
for that improbable win. In a variable environment, provided with a strong localized (i.e., chemical) set-
no one “strategy” would be consistently favored, tlement inducer. Because such settlement inducers
202   E v o l u t i o n a ry Ec o l o g y o f M a r i n e I n v e rt e b r at e La r va e

are how competence is traditionally defined, these In estuaries, salinity and temperature can
results lead to the intriguing conclusion that tur- vary on the local scale, and competent larvae are
bulence exposure actually causes larvae to become known to adjust their swimming behavior in re-
competent to settle. Other studies demonstrate that sponse, for example, to drops in salinity (Epifanio
exposure to turbulence and waves can have another and Cohe­n, 2016; Figure 13.3). Also, characteristic
seemingly advantageous impact on late-stage lar- habitat sounds (such as urchins scraping the sub-
vae in some taxa: it causes them to either actively strate; Radford et al., 2010) may indicate to larvae
or passively sink (see, e.g., Fuchs et al., 2015; but see that they have arrived close to preferred habitat.
Wheeler et al., 2013). This behavior could provide Although most studies on larval sound perception
a selective advantage for nearshore-destined larvae and settlement responses to date have considered
in the water column by increasing their chances of the meso scale to be the effective scale, stud-
contacting the seafloor (Denny and Shibata, 1989), ies contrasting more localized sound cues seem
or at least arriving nearby. warranted.
With respect to olfaction, as at the meso scale,
13.3.3  The Local Scale: 10s of Centimeters–10s there are certain flow regimes in which one could
imagine larvae detecting and responding to local-
of Meters
scale chemical signatures associated with specific
Our larva has now—through what was likely a settlement sites, but definitive evidence is scant.
combination of luck and directed behaviors (such In some reef fish, larvae are known to settle in re-
as sinking in turbulence or association with surface sponse to the smell of conspecific adults, and in one
slicks)—arrived tantalizingly close to potential set- case (the humbug damselfish, Dascyllus aruanus),
tlement sites. What larval behaviors in association previous eye contact of the adults with the juve-
with the properties of the fluid environment at these niles changes the nature of the adult odor to make it
local scales might make the difference between more inductive to larvae: these adults thus actively
reaching such benthic sites or being advected away? recruit conspecific larvae (Roux et al., 2015).
Here our larva is approaching the benthos, and There are other classes of potential local cues that
much research effort has been directed at how flow remain unexplored or largely so. For example, tide
over complex substrates can impact the likelihood pools are known to undergo dramatic diurnal fluc-
of larvae—and non-animal propagules such as sea- tuations in pH (Daniel and Boyden, 1975; Jellison
weed spores—entering the benthic boundary layer et al., 2016). The possibility that larvae settling in
and contacting the substrate. In one classic mod- the intertidal zone might respond positively to such
eling study, Denny and Shibata (1989) showed that pH shifts has not to our knowledge been directly
on wave-swept shores, turbulence alone (in the ab- addressed experimentally. Likewise, although tem-
sence of directed larval behaviors) can carry larvae perature can also fluctuate dramatically in inter-
efficiently and quickly to the substrate, and that tidal habitats, only a few studies have examined the
rapid (>1 mm•sec-1) sinking or downward swim- potential modulatory effect of temperature on other
ming of larvae can enhance this effect (Figur­e 13.3). classes of settlement cue (Pechenik, 1984).
Likewise, multiple studies have shown that re-
alistic flow over complex surfaces (including
13.3.4  The Larval Scale: <1 Millimeter–A Few
conspecific adults) can increase the likelihood of
larvae contacting the substrate, though in very
high flows, larvae may not be able to effectively at- This is the spatial scale over which a larva experi-
tach (Crimald­i et al., 2002). Manipulation of flow ences its environment on short timescales (seconds
dynamics in field settings show that increasing to minutes). At this point, our larva has successfully
flow over settlement plates can increase recruit- been carried to benthic habitat that—based on cues
ment rates (Palardy and Whitman, 2011), but it is already received at broader scales—seems like a po-
unclear if this result is due to settlement or post- tentially beneficial place to settle. But the final de-
settlement processes. cision about whether or not to irreversibly commit
F l u i d Dy n am i c s a n d S e n s o ry A s p e c t s o f La r va l S e t t l e m e n t    203

to this settlement location could still be modulated indeed be the last chance that our larva has to abort
by the environment on very fine, even microscopic the settlement process and seek purchase elsewhere.
scales (Figure 13.3).
Based on modeling of odor dispersion, this is 13.4 Conclusion
the scale at which dissolved chemical cues would
likely exist at sufficient concentrations to be de- These are exciting times for larval ecology and evo-
tected above background by—and thus elicit a be- lution. Oceanographic models and survey meth-
havioral response in—larvae (Koehl et al., 2007). ods are greatly improving our ability to determine
Furthermore, many chemical inducers of settle- where larvae go and how they return to coastal
ment have been shown to be substrate-bound, regions (see Pineda and Reyns, this volume). Bar-
including what is perhaps the most generic chemi- coding methods will soon make it possible to obtain
cal cue used by disparate marine larvae: chemi- rapid information on plankton assemblages that
cals associated with surface biofilms (reviewed in previously required painstaking manual sorting (see
Hadfield, 2011); it is therefore only at the scale of Marko and Hart, this volume). Laboratory methods
the larva that such cues are available to them. On can challenge larvae with increasingly realistic flow
the other hand, chemical deterrents of settlement conditions and sensory experiences, coupled with
(such as toxic compounds or the smell of a preda- imaging techniques to visualize resulting behaviors.
tor) could also be detected at the larval scale, and And molecular methods are making it possible, in
may effectively inhibit the settlement process be- almost any taxa, to interrogate and manipulate the
fore it is too late (Woodin, 1991). detailed cellular and neurophysiological mecha-
There are also several other classes of cues that nisms underlying complex behaviors like larval set-
could inform our larva at the larval scale, includ- tlement (see Williams and Carrier, this volume).
ing light, fluid shear, and microtopography (Crisp, Thus there is great promise for addressing issues
1974). For example, certain coral and sponge lar- in larval ecology that have puzzled and inspired re-
vae preferentially settle on settlement tiles that searchers for many decades. For example, examin-
have holes drilled in them: tiles with 0.4 mm holes ing the sensory context of settlement behaviors in
(approximately the width of the larvae) show en- realistic environmental conditions would give im-
hanced settlement relative to flat plates or those portant insight into the evolution of contrasting set-
with 0.7–1.0 mm holes (Whalan et al., 2015). Other tlement strategies, how disparate larvae prioritize
corals settle on the undersides of experimental set- diverse sensory inputs, and what this prioritization
tlement surfaces, and clever manipulative experi- means neurophysiologically. Elucidating the pre-
ments demonstrated that this was due specifically dominant migration pathways that larvae under-
to the inhibitory nature of red (but not blue/green) take may inform on a second generation of marine
spectrum wavelengths striking the upper surfaces protected area design, one that more deliberately
(Strader et al., 2015). Finally, decisions on the larval couples critical nearshore locales to their offshore
scale could be important for our larva to avoid be- “nursery” grounds (see Weissburg et al., 2014).
ing carried away by currents and strong, turbulent More generally, as we hope to have demonstrated,
flows during the initial stages of making its attach- settlement in marine invertebrates is an ideal subject
ment permanent (Reidenbach et al., 2009). for integrative biology, combining oceanography,
In sum, by the time our larva reaches the larval fluid dynamics, sensory ecology, animal behavior,
scale in a potential settlement location, it likely has and developmental, cellular, and molecular biol-
already received broader-scale indicators of suitable ogy. Furthermore, the likely independent origins of
habitat. Depending on the resulting juvenile’s abil- larvae in diverse phyla, as well as the sometimes
ity to move post-settlement—as well as its vulner- extreme contrasts in settlement locales even among
ability to predation, grazing, or fouling soon after closely related species, offer abundant compara-
settlement—cues at the larval scale might not only tive material for detailed evolutionary studies into
provide valuable information to enhance growth this key life stage transition for animals and non-
and survival (see Pechenik, this volume), but may animals alike.
204   E v o l u t i o n a ry Ec o l o g y o f M a r i n e I n v e rt e b r at e La r va e

13.5 Summary OCE-1357033 to B.G., M.C.F., J.H., and Christopher

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1. Flow at the larval scale is fundamentally differ- Management Act, administered by the National
ent than flow at the scale of larger organisms Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Office
(such as ourselves): the former is dominated by for Coastal Management (to San Francisco State
viscous forces, the latter by inertial forces. University), and by an NSERC Discovery Grant
2. Larvae are not merely “passive particles”: al- (400230 to A.H.).
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population connectivity. Journal of Experimental Marine 2012. Histamine is a modulator of metamorphic compe-
Biology and Ecology 392: 9–21. tence in Strongylocentrotus purpuratus (Echinodermata:
Queiroga, H. and Blanton, J. 2005. Interactions between Echinoidea). BMC Developmental Biology 12: 14.
behaviour and physical forcing in the control of hori- Swanson, R.L., Marshall, D.J., and Steinberg, P.D. 2007.
zontal transport of decapod crustacean larvae. Advances Larval desperation and histamine: how simple respons-
in Marine Biology 47: 107–214. es can lead to complex changes in larval behaviour. Jour-
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underwater sound signatures. Marine Ecology Progress Flow. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ.
Series 401: 21–29. Weissburg, M., Helmuth, B., and Witman, J.D. 2014. The
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Hydrodynamic forces on larvae affect their settlement Bertnes­s, J.F. Bruno, B.R. Silliman, and J.J. Stachowicz
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(eds.), Marine Community Ecology and Conservation, pp. Woodson, C.B., Webster, D.R., Weissburg, M.J., and Yen,
11–36. Sinauer, Sunderland, MA. J. 2007. Cue hierarchy and foraging in calanoid copep-
Whalan, S., Abdul Wahab, M.A., Sprungala, S., Poole, A.J. ods: ecological implications of oceanographic structure.
et al. 2015. Larval settlement: the role of surface topog- Marin­e Ecology Progress Series 330: 163–177.
raphy for sessile coral reef invertebrates. PLoS ONE 10: Yen, J. 2000. Life in transition: balancing inertial and vis-
e0117675. cous forces by planktonic copepods. Biological Bulletin
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2013. Upward swimming of competent oyster larvae dispersal phase of larval life. In: L. McEdward (ed.),
Crassostrea virginica persists in highly turbulent flow as Ecology of Marine Invertebrate Larvae, pp. 249–278. CRC
detected by PIV flow subtraction. Marine Ecology Pro- Press, Boca Raton, FL.
gress Series 488: 171–185. Zimmer, R.K. and Butman, C.A. 2000. Chemical signaling
Woodin, S.A. 1991. Recruitment of infauna: positive or processes in the marine environment. Biological Bulletin
negative cues? American Zoologist 31: 797–807. 198: 168–187.

Latent Effects: Surprising

Consequences of Embryonic
and Larval Experience on Life
after Metamorphosis
Jan A. Pechenik

14.1  Introduction and Definitions Marshall et  al., 2003; barnacles: Emlet and Sadro,
2006; Thiyagarajan et  al., 2007; gastropods: Chiu
Metamorphosis is typically a time of rapid et al., 2007; bivalves: Hettinger et al., 2013a). Such
­transition—in body plan, physiology, lifestyle, and responses are of growing importance as the aqua-
habitat. An old world and lifestyle are left behind, culture industry expands, and as the quality of life
and a new world is opened. That is certainly how in the marine environment changes due to global
metamorphosis was presented to me as a student: warming, ocean acidification, changing rainfall pat-
a new life, a new beginning. As Lahiri (2015, p. 35) terns, and increased pollutant input. They may also
wrote, “Metamorphosis is a process that is both help to explain at least some of the variation seen in
violent and regenerative, a death and a birth.” But, growth rates among individuals of the same species
as it turns out, there is growing recognition of the recruiting to the same locations, and give us new
links between experiences in one life history stage incentive to determine the degree to which parental
and phenotypes exhibited in later stages (Marshall care (e.g., brooding) can protect against such im-
et  al., 2003; Allen et  al., 2006; Padilla and Miner, pacts. As discussed later, brooding can sometimes
2006; Marshall and Morgan, 2011; Flores et  al., expose developing embryos to some environmental
2013; Burggren, 2014; Burton and Metcalfe, 2014; stresses even while protecting them from exposure
Ross et al., 2016). In some cases, for example, juve- to others (Chaparro et al., 2014; Segura et al., 2014).
nile growth, survival, or other performance criteria The delayed responses just referred to have been
are relatively poor following short-term, sublethal defined as “latent effects” because they show up later
stresses experienced by larvae, even when the lar- in development, after metamorphosis (reviewed by
vae seem to have completely recovered from the Pechenik, 2006). To the extent that stress-induced
stress before metamorphosing (e.g., Pechenik, 2002; poor performance in the larval stage simply car-
Chiu et al., 2008). Additional examples of such “la- ries over to poor performance of the same sort (e.g.,
tent effects” (Pechenik, 2006) are given in the ma- growth rates) in juveniles, these can also be consid-
terial that follows. There is growing evidence that ered to be “carryover effects” (Marshall et al., 2003;
such effects are not simply artifacts of laboratory Wendt and Johnson, 2006; Hettinge­r et  al., 2012),
rearing: latent effects have now been documented although such terminology has been used for a
for juveniles transplanted into the field, for a num- very different purpose both in the medical litera-
ber of species in a number of taxonomic groups ture (reviewed by Pechenik, 2006) and the ecologi-
(e.g., bryozoans: Ng and Keough, 2003; ascidians: cal literature (reviewed by O’Connor et  al., 2014).

Pechenik, J. A., Latent effects: surprising consequences of embryonic and larval experience on life after metamorphosis.
In. Evolutionary Ecology of Marine Invertebrate Larvae. Edited by Tyler J. Carrier, Adam M. Reitzel, and Andreas Heyland:
Oxford University Press (2018). © Oxford University Press. DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780198786962.003.0014
C o n s e q u e n c e s o f E m b ryo n i c a n d L a r val E x p e r i e n c e    209

But what do we call the effects of stress that cause such transgenerational effect­s (e.g., Marshall, 2008)
reduced larval growth throughout the larval stage will not be discussed in this review.
and also result in reduced juvenile growth under This review primarily concerns latent e­ffects—
ideal conditions after metamorphosis, when meta- effect­s that show up after metamorphosis but that
morphosis involves a pronounced switch in the result from stresses experienced before metamor-
food-collecting machinery—for example, when phosis—and focuses exclusively on the marine in-
the food-collecting velum of a gastropod larva is vertebrate literature. Related findings have also been
replaced after metamorphosis by a food-collecting reported for birds, lizards, amphibians, insects, and
gill, or a food-collecting radula? If the reduced even humans (Bresnahan and Susser, 2007; Stamper
juvenile growth rates are caused by flawed or et al., 2009; Anderson et al., 2013; Zambonino-Infante
slowed development of the new feeding appara- et  al., 2013; Jonsson and Jonsson, 2014; Bouchard
tus, I would refer to these as latent effects as well. et al., 2015; Whiteside et al., 2015; Wang et al., 2016a).
If they are caused by flaws (e.g., in digestive physi- I reviewed the literature on this topic about ten
ology) initiated in the larval stage and maintained years ago (Pechenik, 2006). Of the 45 entries listed
in the juvenile, I would refer to those as carryover in that paper’s Table 1, nearly one-third (14 studies)
effects. In all of these cases, the responses could concerned vertebrates, and two concerned insects.
also be called “legacy effects” (Padilla and Miner, For the remaining studies on marine invertebrates,
2006), as they represent cases of juvenile or adult 15  concerned latent effects resulting from delayed
performance being influenced by experiences in metamorphosis, ten concerned the post-metamor-
previous stages of the life history: the juveniles or phic effects of reduced food levels experienced dur-
adults bear the legacy of earlier experience. The ing larval development, three concerned the effects of
term “legacy effects” could also apply to the effects pollutants, and one paper each concerned the effects
of maternal or paternal experience—often relating of reduced salinity and differences in food quality.
to nutritional stress or to the presence of predators The present review includes studies on the effects of
or predator cues—on offspring performance (Alle­n several newly tested stressors, including ocean acidi-
et  al., 2006; Burggre­ n, 2014; Soubry, 2015; Long fication, hypoxi­a, and dietary quality (Table  14.1).
et  al., 2016; Ross et  al., 2016); studies concerning I also now include several recent studies on the latent

Table 14.1  Summary of Recent Research on Latent Effects in Marine Invertebrates.

Taxon Species Stress Parameter measured Latent effect Reference

Cnidaria Porites astreoides H2O2 oxidative stress, 24 h Survival in field No Ross et al., 2012
Thermal stress: 3°C, 24 h Yes
Montastraea faveolata Low salinity stress Juvenile survival Yes Vermeij et al., 2006
Acropora tenuis Delayed metamorphosis: 2, Colony development, No Graham et al., 2013
4, 6 wk survival
Gastropoda Crepidula fornicata Phytoplankton species Juvenile growth Sometimes Pechenik and Tyrell, 2015
Food level Juvenile growth Yes
Crepidula fornicata Low salinity: 12, 24, 48 h Juvenile growth No Diederich et al., 2011
Crepidula fornicata Low salinity and thermal Juvenile growth Sometimes Bashevkin and
stress Pechenik, 2015
Crepidula onyx Low salinity: 12, 24, 48 h Juvenile growth No Diederich et al., 2011
Food level Juvenile growth Yes Chiu et al., 2007
Juvenile survival Sometimes
Juvenile filtration rates Yes
210   E v o l u t i o n a ry Ec o l o g y o f Ma r i n e I n v e rt e b r at e L a r va e

Table 14.1  (Continued)

Taxon Species Stress Parameter measured Latent effect Reference

Juvenile carbon assimilation No

Short-term starvation Juvenile survival No Chiu et al., 2008
Juvenile growth Yes
Hypoxia at 2 food levels, Juvenile growth, filtration Yes (low food) Li and Chiu, 2013
8–10 d rates
Crepipatella dilatata* Hypoxia: 24, 48, 72 h Juvenile survival Yes Segura et al., 2014
Juvenile growth Yes
Crepipatella peruviana Low salinity: 12, 24, 48 h No
Crepipatella peruviana Low salinity: 6 h Size at metamorphosis Yes Montory et al., 2016
Juvenile growth No
Feeding, respiration rates No

Bivalvia Haliotis diversicolor Delayed metamorphosis, Juvenile growth, survival Yes Onitsuka et al., 2010
3–11 d
Polychaeta Capitella teleta* Hypoxia: 24, 36, 48, 72, Juvenile survival No, negatively Pechenik et al., 2016
or 96 h
Juvenile growth Possible positive
Salinity: 24, 48, or 96 h Juvenile survival Sometimes
Hydroides dianthus Food level, 10 d Juvenile mortality Yes Allen and Marshall, 2010
Juvenile growth Yes
Crustacea Balanus amphitrite Delayed metamorphosis, Juvenile growth Yes Thiyagarajan et al., 2007
0–3 d
Low salinity, 0–3 d Yes

Balanus glandula Food level Juvenile growth Some Emlet and Sadro, 2006
Carcinus maenas Differences in presumed food Juvenile survival, growth Yes Rey et al., 2016
levels experienced in the field
Echinodermata Echinometra (4 spp.) Delayed metamorphosis, 5 Juvenile growth, survival Yes Rahman et al., 2014
Urochordata Ciona intestinalis Delayed metamorphosis, 3 d Post-metamorphic growth No Jacobs et al., 2008
Delayed metamorphosis, 7 d Yes
Molgula socialis Delayed metamorphosis, 2 d Post-metamorphic growth Yes (increased) Jacobs et al., 2008
Ascidiella aspersa Delayed metamorphosis, Post-metamorphic growth No Jacobs et al., 2008
3–4 d

*indicates studies in which brooded embryos, rather than larvae, were stressed

impact of stresses experienced by brooded embryos 14.2  Latent Effects of Exposure

(Table 14.1). Interest in latent effects has been grow- to Toxicants
ing. Perhaps even more importantly, some marine
invertebrates may make especially good models for Only two papers concerning latent effects result-
understanding the mechanisms through which latent ing from pollution stress were cited in my previ-
effects are mediated. ous review, and surprisingly little additional work
C o n s e q u e n c e s o f E m b ryo n i c a n d L a r val E x p e r i e n c e    211

has been published for marine invertebrates on output of organic wastes and agricultural nutri-
that topic in the intervening ten years. Expos- ents (Wu, 2002; Zhang et  al., 2013), interest in the
ing young larvae of the oyster Crassostrea gigas to potential consequences of spreading hypoxic stress
the widespread aquatic pollutant nonylphenol at continues to grow. For the calyptraeid gastropod
the initial low concentrations of 1 µg l-1 and 100 Crepidula onyx, exposing well-fed (2 × 105 cells ml-
µg l-1 impacted adult reproductive biology many 1
) larvae to oxygen levels as low as 2 mg O2 l-1 for
months later, and in unexpected ways (Nice et al., eight to ten days had no significant impact on the
2003). Seven-day-old larvae were exposed to the growth rates of field-transplanted juveniles (Li and
pollutant for 48 h and then returned to control Chiu, 2013). However, when larvae of this species
conditions for the rest of their larval development. were exposed to the same level of low-oxygen stress
The spat were then reared to adulthood under con- but at reduced food levels (1 × 105 cells ml-1), subse-
trol conditions and examined ten months later, af- quent juvenile growth rates and filtration rates were
ter which eggs and sperm were mixed to obtain a significantly reduced compared with those exhib-
next generation of larvae. Although there was no ited by control individuals, even though there were
measureable impact of previous larval exposure at no significant differences in the size or lipid content
either concentration on juvenile growth rates over of juveniles from the different treatment groups at
the 10-month rearing period, there was a marked metamorphosis (Li and Chiu, 2013). Thus latent ef-
increase in the proportion of hermaphrodites in fects were observed following the exposure of larvae
the population, and a significant and dramatic re- to the combined stresses of low food and reduced
duction in larval survival in the next generation oxygen, but were not observed if the larvae had
48 h after successful fertilization, even when one been well-fed when exposed to the same levels of
of the parents included in a cross was a control hypoxic stress.
individual. On the other hand, exposing larvae Although most studies documenting effects
of the Mediterranean sponges Crambe crambe and that cross the metamorphic boundary concern
Scopalina lophyropoda to cadmium (5 µg l-1) or cop- stresses experienced during larval life, several re-
per (30 µg l-1) for up to seven days had no effect searchers have recently begun examining the post-­
on juvenile survival over the following six months metamorphic impact of environmental stresses
(Cebrian and Uriz, 2007). experienced by encapsulated or brooded embryos
More studies seem warranted, using a greater (e.g., hypoxia and increased ammonia accumu-
variety of toxicants and a greater range of species lation in brood chambers). Although brooding
and taking into consideration the impact of other is generally viewed as protective (Gillespie and
stressors experienced during and after larval de- McClintoc­ k, 2007; reviewed by Pechenik, 1979;
velopment (Byrne and Przeslawski, 2013). Future Noisett­e et al., 2014), brooding can, in some situa-
studies should also investigate the potential for la- tions, expose developing embryos to stresses they
tent effects caused by the ingestion of microplastics would otherwise avoid by being free-living, some-
during larval development (Galloway and Lewis, thing that has only recently been considered for
2016). In addition, not all toxicants are produced or marine invertebrates (Chaparro et  al., 2009; 2014;
released by humans; the frequency of harmful al- Segura et al., 2014).
gal blooms seems to be increasing in many parts of Calyptraeid gastropods, for example, brood their
the world (Gilbert et al., 2014). Future studies could encapsulated embryos within the female mantle cav-
examine the potential impact of exposing larvae ity for at least several weeks before releasing larvae or
to sublethal concentrations of algal toxins on post- metamorphosed juveniles, depending on the species,
metamorphic fitness. into the surrounding seawater (Colli­n, 2004). Nor-
mally the females bring seawater into the mantle cav-
14.3  Latent Effects following Hypoxia ity and flush out older seawater and wastes through
the actions of gill cilia (reviewed by Chaparr­o et al.,
As hypoxic conditions become increasingly wide- 2002; Shumway et al., 2014). However, in the Quem-
spread in coastal marine environments around the pillén River estuary in southern Chile, ambient salin-
world, due to climate change and the increasing ity frequently drops below a level (22 psu) at which
212   E v o l u t i o n a ry Ec o l o g y o f Ma r i n e I n v e rt e b r at e L a r va e

females completely seal themselves off from the am- gastropod Crepidula onyx, for example, starving
bient environment (Chaparro et al., 2009); such isola- larvae of certain ages for two days or rearing the
tion from the surroundings occurs frequently during larvae to metamorphic competence at a low phy-
peak reproductive activity at this site, and can last for toplankton concentration (1 × 104 cells ml-1 instead
at least three days at a time (Chaparro et al., 2009). of 20 × 104 cells ml-1) both resulted in significantly
Although such isolation by the mother protects de- reduced juvenile growth: final juvenile shell sizes
veloping embryos from exposure to severe salinity were up to 54% smaller than those of control indi-
stress (Chaparr­o et al., 2009), it soon exposes them to viduals that had been reared as larvae at the higher
greatly reduced oxygen levels. Indeed, with only one food concentration, for both laboratory-reared
to two milliliters of fluid in the adult mantle cavity, and field-transplante­d juveniles (Chiu et  al., 2007;
oxygen levels typically fall below 1 mg O2 l-1 within a 2008). In neither study did larval nutritional expe-
few hours of isolation from the external environment rience influence subsequent juvenile survival in the
(Chaparro et  al., 2014). When brooded embryos of laboratory, but feeding the larvae at the lower food
the direct-developing gastropod Crepipatella dilatata concentration did result in higher mortality for field-
were exposed to oxygen levels <1 mg O2 l-1 for 24 to transported juveniles (Chiu et al., 2007).
72 h, there was no effect on the average size at which Similarly, rearing nauplius larvae of the barna-
juveniles emerged from the female, but there was a cle Balanus glandula on a low concentration of the
pronounced decline in subsequent juvenile growth diatom Skeletonema costatum decreased mean juve-
rates under control conditions over the subsequent nile growth rates and also decreased the survival of
four-week monitoring period, regardless of how ad- juveniles that had been transplanted to field sites
vanced the embryos had been when exposed to the for at least the first two to six days after metamor-
stress; indeed, final mean juvenile shell length was phosis, when most of the mortality occurred (Emlet
approximately 20% less than that of control indi- and Sadro, 2006). Field-transplanted juveniles of
viduals for those exposed to severe hypoxia for even the tube-dwelling polychaete Hydroides diramphus
just 24 h as brooded embryos, and more than 50% also showed reduced survival if the larvae had
less for those that had been exposed to hypoxia for been reared at lower food concentrations (Allen and
72 h (Segur­a et al., 2014). A single 24 h exposure of Marshall, 2010).
juveniles to hypoxic stress was also enough to signifi- When larvae of the gastropod Crepidula fornicata
cantly reduce juvenile survival over the first 30 days were reared at a low concentration of the flagellate
after their release from the mothers. Isochrysis galbana (clone T-ISO, 1 × 104 cells ml-1) for
In contrast, exposing brooding females of the two or four days early in development, no latent
­deposit-feeding polychaete Capitella teleta to oxygen effects on subsequent post-metamorphic growth
concentrations <1 mg O2 l-1 for up to 96 h (the maxi- rates were detected (Pechenik et  al., 2002). How-
mum period tested) had no effect on mean numbers ever, when larvae of this species were reared at this
of larvae emerging from brood tubes, mean time to same low food concentration for their entire larval
emergence, mean juvenile survival or growth rates, development, juveniles fed ad libitum as their re-
or on subsequent fecundity or time to reproduc- ward for metamorphosing grew about 37% more
tive activity in the next generation (Pechenik et al., slowly than control juveniles for the first three days
2016). Whether these results reflect the benefits of after metamorphosis, and nearly 45% more slowly
brood protection or simply a high embryonic toler- for the first six days after metamorphosis (Pechenik
ance to these stresses is an open question. and Tyrell, 2015).
The post-metamorphic impact of differences in
14.4  Latent Effects from Food nutritional quality during larval development has
and Nutrient Limitation recently been explored for marine invertebrates,
apparently for the first time. In contrast to either
A number of papers have considered how food starving larvae for a period of time or rearing them
availability in the larval stage might impact post- at a greatly reduced food concentration, Pechenik
metamorphic performance. For the calyptraeid and Tyrell (2015) reared the larvae of Crepidula
C o n s e q u e n c e s o f E m b ryo n i c a n d L a r val E x p e r i e n c e    213

fornicata at high concentrations of three different larvae. It would also be interesting to examine the
algal diets that generally supported good survival consequences of nutritional stress for larvae reared
but at different rates of growth: Isochrysis galbana, under field conditions; this might be feasible for
(clone T-ISO; the diet producing the fastest larval ­larvae that are large at hatching, such as those of
growth), Dunaliella tertiolecta (clone DUN), and Crepidula fornicata, which typically hatch at shell
Pavlova lutheri (clone MONO). Following metamor- lengths between about 400 to 450 µm (Pechenik,
phosis, all juveniles were reared on the diet produc- 1984; ­Pechenik et  al., 1996a; b; Henry et  al., 2010;
ing the fastest growth, T-ISO. In two experiments, Pecheni­k and Tyrell, 2015). Along these lines, larvae
larvae reared on one of the nutritionally poorer of the green crab Carcinus maenas were collected in
diets resulted in substantially reduced mean post- the field during upwelling events of different mag-
metamorphic growth rates. However, in other ex- nitudes, ­allowed to metamorphose in the labora-
periments larval diet had no effect on mean juvenile tory, and were then reared in the laboratory through
growth rates despite substantial differences in the the fifth juvenile instar (Rey et al., 2016). Larvae that
mean growth rates of larvae that had been reared seem to have experienced better food conditions in
on the different diets. Implications of these stud- the field showed higher juvenile survival and better
ies seem especially intriguing, as climate change juvenile growth in the lab than those that had been
and ocean acidification appear to be shifting both collected during other larval supply events and
phytoplankton species ranges and the nutritional reared under the same conditions (Rey et al., 2016).
composition of individual phytoplankton species
(Hinga, 2002; Tortell et al., 2002; Hayes et al., 2005; 14.5  Latent Impact of Salinity Stress
Rossoll et al., 2012; Hettinger et al., 2013b; Leu et al.,
2013; Wynne-Edwards et al., 2014). In a study by Thiyagarajan et  al. (2007), cyprids
It should be noted that even though some re- of the barnacle Balanus amphitrite were exposed to
searchers have transplanted juveniles to field sites the low salinity of ten psu for 24 h before the lar-
for further monitoring once metamorphosis has vae were allowed to metamorphose. Even though
occurre­ d (Emlet and Sadro, 2006; Thiyagarajan there was no measureable impact of the treatment
et  al., 2007; Allen and Marshall, 2010; Diederich on cyprid lipid reserves, subsequent mean juvenile
et  al., 2011; Graham et  al., 2013; Hettinger et  al., growth rates were up to 70% lower than those of
2013a), the larvae have always been stressed in control animals for at least the next five days, in
the laboratory. Typically, feeding larvae are reared both the laboratory and the field. Exposing larvae to
on one or several different phytoplankton species. reduced salinities also impacted post-metamorphic
Even high food concentrations of phytoplankton development for the South American suspension-
species producing the best growth in the laboratory feeding gastropod Crepipatella peruviana (Montory
may be imposing stress on larvae. In the field, lar- et al., 2016). Veligers of that species were exposed in
vae will probably have access to many dozens of the laboratory to salinities as low as 15 psu for only
phytoplankton species at any one time. Thus, what six hours, matching the salinity reductions recorded
appears to be an ideal diet in the laboratory may from local tide pools during a heavy rain during a
in fact be suboptimal, compared to what larvae are single low tide. Clearance rates were reduced for
ingesting in nature. Indeed, larvae of Crepidula for- the first five days after metamorphosis for individu-
nicata collected from the field typically grew much als exposed to 15 psu as larvae, and mean juvenile
faster in the laboratory over the next several days shell sizes were still significantly smaller than those
than larvae that had hatched in the laboratory and of control individuals ten days later. Those individ-
were then reared on the same unigal diet (Isochrysi­s uals that had been exposed to a salinity of 15 or 20
galbana, clone T-ISO) (Pechenik and Levin­e, 2007), psu as larvae also showed an approximately 20%
suggesting that the field-collected larvae were decrease in subsequent juvenile survival.
somehow healthier than those obtained and reared In contrast, Diederich et al. (2011) exposed larvae
in the laboratory. Hatchery operators might try of three calyptraeid gastropods (Crepidula fornicata,
rearing juveniles obtained from field-collected Crepidula onyx, and Crepipatella peruviana [formally,
214   E v o l u t i o n a ry Ec o l o g y o f Ma r i n e I n v e rt e b r at e L a r va e

Crepipatella fecunda]) to salinities of 30 (control), 20, changes in mantle cavity oxygen levels, ammonia
15, or 12 psu, for 24 or 48 hours, and found no ef- concentrations, and pH, rather than to a direct effect
fects on subsequent mean juvenile growth rates for of reduced salinity.
any of the three species, even when larval growth
rates failed to recover to control levels after the 14.6  Latent Effects of Delayed
stress period had ended. There was no juvenile Metamorphosis
mortality for any of the three species tested in that
study. Longer exposures of larvae to reduced salin- Planktonic marine invertebrate larvae must typi-
ity did produce significant latent effects on juvenile cally develop for a time, usually ranging from hours
growth in Crepidula fornicata, however, in four of to weeks, before becoming competent to undergo
the six experiments conducted by Bashevkin and metamorphosis (reviewed by Pechenik, 1990). Once
Pechenik (2015), and the effects were generally competent, metamorphosis can be delayed for
negative. In one of their experiments, however, the hours, days, weeks, or months in different species
effect was positive: juveniles grew faster than con- in the absence of appropriate environmental cues,
trols at reduced salinity (20 psu) if the larvae had or in the presence of inhibitory factors (Pecheni­k,
been reared at that same reduced salinity. Again, 1990; Marshall et al., 2003). Nearly half the studies
larval and juvenile mortality were both very low in concerning latent effects that were reviewed previ-
those studies. ously (Pechenik, 2006) dealt with effects of delayed
When brooding females of the deposit-feeding metamorphosis. The following five more recent
polychaete Capitella teleta were exposed to salini- papers add to the previous theme that delayed
ties as low as ten psu for 24, 48, or 96 h, dramati- metamorphosis produces substantial latent effects
cally fewer larvae subsequently emerged from the in some species but not others, and that effects are
brood tubes over the following weeks, suggesting sometimes seen among the progeny of some par-
substantial pre-hatching mortality resulting from ents but not among the progeny of other parents
exposures as short as 24 h at salinities as high as 20 within the same species.
psu (Pechenik et al., 2016). Surprisingly, however, Delaying metamorphosis of the abalone Hali-
all but the longest duration of low-salinity expo- otis diversicolor (Onitsuka et  al., 2010) for up to 12
sure (and, thus, the most intense level of salinity or 17 days and of four sea urchin species in the ge-
stress) imposed on brooding females had no sub- nus Echinometra (Rahman et  al., 2014) from one to
sequent detrimental effects on juvenile survival or five months decreased both juvenile survival and
juvenile growth, for those larvae that did survive juvenile growth rates significantly. Larvae of Hali-
to metamorphose. Indeed, exposing brooding otis diversicolor are lecithotrophic; in contrast, those
females to a salinity of 25 psu for 96 hours sig- of Echinometra are planktotrophs, and were fed the
nificantly increased post-metamorphic survival of diatom Chaetoceros gracilis during the delay period.
the larvae that were released. In contrast, stress- Similarly, delaying cyprid metamorphosis for the
ing the larvae of C. teleta at low salinities for as barnacle Balanus amphitrite by just three to four
little as 24 h significantly reduced post-settlement days resulted in reduced growth rates of juveniles
survival and juvenile growth rates in a previous that were transplanted to two different field sites
study (Pechenik et al., 2001). (Thiyagarajan et al., 2007). In contrast, whether the
Exposing brooding females of the direct-develop- nonfeeding larvae of the coral Acropora tenuis were
ing gastropod Crepipatella dilatata to a reduced am- allowed to metamorphose two, four, or six weeks
bient salinity of ten psu for 72 h resulted in reduced after fertilization had no significant detrimental im-
juvenile oxygen consumption rates, clearance rates, pact on post-settlement survival or time to initiate
and growth rates that were still apparent four weeks colony formation in field-transplanted individuals
after metamorphosis (Chaparro et al., 2014). How- (Graham et al., 2013); indeed, budding began sooner
ever, these latent effects were most likely due to the in the four-week-old cohorts than in those that had
impact of mothers sealing their mantle cavities off been induced to metamorphose two weeks earlier.
from the surrounding seawater, with consequent Finally, delaying metamorphosis for seven days
C o n s e q u e n c e s o f E m b ryo n i c a n d L a r val E x p e r i e n c e    215

reduced mean juvenile growth rates for the solitary whether the results reflect the preferential survival
seasquirt Ciona intestinalis in studies by Jacobs et al. of faster-growing juveniles. Similar results were
(2008), but had no effect on the two other ascidian obtained for the bay scallop Argopecten irradians,
species tested in the same study. but again, the higher rates of subsequent juvenile
growth following larval exposure to the stress
may reflect differential survival of particular geno-
14.7  Latent Effects of Ocean Acidification types rather than a true latent effect (Gobler and
Talmage, 2013).
The data indicating declines of approximately 30% In contrast, clear detrimental latent effects re-
in pH in the world’s oceans during the past several sulting from larval exposure to acidification stress
hundred years have become increasingly convinc- were reported by Hettinger et  al. (2012; 2013a)
ing, and alarming (Doney et al., 2009; Byrne, 2011; for the Olympic oyster Ostrea lurida. When larvae
Barton et  al., 2012; Kroeker et  al., 2013), and the were reared to metamorphosis at pH 7.8, juvenile
cause seems unassailable: excessive release of CO2 growth rates in the laboratory for the first week
into the atmosphere from a range of human activi- after metamorphosis were about 26% lower than
ties including power production; manufacturing; those of control juveniles that had been reared
fuel-consuming air, sea, and land transportation; as larvae at pH  8.1, regardless of whether juve-
cement production; and deforestation (Doney et al., niles were reared under the control or reduced
2009; Friedlingstein et  al., 2014). Approximately pH conditions (Hettinger et  al., 2012). Similar ef-
one-third of that excess CO2 has been absorbed by fects of larval pH experience were subsequently
the world’s oceans, resulting in a marked increase documented in juveniles that had been trans-
in seawater acidity despite the presence of a bi- planted to field situations following metamorpho-
carbonate buffering system (Pörtner, 2008; Doney sis (Hettinge­r et  al., 2013a). The impact of being
et al., 2009). By the year 2100, the average pH in the reared at reduced pH during larval life persisted
world’s oceans is expected to drop from 8.1 to about for at least four months after metamorphosis in
7.7– 7.8 (Doney et al., 2009; IPCC, 2013). that latter study, with no indication of compensa-
Although a good number of studies have examined tory growth by individuals that had experienced
the effects of ocean acidification (OA) on aspects of the stressful pH as larvae (Hettinger et al., 2013a).
larval growth and development (reviewed by Byrn­e Intriguingly, the effects on juvenile growth were
and Przeslawski, 2013; Hettinger et  al., 2013b; see not mitigated by transferring individuals to more
also Byrne et al., this volume), and a number of stud- benign field conditions following metamorphosis.
ies have considered the effects of maternal exposure Additional studies investigating the potential for
to reduced pH on offspring responses (e.g., Parker latent effects following larval exposure to ocean
et  al., 2012; Pansch et  al., 2014; reviewed by Ross acidification seem warranted.
et al., 2016), few studies have so far considered how
experiencing OA stress early in development might
influence post-metamorphic fitness. In one study of 14.8  Latent Impact of Thermal Stress
such latent effects, larvae of the sea urchin Strongy- Few studies have examined the effects of early ther-
locentrotus droebachiensis were reared to metamor- mal stress on the post-metamorphic development
phosis at pH 7.7 (control = 8.1) (Dupont et al., 2013). of marine invertebrates. Ross et al. (2013) exposed
The resulting juveniles grew more quickly over larvae of the coral Porites astreoides to elevated tem-
the next three months when reared at the reduced perature (elevated by 3 °C, to 30 °C) for 24 hours,
pH than when reared at the control pH (~ 0.29 mm and later transplanted the metamorphosed spat
month-1 vs. ~0.16 mm month-1). Post-metamorphic to a field site. Temperature stress experienced
mortality was especially high (about 95%) for ani- during the larval stage significantly increased
mals in that treatment, however, so it’s not clear post-­metamorphic mortality (p = 0.044) over the
whether larval experience really promoted a greater following 24 days, although mortality of control in-
tolerance of reduced pH after metamorphosis or dividuals was also quite high (90%).
216   E v o l u t i o n a ry Ec o l o g y o f Ma r i n e I n v e rt e b r at e L a r va e

14.9  Caution in Interpreting Latent 2015; Pechenik and Tyrell, 2015). This is not the first
Effects time that C. fornicata has been suggested as a promis-
ing research model (Henry et al., 2010).
Interpreting data from latent effects studies can Juvenile mortality for the Olympia oyster Ostrea
be complicated by developmental mortality, as lurida was also low in the laboratory experiments
alluded to earlier and as noted by Marshall and of Hettinger et  al. (2012), again implying that the
Morga­n (2011). If larval or post-metamorphic mor- decreased mean post-metamorphic growth rates
tality is substantial, then what appear to be latent observed for individuals that had experienced re-
effects on juvenile growth, adult fecundity, or other duced pH stress as larvae have a basis other than
measures could reflect differential survival of cer- differential juvenile mortality, although it does not
tain genotypes rather than a shift in individual rule out the possibility of selective mortality dur-
morphological development or physiology. Mor- ing larval development. In a subsequent study
tality of laboratory-reared larvae and juveniles can (Hettinger et al., 2013a), the researchers found that
be quite high, even under what appear to be ideal the pH experienced as larvae significantly reduced
rearing conditions (Yund and McCartney, 2016), juvenile growth rates in field-transplanted individ-
and if that mortality is not random then results uals even four months post-settlement, again with-
may be difficult to interpret. Indeed, as mentioned out the larval treatment having had a significant
in a previous section, the favorable effects of rear- differential impact on juvenile mortality.
ing larvae at reduced pH on the growth of juveniles
reared at the same low pH reported for the sea ur-
chin Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis (Dupont et al., 14.10  Consequences of Larval Stress
2013) and the bivalve Argopecten irradians (Gobler are Not Always Negative
and Talmage, 2013) could have been mediated by
­ c differential juvenile mortality Most of the latent effects of larval experience that
before growth measurements were made; juvenile have been reported to date have been negative,
mortalities for individuals in this treatment were ex- with juvenile or adult survival or performance
tremely high (up to 95%). Thus, the observed more being reduced in some way. The previously men-
rapid growth of juveniles that had been stressed in tioned study with corals (Graham et  al., 2013), in
that treatment as larvae might reflect the differen- which budding began sooner in a cohort from lar-
tial survival of the most rapidly growing juveniles, vae that had had their metamorphosis delayed for
which is certainly an intriguing possibility. two weeks longer than those from another cohort,
However, latent effects have also been docu- is one exception. Similarly, in one experiment with
mented in cases where there was negligible larval the polychaete Capitella teleta (Pechenik et al., 2016),
or juvenile mortality, in which case the effects must brooded embryos that had been exposed to hypoxic
be due to something more interesting. Such species stress (1 ml O2 l-1) for 36 hours grew more quickly
may be especially useful models for studying the following metamorphosis than those that had expe-
underlying basis for latent effects. The larvae and rienced shorter periods of stress during brooding.
juveniles of Crepidula fornicata, for example, can be A similarly intriguing result has been reported for
routinely reared in the laboratory with 0 to 7% mor- male zebra finches, the first result of its kind for any
tality (Pechenik and Lima, 1984; Pechenik and Tyrell, vertebrate: male birds that were stressed as nest-
2015; Bashevkin and Pechenik, 2015); the larvae are lings were later found to have a higher reproduc-
large at hatching (typically 400–450 µm in shell tive fitness than those that were not stressed during
length) and grow quickly; can be easily induced to early development (Crino et al., 2014).
metamorphose when competent (Pechenik and Gee, In some other experiments, the outcome of being
1993); and grow rapidly following metamorphosis stressed in the larval stage depended on whether
(up to about 200 µm per day for the first week or so juveniles were also reared under stressful condi-
after metamorphosis) with high survival (Pechenik, tions. For example, in one experiment with Crep-
1984; Pechenik et al., 1996a; Bashevkin and Pechenik, idula fornicata, larvae that had been reared at the
C o n s e q u e n c e s o f E m b ryo n i c a n d L a r val E x p e r i e n c e    217

reduced salinity of 20 psu showed significantly 2007; Hettinger et  al., 2012; Li and Chiu, 2013;
faster growth as juveniles when maintained at the Rahma­n et  al., 2014). For example, in a study re-
same low salinity after metamorphosis, compared ferred to earlier (Emlet and Sadro, 2006) in which
with the growth of juveniles that had been reared rearing nauplius larvae of the barnacle Balanus
as larvae at 30 psu and then transferred to the lower glandula at a low food concentration led to reduced
salinity after metamorphosing (Bashevkin and Pe- post-metamorphic survival and growth, those re-
chenik, 2015); it appears that rearing larvae at that ductions were correlated with reduced lipid and
low salinity pre-acclimated individuals for success- protein content of the pre-metamorphosed cyprids
ful development at that salinity. As mentioned ear- (Emlet and Sadro, 2006), supporting a simple ener-
lier (see Sectio­n 14.7), similar results were obtained getics-limitation hypothesis for the observed reduc-
for the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis tion in juvenile growth rates. Similar results were
when larvae were reared at the low pH of 7.7 and reported for the gastropod Crepidula onyx when
juveniles were reared under the same conditions larvae were starved for portions of larval develop-
(Dupont et al., 2013), and for the scallop Argopecten ment (Chiu et al., 2007). Vermeij et al. (2006) noted
irradians (Gobler and Talmage, 2013), although increased swimming activity of nonfeeding coral
the extent to which the results of those two stud- larvae (Montastrae­a faveolata) under conditions of
ies reflect selective post-metamorphic mortality decreased salinity, and hypothesized that increased
rather than true latent effects is not clear. A num- rates of energy expenditure might have accounted
ber of studies with insects and vertebrates have for the observed decrease in post-metamorphic
also found that stresses experienced during early survival.
development can induce adult phenotypes to toler- Along these same lines, the study by Li and Chiu
ate similar environmental stresses better (reviewed (2013) that was referred to earlier showed that ex-
by Wang et al., 2016b). Future studies with marine posing the larvae of Crepidula onyx to hypoxic stress
invertebrates might focus specifically on the extent reduced post-metamorphic growth and filtration
to which stressful larval experiences pre-adapt ju- rates, but only when the stressed larvae had also
veniles or adults for stressful conditions after meta- been reared at a reduced food concentration; larvae
morphosis. The likelihood of such findings would exposed to hypoxic stress under high food condi-
seem to be greater the more that larval environmen- tions showed normal post-metamorphic growth,
tal conditions anticipate those likely to be experi- suggesting that having abundant nutrients prior
enced by juveniles or adults. to metamorphosis ameliorated the latent impact of
hypoxic stress. Perhaps abundant embryonic nutri-
14.11  Mechanisms Accounting for Latent ent stores also account for the remarkable lack of
Effects latent effects seen when brooded embryos of the
polychaete Capitella teleta were exposed to severe
The mechanisms underlying the latent effects that hypoxia for up to 96 hours (Pechenik et al., 2016).
have now been documented for various marine Nutrient limitation during larval development may
invertebrates have not been well explored and are alter energy allocation and thus impede the nor-
poorly understood (Williams and Degnan, 2009). mal development of feeding structures (Chiu et al.,
There are two major suggestions in the marine in- 2007) or digestive machinery. Even so, what might
vertebrate literature: (1) an effect on energy avail- cause such specific shifts in morphological devel-
ability or allocation following metamorphosis, and opment, and are they indeed specific to feeding-
(2) epigenetic shifts in gene expression patterns. related morphology or physiology?
The two may not be mutually exclusive. Some of the best direct evidence for a role of
A number of researchers have suggested or im- nutritional limitation in generating reduced post-
plied a prominent role for depleted larval nutri- metamorphic growth rates comes from laboratory
ent reserves in producing latent effects (Emlet and studies with the nonfeeding larvae of the bryozoan
Sadro, 2006; Vermeij et  al., 2006; Chiu et  al., 2007; Bugula neritina (Wendt and Johnson, 2006; Johnson
2008; Johnson and Wendt, 2007; Thiyagarajan et al., and Wendt, 2007). Larvae whose settlement was
218   E v o l u t i o n a ry Ec o l o g y o f Ma r i n e I n v e rt e b r at e L a r va e

delayed by 24 h in a medium with depleted dis- reduced colony survival months after colonies were
solved organic matter (DOM) showed a reduced transplanted to field sites (Ng and Keough, 2003),
ability to metamorphose successfully, and those while forcing larvae of the bryozoan Bugula neritina
that did metamorphose had smaller than normal to swim for an extra 23 to 24 hours significantly re-
feeding lophophores; those effects of delayed meta- duced colony growth rates and fecundity of field-
morphosis were substantially (but not completely) transplanted colonies over the next two weeks,
offset for a parallel group of larvae in seawater en- and delayed the onset of reproduction (Wendt,
riched with DOM (Johnson and Wendt, 2007). 1998). It is also worth remembering that effects on
On the other hand, post-metamorphic growth juvenile growth rates of the Olympia oyster Ostrea
rates at normal salinity (34 psu) were reduced for lurid­a also persisted for months after individuals
the barnacle Balanus amphitrite after cyprids were were transplanted to field sites (Hettinger et  al.,
exposed for 24 hours to a salinity of only 10 psu, 2013a). Such effects are unlikely to be caused sim-
despite the fact that there was no measureable ef- ply by reductions in initial feeding ability follow-
fect on cyprid lipid content prior to metamorphosis ing metamorphosis. In addition, some studies have
(Thiyagarajan et al., 2007). Does this argue against a failed to detect latent effects following stresses that
direct nutritional mechanism for the observed latent have diminished larval energy reserves (e.g., delay-
effects, or were those latent effects caused by the ing metamorphosis of the ascidian Styela plicata;
reduced availability of carbohydrates, proteins, or Thiyagaraja­n and Qian, 2003) or which are likely to
some other non-lipid nutrient or micronutrient? De- have diminished such reserves (e.g., salinity stress
terring metamorphosis of this species for three days in three species of calyptraeid gastropod; Diederich
also resulted in reduced post-metamorphi­c growth et al., 2011).
for field-transplanted individuals, and allowing the What molecular mechanisms might account for
newly metamorphosed, field-transplante­d individ- the persistent latent effects that have been observed
uals to grow in an area with higher food availability in so many studies? It is thought that some pollut-
“did not fully compensate for the negative effects ants could be acting as potent endocrine disrupt-
of delayed metamorphosis” (Thiyagarajan et  al., ers (Nice et  al., 2003), while the reduced juvenile
2007, p.  183); indeed, mean juvenile feeding rates growth rates documented for several suspension
were significantly higher for individuals whose feeders following a variety of larval stresses are
metamorphosis had been delayed, again suggesting possibly due to reduced rates of functional gill de-
that something more than a deficiency in juvenile velopment for at least the first few days or weeks
feeding ability was at play in reducing the juvenile after metamorphosis (Pechenik et al., 2002; Li and
growth rates of these individuals (Thiyagaraja­ n Chiu, 2013); to date nobody has determined exactly
et al., 2007). what about the gill is not working properly—is it
Although post-metamorphic feeding limitations simply a reduced size, or does the reduced func-
may play a role in causing observed latent effects tioning have a more interesting and subtle me-
in at least some species, there is reason to believe chanical basis? But behind even these mechanisms
that other, largely unexplored factors are probably there may often be a more fundamental cause of
also involved in at least some cases (reviewed by changes in juvenile and adult performance caused
Pecheni­ k, 2006; Chiu et  al., 2007). Consider, for by events experienced much earlier in develop-
example, the impact of delayed metamorphosis ment. As suggested earlier (Pechenik, 2006), there
on colony development of the seasquirt Diplosoma is growing evidence that patterns of gene expres-
listerianum: branchial baskets were significantly sion can be altered by the environment to modify
smaller not just in the newly metamorphosed an- phenotypes without making any changes in the ac-
cestrulae, but also in individuals subsequently pro- tual gene sequences themselves. Indeed, Williams
duced asexually weeks later in field-transplanted and Degnan (2009) have demonstrated distinct
colonies (Marshall et  al., 2003). Similarly, expos- differences in patterns of gene expression, persist-
ing larvae of the bryozoan Watersipora subtorquata ing for at least 40 hours after metamorphosis, for
to sublethal levels of copper for only a few hours juveniles of the abalone Haliotis asinine that had
C o n s e q u e n c e s o f E m b ryo n i c a n d L a r val E x p e r i e n c e    219

been triggered to metamorphose by contact with in the field due to direct genetic effects and to what
different coralline algal species. Such epigenetic ef- extent to the effects of previous experience during
fects have a number of different potential mecha- embryonic or larval development?
nisms (reviewed by Jablonka, 2013; Burggren, Once the mechanisms lying behind the latent ef-
2014; Skinner, 2015); to date the most attention has fects documented for marine invertebrates are un-
been focused on the selective methylation of DNA derstood, it should be possible to understand why
nucleotides (especially 5′ cytosine rings), namely, the larvae of some species show these responses to
DNA methylation which then blocks the expres- certain stresses but not others, why the larvae of
sion of the targeted genes (Suzuki and Bird, 2008; some species don’t show latent effects in response
Williams and Degnan, 2009; Burggren and Crews, to the same stresses, and why the larvae of some
2014), and histone modification (Gibson et al., 2012; species may be more susceptible to stresses at cer-
Robichaud et al., 2012) which can either silence or tain stages of development.
activate gene expression. De-methylation can also Remarkably, there is increasing evidence, par-
be involved in regulating gene expression patterns ticularly from work with vertebrates, that environ-
(Kesäniemi et al., 2016). Few studies (e.g., Williams mentally induced epigenetic alterations in patterns
and Degnan, 2009) have so far sought to identify of gene expression—particularly those involving
the molecular mechanisms that are responsible for consequences of nutritional stress—can at least
the latent effects that have been documented in sometimes be passed on to future generations; that
marine invertebrates, but the technology to do is is, environmentally induced alterations in patterns
becoming increasingly available (Williams and De- of gene expression involving nutritional stress
gnan, 2009; Lyko et al., 2010; Robichaud et al., 2012; can be transgenerational and play key roles in fa-
Flores et al., 2013; Gavery and Roberts, 2014), and cilitating evolutionary change (Jablonka and Raz,
interest in doing so is growing (Gibson et al., 2012; 2009; Burggre­n, 2014; Burton and Metcalfe, 2014;
Robichaud et al., 2012). Mendizabal et  al., 2014; Skinner, 2015). Whether
Intriguingly, food levels and other nutritional any of the latent effects discussed in this chapter are
deficiencies can be especially important causes of ever transmitted to future generations has not yet
epigenetic shifts in patterns of gene expression in been assessed for any marine invertebrate (Marshal­l
vertebrates (Mazzio and Soliman, 2014), as can tem- and Morgan, 2011; Gavery and Roberts, 2014), but is
perature stress and exposure to toxicants (reviewed something that should be explored in future stud-
by Skinner, 2015). Understanding the mechanisms ies. Burggren (2014) has noted that what have been
behind latent effects should enable us to explain referred to as maternal or paternal “transgenera-
some important questions about the organismal tional effects” could in many cases be mediated by
data collected to date. For example, why do we direct effects on gametes or early embryos in spe-
see clear latent effects in some experiments but not cies with internal development, rather than being
others using the same species, even when the lar- transmitted to the next generation from effects on
vae have experienced the same stress treatments adults. But such interpretive difficulties would not
at the same levels for the same amounts of time? apply to the sorts of latent effects discussed in the
If susceptibility is genetically determined in such present review.
cases, what makes the offspring of some parents
more susceptible than those from other parents? 14.12  Impact and Implications
Another especially intriguing question is why do
we sometimes not see any latent effects following Some of the immediate consequences of latent ef-
metamorphosis even when larval growth rates do fects in the field are easy to imagine. Reduced
not recover to control levels after the stress period growth rates, in particular, are likely to increase
has ended (Diederich et al., 2011)? Why do certain vulnerability to predation: to the extent that in-
stresses produce clear latent effects in some species dividuals become less vulnerable to predators as
but not in other species? Also, to what extent is the they grow (Gosselin and Qian, 1996; 1997; Hunt
variability we currently see in juvenile growth rates and Scheibling, 1997), slower growth should cause
220   E v o l u t i o n a ry Ec o l o g y o f Ma r i n e I n v e rt e b r at e L a r va e

longer periods of vulnerability. The population- make sure that such changes are not also induced
level impact of latent effects may be especially great by any other factors.
for organisms that are sessile after metamorphosis, To the extent that latent effects are indeed occur-
as juveniles and adults of such species typically ring commonly for marine invertebrates in the natu-
have fewer options for avoiding exposure to envi- ral world, there is tremendous potential for climate
ronmental stresses. Also, some stresses experienced change, pollution, hypoxia, and other environmen-
early in development appear to increase juvenile tal stresses to impact the geographic distributions
mortality directly (e.g., in the gastropod Crepipatella of species and local community structure through
dilatata: Chaparro et  al., 2014). Similarly, latent ef- those subtle effects. Thus, a widespread and in-
fects that involve delaying time to reproductive creasing occurrence of latent effects in the field will
maturity and reducing fecundity (e.g., Wendt, 1998) make it even more difficult to predict the future
may well negatively impact local population dy- impact of environmental change on future popula-
namics, or at least the likelihood of successful per- tions and communities. The potential for multiple
petuation of the parental genotype. environment-individual interactions adds further
On the other hand, to the extent that larval ex- complexity: studies to date are limited to testing the
periences of ocean acidification, nutritional limita- effects of one to three multiple stressors at a time
tion, hypoxia, or sublethal pollutant exposure can (e.g., ocean acidification, pollutants, temperature
improve juvenile or adult function under similarly stress, hypoxia, salinity stress, or nutritional stress)
stressful conditions, latent effects could promote (Table 14.1), whereas in the real world, embryos and
species persistence in a changing ocean. larvae are probably subjected to many stresses si-
The frequency with which the larvae of marine multaneously. The precise actual impact of human
invertebrates experience delayed metamorphosis activity on marine populations defies prediction:
and other potentially stressful experiences prior to there is probably only one way to conduct this par-
metamorphosis in the field, and the actual conse- ticular experiment, and we are all participating.
quences of those experiences on juveniles in natural
field situations, are unknown. Individual juveniles
14.13 Summary
and adults in natural populations certainly differ
greatly in behavior, growth rate, timing of sexual 1. A variety of stresses, including hypoxia, reduced
maturity, and fecundity for all organisms studied pH, and food limitation, experienced during de-
to date. velopment can influence growth rates, survival,
But the degree to which those differences reflect and other fitness characteristics following meta-
the impact of pre-metamorphic experience, rather morphosis.
than differences in underlying standard Mendelian 2. The brooding of embryos may protect against
genetics or local differences in physical conditions exposure to some environmental stresses during
(e.g., Helmuth and Hofmann, 2001), is not clear. development, but can sometimes expose devel-
What we need to find is an internal black-box re- oping embryos to stresses they would otherwise
corder of some sort that would provide a record have avoided by being free-living, resulting
of larval experience in field-collected juveniles or again in reduced fitness in later life.
adults that exhibit differences in key measures of 3. The mechanisms through which such “latent ef-
individual fitness. Something like that has been fects” are mediated are unclear: energy-balance
found for fish (otoliths) (McCormick, 1999), but issues and epigenetic factors—in which gene ex-
we are still looking for something comparable for pression patterns are altered without any chang-
studies of marine invertebrates (Levin et al., 2015). es in DNA sequences—seem to be involved.
Even if we find that a particular stressor causes 4. The extent to which documented variability
detectable and reproducible changes in isotope in factors such as growth, survival, and repro-
ratios, trace element composition, or other com- ductive output in benthic field populations is
ponents of molluscan larval shell composition in explained by stresses experienced early in devel-
the laboratory (Levin et al., 2015), we also need to opment remains to be determined.
C o n s e q u e n c e s o f E m b ryo n i c a n d L a r val E x p e r i e n c e    221

The coming years will apparently bring increas- Anderson, P., Sadek, M.M., Larsson, M., Hansson, B.S.
ing water temperatures; changing rainfall patterns et al. 2013. Larval host plant experience modulates both
and consequent shifts in coastal salinities and in mate finding and oviposition choice in a moth. Animal
Behaviour 85: 1169–1175.
the magnitudes of salinity fluctuation; increasing
Barton, A., Hales, B., Waldbusser, G.G., Langdon, C.
ocean acidity; increasing levels of pollution (in-
et  al.  2012. The Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas, shows
cluding the spread of microplastics); increasing negative correlation to naturally elevated carbon diox-
incidences of hypoxic events; and shifting patterns ide levels: implications for near-term ocean acidification
of phytoplankton abundance, species composition, effects. Limnology and Oceanography 57: 698–710.
and nutritional quality; all of which have the po- Bashevkin, S.M. and Pechenik, J.A. 2015. The interactive
tential to increase physiological stresses on devel- influence of temperature and salinity on larval and
opmental stages and increase the energy costs of juvenile growth in the gastropod Crepidula fornicata.
development through metamorphosis. This pre- Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 470:
sents us with a good number of important ques-
Bouchard, S.S., O’Leary, C.J., Wargelin, L.H., Charbonnier,
tions: (1) To what extent do these stresses—alone
J.F. et  al.  2015. Post-metamorphic carry-over effects of
and in combination—have latent impact on marine larval digestive plasticity. Functional Ecology 30: 379–388.
invertebrates, and what are those impacts? (2) Do Bresnahan, M. and Susser, E. 2007. Belated concerns and
they ever carry over to subsequent generations? (3) latent effects: the example of schizophrenia. Epidemiol-
To what extent are some species more vulnerable to ogy 18: 583–584.
particular stresses than other species? (4) What ac- Burggren, W.W. 2014. Epigenetics as a source of variation
counts for differences in vulnerability? (5) To what in comparative animal physiology—or—Lamarck is
lookin’ pretty good these days. Journal of Experimental
extent does brooding protect offspring from expo-
Biology 217: 682–689.
sure to environmental stress and from exhibiting
Burggren, W.W. and Crews, D. 2014. Epigenetics in
latent effects later in development? (6) And what comparative biology: why we should pay attention.
are the underlying mechanisms causing latent ef- Integrativ­e and Comparative Biology 54: 7–20.
fects? It seems likely that many of these questions Burton, T. and Metcalfe, N.B. 2014. Can environmental
will be addressed, and possibly answered, over the conditions experienced in early life influence future
next ten years. generations? Proceedings of the Royal Society B—Biological
Sciences 281: 1785.
Byrne, M. 2011. Impact of ocean warming and ocean acidi-
Acknowledgments fication on marine invertebrate life history stages: vul-
nerabilities and potential for persistence in a changing
Thanks to Andreas Heyland, Tyler Carrier, and ocean. Oceanography and Marine Biology -An Annual Re-
Adam Reitzel for undertaking this project, for invit- view. 49: 1–42.
ing my participation, and for their helpful editorial Byrne, M. and Przeslawski, R. 2013. Multistressor impacts
suggestions. Thanks also to my colleagues Oscar of warming and acidification of the ocean on marine
Chaparro, Vengatesen Thiyagarajan (“Rajan”), invertebrates’ life histories. Integrative and Comparative
Richard Strathmann, Sam Bashevkin, and Sarah Biology 53: 582–596.
Cebrian, E. and Uriz, M.J. 2007. Contrasting effects of
Gilliand for thoughtful comments and suggestions
heavy metals and hydrocarbons on larval settlement
on a draft of this manuscript.
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Section 3 Summary—Larval Transport,

Settlement, and Metamorphosis

Life cycles for broadcast-spawning marine inver- food limitation, salinity, and ocean acidification, af-
tebrates are characterized by a pelagic (larval) and fect life after metamorphosis.
benthic (juvenile and adult) stage, which are dif- These contributions uniquely combine ecological,
ferentiated by the process of settlement and meta- physiological, and developmental mechanisms, and
morphosis. While settlement and recruitment are emphasize their evolutionary implications. For exam-
concepts that primarily deal with the ecological ple, to understand the dispersal potential of embryos
aspects of this transition, they are often accompa- and larvae in the plankton, one has to consider both
nied by a drastic morphological and developmental physical and biological factors as well as the specific
transition. Larval transport, the means of reaching benthic habitat requirements of these species. Mod-
suitable settlement sites, is difficult to study, but in- els for larval transport, therefore, need to integrate
sights from genetics, behavior, sensory ecology, and divergent issues, such as larval sensory, feeding, and
oceanography have provided important insights. swimming ecology along with simluations of ocean
In Chapter 11, Jesús Pineda and Nathalie Reyns currents, gyres, and eddies. The plankton-to-benthos
discuss larval transport as both a concept, includ- transition is also frequently accompanied by a drastic
ing its many components and as a measurement, as metamorphosis, where larvae become juveniles. This
well as outline the many challenges of taking these transition can occur within a remarkably short period
measurements and recent approaches for doing so. of time and needs to be timed properly within the life
Next, in Chapter 12, Peter Marko and Michael Hart cycle of an organism. Post-settlement performance
discuss the utility of genetic approaches in studying and, by extension, fitness, is therefore linked to vari-
larval dispersal and how they may characterize the ous aspects of metamorphosis and development. Due
scale and/or magnitude of the connectivity of pop- to the small size of most marine invertebrate larvae, it
ulations. In Chapter 13, Jason Hodin and colleagues is difficult to track individuals from the plankton to
spatially examine the interaction between fluid dy- the benthos. Genetic population analyses provide an
namics and sensory processes, and how this enables excellent tool to link planktonic and benthic popula-
larvae to navigate the sea. Finally, in Chapter 14, Jan tions, and much progress has been made as sequenc-
Pechenik assesses and postulates how and why abi- ing costs of large number of samples have become
otic and biotic factors of the sea, including hypoxia, more affordable.

Carrier, T. J., Reitzel, A. M., and Heyland, A., Section 3 Summary—Larval transport, settlement, and metamorphosis.
In. Evolutionary Ecology of Marine Invertebrate Larvae. Edited by Tyler J. Carrier, Adam M. Reitzel, and Andreas Heyland:
Oxford University Press (2018). © Oxford University Press. DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780198786962.003.0015
C h a pt er 16

Ecology and Evolution of Larval

Dispersal in the Deep Sea
Craig M. Young, Shawn M. Arellano, Jean-François Hamel, and Annie Mercier

16.1 Introduction most species spend their entire developmental peri-

ods. Our sample sizes of species within phyla are so
The deep ocean contains more unexplored habi- small that generalizations are nearly always unwar-
tats than anywhere else on Earth, and probably ranted. The deep sea therefore remains a frontier
more undiscovered organisms as well (Grassle and not only for exploration, but also for the biology of
Maciole­k, 1992), yet most of the nearly 26,000 de- early life history stages, including larvae.
scribed species of deep-sea benthic invertebrates This paper is not intended as a comprehensive
(Glover et  al., 2016) are known only from the ini- synthesis of deep-sea reproduction, which has last
tial descriptions of their morphology. Among the been reviewed some 15–20 years ago (Young and
relatively well-studied species from continental Eckelbarger, 1994; Young, 2003). Several reviews
slopes and chemosynthetic environments, we still discuss larval biology in vent systems (Mullineau­x
have only a rudimentary understanding of life his- and France, 1995; Tyler and Young, 1999; Adams
tory biology, including the basics of gametogenesis, et al. 2012), and a pair of reviews discuss the emerg-
spawning, reproductive timing, and embryonic and ing fields of deep-sea genetic connectivity (Baco
larval development in a small but growing subset et  al., 2016) and its underlying biological mecha-
of species (Young 2003; Mercier and Hamel, 2009a; nisms (Hilário et  al., 2015). The present paper fo-
Watling et al., 2011). Because deep-sea sampling is cuses narrowly and somewhat speculatively on
expensive, there have been relatively few opportu- adaptive mechanisms that might impact the dis-
nities to sample populations repeatedly and obtain tances, times, and trajectories of larval dispersal in
viable gametes for laboratory study. A limited num- the deep ocean. Conditions in the deep sea appear
ber of larvae, probably less than 50 species world- extreme, so it is easy to imagine that strong selec-
wide, have ever been collected from the deep sea tive pressures might yield bizarre and unique de-
(Bouche­t and Warén, 1994; Hilário et al., 2015), and velopmental and larval adaptations through natural
fewer than 20 species have been cultured to meta- selection. Our goal is to ground truth these various
morphosis from these field collections or from gam- imagined possibilities with the limited empirical in-
etes obtained in the laboratory (e.g. Mercie­r and formation available.
Hamel, 2008; 2009b; Sun et al., 2010; 2011; Mercier
et  al., 2014; 2015; 2016; Montgomery et  al., 2017a).
16.2  Why Deep-Sea Dispersal Matters
Information about habitat selection at settlement re-
mains fragmentary (Sun et al., 2010; Mercier et al., Dispersal and genetic connectivity are topics of con-
2016). Overall, we know almost nothing about siderable current interest because of concerns about
larval swimming, feeding, or nutrition (Mercier a deep ocean that is increasingly impacted by hu-
et al., 2014; Beaulieu et al., 2015; Montgomery et al., mans through fishing, mining, dumping, acidifica-
2017a), and we still have no idea where the larvae of tion, and climatic changes (Priede et al., 2010; Van

Young, C. M., Arellano, S. M., Hamel, J.-F., and Mercier, A., Ecology and evolution of larval dispersal in the deep sea.
In. Evolutionary Ecology of Marine Invertebrate Larvae. Edited by Tyler J. Carrier, Adam M. Reitzel, and Andreas Heyland:
Oxford University Press (2018). © Oxford University Press. DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780198786962.003.0016
230   E v o l u t i o n a ry E c o l o g y o f M a r i n e I n v e rt e b r at e La r vae

Dover, 2011; Barbier et al., 2014; Hilário et al., 2015). Finally, it is likely that the larvae themselves have
The long-term maintenance of species and popula- important roles in the food webs of the deep ocean.
tions probably depends on biological mechanisms A thoughtful paper by Levin et al. (2016) considers
that exchange genes among metapopulations and the possibility that dispersing gametes and larvae
that spread the risk of mortality in the face of chang- transfer organic material of chemosynthetic origin
ing ocean conditions. From a practical standpoint, through pelagic food webs all the way from the
knowledge of dispersal is critical for making deci- sea floor to the euphotic zone (Pond et  al., 2000;
sions about the siting and sizes of marine protected Arellan­o et al., 2014) and horizontally on the scale
areas, and a recent review (Hilário et al., 2015) ad- of hundreds or thousands of kilometers (Adams
dressed the topic of dispersal from this perspective. et al., 2011; Young et al., 2012; Hilário et al., 2015).
Cowen et  al. (2006, p.  522) provided a succinct The quantitative importance of these transfers re-
justification for studying connectivity and its un- mains completely unexplored.
derlying biological mechanisms.
Defining the scale of connectivity, or exchange,
among marine populations and determining the 16.3  Is Dispersal Advantageous
factors driving this exchange are pivotal to our to Deep-Sea Species?
understanding of the population dynamics, ge-
netic structure, and biogeography of many coastal The adaptive significance of larval dispersal has
species. been debated for decades (Strathmann, 1974; 1987;
This is equally true in the deep sea, where popu- Pechenik, 1999; Shanks, 2009; Mercier et  al., 2013;
lation dynamics have been studied for relatively Burgess et al., 2015). Numerous advantages for dis-
few species (Gage, 1982) because of the difficulty of persal have been proposed, including (1) reducing
repeated sampling. Moreover, the mechanisms un- competition between adults and their offspring; (2)
derlying major patterns of biogeography and phy- minimizing competition among siblings; (3) coloni-
logeography remain poorly understood. Several zation of new habitats; (4) decreasing predation by
examples of patterns from the literature highlight this benthic predators; (5) reducing negative effects of
gap: (1) gastropods in Atlantic abyssal basins show a inbreeding; and (6) spreading the risk of mortality
highly significant gradient of decreasing alpha diver- in spatially and temporally variable environments.
sity from low to high latitudes (Rex and Etter, 2010); However, Shields (1982) and Strathmann (1987)
(2) strong evidence for genetic connectivity among have both discussed the counterintuitive possibility
methane seeps on the two sides of the Atlantic Ocean that expression and elimination of deleterious traits
(Cordes et al., 2007; Olu-Le Roy et al., 2007; Olu et al., in isolated populations may create a situation where
2010); (3) presence of biogeographic barriers in some inbreeding depression is insignificant and selection
species among western Pacific back-arc basins (Thaler favors retention rather than wide dispersal of off-
et  al., 2011); (4) endemism and genetic isolation in spring. Indeed, many clades, particularly of sessile
hadal trenches (Jamieson, 2015); (5) species shifts of animals, have evolved life cycles with larvae that
protobranch bivalves along surprisingly short dis- disperse only short distances (Shanks, 2009; Burges­s
tances near the western boundary current off New et  al., 2015). Examples in the deep sea include the
England (Etter and Bower, 2015); and (6) size distribu- sea anemone Urticina sp. (Mercier et al., 2016) and
tions of mussels (Van Dover et al., 2001) and genetic the cup coral Flabellum angulare (Mercier et al., 2011),
fingerprints of tube worms (Shank and Halanych, which both free spawn gametes, yet have embryos
2007) not easily explained by simple advection/diffu- and larvae that remain close to the parents (<1 m)
sion models (Okubo, 1971). The patterns themselves for the duration of their development.
have been discovered through a combination of care- There has also been much discussion about
ful taxonomy and genetics, yet in every case, the eco- whether dispersal per se has a significant evolu-
logical and phylogeographic mechanisms remain in tionary advantage, or whether dispersal is a conse-
the realm of speculation because of an inadequate quence of evolutionary pressures that favor other
understanding of dispersal trajectories. traits such as feeding and pre-metamorphic growth
La r va l D i s p e r sa l i n t he D ee p S ea    231

(Strathmann, 1974; Havenhand, 1995; Pechenik, to disperse short distances, presumably to reduce
1999). Palmer and Strathmann (1981) tested the offshore loss of larvae (Shanks, 2009). The vast
relative advantages and risks of dispersal for in- abyssal basins of the deep ocean are analogous to
tertidal barnacles, concluding that the advantages sandy continental shelves in that they should pro-
of dispersal decrease with length of larval life and vide abundant and easily located settlement sites in
dispersal distance. Etter and Caswel­l (1994) and appropriate habitats. Insular habitats such as drop-
Caswell and Etter (1999) used a cellular automa- stones (Meyer et al., 2016) and seamounts (Rogers,
ton model to consider the potential advantages of 1994) are somewhat analogous to shorelines; they
dispersal in the deep sea as a function of distur- are probably difficult to find, being spatially scat-
bance frequency. In their model, in which distur- tered over expanses of unsuitable muddy bottoms.
bance frequency was assumed to vary with depth, Hydrothermal vents and methane seeps are also
the advantages of dispersal did not decrease with insular habitats for the symbiotic species that de-
distance as Palmer and Strathmann (1981) sug- pend on them. One might argue that such insular
gested, but were highest in systems with interme- habitats could select for a bimodal structure of dis-
diate frequencies of disturbance. This finding fits persal strategies favoring either very short disper-
the observed distribution of developmental mode sal (retention), or a long enough larval life to assure
in gastropods along a bathymetric gradient (Rex that new habitats will be encountered (Figure 16.1).
and Warén, 1982). It is also important to consider the stability of sites.
Recent compilations of dispersal times (pelagic Hydrothermal vents are known to be stable only
propagule durations—PPDs; or planktonic larval on decadal scales (Van Dover, 2000), so a retention
durations—PLDs) for a wide assortment of spe- strategy might be less likely to evolve at vents (but
cies (Grantham et  al., 2003; Shanks 2009; Mercier see Adams and Mullineaux, 2008) than at methane
et  al., 2013) show that the proportions of species seeps, which may be stable over century-long tem-
with various dispersal strategies shift with climate poral scales (Bergquist et al., 2000).
zones and habitat type in nearshore ecosystems. Jackson and Strathmann (1981) noted that for
For example, a high proportion of species living coastal species whose habitat are located along the
on sandy bottoms have long-distance dispersal shore, species with long precompetent dispersal
mechanisms, whereas rocky-shore species that de- periods must compensate by having long post-
pend on a narrow strip of habitat are more likely competent periods to return to suitable settlement
Probability of Settlement Success

Figure 16.1 Hypothetical bimodal distri-

bution of dispersal strategies evolving in
species living in isolated insular habitats in
the deep ocean. In a homogenous habitat
such as the abyssal plain, the distribution
of planktonic larval durations (PLDs) would
be represented by a horizontal straight line
Retention in Discovery of instead of a parabola because the probability
Natal Habitats Dispersed Habitats of finding a suitable habitat should not
depend on the distance traveled or the
Planktonic Larval Duration duration of the search.
232   E v o l u t i o n a ry E c o l o g y o f M a r i n e I n v e rt e b r at e La r vae

sites. Grantham et  al. (2003) and Shanks (2009) Montgomery et al., 2017a; Van Gaest, 2006). A re-
refined this idea by considering the directions of markable gastropod (Ifremeria nautili) was discov-
currents and the frequency of onshore transport ered at vents in the western Pacific to brood its
and retention mechanisms. In deep ocean species larvae within a modified mucus gland in the sole
living on the vast, sedimented abyssal plains, one of its foot (Reynold­s et  al., 2010). Many deep-sea
might assume that shorter postcompetent periods cnidarians, including octocorals (Sun et  al., 2010,
might be possible, since mud is available almost 2011; Mercie­r and Hamel, 2011) and sea anemones
everywhere. On the other hand, where deep-sea (Mercier et al., 2016) have been found to be brood-
species depend on highly patchy habitats such as ers or demersal developers.
vents or seeps, dispersal might increase the proba- Charles Wyville Thomson’s (1876) discovery of
bility of locating a suitable settlement site, but only Antarctic echinoderms brooding large embryos
if larvae have postcompetent periods long enough during the Challenger Expedition established the
to drift near the bottom and encounter such habi- longstanding view that large eggs are indicative
tats. Thus, both the advantages and disadvantages of brooding in the deep sea, and also, therefore, of
of dispersal and the duration of the competent pe- short dispersal distances. Thus, when the eggs of
riod might be very different in the deep sea than in echinothuriid echinoids, elasipod holothuroids,
shallow coastal habitats that have been considered and various asteroids were found to be large and
in earlier studies. yolky (Tyler and Gage, 1984), these species were
often assumed to be brooders rather than plank-
tonic lecithotrophs (Young, 1994). The evolution
16.4  How Common is Brooding of brooding in two clades of Antarctic echinoids
in the Deep Sea? has been discussed by Poulin and Féral (1994) and
by Pearse et al. (2009), who conclude that the evo-
Thorson (1950) suggested that larval development lution of Antarctic brooding can probably be ex-
should be absent or nearly so in the deep sea, since plained by vicariant speciation events rather than
dispersal should not be required in such a uniform adaptation to environmental conditions. Thus,
muddy environment, and because food should be one would not necessarily expect the evolution
inadequate to support planktotrophic larvae. The of brooding in the deep sea at large. A few eury-
fact that the first two deep-sea echinoderm larvae bathic and deep-water sea stars from the North
to be cultured (Prouho, 1888; Mortensen, 1921) were Atlantic—for example, genera Pteraster, Henricia,
both planktotrophic did little to sway the prevailing and Leptasterias (Boolootian, 1966), including Hen-
opinion over several decades (Young, 1994). ricia lisa (Mercier and Hamel, 2008)—are known
The speciose peracarid crustaceans (about to brood. In contrast, only two species of deep-
4,600 species of isopods, amphipods, cumaceans, sea holothuroid are known to brood outside of
mysids, and tanaids) and nematodes (about the Antarctic (Hansen, 1968; Pawson et al., 2003),
600 species) are constrained phylogenetically to with the possible exception of a newly discovered
brood embryos at all depths (Young, 2003), as species (Gebruk et  al.  2013). This contrasts dra-
are pycnogonids (Mercier et  al., 2015). Among matically with the number of echinoderms that
polychaetes, a large proportion of infaunal spe- brood in shallow water; Boolootian (1966) listed
cies with known reproductive modes brood in 30 species of shallow-water brooding holothu-
their tubes (observations by L. Levin, tabulated rians and 30 brooding asteroids, and several ad-
in Young, 2003), while a dorvilleid (Ophryotrocha ditional species have now been added. Although
sp.) was discovered to rely on mucous chambers deep-sea animals with benthic or brood-protected
(Mercier et  al., 2014). Egg capsules of gastropods development have since been reported in most
have often been observed on hard deep-sea sub- taxonomic groups, overall, it still appears likely
strata, but only in rare instances have they been that planktonic embryonic/larval development is
cultured long enough to determine whether em- more common than protected modes of develop-
bryos hatch as juveniles or larvae (Metaxas, 2011; ment in the deep sea.
La r va l D i s p e r sa l i n t he D ee p S ea    233

16.5  Do Deep-Sea Larvae Demonstrate and attached to the female only until they get ferti-
Distinctive Developmental Strategies lized (Mercier et al., 2011).
Other larvae thought to be unique to the deep sea
that Either Enhance or Reduce Dispersal
include the enormous Planktosphaera pelagica larvae
Distance? of enteropneusts (Spengel, 1932; Hart et  al., 1994),
Planktonic larval durations (PLDs) or the more in- which have long been hypothesized to have deep-
clusive pelagic propagule durations (PPDs, includ- sea adults (Hadfield, 2001; Osborn et al., 2011), and
ing the embryonic phase) of deep-sea species can the large (15 mm long) “Auricularia nudibranchia”
impact dispersal distances significantly. Slow meta- larva (Chun, 1888), which has now been identified
bolic rates imposed by cold temperatures extend as the larva of a deep-sea synaptid holothurian,
larval durations (O’Connor et  al., 2007b) in deep- Protankyra brychia (Pawson et  al., 2003). Both spe-
sea species, and some species show some notable cies are planktotrophic (Hart et  al., 1994; Sewell
unique developmental strategies that can lead to and McEuen, 2001) and are remarkable not only for
longer PLDs and hence time spent dispersing. their elaborate forms and large sizes, but also for
It has been widely assumed that unusual devel- their presence in surface waters.
opmental modes and strange larval forms would be Developmental modes of many deep-sea animals
common in the deep sea. As larvae have been cul- have been inferred from egg sizes and other life
tured, this has not generally proven to be true. With history observations, but using assumptions devel-
very few exceptions, the larvae of most deep-water oped for shallow-water fauna can be problematic.
species are morphologically similar to those of their This difficulty is well illustrated by the long “spa-
shallow-water relatives, presumably because of ghetti worm” enteropneust, Saxipendium coronatum,
phylogenetic constraints (Eckelbarger and Watlin­g, that drapes over rocks near vents on the East Pacifi­c
1995). Thus, deep-sea crustaceans have nauplii, gas- Rise. On the basis of its broadly conical sperm
tropod molluscs have veligers, cnidarians have plan- and small observed egg size, Franzén et  al. (1985)
ulae, polychaetes have trocophore-like larvae, and predicted that this species should be a broadcast
the various echinoderm classes produce larvae simi- spawner with planktotrophic larvae. When this spe-
lar in most respects to those of their shallow-­water cies was reexamined two decades later, however,
relatives. One notable exception is Warén’s larva, the eggs were found to be yolky and up to 1.3 mm
an unusual ciliated larval form of the aforemen- in diameter (Young, unpublished), suggestive of the
tioned hydrothermal-vent gastropod Ifremeria nautili kind of demersal development known for others
(Reynold­s et al., 2010). These unusual larvae emerge in the same family (Hadfield, 2001). Franzé­n et al.
from their pedal brood chamber as fully ciliated lar- (1985) apparently based their conclusion on im-
vae with cilia protruding through a protective cu- mature specimens. A promising avenue in the con-
ticle. Eventually they metamorphose into veligers, firmation of lecithotrophic development revolves
but neither their PLD nor their dispersal potential is around the combination of egg size and pigmenta-
known. However, haplotype analysis of this species tion (Montgomery et al., 2017b).
(Thaler et al., 2011) indicates that populations within
back-arc basins show no genetic differentiation over 16.5.1  Increasing Dispersal Through Parental
a scale of 1,000 km, suggesting that the unusual lar- Investment
vae of I. nautili are capable of long-distance dispersal.
Peculiar reproductive adaptations reported from Several observations suggest that deep-sea eggs are
the deep waters of the northwest Atlantic include invested with a larger amount of yolk or yolk with
the dual brooding and broadcasting strategy of the higher energy content than those of shallow species,
sea star Henricia lisa (Mercier and Hamel, 2008), although a clear exception exists to this generaliza-
the negatively buoyant (benthic) lecithotrophic lar- tion in the northwest Atlantic, where both shallow-
vae of the broadcasting sea anemone Urticina sp. water and deep-sea species are represented by a large
(Mercie­r et al., 2016), and the tethered oocytes of the percentage of lecithotrophic species. Bivalve larvae
cup coral Flabellum angulare that remain bundled found off Barbados at depths as great as 5,000  m
234   E v o l u t i o n a ry E c o l o g y o f M a r i n e I n v e rt e b r at e La r vae

(S. Maslakova and C.M. Young, unpublished) were despite being already inseminated. Meiosis is com-
obviously planktotrophic (they had 40–60 growth pleted and embryogenesis begins only after the
increments in a large prodissoconch II), yet the pro- eggs are released into seawater. Because of very
dissoconch I was more than 300 µm in diameter, slow cell cycles (described later), most dispersal
suggesting a huge egg that would be expected of a takes place during the embryonic period before the
lecithotrophic brooder in Ockelmann’s (1965) tradi- larvae develop ciliation (Brooke and Young, 2009).
tional scheme (Scheltema, 1994). In this species, it ap- The alvinellid polychaete Alvinella pompeiana has an
pears that a large egg with a significant yolk reserve analogous mechanism. In this case, development
must develop into a long-lived planktotrophic larva. is dependent on the warm seawater emitted from
The eggs of another bivalve, the cold-seep mussel a vent. While the embryos are adrift through the
“Bathymodiolus” childressi, are similar in size to those cold, deep water between vent fields, their devel-
of shallow-water mytilids, but are about twice as opment is arrested, presumably allowing very long
energetic (Arellano, 2008). In all of these deep-sea dispersal with little energy expenditure. Cleavage
bivalves, extra energy stores might play a role in ex- begins anew when the embryos encounter warmer
tended larval life, perhaps by permitting extra time temperatures indicative of the very warm habitats
to migrate to the euphotic zone. occupied by the adults on the sides of hydrothermal
Another example of significant yolk storage in a chimneys (Pradillon et al., 2005; 2001).
planktotroph comes from the bathyal echinoid Aspi-
dodiadema jacobyi, which produces a ten-armed echi-
16.5.3  Controlling Dispersal Depth with Egg
nopluteus with a posterior spine that superficially
resembles that of an irregular echinoid (Young and
George, 2000). While otherwise unremarkable in In shallow water, large yolky eggs such as those of
form, this large larva comes from an unusually many echinoderms and cnidarians are generally
small (70 µm) egg. During the blastula stage, large buoyant, and buoyant yolky eggs are also found
mesenchyme cells migrate into the blastocoel, fill- commonly in the deep sea (Young and Cameron,
ing virtually all of the space. The resulting plutei are 1987). Egg densities for deep-sea species have sel-
able to develop without feeding for more than 50 dom been measured empirically, but buoyancy
days before becoming obligate planktotrophs. This measurements of large (1.1mm diameter) yolky eggs
extended period of self-sufficiency is more than an of the echinothuriid (soft-body) echinoid Phormo-
order of magnitude longer than the pre-feeding soma placenta have been measured in the laboratory
stage of typical shallow-water plutei developing at and within chambers at several depths (Young and
a similar temperature (Young et al., 1989). Cameron, 1987). Given an average flotation rate of
0.42 cm/s, it was estimated that eggs could ascend
16.5.2  Increasing Dispersal Through Arrested to the surface from 800 m in about two days. In dra-
matic contrast, the bathyal sea anemone Urticina sp.,
maintained over several years in the laboratory, pro-
Pechenik et  al. (1984) demonstrated that some tel- vided direct evidence of benthic development in a
eplanic larvae arrest their growth and develop- broadcast-spawning lecithotrophic species (Mercie­r
ment while drifting over the Atlantic, presumably et al., 2016). The eggs were negatively buoyant and
to conserve energy. Arrested development also remained near the parents throughout develop-
plays a role in extending dispersal time of two ment. Such a combination of free-living, nonfeed-
­hydrothermal-vent animals on the East Pacific Rise. ing, and negatively buoyant larvae is unique among
The giant siboglinid tube worm Riftia pachyptila fer- the known lecithotrophic developers of the North
tilizes its eggs internally with the aid of a spermath- Atlantic (Montgomery et al., 2017b).
ecal sperm-storage compartment (Hilário et  al., The siboglinid tube worm Riftia pachyptila has
2005). During the time the zygotes are stored inter- lipid-filled eggs only 110µm in diameter that float at
nally, no cleavage occurs; the zygotes are arrested at a rate of about 2–3 m per day under ambient pres-
the germinal vesicle stage (first meiotic prophase) sures and temperatures, a rate that would retain
La r va l D i s p e r sa l i n t he D ee p S ea    235

them in the deep ocean for the entire embryonic in the deep sea. Rex and Etter (2010) demonstrate
period (Brooke and Young, 2009). Eggs of virtually a clear increase in planktotrophic development of
identical size from the methane seep tube worm deep-sea gastropods with depth; thus, in stark con-
Lamellibrachia luymesi float at an average rate of 720 trast to the predictions of Thorson’s rule (Thorson,
m per day (Young, unpublished), a rate that would 1950; Mileikovsky, 1971), planktotrophic gastro-
propel them to the surface in one day. These large pods are more common on the abyssal plain of the
differences among eggs of similar size probably re- North Atlantic than on the continental slope where
flect differences in wax ester composition (Marsh feeding larvae would presumably have a shorter
et al., 2001) interacting with factors such as temper- distance to migrate for food. A high incidence of
ature and pressure that influence the density and planktotrophy is also known among bathyal echi-
viscosity of the water. Because buoyancy is an es- noderms from tropical latitudes (Young 2003), and
sential parameter for dispersal models, much more 10% of the 30 gastropod species identified by Mills
information is needed. et al. (2007) from vents on the East Pacific Rise were
16.5.4  Increasing Dispersal through Slow When larvae and embryos of the hydrothermal-
vent worm Riftia pachyptila were first cultured, in-
Development and Long Planktonic Larval
vestigators were amazed to discover that, under
normal conditions of temperature (4 °C) and pres-
Conventional wisdom dictates that dispersal dis- sure (25 MPa), the embryos developed at a rate
tances are shortest among demersal developers or of only one cleavage per day (Marsh et  al., 2001;
brooders and that planktotrophic larvae disperse Brooke and Young, 2009). To investigate whether
farther than lecithotrophic larvae. Even in shallow slow developmental rates are common in the deep
water, these relationships do not always hold true sea, we assembled a large set of developmental data
(Mercier et  al., 2013). As an extreme example, the for various major clades of invertebrates, then made
shallow subtidal sea star Mediaster aequalis, which comparisons among species classified by depth dis-
has lecithotrophic larvae originating from large tributions. As a starting point, we used the database
yolky eggs, has been maintained in culture for available as supplemental material in Hilário et al.
more than a year (Birkeland et al., 1971). Slow me- (2015), adding additional species that were missed
tabolism coupled with trans-epidermal transport of as well as a few unpublished data points from our
dissolved organics can extend the duration of lec- own recent work. The spreadsheets are available
ithotrophs substantially in cold water (Jaeckle and from the authors.
Manahan, 1989; Shilling and Manahan, 1994). Bosch Our comparison of cell cycle duration was lim-
(1989) showed that an Antarctic lecithotrophic aster- ited to echinoids, the only group for which details of
oid in the genus Porania has a longer larval life than developmental timing are available for a number of
its planktotrophic congener developing at the same species. Fortuitously, it is possible to separate depth
temperature. These and other examples (Mercie­r effects from temperature effects in echinoids because
et  al., 2013) suggest that lecithotrophy should not some deep-sea species at low latitudes develop over
necessarily equate with short dispersal times or the same range of temperatures as ­shallow-water
distances in the cold water of the deep ocean. This species at higher latitudes. We compared bathyal
has significance because the vast majority of deep- species in the Bahamas to shallow-water species in
sea species with planktonic development appear the Northeast Pacific. Strictly speaking, depth is con-
to have lecithotrophic larvae (Young, 2003; Rex founded with geography in these comparisons, so
and Ette­r, 2010), contrasting dramatically with the conclusions should be treated cautiously; neverthe-
famous calculations of Gunnar Thorson (1961) for less, the patterns were intriguing. Mean cell cycle du-
shallow-water species: he estimated that about 80% ration was significantly longer in the deep than the
of the 195 species he studied had planktotrophic de- shallow species in both temperature ranges tested
velopment, whereas only 10% were lecithotrophs. (Figure 16.2A). This general trend also applied dra-
This is not to say that planktotrophy is uncommon matically when echinoids from other regions were
236   E v o l u t i o n a ry E c o l o g y o f M a r i n e I n v e rt e b r at e La r vae


Coelopleurus floridanus

Archaeopneustes hystrix

Paleobrissus hilgardi

Linopneustes longispinus

Cidaris blakei

Stylocidaris lineata
Bathyal Bahamas

Shallow Eastern Pacific

Dendraster excentricus

Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis
Strongylocentrotus franciscanus 14-15°C

Strongylocentrotus purpuratus

0 1 2 3 4
Cell Cycle Duration (h)

deep 8 5

0 1 2 3 4
Cell Cycle Duration (h)

deep 9 4

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Time to Hatching (h)

Figure  16.2 Cell cycle durations and time to hatching for deep-dwelling and shallow-water echinoderms at two different temperatures. (A)
Comparison of cell cycle duration between bathyal echinoids from the Bahamian Slope and shallow echinoids from the Northeast Pacific. Species from
both faunas develop over similar temperature ranges. (B) Mean cell cycle durations for a larger dataset including echinoids and asteroids worldwide
that develop at similar temperatures as those in A. Error bars are standard errors and sample sizes are indicated near each bar. (C) Comparisons
of mean times to hatching for deep and shallow echinoderms developing at two temperatures. Standard errors and sample sizes are shown as in B.

added to increase the sample size (Figure  16.2B). When we classified the echinoderm data by en-
Time from fertilization to hatching differed in the vironment (shallow polar, shallow temperate, shal-
same manner (Figure 16.2C), though the difference low tropical, and bathyal), and analyzed asteroids
at 10°C was not significant. and echinoids separately, we found similar patterns
La r va l D i s p e r sa l i n t he D ee p S ea    237

for both echinoderm classes (Table 16.1). Deep-sea (Arellano and Young, 2009), and the sipunculan
larvae disperse for a much longer time than shal- Phascolosoma turnerae (Rice et al., 2012), all inhabit-
low-water species from either temperate or tropical ants of bathyal cold seeps.
faunas (Table 16.1). Long planktonic larval lives are not found ex-
To determine the effect of bathymetric range on clusively in the deep sea. The shallow-water
dispersal distance, we classified the entire dataset by ranellid gastropod Fusitriton oregonensis, for exam-
vertical distribution, grouping species within major ple, can spend at least 4.5 years in the plankton
taxa (phyla or classes) as shallow stenobathic, eury- (Strathman­n and Strathmann, 2007), and several
bathic (extending from shallow water into at least species including architectonicid gastropods and
bathyal depths), or deep (>200 m). With the excep- sipunculans from shallow water are known to drift
tion of polychaetes, all major taxa for which data on for long distances, possibly across ocean basins,
deep-sea species with planktonic development are suggesting very long larval lives. Nevertheless,
available showed significantly longer PLDs than of those species whose PLDs have been measured
either shallow-water stenotherms or eurybathic empirically or estimated from indirect methods,
species (Figure 16.3). Dramatic examples of species long larval life appears to be the rule rather than
with long planktonic larval lives are known from the exception in deep water.
several phyla. For example, anecdotal informa-
tion indicates that larva of the ­hydrothermal-vent
16.5.5  Does Release from Predation Permit
crab Bythograea thermodon has the ability to survive
Long Dispersal Times in the Deep Sea?
even at the pressures of the upper water column for
more than 10 months (Epifani­o and Dittle, personal One possible explanation for the evolution of slow
communication cited in Mullineaux and Manaha­n, development and extended periods of larval dis-
1999). Larvae of Sclerasterias tanneri, an asteroid persal is that embryos and larvae experience lower
found at bathyal depths in the Gulf of Mexico mortality in the plankton than their shallow-water
and the western Atlantic, were maintained in cul- relatives. Strathmann et al. (2002) have argued that
ture by Richard Emlet (University of Oregon) for embryos at low risk evolve slower developmental
nearly two years (Young et  al., 2012), and disper- rates. In a large experiment with multiple evolution-
sal times of more than a year have been estimated ary contrasts, Staver and Strathmann (2002) showed
for the gastropod Bathynerita naticoidea (Arellano that embryos developing in the water column had
et  al., 2014), the bivalve “Bathymodiolus” childressi shorter cell cycles than protected embryos living
in a less perilous benthic environment. A similar
process might explain the dramatic differences in
Table 16.1  Mean Planktonic Larval Durations (PLD) for Echinoids and developmental rate and larval life between shallow
Asteroids from Shallow Polar, Shallow Temperate, Shallow Tropical, and
and deep water. Figure 16.4 shows the vertical dis-
Bathyal (Slope) Environments.
tributions of three types of potential larval preda-
Environment Mean PLD S.E. N tors (Young and Chia, 1987) from our own replicate
MOCNESS (multiple opening-closing net) plankton
samples in the Gulf of Mexico and the Bahama­s.
polar 105.0 — 1
Fish, euphausiids, and chaetognaths were all more
temperate 40.8 3.6 13 abundant in the euphotic zone above the perma-
tropical 25.4 3.5 22 nent thermocline (~200 m) than at bathyal depths
bathyal 114.8 15.0 3 as deep as 900 m. In the most dramatic example,
Asteroidea chaetognaths represent a potential predation pres-
polar 117.4 21.0 5
sure about 200–300 times higher above the thermo-
cline than anywhere in the deep sea. Euphausiids
temperate 38.8 5.6 16
are also hundreds of times more abundant in the
tropical 17.5 2.4 22
euphotic zone. Visual predators including chae-
bathyal 270.0 — 1 tognaths, myctophids, and euphausiids might
238   E v o l u t i o n a ry E c o l o g y o f M a r i n e I n v e rt e b r at e La r vae

800 160 50 50
Asteroidea 3 Echinoidea Holothuroidea Ophiuroidea
1 140 9
40 40
Maximum PLD (days) 600 120

100 30 30
400 80
60 20 20
200 40 43
10 10
16 20
0 0
0 0 0 0
350 200 120 100
1 Brachyura Anomura Caridea Cirripedia
300 2 3
Maximum PLD (days)

250 150
200 60
100 60
150 5
6 13 40
40 9
100 4
19 50
20 20
0 0
0 0 0 0
250 500 50
140 Polychaeta
1 Gastropoda Bivalvia Cnidaria
200 400 120 40
Maximum PLD (days)

150 300 30 5
100 200 60 4 20
50 2 100 10
12 20
0 0
0 0 0 0

Figure  16.3 Means and standard errors of maximum PLD (planktonic larval duration) values for 298 invertebrate species with planktonic
development and belonging to major deep-sea taxa. Each species is classified by its bathymetric range as shallow (S; limited to shallow seas within
the euphotic zone), shallow eurybathic (E; extending from shallow water to at least upper bathyal depths, and deep (D; limited to bathyal and abyssal
depths). Sample sizes are indicated above each bar. The gastropod data do not include shallow species with teleplanic larvae such as ranellids and
architectonicids. These have very long larval lives but PLDs have been documented for only a few species.

also be unable to prey upon transparent larvae in 16.6  Ontogenetic Vertical Migration
the darkness of the deep sea. Although ecological and Its Evolutionary Significance
release might explain why long larval durations are
possible in the deep sea, there must also be a selec- Long PLDs alone do not necessarily equate to long
tive advantage for evolving slower development larval dispersal distances (Shanks, 2009). In shallow
since certain deep-sea clades have been proposed to water, horizontal larval transport is often medi-
originate from shallow-water ancestors. ated by behaviorally regulated vertical migrations
La r va l D i s p e r sa l i n t he D ee p S ea    239

2000 Chaetognaths

Mean Abundance






0-150 150-250 250-350 350-450 450-550 550-650 650-750 750-900

(B) Depth (meters)

2000 Chaetognaths

Mean Abundance






0-50 50-100 100-200 200-300 300-400 400-500 500-600
Depth (meters)

Figure 16.4 Bathymetric distributions of three planktonic taxa known to be important predators on larvae. Samples were collected by MOCNESS
opening-closing plankton nets in the Bahamas (A) and the Gulf of Mexico (B). Error bars are standard deviations. The fishes were mostly small
myctophids (lantern fish).
240   E v o l u t i o n a ry E c o l o g y o f M a r i n e I n v e rt e b r at e La r vae

by larvae among water strata that may result in ei- surface pressures despite the fact that larvae are re-
ther dispersal or retention (reviewed by Young and leased at 25 MPa.
Chia, 1987; Shanks, 1995; Pineda et  al., 2007). Evi- Among shallow mytilid mussel larvae, swim-
dence for ontogenetic vertical migration, defined ming responses to light, gravity, and pressure
as a change in vertical distribution with larval age, change through ontogeny and result in upward
in the deep sea has accumulated over the past two swimming as early veligers and bottom swim-
decades, but details are lacking. We do not fully un- ming in competent veligers (Bayne, 1963; 1964).
derstand the timing of migrations for any deep-sea Deep-sea hydrothermal-vent and cold-seep mussels
species, nor do we know how prevalent migrations (bathymodiolinae) are estimated to have radiated
are. Evidence that they occur, mostly consisting of from shallow-water mytilid mussels as organic-fall
larval capture far off the bottom, has been summa- specialists (Distel, 2000; Lorion et  al., 2010) just 21
rized elsewhere (Bouchet and Warén, 1994; Adams million years ago (Miyazaki et al., 2010). It is not sur-
et al., 2012). Here we discuss potential causes and prising, then, that bathymodiolin veligers have been
evolutionary advantages of ontogenetic migration. found in surface tows in the Gulf of Mexico, more
than 600 m above their adult habitat (Arellano et al.,
2014; Maslakova and Young, unpublished data), de-
16.6.1  Ontogenetic Vertical Migration May
spite a paucity of evidence that these planktotrophic
Be a Phylogenetically Constrained Character
larvae require the algal food found in surface waters
Fossil records and phylogenetic analyses of cer- (Salerno et al., 2005; Arellano and Young, 2009). The
tain clades suggest invasion and diversification morphology of the protoconch suggests that many
of the deep ocean by multiple shallow-water taxa abyssal gastropods are planktotrophic (Bouchet and
over different timescales (reviewed in Brown and Warén, 1994), and data on oxygen isotopes indicate
Thatje, 2014). Limited data for some deep-water that some of these veligers migrate into warmer wa-
crustaceans, molluscs, and echinoderms suggest ters to feed (Bouchet and Fontes, 1981; Killingley
that reproductive patterns and early life history and Rex, 1985), observations that have been borne
strategies, including development mode and larval out by the collection of abyssal larvae in the surface
feeding strategies, are phylogenetically constrained plankton (Bouchet and Warén, 1994).
characters (Bouchet and Warén, 1994; Eckelbarger
and Watling, 1995; Tyler and Young, 1999; Young 16.6.2 Planktotrophic Larvae of Deep-Sea
2003). Likewise, ontogenetic vertical migrations are
Animals May Require Migration to Reach
common behaviors in shallow-water taxa and, thus,
Productive Surface Waters
may simply be a remnant of evolutionary history
for deep-sea species. Moseley (1880) first suggested that larvae of deep-
The strongest evidence of larval migrations to the sea animals might migrate into the euphotic zone to
euphotic zone comes from two taxa, crustaceans feed and develop. His hypothesis, though, was over-
and molluscs, with many examples of larval migra- shadowed by Thorson’s (1950) assertion that such
tory behaviors in shallow water. Larvae of shallow- long migrations would be energetically impossible.
water brachyuran crabs change their behavioral Long migrations will require substantial energy and
responses to light, gravity, and hydrostatic pressure those costs should be even greater for those organ-
with age to match specific demands for horizontal isms that remain negatively buoyant throughout
transport (reviewed by Epifanio and Cohen, 2016). their development (e.g. crabs; Queiroga and Blan-
Some of the best evidence for long ontogenetic ver- ton, 2004). Migrating larvae of deep-sea organisms
tical migrations is for deep-sea crabs (Kelly et  al., must, therefore, either pack their eggs with the re-
1982; Dittel et  al., 2008; Pochelon et  al., 2014). For quired energy to reach the surface before feeding or
example, the hydrothermal-vent brachyuran crab use deep-water food sources along the migration.
Bythograea thermydron maintains eye pigments sen- Young et al. (1996) proposed an energetics model
sitive to the light spectra characteristic of shallow that predicts the cumulative energy consump-
water (Dittel et  al., 2008), and is able to tolerate tion of an upward-migrating larva as a function of
La r va l D i s p e r sa l i n t he D ee p S ea    241

swimming speed and temperature-dependent met- derived metabolic rates of cultured trochophores
abolic rate. The cumulative energy consumed can of the deep-sea, cold-seep mussel “Bathymodiolus”
be compared to the vertical distance the larva could childressi, Arellano (2008) predicted that a “B.” chil-
swim in a given time and the initial energy avail- dressi larva swimming upward from 650 m depth
able in the egg, in order to determine the maximum could reach the surface within 10 to 13 days, assum-
vertical distance possible for a larva to migrate ing “B.” childressi veligers swim at mean swimming
without feeding. In simulated migrations of bath- velocity for Mytilus edulis veligers, before consum-
yal sea urchin larvae, Young et al. (1996) used meta- ing the energy available in the egg (Figure  16.5).
bolic and swimming rates taken from the literature This conclusion is largely possible due to the fact
on shallow-water urchin larvae to make predictions that preliminary estimates suggested that the eggs
on whether the bathyal larvae could migrate to a of “B.” childressi are more than twice as energetic
depth at which they could obtain enough energy to as those of their shallow-water mytilid relatives
balance their metabolic needs. In all cases, larvae (Arellan­o, 2008), providing sufficient energy to
with a high (though potentially realistic) metabo- make a long vertical migration at wide range of
lism swimming at a low (yet potentially realistic) metabolic and swimming rates even without feed-
speed exhausted the energy in the egg long before ing along the way. So far the parameters important
reaching the compensation depth, but could reach to deep-sea feeding, metabolism, and swimming
the compensation depth even at high metabolism have not all been measured empirically for any spe-
if they swam as fast as some of their shallow-water cies of deep-sea larva throughout its entire larval
relatives (Young et al., 1996). development. Recent advances in precise sampling
However, the boundaries of these model results of larvae (e.g., the SyPrid sampler on the Sentry
are sufficiently wide to accommodate virtually AUV; Billings et al., 2017) should make it possible to
any conclusion, because none of the model param- collect viable larvae in sufficient numbers to meas-
eters were measured empirically. Using empirically ure these metabolic and swimming rates.

Trochophore velocities Veliger velocities

0.105 m h 3.96 m h –1

100 0.510 m h –1 7.20 m h–1

1.06 m h–1
Depth (m)





0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
Cumulative energy consumed (mJ)

Figure 16.5 Predicted cumulative energy consumption (mJ) as a function of depth for “Bathymodiolus” childressi based on measured temperature-
dependent respiration rates and swimming speeds in cultured trochophores (Arellano, 2008). We used a starting depth of 650 m and temperature of
7 °C, and ranges of swimming speeds measured for “B.” childressi trochophores (left; Arellano, 2008) and mean (Konstantinova, 1966) and maximum
(Sprung, 1984) swimming speeds reported for Mytilus edulis veligers (right). For veligers (right), we used a starting depth of ~575 m (the depth after
six days of swimming as trochophores; Arellano and Young, 2009). Points on the curves are 24 hours apart. The solid vertical lines represent the mean
total energy measured in the “B.” childressi egg with standard deviations represented by dotted lines.
242   E v o l u t i o n a ry E c o l o g y o f M a r i n e I n v e rt e b r at e La r vae

Planktotrophic larvae of deep-sea organisms, We have shown that some deep-sea echinoderm and
however, probably use diverse food sources rather polychaete larvae consume species of Synechococcus,
than relying solely on photosynthetic food. We Prochlorococcus, and heterotrophic bacteria (Pile and
showed that cultured larvae of the deep-sea, cold- Young, 2006; Young, Bosch, and Cameron, unpub-
seep snail Bathynerita naticoidea, which migrates lished) and that two species of bathyal gastropod
to the surface (Arellano et  al., 2014), can feed on veligers feed opportunistically on cultured Synecho-
phytoplankton (Figure 16.6A; Van Gaest, 2006), but coccus sp. (Figure 16.6; Arellano and Krodel, unpub-
similar attempts to feed algae to “Bathmodiolus” lished data for Shinkailepas n. sp.; Cziko and Young,
childressi veligers were unsuccessful (Arellano and unpublished data for a naticid), suggesting that
Young, 2009). members of the microbial loop in the mesopelagic
Heterotrophic bacteria also represent a poten- zone might provide an important source of food for
tially important food source for planktotrophic lar- bathyal larvae. Thus, ciliated invertebrate larvae
vae, and these prokaryotes are abundant in cooler may play a similar role as tintinnids and other mid-
waters below the deep chlorophyll maximum, as water protists in planktonic food chains by grazing
well as in the surface layer. In fact, the abundance directly on the microbes of the microbial loop.
of free-living heterotrophic bacteria in the mesope-
lagic zone is nearly as high as in the euphotic zone
16.6.3  Ontogenetic Vertical Migrations Impact
(Cho and Azam, 1988; DeLong and Pace, 2001).
Larval bacterivory was first reported in Antarctic
Biogeography by Mediating Transport
starfish larvae (Rivkin et  al., 1986) and was inter- or Retention of Larvae
preted as an adaptation to very oligotrophic waters. Larval dispersal influences gene flow among popu-
Subsequently, the larvae of a common fouling poly- lations, which, on evolutionary timescales, affects
chaete, Hydroides elegans, has been shown to be able biogeographic patterns and ultimately speciation.
to complete metamorphosis with an exclusive bac- Ontogenetic vertical migrations by deep-water
terial diet during portions of its extended breeding species may mediate dispersal distances and pop-
season when phytoplankton are rare (Gosselin and ulation connectivity, with very long-distance dis-
Qian, 1997), and some larval bivalves can obtain sig- persal becoming possible through access to faster
nificant amounts of energy from Synechococcus spp. surface currents, while larvae that remain in slow
(Baldwin and Newell, 1991; Gallager et  al., 1994). near-bottom flows presumably have more limited

(A) (B)

50 μm

Figure 16.6  Epifluoresence migrographs indicating larval feeding in two deep-sea gastropods. (A) Bathynerita naticoides veliger larva cultured from
egg capsules collected at Brine Pool NR1 cold seep in the Gulf of Mexico, fed a mixed diet of Thalassiosira pseudonana and Isochrysis galbana (Van
Gaest, 2006). (B) Veliger larva of Shinkailepas n. sp. cultured from egg capsules collected from NW Rota-1 hydrothermal vent on the Mariana Arc.
Bright spot in the gut is the autofluroescence of Synechococcus Strain CC9311 (Arellano and Krodel, unpublished data) (see Plate 14).
La r va l D i s p e r sa l i n t he D ee p S ea    243

dispersal (reviewed in Adams et  al., 2012; Hilário North Fiji) do not need to undergo long vertical
et al., 2015). Whether long-distance dispersal is ad- migrations to enable connections between basins.
vantageous for deep-sea species continues to be de- Regardless of dispersal depth, model simulations
bated, though, particularly for species that inhabit suggest rare unidirectional connections between
spatially fragmented and specialized habitats, like basins that agree with the genetic data for popula-
chemosynthesis-based ecosystems (whale falls, hy- tions of the vent gastropod Ifremeria nautili within
drothermal vents, and cold seeps). On one hand, ex- these basins (Thaler et al., 2011; Mitarai et al., 2016).
tensive larval transport may lead to larval wastage Less evidence of larval behaviors enhancing lo-
as larval propagules are swept away from their spe- cal retention is available for deep-sea species. Etter
cialized habitats, a hypothesis that initially drove and Bower (2015) suggest that larval behaviors may
the thinking about larval dispersal at hydrothermal explain the strong genetic divergence of bathyal
vents (Lutz et al., 1980; Turner et al., 1985). On the protobranch bivalves populations along depth gra-
other hand, intermittent long-distance dispersal dients in the western North Atlantic because this di-
can explain the broad biogeographic ranges of most vergence cannot be explained by modeled transport
deep-sea taxa (McClain and Hardy, 2010; Young of passive larvae, but they cannot rule out pre- and
et al., 2012; Arellano et al., 2014; Mitarai et al., 2016). post-settlement selection processes either.
Model simulations of larval transport that in-
corporate vertical larval migrations into the upper 16.6.4  Demersal Drift May Either Retain
water columns layers have been used to suggest
Larvae or Increase Encounter Rates for Isolated
that long vertical migrations of larvae may result
in infrequent connectivity of deep-sea populations
that could play an important role over evolution- Demersal development, either for the entire lar-
ary timescales (McClain and Hardy, 2010; Young val period or part of it, may limit dispersal, but
et  al., 2012; Arellano et  al., 2014; Mitarai et  al., field evidence of demersal development is rare
2016). Arellano et al. (2014) suggests that the broad because plankton samples are difficult to collect
amphi-Atlantic distribution of a member of the
­ near the seafloor. Citing earlier work with infaunal
“Bathymodiolus” species complex, “B.” mauritanicus polychaetes and polar echinoderms, Mileikovsky
(Cordes et al., 2007; Olu-Le Roy et al., 2007; Génio (1971) identified demersal development (a term
et al., 2008; Olu et al., 2010) may have resulted from coined by Pearse, 1969) as one of the main catego-
historical connectivity aided by intermittent wide- ries of larval development. Demersal development
spread dispersal of long-lived larvae that migrate has been proposed for various Antarctic larvae
into surface waters. Indeed, model simulations us- (Pearse and Giese, 1966; Pearse, 1969; Picken, 1980;
ing empirically derived PLDs and depth distribu- Clarke, 1983; 1987; Bosch, 1989; Marsh and Mana-
tions of “B.” childressi larvae suggest that dispersal han, 2000), though the hypothesis has now been
within the top  100 m of the water column can re- rejected for some (Pearse and Bosch, 1986) and the
sult in larval transport up to 1,000 km (Young et al., data remain equivocal for others. Scheltema (1994)
2012; McVeigh, 2016). Model simulations by Mitarai proposed that deep-sea planktotrophic larvae
et al. (2016) suggest that ontogenetic migrations by might remain near the bottom, feeding on hetero-
vent larvae from the otherwise isolated Okinawa trophic microbes, protists, or detritus rather than
Trough to above 600 m depth would allow the migrating into a food-poor, deep-water column.
Kuroshio Current to connect them with vents in Shimek’s (1986) in vitro observations of feeding in
the Izu-Bonin Arc, which is 1,200 km away. These the planktotrophic veligers of a eurybathic turrid
connections would be rare, however—once every gastropod provided strong evidence for this idea
tens to thousands of years—which is not frequent (the turrids are the most abundant family of gas-
enough to prevent genetic differentiation between tropods in the deep sea), and Bouchet and Warén
barnacle populations in both basins (Mitarai et al., (1994) suggested that many deep-sea lecithotrophs
2016). Conversely, hydrothermal-vent larvae within are likely to be demersal as well. Citing these and
other western Pacific basins (Manus, Lau, and other bits of early evidence, Rex and Etter (2010)
244   E v o l u t i o n a ry E c o l o g y o f M a r i n e I n v e rt e b r at e La r vae

speculated that demersal drift of lecithotrophic lar- 16.7 Summary

vae is probably the dominant form of dispersal in
the deep ocean. 1. Genetics have given important insights into
Whether demersal development would aid in connectivity and phylogeography of deep-sea
retention is unclear. At low temperatures near the populations, but the underlying mechanisms
bottom, decreased metabolic rates would lead remain poorly understood.
to longer PLDs (O’Connor et  al., 2007a) and con- 2. Egg laying and brooding have been docu-
sequently longer dispersal times. Few studies mented in most major deep-water taxa but re-
of near-bottom dispersal of deep-sea species are main proportionally less frequent than reports
available, and those that are take place within the of planktonic development. A major taxon of
complex bottom flow systems present around hy- deep-sea animals, the peracarid crustaceans,
drothermal vents. Studies at hydrothermal vents are all brooders because of phylogenetic con-
on the East Pacific Rise (EPR) show that vent larvae straints. Brooding is also common in poly-
are more abundant near the bottom than higher in chaetes, but appears relatively infrequent in
the water column (Mullineaux et al., 2005). Within echinoderms and molluscs.
the valleys of the EPR, where near-bottom current 3. Planktotrophic larval development is not un-
velocities are weak (Adams et al., 2012), larval sup- common in the deep sea, though the vast major-
ply data provide evidence of local retentions of ity of species with free-swimming development
hydrothermal-vent gastropods and very limited
­ appear to be pelagic lecithotrophs.
dispersal (<1 km; Adams and Mullineaux, 2008). 4. We hypothesize a bimodal distribution of dis-
Conversely, strong currents along ridge flanks can persal strategies among animals living in spe-
transport bottom-dwelling larvae over hundreds cialized, isolated habitats such as methane
of kilometers, whereas larvae that migrate to the seeps and dropstones. Such animals should
height of the plume are more likely to be retained have either very short dispersal for retention or
near the ridge crest (McGillicuddy et  al., 2010). very long larval lives to increase the probability
Thus, in the case of fauna that inhabits vents along of finding settlement sites.
mid-ocean ridges, demersal swimming behaviors 5. Development is significantly longer in the deep
may actually favor long-distance connectivity sea than in shallow water, as measured by cell
among vent sites along the ridge. cycle duration, time to hatching, and plankton-
We suspect that for many species, the optimal ic larval duration (PLD).
dispersal strategy is mixed, involving both vertical 6. We hypothesize that low predation pressure in
migration and demersal drift. Larvae nearing com- the deep sea has permitted slow development
petency should spend extended periods dispersing and long larval lives.
near the bottom (Figure  16.1), where long larval 7. The planktotrophic larvae of several deep-sea
lives mediated by low temperatures and minimal molluscs and echinoderms develop from eggs
metabolic costs could greatly increase the likeli- with a surprisingly high maternal energy in-
hood of finding suitable settlement sites. vestment.
The influence of long planktonic larval durations 8. Arrested development extends dispersal time
and ontogenetic vertical migration behaviors on in some deep-sea species.
gene flow of deep-sea species cannot be understood 9. Several deep-sea larvae have been found in the
until we have a better grasp on where the larvae of upper water column, suggesting that larvae
deep-sea species spend their entire larval periods. may migrate vertically over ontogeny.
Despite the rapidly expanding interest in modeling 10. Demersal development also appears to be a via-
larval dispersal using biophysical models and sen- ble dispersal strategy in the deep ocean, though
sitivity analysis (reviewed by Hilário et  al., 2015), research has been hampered by the difficulty of
larval trajectories will remain within the realm of collecting plankton near the sea floor. Labora-
speculation until we have empirical data on the tory work has recently provided evidence in
timing of migratory behaviors in deep-sea larvae. support of this hypothesis.
La r va l D i s p e r sa l i n t he D ee p S ea    245

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Van Gaest, A.L. 2006. Ecology and early life history of Young, C.M., Devin, M.G., Jaeckle, W.B., Ekaratne, S.U.K.,
Bathynerita naticoidea: evidence for long-distance larval dis- and George, S.B. 1996. The potential for ontogenetic ver-
persal of a cold seep gastropod. (MSc Thesis), University of tical migration by larvae of bathyal echinoderms. Ocea-
Oregon, Eugene, OR. nologica Acta 19: 263–271.
Watling, L., France, S.C., Pante, E., and Simpson, A. 2011. Young, C.M., and Eckelbarger, K.J. 1994. Reproduction,
Biology of deep-water octocorals. Advances in Marine Bi- Larva­l Biology and Recruitment of the Deep-Sea Benthos.
ology 60: 41–122. New York: Columbia University Press.
Young, C.M. 1994. A tale of two dogmas: the early history Young, C.M., and George, S.B. 2000. Larval development
of deep-sea reproductive biology. In C.M. Young and of the tropical deep-sea echinoid Aspidodiadema jacoby­i:
K.J. Eckelbarger (Eds.), Reproduction, Larval Biology and phylogenetic implications. Biological Bulletin 198:
Recruitment of the Deep-Sea Benthos (pp. 1–25). Columbia 387–395.
University Press, New York. Young, C.M., He, R., Emlet, R.B., Li, Y. et al. 2012. Dispersal
Young, C.M. 2003. Reproduction, development and life- of deep-sea larvae from the Intra-American Seas: simu-
history traits. In P.A. Tyler (Ed.), Ecosystems of the Deep lations of trajectories using ocean models. Integrativ­e
Oceans, pp. 381–426. Elsevier Science. and Comparative Biology 52: 483–496.
C h a pt er 17

Larval Ecology in the Face of Changing

Climate—Impacts of Ocean Warming
and Ocean Acidification
Maria Byrne, Pauline M. Ross, Symon A. Dworjanyn, and Laura Parker

17.1 Introduction As the coasts and oceans warm and the veloc-

ity of climate change increases, marine ecosystems
The Earth’s marine ecosystems are being altered by are changing in unpredictable ways. Some species
anthropogenic carbon emissions, which are driving are moving poleward or to deeper water, follow-
climate change and ocean acidification (OA) (IPCC, ing their thermal niche (the range of temperatures
2014; Gattuso et al., 2015). Climate change is causing where they function optimally), while others re-
warming of the air and ocean, altering ocean circu- main, many unable to migrate (e.g., polar species
lation and increasing heat waves (Coma et al., 2009; at a thermal “dead end”) (Burrows et al., 2011; Sun-
Garrabou et al., 2009; Smale and Wernberg, 2013). Ac- day et al., 2012; 2015; Poloczanska et al., 2013; 2016).
cording to the RCP2 (stringent scenario to keep global ­Species distributions are also contracting from lower
temperature increase below 2 °C in the twenty-first latitudes (Sunday et al., 2012; Smale and Wernberg,
century) and RCP8.5 (business as usual) CO2 emis- 2013), as seen in the decline of bivalves attributed
sions scenarios, ocean warming (OW) of 1.2 °C and to climate-driven declines in recruitment (Philip-
3.2 °C, and OA of 0.14 pH and 0.4 pH units, will occur, part et  al., 2003). Marine larvae are following, or
respectively (IPCC, 2014; Gattuso et al., 2015). having greater success in more favorable poleward
Marine invertebrates are exhibiting a range of isotherms (Figure  17.1). Neo-expander­ s (natural
responses to OW and OA, including local popula- invasions not directly mediated by humans; Sorte
tion declines and extirpations, altered planktonic et al., 2010), colonizing through new larval migra-
dispersal pathways leading to changes in species tion pathways, can be highly successful in their
distribution, changes in phenology (e.g., time of new location with negative impacts on receiving
spawning), declines in calcification, and decreased ecosystems, as seen in the invasion of barrens form-
body size (Philippart et  al., 2003; Burrow­s et  al., ing sea urchins to Tasmania (Ling et al., 2008; Banks
2011; Sheridan and Bickford, 2011; Byrne et  al., et  al., 2010). As coastal regions warm, a transition
2013a; Smale and Wernberg, 2013). As many spe- to thermotolerant species is predicted, along with
cies have a benthic-pelagic life cycle, climate local ­extinctions of less tolerant species (Poloczan-
change impacts on larvae can have major impli- ska et al., 2013). These trends are seen worldwide in
cations for the persistence of populations and the tropicalization of temperate faunas, with tropi-
marine ecosystem function (Byrne, 2011; Harley, cal species such as corals invading kelp ecosystems
2011; Kroeker et  al., 2013). Thus far, most climate (Yamano et al., 2011; Baird et al., 2012; Vergés et al.,
change–driven alterations to marine biodiversity 2014). C ­ limate-driven change in propagule pres-
observed in nature are ascribed to increased tem- sure is creating novel communities, novel species
perature (Poloczanska et al., 2016). interactions, and ecological mismatches (Philippart

Byrne, M., Ross, P. M., Dworjanyn, S. A., and Parker, L., Larval ecology in the face of changing climate—impacts of ocean warming and
ocean acidification. In. Evolutionary Ecology of Marine Invertebrate Larvae. Edited by Tyler J. Carrier, Adam M. Reitzel, and Andreas
Heyland: Oxford University Press (2018). © Oxford University Press.DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780198786962.003.0017
252   E v o l u t i o n ary E c o l o g y o f M ar i n e I n v ert ebrat e L ar vae

et al., 2003; Harley, 2011; Burrows et al., 2011; Sun- rule; Huey and Stevenson, 1979; Sheridan and
day et al., 2012; 2015; Poloczansk­a et al., 2013; García Bickfor­d 2011). This counterintuitive relationship
Molinos et al., 2016). holds for many marine ectotherms living well
Studies suggest that decreasing body size may within their thermal tolerance, with conspecifics
be a general ecological response to global warming from cooler climes or larvae from cooler seasons be-
due to the inverse relationship between tempera- ing larger than those from warmer climes/seasons
ture and body size in ectotherms (temperature-size (Irie and Fischer, 2009; Sheridan and Bickford, 2011).

–10 Acanthaster planci



Arachnoides placenta


Centrostephanus rodgersii
23 72h
% Normal Development


Heliocidaris tuberculata
–30 72h

Heliocidaris erythrogramma


–40 15
Asterias amurensis


142 144 146 148 150 152 154 156 158 160

Temperature (°C)

Figure 17.1 Thermal envelopes for development to the early larval stage (60–72 hours post-fertilization) in tropical and temperate echinoderms
that occur along the east coast Australia, and mean isotherms (adapted, with permission, from data in Pecorino et al., 2013; Hardy and Byrne, 2014;
Hardy et al., 2014; Lamare et al., 2014).
Cha n g i n g Cl i mat e — O c ea n W arm i n g a n d A c i d i f i c at i o n    253

For larvae, stressful temperatures nearing ther- for larval ecology. In many regions, marine species
mal limits also stunt growth (Nguyen et  al., 2012; with pelagic propagules are on the move, exhibit-
Kamy­a et al., 2014; Karelitz et al., 2016). Decreased ing a poleward trend as sea surface temperatures
larval body size also results from OA, especially for rise and ocean currents change (Poloczanska et al.,
calcifying larvae where the energetic constraints to 2013; García Molinos et  al., 2016). This emerging
produce a skeleton under CO2-driven hypercapnia phenomenon is also a focus of this review.
and reduced calcium carbonate mineral saturation
state (Ω) and teratogenic effects impair calcification 17.2  Global Warming—Larvae
and growth (Byrne et al., 2013a; Parker et al., 2013; on the Move
Stumpp et al., 2013; Whittman and Pörtner, 2013).
Marine invertebrate larvae live in a multistressor Temperature is the major driver of biological pro-
world and it is important to understand the inter- cesses and is significant to marine invertebrate de-
active effects of climate change–related stressors velopment in controlling developmental timing, the
(Przeslawski et  al., 2015). Priority stressors differ length of the dispersive stage, larval energetics, and
regionally. For instance, acidification is the major survival, and it also plays a key role in recruitment
concern for upwelling and polar regions, while dynamics (Pechenik, 1987; Hart and Scheiblin­ g,
warming is the major stressor for western bound- 1988; O’Connor et  al., 2007; Byrne et  al., 2011a;
ary current regions experiencing incursions of Hardy et al., 2014; Kapsenberg and Hofmann, 2014).
warm tropical water, and hypoxia is associated Within thermal tolerance limits, developmental rate
with warming in eutrophic areas (Ridgway, 2007; increases with warming due to enhanced physi-
Yamano et al., 2011; Wu et al., 2012; Melzner et al., ological rates, and so planktonic durations shorten
2013; Waldbusser and Salisbury, 2014). Thus, it is at higher temperature (O’Connor et al., 2007; Byrn­e,
essential to have a regional and habitat level un- 2011; Kendall et  al., 2016). This, however, may re-
derstanding of the present-day environmental con- quire the nutritive regime to be able to support
ditions that larvae experience and how these are growth. The sensitivity of development to increased
changing, and will continue to change, as the cli- temperature varies among developmental stages
mate warms. and species (Byrne and Przeslawski, 2013). This
This chapter considers the impacts of two major differential sensitivity influences survival, invasive
ocean change stressors, warming and acidification, potential, faunal shifts, and community function in
on marine invertebrate larvae. The burgeoning lit- a changing ocean.
erature on the responses of marine invertebrates to There is a tight relationship between tempera-
OW and OA has been the subject of many reviews ture and spawning for many marine invertebrates,
(e.g., Byrne, 2011; Ross et  al., 2011; 2016; Kroeker the timing of which often corresponds to optimal
et al., 2013; Byrne and Przeslawski, 2013; Whittma­n temperatures for larval development (Johnson and
and Pörtner, 2013; Parker et  al., 2013). A recent Babcock, 1994; Reitzel et  al., 2004; Byrne, 2011).
meta-analysis on the stress ecology of invertebrate For species with planktotrophic larvae, spawn-
development quantified the effects of climate-­ ing also often coincides with the period of opti-
related stressors on early life stages (embryo to lar- mal food availability. Changes in spawning due
vae) based on studies where more than one stressor to ocean warming and the resultant altered tim-
was used (Przeslawski et  al., 2015). This analysis ing of larvae in the plankton can lead to a trophic
showed that there are differences among the life mismatch, with planktotrophic larvae appearing
history stages in their sensitivity to OW and OA and earlier than the plankton blooms they depend on,
that molluscs and echinoderms are more vulnerable as seen for echinoid, gastropod, and bivalve larvae
than arthropods and cnidarians (Przeslawski et al., (Philippart et  al., 2003; Edwards and Richardson,
2015). As the Echinodermata and the Mollusca are 2004; Kirby et al., 2007; Moore et al., 2011). Change
ecologically and commercially important phyla, we to phytoplankton community structure is a major
focus here on the impacts of climate change and outcome of changing climate (Montes-Hugo et al.,
ocean acidification on their larvae and implications 2009). Thus, species with feeding larvae may be
254   E v o l u t i o n ary E c o l o g y o f M ar i n e I n v ert ebrat e L ar vae

particularly vulnerable unless spawning times can thermal reaction norms (Figure 17.1) and in the bio-
be adjusted to match phytoplankton availability. energetics framework based on changes in aerobic
As species with nonfeeding lecithotrophic lar- scope with temperature (Pörtner and Farrell, 2008:
vae do not depend on the vagaries of a planktonic Pörtner, 2012; Sokolova, 2013). Determination of the
food supply, they may have an advantage in a cli- thermal envelope (cool to warm tolerance) of devel-
mate change ocean (Hardy and Byrne, 2014). For opment with respect to present-day and projected
echinoderms, this advantage is indicated by line- future marine isotherms during the planktonic
age survival through past climate change–driven phase across distribution ranges is crucial to predict
extinction events (see Uthicke et al., 2009). Overall, the distribution of larvae under projected future
it appears that nonfeeding, noncalcifying larvae marine isotherms. Most studies have focused on
such as the lecithotrophic larvae of the asteroids upper thermal thresholds for development (Byrn­e,
and echinoids and coral planula larvae are more 2011). As a result, the data on cool tolerance re-
resilient to OA (Dupont et al., 2010; Nguyen et al., quired to model potential for poleward range shifts
2012; Putnam et  al., 2013; Hardy and Byrne, 2014; mediated by larval transport are limited (Bates
Przeslawsk­i et al., 2015). et al., 2013). Upper thermal limits for development
Parental conditioning, the temperature at which provide insights into the risk of local extinction/
gametes develop, influences the optimal tempera- range contraction as OW increases, while lower
ture for embryonic and larval development (Mita limits provide insights into potential for poleward
et  al., 1984; Fujisawa, 1989; 1995; Hamdoun and range extension through dispersal of planktonic
Epel, 2007; Rahman et al., 2009; Byrne et al., 2011a). larvae. The latitudinal distribution of many marine
Gametic acclimatization, particularly that of the ectotherms is strongly influenced by larval ther-
egg, can dramatically shift the thermotolerance of mal tolerance limits (Andronikov, 1975; Jones et al.,
progeny, and so can shape habitat and regional dif- 2009; Sunday et al., 2012), and so this information is
ferences in optimal temperatures for development, important to assess how adult population distribu-
even within species (Fujisawa, 1989; 1995; Johnson tion may be altered by OW (Byrne et al., 2016).
and Babcock, 1994; Bingham et  al., 1997; Rahman There is a predicted relationship between physi-
et al., 2009; Zippay and Hofmann, 2010; Byrne et al., ological tolerance and latitudinal range such that
2011a). With respect to OW, the offspring of moth- species with extensive latitudinal distributions are
ers that experience warm conditions during egg de- expected to have broader thermal tolerance limits
velopment perform better in these same conditions than smaller-range species (Stevens, 1989; Somero,
(Bingham et  al., 1997; Burgess and Marshall, 2011). 2012). Broadly distributed species that have a wide
Thus, maternal thermal history influences the phe- developmental thermotolerance appear best able to
notype of offspring to enhance their performance avail themselves of the new opportunities provided
under thermal stress. Whether this is due to overt by OW (Bates et  al., 2013; Gianguzza et  al., 2014;
manipulation by the mother to protect offspring García Molinos et al., 2016), as shown for a suite of
(Burgess and Marshall, 2011) or due to a hardwired tropical and temperate echinoderms that occur along
genetic acclimatization (and potentially epigenetic) the east coast of Australia (Figure 17.1). This region
response (Hamdoun and Epel, 2007) is not known. is a warming hotspot, where increasing tempera-
For species with broad latitudinal distributions, the tures are exacerbated by increased flow of a tropical
concept of physiological differences among popula- western boundary current, and where marine heat
tions, with metabolic temperature compensation to waves generated by strong warming of the continent
different thermal regimes, suggests the potential that (5 °C by 2070) are also a risk (Hobda­y and Lough,
developmental stages may have substantial thermal 2011). The thermal tolerance of embryos and lar-
plasticity to cope with warming (Vernberg, 1962; By- vae were characterized across a broad temperature
rne et al., 2011a). range (12 °C + temperatures) (Pecorino et al., 2013;
The strong relationship between fitness and Hardy et al., 2014; Lamare et al., 2014; Karelitz et al.,
growth/performance traits in ectotherms in re- 2016). For all six species studied, the reaction norms
sponse to temperature can be represented in for successful larval development approximated a
Cha n g i n g Cl i mat e — O c ea n W arm i n g a n d A c i d i f i c at i o n    255

flat normal distribution encompassing a breadth of Although larval thermal envelope studies rarely
temperatures where development rate and larval encompass more advanced larval and juvenile
growth are optimal, with slower or no development stages, species distribution models (SDM) deter-
in the cool range and high abnormality or mortal- mined from adult distribution data can provide
ity in the warm range. A similar thermal envelope an integrative assessment indicating where the
profile is characteristic of development in other as- planktonic life phase is successfully completed. For
teroids and echinoids, including tropical, temper- instance, data from larval thermal reaction norms
ate, and polar species (Hoegh-Guldberg and Pearse, coupled with adult SDM indicated that the prog-
1995; Stanwell-Smith and Peck, 1998; Delorme and eny of the invasive population of the Arctic sea star
Sewell, 2013). Due to decreased development time Asterias amurensis in Tasmania have the potential to
with warming, Karelitz et  al. (2016) suggest that invade the Southern Ocean and Antarctica (Byrne
near-future OW may even improve prospects for et al., 2016). This type of comparison is also useful
some species by reducing the time in the plankton, in showing where adult distribution does not corre-
thereby enhancing larval survival. late with larval thermal tolerance and where other
Comparison of the thermal envelope for larval de- biological and ecological processes are more impor-
velopment of the tropical sand dollar Arachnoides pla- tant (Sunday et al., 2015).
centa and the temperate sea urchin Centrostephanus For molluscs, most studies of the impacts of tem-
rodgersii shows that they have optimal ranges perature on development have investigated the
17–31 °C and 13–22 °C, respectively (Figure  17.1). optimal temperatures for aquaculture production
Thus, as expected, from the very broad pan-tropical/ and so have focused on the impacts of warming
subtropical distribution of adult A. placenta, the lar- (O’Connor and Lawler, 2004; Dove and O’Connor,
vae of this species are robust to a broader tempera- 2007; O’Connor et al., 2015). The complete thermal
ture range than those of C. rodgersii, which has a less envelope for development has only been deter-
extensive distribution. However, while the larvae of mined for four species: Mytilus edulis, Ostrea edulis,
A. placenta have the potential to be transported to, Argopecten irradians, and Mulinia lateralis (Calabrese,
and survive in, cooler water, this species has not 1969; Davis and Calabrese, 1969; Tettelbach and
expanded its range poleward. The colonization po- Rhodes, 1981; Mestre et  al., 2009). For the mussel
tential of A. placenta is likely limited by the lack of M. edulis, development to the D-stage veliger larvae
suitable tropical sandy beach habitat at higher lati- is successful between 10–20 °C (± 5°C with respect
tudes, and perhaps also by the lack of a larval settle- to ambient) (Mestre et al., 2009). This suggests that
ment cue. Sand dollar larvae are known to settle in local populations would be at risk of local extinc-
response to chemical (as well as physical) cues pro- tion or range contraction due to OW. Similar sen-
vided by adult populations (Highsmith, 1982; Burke, sitivity to warming was found in the scallop A.
1984; Pearce and Scheibling, 1990; Hodin et al., this irradians and the clam M. lateralis, with successful
volume). In contrast, C. rodgersii, has extended its development to the D-stage veliger larvae occur-
range by thousands of kilometers through poleward ring between 20–25 °C (ambient temperature 25 °C)
transport of larvae (Ling et  al., 2008; Banks et  al., and 12.5–25 °C (ambient temperature 20 °C), re-
2010). Success of this species was facilitated by ex- spectively (Calabrese, 1969; Tettelbach and Rhode­s,
tensive availability of its temperate rocky reef habi- 1981). In contrast, for the oyster O. edulis, where am-
tat poleward and associated larval settlement cues bient temperature was 15 °C, the thermal envelope
(e.g., coralline algae). For the crown-of-thorns sea for larval development was 17.5–30 °C, with an up-
star Acanthaster planci, the developmental thermal per temperature 10 °C above ambient (Davis and
envelope (24–31°C) includes temperatures typical of Calabrese, 1969). This result indicates that O. edulis
high latitude coral habitats (Lamare et al., 2014), in- would be robust to OW. High tolerance to warm-
dicating that the poleward expansion of corals seen ing is a common trait of oyster species; for instance,
in the northern and southern Pacific (Yamano et al., the larvae of the pearl oyster Pinctada imbricata and
2011; Baird et al., 2012) may also be accompanied by the commercial oysters Saccostrea glomerata, Crassos-
a spread of their major predator. trea gigas, and Ostrea angasi are robust to warming
256   E v o l u t i o n ary E c o l o g y o f M ar i n e I n v ert ebrat e L ar vae

4–5 °C above ambient (O’Connor and Lawler, 2004; development in many mollusc and echinoderm spe-
Dove and O’Connor, 2007; Parker et al., 2010). cies (Byrne, 2010; 2011). This level of warming (pejus
Of the oyster species investigated, P. imbricata had temperature; Pörtner, 2012) may occur for many
a greater capacity to withstand cooler temperatures, species under the worst-case scenario (RCP8.5) and
with a lower thermal limit for the development to during heat waves. Successful development at tem-
the D-stage veliger larvae being 10 °C below their peratures below ambient suggests that cooler water
thermal optimum (O’Connor and Lawler 2004), is not a barrier to poleward migration through lar-
while for O. angasi and S. glomerata, the thermal val transport corridors, with the caveat that larval
limits below optimum were 7.5 °C (larval growth settlement and postlarval performance also have to
and development) and 5 °C (embryonic develop- be successful. Overall, while species ranges are in-
ment to D-stage veliger), respectively (Dove and fluenced by larval thermal tolerance, the capacity
O’Connor, 2007; O’Connor et al., 2015). There was for OW-driven poleward colonization varies among
an improvement in the thermotolerance of S. glom- species. Understanding the relationships between
erata with advancing developmental stage, with the thermal tolerance of the benthic adult stage as
adequate survival of later larvae at the lowest tem- indicated by SDMs together with larval thermal
perature tested (9 °C lower than optimal) (Dove and windows are important in predicting range change,
O’Connor, 2007). both contraction and extension.
Climate change–related studies of molluscan
development have focused on warming (Parker 17.3  Ocean Acidification—Multiple
et al., 2010; Talmage and Gobler, 2011; Byrne et al., Drivers
2011b; Ko et  al., 2014). Byrne et  al. (2011b), for
example, found that a +4 °C warming from the Ocean uptake of anthropogenic CO2 is reducing
optimum temperature of 20 °C breached the ther- seawater pH and Ω while increasing organism pCO2
motolerance for larval development in the abalone (hypercapnia) (Gattuso et al., 2015). Thus, OA incor-
Haliotis coccoradiata. Further, Talmage and Gobler porates three covarying stressors, each with their
(2011) found that a +4 °C warming led to a 50% own mode of action on larval physiology (Byrne
reduction in the survival of larvae of the clam Mer- et  al., 2013a; Waldbusser et  al., 2014, 2015; Jaeckle,
cenaria mercenaria and the scallop A. irradians. In this volume). Decreased pH may erode skeletons
contrast, Ko et al. (2014) found that overall growth and impair cellular functions such as pH-depend-
rate of larvae of the oyster C. gigas was increased ent enzyme activity; reduced Ω compromises the
following a +4 °C warming. There was, however, ability of larvae to build skeletons and shells; while
a significant reduction in the total lipid index of C. hypercapnia alters metabolism. These responses
gigas larvae when compared with larvae from the have raised questions as to which variables of the
ambient controls. These studies suggest that these inorganic carbonate system altered by OA are re-
molluscs may be living close to their upper ther- sponsible for the negative effects on larvae. Is this
mal limit for development. However, cool tem- a pH, pCO2, or Ω problem—or due to a combina-
perature tolerance and the potential for poleward tion of these factors? Disentangling the mechanisms
range shifts was not determined. of action of these highly correlated parameters on
As the ocean warms, the developmental dynamics larval performance is a challenge. Recent research
of many species will change. The thermal envelope shows that their impact differs among taxa, with
of many of the species investigated thus far exceeds pCO2 being the key stressor for sea urchin calcifica-
their current temperature ranges (both warm and tion, while mineral saturation is more important for
cold), but we only have detailed developmental ther- bivalves (cf. Byrne et  al., 2013a; Waldbusser et  al.,
mal windows for a few species, mostly echinoderms. 2014; 2015).
The adult stage of many marine species currently fill Ocean acidification will have wide-ranging im-
their latitudinal thermal niche (Sunday et al., 2012). pacts on larval survival, calcification, and physi-
Evidence thus far indicates that a +4 °C warming ological processes (Pörtner, 2010). The skeletons and
approximates the upper tolerance threshold for shells of marine larvae are the most fragile calcium
Cha n g i n g Cl i mat e — O c ea n W arm i n g a n d A c i d i f i c at i o n    257

carbonate structures produced by marine organ- acidification is a greater stressor for calcifying than
isms, and so OA research has focused on calcifying noncalcifying embryos and larvae of sea urchins.
larvae (Kroeker et al., 2013; Parker et al., 2013; Prze- Echinoplutei and bivalve veligers have been used
slawski et al., 2015). Projected near-future OA has a as model systems to investigate the effects of OA on
­general miniaturizing effect resulting in smaller lar- calcification (see Byrne et al., 2013; Parker et al., 2013;
vae with less skeleton and smaller shells ­(Figure 17.2; Ross et al., 2016), and so the impact of OA is com-
Figure  17.3), often combined with abnormal de- paratively well understood for echinoderms and
velopment indicating teratogenic effects (Byrne, molluscs (Figure 17.3). The stunting effect of near-
2012; Byrne et al., 2013a; Parker et al., 2013). Ocean future OA (~pH 7.7–7.9 vs. control ~pH 8.0–8.2) on

Arachnoides placenta

pH 8.2 7.8 7.6

Echinometra mathaei

pH 8.1 7.8 7.7 7.5

Tripneustes gratilla

pH 8.15 7.8 7.6

Heliocidaris tuberculata

pH 8.2 7.8 7.6 7.4

Centrostephanus rodgersii

Figure 17.2  Echinoplutei from tropical, tem-

pH 8.2 7.8 7.6 perate, and polar sea urchins reared in control
Strechinus neumayeri and OA treatments. Larvae reared in low pH
treatments are smaller. (Echinometra mathaei,

Centrostephanus rodgersii, and Sterechinus

neumayeri adapted, with permission, from
images in Byrne et  al., 2013; Tripneustes
pH8.1 7.8 7.6 gratilla adapted, with permission, from images
in Sheppard Brennand et al., 2010.)
258   E v o l u t i o n ary E c o l o g y o f M ar i n e I n v ert ebrat e L ar vae

1.2 Arachnoides placenta


pH 8.2
0.4 pH 7.8
pH 7.6

0 1 2 3 4
(B) 1.2 Odontaster validus

Proportion of surviving larvae



pH 8.2
pH 7.8
pH 7.6

0 1 3 6 9 14 21 23 30 36 48 58
1.2 Saccostrea glomerata



pH 8.2

0.2 pH 7.9 Figure  17.3 Proportion of the larvae of (A) Arachnoides

placenta, (B) Odontaster validus, and (C) Saccostrea glomerata
0 remaining when reared at ambient and OA treatments (adapted,
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 with permission, from data in Gonzalez-Bernat et  al., 2013a;
DAYS 2013b; Parker et al., 2012).

sea urchin echinoplutei is evident in the smaller larval growth and calcification in near-future OA
larvae with shorter skeletal rods compared with is also widely documented in the veliger larvae of
larvae reared in ambient conditions (Figure  17.2). bivalves and gastropods (Byrne et al., 2011b; Crim
This trend has been documented for ~20 species of et al., 2011; Gazeau et al., 2013; Parker et al., 2013;
echinoplutei from across world (Kurihara 2008; By- 2017). In a review by Parker et al. (2013), 26 out of
rne et al., 2013a; Wangensteen et al., 2013; Karelitz 30 species of mollusc larvae showed a reduction in
et al., 2016), and is also reported for the calcifying shell length, area, or thickness following exposure
ophiopluteus larvae (Dupont et al., 2008). Reduced to elevated pCO2.
Cha n g i n g Cl i mat e — O c ea n W arm i n g a n d A c i d i f i c at i o n    259

The presence of smaller echinoplutei of Stron- the questions of delayed development in younger
gylocentrotus droebachiensis and Paracentrotus livi- stages or just a general stunting of growth may re-
dus in OA treatments is suggested to be due to quire transcriptome assessment of gene expression
delayed development resulting in larvae that are and a better understanding of cellular processes.
at a “younger” ontogenetic stage (Martin et  al., Echinoplutei of ~7 species reared in OA condi-
2011; Stumpp et al., 2011; Zhan et al., 2016). There tions exhibited altered body morphology, including
is a similar report for an asteroid (Gonzalez-Bernat increased abnormality, increased left-right asym-
et al., 2013a). For molluscs, delayed development to metry, and a change in the allometric relationships
the first veliger stage due to OA is widely reported between arm and body size (Sheppard Brennand
(Gazeau et al., 2013; Parker et al., 2013). In Sterechi- et al., 2010; Chan et al., 2011; Uthicke et al., 2013a;
nus neumayeri and Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, the Karelitz et al., 2016; Zhan et al., 2016), while some
timing of early events, cleavage, and blastulation, species did not exhibit altered larval allometry
however, do not differ in embryos reared in OA (Martin et  al., 2011; Stumpp et  al., 2011; Karelitz
and ambient conditions, although there was a slight et al., 2016). Chan et al. (2011) suggest that changes
delay in hatching for the former species (Place and in the shape of Dendraster excentricus larvae reared
Smith, 2012; Yu et  al., 2013). For Strongylocentrotus in OA conditions may be a plastic response to com-
intermedius, a marked delay in cleavage and hatch- pensate for reduced skeletal mass and loss of sta-
ing occurs in embryos reared from fertilization in bility. Mollusc larvae also experience alterations in
near-future OA conditions (Zhan et al., 2016). In the their body morphology following exposure to el-
mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis, there was no effect evated CO2. Abnormal shell development, includ-
of OA on the timing of embryogenesis until the tro- ing convex hinge, protrusions of the mantle, and
chophore stage, when shell formation first began shell alteration and malformation has been found in
(Kurihara et  al., 2008). In one of the few studies most species studied to date (Kurihara et al., 2008;
where echinoplutei were reared in OA conditions Gazeau et al., 2013; Parker et al., 2013). These sub-
through to metamorphosis, the larvae of Arbacia lix- lethal abnormalities which appear early in larval
ula were smaller but development was not delayed. development will likely have lethal consequences
The larvae reared at low pH had the same plank- for larvae later in their development (Pechenik, this
tonic duration and metamorphosed at the same volume).
time as controls, albeit producing smaller juveniles Some echinoid and ophiuroid plutei exhibit high
(Wangensteen et al., 2013). A similar result was evi- survival in moderately low pH (~pH  7.8) condi-
dent for nonfeeding sea urchin larvae (Byrne et al., tions (Dupont et  al., 2008; Byrne 2011; Stumpp
2011b). In contrast, in the bivalves Mercenaria mer- et  al., 2011; 2012a; Gonzalez-Bernat et  al., 2013a).
cenaria, A. irradians, and Crassostrea virginica, lar- However, with greater acidification (~pH  7.6),
vae exposed to reduced pH exhibited significantly there is a 10–20% increase in mortality for echino-
delayed metamorphosis compared with larvae ex- derm and mollusc larvae, indicating that this level
posed to ambient pH (Talmage and Gobler, 2011). of OA may approximate a tipping point for de-
In A. irradians, 76% of larvae had metamorphosed creased survival (Dupont et al., 2008; Gazeau et al.,
into juveniles after 16 days at reduced pH, whereas 2013; Parker et  al., 2012; 2013; Byrne et  al., 2011b;
100% of larvae had metamorphosed in the ambient 2013a; Gonzalez-Bernat et al., 2013a). In long-term
conditions at this time. rearing experiments, larval mortality in OA con-
To understand the impacts of pCO2-driven de- ditions increases with time (Figure  17.3) (Dupont
velopmental heterochrony, details of the appear- et  al., 2008; Stumpp et  al., 2013). Larvae of Stron-
ance of developmental milestones (e.g., cell cycle, gylocentrotus purpuratus reared in lower pH had
blastulation, coelomogenesis, skeletogenesis) need significantly slower feeding rates (Stumpp et  al.,
to be documented. The apparent delay may also 2011; 2012b), indicating a reduction in feeding ca-
be due to mortality of faster developing genotypes pacity. A lower feeding efficiency is also indicated
(see Pechenik, this volume). To understand the by the smaller stomachs in Dendraster excentricus
developmental implications of OA with respect to larvae reared in OA conditions (Chan et al., 2011).
260   E v o l u t i o n ary E c o l o g y o f M ar i n e I n v ert ebrat e L ar vae

For Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis, OA interferes et al., 2009; McAlister and Miner, this volume). This
with gastric pH homeostasis, causing a drop in pH plasticity trait differs among species (Soars et  al.,
thereby decreasing digestive efficiency (Stumpp 2009). The analysis indicated that pH and pCO2
et al., 2013). Decreased growth of echinoplutei un- are stressors of similar strength, and that the best-
der OA conditions is likely associated with changes fitting models had a high weight for pCO2 (Byrn­e
to larval energy budgets and the cost of maintain- et al., 2013). Thus, for the global dataset, pCO2 was
ing gastric pH homeostasis (Stumpp et al., 2013). the most important stressor in reducing sea urchin
For molluscs, larvae of the mussel Mytilus califor- larval growth. This is consistent with what is known
nianus showed a delay in the onset of feeding when for the calcification processes in sea urchin larvae
reared at elevated pCO2. At 44 h post-fertilization, (echinoderms transport bicarbonate, not carbonate
fewer veligers had initiated feeding in the elevated at the site of calcification) and use respiratory CO2
pCO2 treatment compared with those in the ambient as a source of carbon (Sikes et  al., 1981). Stunted
control (Waldbusser et  al., 2015). In contrast, there echinoplutei in OA conditions appear largely to be
was no effect of reduced pH on the feeding rate of a pCO2-hypercapnia problem—indicatin­g energetic
larvae of the mussel Mytilus edulis or the limpet Pa- constraints and altered metabolism. This is likely
tella vulgata (Marchant et al., 2010; Bechmann et al., associated with metabolic depression (Pörtne­ r,
2011). For mollusc larvae, reductions in the lipid 2010; Evans and Watson-Wynn, 2014) and impaired
content and tissue mass, and changes in the im- feeding (Stumpp et  al., 2013). The combined data-
mune response and acid-base balance, along with set revealed that a significant reduction (~20%) in
increased larval metabolism have also been reported larval growth occurs at ~0.3–0.4 pH units below
as responses to OA, indicating impacts on larval en- ambient (near-future OA), with a sharp decrease in
ergy budgets (Gazeau et al., 2013; Parker et al., 2013). growth in far-future OA (Byrne et  al., 2013a). That
Other responses of echinoplutei to OA include near-future OA also has a stunting effect on aster-
altered gene and protein expression (Todgham and oid bipinnaria larvae (Patiriella regularis, Acanthaster
Hofmann, 2009; O’Donnell et al., 2010; Martin et al., planci) that do not need to calcify also points to the
2011; Stumpp et  al., 2011; 2012a; Dineshram et  al., importance of hypercapnia and pH as major stress-
2013; Gazeau et al., 2013; Padilla-Gamiño et al., 2013; ors (Byrne et al., 2013d; Kamy­a et al., 2014; Karelitz
Parker et al., 2013). A meta-analysis of gene expres- et al., 2016). H
­ owever, the opposite occurred for the
sion data from four echinoid species indicated that bipinnaria of the Antarcti­c species Odontaster validus
this change involved down-regulation of genes as- ­(Gonzalez-Bernat et al., 2013b; Karelitz et al., 2016).
sociated with energy production pathways, an indi- The negative effects of OA on echinoplutei are
cation of metabolic depression, as well as changes in suggested to be due to the following: (1) delayed de-
expression of genes involved in biomineralization velopment (i.e., the larvae are normal and will catch
and ion transport (Evans and Watson-Wynn, 2014). In up with time); (2) reduced Ω causing physiological
general, there was a down-regulation of genes within stress on calcification systems; (3) a reduced scope
energy pathways (Evans and Watson-Wynn, 2014). for growth resulting from higher larval metabolism
A meta-analysis of data on the impacts of OA on and the diversion of energy to acid/base regulation;
growth of 15 species of echinoplutei from tropical to and (4) teratogenic effects on developmental mecha-
polar regions used multiple linear regression mod- nisms at the genetic and cellular level with respect to
els to analyse the relative influence of decreased differentiation and body patterning (e.g., asymmetry
Ω, increased pH, and increased pCO2 to assess the and allometry), causing developmental malforma-
effects of each of these stressors on skeletogene- tions (O’Donnell et  al., 2010; Sheppard Brennand
sis (Byrne et  al., 2013a). Only data for pre-feeding et  al., 2010; Martin et  al., 2011; Stumpp et  al., 2011;
echinoplutei were used because after food is intro- 2012a; 2012b; 2013; Byrne, 2012; Uthicke et al., 2013b;
duced, comparisons between studies are likely to Yu et al., 2013). While the meta-analysis showed the
be confounded by arm growth plasticity. Well-fed overarching importance of pCO2-hypercapnia, it
echinoplutei often develop small arms, a strategy seems that many of these mechanisms may be im-
to prioritize growth of the juvenile rudiment (Soars portant, underlying the broad-ranging effects of OA
Cha n g i n g Cl i mat e — O c ea n W arm i n g a n d A c i d i f i c at i o n    261

from gene expression to growth, abnormality, and with an altered body profile and smaller and ab-
mortality. normal mollusc larvae, as seen in OA treatments,
For mollusc development, studies investigate the are poor swimmers and eaters (Chan et  al., 2011).
effects of pH, pCO2, Ω, and carbonate ion concentra- For mollusc larvae, normal shell formation is im-
tion by chemical manipulations of seawater where portant for protection from predators. In addition,
each stressor was independently altered (Gazeau smaller larvae may have lower feeding efficiency,
et  al., 2011; Waldbusser et  al., 2014; 2015). Devel- making them susceptible to starvation (Hart and
opmental success to the D-stage veliger and shell Strathmann, 1994). Overall, the negative impact of
growth was affected by Ω (Crassostrea gigas, Mytilus OA on the size, shape, and survivorship of echino-
galloprovincialis, M. californianus; Waldbusser et al., plutei, veligers, and other larvae will lower their fit-
2014; 2015) and calcium carbonate concentratio­n ness, compromising success of the pelagic life stage.
(C. gigas; Gazeau et  al., 2011) but not by pH or In addition to direct effect on larvae, OA alters the
pCO2. For M. californianus, respiration rates were substrate cues (from coralline algae) required for
elevated under low pH (~7.4) and initiation of lar- settlement and metamorphosis (Doropoulos and
val feeding was delayed when exposed to elevated Diaz-Pulido, 2013; Uthicke et al., 2013b).
pCO2 (Waldbusser et al., 2015). These results show Parental conditioning to environmental pCO2/
that components of the seawater carbonate system pH during gamete development may influence
impact different physiological processes in larvae, the resilience of progeny to OA. Acclimation of ur-
and that OA is a multistressor in itself. Waldbusser chins and oysters to moderately elevated pCO2 can
et al. (2014; 2015) concluded that nonlinear changes resul­t in intergenerational enhancement of larval
to the seawater carbonate system indicate that Ω resilience to OA, indicating phenotypic plasticity
will be crossed decades or even centuries earlier in gamete development (Parker et al., 2012; Dupon­t
than pH thresholds are reached. et al., 2013). The progeny of selectively bred oysters
It appears that the major stressor associated with acclimated in OA conditions were more resilient
OA causing impaired growth of echinoderm and than those of wild-type oysters, a potential genetic
mollusc larvae differ, with pCO2 being more impor- (adaptive) or epigenetic effect (Parker et al., 2012).
tant for echinoplutei while Ω is more important for Although this is maladaptive with regards to other
veliger larvae. This may also be due to marked differ- stressors (e.g. temperature, Parker et. al., 2017). Pa-
ences in skeletogenesis in these two major phyla. In rental acclimation of Strongylocentrotus purpuratus
echinoid larvae, the skeleton has an epithelial cover, in OA conditions conveyed resilience to larval de-
with calcification generated by ion pumping into an velopment, a response dominated by maternal ef-
intracellular space, stressing the importance of ener- fects with potential for a genetic influence (Sunda­y
getic costs (Byrne et al., 2011b; Stumpp et al., 2012b; et  al., 2011). However, acclimation of Echinometra
Dubois, 2014). In contrast, mollusc larval shells are di- sp. adults did not result in larvae that were more
rectly exposed to water chemistry, and so reduced Ω, resilient to OA (Uthicke et al., 2013a).
and perhaps decreased pH, have a more direct impact The larvae of Strongylocentrotus purpuratus found
on the shell (Byrne et al., 2011b; Parker et al., 2013). in the California Current upwelling system are com-
Reduced larval size and a potentially longer paratively tolerant to OA, with only a modest de-
pelagic larval duration in a high pCO2 ocean will crease in arm growth at pH  7.7, potentially due to
have a negative impact on echinoderm and mollusc the wide seasonal flux in pH that they experience
larvae, such as making them more susceptible to in nature (Yu et al., 2011; Kelly et al., 2013). Popula-
predation and decreasing chances of survival and tions of S. purpuratus from this region have experi-
recruitment (Allen, 2008; Soars et  al., 2009; Chan enced upwelling-low pH conditions for thousands
et  al., 2011; Parker et  al., 2013), although this may of years, and so their reproductive biology may be
be tempered by OW (Przeslawski and Byrne, 2013). acclimatized/adapted to low pH water (Pespeni
For echinoderm plutei, the skeletal rods are essen- et al., 2013a; 2013b). As the adults also occur in inter-
tial for feeding, swimming, and protection from tidal rock pools that experience regular hypercapnic
predation (Hart and Strathmann, 1994; Soars et al., conditions, the comparative resilience of the larvae
2009; Chan et  al., 2011). Misshapen echinoplutei to OA may also have been influenced by the tide
262   E v o l u t i o n ary E c o l o g y o f M ar i n e I n v ert ebrat e L ar vae

pool conditions in the adult habitat. For Paracentro- The responses of larvae to increased temperature
tus lividus, Moulin et al. (2011) found that the larvae and acidification as individual stressors (as above)
were more robust to reduced seawater pH if their prompt predictions as to the combined effects of
parents inhabited tide pools with variable pH. Simi- OW and OA. Prediction 1: the faster pace of devel-
larly, larvae of some bivalves are resilient to the nega- opment and faster growth with modest warming
tive effects of ocean acidification, possibly owing to in response to stimulation of metabolism and the
adaptation to naturally acidic environments (e.g., suppressive effects of OA predict an antagonistic
low pH sediments) or naturally high local alkalinity interaction between these stressors with increased
(Talmag­e and Gobler, 2011), emphasizing the impor- temperature (within limits), ameliorating some of
tance of environmental history on stress tolerance. the negative effects of acidification. Prediction 2:
For barnacle larvae, variation due to maternal pro- additive negative effects or negative synergistic in-
visioning and parental environmental history influ- teractions would be predicted as thermal and pH/
ences the tolerance to OA (Pansch et al., 2014). More pCO2 tolerance thresholds are exceeded, leading
data are needed to explore potential trends in the dif- to developmental failure. The stressor combina-
ferences in response of the larvae generated from in- tion thus makes matters worse. As predicted by the
tertidal and subtidal parents and those from regions bioenergetics–thermal window hypothesis (Pörtner
differing in pH, and the potential influence of genetic and Farrell, 2008; Pörtner, 2012), thermal tolerance
and epigenetic effects (Foo and Byrne, 2016). should reduce under hypercapnia. Conforming to
Prediction 1, OA and OW (~3 × 3 stressor levels) an-
tagonistically interacted to affect growth of echino-
17.4  Multistressor Effects—Interactive plutei (Figure 17.4), with the stunting effects of OA
Effects of Ocean Warming ameliorated by near-future warming (~+ 3–4  °C)
and Acidification on Larvae (Sheppard Brennand et al., 2010; Byrne et al., 2013b;
2013c). This interactive effect is not evident for mol-
As OW and OA are increasing simultaneously, with luscs (Parker et al., 2010; Byrne et al., 2011b).
potential for interactive effects, it is critical to inves- A recent study Karelitz et  al. (2016) addressed
tigate the effects of simultaneous exposure of these the bioenergetics–thermal window hypothesis with
stressors on the developmental processes of ma- five echinoderm species (asteroids and echinoids)
rine invertebrates (Byrne and Przeslawski, 2013). from tropical to polar regions to determine if OW
Increased temperature and acidification can have and OA interact to alter developmental thermal
additive (total effect = sum of individual effects), envelopes. Development in all five species was af-
synergistic (total effect > sum of individual effects), fected by temperature and pH, in line with expecta-
or antagonistic (total effect < sum of individual ef- tions (i.e., OW—faster development; OA—stunted
fects) effects (Przeslawski et  al., 2015). Larval fit- growth of echinoplutei), but developmental ther-
ness is modified in their physiological responses to mal envelopes, the temperature range at which
multiple stressors, and so we need to understand normal development can occur, were not altered by
how multiple stressors affect larval performance OA. When the entire developmental thermal enve-
(Pörtne­r, 2012). A recent meta-analysis of the in- lope is considered, warming and acidification ex-
teractions of OW and OA on the early life history erted additive negative effects (Prediction 2), with
stages of marine invertebrates across four phyla OA-driven abnormality and growth reductions
from multistressor studies revealed that synergistic consistent across the thermal gradient used. This
interactions (76% of individual tests) are more com- suggests a partitioning of mechanisms involved in
mon than additive (9%) or antagonistic (16%) inter- coping with OW and OA (Karelitz et al., 2016).
actions, reinforcing the importance of multistressor The results of Karelitz et al. (2016) are consistent
studies (Przeslawski et al., 2015). The nature of the with the paradigm that temperature is the primary
responses to combined OW and OA is influenced environmental factor influencing the physiology
by developmental stage, phylum, and stressor lev- of marine invertebrates (Vernberg, 1962; Hoegh-
els used (Przeslawski et al., 2015). Guldber­g and Pearse, 1995; Byrne, 2011; Przeslawski
Cha n g i n g Cl i mat e — O c ea n W arm i n g a n d A c i d i f i c at i o n    263

(A) Tripneustes gratilla

Mean Arm Length (μm)

140 8.2
24°C 27°C
(B) Heliocidaris tuberculata
Mean Arm Length (μm)

250 7.8
200 7.6
150 7.4
20°C 24°C

(C) 350 Sterechins neumayeri

Mean Arm Length (μm)

250 Figure  17.4 Mean arm length of the echinoplutei of three

echinoid species reared in multiple OW-OA treatments—fully
200 orthogonal independent replicate design. (A) For Tripneustes
150 7.8 gratilla, there was an antagonistic interaction between
7.6 warming and acidification. (B,C) For Heliocidaris tuberculata
and Sterechinus neumayeri, there was no significant interactive
50 effect, but the larvae reared in warmer conditions were larger
across all pH treatments (adapted, with permission, from data
–1°C 1°C in Sheppard Brennand et al., 2010; Byrne et al., 2013b; 2013c).

et al., 2015). For the early life stages of marine inver- (e.g., dynamic energy budget) is likely to be an in-
tebrates, it appears that thermal stress is more likely formative approach. In addition, other stressors
to cause mortality, while pH is more likely to result (e.g., salinity, UV, hypoxia) are also very important
in sublethal effects (hypercapnia, impaired metabo- to consider, but the data available on their impact
lism, reduced calcification, altered gene expression) on marine larvae in a multistressor context are lim-
(Przeslawski, 2004; Todgham and Hofmann, 2009; ited (Przeslawski et al., 2015).
Beniash et al., 2010; Stumpp et al., 2012b; Evans and
Watson-Wynn, 2014). Thus, temperature is likely to 17.5  Adaptation and Acclimation
be more important than OA in influencing marine of Marine Larval Stages in a Changing
invertebrate development and thus species lati-
tudinal distributions in a changing ocean. Further
research on the relationships between fitness and As for considerations of OW and OA individually,
growth/performance of larvae in a multistressor acclimatization of parents to both stressors in the
context is needed, and the bioenergetics framework environment and adaptation to local conditions is
264   E v o l u t i o n ary E c o l o g y o f M ar i n e I n v ert ebrat e L ar vae

important to consider (Sanford and Kelly, 2011). carbonate chemistry of adult and larval habitats
Parental conditioning to combined OW and OA in- to achieve a better understanding of the threat of
fluences the stress tolerance of sea urchin progeny global change to marine invertebrates.
(Suckling et al., 2014). In this study, longer-term (6 vs.
17 months) acclimation of adult Sterechinus neumayeri 17.6 Conclusion
to near-future warming and acidification improved
the performance of larvae, and this may have been Due to the “developmental domino effect,” expo-
influenced by production of bigger eggs by urchins sure to stress early in development can result in del-
in climate change treatments (Suckling et al., 2014). eterious downstream effects, because performance
Improved performance has also been shown in of later ontogeny depends on the success of early
coral larvae following acclimatization of parents to stages (Pechenik, 1987; this volume; Byrne, 2011).
OW and OA (Putnam and Gates, 2015). Exposure Developmental failure, regardless of stage, will
of adult corals Pocillopora damicornis to OW and OA have a negative effect for the persistence of marine
led to a higher size-dependent metabolic rate (meta- populations and the ecosystems in which they re-
bolic acclimation) at elevated temperature and CO2 side (Harley et  al., 2006; Brierley and Kingsford,
compared with larvae from non-exposed parents 2009; Hofmann et al., 2010). The impaired ability of
(Putnam and Gates, 2015). This type of phenotypic calcifying larvae to produce a larval skeleton due
plasticity potentially associated with maternal and/ to OA in a timely manner may be a weak link for
or paternal effects may help mitigate the effects of persistence of a broad suite of invertebrates.
changing climate on fitness over generations, poten- We need whole development studies from ferti-
tially providing a temporal window for evolutionary lization to settlement and postlarval development
(genetic) adaptation to occur. We need more infor- in multistressor experiments to assess potential out-
mation across the life cycle of marine invertebrates comes for species. For instance, while barnacle larvae
to understand the potential for transgenerational are resilient to OA, negative effects of a weak skel-
adaptive capacity in response to multiple stressors eton are evident for the juvenile stage (McDonal­d
(Sunda­y et al., 2011; 2014; Kelly et al., 2013; Munday et al., 2009). Similarly, in a study of the impacts of
et al., 2014; Foo and Byrne, 2016; Ross et al., 2016). combined OW and OA in an echinoid from fertiliza-
Several studies note the presence of a subset of tion to the juvenile stage, the subset of larvae that
progeny (the survivors) that are more resilient to survived the bottleneck of early mortality due to
near-future OW and/or OA indicating the exist- warming were able to develop to the juvenile stage,
ing phenotypic plasticity or genetic variation that but their skeleton was compromised, depending
might provide species’ resilience in a changing on stressor levels (Byrne et  al., 2011a). In the oys-
ocean. This will, however, lead to a reduction in ter, Ostrea lurida, exposure to elevated pCO2 during
genetic variation in populations if these stress-­ larval development had strong carryover effects for
tolerant genotypes are selected for (see Pechenik, the growth of juveniles (Hettinger et al., 2012). One
this volume). Quantitative genetics studies indicate week after metamorphosis, juveniles of O. lurida
the presence of genetic traits to facilitate adaptation that had been reared at elevated pCO2 during larval
to climate change for echinoid but not for bivalve development had a 41% reduction in shell growth
development (Sunday et  al., 2011; Foo et  al., 2012; rate. This negative effect of pCO2 exposure during
2014; 2016; Kelly et al., 2013; Foo and Byrne, 2016). the larval phase on juvenile shell growth persisted
As the ocean will change over coming decades for 1.5 months after the juveniles had been trans-
more gradually than in climate change experiments ferred to a common garden of ambient seawater.
reviewed here, acclimatization of gametogenesis, Differences in the survival of benthic marine in-
particularly during egg development (maternal vertebrates through past climate change are likely
imprinting), in a warmer and lower-pH ocean may to have been influenced by life history traits, with
facilitate production of more resistant offspring and species that had nonfeeding larvae being favored
buy time to facilitate genetic adaptation. We also (Valentine and Jablonski, 1986; Uthicke et al., 2009).
need better data on the temperature, pH, CO2, and These species have a buffered life history free of
Cha n g i n g Cl i mat e — O c ea n W arm i n g a n d A c i d i f i c at i o n    265

the vagaries of a planktonic food supply. If they do 2. Species are on the move as their larvae are fol-
not need to calcify, they will also be less vulner- lowing more favorable poleward isotherms, an
able to OA. Thus, species that produce large eggs emerging global trend seen in the tropicalization
and have noncalcifying/nonfeeding larvae (e.g., of temperate faunas. The sensitivity of larvae to
lecithotrophic echinoderm larvae, coral planulae, increased temperature varies among species, and
barnacle cyprids) may have a competitive advan- this influences their invasive potential. Broadly
tage in a future ocean (Dupont et al., 2010; Anlauf distributed species that have a wide develop-
et al., 2011; Byrne et al., 2011a; 2011b; Nguyen et al., mental thermotolerance appear best able to avail
2012; Chua et  al., 2013; Hardy and Byrne, 2014), themselves of the new opportunities provided
although they may have a mortality bottleneck at by ocean warming.
the early juvenile stage (Anlauf et al., 2011; Byrne 3. Ocean acidification is a multistressor in itself,
et  al., 2011a; McDonald et  al., 2009; Wolfe et  al., and the impacts of its covarying stressors differ
2013). For echinoderms, the increase in diversity of among taxa. Increased pCO2 is the key stressor
lecithotrophic developers over evolutionary time impairing calcification in sea urchin larvae, while
indicates that this trait is associated with higher decreased mineral saturation is more important
speciation rates, as seen in several extant clades for calcification in bivalve larvae.
(Jeffery et  al., 2003; Uthicke et  al., 2009; Byrne, 4. It appears that nonfeeding, noncalcifying larvae
2013). If possession of nonfeeding/noncalcifying are more resilient to climate change stressors.
larvae conveys a competitive advantage for adults 5. As the ocean continues to change, some species
in a future ocean, flow-on alterations to benthic as- may be able to persist through acclimatization or
semblages would be expected. adaptation and produce more resilient offspring.
The larval and early juvenile stages of marine Understanding the capacity for adaptation/ac-
invertebrates experience naturally high mortality climatization, and the response to climate change
rates, and relatively small perturbations in recruit- stressors in trans- and multi-generational studies
ment can translate to large alterations of adult pop- is important for predicting the future species com-
ulations (Eckman, 1996; Lamare and Barker, 1999; position and dynamics of marine communities.
Uthicke et  al., 2009). The responses of the pelagic
life phase, adverse or otherwise, to OW and/or
OA will alter marine communities and populations
(Harley et  al., 2006; Brierley and Kingsford, 2009). Thanks to Andreas Heyland, Tyler Carrier, and
There may be some redundancy, with more resilient Adam Reitzel for inviting this contribution. Re-
species continuing to fulfill important functional search was funded by grants from the Australian
roles. Understanding the level of species specific- Research Council. Thanks to Dr. Miles Lamare for
ity, adaptive capacity, and the degree of response providing the images for Figure 17.3. We acknowl-
to changing ocean conditions is important in order edge the assistance of Selma Klanten and Paula
to predict the future composition and dynamics of Cisterna­s, University of Sydney. This is supported
marine communities under a “winners and losers” by an ARC Discovery Grant (M.B., S.D.). Thanks to
scenario (see Somero, 2010; Fabricius et al., 2011). the comments from reviewers that improved the
manuscript. Sydney Institute of Marine Science
17.7 Summary Contribution #212.

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C h a pt er 18

Ecotoxicology in Marine
Environments: The Protective Role
of ABC Transporters in Sea Urchin
Embryos and Larvae
Ilaria Corsi and Luis Fernando Marques-Santos

This chapter is dedicated to the memory of Prof. Valeria biphenyls (PCBs) and toxic metals, from freshwa-
Matranga. Part of the work presented on the effects of na- ter sources due to industrial processing remain a
noparticles was conducted in collaboration with Valeria consistent local stress for species in estuaries and
Matranga, a mentor, a dear friend, and a distinguished nearshore habitats. Release of polycyclic aromatic
scientist. hydrocarbons (PAHs) from oil spills can now re-
sult in the release of toxic compounds over broad
geographic ranges. Finally, new types of pollutants,
18.1 Introduction
such as micro- and nanoplastics, are growing at an
Contaminants with the potential to disrupt bio- increasing rate in marine ecosystems, with signifi-
logical functions enter aquatic ecosystems from a cant impacts on pelagic species.
diversity of sources (industry, agriculture, sewage, There are estimated to be upwards of 2.2 million
landfill sites, etc.). Such anthropogenic impacts pose species of animals in the world’s oceans, most of
a potential risk to the long-term sustainability of which are likely invertebrates (Mora et  al., 2011),
these ecosystems by disrupting food webs through and this, at times, makes it difficult to select the
extirpation of species, reductions in the health and most appropriate model species to assess risks as-
reproduction of resident species, and changes in the sociated with the exposure to anthropogenic con-
overall quality of the environment. While a broad taminants reaching the marine environment. In
diversity of organisms is being used in ecotoxico- particular, several adaptations across different
logical bioassays to assess the risks of particular taxa, such as mechanisms of protection, robust-
pollutants, comparatively little work has been done ness, resistance, and plasticity, make such choices
in marine ecosystems, especially for larvae of ma- very complex. Still, embryo-larval bioassays using
rine invertebrates. Understanding the sensitivity of marine invertebrate species have been recently in-
these developmental stages to anthropogenic con- troduced as a promising tool in ecotoxicology, as
taminants is needed to predict how the biodiversity they are reliable in assessing the biological effects of
of organisms that live in the plankton respond to exposure to contaminants. Ecotoxicology bioassays
current and predicted future levels of contamina- are currently used in environmental risk assessment
tion. This need is increasingly urgent because the protocols in water pollution monitoring, and direct
diversity of pollutants continues to increase in both toxicity of both legacy and emerging contaminants
number and type. For example, point-source re- provide sensitive tools to assess both exposure and
lease of contaminants, including polychlorinated effects of toxic compounds. Up to now, a number

Corsi, I. and Marques-Santos, L. F., Ecotoxicology in marine environments: the protective role of ABC transporters in sea urchin embryos
and larvae. In. Evolutionary Ecology of Marine Invertebrate Larvae. Edited by Tyler J. Carrier, Adam M. Reitzel, and Andreas Heyland:
Oxford University Press (2018). © Oxford University Press. DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780198786962.003.0018
274   E v o l u t i o n a ry E c o l o g y o f M a r i n e I n v e rt e b r at e L a r va e

of standardized ecotoxicity test protocols using em- changes thanks to a completely sequenced genome
bryo or larvae of several taxonomic groups have (Sea Urchin Genome Sequencing Consortium, 2006).
been developed and successfully recommended In addition, sea urchin embryos’ sensitivity toward
for determining the toxicity of chemicals to aquatic environmental perturbations was investigated for
species by regulatory bodies, such as the Organiza- sensitivity toward several stressors, including UV-B
tion for Economic Co-operation and Development radiation and anthropogenic contaminants, the
(OECD), the American Society for Testing and Mate- latter being at low environmental concentrations
rials (ASTM), the Environmental Protection Agency (Kobayash­i, 1980; Morroni et al., 2016).
(EPA), and the International Organization for Stand- Much attention has been recently devoted
ardization (ISO). For example, embryos and larvae towar­ d the sea urchin “chemical defensome,”
of echinoids and bivalves have been proposed as or genes predicte­ d to be involved in chemical
appropriate models for ecotoxicological studies, as defense to confe­ r resilience and survival to de-
many species in this group are abundant and have veloping embryos. These genes include stress-
early planktonic life stages which are directly ex- activated receptors (aryl hydrocarbon receptor,
posed to environmental change. More importantly, pregnane-X-recepto­ r, constitutive androstane re-
several of these species are easy to work with in the ceptor, peroxisome p ­roliferator-activated recep-
lab and have completely sequenced genomes (e.g., tors, liver-X-receptor, and farnesoid-X-receptor),
Sea Urchin Genome Sequencing Consortium, 2006). oxidizers (cytochrome P-450 enzymes and flavo-
Based on the assessment of different bioassay protein monooxygenase), reducers and conjugated
protocols on species sensitivity to a wide variety enzymes (aldo-keto reductase­s, NAD(P)H-quinone
of toxicants, bioassays currently used are based on oxidoreductases, glutathione-S-transferases, UDP-
the most available (worldwide) and ecologically glucuronosyl transferases, N-acetyl transferases),
relevant marine invertebrate species, including the oxidative detoxification proteins (superoxide dis-
purple sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, red mutases, catalase, glutathione peroxidases), sol-
abalone Haliotis rufescens, and bay mussel Mytilus ute carrier family and efflux pumps (ATP-binding
galloprovincialis; species used more recently include cassette-ABC-transporters) (Goldstone et  al., 2006;
the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas and sand dollar William­s and Carrier, this volume). Among these,
Dendraster excentricus (U.S. EPA, 1995). Moreover, the ABC transporters, which have been and are
other marine echinoids have recently been pro- highly conserved over evolutionary time, have
posed, mainly due to the need to find an ecologically received a lot of attention from the scientific com-
relevant model that is also abundant and easily ac- munity due to their involvement in the cellular
cessible in nature; these include the Mediterranean detoxification, including in sea urchin embryonic
sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus and the red urchin development (see Table 18.1 for references).
Arbacia sp. Ecotoxicology tests are commonly based
on short-term (<96 h) exposure conditions and sub- 18.2  Sea Urchin Development
lethal endpoints as embryo development but also
fertilization. For instance, echinoids are the most Preceding the formation of the juvenile sea urchin,
sensitive test species to certain chemicals, where development occurs freely in the water column
it is easy to perform and screen a large number of and serves as a key component of the zooplank-
chemicals/environmental matrices in a short time ton. According to the species, the first cell divi-
(Environment Canada, 2011; ASTM, 2012). sion occurs between 90 minutes (tropical species)
Sea urchin embryos have been used as models in and 12 hours (Antarctic species) post-fertilization
developmental biology for more than a century. As (Hoegh-Guldber­g and Pearse, 1995). The embryos
deuterostomes they share many genes with verte- then undergo a series of cell divisions leading to the
brates and specifically mammals. More importantly, blastula stage, at which time hatching occurs. Sea
they produce large numbers of transparent embryos urchin embryos gastrulate in the plankton, while
that can be studied in the lab in a short period of time; swimming. The time needed to reach the larval
cellular processes can be directly linked to molecular stage depends on the species, climate conditions
Table 18.1  Anthropogenic Contaminants and Their Interactions with MXR Phenotype and Larval Toxicity in Marine Invertebrate Embryos and Larvae.

Class of Compound Use MXR interaction Larval Toxicity Test

Contaminant (Model Organism) Model Organism (LC50)

Antifouling agent Sea-Nine 211 Marine industry Substrate* Mytilus edulis (38–372 nM)9
(Sea urchin embryos and larvae1) Artemia sp. (0.318 mg/L)10
Antimicrobials Triclosan Biocide, personal care products, plastic materials Circumvention** Palaemonetes pugio (154.0 μg/L)11
(Sea urchin larvae2) Strongylocentrotus nudus (0.987
Fluorosurfactants Heptadecafluorooctane sulfonic acid Emulsion polymerization in metal plating, fire-fighting Circumvention (Sea urchin larvae2) -
foams and other materials
Fungicide Dichlofluanid Agriculture Substrate (Sea urchin embryos Mytilus edulis (224–4311 nM)9
and larvae1) Artemia sp. (154.94 mg/L)10
Cadmium (CdCl2) Photography, fabric printing, electronics component Substrate (Mussel embryos and Haliotis rubra (4,515 mg/L)13
manufacture, analytical chemistry and others larvae3)
Mercury (inorganic) Industrial processes, personal care products and medical Substrate (Sea urchin embryos4) Haliotis rubra (21 mg/L)13
Copper (CuSO4) Agricultural insecticide, fungicide and herbicide, catalyst Substrate/Circumvention Haliotis rubra (7 mg/L)13
in pharmaceutical industry and antiseptics or disinfectants (Sea urchin embryos5)
Zinc (ZnSO4) Fertilizer, nutritional supplement, astringent Substrate/Circumvention -
in pharmaceutical industry (Sea urchin embryos5)
Copper oxide nanoparticles Catalyst in several industrial process, chemical sensor, Circumvention -
semiconductor (Sea urchin embryos5)
Zinc oxide nanoparticles Catalyst in several industrial process, optical and electrical Circumvention (Sea urchin Artemia salina (>100 mg/L)14
devices, personal care products, drug delivery embryos5)
Carboxylated polystyrene nanoparticles Plastic materials, personal care products Up-regulation of ABCB1 gene -
(Sea urchin embryos6)
Nonionic surfactants Pluronic P-85 (nanoparticles) Drug delivery systems Circumvention (Sea urchin larvae2) -
Oil hydrocarbons - Petroleum industry Substrate (Fat innkeeper worm -

E c oto x ic o l o g y i n M a r i n e E n v i r o n me n t s    275
Table 18.1  (Continued )

Class of Compound Use MXR interaction Larval Toxicity Test

Contaminant (Model Organism) Model Organism (LC50)

Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) Insecticide Substrate/Circumvention Litopenaeus stylirostris (10.79

(Sea urchin embryos and larvae2) mg/L)15

Organochlorines Pentachlorophenol Insecticide and disinfectant Circumvention (Sea urchin larvae2) Artemia salina (0.30 mg/L)16
Crangon crangon (0.11 ppm)17
Palaemon elegans (0.08 ppm)17
Palaemonetes varians (0.36 ppm)17
Phenols Bisphenol A (BPA) Plastic industry Circumvention (Sea urchin larvae2) -
Up-regulation of ABCB1 gene -
(Sea urchin embryos8)

*Based on toxicity assays in the presence of ABC transporter blockers.

**Based on ABC transporter substrate accumulation assays or toxicity assays in the presence of toxic ABC transporter substrate.
X. et al., Ecotoxicology (2011) 20:419–428
H.M.R. et al., Ecotoxicology (2012) 21:2276–2287
I. et al., Marine Environm Res (2000) 50:319–323
276   E v o l u t i o n a ry E c o l o g y o f M a r i n e I n v e rt e b r at e L a r va e

4Bošnjak, I. et al., Environ Sci Technol (2009) 43:8374–8380

5Wu, B. et al., Environ Sci Technol (2015) 49:5760–5770
6Della Torre, C. et al., Environ Sci Technol, (2014) 20:12302–12,311
7Hamdoun, A.M. et al., Aquat Toxicol (2002) 61:127–140
8Bošnjak, I. et al., Aquat Toxicol (2014) 156: 21–29
9Bellas, J., Sci Total Environ (2006) 367:2–3
10Jung, S.M. et al., Mar Pollut Bull (2016) 16:30969–9
11Delorenzo, M.E. et al., Environ Toxicol (2008) 2:224–32
12Hwang et al., Ecotoxicol Environ Saf (2014) 100:148–52
13Groski, J. et al., Environ Toxicol Chem (2006) 25:1360–7
14Ates, M. et al., Environ Sci Process Impacts (2013) 15:225–33
15Galindo Reys et al., Ecotoxicol Environ Saf (2002) 53:191–5
16Barahona, M.V. et al., Bull Environ Contam Toxicol (1996) 56:271–8;
17van Dijk, J.J. Bull Environ Contam Toxicol (1977) 17:622–30.
E c oto x ic o l o g y i n M a r i n e E n v i r o n me n t s    277

such as temperature and sunlight, and the composi- of P-­ glycoprotein revealed the physiological ex-
tion and availability of nutrients. The larval stage pression of the transporter in several mammalian
lasts for several weeks (four to six) and ends with tissues (Thiebaut et  al., 1987). Nevertheless, only
the metamorphosis into a benthic juvenile. with the seminal work of Schinkel et  al. (1994),
Pluteus larvae are bilaterally symmetrical and who demonstrated the P-glycoprotein expression
develop a series of arms, supported by an endog- in the blood-brain barrier and its involvement in
enous skeleton. These arms also create scaffold for drug bioavailability, was the physiological role of
an extensive ciliated band used for feeding. Several the ABC transporters highlighted. Since then, ABC
morphological features as well as morphometric transporters have been studied in several organ-
measurements of the pluteus larvae have been used isms, from bacteria to humans.
in the evaluation of sea urchin larval development P-glycoprotein was first described in marine or-
in ecotoxicological studies. These include abnormal ganisms by Kurelec (1992), who coined the term
or delayed development; number and distribu- multixenobiotic resistance (MXR). The first descrip-
tion of pigment cells; number and size of the arms; tions were of the Mediterranean mussel Mytilus gal-
length of larval axes; formation and size of larva ru- loprovincialis, the swan mussel Anodonta cygnea, and
diment; swimming behavior; and absent, incorrect, the sponges Tethya aurantium, Verongia aerophoba,
or incomplete localization of the larval skeletal rods and Geodia cydonium. The main result of the MXR
(Carballeira et al., 2012). mechanism is to decrease the intracellular concen-
tration of chemical hazardous compounds, both as
18.3  ABC Transporters: Brief History parent and as metabolites. However, ABC trans-
and General Overview porters are not only involved in the efflux of xeno-
biotics but also of several endogenous compounds
The ABC transporters constitute a large family of and ions, such as hormones, sterols, lipids, phos-
transmembrane proteins linked to the MDR/MXR pholipids, oligopeptides, nucleotides, glutathione
phenotype (multidrug resistance and multixenobi- S-conjugates, and chloride ion (Gottesman and
otic resistance, respectively). The first description of Pastan, 1993). Despite their nonspecificity in bind-
the MDR phenomenon in eukaryotic cells dates from ing chemical substrates, common features—such as
the beginning of 1970s. Biedler and Riehm (1970), moderate hydrophobicity, small size, and positively
studying leukemic cell lineages and Chinese ham- charged domains of their substrates—can be used
ster lung cells exposed to increasing concentrations to better understand their role in cell protection and
of actinomycin D, observed that cells acquired re- the ability to respond to toxic chemical exposure.
sistance not only to actinomycin D but also to drugs The ABC transporters are found in the plasma
chemically and pharmacologically unrelated. Subse- membrane (e.g., ABCB1/P-gp, ABCC1/MRP,
quently, Danø (1973) suggested that an active efflux ABCC7/CFRT, and ABCC8/SUR) and the endomem-
transport was responsible for the cross-resistance brane system of eukaryotic cells (e.g., ABCB2/TAP1,
to daunomycin and vinca alkaloids in the murine ABCB3/TAP2, PGH1, ABCD2/ALDP, ABCD3/
Ehrlich ascites tumor cells. Three years later, the first PMP70, and MTABC) (Higgins, 1992), and exhibit
ABC transporter family member—P-glycoprotein two highly conserved nucleotide-binding domains
(currently also known as ABCB1)—was described in which hydrolyze ATP (Walker et al., 1982). The ATP-
Chinese hamster ovary cells with a pleiotropic cross- binding domains were the bases to coin the name of
resistance (Juliano and Ling, 1976). this large family of proteins in the early 1990s (Hyde
The cloning and sequencing of three mdr mu- et  al., 1990), and their highly conserved sequences
rine genes was firstly reported in 1986 (Gros et al., across animal taxa have allowed the identification of
1986), and soon studies demonstrated that mdr1 ABC transporter genes in various organisms.
gene transfection confers the MDR phenotype to The eukaryotic ABC superfamily is divided into
nonresistant cells (Gros et  al., 1986). At the end of eight subfamilies (ABCA through ABCH) and com-
1980s, the development of monoclonal antibod- prises proteins involved in efflux of endo- and xeno-
ies against intracellular and extracellular epitopes biotics, but also in the regulation of protein synthesis.
278   E v o l u t i o n a ry E c o l o g y o f M a r i n e I n v e rt e b r at e L a r va e

Members associated with the MDR/MXR pheno- several biological systems. These compounds can
type—and involved in the efflux of endo- and xeno- act as competitive or non-­competitive inhibitors and
biotics—are distributed into the subfamilies ABCB, disrupt the protective effect of the pumps against xe-
ABCC, and ABCG, notably the transporters ABCB1, nobiotics or endogenous compounds.
ABCC1, and ABCG2. Subfamily A comprises pro- Studies conducted with mammalian ABC
teins associated with the transport of lipids (e.g., transporters revealed that many pesticides—­
cholesterol). Subfamily D is represented by genes halophenoxies (tetrachlorohydroquinone), or-
that encode proteins involved in the uptake of fatty ganochlorines (chlordecone, endosulfan, and
acid by peroxisomes; the genes of subfamilies E and heptachlor), and organophosphates (dicapthon
F encode proteins that lack the transmembrane do- and parathion)—affect ABCB1 transporters and
main and are not involved in transport but in the act as MXR chemosensitizers (Bain and Leblanc,
regulation of protein synthesis. Finally, subfamily 1996). Some of them, like the organochlorine en-
H is closely related to subfamily G, and has been dosulfan, are also embryotoxic to the oyster Cras-
described in invertebrates, such as insects and sea sostrea gigas (Wessel et  al., 2007). However, their
urchins, and also in the zebrafish Danio rerio. effects on the MXR phenotype and on cell defense
The ABC transporters can be expressed in the against anthropogenic or natural toxins are still un-
cell membranes as a single polypeptide chain (full- known, and more studies should address if their
transporters; subfamilies B and C) or as hetero- or toxicity might be linked to the circumvention of
homodimers (half-transporters; subfamilies B the MXR phenotype in marine invertebrate em-
and G). Nonetheless, independently of the struc- bryos and larvae. Studies have shown that marine
tural configuration of the protein in the cell mem- natural compounds—such as those derived from
branes, a functional ABC transporter comprises two algae (caulerpin), tunicates (ipatellamides and
­nucleotide-binding domains and two large trans- amellarins), sponges (agosterol A, sipholenol A),
membrane domains, each one composed by several bryozoans (bryostatin 1), red algae (parguerenes),
α-helices transmembrane segments. Several genes and cyanobacteria (alkaloids and the porphyrin
coding for ABC transporters have been described in tolyporphi­n)—are able to disrupt ABC transporters
eukaryotic cells. The human genome has 48 genes by blocking ABCB1 efflux activity and/or circum-
encoding functional ABC proteins; this number vent the MDR/MXR phenotype (Schroeder et  al.,
increases to 52 genes in Danio rerio and reaches 65 1998; Lopez and Martinez-Luis, 2014).
genes in the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus Recently, studies have linked the exposure to ma-
(Annilo et al., 2006; Goldstone et al., 2006). Never- rine natural toxins with the expression level of ABC
theless, only 33 ABC transporter genes were found transporters in marine invertebrates. The co-culture
in the sea squirt Ciona intestinalis and in the sea lam- of the mussel Perna viridis and the bivalves Ruditapes
prey Petromyzon marinus (Annilo et  al., 2006; Ren philippinarum, Scapharca subcrenata, and Tegillarca
et  al., 2015). In spite of the great variability in the granosa with the toxic dinoflagellate Prorocentrum
number of ABC transporter genes according to the lima has been shown to up-regulate the expres-
organisms, the three most representative subfami- sion of ABC transporters in directly affected tissues
lies are ABCB, ABCC, and ABCG. In the sea urchin (Huang et al., 2015a; 2015b). Moreover, Tanaka et al.
Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, the ABCC subfamily (2002) showed that the expression of ABCC1 trans-
represents almost 50% of all ABC genes. porter confers resistance to polyoxygenated steroids
Several compounds compromise the efflux me- that are derived from corals. These data encourage
diated by ABC transporters and have been used as the investigation about the effects of marine natural
pharmacological tools in investigations of the MDR/ toxins on ABC transporters’ expression and activity
MXR phenotype in a wide range of biological models in marine invertebrate embryos and larvae, which
(Robert and Jarry, 2003). From verapamil to MK571, could increase current knowledge of the biology of
dozens of compounds have been shown to modulate marine invertebrates not only in terms of develop-
the activity of ABC transporters; they contributed to ment, ecology, and evolution, but also in terms of
the understanding of the role of the transporters in the overall ecosystem’s dynamics.
E c oto x ic o l o g y i n M a r i n e E n v i r o n me n t s    279

18.4  ABC Transporters in Sea Urchin the embryonic cells (Figure 18.1). In spite of embry-
Embryos and Larvae onic cells exhibiting a higher activity of ABC trans-
porters than gametes, eggs and spermatozoa also
ABC transporters are present in sea urchin gam- exhibit significant activity of the transporters (De
etes, embryos, and the pluteus. The first report of Souza et al., 2010). The increase in ABC transporter
the expression of an ABC transporter in sea ur- activity, and consequently in the MXR phenotype
chin cells was from the early 2000s. In studying in sea urchin embryonic cells, can be attributed to
the acrosome reaction, Mengerink and Vacquier the exocytosis of the cortical granules and the dis-
(2002) observed that the major glycoprotein of the posal of the ABC transporters in the microvilli of
sea urchin sperm membranes was closely related the cellular membrane of the zygote (Whalen et al.,
to the human ABCA3 transporter. Two years later, 2012). In fact, sea urchin embryonic development is
Hamdoun et al. (2004) showed that the activity of more sensitive to toxicants when eggs are exposed
ABCB and ABCC-like subfamily transporters is to them prior to fertilization and zygote formation
up-regulated just following fertilization in the sea (De Souza et  al., 2010). A similar pattern of ABC
urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus. Since then, transporter expression and activity was observed
several works have mapped the expression, activ- in freshwater invertebrates, such as in the zebra
ity, and role of ABC transporters in the sea urchin mussel Dreissena polymorpha (Navarro et  al., 2012),
development (De Souza et al., 2010; Torrezan et al., suggesting that the regulation of efflux pumps is a
2012; Shipp and Hamdoun, 2012; Whalen et  al., conserved biological process during the embryonic
2012; Shipp et al., 2015). and larval development in aquatic organisms.
Twenty ABCB, ABCC, and ABCG transporter Apart from their protective role against xeno-
subfamily genes are expressed during sea urchin biotics, ABC transporters are also involved in the
embryonic development—from unfertilized egg transport of endogenous signaling molecules that
to early prism stage—with ABCB1a being the most regulate embryonic development, and are involved
abundant. Nevertheless, the expression of ABC in several cellular processes (Shipp and Hamdoun,
transporter genes is not constant during sea urchin 2012). It has been demonstrated that the exposure of
development. ABCB subfamily genes are present in sea urchin spermatozoa to ABC transporter blockers
the egg but decrease in expression until the hatch- decreases the fertilization rate, suggesting that these
ing blastula stage, when expression is restored proteins may be involved in cell membrane homeo-
until the early prism. ABCC5a and three ABCG tran- stasis and perhaps gamete fusion (Silva-Neta et al.,
scripts are absent until the hatching blastula, when 2012). It has also been reported that the inhibition
expression increases, particularly to the ABCC5a. of ABC transporter activity in sea urchin embryos
The ABCG2b transcript is expressed only in the disturbs the segregation of small micromeres to the
early prism stage. Finally, three ABCC transcripts coelomic pouches, and because it is the left coelomic
(ABCC1, ABCC4b, and ABCC4c) increase during pouch gives rise to the adult rudiment, this may
hatching blastula and early gastrula stages (Shipp subsequently impact metamorphosis. Members of
and Hamdoun, 2012). the ABCC subfamily are also important to the sea
Expression of ABC transporters in sea urchin urchin’s embryonic development: Sp-ABCC5a is
gametes, embryos, and larvae is crucial to the estab- highly expressed in pigment cells and aboral non-
lishment of a biochemical barrier that protects gam- skeletogenic mesoderm cells during and immedi-
etes as well as embryonic and larval development ately following gastrulation. Studies have shown
against toxicants from both natural and anthropo- that this protein is required for gut formation and
genic sources. When exposed to the ABC substrate hindgut orientation, and its ablation causes gut pro-
calcein-AM, sea urchin embryos exhibit a low ac- lapse in developing embryos (Shipp et al., 2015).
cumulation of the dye; however, when embryos are The activity of ABC transporters has also been
exposed to calcein-AM in the presence of the ABCB1 reported in the sea urchin pluteus larvae. The use
blocker reversin 205 or the ABCC1 blocker MK571, of the intracellular calcein-AM accumulation assay
there is a notable increase in dye accumulation in and pharmacological tools has shown a noteworthy
280   E v o l u t i o n a ry E c o l o g y o f M a r i n e I n v e rt e b r at e L a r va e

control Reversin 205 MK571




Figure 18.1  Effect of ABC transporter blockers in the MXR phenotype. Echinometra lucunter two-cell embryos (panels I and II) and gastrula (panels
III and IV) were pre-treated with the ABC transporter blockers reversin 250 or MK571 (both 10 μM) and incubated with calcein-AM (250 nM) for 30
minutes. The two-cell embryos treated with the ABCC1 transporter blocker MK571 exhibited a stronger calcein fluorescence signal than two-cell embryos
treated with the ABCB1 transporter blocker reversin 205 (panel II); the treatment with the ABCB1 blocker reversin 205 revealed a more intense calcein
fluorescence signal in the gastrula ectoderm and archenteron (panel IV). Representative photomicrography. Panels I and III = optical microscopy; panels
II and IV = fluorescence microscopy.

difference in the activity of ABCB1 and ABCC1 whole larva (Figure 18.2) (Torrezan et al., 2012). This
transporter in Echinometra lucunter pluteus and configuration is closely related to that found in ver-
calcein distribution. While ABCB1-like transporter tebrates, where ABCB1 transporter is located in sev-
activity is remarkably found in the larval gut, eral blood barriers, such as the blood-brain barrier,
ABCC1-like transporter activity is present in the and also in the apical membrane of intestinal cells.
E c oto x ic o l o g y i n M a r i n e E n v i r o n me n t s    281

arms arms


Figure 18.2  Calcein disposition in the sea urchin pluteus larvae. Echinometra lucunter pluteus larvae were pre-treated with the ABC transporter
blockers reversin 250 or MK571 (both 10 μM), and incubated with calcein-AM (250 nM) for 30 minutes. The treatment with the ABCB1 transporter
blocker reversin 250 revealed activity of the ABCB1-like transporter in the larval gut (left image); the treatment with the ABCC1 transporter blocker
MK571 revealed activity of the ABCC1-like transporter in the whole pluteus larvae (right image); untreated pluteus larvae show no fluorescence
signal (not shown). Images are three-dimensional reconstructions from serial sections obtained under confocal laser scanning microscopy.

18.5  ABC Transporters, Echinoderms, Since the first description of ABC transporter ex-
and Ecotoxicology pression in sea urchin embryos (Hamdoun et  al.,
2004), the echinoderms have emerged as a suitable
The ABC transporters are responsible for the MXR model for ecotoxicological studies and the investiga-
phenotype and act as the first line of cell defense tion of the MXR phenomenon in marine organisms.
against both natural and anthropogenic toxicants. The ABC transporters are crucial to sea urchin devel-
These efflux proteins have been well documented opment because they protect the embryonic and larval
in marine invertebrates, such as mussels, oysters, stages against chemical (potential toxic compounds;
and echinoderms. While members of the ABCB and De Souza et al., 2010) and physical (ultraviolet radia-
ABCG subfamilies are involved in the pumping of tion; De Araújo Leite et  al., 2014) stressors. Several
xenobiotics out of the cells (Phase 0 or uptake), mem- works have shown that the occurrence of toxicants
bers of the ABCC subfamily are enrolled in the efflux affects sea urchin embryos and pluteus larvae when
of metabolites (Phase 3 or elimination) (Figure 18.3). ABC transporters are blocked. Sea urchin embryos
Not directly involved in the metabolism of the toxic normally develop when exposed to low concentra-
chemicals, they play an important role in their cel- tions (100 nm) of the anticancer agent vinblastine;
lular uptake and disposition. Thus, the commitment however, when embryos are co-exposed with ABCB1
of ABC transporters activity can seriously affect the transporter blockers, such as verapamil, trifluopera-
biotransformation/detoxification system. Such a de- zine, chlorpromazine, or reversin 205, development
fense system is able to play a protective role in pol- is arrested (De Souza et al. 2010; unpublished data).
luted environments, and therefore this mechanism ABC transporter inhibitors also induce chemosensiti-
is highly conserved by marine organisms, including zation to UV radiation. Abnormal and delayed larval
embryos and larvae, which allows them to respond development occurred when gametes were exposed
to different types of stressors (physical, chemical, to UVB in the presence of the ABC transporter block-
and biological) (Epel et al., 2008). ers reversin 205 and MK571 (Figure 18.4).
282   E v o l u t i o n a ry E c o l o g y o f M a r i n e I n v e rt e b r at e L a r va e

Transporter MXR Phenotype
ABCC1 Transporter

5 Phase-ll detoxification enzymes

3 anthropogenic contaminant
natural toxicant
4 ABC transporter blocker (natural or anthropogenic source)
conjugation functional group

Figure 18.3 ABC transporters and the MXR phenotype. A natural toxicant or anthropogenic contaminant may be pumped out of the cell by the
ABCB1/ABCG2 transporters (Phase 0, uptake) or (1) enter the cell (2) and—after Phase I biotransformation—(3) be conjugated with other molecules
(Phase II biotransformation) such as glutathione, and (4) pumped out of the cells by the ABCC1 transporter (Phase III, elimination). Nevertheless, a
natural toxicant or anthropogenic contaminant may also, directly or competitively, block an ABC transporter and circumvent the MXR phenotype, thus
(5) making cells susceptible to the toxic effects of many chemicals.

control reversin 205 MK571


exposed sptz

exposed eggs

Figure 18.4 ABC transporters and ultraviolet B (UVB) radiation. Representative photomicrography of Echinometra lucunter pluteus larvae (48 h post-
fertilization). Gametes were treated previously to UVB exposure with the ABC transporter blockers reversin 205 and MK571 (both10 μM) and submitted
to fertilization procedure. Spermatozoa and eggs were exposed to 0.45 kJ m-2 and 14.4 kJ m-2 UVB, respectively. Control represents pluteus larvae derived
from treated or untreated unexposed gametes.
E c oto x ic o l o g y i n M a r i n e E n v i r o n me n t s    283

18.6  ABC Transporters and Bioassays these dyes specifically predicts the presence of the
MXR phenotype. Since ABC transporters reduce the
In the absence of specific antibodies against ABC pro- accumulation of the substrate inside the cells, a low
teins for most marine invertebrates, investigations of fluorescent signal correlates with a higher activity
ABC transporters have focused on gene expression of the pumps, and, at the same time, an increased
and efflux activity. In spite of the higher specificity of fluorescent signal reflects a lower activity of the
gene expression assays, efflux assays are crucial, since transporters.
the presence of the MXR mechanism is a relevant fea- It is important to emphasize that certain fluores-
ture in ecotoxicological studies, and changes in gene cent substrates are not suitable for use in the inves-
expression levels may not alter MXR phenotype and tigation of ABC transporter activity of cells from
have no ecotoxicological impact. On the other hand, marine invertebrates (e.g., rhodamine 123). Thus,
gene expression monitoring can reveal molecular calcein-AM and rhodamine B are the widely used
targets to be used to understand ABC transporters in efflux bioassays in marine invertebrate embryos
involvement in the response to toxicants. and larvae, with most attention given to the former.
Several studies have investigated the effects of Calcein-AM has an advantage over rhodamine B, as
exposure to toxic compounds on the expression of the dye emits fluorescence only after the removal
ABC transporters in marine invertebrates, including of the acetomethoxy group by intracellular ester-
embryos and larvae. The up-regulation of several ases. So, no further washing steps are needed for
genes encoding for efflux pumps has been shown its use under fluorescence or confocal microscopy.
to confer resistance against toxic chemicals (e.g., Nonetheless, the use of dyes conjugated with ace-
cadmium) (Ivanina and Sokolova, 2008; Della Torre tomethoxy group requires the use of positive con-
et al., 2014b). Despite such studies clearly elucidat- trols (ABC transporter blockers), since fluorescence
ing the regulation of specific ABC efflux pumps, emission depends on the activity of intracellular
the connection between mRNA abundance, protein esterase to convert the non-fluorescent conjugated
expression, and activity has not yet been clearly form into its free fluorescent form. This is impor-
elucidated; thus linking these remains a major chal- tant, especially when comparing dye accumulation
lenge. The lack of antibodies to detect specific efflux between samples from environment with different
pumps in marine species is also a major obstacle in level of contamination. Therefore, the data obtained
understanding the regulation of ABC transporter ef- can be attributed to ABC transporter efflux activity
flux pumps, as well as functional characterization. and not to a lower activity of intracellular esterases.
We also lack an understanding of the mechanism(s) In this regard, MK571 and reversin 205 (ABCB1 and
whereby the expression of ABC transporters is in- ABCC1 transporter blockers, respectively) are the
duced, and how this varies between tissues and most used positive controls.
species. A cAMP/PKA-mediated regulation of the The choice of the culture medium to be employed
expression of ABCB in marine mussels has been in the evaluation of the ABC transporter activity is
shown by Franzellitti (2013); drugs as well as metals another important aspect that must be considered
and other environmental contaminants have been when setting an efflux assay protocol. According
shown to induce cAMP, so affecting ABCB tran- to the cell type, the use of artificial culture medium
scription, which could act as a defense strategy. may induce artifacts in the use of ABC transporter
Several ABC transporter substrates have been blocker as have been observed with sea urchin coe-
used both for in vitro and in vivo assays as a means lomocytes (unpublished data). So, preferentially,
to monitor the efflux activity of the pumps. Moreo- the culture medium must be the original body fluid,
ver, fluorescent dyes, such as rhodamine 123, rho- or, depending on the biological model, natural sea-
damine B, and calcein-AM, are among the most water instead of artificial seawater as in the case of
employed fluorophores that are used to study ABC marine echinoid embryos and larvae.
transporter activity and the MXR phenotype. In Short-term assays (30 min up to 1h), known as
spite this, these fluorescent substrates are not spe- competitive binding assays, provide good informa-
cific to each type of ABC transporter, as the use of tion regarding the involvement of ABC transporter
284   E v o l u t i o n a ry E c o l o g y o f M a r i n e I n v e rt e b r at e L a r va e

activity in its cellular disposition as well as to test Another point to be considered is that species
the effect on efflux functionality. On the other end, belonging to commonly used taxa exhibit different
long-term assays may elucidate a more realistic ef- levels of tolerance to a same toxic compound. For
fect of a contaminant on the MXR phenotype since example, Martino et  al. (2016) showed substantial
gene expression can also be addressed. So, it is differences in the sensitivity to the lanthanide metal
highly recommended that both approaches are ap- gadolinium in larvae from four echinoid species
plied in order to understand the impact of a contam- from different geographical regions. Studies com-
inant on the ABC transporter activity and its related paring the sensitivity of different marine inver-
MXR phenomenon. ABC transporter’s fluorescent tebrate larvae to several toxicants, as insecticides
substrates can also be used in in vivo assays to moni- (lindane and chlorpyrifos), herbicides (diuron),
tor the distribution of the dyes in several tissues. and organometallic antifoulants (tributyltin), have
This allows the evaluation of the integrity of the bio- shown a different pattern of resistance among spe-
chemical barriers supported by the ABC transport- cies. Moreover, the sea urchin (Paracentrotus lividus)
ers and predicts the effect of contaminants in the and ascidians (Ciona intestinalis) larvae were more
disposition of other toxicants in the whole organism. resistant to lindane and chlorpyrifos than larvae
from the decapods Maja squinado and Palaemon ser-
ratus (Bellas et  al., 2005). These data highlight the
18.7  Current Knowledge and Future Gaps
need of broader and deeper studies regarding ABC
Current knowledge of how marine embryos and transporters in embryonic and larval development,
larvae deal with several toxicological stressors dur- addressing both the level of gene expression as well
ing development focuses on the defensive role of as the activity of the transporters in geographically
the ABC transporters (Hamdoun and Epel, 2007). and phylogenetically distant species and their in-
The identification of substrates or inhibitors among teractions with different ecosystems. Such knowl-
toxic compounds, as well as properties of the ef- edge will increase the current understanding of the
flux transporters in terms of tissue distribution, biological role of ABC transporters and their con-
regulation, and physiological function, represents tributions to each taxon towards protection against
the main target of research on ABC transporters natural and anthropogenic toxicants. The design
in ecotoxicology. A concern that has emerged in of in situ experimental protocols and in vitro and
the field is the circumvention of the MXR pheno- in vivo laboratorial studies with natural seawater
type in realistic exposure scenarios where mixture samples, and their effects on MXR phenotype, may
of toxic compounds is present (Kurth et  al., 2015). bring new insights about the relevance of the ABC
These proteins have been proposed as potential bi- transporters to the protection against toxicants in
omarkers of toxic chemical exposure, despite clear the marine ecosystem.
evidence of their ability to be involved in cell pro- The biological relevance of the ABC transporters
tection against mixtures of chemicals, as observed in the protection against chemical or physical stress-
in natural environmental scenarios. Some toxic ors is clearly evidenced by the strong evolutionary
chemicals can bind to the transporters acting as conservation of these proteins in the biological sys-
substrates or inhibitors, thus affecting subsequent tems, including the aquatic invertebrates (Jeong
activity of chemosensors (Smital et al., 2004). et al., 2017). However, further studies on embryos
Because ABC transporters can be blocked by doz- and larvae of marine invertebrates are needed in the
ens of compounds that are not chemically related, ecotoxicological research field. The biochemical and
there is a demand for a broad knowledge regard- cellular factors driving the toxicokinetic and toxico-
ing not only the direct effect of contaminants on the dynamic properties of a toxic compound need to be
activity of the pumps, but also their effects on the further elucidate. Major progresses have been made
expression of ABC transporters and the MXR phe- in identifying ABC transporter genes in marine or-
notype. Moreover, the effect of seasonal variations ganisms but a general lack of knowledge concern
in the expression of ABC transporters represent an- both embryos and larvae. Many gaps regarding
other relevant issue with very few investigated. both the presence and physiological function of
E c oto x ic o l o g y i n M a r i n e E n v i r o n me n t s    285

ABC transporters as for instance their role in chemi- ABC transporter gene expression and efflux
cal uptake and their inhibition (chemosensitization) pump activity with toxicity, including mixtures
in marine embryos and larvae need to be filled in of compounds and chemical resistance among
order to better understand the ecotoxicological rel- different taxa.
evance of ABC transporters as defense mechanisms
towards toxic compounds.
ASTM. 2012. Standard Guide for Conducting Static Acute Tox-
18.8 Summary
icity Tests with Echinoid Embryos (Active Standard ASTM
1. Anthropogenic contaminants with the poten- E1563), ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA.
Annilo, T., Chen, Z.Q., Shulenin, S., Costantino, J.
tial to disrupt biological functions enter aquatic
et al. 2006. Evolution of the vertebrate ABC gene fam-
ecosystems from a diversity of sources. Their
ily: analysis of gene birth and death. Genomics 88: 1–11.
impacts pose a potential risk to the long-term Bain, L.J. and Leblanc, G.A. 1996. Interaction of structural-
sustainability of these ecosystems. Larvae and ly diverse pesticides with the human MDR1 gene prod-
other developmental stages can be used as sys- uct P-glycoprotein. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology
tems to determine mechanisms for ecotoxicity of 141: 288–298.
these compounds. Bellas, J., Beiras, R., Mariño-Balsa, J.C., and Fernández, N.
2. ABC transporters, as a component of the “chemi- 2005. Toxicity of organic compounds to marine inver-
tebrate embryos and larvae: a comparison between the
cal defensome,” are responsible for the MXR
sea urchin embryogenesis bioassay and alternative test
phenotype and act as first line of defense against
species. Ecotoxicology 14: 337–353.
both natural and anthropogenic toxicants. They Biedler, J.L. and Riehm, H. 1970. Cellular resistance to
are present in sea urchin gametes, embryos, and actinomycin D in Chinese hamster cells in vitro: cross-
the pluteus. Apart from their protective role resistance, radioautographic, and cytogenetic studies.
against xenobiotics, they are involved in the Cancer Research 30: 1174–1184.
transport of endogenous signaling molecules Carballeira, C., Ramos-Gómez, J., Martín-Díaz, L.,
that regulate embryonic development and sev- and Delvall­ s, T.A. 2012. Identification of specific
eral cellular processes. malformation­s of sea urchin larvae for toxicity assess-
ment: application to marine pisciculture effluents.
3. Several studies have investigated the effects of
Marin­e Environmental Research 77: 12–22.
exposure to toxic compounds on the expression
Chapman, G., Denton, D., and Lazorchak, J. 1995. Short-
and activity of ABC transporters in marine in- term methods for estimating the chronic toxicity of ef-
vertebrates, including embryos and larvae. The fluents and receiving waters to west coast marine and
up-regulation of several genes encoding for ef- estuarine organisms. U.S. Environmental Protection
flux pumps has been shown to confer resistance Agency, Washington, DC, EPA/600/R-95/136 (NTIS
against toxic chemicals. PB96261665).
4. The identification of substrates or inhibitors Danø, K. 1973. Active outward transport of daunomycin
among toxic compounds, as well as properties in resistant Ehrlich ascites tumor cells. Biochimica et Bio-
physica Acta 323: 466–483.
of the efflux transporters in terms of tissue dis-
De Araújo Leite, J.C., De Vasconcelos, R.B., Da Silva, S.G.,
tribution, regulation, and physiological function, Siqueira-Junior, J.P. et  al.  2014. ATP-binding cassette
represents the main target of research on ABC transporters protect sea urchin gametes and embryonic
transporters in ecotoxicology. A concern that has cells against the harmful effects of ultraviolet light. Mo-
emerged is the circumvention of the MXR phe- lecular Reproduction and Development 81: 66–83.
notype in realistic exposure scenarios where a De Souza, M.Q.V., Barros, T.V., Torrezan, E., Cavalcanti,
mixture of toxic compounds is present. A.L.D.M. et  al.  2010. Characterization of functional
5. The involvement of ABC transporters in larval activity of ABCB1 and ABCC1 proteins in eggs and
embryonic cells of the sea urchin Echinometra lucunter.
lethality and the reversal of the MXR pheno-
Bioscienc­e Reports 30: 257–265.
type have not been properly addressed to date.
Della Torre, C., Bergami, E., Salvati, A., Faleri, C. et al. 2014a.
Further studies are thus recommended that link Accumulation and embryotoxicity of polystyrene
286   E v o l u t i o n a ry E c o l o g y o f M a r i n e I n v e rt e b r at e L a r va e

nanoparticles at early stage of development of sea urchin Hyde, S.C., Emsley, P., Hartshorn, M.J., and Mimmack,
embryos Paracentrotus lividus. Environmental Science and M.M. et al. 1990. Structural model of ATP-binding pro-
Technology 48: 12302–12311. teins associated with cystic fibrosis, multidrug resist-
Della Torre, C., Bocci, E., Focardi, S.E., Corsi, I. 2014b. Dif- ance and bacterial transport. Nature 346: 362–365.
ferential ABCB and ABCC gene expression and efflux Ivanina, A.V. and Sokolova, I.M. 2008. Effects of cadmium
activities in gills and hemocytes of Mytilus galloprovin- exposure on expression and activity of P-glycoprotein
cialis and their involvement in cadmium response. Ma- in eastern oysters, Crassostrea virginica Gmelin. Aquatic
rine Environmental Research 93: 56–63. Toxicology 88: 19–28.
Environment Canada 2011. Biological test method: fer- Jeong, C.B., Kim, H.S., Kang, H.M., and Lee, J.S. 2017.
tilization assay using echinoids (sea urchins and sand ATP-binding cassette (ABC) proteins in aquatic inver-
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Ch a pt er 19

An -Omics Perspective on Marine

Invertebrate Larvae
Elizabeth A. Williams and Tyler J. Carrier

19.1 Introduction The translation from genotype to phenotype is a

complex process that integrates sets of external (en-
As larval biologists, we strive to understand how vironmental) signals with larval physiology and the
evolution and ecology shape larval development, regulation of gene expression during development.
morphology, behavior, and physiology. Larvae are Genotype is not related to phenotype in a direct
particularly fascinating subjects for studying evolu- one-to-one ratio, rather, it is possible for one geno-
tionary pressures and environmental interactions, type to generate multiple phenotypes, depending
primarily because this life stage of marine inverte- on environmental stimuli (see McAlister and Miner,
brate is under strong selective pressures (Thorson, this volume), and conversely, multiple genotypes
1950; Pedersen et al., 2008), and larvae must inter- can generate the same phenotype (genetic canaliza-
act closely with their environment to successfully tion; see Flatt, 2005).
complete development and ultimately transition In recent years, larval biologists have turned to
into juveniles (see Hodin et  al., this volume). Sev- molecular biological techniques, such as qRT-PCR,
eral pioneers of larval biology, including Gunnar subtractive screens of cDNA libraries, and in situ
Thorson, Fu-Shiang Chia, and Richard Strathmann, hybridization, to explore the molecular mecha-
were integral in emphasizing the importance of the nisms underlying larval phenotypes. These ap-
environment on larval evolution. Using a suite of proaches have allowed for the identification of key
techniques spanning microscopy and high-speed genes involved in the regulation of larval develop-
video combined with morphological descriptions, ment and metamorphosis. For example, the Manx
behavior, and physiology, as well as records of bi- gene is responsible for generating the brain sensory
otic and abiotic environmental parameters, they organ, notochord, and tail in tailed (urodele) ascid-
provided fundamental insights into how the envi- ian larvae (Swalla and Jeffery, 1996); morphoge-
ronment influences development, life history mode, netic and anticipatory developmental pathways in
metamorphic induction, and adult reproductive abalone metamorphosis (Degnan and Morse, 1995);
biology (Thorson, 1950; Strathmann, 1987; Chia, and ß-catenin, a key regulator of animal-vegetal axis
1989). What these and other seminal researchers patterning in embryos of the sea urchin Lytechinus
were unable to address, however, are the molecular variegatus (Wikramanayake et al., 1998). Molecular
mechanisms underlying the translation of environ- approaches have also facilitated the identification of
mental pressures into the evolution of phenotypic potential molecular mechanisms underlying larval-
traits (Figure 19.1). juvenile carryover effects (Williams and Degnan,
With the advent of molecular biology, the 2009; Pechenik, this volume). While we are now
field began defining the mechanisms mediating developing a better understanding of the molecu-
the interaction between the environment, larval lar mechanisms underlying larval development, we
genotype, and the resulting larval phenotype(s). can also begin to address how these mechanisms

Williams, E. A. and Carrier, T. J., An -omics perspective on marine invertebrate larvae. In. Evolutionary Ecology of Marine
Invertebrate Larvae. Edited by Tyler J. Carrier, Adam M. Reitzel, and Andreas Heyland: Oxford University Press (2018).
© Oxford University Press. DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780198786962.003.0019
A n - o m i c s P e r s pect i v e    289



environment developmental
external) gene expression






Figure 19.1  -Omics approaches to the larval genotype-phenotype map. Genotype does not directly translate to phenotype; the process is influenced by
developmental gene expression and both internal and external environmental factors. External and internal environment can influence gene expression,
and gene expression can influence internal environment. Genomics allows large-scale mapping of genotype, while transcriptomics and peptidomics can
be used to explore developmental gene expression, as well as the effects of environmental changes on gene and peptide expression. Metabolomics
and microbiomics can be used to investigate the internal larval environment by large-scale measurements of metabolites and microbiota, respectively.
Connectomics can be used to explore the larval nervous system, which is responsible for sensing the external environment and generating initial
behavioral responses to the environment. Connectomics may also be considered a way to investigate larval phenotype, specifically, nervous system
connectivity. Phenomics can be used for large-scale mapping of larval phenotype, including behavioral and morphological parameters.

interact with internal and external environmental an organism or across several groups of organisms.
changes to bring about the evolution of phenotypes. These -omics approaches can facilitate larval biolo-
The nature of these investigations requires integra- gists to study the interaction of genotype and en-
tive studies in which data on larval genotype, mo- vironment to generate unique larval phenotypes,
lecular expression, physiology, and phenotype can ultimately providing a complementary platform for
be combined with environmental monitoring in a advancing our understanding of larval evolution-
systems-level approach. ary ecology (Figure  19.1). The main fields of -om-
Numerous technical advances in DNA sequenc- ics are described in Box 19.1. The level of biological
ing, computational analyses, and microscopy have organization and type of biological variation that
allowed for faster and larger-scale assaying of can currently be measured in marine invertebrate
molecules. These high-throughput approaches are larvae varies with each technique (Table 19.1).
collectively known as “-omics,” and they enable Applying -omics techniques to larval ecology
a transition from studying single or small groups and evolution has the potential to provide fruit-
of genes, proteins, or metabolites to simultane- ful insights into many aspects of the field that are
ously profiling all molecules within a single larva highlighted in this edited volume; namely, larval
or group of larvae. Similarly, -omics studies with a development and life history transitions (Collin
morphological and/or behavioral focus enable si- and Moran, this volume), larval-microbe symbioses
multaneous profiling of multiple phenotypes within (see later), coping with environmental variation
290   E v o l u t i o n a ry E c o l o g y o f Ma r i n e I n v e rte b r ate La r vae

Box 19.1  Types of -omics approaches.

Genomics—Study of the genome (entire DNA comple- Metabolomics—Study of the entire complement of me-
ment) of an organism (Del Giacco and Cattaneo, 2012). tabolites produced by an organism, cell, tissue, or organ,
Subfields of genomics include metagenomics, the study of including endogenous (amino acids, organic acids, fatty ac-
genetic material from organisms collected from environ- ids, amines, sugars, vitamins, co-factors, pigments, antibiot-
mental samples (Riesenfeld et  al., 2004), microbiomics, ics) and endogenous (drugs, environmental contaminants,
the study of the genomes of the microbial communities food additives, toxins, xenobiotics) metabolites (Kell, 2004).
inhabiting the living tissue of metazoans (Rosenberg and A subfield of metabolomics is lipidomics, study of the lipid
Zilber-Rosenberg, 2011), and epigenomics, the study of complement in a cell, tissue, or organism (Shevchenko and
genome-wide epigenetic modifications to an organism’s Simons, 2010).
DNA (Biemont, 2010). Connectomics—Reconstruction of the synaptic connec-
Transcriptomics—Detection and quantification of all tions between the neurons of an animal’s nervous system,
expressed transcripts within a cell, tissue or organism, in- to generate neuronal circuits underlying different behaviors
cluding mRNAs, non-coding RNAs, and small RNAs (Wang (Helmstaedter, 2013).
et al., 2009). Phenomics—Large-scale measurements of the physical
Peptidomics—Study of the peptide complement produced and biochemical traits of organisms in response to genetic
by an organism or system (Ivanov and Yatskin, 2005). and/or environmental change (Houle et al., 2010).

Table 19.1  Examples of -omics Approaches That Can Be Used to Study Marine Invertebrate Larvae, the Minimal Level of Biological Organization at
Which They Can Currently Be Performed, and the Related Molecular Biology Methods Used for Generating Data.

Field of study Minimal level of biological Related techniques


Genomics Single cell DNA sequencing: Sanger/shotgun sequencing, which is rapidly being replaced by next-
generation sequencing (Illumina Solexa-HiSeq, MiSeq) and assembly from short reads
Metagenomics Single organism DNA sequencing, as above
Microbiomics Single organism DNA sequencing, as above
Epigenomics Pooled larval samples Chromatin immunoprecipitation-DNA microarray (ChIP-chip), chromatin
immunoprecipitation-next-generation DNA sequencing (ChIP-Seq)
Transcriptomics Single cell Microarray, quantitative real-time PCR, next-generation sequencing (RNAseq)
Peptidomics Pooled larval samples 1- or 2-dimensional sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (1D/2D
SDS-PAGE), high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), mass spectrometry,
peptide sequencing, enzyme-linked immunoabsorbent assay (ELISA), mass spectrometric
immunoassay (MSIA)
Lipidomics Pooled larval samples Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), mass spectrometry, electrospray ionization (ESI), matrix-
assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI)
Metabolomics Pooled larval samples Separation: gas chromatography (GC), liquid chromatography (LC), HPLC, capillary
electrophoresis (CE). Ionization: electron ionization (EI), chemical ionization (CI), electrospray
ionization (ESI). Detection: mass spectrometry (MS), nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)
Connectomics Single cell Transmission electron micrography (TEM), image analysis
Phenomics Single cell to single larva, Various imaging techniques, imaging analysis
depending on phenotypic trait

Note. Further description of methods can be found in Online Resource 1: Description of Techniques for the Acquirement of -omics Data.
A n - o m i c s P e r s pect i v e    291

(Byrne et al., this volume), and physiology of feed- and molluscs as well as insects and amphibians.
ing, growth, and nutrition (Pernet, this volume; Specifically, transcripts related to stress response,
McAliste­r and Miner, this volume; Jaeckle, this vol- immunity, and apoptosis, as well as signaling medi-
ume). In this chapter, we aim to highlight the role ated by hormones and nitric oxide, were found to
of -omics in our understanding of the following: (1) be associated with metamorphosis in all phyla in-
larval development and life cycle evolution; (2) how vestigated (Heyland and Moroz, 2006). Microarrays
larvae cope with environmental variation; (3) inter- and subtractive hybridization were subsequently
actions between larvae and their symbiotic microbi- replaced with transcriptomics and peptidomics as
ota; (4) larval physiology and feeding; and (5) larval well as mass spectrometry in order to provide a
behavior. We also discuss current potential biases more comprehensive assessment of genes and pep-
and limitations of -omics approaches and provide tides with putative roles in development (Nomura
suggestions for future research directions.  -omics et al., 2009; Huan et al., 2012; Brekhman et al., 2015;
studies can serve as tools for the generation of novel Huan et  al., 2015). For example, broad-spectrum
hypotheses on gene function, however, it is impor- transcriptional profiling (i.e., mRNA sequencing)
tant that functional analyses are also carried out to that spans developmental stages enabled Levin
holistically test these hypotheses. Designing -omics et al. (2016) to conduct metazoan-wide comparisons
studies in a way that captures the extent of natural of developmentally important genes.
variation within larval individuals and populations Transcriptomic approaches, when complemente­d
is also crucial to improving our understanding of by experimental and molecular manipulations,
microevolutionary processes at the molecular level. provide a more comprehensive insights into the
With organismal-level profiling, -omics approaches molecular mechanisms of larval development
can provide us with the capacity to study the in- than when employed alone. For example, larvae
teraction of genetic and environmental factors in of the polychaete Hydroides elegans are induced to
shaping the genotype-phenotype map in a holistic settle and undergo metamorphosis by the bacte-
manner (Figure 19.1). rium Pseudoalteromonas luteoviolacea. By combining
genomics and transcriptomics with pharmacologi-
cal treatments and genetic manipulation of the bac-
19.2  Role of -Omics Approaches terial inductive cue, Shikuma et al. (2016) were able
in Deciphering Molecular Mechanisms to locate regions of the P. luteoviolacea genome and
of Larval Development and Life History the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) sign-
Evolution aling pathways in H. elegans responsible for the de-
velopmental transition. More specifically, H. elegans
To study the influence that the environment has larvae are induced to settle and metamorphose by
on the genome, requires an understanding of the P. luteoviolacea-produced phage tail-like metamor-
gene expression pathways regulating larval de- phosis-associated contractile structures (MACs)
velopment. This understanding, in turn, provides (Shikuma et  al., 2014). Moreover, by generating
a substrate to outline the genetic mechanisms un- mutant P. luteoviolacea missing an ~8.2 kb region of
derlying development processes, and we can then the genome, Shikuma et al. (2016) showed that this
begin comparing these between species to look genomic region was important for the morphologi-
at how developmental programs have changed cal changes of metamorphosis, but not for inducing
over evolutionary time. The ongoing application settlement behavior, as larvae exposed to the mu-
of transcriptomic-scale approaches to study gene tant bacteria undergo settlement, but not metamor-
expression patterns across developmental stages phosis. Larvae induced by bacteria missing part of
of diverse organisms was initially by use of mi- the genome responsible for structural properties of
croarray and subtractive hybridization methods. MACs undergo neither settlement nor metamor-
For example, these techniques allowed Heyland phosis, suggesting that the physical properties of
and Moroz (2006) to summarize common signal- MACs are important for initiating the behavioral re-
ing mechanisms of metamorphosis in ascidians sponse. Like most transcriptome studies comparing
292   E v o l u t i o n a ry E c o l o g y o f Ma r i n e I n v e rte b r ate La r vae

large-scale gene expression between different larval In addition to a detailed and broad phylogenomic
developmental stages, this study identified several profile in echinoderms, comparative transcriptom-
candidate genes likely to play a role in the regulation ics can also be used to identify key mechanistic
of metamorphosis, including genes with putative differences between sister taxa with different life
functions in tissue remodeling, innate immunity, history strategies. In a study by Israel et al. (2016),
and MAPK signaling. Pharmacological treatments mRNA-seq was used to profile the developmental
of larvae with MAPK pathway inhibitors showed transcriptome of the sea urchins Heliocidaris tuber-
that this signaling pathway is important for regu- culata, a species with planktotrophic larvae, and
lating morphological changes after the induction of H. erythrogramma, a species with lecithotrophic lar-
metamorphosis. Ideally, the function of candidate vae, as well as Lytechinus variegatus, an outgroup
genes identified by transcriptomic studies of devel- with planktotrophic larvae. In doing so, they
opment could be confirmed by functional analysis showed that the gene regulatory network (GRN)
using gene knockdown or knockout. The applica- between life history strategies was significantly
tion of functional analyses in -omics experiments is rewired between sister species, despite having di-
discussed further below. verged a comparatively short five million years ago.
Due to accessibility of embryos and diversity of GRN rewiring was more severe in the transition
developmental modes, one marine invertebrate from planktotrophy (for H. tuberculata) to lecitho-
phylum that has been a focus of larval develop- trophy (H. erythrogramma) than between distantly
mental and life history evolution studies is the related planktotrophs (H. tuberculata vs. L. variega-
echinoderms. Prior to -omics approaches, molecu- tus). This differential magnitude of GRN rewiring
lar phylogenetics enabled researchers to broadly indicates that a combination of subtle shifts in gene
survey this taxonomic clade to locate gains, losses, expression patterns and loss of gene expression for
and transitions in developmental mode. This was several genes that continue to be expressed in the
done primarily through sequencing of the mito- development of both planktotrophic species was at
chondrial 16S ribosomal RNA and cytochrome least in part a driver of this major life history transi-
c oxidase subunit I genes, and was coupled with tion (Israe­l et al., 2016).
larval type (planktotrophy, lecithotrophy, direct The comparative transcriptomic approach taken
developer) as a character state (e.g., Hart et  al., by Israel et  al. (2016) permits simultaneous detec-
2004). This approach hypothesizes where and tion of changes in gene expression from several
when clades gained or lost a given larval type, as different functional categories. For example, plank-
well as infers the ancestral larval state. Advances totrophic and lecithotrophic echinoderm larvae
in sequencing technologies in the last decade have display differential expression of genes with puta-
enabled far broader phylogenetic approaches, with tive roles in skeletogenesis, and gastrointestinal
greater sample sizes in terms of species number, to and neural pathways, suggesting genes and path-
investigate these questions. These data are collected ways that were likely to have been selected for or
in online databases where they can be freely ac- against during this transition (Israel et  al., 2016).
cessed by the research community for use in a wide These changes in gene expression account at least
variety of comparative studies, including phylo- in part for the distinctive morphological differences
genetics. A recent example is the web-based appli- between planktotrophic and lecithotrophic larval
cation Echino­ DB, which collates next-generatio­ n skeleton, gut, and nervous system. Comparative
transcriptome data from an initial count of 42 transcriptomics can be broadly applied to other
specimens from 24 orders and 37 families for phylo- interesting systems of life history evolution found
genetic analysis (; Janies among marine invertebrates, which may enable us
et al., 2016). Using this and other publicly available to detect the underlying molecular mechanisms of
databases, it is feasible that a complete mapping of developmental transitions. Examples include po-
larval type to echinoderm molecular phylogeny, ecilogony, where planktotrophic and lecithotrophic
building on the efforts of Hart et al. (2004), can be larvae are produced within a single species (Chia
completed within a reasonable time frame. et al., 1996), or comparisons between facultative and
A n - o m i c s P e r s pect i v e    293

obligate planktotrophs (e.g., the echinoid Clypeaste­r the combination of transcriptomics and/or peptid-
spp., Emlet, 1986). Marine invertebrate larvae also omics with genomics, metabolomics, or phenomics.
offer the exciting possibilities of studying hybrid An example of combining different -omics ap-
larvae, such as those produced by crosses between proaches for understanding how larvae cope with
planktotrophic and lecithotrophic echinoderms environmental stress can be seen in an investigation
(Raff et  al., 1999) and tailed and tail-less ascidian of the effects of increased temperature on sea urchin
larvae (Swalla and Jeffery, 1996). larvae. Runcie et al. (2012) used mRNA-seq to com-
pare global gene expression differences in larvae of
the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus reared
19.3  -Omics Approaches for Measuring at 12 °C, 15 °C, or 18 °C. Larvae reared at higher
Larval Response to Environmental temperatures up-regulated expression of stress
Change and Challenges response genes, such as Hsp70 and Hsp90, and
showed changes in expression of genes with puta-
While changes in genotype and gene expression tive function in protein folding, RNA processing,
undoubtedly play a role in determining larval phe- and development. Morphological analyses showed
notype, the influence of environmental cues on that larvae at 18 °C were significantly shorter along
phenotype cannot be ignored. The environment the animal-vegetal axis. However, even at higher
can and does impact expression levels of genes, temperatures, larvae still successfully completed
proteins, and metabolites, each of which can lead gastrulation. By analyzing transcriptomic profiles
to downstream changes in larval morphology, in the context of the well-resolved sea urchin GRN,
physiology, and behavior. Initial transcriptomic and this study found that the ectoderm/endomesoderm
peptidomic investigations into the effects of envi- specification GRN acts as a buffer for suppressing
ronmental change on larvae have been prompted the effects of increased temperature on larval de-
by concerns over the ability of larvae to cope with velopment (Runcie et  al., 2012). That is, the tem-
predicted climate change scenarios (e.g., increased perature responses of upstream regulatory genes
temperature and/or decreased pH; see Byrne et al., did not systematically lead to similar responses in
this volume). At both levels of investigation, a com- their corresponding downstream genes. Thus, by
mon theme is the up-regulation of transcripts and combining genomic and transcriptomic elements,
peptides involved in stress response, metabolism, Runcie et al. (2012) could begin to reveal a molecu-
and calcification (Meyer et  al., 2011; Runcie et  al., lar mechanism through which larvae can at least
2012; Evans et al., 2013; Padilla-Gamiño et al., 2013; partially maintain their developmental phenotype.
Chandramouli et  al., 2015; Harney et  al., 2016). One means to translate the influence of the en-
Moreover, studies using global molecular profiling vironment on larval phenotypes is phenomics,
tend to use either transcriptomics or peptidomics, as this rising branch of -omics may aid in linking
but rarely both. For example, transcriptome studies genotype and phenotype (Houle et al., 2010). Video
of environmental effects on larval gene expression tracking can provide high-throughput analyses of
have mainly been carried out in anthozoans and larval behavior, while 2D, 3D, and 4D (Hejnol and
echinoids, while peptidomic studies have focused Schnabel, 2006) imaging can be used for morpho-
mainly on bivalves, polychaetes, and barnacles. logical analyses. An example of integrating -omics
Transcriptomic and peptidomic studies alone can approaches with the measurement of environmen-
indicate genes and peptides that alter their expres- tal parameters is already being set by the Tara ex-
sion under changing environmental conditions, and pedition. From 2009 to 2013, Tara Oceans launched
thereby give an understanding of which molecular a study of the global ocean ecosystem to sample
pathways and specific tissue types or organ systems the plankton of the world’s oceans. Both genomics
within larvae are primarily affected and linked or and transcriptomics, in the form of Illumina next-
co-regulated at a molecular level. However, an even generation sequencing, were applied to plankton
more informative approach to understanding the samples, in combination with oceanographic meas-
effects of the environment on larvae can be found in urements (e.g., temperature, salinity, nutrients) and
294   E v o l u t i o n a ry E c o l o g y o f Ma r i n e I n v e rte b r ate La r vae

visual monitoring of plankton (Sunagaw­ a et  al., invertebrate larvae ranges from the symbiotic mi-
2015). High-throughput imaging tools, including crobiome to the induction of metamorphosis by
flow cytometry, microscopy, FlowCam, and ZooS- microbial biofilm complexes (see Hodin et al., this
can, were used to characterize the morphology of volume). A majority of the literature regarding
marine invertebrate larvae (Karsenti et  al., 2011). larval-microbe interactions focuses on the latter,
ZooScan allows automated measurements of zoo- while the former remains little explored. This comes
plankton size, abundance, and mass (Gorsky et al., as no surprise, because only recently has the im-
2010). FlowCam (Fluid Imaging Technologies Inc.), portance of symbiotic microbiota been recognized
on the other hand, allows automated analysis of the (­Zilber-Rosenberg and Rosenberg, 2008; Rosenberg
size and shape of planktonic organisms in seawa- et  al., 2009; Gilbert et  al., 2012; Bordenstein and
ter. High-throughput imaging technologies such as Theis, 2015; Gilbert et al., 2015), a trend mediated by
these provide the possibility for researchers to de- recent advancements in next-generation sequencing
velop large-scale phenomic datasets to complement technologies (e.g., MiSeq and 454-pyrosequencing)
genomic, transcriptomic, or peptidomic analyses and computational techniques (e.g., QIIME and
and relate genotype to phenotype in population mothur). These components have enabled the mi-
studies, improving our understanding of microevo- crobial consortiums associated with marine inver-
lutionary processes. tebrate larvae to be characterized and quantified,
Comparing sequencing data from eight oceanic providing a substrate to determine their potential
provinces at 67 stations in the Tara Oceans project role in larval biology. Here, we briefly discuss how
to measure organism abundance and biodiversity, a dynamic hologenome provides a buffer against
Lima-Mendez et al. (2015) were able to construct an environmental stressors, and the role these symbi-
interactome among photic zone plankton groups, in- onts may play in larval evolution.
cluding viruses, prokaryotes, and eukaryotes. In do- While in the plankton, marine invertebrate lar-
ing so, they indicated that temperature and dissolved vae experience acute (e.g., entering a warm-water
oxygen were the strongest correlates of community mass) and chronic (e.g., ocean warming) periods of
composition in the surface layer (Lima-Mendez temperature-induced physiological stress (Byrne
et  al., 2015). A photosymbiotic interaction between et al., this volume). A highly conserved and broadly
an acoel flatworm (Symsagittifera sp.) and a green recognized mechanism used by larvae to cope with
microalga (Tetraselmis sp.) could also be predicted by temperature stress is the expression of heat-shock
the interactome, which was confirmed by confocal proteins. Larvae, however, also expel or down-
microscopy (Lima-Mendez et al., 2015). This study is regulate (by decreasing abundance) less advanta-
a further example of the usefulness of combing phe- geous associated microbes while either horizontally
notypic measurements from imaging studies with acquiring (Figure  19.2) or up-regulating other mi-
genomic data in order to discover new biological crobial taxa. For instance, following temperature
phenomena. Analysis of marine invertebrate larval stress (from present, 28 °C, to future, 34 °C), larvae
samples from the Tara expeditions may also be used of the sponge Rhopaloeides odorabile expel Nitros-
in furthering our understanding of environmental pira, Chloroflexi, and Roseobacter bacterial lineages
effects on marine invertebrate larvae as holobionts. and are primarily replaced with γ-proteobacteria
(Webster et  al., 2011). In the face of ocean warm-
19.4  Marine Invertebrate Larvae ing, chronic temperature stress will be common for
and Their Microbiome planktonic larvae. Given that the composition of
associated microbiota adapts faster than the host
Symbioses with microbes span Metazoa, are critical genome, over the course of a few generations it is
components in the potential for animals—­including suspected that larvae could inherit microbes (i.e.,
their early stages (i.e., embryos and larvae)—to ac- acquire as obligate symbionts) to cope with climate-
climate and adapt, and are evolutionary agents related temperature stress (Figure  19.2). This type
(Gilbert et al., 2015). The role of bacteria and other of hologenomic plasticity may be applied more
microbes in the evolutionary ecology of marine broadly to other abiotic or biotic stressors that
A n - o m i c s P e r s pect i v e    295

(A) Neutral
Horizontially transmitted
Vertically transmitted
Novel environmental symbiont
Novel vertically transmitted
Novel horizontally transmitted

Epithelial Microbiome Gut Microbiome

Environmental Metagenome

(B) Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3

Pre-Environmental Stress Post-Stress (Acute) Post-Stress (Chronic)

Figure 19.2 Larvae are holobionts. Marine invertebrate larvae are classically viewed as “biological individuals” consisting of a eukaryotic genome.
Recent research suggests a symbiotic way of life, where all eukaryotics form intricate partnerships with a diverse community of prokaryotic microbes,
including bacteria, viruses, and Archaea. Moreover, current theory proposes that hosts co-evolve with these symbiotic microbiota and that this
consortium functions together as a unit of natural selection, with variation in that community being derived from environmental as well as genomic
influences. These symbionts are an extension of the host genome (together termed the “hologenome”) and remain distinct from the environmental
metagenome; in that, the host’s microbiome is of microbes that are commonly <0.1% of the environmental metagenome (termed “rare biosphere”).
(A) For most animals, there are two sub-communities among the larval microbiome: the epithelial microbiome lining the larval-seawater interface, and
the gut microbiome that colonizes the digestive track of the larva. The microbes within these communities come in several “flavors”: neutral (dark
and light gray and white), those that appears to provide to functional advantage; vertically transmitted, those maternally or paternally inherited; and
horizontally transmitted, those acquired from the environment. (B) The composition of the hologenome is highly dynamic in the face of environmental
stressors. Whether by stochastic association or selection by the larval host, novel microbes apart from the environmental metagenome may join the
hologenome in response to an abiotic or biotic stressor. If this association provides an advantage to the holobiont, maintaining a partnership is selected
for, and the degree to which the symbionts are required by the host subsequently determines, in part, whether an obligate (commonly horizontally
transmission) or facultative (commonly vertical transmission) partnership is established. (see Plate 15)

larvae commonly face, including but not limited characterized the microbiome associated with those
to diet (i.e., shifts in phytoplankton communities; larvae and that of the corresponding seawater. There
see Pernet, this volume), the physical ocean (Pineda are, as with studies of other systems, marked differ-
and Reyns, this volume), and toxicants (Corsi and ences between the asteroid larval microbiota and
Marques-Santos, this volume). that of the seawater, suggesting that these larvae
A common concern of microbiome-centric stud- recruit specific microbes. Further support for this
ies, including those of marine invertebrate larvae, claim is that the most abundant bacteria associated
is whether this consortium is symbiotic and spe- with the larval hologenome were detected at very
cific to the host. An example supporting a larval- low levels in the seawater; thus, larvae were not
selected microbiome is Galac et  al. (2016), who colonized by the most abundant bacterial types;
identified teleplanic asteroid larvae from the west- instead, they specifically select for microbial taxa.
ern North ­Atlantic, and, using 454-pyrosequencing, A similar pattern is observed between species of
296   E v o l u t i o n a ry E c o l o g y o f Ma r i n e I n v e rte b r ate La r vae

larvae, where, for example, the microbiome of As mentioned, 16s metagenomics is the primary
­Mithrodia clavigera and other Oreasterideans har- tool for assaying microbial communities, and the
bor distinct microbial taxa (Galac et al., 2016). This power and value of this technique goes without
suggests that the microbial community is species- question; however, there are biases. There are often
specific, implying a co-­evolutionary relationship be- three steps (DNA isolation, PCR amplification and
tween host and community. Examples such as these sequencing, and taxonomic classification) from tis-
are sparse in the larval literature, primarily because sue sample to publication-ready figures, and each
the microbiome of invertebrate larvae has only de- is accompanied with their respective biases. For
veloped in recent years. Therefore, this branch of the DNA isolation, the kit used directly relates to the
field is at a critical stage and is encouraged to avoid extent of extractable genomic material; PCR am-
a shotgun approach when deciphering the role of plification and sequencing are most influenced by
microbes in larval evolutionary ecology, but instead the polymerase and sequencing platform, respec-
should ­default to hypothesis-driven investigations. tively; and taxonomic classification is most affected
Later we attempt to connect this rising branch of lar- by the analysis platform and corresponding refer-
val evolutionary ecology to sections of this volume. ence database (Brooks et  al., 2015). Nevertheless,
Crosstalk between host and symbionts is essential to elucidate key questions, both old and new, in
for the development of key morphological features larval evolutionary ecology it remains paramount
(e.g., the light organ of Euprymna spp.). Pernet (this to complement current primary research endeavors
volume) and many before describe and link feeding with 16s metagenomics to holistically study larval
mechanisms with larval morphology. In the diver- holobionts.
gence and convergence of larval form and function
of key morphological features, may novel acquisi-
tion or loss of microbial taxa have mediated these 19.5  -Omics Approaches to Further
transitions? Microbes also play a large role in game- Understanding of Larval Physiology:
togenesis (e.g., Wolbachia for many terrestrial arthro- Growth, Feeding, and Nutrition
pods). Marshall et al. (this volume) as well as Collin
and Moran (this volume) both discuss components In terms of generating phenotype from genotype,
of paternal investment and life history transitions, larval physiology links the internal and external
respectively. Using an extant clade along this life his- environments—primarily through the ingestion
tory continuum, are there smooth or marked tran- and digestion of nutrients—that influence larval
sitions in the microbial consortiums of these larval growth, as well as developmental gene expression
types and, if so, may a particular microbe be linked to alter phenotype (see earlier). Larvae may also ex-
to gameteogenesis and investment strategy? Such hibit physiological responses, whether metabolic or
marked or smooth transitioning may also be evident otherwise, when stressed by environmental varia-
in the context of larvae coping with environmental bles (e.g., temperature and food availability), which
extremes. More specifically, how can members of further facilitate changes in growth, metabolism,
the microbiome ameliorate developmental or physi- and feeding during larval development.
ological effects of toxicants (Corsi and Marques- Both transcriptomic and proteomic approaches
Santos, this volume) and buffer the consequences have been employed to study larval physiology. At
of warming and acidification (Byrne et al., this vol- the level of transcriptome, it is possible to predict
ume)? These and related questions remain largely the diet of marine invertebrate larvae during devel-
unexplored and can serve as a platform for a holis- opment and also to assess the effects of nutrition
tic understanding of larval biology when integrated on global developmental gene expression patterns.
with transcriptomics (host expression), proteomics Using mRNA-seq, Wei et al. (2014) revealed diverse
(host function), and metatranscriptomics (microbi- expression patterns of 16 digestive enzymes during
ome function), which may be further complemented the development of the white shrimp Litopenaeus
with techniques for functional manipulations (mor- vannamei, showing that expression of digestive en-
pholinos, RNAi, and CRISPR-Cas9). zymes is directly linked with diet type. This reflects
A n - o m i c s P e r s pect i v e    297

the capacity of L. vannamei larvae with distinct nu- combining -omics with details of environmental
tritional requirements to efficiently exploit diverse parameters and phenomics can enhance our under-
diets (Wei et al., 2014). On the other hand, Carrier standing of marine invertebrate larvae, and how
et  al. (2015) profiled gene expression patterns by larval experience influences juvenile success (see Pe-
mRNA-seq of diet-restricted and well-fed Strongy- chenik, this volume). Future research efforts directed
locentrotus droebachiensis echinopluteus to identify toward larval physiology can benefit from combin-
key pathways used for withstanding starvation. ing measurements of metabolic aspects with large-
In doing so, they showed that diet restriction re- scale analysis of the gene, peptide, and metabolite
presses the expression of genes putatively involved complements of larvae through various -omics-scale
in growth, development, metabolic activity, and technologies for a detailed overview of physiology
stress, while increasing the expression of putative throughout development and under different envi-
lipid transport, environmental sensing, immune de- ronmental conditions.
fense, and genes shown to slow aging in other taxa.
A complement to transcriptomics is lipidom- 19.6  Connectomics: An -Omics Approach
ics, which has been used since the 1980s for the as- to Shed Light on Larval Behavior
sessment of nutritional state in aquaculture species
(e.g., Langdon and Waldock, 1981). Large-scale lipid Larval behavior may be viewed as a phenotype that
and fatty acid profiles of marine larvae show com- is generated through response to both the external
plex patterns of metabolite expression depending and internal environment. Behavior is an output
on developmental stage and diet. A combination of the larval nervous system and changes in gene
of thin-layer chromatography-mass spectrometry expression, as well as larval physiology, can result
(TLC-MS) and gas chromatography-mass spectrom- in behavioral changes. Conversely, changes in be-
etry (GC-MS) in larvae of two sympatric crab species havior can also indirectly affect gene expression.
(Carcinus maenas and Necora puber) detected a total For example, behavioral changes in locomotion
of 98 molecular species across seven phospholipid may expose the larvae to unfamiliar habitats, with
classes (Rey et al., 2015). The phospholipid comple- new environmental stressors. There have been few
ment becomes more complex throughout develop- analyses of the genes, peptides, or metabolites that
ment, but low interspecific differences indicated that regulate larval behaviors, with the exception of lar-
the two different species of crab incorporate similar val settlement behavior (Hodin et al., this volume).
energetic contents into their eggs (Rey et al., 2015). However, connectomics, an ‘omics approach which
Furthermore, Da Costa et  al. (2015) used GC-MS involves mapping neuronal circuitry based on the
to profile fatty acids in larvae of the Pacific oyster synaptic connections between neurons (Box  19.2),
Crassostrea gigas as a means to differentiate dietary has the power to elucidate larval behavior.
and endogenous sources of fatty acids. They found A connectomics approach has been used to inves-
that on a diet deficient in docosahexaenoic acid (an tigate how the nervous system regulates swimming
omega-3 fatty acid), larvae compensate by convert- behavior of larvae of the polychaete Platynereis
ing precursor molecules from their endogenous li- dumerilii in response to light (Randel et  al., 2014).
pid resources through the up-regulation of a delta-5 By reconstructing the connectome of a three-day-old
fatty acid desaturase enzyme (Da Costa et al., 2015). P. dumerilii larva, researchers explained how a four-
Finally, Bassim et  al. (2015) used both transcrip- eye visual circuit mediates phototactic behavior.
tomics and lipidomics to profile fatty acids in larvae From a transmission electron microscopy dataset
of the blue mussel Mytilus edulis fed a diet deficient in consisting of 1,690 sections, researchers identified
essential fatty acids. In combination with phenotypic 21 photoreceptor cells, 42 interneurons, and eight
measurements, this approach allowed the authors motor neurons that were linked by 1,106 chemical
to show that a diet deficient in essential fatty acids synapses to form an eye circuit (Randel et al., 2014).
(e.g., arachidonic and eicosapentaenoic) mediates By integrating behavioral analyses with eye abla-
elevated mortality, reduced shell growth, and im- tion experiments and connectome analysis, Randel
paired postlarval performance (Bassim et al., 2015). et al. (2014) showed that the eyes compare light in-
This study remains an exceptional example of how tensities at the left and right sides and generate the
298   E v o l u t i o n a ry E c o l o g y o f Ma r i n e I n v e rte b r ate La r vae

Box 19.2  The methods behind connectomics.

Connectomics requires the fixation of an organism, fol- three-dimensional image stack. Axons and neurites of neu-
lowed by sectioning into ultrathin sections, which are rons are then traced through the stack, marking synapses
then scanned with an electron microscope at very high between different cells and labeling pre- and post-synaptic
resolution to reveal the ultrastructural details of cells and cells. This allows the reconstruction of distinct neuronal
their organelles. Scanned images of each section are then circuits that can then be subjected to network analyses to
stitched together, and sections are aligned using image reveal pathways of information flow through the nervous
registration procedures to reconstruct the organism in a system (Figure 19.3).

(A) (B) (G)

larval eyespot PRCar PRCal
adult eye
adult eye photoreceptor cells PRCpr PRCpl

IN1pr IN1pl
INintr INintl
IN1ar IN1al
INdcr INdcl
(C) (D) (E) dorsal
interneurons INvcr INvcl
INtonr INtonl

right left INpror INprol

INsnr INsnl
INvncr INvncl

ventral larval eyespot PRCle-r1r PRCle-r1l PRC


photoreceptor PRCle-r3r
(F) PRCle-r3l
INarcr INarcl
dense core vesicles
mitochondria motorneurons

ciliated celll
ciliated cellr
effectors musclel
epithelia cellsr epithelia cellsl

Figure 19.3 Neuronal circuit reconstruction in the three-day-old Platynereis dumerilii larva. (A) Scanning electron micrograph of a three-day-
old nektochaete larva, dorsal view. (B) Light micrograph of the larval head, showing the dorsal adult eyes and ventral larval eyespots. (C) Larva
immunostained with an antibody raised against acetylated tubulin (white) to mark neuronal scaffold and cilia, ventral view. Gray boxes indicate
sectioning of the larva for connectome reconstruction. (D) Schematic example of tracing of an axon through layers of a transmission electron
micrography (TEM) stack. (E) A single layer of TEM scans stitched together to reconstruct the entire circumference of the larval head, anterior
view. Neural plexus is marked by white dashed line. (F) Close-up high-resolution TEM scan in the neural plexus of the larva. White asterisk and
arrow mark a synaptic connection between two neurons. (G) Connectivity graph of the reconstructed visual and larval eye circuit. Line thickness
represents average synapse number (neurons) or total synapse number (effectors). Nodes represent groups of cell types. (Adapted from Randel
et al. 2014 additional images provided by Réza Shahidi, Jürgen Berger.) (see Plate 16)
A n - o m i c s P e r s pect i v e    299

appropriate muscle contractions that lead to bend- Another recent development in targeted genome
ing of the larval tail, causing the swimming larva editing that can be employed for the functional anal-
to turn either toward or away from a light source, ysis of marine invertebrate genes is CRISPR/Cas9.
thereby mediating spatial vision. Mapping the con- This technique employs an aspect of the bacterial
nectome of the Ciona intestinalis tadpole larvae has immune system that consists of the Cas9 enzyme
clarified the neuronal pathways that are responsible that binds to a guide RNA sequence to generate
for changes in larval swimming (Ryan et al., 2016). double-stranded breaks in virus DNA (Gasiunas
et  al., 2012; Cong et  al., 2013). The guide RNA se-
19.7  A Future Perspective quence can be designed to target specific sites in the
genome of diverse organisms. Errors occurring dur-
As seen from the previous examples, -omics are a ing the repair of the DNA break by the gDNA repair
suite of techniques that can improve our understand- machinery can introduce mutations that lead to the
ing of the molecular and environmental mechanisms knockout of target genes (Cong et al., 2013). In Ciona
at work in the translation of larval genotype to phe- intestinalis larvae, knockout phenotypes generated
notype during development, over evolutionary time, with CRISPR/Cas9 can be efficiently identified in
and in different ecological niches. However, these the F0 generation, negating the need to culture ani-
large-scale approaches alone cannot provide a holis- mals for several generations in the lab to establish a
tic understanding of larval biology. knockout line (Sasaki et al., 2014; Stolfi et al., 2014).
One drawback of -omics approaches is a tendency In addition to genome editing, CRISPR/Cas9 can be
for researchers to generate long lists of genes, pep- used to silence gene expression through the use of a
tides, or metabolites with differential expression Cas9 mutant (dCas9) which binds to DNA but has
between larvae of different species, developmental no endonuclease activity, thus blocking gene tran-
stages, or environments, without functional investi- scription without altering genotype (Perez-Pinera
gation of the newly identified candidates to properly et al., 2013). CRISPR/Cas9 techniques are currently
understand their role in regulating the genotype- being established for a number of marine inverte-
phenotype connection. Until recently, there were brate species that can be kept in the lab (Ikmi et al.,
limited molecular tools available that allowed for 2014; Perry and Henry, 2015; Lin and Su, 2016). The
the investigation of gene function in marine inver- CRISPR/Cas9 system also allows for future possi-
tebrate larvae, but rapid developments in this field bilities of high-throughput screening for functional
now allow for this possibility. For example, RNA genomics, for example, via the generation of large-
interference (RNAi) or morpholino-­mediated gene scale guide RNA libraries delivered via a lentiviral
knockdown have proven to be effective methods for system in combination with rapid screening of sim-
decreasing gene expression in marine invertebrate ple phenotypes (Zhou et al., 2014).
larvae, and can potentially be applied in a large- It is often not feasible to perform genetic manipu-
scale study to investigate the function of several can- lations of larvae in their natural environment; nev-
didate genes. While these methods cause a transient ertheless, studying larvae outside of the lab remains
knockdown of gene expression, morpholinos may an important part of understanding how the envi-
be injected in later-stage larvae to knockdown gene ronment shapes larval gene expression and pheno-
expression later in development (Heyland et  al., type. While large-scale genomic and transcriptomic
2014). Moreover, vivo-morpholinos, which have studies based on natural larval populations may
the capacity to cross cell membranes, may also be be considered descriptive, this kind of data is still
used to knockdown expression by direct addition to important for the generation and testing of hypoth-
the larval culture medium, negating the need for a eses about larval ecology and evolution (Dunn and
time-consuming and technically challenging injec- Munro, 2016). An understanding of how variable
tion procedure (Luo and Su, 2012). Additionally, UV larval genotypes and phenotypes can be in nature
laser-activated photo-morpholinos can be employed is essential to our understanding of the genotype-
to control timing and spatial location of gene expres- phenotype map. With transcriptomic methods, it
sion knockdown (Tallafuss et al., 2012). is now possible to survey gene expression variance
300   E v o l u t i o n a ry E c o l o g y o f Ma r i n e I n v e rte b r ate La r vae

between different individuals and populations of Several marine invertebrates representing multi-
larvae, sourced from different environments. Gene ple phyla have now been developed as lab model
expression studies at the scale of single cells and organisms. With published genomes and larval
larvae in marine invertebrates have already been transcriptome resources, and in most cases, estab-
carried out (Achim et  al., 2015; Levin et  al., 2016); lished methodologies for functional genetic analy-
however, to date, these studies have not focused ses, these organisms provide a platform for the
on investigating natural variation in expression commencement of the aforementioned integrative
between individuals or populations, and tend to -omics studies. Examples of established and up-
report gene expression as means, without indicat- coming marine invertebrate model species include
ing variance. Currently, transcriptomic methods the solitary ascidian Ciona intestinalis, the colonial
provide the best possibility for measuring variation ascidian Phallusia mammilata, the sea urchin Stron-
at the level of single cells or larvae; current peptid- gylocentrotus purpuratus, the starfish Patiria miniata,
omic and metabolomic methods have not yet been the snails Ilyanassa obsoleta and Crepidula fornicata,
used in individual marine invertebrate larvae or the crustacean Parhyale hawaiensis, the polychaete
cells. However, there is the possibility that peptid- Platynereis dumerilii, the anthozoan Nematostella
omics and metabolomics may be applicable in the vectensis, the hydrozoan Clytia hemisphaerica, and
future at least on a single-larva scale, as direct pep- the sponge Amphimedon queenslandica. Functional
tide profiling of single neurons from adult sea hares studies in these model organisms can be used to
Aplysia californica and Pleurobranchaea californica by identify key developmental genes in larvae. The ex-
matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time- pression and presence/absence of these genes can
of-flight mass spectrometry is already being carried then be studied in natural larval populations in or-
out (Garden et al., 1996; Rubakhin et al., 2011). der to understand the contribution of environment
To develop a systems-level understanding of to phenotype. The rise of -omics discussed here
marine invertebrate larvae, a promising approach facilitates studies of natural populations; however,
for the future is the combination of different -om- in cases where it is not possible to source appropri-
ics approaches with each other, classical and novel ate material for transcriptomics, peptidomics, or
molecular biology techniques, functional analyses metabolomics, traditional molecular biology tech-
of developmental genes, and large-scale profiling of niques for studying gene expression, such as qRT-
phenotype and environmental parameters. For ex- PCR and in situ hybridization, could be employed
ample, single-cell transcriptomic analyses in combi- in a high-throughput manner to study natural
nation with cell lineage and spatial gene expression variation in gene expression in larval populations.
studies could be used to map developmental and Although -omics approaches alone will not solve
cell differentiation signaling pathways to specific cell all remaining questions in larval biology, they cer-
lineages. Genome editing can be combined with me- tainly represent a step forward in our study of these
tabolomics and morphological measurements to ex- intriguing and complex organisms.
amine the influence of key developmental genes on
both larval physiology and morphology. Including
transcriptomics in this study would allow the identi- 19.8 Summary
fication of downstream target genes of the knockout
gene. Including monitoring of multiple environmen- 1. Molecular methods have been an important ad-
tal parameters in studies of the microbiome in lar- dition to larval biology, as they enable us to be-
vae sourced from different geographic locations will gin to understand the mechanisms underlying
show the contribution of environment to microbiome the larval genotype-phenotype map. As an ex-
composition. Combining connectomics with spatial tension of this, -omics are large-scale, often high-
mapping of gene expression, single-larva transcrip- throughput approaches that allow simultaneous
tomics, and video behavioral analyses will reveal profiling of all molecules within a cell or organ-
how variation in the molecular signaling of the nerv- ism, phenotypes within a population, or synaptic
ous system generates different larval behaviors. connections within a nervous system.
A n - o m i c s P e r s pect i v e    301

2. In the study of larval development, transcrip- (TEM) and Jürgen Berger (SEM) for providing im-
tomics can be analyzed in conjunction with gene ages for use in Figure 19.3. Lastly, we thank Adam
regulatory networks, or the experimental ma- Reitzel and Andreas Heyland for their collaboration
nipulation of external environmental cues for in the undertaking of this project, for the invitation
developmental transitions, to identify molecular to write this chapter, and for helpful comments on
regulators of development within a species and structuring it.
how these evolve to generate different morpho-
logical phenotypes.
3. Large-scale analyses of larval genomics, tran-
scriptome, peptidome, and metabolome provide Achim, K., Pettit, J.B., Saraiva, L.R., Gavriouchkina, D.
an efficient means of exploring the impact of ex- et al. 2015. High-throughput spatial mapping of single-
ternal environmental factors on larval biochem- cell RNA-seq data to tissue of origin, Nature Biotechnol-
istry. Combined with large-scale phenotypic ogy 33(5): 503–U215.
Bassim, S., Chapman, R.W., Tanguy, A., Moraga, D.
measurements and monitoring of environmen-
et al. 2015. Predicting growth and mortality of bivalve
tal parameters, this approach will allow us to
larvae using gene expression and supervised machine
explore how environment shapes larval pheno- learning. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part D:
type, including behavior and physiology. Genomics and Proteomics 16: 59–72.
4. Marine invertebrate larvae harbor species-­ Biemont, C. 2010. From genotype to phenotype. What do
specific microbiota, including bacteria, archaea, epigenetics and epigenomics tell us?, Heredity 105(1): 1–3.
and viruses, that can influence their physiology Bordenstein, S.R. and Theis, K.R. 2015. Host biology in
and morphology and may provide a means for light of the microbiome: ten principles of holobionts and
adapting to environmental change. Large-scale hologenomes. PLoS Biology 13(8): e1002226.
Brekhman, V., Malik, A., Haas, B., Sher, N. et al. 2015. Tran-
sequencing of genomes and transcriptomes will
scriptome profiling of the dynamic life cycle of the scy-
allow rapid identification of larval microbiota
pohozoan jellyfish Aurelia aurita. BMC Genomics 16: 74.
and their influence on larval gene expression and Brooks, J. P., Edwards, D.J., Harwich, M.D.Jr., Rivera,
phenotype. M.C., Fettweis, J.M., Serrano, M.G., et al. 2015. The truth
5. Connectomics, the study of neuronal connectiv- about metagenomics: quantifying and counteracting
ity, can provide us with a functional understand- bias in 16S rRNA studies. BMC Microbiology 15: 66.
ing of how and why larvae respond to different Byrne, M., Ross, P.M., Dworjanyn, S.A. and Parker,
environmental cues with different behaviors, L. 2017. Larval Ecology in the Face of Changing
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Chandramouli, K.H., Al-Ageel, S., Ryu, T., Zhang, H.
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We would like to thank Sandie Degnan for her Sea. BMC Genomics 16: 1063.
Chandramouli, K.H., Qian, P., and Ravasi, T. 2014. Prot-
thoughtful comments on earlier versions of the
eomics insights: proteins related to larval attachment
manuscript, Csaba Verasztó for his constructive and metamorphosis of marine invertebrates. Frontiers in
comments on later versions, as well as Réza Shahidi Marine Science 1(52): 1–12.
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C h a pt er 20

Section 4 Summary—Larval Ecology

at the Extremes

Much of our understanding of marine invertebrate echinoids in ecotoxicology research, and emphasize
larval ecology, until much of the last two decades, the need to find complementary models to fully cap-
was derived from easily accessible intertidal spe- ture the consequences of aquatic toxicants.
cies. The study of larvae in species from other en- Similar to the technological advances in deep-
vironments, particularly the deep sea, has grown sea biology, a trend has occurred with -omics. In
tremendously in the past decades. In Chapter  16, Chapter  19, Williams and Carrier, discuss how
Craig Young and colleagues discuss the selective next-generation sequencing and other -omics ap-
pressures on deep-sea larvae and how those, in proaches have enabled the field to globally profile
turn, may have directed the observed frequencies responses by larvae (and their associated microbi-
of feeding modes. Further, they hypothesize that ome) to environmental variability and anthropo-
the dispersal strategies by invertebrates in these genic stressors. Moreover, they emphasize how and
specialized habitats is bimodal, with very short dis- why -omics may complement many topics in this
persal or very long larval lives being favored. volume, from evolutionary history to transitions in
While technological advances have allowed the feeding mode to feeding physiology.
field a glimpse of deep-sea larval ecology, intertidal Since the publication of Ecology of Marine Inver-
species have been faced with a multitude of anthro- tebrate Larvae in 1995, the study of larval evolution-
pogenic stressors. In Chapter 17, Maria ­Byrne and col- ary ecology in these extremes has seen tremendous
leagues focus on two: ocean acidification and ocean growth, so much so that none of the chapters in this
warming, along with their interaction. In response section were featured in McEdward (1995). Never-
to ocean warming, benthic marine invertebrates and theless, these disciplines remain in their infancy: the
their larvae are following poleward isotherms, while deep sea and their fauna remain little explored, and
coping with an acidifying ocean is far more complex. the rippling effect of climate change–related and
On the other hand, in Chapter  18, Ilaria Corsi and toxicological stressors on larvae is only beginning.
Luis Marques-Santos assess how toxicants affect -Omics approaches, however, are developing rap-
embryonic and larval functionality with a focus on idly and are now being applied to the larval field.
the ABC transporters of echinoids. They provide a We believe this area will take center stage of larval
history of ABC transporters, discuss the utility of research going forward.

Carrier, T. J., Reitzel, A. M., and Heyland, A., Section 4 Summary—Larval ecology at the extremes. In. Evolutionary
Ecology of Marine Invertebrate Larvae. Edited by Tyler J. Carrier, Adam M. Reitzel, and Andreas Heyland:
Oxford University Press (2018). © Oxford University Press. DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780198786962.003.0020
Ch a pt er 21

Marine Invertebrate Larvae: Model

Life Histories for Development,
Ecology, and Evolution
Alan C. Love and Richard R. Strathmann

21.1 Introduction served as indicators of developmental variability

that were relevant to conceptualizing substantial
The questions raised for the study of marine inver- evolutionary change. “Embryologists are famil-
tebrate larvae have implications for the evolution of iar with many other illustrations of this kind of
development, the life histories of animals, and life development.  .  .  . It shows by easy steps how the
in the sea more generally. These questions began to dramatic metamorphosis of Pilidium into a Nemer-
coalesce in the nineteenth century around two main tine may have arisen” (Garstang, 1928, p. 79–80). A
factors. The first was the discovery of marine larvae. number of these illustrations are captured memora-
Through careful observation, investigators detected bly in Walter Garstang’s playful poetry, such as the
and confirmed that the development of animals ex- plausibility of an evolutionary transition between
hibited stages surprisingly different from the previ- the cyphonautes larva of bryozoans and actinotroch
ously known adults and adult-like juveniles. Famous larva of phoronids (Garstang, 1951, p. 51):
examples include the demonstration that barnacles
The Cyphonautes larva wears a cocked hat for a shell,
were arthropods because of a shared larval form
With involuted sucker and a vestibule as well:
(Thompson, 1830), the characterization of bilateral His mask, a very thin disguise, may be a playful joker’s,
echinoderm larvae by Johannes Müller (summarized But whose the visage underneath if not the Actinotrocha’s?
in Huxley, 1851), and the unexpected chordate af-
finities of tunicates (Kowalevsky, 1867). Subsequent These morphological transformations not only
studies also demonstrated that adults with similar contributed to phylogenetic speculation (Bowler,
morphological features could have radically differ- 1996), but also suggested particular mechanisms
ent larval forms and life histories (e.g., Giard, 1905). of evolutionary change, such as the origin of nov-
The second factor crucial to a coalescing of ques- elties from larval forms via heterochrony, with the
tions around marine invertebrate larvae was the adult morphology being subsequently abandoned:
emergence of various forms of evolutionary think- “Qualitative evolutionary novelties can and do ap-
ing. Although this factor has been well documented pear at all stages of ontogeny, and not solely in the
(e.g., Bowler, 2003), it is important to highlight how adult. . . . A big change in evolution is more likely to
it articulates with the first factor of discovering occur if ancestral youthful characters become those
larval forms. For example, the dramatic metamor- of adult descendants” (de Beer, 1941). Evidence in
phosis in echinoderms from a pelagic larva with support of this mechanistic scenario for marine lar-
bilateral symmetry to a benthic adult with radial vae has not surfaced, but tracking morphological
symmetry provided a visible demonstration of a changes across a life history has provided a fertile
major morphological transformation. Larval forms source for testable evolutionary hypotheses.

Love, A. C. and Strathmann, R. R., Marine invertebrate larvae: model life histories for development, ecology, and evolution.
In. Evolutionary Ecology of Marine Invertebrate Larvae. Edited by Tyler J. Carrier, Adam M. Reitzel, and Andreas Heyland:
Oxford University Press (2018). © Oxford University Press. DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780198786962.003.0021
M o d e l L i f e H i s to r i e s    307

Additionally, interest in the evolutionary ecology to experimentally investigate biological processes

of marine larvae manifested naturally in studies of in great depth, and facilitate a precise dissection
how larval behavior and morphology were adapted of causal relationships (Davis, 2004; Ankeny and
to the environment, and what effects various larval Leonelli, 2011). A basic presumption about model
stages had on the ecology of populations, such as organisms is that they are representative of other
through dispersal and varying survival (Hjort, 1914; organisms with respect to the properties under
Garstang, 1928; Thorson, 1950; reviewed in Young, investigation (e.g., “We study flies and frogs as ex-
1990). Although some evolutionists overemphasized amples for the development of animals in general”;
particular ecological dimensions (“the primary bio- Nüsslein-Volhard, 2006, p.  138). This presumption
logical significance of free-swimming larvae is that has been anchored by the finding that many core
of dispersal”; Mayr, 1963, p. 607), questions about re- genetic and cellular mechanisms are evolutionarily
cruitment, speciation, adaptation, and biogeography conserved (Kirschner and Gerhart, 1998; 2005). This
clearly differed from those about phylogeny, develop- means a model organism (“source”) can represent
ment, and the origins of evolutionary novelty. Over- or exemplify other unstudied species (“targets”).
all, a wide range of diverse but interrelated questions Critics have questioned whether model organ-
arose from a combination of evolutionary thinking isms are good exemplars of other species because
and discoveries that the life histories of marine inver- of inherent biases involved in their selection, such
tebrates displayed sexually immature, mobile, and as rapid development and short generation time
(often) feeding larval stages that differed morpholog- (Bolker, 1995). Preparing model organisms for ex-
ically from corresponding adults and were adapted perimental analysis also involves intentionally mis-
to the special conditions of marine environments. representing mechanisms or phenomena, such as
In the present chapter, our aim is to provide a through standardized temporal stages that ignore
broad conceptual framework for studies of the de- the degree and kinds of variation present (Love,
velopmental and evolutionary ecology of marine 2010). Model organisms are sometimes utilized
invertebrate larvae and illustrate how the contribu- as surrogates to represent one particular genetic
tions to this volume demonstrate both past achieve- mechanism or phenotypic trait; they provide in-
ments and the future fecundity of this research direct experimental access to otherwise inaccessi-
program. Our conceptual framework is anchored in ble phenomena, such as mouse models of human
the idea of model life histories, which is a category psychological disorders (Bolker, 2009). Although
of investigation similar to but distinct from model evolutionary conservation undergirds using model
organisms and model clades. Although it may not organisms as exemplars, a more recent common
appear that marine invertebrate larvae constitute a ancestor can undergird viewing one as a surrogate,
coherent domain of research, we argue precisely the even if it is not a good representative generally.
reverse. Not only is it a coherent domain of research, In addition to criteria of representation, model or-
but it also affords novel investigative pathways una- ganism research is also justified in terms of capaci-
vailable in more standard investigative frameworks, ties for experimental manipulation: “Model species
especially with regard to emerging issues surround- have each been selected because they have some
ing the impact of climate change on the world’s particular experimental advantages” (Slack, 2006,
oceans. As a consequence, there are good reasons to p. 61). These advantages can dominate the rationale
invest and participate in research on the model life for model organism research and trump objections
histories of marine invertebrate larvae. about how well they represent other species. As-
pects of the capacity for manipulation include how
21.2  Model Life Histories easy it is to initiate a regime of experiments (e.g.,
availability, cost, and infrastructural prerequisites)
We live in the age of model organisms. Much of or employ different techniques (e.g., the kinds of
modern biological research is focused on a small manipulation possible and how quickly they can
set of organisms—Caenorhabditis elegans, Drosophila be done). Criteria of representation and manipula-
melanogaster, Danio rerio—that permit researchers bility are both modulated by the types of research
308   E v o l u t i o n ary Ec o l o g y o f M ar i n e I n v e rt e b rat e L ar va e

questions in view, including but not limited to Over time, an evolutionary morphological research
questions about adaptation, cellular mechanisms, platform emerged that combined a variety of mate-
diversity, inheritance and variation, development, rial and conceptual resources organized into stand-
the origins of novelty, classification and phylogeny, ardized routines of investigation (Wake and Larson,
biogeography, coevolution, and speciation. Model 1987). This platform yielded key findings about the
organisms might be well suited for representing evolution of anatomical features (e.g., the tongue
and manipulating phenomena or mechanisms perti- or body size) and associated functional systems
nent to some domains of biological problems rather (e.g., feeding, locomotion), especially in terms of
than others. Marine invertebrate larvae prompt par- the mechanisms contributing to these patterns (e.g.,
ticular kinds of inquiry about the evolution of mor- miniaturization due to changes in developmental
phology, and it is therefore unsurprising that their timing; large cell size resulting from constraints
absence as models from key research trajectories of of genome size) (Wake, 2009). These patterns ap-
mid-twentieth century biology was accompanied by peared across the model clade and helped in the
a neglect of these scientific questions (Love, 2009). formulation of evolutionary generalizations, such
Model organisms have been less attractive in as the significance of homoplasy for processes of
evolutionary research because of questions about morphological evolution (Wake, 2015).
representativeness that stem from both the taxa Another example is the genus Anolis—­represented
chosen (e.g., short generation time is a derived trait by species found in diverse habitats within the Car-
in many lineages) and the reduction of naturally ibbean—which has been studied intensively by the
occurring variation due to laboratory domestica- Losos group (Losos, 2011). A manageable clade made
tion (e.g., purified genetic lines and standardized up of a large number of species with good phyloge-
environmental regimes) (Bolker, 1995; Frankino netic resolution, while also being regionally delim-
and Raff, 2004). Evolutionary investigations of the ited and accessible, has generated a fruitful platform
origin of traits, like the vertebrate head, require the for the investigation of ecological and evolutionary
simultaneous study of multiple taxa that represent questions with a constellation of different methods.
variation relevant to a particular phylogenetic junc- Across various islands, similar morphology and be-
ture (Hanken, 1993). Instead of one species (e.g., havior are observed for lizards in different micro-
C. elegans) being scrutinized intensely in laboratory environments. Applying the comparative method
experiments (though this is sometimes informa- facilitates discriminating between the independent,
tive for evolutionary questions; see, e.g., Rose et al., convergent evolution of these “ecomorphs” and
2005), it is crucial to make comparisons across many a single origin and subsequent dispersal (Mahler
species using an empirically supported phylogeny et  al., 2013). Laboratory investigations and field
(Harvey and Pagel, 1991). We can speak of a model studies of the functional capabilities of these lizards
taxon or clade (Griesemer, 2013; 2015) in circum- help to decipher how distinctive traits—correlated
stances where phylogenetic relationships are well with specific physical or social habitats—are adap-
established, detailed morphological and behavioral tive. Generalizations about the dynamics of adap-
knowledge about the different species exists, and tive radiations have been gleaned from comparisons
extant representatives can be studied in more con- and contrasts across members of the model clade
trolled settings to achieve different degrees of ex- (Stroud and Losos, 2016).
perimental manipulation. Model clades can be scored on the three dimen-
Just as model organisms are intended to be rep- sions highlighted for model organisms: repre-
resentative of other organisms, so also model clades sentation, manipulation, and research questions.
are intended to be representative of evolutionary Unlike the focus on a small set of exemplar spe-
processes occurring in other clades. David Wake cies in model organisms, model clades represent
and colleagues assembled an array of morphologi- multiple species comparatively across a span of
cal, phylogenetic, and biomechanical approaches to evolutionary history. This is essential for discern-
answer suites of interrelated questions pertaining ing patterns of homoplasy or adaptive radiation,
to lungless salamanders (Griesemer, 2013; 2015). which are not properties of particular species.
M o d e l L i f e H i s to r i e s    309

Although model organism features can be com- Marine invertebrate larvae do not fit into the
pared, any conclusions drawn must be calibrated category of a model clade either. Studies of ma-
with additional phylogenetic information. Studies rine clades have revealed much about evolution of
of model clades result in generalizations that typi- modes of larval development, including changes in
cally do not have as wide a scope, but are robust developmental processes that accompany the loss
across nearby spaces in the tree of life (e.g., tetra- of larval feeding (the sea urchin genus Heliocidaris;
pods). Manipulations relevant to model clades are Wray and Raff, 1991), transitions and homoplasy
less focused on genetics, cell biology, or ontogeny, (asterinid sea stars; Hart et  al., 2006), and conse-
and instead concentrate on morphology and be- quences for speciation and extinction (sacoglossan
havior using different methodological approaches molluscs; Krug et  al., 2015). However, although
(e.g., biomechanics and field experiments). Al- studies of larval forms are frequently executed
though diverse manipulations are possible, many within explicit phylogenetic contexts, the category
are time- and cost-intensive. The significance of itself (marine invertebrates) is not a monophyletic
research questions applies here because the types group. Many of the comparisons central to studies
of relevant manipulations align with the ecologi- of marine larvae involve cross-clade evaluations
cal and evolutionary problems in view (e.g., adap- of functional requirements for specific ecological
tation, biogeography, and speciation). Studies of settings that are not confined to a clade but rather
model clades also take advantage of material avail- exhibit a broad taxonomic distribution. Resulting
ability in terms of natural abundance or compre- generalizations about larval forms transgress phy-
hensive museum specimen collections (e.g., cost logenetic boundaries and facilitate a larger number
and infrastructure prerequisites). Just as many or- of insightful comparisons and contrasts both within
ganisms would make poor model organisms (e.g., and across clades. Some generalizations revolve
due to long gestation times), so too many clades around particular instantiations of larvae that ex-
would not be good models (e.g., due to too few or emplify a broader type (e.g., trochophore). In this
too many species without a consensus phylogeny sense, marine invertebrate larvae play a represen-
or inadequate knowledge of relevant traits). tational role as exemplars. Some comparisons have
Marine invertebrate larvae clearly do not fit into wider scope across the tree of life. Similar patterns in
the category of model organisms. Although a few feeding vs. nonfeeding or planktonic vs. benthic de-
model organisms, such as the purple sea urchin velopment are discernible in disparate taxa. Broad
(Strongylocentrotus purpuratus), exhibit indirect de- generalizations from the marine environment per-
velopment with a pelagic larval form (echinoplutei), mit contrasts between dispersal as a byproduct of
these are typically studied with little or no atten- other adaptations in many marine life histories and
tion to larval features because they manifest later dispersal that is itself more commonly adaptive in
in time. (Practical reasons, such as ease of embryo terrestrial life histories (Strathmann, 1990; Vermeij
maintenance or manipulation, undergirded their and Grosberg, 2010; Burgess et al., 2016).
selection as models.) Most model organisms are di- The study of marine invertebrate larvae can be
rect developing without distinctive larval forms, a understood in terms of a category different from
characteristic of brief life histories, which served as both model organisms and model clades: model
a basis for selecting many (though not all) model or- life histories. In addition to the differences already
ganisms. Additionally, many of the more advanced described, a crucial distinguishing feature of the
experimental tools that permit a dissection of pre- category is marked by the name: life history. Con-
cise causal relationships either do not work or have centrating on a life history rather than an organ-
not been worked out for marine invertebrate larvae. ism means that the temporal sequence within
Despite decreasing costs for sequencing and the each generation is foregrounded. Concentrating
standardization of many experimental protocols on a life history rather than a clade means that the
(Crotty and Gann, 2009), the full breadth and depth comparisons and contrasts can be made across this
of manipulative tools from genetics and molecular temporal sequence within an individual species,
biology cannot be applied. in addition to those made within or across clades.
310   E v o l u t i o n ary Ec o l o g y o f M ar i n e I n v e rt e b rat e L ar va e

And because the temporal sequence of a life his- Model organisms, clades, and life histories offer
tory ranges over different biological problems, different investigative strategies in biological re-
studies of model life histories do not exhibit the search that can be evaluated in terms of criteria for
typical divide of questions clustered around ge- representation, manipulation, and research ques-
netics, cell biology, development, and physiology, tions. Importantly, not all of biological research falls
as compared to those clustered around ecology, into one of these three categories. However, the con-
evolution, adaptation, and phylogeny. As a conse- cept of a model life history provides a wider concep-
quence, model life histories demand an integration tual framework for understanding the coherence of
of disciplinary approaches and diverse methodol- research into marine invertebrate larvae. It accounts
ogies, something that is explicitly highlighted by for the unique juxtaposition of exemplar and com-
practitioners: parative representational dimensions, the diversity
The conditions of breeding and larval development con- of manipulative approaches utilized (as well as lim-
stitute a very essential point for all studies of the repro- itations on the application of particular techniques),
duction and fundamental ecology of marine bottom and the combination of diverse biological problems
invertebrates. . . . The fact that a mode of reproduction not seen in research programs on model organisms
and development, well fit for an arctic area, is unfit in a or model clades. This arises, in part, because studies
temperate or tropical area of the sea is probably one of of model life histories focus on multiple aspects of a
the main reasons for the restricted distribution of spe- temporal sequence rather than particular segments
cies. (Thorson, 1950, p. 3, 37) of that sequence (e.g., early embryonic patterning
As developmental stages that interact behaviorally with or adult feeding) and different dimensions within
their environments, [larvae] play important roles in de- those aspects of the sequence (e.g., embryonic de-
velopment, ecology, and evolution and are therefore of velopment, larval feeding, metamorphosis, disper-
interest to a wide community of biologists. (Emlet et al., sal, and reproduction). The category of a model life
2009, p. 201) history also provides for the recognition of novel
Investigations of model life histories require mul- kinds of representation, such as marine invertebrate
tidisciplinary research configurations: “The study larvae acting as surrogate models of ocean environ-
of marine invertebrate larvae is necessarily inter- ments under changing climatic conditions.
disciplinary” (McEdward, 1995, Preface). This re-
quirement has even survived the explicit severing 21.3  Evolution: Diversity, Origins,
of disciplinary connections, such as the previously and Adaptation
central role of comparative embryology in phyloge-
netic reconstruction (Hand, 1959; Anderson, 1973). Studies of the evolution and ecology of marine lar-
Many of these research configurations are mani- vae are interdisciplinary; they use a wide range of
fested in marine stations where the availability, tools from systematics, life history theory, biome-
cost, and infrastructural prerequisites for manipula- chanics, oceanography, population genetics, and
tion are in place to support the relevant array of ap- paleontology to address different questions, such
proaches simultaneously. The original motivations as how and why larval stages originated, how and
for marine stations bear this imprint. why they persist (or are lost), and what their eco-
logical and genetic consequences are within the tra-
Marine stations are necessary for biological science, since
nowhere but in the sea can there be found a host of types jectory of a life history. Answering these questions
whose study is indispensable if one desires to form a clear requires expanding observations to all stages in life
and concise idea of the ensemble of the organic world. . . . histories, as well as analyzing marine environments
The sea is really the source of organic life in its ensem- on all spatial scales, and extending the historical
ble; researches on the relationships of different animals, scale scrutinized for animal evolution back through
on their origin, on their individual development, from the the Phanerozoic and into the Proterozoic. Although
first visible germ to the completion of their life cycle, are questions about developmental genetic mecha-
continually and necessarily leading us back to marine or- nisms and the experimental tools of contemporary
ganisms. (Carl Vogt, in Whitman, 1893, p. 11–12) molecular biology have been (until recently) less
M o d e l L i f e H i s to r i e s    311

prominent in communities concentrating on marine associated forms of larvae differ greatly among ma-
invertebrate larvae, new methods for studying the jor clades of animals (Nielsen, Chapter  1; Pernet,
molecular genetics of development have facilitated Chapter 7), which implies that there were multiple
broader comparisons among animals and promoted origins of larval feeding and multiple divergence
interest in the role of developmental processes in events for larval and adult forms. There is no evi-
evolution (Hinman et  al., 2003). Additionally, old dence for a single, primary form of feeding larva in
questions about whether larval forms are ancestral metazoans or, more specifically, for bilaterians.
or derived in particular lineages have been revis- In bilaterian development, Hox genes tend to be
ited (Sly et  al., 2003), and speculative hypotheses expressed sequentially through time from anterior
about their origination refuted (Hart and Grosberg, regions in the embryo to more posterior regions
2009). A better understanding of the mechanisms (Mallo et al., 2010). This patterning of body devel-
that produce animal morphology illuminates how opment is commonly accompanied by a differentia-
developmental processes have constrained or fa- tion of structures that also proceeds from anterior to
cilitated evolutionary change. A renewed interest in posterior. This sequence of body patterning and dif-
the evolution of development generally, including ferentiation in bilaterians prompts two related ques-
substantial advances in phylogenetic reconstruc- tions: (1) Did this sequence influence the evolution
tion, assisted in reuniting studies of developmental of larval forms and their functional capabilities? (2)
mechanisms and the evolutionary ecology of lar- Did this sequence influence the evolutionary origins
vae. A number of the preceding chapters illustrate of larval forms (e.g., by what differentiated first and
the ways in which constellations of new methods most anteriorly in the ancestor)? An answer to these
have enabled answers to old questions (Love and questions can be formulated through a combination
Raff, 2003), as well as created new questions. of evidence from mechanistic studies of develop-
Nielsen (this volume, Chapter  1) and Marlow mental processes (Marlow, Chapte­r 2), biomechani-
(this volume, Chapter  2) review hypotheses and cal studies of larval performance in swimming
evidence for the origins of ciliated bilaterian larvae and feeding (Pernet, Chapter 7), and adaptationist
(all subsequent chapter references will be to the pre- studies of trade-offs in the evolution of life histories
sent volume). Molecular genetic evidence has con- (Marshall et al., Chapter 3; Pernet, Chapter 7; Young
tinued to improve phylogenetic inferences about et al., Chapter 16).
relationships among classes and phyla (Hart 2005; With development proceeding from front to back,
see Collin and Moran, Chapter  4). The individual selection for mobility and feeding should favor
expression of and interaction among genes during early functioning in anterior structures. On this hy-
morphogenesis has revealed deep similarities un- pothesis, the mobility and feeding functions based
derlying the development of disparate morpholo- on anterior structures permit development from a
gies and pointed to genetic changes responsible for smaller egg and thus production of more eggs, as-
the divergence of those forms (Hinman et al., 2007). suming there is growth before patterning and dif-
For bilaterians generally, a more extended pattern ferentiation (and, therefore, functionality) in more
of Hox gene expression in adults compared with posterior structures. Earlier motility reduces mor-
larvae indicates that ancestral adults had more to tality by facilitating, for example, escape from pred-
their bodies than present larvae display (Arenas- ators, and is a key feature of life history adaptations
Mena et al., 2000; Kulakova et al., 2007; Hiebert and (Pennington and Chia, 1984). The limited structures
Maslakova, 2015). However, the development and at the anterior end of the developing animal ne-
morphology of some features implies that several cessitate a form and function different from what
larval structures antedate the divergence of par- is found in the adult. This helps to account for the
ticular phyla. A plausible hypothesis, supported recurring origin of head larvae that have been docu-
by different studies from developmental genetics, mented in the three major branches of bilaterians:
is that larvae and adults diverged as distinct stages deuterostomes, lophotrochozoans, and ecdysozo-
from more directly developing ancestral bilateri- ans (Gonzalez et al., 2016; see Marlow, Chapter 2).
ans (Marlow, Chapter 2). Feeding mechanisms and Does this hypothesis match observations of egg
312   E v o l u t i o n ary Ec o l o g y o f M ar i n e I n v e rt e b rat e L ar va e

sizes and developmental rates for structures asso- These forms are either head larvae or appear to be
ciated with feeding and mobility? There is a large modified head larvae (Marlow, Chapter  2). As far
amount of overlap in the sizes of eggs for animals as we know, head larvae originated early in the
with head larvae and those that initiate mobility diversification of animals and not later. The taxo-
and feeding at later stages, and (unfortunately) few nomic distribution of head larvae and their inferred
extensive comparisons. However, head larvae are homologies (indicating early origins) prompt the
associated with the smallest eggs within annelids question: Why did the kinds of larvae observed to-
(Schroeder and Hermans, 1975) and with the small- day so often originate early in the evolution of the
est eggs and briefest times to first feeding in crusta- clade in which they occur? Development and ecol-
ceans (Strathmann, 2017). ogy suggest nonexclusive hypotheses.
Although life histories involving transitions be- On the one hand, a developmental hypothesis is
tween planktonic and benthic habitats are docu- that subsequent evolutionary changes in how ante-
mented throughout this volume, the origins of rior adult structures develop may have precluded
head larvae do not necessarily depend on larvae a later evolution of head larvae (Collin and Moran,
and adults occupying different habitats. The trilo- Chapter 4; Pernet, Chapter 7). As an extreme exam-
bite protaspis—an early stage prior to the develop- ple, echinoderm larvae may have originated as head
ment of articulated segments—appears to have been larvae, as indicated by inferred homologies with the
a head larva, and many protaspids are inferred to head larvae of hemichordates, but present-day echi-
have been benthic (Chatterton and Speyer, 1997). noderms lack heads in post-metamorphic stages.
Today, pycnogonids are benthic as both head larva When an echinoderm loses a feeding larva, there re-
(protonymphon) and adult. Most benthic copepods mains no basis of phenotypic variation for selection
have benthic head larvae (nauplii). Many plank- to operate on and produce a new kind of head larva.
tonic and nektonic crustaceans, such as copepods, However, their relatives the enteropneust hemi-
euphausiids, and sergestid shrimp, have planktonic chordates have kept their heads. Given that head
head larvae. These observations suggest that the larvae did originate at one or more points early in
evolution of distinctive larval stages was not neces- the history of metazoans, it is less clear why a head
sarily associated with a benthic-planktonic life his- larva could not originate again. On the other hand,
tory. Overall, studies of development, function, and an ecological hypothesis is based on an evolution-
life history indicate that the differentiation of ante- ary escalation in the interactions among organisms.
rior structures before posterior structures did have In this scenario, the first steps in the evolution of a
an influence on the origins of bilaterian larval forms. feeding larva were advantageous early in animal
Importantly, the evolution of larvae in other ani- evolution but then selected against as the biologi-
mal clades differs. For example, the modifications cal environment became more demanding, perhaps
of adult ctenophores appear to have resulted in the from increased predation. A combination of factors
earlier stage being distinctively different and hence from development, functional morphology, and
a larva. Adults in the paraphyletic Cydippida pre- ecology are likely needed for an adequate explana-
sumably resemble the ancestral adult of extant cten- tion. Notably, early origins of head larvae are a dis-
ophores (Podar et  al., 2001; Haddock, 2007). If so, tinctively marine phenomenon. A few feeding larval
development from a cydippid larva into strikingly forms evolved much later in marine, freshwater, and
different adults in other ctenophores represents the terrestrial environments, but these larvae use more
evolution of diverse, novel adult forms, whereas the posterior structures for mobility and feeding, which
larvae retain features of a more direct development. requires the prior development of most of the body
Several kinds of larvae have a broad taxonomic axis (e.g., the zoea stage of decapod crustaceans and
distribution and similar features that suggest a sin- larvae of stomatopod crustaceans, as well as larvae
gle, early evolutionary origin. Examples include of teleost fish, amphibians, and insects).
trochophores of spiralians, dipleurulas of hemi- Across marine invertebrates, species differ in
chordates and echinoderms, and nauplii of crus- whether the larva feeds and whether there is a free
taceans (Nielsen, Chapter  1; Pernet, Chapter  7). larval stage or none at all. How is larval feeding
M o d e l L i f e H i s to r i e s    313

lost? How do larvae get deleted from a life his- without larval feeding increased in several fami-
tory? Under what conditions, if any, can losses be lies of gastropods from the Early Tertiary, which is
reversed? Attempts to answer these questions have consistent with the hypothesis that speciation rates
required diverse kinds of methods and observations are greater under conditions of less larval dispersal
(Collin and Moran, Chapter  4). Inference of losses (Hansen, 1982). A study of sacoglossan gastropods
and reversal depend on a phylogenetic hypothesis points to the reverse, consistent with the hypoth-
detailing the taxonomic distribution of modes of esis that extinction rates are greater with less larval
development in existing species, but computational dispersal (Krug et  al., 2015). Similarly, a study of
methods for inferring ancestral traits are based on molgulid and styelid tunicates found lower diversi-
models of evolutionary change and reversal (Joy fication rates for species without a swimming larva
et  al., 2016). Constraints on evolutionary transi- (Malisk­a et al., 2013). However, extinction rates can
tions differ among taxa. The extent and frequency also depend on differences in geographic range that
of modifications in larval development depend are independent of modes of larval development
on properties of processes of ontogeny (e.g., the (Jablonski and Hunt, 2006).
sequence of regional differentiation), feeding and
swimming (e.g., controlled vs. passive transport),
maternal protection of young (e.g., encapsulation 21.4  Ecology: Dispersal, Feeding,
and brooding), and ecological challenges (e.g., and Metamorphosis
mortality and dispersal). All of these properties
differ among clades of marine invertebrates. Both Descriptions of evolutionary changes in larval de-
functional morphology and developmental genet- velopment do not explain the adaptive advantages
ics help in identifying and characterizing what fa- of different modes of development or their eco-
cilitates and inhibits evolutionary transitions. Some logical consequences. Other kinds of observations
indications of irreversible change are simple and and investigative methods are needed to compre-
direct, such as mutations in unexpressed genes hend how larvae help animals meet the challenges
(Huber et  al., 2000) or the loss of a gut and allied of completing a life cycle in marine environments.
structures for capturing food (Love et  al., 2008). Two adaptive advantages are commonly suggested
Barriers to loss include an inability to synthesize es- (McEdward, 2000). One is that larval feeding per-
sential compounds acquired from food or the need mits development and growth from a smaller egg to
for feeding structures to consume nurse eggs. The a larger adult-like juvenile. The other is that a mobile
potential influences on evolutionary transitions larva enables dispersal of animals that are sessile or
are numerous, disparate, and different among taxa sedentary as juveniles and adults. Developing and
(Collin and Moran, Chapter 4). testing these hypotheses requires the use of math-
The ancient origins of larvae alongside a bias ematical and physical models, molecular genetics,
in evolutionary transitions away from feeding or and laboratory experiments to establish functional
mobility raise the question of how a larval stage mechanisms and responses. Concepts and methods
persists. For some species, dietary requirements or from different disciplinary lines of inquiry must be
nurse egg feeding may limit loss of larval feeding combined. Some conclusions from these interdisci-
(Collin and Moran, Chapter  4). Species selection plinary inquiries are counterintuitive.
may be a more general influence on persistence Larval feeding does permit greater growth than
and loss of feeding larvae. Insofar as modes of lar- reliance entirely on dissolved organic materials.
val development affect dispersal, gene flow, and However, the gain comes at the expense of a longer
geographic range (Marko and Hart, Chapter  12; larval period during which ephemeral larval struc-
Pineda and Reyns, Chapter 11; Young et al., Chap- tures are developed and food is gathered (Jaeckle,
ter 16), modes of development are expected to affect Chapter 9; Marshall et al., Chapter 3; McAlister and
rates of speciation and extinction, which combine Miner, Chapter  8; Pernet, Chapter  7; Young et  al.,
to affect rates of species diversification (Collin Chapter  16). There is a trade-off between number
and Mora­n, Chapter  4). The proportion of species and size. A mother can produce more offspring if
314   E v o l u t i o n ary Ec o l o g y o f M ar i n e I n v e rt e b rat e L ar va e

they are smaller, but the smaller offspring experi- are often difficult to distinguish, although estimates
ence greater mortality during a longer period of of mortality are improving for some kinds of lar-
growth. The modeled trade-offs are based on neces- vae (White et al., 2014). Risks do not necessarily de-
sary limits to what mothers can devote to reproduc- crease as larval size increases. Some predators, such
tion and the division of that effort among all of her as small fish, prey more readily on larger larvae,
offspring, but those limits are shaped in complex perhaps because they are easier to detect (Vaughn
ways. Initial mathematical models for this trade-off and Allen, 2010). Risks may often depend more on
confined the effects of offspring size to growth and larval behavior than size (Eiane and Ohman, 2004).
mortality in the larval period. Subsequently, it has Uncertainty about these and other risks limits infer-
been shown that egg size and larval experience can ences about trade-offs of size vs. number (Marshall
affect development and growth after metamorpho- et al., Chapter 3; Young et al., Chapter 16). Popula-
sis, and parental experience can affect growth and tion density in the adult stage also can affect size-
survival of larvae (Byrne et al., Chapter 17; Marshall number trade-offs in several ways. For example, in
et al., Chapter 3; Pechenik, Chapter 14). animals that shed eggs and sperm into the water
Although more information is needed, there are column (i.e., broadcast spawning), the size of eggs
now studies that relate developing larval structures affects encounters with sperm and thereby modu-
to larval growth quantitatively via the larva’s capac- lates losses from either few sperm-egg contacts or
ity to capture food, digest it, and then translocate polyspermy (Marshall et al., Chapter 3).
materials to growing tissues (Jaeckle, Chapter  9; A planktonic larval stage can account for much
Pernet, Chapter 7; McAlister and Miner, Chapter 8). of the dispersal in an otherwise sedentary animal
The trajectory of development through a series of (Marko and Hart, Chapter  12). Because a plank-
larval forms is not fixed. Plasticity in many aspects tonic larval stage leads to spectacular dispersal in
of reproduction and development makes it possi- some circumstances, it is tempting to infer that this
ble to adjust for differences in the food or predators stage is an adaptation for dispersal. However, the
encountered. The effectiveness of the plasticity de- costs and benefits depend on the stage of develop-
pends on the availability of a stimulus that serves as ment. Many invertebrates are sessile or sedentary as
a reliable predictor of future conditions. The plastic- juveniles and adults. A mobile larva can find suit-
ity observed in the development of structures for able habitat at a distance from parents and siblings,
feeding, storage of nutrients, and development of but it is a challenge for planktonic larvae of benthic
juvenile structures is particularly striking. There adults to encounter suitable habitat on the seafloor
are presumably advantages from shifting growth after days, weeks, or months in the plankton (Hodi­n
among structures for feeding, digestion, food stor- et  al., Chapter  13; Pineda and Reyns, Chapte­r  11;
age, and postlarval life depending on food supply, Young et al., Chapter 16). The benefits of larval dis-
but the advantages are difficult to quantify. One persal are more apparent when the larva is com-
potential strategy for demonstrating the costs of a petent for settlement and metamorphosis. During
fixed development and gains from plasticity is ma- a long period of larval feeding and growth, before
nipulating the development of a larval form while metamorphic competence, dispersal is not halted
holding the food supply constant (McAlister and when a favorable benthic habitat is encountered.
Miner, Chapter  8). Stimuli from predators also in- As a consequence, the risk of transport away from
duce changes in larval form. A response in echino- a suitable habitat might outweigh any advantages
derms is larval cloning, which occurs with stimuli of dispersal. Many larvae disperse less than if they
from predators and also under conditions favorable were neutrally buoyant and passive in the water
for growth (Vaughn and Allen, 2010; Allen et  al., column. Larvae enhance retention near suitable ben-
Chapter 5). thic habitats or enhance returns to these habitats by
The costs of a longer period of planktonic devel- adjusting vertical position in currents that vary with
opment are difficult to assess. Mortality results from time or depth (Hodin et al., Chapter 13; Pineda and
both predation and transport away from favorable Reyns; Chapter 11; Young et al., Chapter 16). Even
habitats. Losses from predation and from transport during competence for metamorphosis, habitat
M o d e l L i f e H i s to r i e s    315

selection is a formidable challenge because the sea is dispersal and habitat selection. In addition, a mo-
large, much of the seafloor inhospitable, and speeds bile larval stage reduces costs of parental protec-
of swimming larvae are commonly less than the tion. Larvae can be analyzed as adaptations that
speeds of ocean currents. achieve these ends (Hodin et  al., Chapter  13; Jae-
The challenges do not cease when a larva ar- ckle, Chapter 9; Marshall et al., Chapter 3; McAlis-
rives at a favorable site on the seafloor. A larval ter and Miner, Chapter 8; Pernet, Chapter 7; Pineda
form adapted for life in the plankton differs from and Reyns, Chapter 11; Young et al., Chapter 16), yet
a juvenile form adapted for a benthic life. Most many puzzles remain (and are detailed throughout
transitions from a planktonic to a benthic form are this volume). For example, many marine inverte-
rapid, so that the duration of less capable interme- brates protect offspring in broods or capsules until
diate stages is brief. Some aspects of the internal the larvae are capable of feeding or settling. This
signaling that initiates rapid metamorphosis are protection can reduce risk during vulnerable early
widespread (Marlow, Chapter  2), but the external stages of development. Protection at stages that
stimuli differ greatly across different species, can cannot feed and are far from metamorphic com-
be numerous within a given species or of different petence seems like an adaptive strategy, but many
types (e.g., stimulatory or inhibitory), and operate invertebrates nevertheless engage in broadcast
over a range of scales near suitable benthic habitats spawning. The reality is that protection entails costs
(Hodin et al., Chapter 13). Since larvae must be pre- and limitations, which are varied and incompletely
pared for a rapid metamorphosis when the time is quantified (Marshall et al., Chapter 3).
right, they must develop competence for settlement Although the preceding chapters concentrate on
and metamorphosis in advance of encountering the invertebrates with planktonic larvae and benthic
inducing stimulus. The length of time that a species’ adults, some invertebrates are benthic as both larva
larvae can maintain metamorphic competence is ex- and adult, and others swim far from the seafloor as
pected to depend on their chances of encountering both larva and adult. Why do larva and adult so
a suitable habitat (Young et al., Chapter 16); extend- often (but not always) live in different habitats?
ing habitat search during competence can decrease The question is bolstered by similar patterns in ter-
size or growth after metamorphosis (Pecheni­ k, restrial species, but the answers are uncertain. For
Chapter 14). There also can be stimuli that induce larvae in general, including those of amphibians
an earlier competence, as in the response of sea ur- and insects, different habitats provide differences
chin larvae to turbulence (Hodin et al., Chapter 13). in food and safety, as well as different opportuni-
Anatomically, rapid metamorphosis is facilitated by ties for dispersal, habitat selection, and mating. A
rudiments of juvenile structures. These rudiments small mobile animal can disperse to a favorable
develop internally where they interfere less with habitat more effectively in the ocean than on land
larval functions, but then can be deployed rapidly or in ponds and streams. But it is less clear why the
when needed. Although juvenile rudiments and precompetent feeding stages of marine invertebrate
rapid metamorphoses evolved independently in larvae are commonly planktonic. Head larvae are
many clades, the evolution of distinctive larvae ap- conspicuously less developed than adult-like juve-
pears to have preceded the evolution of more radi- niles, but that does not necessarily preclude benthic
cal metamorphoses. Not all larvae change habitat, life. Several kinds of marine ecdysozoan larvae are
and some of these larvae transform gradually into benthic. It is uncertain whether ciliated larvae are
an adult-like juvenile. somehow less readily adapted for benthic feeding.
The risks of planktonic development raise the Possibly more larvae develop near the seafloor
question: how does a larval stage help an animal than is currently recognized simply because it is
cope with its environment in a way that direct difficult to sample larvae there. However, many
development does not? As we have already seen, larvae swim upward, some even from great ocean
a feeding larva reduces maternal investment per depths to the surface (Young et al., Chapter 16). For
offspring by obtaining its own food for growth. larvae that begin life at great depths, faster develop-
For sedentary animals, a mobile larva provides ment and growth occur near the surface at higher
316   E v o l u t i o n ary Ec o l o g y o f M ar i n e I n v e rt e b rat e L ar va e

temperatures and with more food, but that ad- When there is sufficient dispersal, the present
vantage may not apply generally in more shallow range of a species may provide some indication,
waters. One explanation for why larvae enter the if not a prediction, of its resilience. Such disper-
plankton (in addition to advantages from dispersal sal is common with long planktonic larval dura-
and habitat selection) is the existence of greater pre- tions (Marko and Hart, Chapter  12; Young et  al.,
dation near the seafloor. In the few studies made, Chapte­r 16). The fossil record also indicates effects
planktonic larvae are at greater risk from predators of geographic range on survival of mass extinctions
near the seafloor, even at stages adapted for settle- (Jablonsk­i, 1986). Thus, one question is whether
ment (Acosta and Butler, 1999; Allen and McAlister, particular properties of larvae indicate resilience
2007). Departing the seafloor may decrease risk for in the face of environmental stress. Another ques-
larvae. Although diverse kinds of tiny animals live tion is whether extreme environments favor larval
at the seafloor, the plankton may be safer at earlier forms or not. Biogeographic patterns in modes of
stages of development for many animals. larval development aid prediction of responses to
environmental change. Species with feeding larvae
are more prevalent in warmer waters. The propor-
21.5  Emerging Issues: Environmental tion of species with planktonic-feeding larvae and
Hazards and Extreme Environments the size of offspring in this group are not correlated
with the mean abundance of food but its seasonal-
Human activity is changing the environment of ma- ity and predictability (Marshall et  al., Chapter  3).
rine life through global warming, ocean acidifica- Larvae of species that occupy a broader range of en-
tion, hypoxia, toxins, habitat loss, and harvesting. vironments may be more resilient to environmental
Attempts to learn what kinds of changes are occur- changes (Byrne et al., Chapter 17).
ring, as well as how we might anticipate and cope Paleontological studies can indicate effects of
with them, necessarily include studies of marine in- ecological perturbations on the persistence or loss
vertebrate larvae. How do larvae adapt in real time of larval forms. The mass extinction of marine ani-
to novel environmental conditions? What evolution- mals at the end of the Permian was extraordinarily
ary trajectories might be expected (apart from extinc- severe (Erwin, 2006). Environmental changes as-
tion)? Does prior knowledge derived from ecological sociated with this extinction include ones that we
and evolutionary studies provide answers? are causing now: increased warming, acidification,
One of the methods for managing, harvesting, and hypoxia (Knoll et al., 2007). An irreversible loss
and maintaining habitats is the establishment of of feeding larval forms during this extinction was
marine protected areas. The sizes and locations of suggested for crinoids because today’s crinoids
protected areas that will be most effective in main- lack feeding larvae and few lineages of crinoids
taining populations depends on the nature of lar- survived the extinction. However, the discovery
val dispersal, which differs greatly among species of a nonfeeding but auricularia-like larval stage in
(Marko and Hart, Chapter  12). And since larval a stalked crinoid (Nakano et  al., 2003) now casts
behavior also influences the transport of larvae doubt on this hypothesis. Echinoderms eventu-
(Pineda and Reyns, Chapter  11), marine protected ally lose structures associated with larval feeding
areas are expected to impose selection on those be- after a long history of nonfeeding larval develop-
haviors (Baskett et al., 2007). However, the direction ment (Wray, 1996; Collin and Moran, Chapter  4).
and magnitude of responses that might result un- The hypothesis that a nonfeeding, auricularia form
der these selection regimes are unknown. was retained through more than 200 million years
There has been more progress in studies of ac- is less plausible than the alternative hypothesis of
climation and the potential for adaptation of lar- a more recent loss of larval feeding in this lineage.
vae to acidification and warming (Byrne et  al., Few lineages of sea urchins survived the Permian
Chapte­r  17). Observations of gene expression aid extinction, but some clearly had feeding larvae, as
the interpretation of the differing effects of acidifi- their descendants show. Although this global en-
cation and warming on development and growth. vironmental change caused many extinctions, it is
M o d e l L i f e H i s to r i e s    317

difficult to prove that there was selection against much of the information we have, through both ex-
feeding larval forms. However, tracking patterns periments and observations of individuals. But the
of species survival with and without feeding larval environment in containers of seawater differs from
forms under today’s environmental regimes may the environment in the sea. The moment seawater
both yield insight into these earlier evolutionary is placed in a container, changes in its chemistry
processes and prompt more urgent action to miti- and populations of microorganisms begin to occur
gate these climatic changes. (Hovanec and DeLong, 1996), some of which are
Despite a wealth of developmental, ecological, wholly unknown to us. Additionally, larvae live
and evolutionary knowledge about marine inver- in a world with turbulence, density layering, and
tebrate larval forms, it is critical that we reflect on heterogeneity on many scales (Vogel, 2003; 2009).
where we might be handicapped in approaching These features are imperfectly reproduced in the
these new problems. One obstacle is the dispari- laboratory—extrapolation requires care—though
ties among taxa in larval forms. Some differences important insights have been secured from meticu-
between clades arise from the presence or absence lous experimentation (e.g., Emlet, 1991). Molecula­r
of a calcium carbonate skeleton, whose deposition methods may aid comparisons between larval
is affected by carbonate undersaturation. Other dif- physiology in the lab and measurements taken in
ferences are not so visible (Byrne et al., Chapter 17). the field. Extreme environments, such as the deep
Many potential influences of environmental change ocean, exacerbate these challenges but also could
are unknown but amenable to study. One example yield the most enlightening data (i.e., high-risk,
is the possible shifts in the microbiomes associated high-yield science).
with different larvae and their effects on the sur- Another challenge is the timescales for the rel-
vival and growth of larvae (Williams and Carrier, evant processes in tracking a life history. Devel-
Chapter  19). Microbial populations clearly change opmental sequences for many larval forms are on
in response to ocean acidification (Witt et al., 2011), the order of several weeks, and observations of
but linking this to effects on the growth and devel- feeding mechanisms often require recordings with
opment of larval forms contributes to understand- hundreds of images per second. Given that their
ing the nature and extent of these animal-bacteria development (and evolution) can be influenced by
interactions (McFall-Ngai et al., 2013). Another ex- stimuli lasting seconds to days, there is a real con-
ample is the effects of anthropogenic stressors on cern that we will miss the causes that make a dif-
the removal of toxic compounds by transporters ference. Extreme environments can impose extreme
and their effectiveness (Corsi and Marques-Santos, difficulties in accomplishing scientific work within
Chapter  18). In these cases, marine invertebrate them. Technically challenging scientific investiga-
larvae have the potential to be surrogate models of tion, especially when there is a need to draw on
the ocean environment, and the associated research multiple lines of disciplinary expertise, requires in-
questions should spur novel manipulative experi- creased time, coordination, and money. Many past
mentation to enhance the information that can be studies of marine invertebrate larvae have been
gleaned from them. done by small teams, but these considerations point
A perennial challenge in studies of marine in- in the direction of larger teams and more substan-
vertebrate larvae is observing very small animals tial financial investments. In a world experiencing
that live in a very large environment; within this significant environmental upheaval, and with the
environment, one habitat (the seafloor) is nearly oceans a specific locus of concern, the need for these
stationary and another (the overlying water) is kinds of endeavors increases; research on the future
in constant motion. The mechanics of processes of larvae as they do (or do not) adjust to environ-
related to swimming, feeding, and the internal mental changes may reveal broader impacts.
transport of materials are vastly different from the These challenges are formidable but many are
mechanics of processes related to the transport of surmountable. The influence of technical advances
larvae in currents. Because observations of larvae in is evident when comparing the contributions to this
situ are difficult, laboratory studies have provided book with those from Ecology of Marine Invertebrate
318   E v o l u t i o n ary Ec o l o g y o f M ar i n e I n v e rt e b rat e L ar va e

Larvae (McEdward, 1995). An expansion of compu- for deciphering fundamental biological principles”
tational capacity has enhanced observations over (Emlet et al., 2009, p. 201). The expanded questions
all scales of space and time in numerous domains: and answers speak to central problems in the his-
phylogeny, genetics of populations, gene expres- tory of life and urgent issues confronting human
sion, gene regulatory networks, larval behaviors society. Success in studies of model life histories
(e.g., from analyses of confocal images and re- provides a strong case for sustained professional,
cordings), and the motion of water and its varia- institutional, and financial support to carry these
tion. Some molecular methods should help bridge endeavors forward.
gaps between observations in laboratory and Many prospects and challenges for studying
field. For example, sequencing techniques enable marine invertebrate larvae are described herein. In
new ways of identifying what larvae and associ- conclusion, one more benefit from investigations of
ated organisms are present; -omics studies make model life histories can be described. A great chal-
it possible to identify and track larval physiologi- lenge in contemporary biology is the integration of
cal and developmental responses to their environ- approaches across diverse disciplines (NRC, 2008).
ment (Williams and Carrier, Chapter  19). Studies Work on model clades has shown how fruitful this
of symbioses between larvae and microorganisms, integration can be, though the range of integration
previously impractical, are increasingly feasible has tended not to bridge the divide of ecology, evo-
with combinations of molecular methods, and may lution, and behavior on the one side, and genetics,
provide unanticipated explanations of larval struc- cell, and developmental biology on the other. We
tures and behaviors (McFall-Ngai, 2014). Technical have observed throughout this chapter that stud-
advances have enhanced sampling, observation, ies of marine invertebrate larvae are an exemplar
and even experiments at great ocean depths, tak- of interdisciplinary research that encourages and
ing larval biology from the shallows into the nurtures the integration of different fields of study,
world’s largest and most unknown habitat (Young each of which have been dominated by different
et al., Chapter 16). types of question: (1) Mechanism: what are the pro-
cesses that produce this pattern? (2) History: what
21.6 Summary is the sequence of changes that led to these patterns
and processes? (3) Adaptation: how do these pat-
Marine invertebrate larvae constitute a coherent, terns and processes help the organism meet life’s
structured research program as model life histories challenges? The past achievements and future
that represent developmental, ecological, and evo- promise of interdisciplinary investigations of these
lutionary processes in different ways. They facili- questions in the context of marine invertebrate lar-
tate the investigation of diverse research questions vae testify to enduring and ongoing contributions
about larval ontogeny, feeding, dispersal, adapta- from studies of model life histories found in ocean
tion, and origination, as well as providing a window environments to the challenges facing today’s bio-
on emerging issues where alterations of the marine logical sciences.
environment can be tracked in an anthropogenic,
global natural experiment. While originally emerg- Acknowledgments
ing from a confluence of evolutionary thinking and
the discovery of larvae that differed radically from We would like to thank Tyler Carrier, Andreas
adults, this research program has expanded to in- Heylan­d, and Adam Reitzel for the invitation to con-
clude a broad range of questions that have nurtured tribute to this volume and for helpful comments on
interdisciplinary research across distinct questions an earlier version of the chapter. Alan Love is grateful
and theoretical stances. “Larval forms have been for feedback from participants at the Marine Biologi-
central to the study of evolutionary and develop- cal Laboratories—Arizona State University History
mental biology since the inception of these fields of Biology Seminar on “Why Marine Studies” (May
in the mid-nineteenth century, yet they still offer 2016), where some of these ideas were advanced in
contemporary biologists tremendous opportunities larval form. Alan Love is supported in part by a grant
M o d e l L i f e H i s to r i e s    319

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A biotic induction  73–4 Branchiostoma japonicum 13

ABC transporters  281–4 budding 69–70 bryozoans 10
Acanthaster planci  107, 252, 255, 260 cloning  69, 71, 74–6 feeding mechanisms  90–1
Achelia assimilis 11 feeding larvae  69 phylogenetic studies  52
Acropora tenuis  209, 214 future directions  76–8 Buccinium undatum 3
actinotroch 8 induction 72–4 budding 68–9
active response particle capture  89 other taxa  74 adaptive nature  75
adaptive behavior in larval flow  148 paratomy 70–1 echinoderms 69–70
adaptive sampling  154 types 68–9 Bugula
advection 149 Aspidodiadema jacobyi 234 B. californica 42
mechanisms 149–50 Asterias B. neritina  42, 218
Alderia willowi 8 A. amurensis  131, 252, 255 Bythograea
Alvinella pompeiana 234 A. forbesi  72, 132 B. thermodo 237
Ambulacraria 10 A. pectinifera  76, 131 B. thermydron 240
Amphimedon queenslandica 300 attachment 194
annelids  3, 9, 92 Aurelia labiata 131 C
Anodonta cygnea 277 Auricularia nudibranchia 233 cadmium 211
anuran larvae  8 Australostichopus mollis 108 Calyptreae lichen 8
apical plate  20–1 automated larval species cAMP response element-binding
Aplysia californica 300 recognition 155 protein (CREB)  115
Apostichopus japonicus 108 autonomous remote sampling  155 Capitella teleta  42, 210, 212, 214, 216
approximate Bayesian autonomous underwater vehicles carbon dioxide (CO2)  259–61, 264
computation 170 (AUVs) 155 anthropogenic 256
approximation population autotomy in echinoderms  71–2 Carcinus maenas 210
methods 170 Carinaria japonica 5
Arachnoides placenta  252, 255, 258 B catastrophic metamorphosis  3, 17, 21
Arbacia lixula 259 Balanus Celleporaria sp. 42
Archaeopneustes hystrix 236 B. amphitrite  210, 214 cell-type trees  22
archenteron 70–1 B. glandula  42, 210, 212, 217 Centrostephanus rodgersii  107, 252,
Argopecten irradians  216, 255 Bathymodiolus childressi  234, 237, 241 255, 257
arm length  109, 111, 113 Bathynerita naticoidea  237, 242 Cephalochordata 13
relative to body length  112 benthic life stage  3, 19 cephalopods 7
arrested development and biphasic life cycle  3, 6 CERVUS method  172–3, 178
dispersal 234 Bittium alternatum 130 Chaetoceros gracilis 214
Artemia franciscana  126, 130, 131 bivalves 52 chemical defensome  274
Arthropoda  10, 92–3 body length  112–13 chordates 13
ascidians 7–8 relative to arm length  112 Cidaris blakei 236
phylogeny 52 body plan  20–1 Ciona
Ascidiella aspersa 210 Boltenia villosa 42 C. intestinalis  13, 210, 278, 284, 300
asexual reproduction  67–8, 78 Bostrycapulus odites 55 C. savigni 42
abiotic induction  72–3 Botrylloides violaceus  13, 42 clearance rate  94
adaptive nature of larval boundary layer  192 cloning  69, 71
cloning 74–6 Brachipodia 10 adaptive nature  74–6
autotomy 71–2 feeding mechanisms  91 Clypeaster subdepressus 107
324   i n d e x

Clytia hemisphaerica 300 parental investments  233–34 Echinarachnius parma  68, 73

Cnidaria  8–9, 90 predation 237–8 echinoderms 10–11
coalescent population genetics  prevalence of brooding  232 ABC transporters  279–82
169–70 demersal drift  243–44 asexual reproduction by feeding
coastal boundary layer  193 Dendraster excentricus  72, 73, 74, 76, larvae 69
coelom formation  71 107, 129, 236, 259, 274 autotomy 71–2
Coelopleurus floridanus 236 depth-dependent larval flow  148 budding 69–70
Cominella developmental mode feeding mechanisms  93–94
C. maculosa 42 feeding  87–8, 99 future research  76–8
C. virgata 42 Diadema life cycle  3
competence 26 D. antillarum 107 paratomy 70–1
connectivity, genetic vs. D. mexicanum 107 phylogenetic studies  52
demographic 180–2 diel vertical migrations (DVMs)  196 size spectrum of catchable
connectomics  289, 290, 297–9 Diplosoma particles 96–7
continuous settlement–relocation, D. listerianum 218 toxicant exposure  274–7
definition 194 D. macdonaldi 42 echinoids 61–2
Cowen, R.K.  230 direct life cycle  3, 17 Echinometra
Corella inflate 42 dispersal  229, 244–5 E. lucunter  107, 280, 281
Crambe crambe 211 see also larval dispersal E. mathaei 257
Crandall, E.D.  177 advantages 230–2 E. vanbrunti 107
Crassostrea arrested development  234 E. viridis 107
C. gigas  108, 124, 130, 131, 255, bathymetric distribution  239 echinoplutei 259
261, 274 bimodal distribution of dispersal eco-evolutionary dynamics of
C. virginica  126, 130, 259 strategies 231 parental investment
Crepipatella peruviana 210 cumulative energy consumption  offspring quality  44–5
Crepidula 8 241 offspring size  43
C. coquimbensis 55 dispersal distance consequences  offspring size drivers  43–4
C. fornicata  73, 108, 130, 209, 212, 233–38 within-brood variation  45
216, 300 egg density  234–5 ecotoxicology 273–4
C. onyx  209, 212, 217 importance 229–30 bioassays for ABC
Crepipatella long PLDs  235–7 transporters 283–4
C. dilatata  55, 210, 212, 214 ontogenetic vertical migration  echinoderm ABC transporters 
C. peruviana 210 238–44 281–2
CRISPR technique  299 parental investments  233–34 future directions  284–5
Crustacea 10 predation 237–8 latent effects following
cryptic complexity  22 prevalence of brooding  232 metamorphosis 210–11
Cryptosula pallasiana 42 dispersal distance estimation  176 sea urchin ABC transporters 
Ctenophora 9 dispersal kernels  26, 178–80 279–80
isolation-by-distance method  sea urchin development  274–7
D 176–8
dissolved organic materials  125–6,
eddy diffusion  148
Edwardsiella lineata 76
D'Aloia, C.C.  178
131, 133–35, 218 egg density  234–5
deep-sea dispersal of larvae  229,
Distaplia occidentalis 42 egg size  37–8, 109–11
Distolasterias nipon 72 energy content  38
see also larval dispersal
dithiothreitol 73 per-offspring investment  39
advantages 230–2
diversity of marine larvae  8–9 Elminius modestus 11
arrested development  234
Ambulacraria 10 embryo 51
bathymetric distribution  239
Chordata 13 asexual reproduction  69
bimodal distribution of dispersal
Ecdysozoa 10 lecithotrophic modifications  55
strategies 231
Spiralia (Lophotrochozoa)  9 Emlet, R.B.  34, 67, 237, 310
cumulative energy consumption 
DNA methylation  219 Encope michelini 107
Dollo's law  51 energy content of eggs  38
dispersal distance consequences 
Doratopsis 7 constraints on maternal
Dreissena polymorpha 279 investment 39
egg density  234–5
per-offspring investment  39
importance 229–30
long PLDs  235–7 E Enteropneusta 10
Entopoctia 10
ontogenetic vertical migration  East Pacific Rise (EPR)  244
feeding mechanisms  92
238–44 ecdysozoans 10
i n d e x    325

environmental changes, responses extraction efficiency  130–1 G-protein-coupled family

to 135–6 internal transport systems  131–2 of receptors  27
epigenetics material acquisition  125–6 gut passage time  126–7
epigenomics 290 material movement  126–7 Gyrodactylus elegans 68
episodic transport  153, 154 responses to environmental
ETS domain-containing protein
(Elk) 115
change 135–6 H
ventilation of digestive Haeckel, E.  18
Eucidaris system 127–9 Haliotis
E. thouarsii 107 feeding structures  103, 118–9 H. asinine 218
E. tribuloides  68, 73, 107 marine invertebrate larvae  105–6 H. coccoradiata 256
Evechinus chloroticus 107 phenotypic plasticity  103–5 H. diversicolor  210, 214
evolutionary development of marine planktotrophic larvae phenotypic H. rufescens 274
larvae  16–17, 29 plasticity 106–18 Hardy–Weinberg
ancestrality 18 fertilization 40 equilibrium 167, 171
body plan  20–1 fibroblast growth factors  115 hatching 3
cell type comparison  22–3 filter feeding  88–9 head patterning network  21
developmental networks  24–6 finite volume community ocean heat stress, latent effects following
gene regulation  21–2 model 156 metamorphosis 215
gene regulatory network  25, 292 Flabellum angulare  230, 233 Heliocidaris
heterochrony 26–7 fluid dynamics  190–1, 203–4 H. erythrogramma  34, 252
homologous larval features  17–18 environmental parameters sensed H. tuberculata  34, 107, 252, 263
homology assessment  23 by larvae  194–9 Hemichordata feeding
molecular approaches to navigation techniques of mechanisms 94
comparison 18–20 larvae 199–203 heterochrony 26–7
ontogenetic process sensory aspects of larvae  191–9 horizontal larval flow
assessment 23–4 food/nutrient limitation, latent velocity 147
pelago-benthic metamorphosis  effects of  212–13 hox gene  21
27–8 Forkhead Box hydrodynamic variability  149
terminology 17 FoxA 26 Hydroides
transcriptional programs  24–6 FoxG 115 H. dianthus 210
transcriptional signals  23–4 FoxO 116 H. diramphus  42, 212
excitatory amino acid transporter  115 front propagation  151–2 H. elegans 242
extracellular yolk  53–4 Fu-Shiang Chia  288 hydrosol filtration  88, 89
Fusitriton oregonensis 237 hydrothermal vents  231, 234, 244
F hypoxia, latent effects of  207–8
FST -based metrics  175 G
facultative planktotrophs  36 Gaelodea 3 I
feeding  87–8, 99 Garstang, W.  306 Ifremeria nautili  3, 232, 233
diverse larval forms and feeding Gastropods, phylogenetic Ilyanassa obsoleta  300, 130
mechanisms 89–94 studies 52 indirect life cycle  3, 17
inferences from nature  98–9 gastrulation 70 individual-based genetic
maximum clearance rate  95–6 gene regulation  21–2 analysis 170–1
methods of feeding  88–94 gene regulatory network  25, 292 assigning individuals to
particle encounter and capture  genetic analysis  164–5, 182–3 families 172–3
88–9 biological correlates of larval assigning individuals to source
predictions from forms and feeding dispersal 173–6 populations 172
mechanisms 94–5 consequences of larval clustering individuals from
relative clearance rates  97 dispersal 180–2 different samples  171–2
size spectrum of catchable dispersal distance estimation  Isarachnanthus nocturnus
particles 96–8 176–80 manii 4
feeding performance  94–5 individual-based methods  170–3 island model, Wright's  168
inferences from nature  98–9 larval dispersal  165–6 Isochrysis galbana  126, 212
feeding physiology  124, 136 population-based methods  166–70 isolation-by-distance method
absorption 129 genomics  289, 290 dispersal distance estimation 
challenges 124–5 genome sequencing  18–20 176–8
digestion 129 genome-wide sequencing  22 dispersal kernels  178–80
dissolved organic materials Geodia cydonium 277 planktonic larval stage
(DOM) 133–5 GLWamide 28 duration 174
326   i n d e x

J caution in interpretations  216 Mercenaria mercenaria 259

Janua pagenstecheri 42 consequences not always metabolomics  289, 290
negative 216–17 metagenomics 290
delayed metamorphosis  214–15 metamorphosis 3
K food/nutrient limitation  212–10 see also latent effects following
kernels  26, 178–80
hypoxia 211–12 metamorphosis
impact and implications  219–20 catastrophic  3, 17, 21
L mechanisms 217–19 definition 194
laminar flow  192 ocean acidification  215 pelago-benthic 27–8
larvae  3–6, 13 salinity stress  213–14 metamorphosis-associated contractile
adaptive nature of cloning  74–6 thermal stress  215 structures 291–2
anuran larvae  8 toxicant exposure  210–11 microbiomics 289
asexual reproduction  68–9 lecithitrophy  8, 17, 36, 50, 51 invertebrate larvae  294–6
ciliated larvae  7, 17 embryo modifications  55 Microcosmus squamiger 42
origin 6–7 lipids 61 Micrura alaskens 9
variation in types  7–8 legacy effects  209 minimally indirect
larval accumulation  151–2 Leodia sexiesperforata 107 development 17
larval behavior  147–8 Leptasterias aequalis 42 Mithrodia clavigera 296
larval dispersal  165–6, 182–3 life histories  306–7, 318 mitogen-activated protein
see also deep-sea dispersal of larvae ecology 313–16 kinase  291, 292
biological correlates  173–6 emerging issues  316–18 Molgula socialis 210
consequences 180–2 evolution 310–13 molluscs 9
dispersal distance estimation  model life histories  307–10 feeding mechanisms  91
176–80 Lingula anatina 4 life cycle  3
individual-based methods  170–73 linkage disequilibrium  171 Montastraea faveolata  209, 217
population-based methods  166–70 Linopneustes longispinus 236 morpholino-mediated gene
larval diversity  8–13, 34–5 lipidomics  290, 297 knockdown 299
larval physiology  296–7 Litopenaeus vannamei 296 Mortensen, T.  34, 70
larval size  151 Littorina obtusata 3 Mulinia lateralis 255
larval transport in coastal zones  lophophore evolution  26 multixenobiotic resistance  277,
145–6, 158 Loricifera 10 278, 291
accumulation 151–2 Luidia Mytilus
advection mechanisms  149–50 L. foliolata  76, 107 M. californianus  5, 260, 261
autonomous remote sampling  155 L. senegalensis 77 M. edulis  131, 255, 260, 297
challenges 153–55 Lytechinus M. galloprovincialis  126, 259, 261,
components 147–9 L. pictus  126, 129, 131 274, 277
future directions  158 L. variegatus  68, 73, 76, 106, 107
hydrodynamic variability  149 L. variegatus carolinus 113
imaging in species recognition  155 N
larval behavior  147–84 nauplii  92–3, 97
larval duration  151 M navigation techniques of larvae 
numerical-modeling techniques  Macrophiothrix 199–200
156–8 M. koehleri 108 larval scale (millimetres–
other first-order phenomena  151–3 M. longipeda 108 centimetres) 202–3
patchiness and episodic M. lorioli 108 local scale (centimetres–
transport 153 M. rhabdoti 108 metres) 202
physical transport mechanisms  Maculaura cerebrosa 4 meso scale (0.1–1 km)  201–2
148–9 Maja squinado 284 macro scale (1–1000 km)  200–1
recent study approaches 155 Markov chain Monte Carlo Nematostella vectensis  4, 300
robotic techniques in in species methods  169, 170, 171 Nemertea 9
recognition 156 maximally indirect development  17 feeding mechanisms  90
scales 146 maximum clearance rate  94–5 neurohormones 28
spatial variability  153 predicting 95–6 neutral genetic markers  167
swimming proficiency and McEdward, L.R.  34, 37, 38, 41, 59, 62, nitric oxide/cyclic guanosine
size 151 67, 191, 310 monophosphate signaling  197
last common bilaterian ancestor  20–1 Mediaster aequalis 235 nonylphenol 211
latent effects following Melitta tenuis 107 numerical-modeling techniques for
metamorphosis  208–10, 220–21 Membranipora membranacea 109 larval transport  156–8
i n d e x    327

O paralarval stage  7 energetic trade-offs  106–11

ocean acidification (OA)  251–3, 264–5 paratomy in echinoderms  70–1 experimental designs and
adaptation and acclimation  263–4 parental conditioning  254, 261 analyses 116–18
drivers 256–62 parental investment  34–5, 46–7 expression patterns and
feeding physiology responses biogeography 35–6 environmental cues  111–14
to 135–6 eco-evolutionary dynamics  43–5 facultative planktotrophs  36
latent effects following egg size and size–number trade- feeding structure developmental
metamorphosis 215 off 37–9 mechanisms 114–16
multistressor effects  262–3 future directions  45–6 food limitation  106
ocean warming  251–3, 264–5 increasing dispersal  233–4 resource acquisition  106
adaptation and acclimation  263–4 offspring size–fitness functions  platyhelminths  7, 10
larval migration  253–6 39–43 feeding mechanisms  90
multistressor effects  262–3 theory 36–7 Platynereis dumerilii  297, 298, 300
Odontaster parent–offspring analysis  172–3 Pleurobranchaea californica 300
O. meridionalis 134 Parhyale hawaiensis 300 Pocillopora damicornis 264
O. validus  258, 260 particle encounter and capture in poecilogony 8
offspring quality  44–5 feeding 88–9 point of no return  135
offspring size  43 patchiness  153, 154 polychlorinated biphenyls  273
drivers 43–4 Patella vulgata 260 polycyclic aromatic
within-brood variation  45 Patiria miniata  76, 126, 129, 131, hydrocarbons 273
offspring size–fitness functions  39–40 134, 300 Polydora ciliata 9
fertilization success  40 Patiriella regularis 260 polyembryony 68
planktonic period  40–1 pelagic lifestyle  3, 19 Polygorius 3
post-metamorphic pelagic propagule durations  population-based genetic
performance 41–3 231, 233 analysis 166–7
omics perspective  288–91, 300–1 Penaeus approximation methods  170
connectomics 297–99 P. monodon 126 classical population genetics  167–8
future directions  299–300 P. setiferus 126 coalescent population
larval physiology  296–7 peptidomics  289, 290, 293 genetics 169–70
larval response to environmental Perna viridis 278 neutral genetic markers  167
change 293–4 Petromyzon marinus 278 Porifera 8
microbiome of invertebrate Phallusia mammilata 300 Porites astreoides  209, 215
larvae 294–6 Phascolosoma turnerae  3, 237 Priapula 10
molecular mechanisms  291–3 phenomics  289, 290, 293 primary larvae  7, 17
ontogenetic vertical migration  phenotypic plasticity in feeding principal component analysis  117–18
238–40 structures  103–5, 118–19 Prionocidaris baculosa  68, 73
cumulative energy marine invertebrates  105–6 Prorocentrum lima 278
consumption 241 planktotrophic larvae  106–18 Protankyra brychia 233
demersal drift  243–4 Phormosoma placenta 234 Pseudochinus huttoni 107
migration to surface  240–2 Phoronida 10 Pteraster tessulatus 60
phylogenetic constraint  240 feeding mechanisms  91 Pterobranchia 11
transport of retention of Phoronis Pygospio elegans 8
larvae 242–3 P. architecta  128, 129
P. muelleri  3, 8
operational taxonomic units  58
Phragmatopoma lapidosa californica  R
Ophiopholis aculeata 12 recruitment, definition  194
Ophiura albida 12 3, 108
phylotypic stage  23 regional oceanic modeling
Ostrea system 156
O. angas 255 Pinctada imbricata 255
Pisaster ochraceus  12, 72, 73, 74, relative clearance rates  97
O. edulis  131, 255 retention time of ingested food  130
O. lurida 215 76, 107
Planktomya henseni 151 Reynold's number  191–2
planktonic larvae  40–1, 50–1 Rhopaloeides odorabile 294
P planktonic larval stage duration  Riftia pachyptila  234, 235
Palaemon serratus 284 173–6, 231, 233 RNA interference  299
Paleobrissus hilgardi 236 increasing dispersal  235–7 RNA sequencing  22
Pantinonemertes californiensis 4 Planktosphaera pelagica 233 robotic techniques in species
Panulirus japonicus 133 planktotrophic lifestyle  3, 7, 8, 17, recognition 156
Paracentrotus lividus  107, 274, 284 50, 51 Ruditapes philippinarum 278
328   i n d e x

S Spongia ceylonensis 4 toxicant exposure  273–4

Saccostrea glomerata  255, 258 Squilla mantis 11 bioassays for ABC
Sagmariasus verreauxi 11 steady-state clearance rate  95 transporters 283–4
salinity stress, latent effects of  213–14 Sterechinus neumayeri  134, 257, echinoderm ABC transporters 
Saxipendium coronatum 233 263, 264 281–2
scan-and-trap particle capture  89 Stokes drift  148 future directions  284–5
Scapharca subcrenata 278 Stone, C.J.  93, 97 latent effects following
Schizocardium brasiliense 132 Strathmann, R.R.  34, 36, 39, 87, 92, metamorphosis 210–11
schmoo 10–11 95, 113, 288 sea urchin ABC transporters 
Sclerasterias Strongylocentrotus 279–80
S. mollis 107 S. droebachiensis  68, 73, 108, 129, sea urchin development  274–7
S. tanneri 237 216, 236 transcriptomes  25–6, 289, 290, 293,
Scopalina lophyropoda 211 S. franciscanus  12, 108, 236 296–7
Scrupocellaria scruposa 4 S. purpuratus  73, 131, 134, 236, 259, Tripneustes gratilla  108, 257, 263
Scylla serrata 126 261, 274, 278, 300 Tubularia 9
secondary larvae  7, 17, 18 STRUCTURE genetic program  turbulent flow  192
sensory aspects of larvae  190–1, 203 171–2
environmental parameters Styela U
sensed 194–9 S. gibbsii 42 urochordates 13
navigation techniques  199–203 S. plicata  42, 218 Urticina felina 42
responses 191–9 Stylocidaris lineata 236
scales of sensory input  198 suspension sieving in feeding  88–9
sensory cilia  17 sweepstakes reproductive success V
(SRS) 201 Vance, R.  36–41
settlement, definition  194
swimming proficiency of larvae  151 model of offspring size  36–7
simulation techniques for larval
velum  3, 62
transport 156–8
Verongia aerophoba 277
single nucleotide polymorphisms  170 T vitellogenesis 44–5
site frequency spectrum  170 Tachypleus tridentatus 11
size spectrum of catchable Tegillarca granosa 278
particles 95 Terebratalia transversa 4 W
predicting 96–8 Tethya aurantium 277 Wake, D.  308
Skeletonema costatum 212 thermal stress, latent effects following Wald test  38
Solaster stimpsonii  12, 38 metamorphosis 215 Watersipora subtorquata  42, 43, 218
species distribution models  255 Thomson, C.W.  232 Wright, S.  168, 169
species recognition Thorson, G.  34, 35, 50, 232, 235, 240, island model  168
imaging 155 288, 310
robots 156 Thorson's rule  35 Z
spiralians 9 totipotent cells  68 zoeae 93

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