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How to win an argument

One of the most common scenarios people came up with are that they have to
argument with someone else to accomplish something they want, and in some cases or
for some people it's very difficult  to be in a discussion with someone else, to stay focus
and calm during this altercation is practically the most important thing to do while
discussing, many people do mistakes at the moment of expressing themselves and
that's what leads them to fall into desperation or not knowing what to do 

There are some mistakes that people do very commonly and  according to Forbes
Magazine(Bradberry, 2015) The Mistake #1 is to be Brutally Honest; many times we feel
really angry with the ones we are discussing and a way to release that pressure is being
honest even if it gets to hurt someone else. A way to fix this? To be honest without
brutality; you can speak honestly about very risky topics and go well it depends on how
you say it, sometimes a conversation about trivial things can end in a fight. Another
common mistake according to Bradberry in the Forbes magazine is to robotically share
your feelings; this means that you say what you feel to the other person, sometimes
those feelings you think will help end screwing everything up. Instead you can start with
the facts; Before saying a word think about the facts or reasons that make you feel the
way you feel in that moment, It will help you at the moment of arguing to be more
focused on the problem. Other situations we face up many times is that when we feel
threatened, we amplify our negative emotions by blaming other people for our problems.
We feel like that because inside us we know half of the problem was our fault and the
other half may be someone else, but we didn't do anything to fix it.

And the final mistake, and in my opinion the easiest to happen to people and more if
they are insecure, is to worry about the risks of speaking up. Bradberry says “Under the
influence of such stress, your negative self-talk takes over and you obsess over all the
bad things that might happen if you speak up. You conjure images of conflict,
retribution, isolation and pain until you retreat into silence”. A way to conquer this fear is
to imagine the costs of not speaking up. You don't need to be brave to speak of things
that make you feel uncomfortable, you need to be more accurate and to ponder what
would happen if they fail to speak with what would happen if things go as they planned.

The most effective and easy way to win an argument is to not have one. When you
argument one side can feel uncomfortable and not want to speak because they don't
feel the reason or simply because they don't like to and if that happens at long terms
can end in rupture of relationship, that's the reason successful people don't argue and
instead they have conversations with their employees. 

Bradberry, T. (2015). How To Win An Argument Every Time. Retrieved


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