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Министерство образования Республики Беларусь

Учреждение образования
«Белорусский государственный университет
информатики и радиоэлектроники»

Кафедра иностранных языков №1

Revision Tasks

Контрольные задания к методическому пособию

по развитию навыков устной речи
на английском языке для студентов 1 курсов

Минск 2006
Авторы-составители: М.В.Кравченко, В.П.Киселева, Н.Н.Крипец, Т.В.
Левкович, И.И.Лихтарович, С.И. Лягушевич, И.Г. Маликова, Н.С. Михнюк,
Г.Ф. Табакова, Е.П. Томило, С.В. Федосеева, Е.А. Шубенкова, Л.Е. Яцевич.

Контрольные задания на английском языке для студентов 1 курса ФКП, ФТК,

ФРЭ, ВФ. БГУИР / Сост. М.В.Кравченко, С.И.Лягушевич, Г.Ф. Табакова – Мн.:
БГУИР, 2006. - с.

Цель разработки – промежуточный контроль сформированности лексико-

грамматических навыков по тематическим разделам, предусмотренным
Типовой программой «Иностранный язык» для высших учебных заведений
неязыковых специальностей.

Коллектив авторов, 2006

БГУИР, 2006




1. Underline the most suitable word or phrase.

1. Our teacher is very proud/strict/tolerant and won’t let us talk in class.
2. Helen never does her homework. She is rather sympathetic/lazy/reliable.
3. I didn’t talk to anyone at the party because I felt ambitious/lonely/shy.
4. When Harry saw his girl-friend dancing with Paul he felt
5. I don’t like people who are noisy and aggressive/decisive/sociable.
6. Thanks for bringing us a present. It was very adorable/grateful/thoughtful of
7. Teresa never gets angry with the children. She is very brave/patient/pleasant.
8. Tom always pays for everyone when we go out. He’s so

2. Complete the text with the correct words. The first letter of each word is given to
Julia is an extremely (1) i... girl. She is in her mid-twenties. She is of an (2) a... (3)
h... . Her face is round with (4) l... brown eyes, they make her look very (5) a... . She
(6) t... a... her father. She is (7) s... .
I admire my friend, her delightful sense of (8) h.... But at times she tends to act a little
impulsively. Also she is generally a (9) t... person, occasionally she reacts (10) n... if
some small habit, such as nail-biting, annoys her. She is always (11) a... with me and,
even, when she’s wrong, she never apologizes.
She is fond of gymnastics. Julia is (12) o..., she hopes to turn a professional model.
She is very (13) s..., everybody adores her.

3. Fill in prepositions:
1. When I entered I heard somebody speak ... a ringing voice. Such a voice is
typical ... young age.
2. Your aunt looks young ... her age.
3. The newcomer was a short stout man, carefully dressed, ... a round good-
natured face.
4. His thin face was dark and ended ... a short beard that looked Spanish.
5. Why are you shouting ... the top ... your voice? Can’t you talk ... a whisper?
6. Jane was eleven years old, tall ... her age, and very dark.
7. The girl has a pretty face ... brave brown eyes. She is ... medium height and
has a slender figure. Her elder sister Pauline is quite different ... her.
8. Elaine Kent was well ... her twenties.
9. We were born ... the same generation.
10. I don’t have relations ... my mother’s side.
11. He was a male replica ... his mother.
12. They had a strong resemblance ... each other.

4. Choose the most suitable word.
The Only Child
I was one of six children. I have two younger brothers and three (1) older/elder
sisters. My father was not a wealthy man and we lived in a three-bedroom house, so
conditions at home were always (2) quite/quiet cramped and there was (3) few/little
privacy. Yet I consider that I was extremely (4) fortunate/fortunately. The house was
(5) on/in the outskirts of a small town. Meadows, woods and even a friendly stream
(6) laid/lay within walking distance of our home. My mother and father were far too
busy to occupy themselves (7) with/at my affairs, so the greater part of my (8)
growing/upbringing was left to my sisters. If I am now a comparatively calm and
placid person, able to cope tolerably well (9) with/on those problems that life presents
us with, it is, I firmly believe, due (10) to/for the fact that I was allowed to grow (11)
on/up without too much fuss being made of me.

5. Decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space.

Ann Johnson – a confidential report
Ann Johnson has worked at this college for three years. She is a (1) ... employee, and
(2) ... on well with the other members of the department. We have all found her to be
an excellent (3)... . She has always been (4)... for her lessons, and is an extremely
(5)... member of staff who is able to work independently. I can always (6)... on her to
organize the end of term play, and she has put on some extremely (7)... productions.
Her students often tell me how (8)... she is, always ready with a smile, and she has
been very (9)... to many of them. In (10)... she is not very talkative and seems rather
(11)... at first, and might not show her true (12)... in an interview. Her work is
excellent, and she is (13)... to succeed. She is also quite (14)..., and has applied for
two other positions as Director of Studies. I think that you can count (15)... Ann to
make your school a success, and I recommend her for the post of Director.

1) A conscientious B conscience C consciousness D consciously

2) A goes B carries C gets D likes
3) A colleague B adult C employer D fellow
4) A exact B late C tactless D punctual
5) A selfish B reliable C irrational D lazy
6) A request B concentrate C take D rely
7) A imaginary B imagination C imaginative D imagined
8) A tempered B cheerful C impatient D proud
9) A kind B aggressive C impolite D unfriendly
10) A first B times C usual D private
11) A rude B shy C sociable D alone
12) A person B behaviour C character D part
13) A used B determined C had D suppose
14) A obedient B disappointed C grateful D ambitious
15) A on B for C with D to

6. Complete each sentence with a word from the box. Use each word once only.

ambitious greedy polite brave

proud sociable grateful kind tolerant

a) I think I’ll stay here on my own, I’m not feeling very ... today.
b) Diana wants to get to the top in her company. She is very ... .
c) It’s not ... to stare at people and say nothing!
d) Thank you for helping me. It was very ... of you.
e) It was very ... of Shelia to put out the fire on her own.
f) Don’t eat all the cakes! You really are becoming ... !
g) If you lend me the money, I’ll be very ... .
h) I am very ... of my new motorbike.
i) My parents don’t mind my crazy hairstyle. They are very ... .

7. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in
the space in the same line.

Jack’s real character

How easy is it to understand another person’s character?
My friend Jack, was once a rather (1)… person. He was ANNOY
always getting into trouble at school because he was so(2)… OBEY
In class he was very (3) … and never stopped making TALK
jokes. The teachers all told him he was (4) … because POLITE
he interrupted them. When I met him he was very (5) … FRIEND
and didn’t want to talk to me at all. People told me that he
stole things, and that he was (6) … . His school work HONEST
was terrible. He didn’t take any (7) … in his writing, he PROUD
never spent enough time doing his homework, and he
was not at all conscientious. One day he saw a gang of boys
attacking an old man. Jack hated (8) … and he fought VIOLENT
them all until they ran away. He was awarded a medal
for (9) … . After that, people changed their minds BRAVE
about him.

8. Translate the Russian words into English.

1. I think (он похож на отца), who was well-known for his bad temper.
2. Although my uncle lives alone, he always has company, so he never feels
3. He is the quiet type, but he’s not as (застенчивый) as he seems.
4.(Cредняя) British family consists of a mother, a father, and two or three children.
5. It is quite rare in Britain for (родственникoв) to share the house with the family.
6. My cousin Helen is married and has children of her own. They are – (мои
7. I often spend my (свободное время) out on the tennis court.
8. My brother has a large family, he lives (с тестем и тёщей).
9. He was a (коренастый мужчина) in his late forties.
10. She has (правильные черты) and beautiful eyes.

9. Translate these dialogues from Russian into English.

Диалог 1
В гостях у подруги
А: Привет! Как поживаешь?
В: Привет, Галя. Рада тебя видеть. Можешь повесить пальто здесь, и пройдем в
мою комнату. Проходи, пожалуйста.
А: Какая уютная комната! А кто эта славная женщина, которую я встретила в
В: Это моя мама.
А: Твоей маме 35?
В: Нет ей 45.
А: Но она не выглядит на свой возраст. У нее фигура женщины, которой нет и
В: Ты права. Иногда люди думают, что она моя подруга или старшая сестра.
А: У тебя есть брат, не правда ли? Почему ты не рассказываешь мне о нем?
В: Ты хотела бы что-нибудь узнать о нем?
А: Конечно.
В: Хорошо. Ему 23 года, он окончил наш институт в прошлом году.
А: Он работает сейчас?
В: Он работает на совместном предприятии. И ему там очень нравится.
А: Замечательно.

Диалог 2
Алиса: Послушай, Майк, я только что получила телеграмму от Мэри. Она
приезжает сегодня пятичасовым поездом, а я занята и не смогу встретить ее. Не
мог бы ты оказать мне услугу и встретить ее вместо меня?
Майк: Конечно. Но я никогда не видел ее. Как я смогу узнать ее?
Алиса: О! Это очень просто. Она похожа на свою мать.
Майк: Это, конечно, помогло бы. Но беда в том, что ее мать я тоже не видел.
Алиса: Прости, я забыла. Я даже не знаю, что делать.
Майк: Попытайся описать ее. Как она выглядит?
Алиса: Высокая, стройная девушка восемнадцати лет с овальным лицом.
Майк: Какой у нее цвет лица? (complexion)
Алиса: Она довольно бледная.
Майк: А волосы?
Алиса: Волосы длинные и светлые. Светло-серые, глубоко посаженные (deep-
set) глаза, маленький прямой нос, большой рот с белыми ровными (even)
зубами и приятная улыбка.
Майк: Я думаю, что на вокзале будет, по крайней мере, дюжина девушек,
похожих на нее.
Алиса: Да, я забыла. На левой щеке у нее маленькая родинка (mole).
Майк: Вот это действительно может помочь мне.


1. strict
2. lazy
3. shy
4. jealous
5. aggressive
6. thoughtful
7. patient
8. generous

ex. 2
1. intelligent
2. average
3. height
4. large
5. attractive
6. takes after
7. slim
8. humour
9. tolerant

ex. 3
1. in, of
2. for
3. with
4. with
5. at, of, in
6. for
7. with, of, from
8. in
9. in

ex. 4
1. elder
2. quite
3. little
4. fortunate
5. on
6. lay
7. with
8. upbringing
9. with

ex. 5
1. A
2. C
3. A
4. D
5. B
6. D
7. C
8. B
9. A

Ex. 6
1. sociable
2. ambitious
3. polite
4. kind
5. brave
6. greedy
7. grateful
8. proud
9. tolerant

ex. 7
1. annoying
2. disobedient
3. talkative
4. impolite
5. unfriendly
6. dishonest
7. pride
8. violence
9. bravery

Ex. 8
1. he takes after his father / looks like his father / resembles his father
2. lonely
3. shy
4. an average
5. relatives
6. my nephews
7. spare time
8. with a father-in-law and a mother-in-law
9. stocky man
10.regular features


1. Fill the gaps in these sentences with a suitable word. The first letter of each
missing word is given.
The Clarks live in a tiny (1) a ___ on the top (2) f ___ of a (3) b ___ of flats in
the city centre. It has (4) c ___ h ___ so it is very warm in the winter. It doesn’t
have (5) a ___ c ___ because the summers are never very hot. They were lucky to
find it because (6) a ___ is very scarse in the city and it’s easier to find a flat in a
new estate on the (7) o ___ of the city or in the (8) s ___
Their dream is to (9) m ___ to the country and live in an old (10) c ___ in a
little (11) v ___. Where they live now, their next-door neighbours are always
complaining about the noise when Jane plays her trumpet, and they haven’t got (12) r
___ for all their things: there aren’t enough (13) s ___ in the (14) l ___ for all the
children’s books and the (15) w ___ in the bedroom aren’t big enough for all Tom’s
But if they did find a place in the country, they’d have to buy it and pay the
mortgage every month – more than the (16) r ___ they pay to their (17) l ___ at the
moment. Still they wouldn’t mind this if they could live somewhere that more (18) s

2. Complete the sentences choosing one of the adjectives given.

The Smiths live in a semi-(1)detached/single house which is joined to the

house next door by a (2)divided/shared wall. This house is less (3)expensive/cheap
than a (4)detached/alone house, but still offers a (5)convenient/good standard of
privacy and comfort. Like many English houses it is a (6)two-storey/multi-storey
building with a garden around it. On the ground floor they have a lounge, a dining
room and a kitchen. The kitchen is rather big and (7)comfortable/suitable. The lounge
is very (8)homy/cosy.
The bedrooms are upstairs, on the first floor. Their bedrooms are cold. In
winter they heat them because there is no (9)main/central heating. Few people have
heating in their (10)own/proper houses.
Mr. Smith’s study is downstairs. It faces the garden. It is light and

3. Decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space.

Moving in
The entrance to the flat was at the side of the (1) … . Jane had to walk along a path across the lawn
and past a shed full of gardening (2) … . Inside the back door there was a flight of (3) … and then
another door on the (4) … . It was a (5) ... flat with a bedroom, living room, kitchen and bathroom.
There was not a lot of (6) … but certainly enough for a student like Jane. There was a (7) ... in the
living room with an electric fire, and the kitchen had a small (8) ... . And a fridge. The bathroom did
not have a bath, only a (9) … . And a basin, but Jane didn’t mind. She was thinking about other
problems. There wasn’t a washing (10) .., and there was no (11) … heating. It was raining outside,
and the flat felt damp and chilly. On the bed there were some (12) ... and a duvet, but no sheets. It

was lucky that Jane had brought a sleeping bag. As she was wondering what to do next, there was a
knock at the (13) … .
1) A house B home C housing D household
2) A vacuum- B freezer C equipment D dishwasher
3) A staircase B stairs C ladder D upstairs
4) A landing B roof C basement D cellar
5) A multi-storey B semi- C cottage D furnished
6) A furniture B rent C neighbours D sharing
7) A wardrobe B cupboard C sideboard D fireplace
8) A cook B cookery C cooker D cooking
9) A oven B shower C fridge D sink
10) A machine B dryer C iron D microwave
11) A electricity B running C chute D central
12) A rugs B carpets C blankets D curtains
13) A floor B door C ceiling D wall

4. Complete the dialogue. The first letter of each missing word is given.
Tom: Have you seen the state of this kitchen? Someone has been washing
clothes in the (1) s___ and they’re still there!
Fred: Yes, I know. I usually use the (2) b___ , but it is too dirty at the moment.
Tom: Why didn’t you (3) c___ it? You have been living here for two months now,
and I have never seen you do any (4) h___.
Fred: What do you mean? I have washed the (5) d___ at least three times and I
(6) m___ my bed.
Tom: Rubbish! You are always making a (7) m___ and not cleaning up afterwards.
Fred: What about you? You are always drinking my milk!
Tom: What about the (8) k___ ?
Fred: Buy!

5. Fill in each space with an appropriate preposition from the list below: in, on,
of, for, at, by, to
A house husband
My wife is a social worker and she works (1)… the local council and has a very busy
timetable every day. She obviously can’t be (2)… full-time work and be a housewife
(3)… the same time. This means I’ve been a house husband (4)… many years now,
because my job as a textbook writer for students (5)… English can be done from
home working (6)… a personal computer. As we can’t afford a baby-sitter I’m (7)…
charge (8)… the baby as well as having to do all the cooking and washing-up. My job
is made much easier (9)… the variety (10)… electrical goods available – I just put all
the dirty plates (11)… the dishwasher and the baby’s clothes (12)… the washing
machine and away I go. I’m free to produce yet another masterpiece for students (13)

… my word processor. When my wife comes home (14)… three she has already
made meal to look forward (15)… . Not bad, eh?

5. Fill in the blanks. The first letter of each missing word is given.
1. Oh dear, the iron was too hot. I’ve s (1)___ your blouse. Do you think anyone will
2. This floor is very dirty. Can you bring me a fresh (2)b___ of water. I want to rinse
the (3) m___ again.
3. The collar of this shirt is so dirty I’ll have to (4)s___ it in a (5)b___ of hot water
for half an hour, and then (6)s___ it with a brush.
4. Thanks for washing the dishes. We haven’t got time to (7)d___ them up. Let’s just
leave them there to (8)d___.
5. Can you (9)f___ the ironing board and put it away. I’ve finished the
6. First (10)b___ two eggs in a (11)b___. Then c___ three mushrooms into small
pieces and add them with some milk and salt.

7. Choose the right word for each proverb:

1. My (1)… is my castle.
2. There is no (2)… like home.
3. East or West (3)… is best.
4. Men make (4)… women make (5)… .
5. Dry bread (6)… is better than roast meat (7)… .
6. People, who live in (8)… houses, shouldn’t throw stones.

8. Translate into English:

1. Я видел ваше объявление в газете о том, что вы сдаете квартиру.
2. Я хочу снять однокомнатную квартиру со всеми удобствами и мебелью.
3. Основные типы домов в Британии: отдельные дома и особняки, имеющие
общую стену.
4. Мой друг купил очень удобную квартиру. Она находится на седьмом этаже
многоквартирного дома.
5. Они мечтают получить свою собственную квартиру.
6. Как правило, утром мне некогда подметать пол, вытирать пыль и стирать. Я
только убираю постель и мою посуду.
7. Во многих современных квартирах имеются посудомоечные машины,
микроволновые печи, морозильники, стиральные машины.

Ex.1 Ex. 2. Ex.3
1 apartment 1 semi-detached 1 A
2 floor 2 shared 2 C
3 block 3 expensive 3 B
4 central heating 4 detached 4 A
5 air conditioning 5 good 5 D
6 accommodation 6 two-storey 6 A
7 outskirts 7 comfortable 7 D
8 suburbs 8 cosy 8 C
9 move 9 central 9 B
10 cottage 10 own 10 A
11 village 11 spacious 11 D
12 room 12 C
13 space 13 B
14 lounge
15 wardrobe
16 rent
17 landlord
18 spacious

Ex.4. Ex.5 Ex.6

1 sink 1 for 1 scorced
2 bath 2 in 2 bucket
3 clean 3 at 3 mop
4 housework 4 for 4 soak
5 dishes 5 of 5 bowl
6 make 6 on 6 scrub
7 mess 7 in 7 dry
8 kitchen 8 of 8 drain
9 by 9 Fold
10 of 10 beat
11 in 11 bowl
12 in
13 on
14 at
15 to

1 House
2 Place
3 Home
4 Houses
5 Homes
6 at home
7 Abroad
8 Glass

Topic: MEALS

I. Fill in the gaps with the prepositions in, without, with, to, up, for, out, of.

1. The salad consisted ___ sliced meat, sliced tomatoes and lettuce.
2. He helped himself ___ a large piece ___ apple-pie.
3. Have another helping ___ soup. – Thank you, ___ pleasure.
4. She treated ___ us ___ very tasty pancakes.
5. Help yourself ___ the salad.
6. I’m very fond ___ Chinese food.
7. I asked ___ the menu.
8. He took ___ my order.
9. I prefer a simple café ___ a big restaurant.
10. I like to eat ___.

II. Use the words to complete the sentences.

roast grill fry bake

stew pickle boil

1. I would ___ a fish for supper.

2. It is very easy to ___ potatoes in the saucepan.
3. ___ the pie at the bottom of the oven for 45-50 minutes.
4. I’d like to ___ sausages on the barbecue.
5. Cut an onion and ___ it until it gets light gold colour.
6. She wanted to ___ some fruit for dessert.
7. In autumn they always ___ cucumbers and potatoes.

III. Fill in the gaps with meal, dish or food.

1. – What is the first ___ of the day?

– Breakfast is.
2. – What is the main ___ in many Asian countries?
– I think it is rice.
3. – What kind of ___ do you like?
– I’m fond of good plain ___.
4. – This ___ is a speciality of our restaurant.
– All right I’ll try that.
5. – What shall we have?
– The three-course ___, I suppose.
6. – What do you think of spicy ___?
– I avoid it.
7. – Can you give me a recipe of your favourite ___?
– With a pleasure.
8. – Do you eat at a fast ___ restaurant more than once a week?
– Oh, no! I prefer eating home-made ___.
9. – What kind of restaurants do you like?
– I like Italian restaurants. My favourite ___ is Spaghetti Bolognese.
10. – Thank you for a wonderful ___.
– I’m glad you enjoyed it.

IV. Choose the most suitable word for each space.

1. A man was too ___, and he was sent to the hospital for treatment.
a) thin b) stout c) slim d) tall

2. They gave him very little to eat, and he was always ___.
a) angry b) full c) thirsty d) hungry

3. It takes Dave 3, 5 minutes to boil ___.

a) eggs b) meat c) fish d) chicken

4. She gave up ___ because she wanted to be thin.

a) lemon b) carrots c) chocolate d) beef

5. A well-balanced ___ helps you to stay healthy.

a) recipe b) diet c) eating d) menu

6. Mary decided to ___ the roast lamb with mashed potatoes.

a) ask b) get c) choice d) order

7. She liked the dessert so much that she asked for a second ___.
a) dish b) helping c) serving d) plate

8. Can you give me the ___ for this pie? It’s delicious.
a) prescription b) instructions c) recipe d) ingredients

9. Please ___ yourself to salads from the salad bar.

a) serve b) help c) wait d) give

10. Have you decided what to have for your second ___?
a) course b) helping c) meal d) food

V. Chose the right word from the list for each proverb.

cooks hunger apple appetite

meals cook bread hungry
cup pudding

1. An ___ a day keeps the doctor away.

2. Square ___ often make round people.
3. Too many ___ spoil the broth.
4. There is many a slip between the ___ and the lip.
5. The proof of the ___ is in the eating.
6. A ___ belly has no ears.
7. ___ is the best sauce.
8. The ___ comes with eating.
9. Man does not live by ___ alone.
10. First catch your chicken, then ___ him.

VI. Put each of the following words or phrases in its correct place in the
passages below.

1. Bill, take away, fast food, cookery books, ingredients, waiter, eat out, snack, dish,
tip, menu, recipe.

Eating out
I’m a terrible cook. I’ve tried hard but it’s no use. I’ve got lots of (1) ___, I
choose a (2) ___ I want to cook, I read the (3) ___, I prepare all the necessary (4) ___
and follow the instructions. But the result is terrible, and I just have a sandwich or
some other quick (5) ___. So I often (6) ___. I don’t like grand restaurants. It’s not
the expense, it’s just that I don’t feel at ease in them. First the (7) ___ gives me a (8)
___ which I can’t understand because it’s complicated and has lots of foreign words.
At the end of the meal when I pay the (9) ___ I never know how much to leave as a
(10) ___. I prefer (11) ___ places, like hamburger shops where you pay at once and
eat straightway. And I like (12) ___ places, where you buy a meal in a special
container and take it home.

2. Cutlery, vegetarian, diet, crockery, entertaining, sink, starter, side dish, napkin,
main course, washing up, dessert.

Entertaining at Home
Maureen often gives dinner parties at home. She loves (1) ___. She lays the
table: puts the (2) ___ in the right places, sets out the plates and puts a clean white (3)
___ at each place. For the meal itself, she usually gives her guests some kind of (4)
___ first, for example soup or melon. Next comes the (5) ___, which is usually meat
(unless her guests are (6) ___ or if they’re on a special (7) ___) with a (8) ___ of
salad. For (9) ___ it’s usually fruit or ice-cream, and then coffee. When everyone has
gone home, she must think about doing the (10) ___, as in the kitchen the (11) ___ is
full of dirty (12) ___.

VII. Complete the following dialogue using the words and phrases below it.

– May I take your (1) ___, sir?

– I haven’t seen (2) ___ yet. May I have one, please?
– I’m sorry. Here is one, sir.
– There are so many (3) ___ that it’s hard to decide. Well I’ll have (4) ___. I’m pretty
– Yes, sir. The regular dinner includes (5) ___, soup, salad, (6) ___, tea or coffee.
– I’ll try beefsteak with fried potatoes. And I think tomato salad (7) ___.
– Very good, sir. Anything for (8) ___?
– No, thanks. Just (9) ___.
dessert; different dishes; black coffee; appetizer; the menu; order; choice of desserts;
the regular dinner; will do nice

VIII. Translate into English.

1. – Сколько раз в день вы питаетесь?

– Я ем четыре раза в день: легкий завтрак, ленч, обед, самая существенная
еда, и ужин.
2. – Что сегодня на обед?
– На первое куриный бульон, а на второе – котлеты с пюре.
– Очень хорошо. А что на третье?
– Компот и фрукты.
3. – Хочешь добавки салата?
– Нет спасибо, я наелся.
4. – Не хотите ли чашечки кофе?
– Спасибо, я люблю крепкий кофе без сахара с лимоном.
5. – Позвольте, я угощу вас пирогом с вишней.
– Спасибо. Чудесный пирог! Вы отличный повар!
6. – Передай мне, пожалуйста, хлеб.
– Черный или белый?
– Черный.
– Вот, пожалуйста.
– Спасибо.
7. – Какое твое любимое блюдо?
– Для меня нет ничего вкуснее бифштекса.
8. – Этот столик у окна свободен?
– Да. Вам здесь будет очень удобно.
9. – Что мы возьмем?
– Давай заглянем в меню. Выбор, как всегда большой. Давай возьмем обед из
трех блюд. На закуску возьмем винегрет.
– А на первое можно взять рыбный суп, грибной суп или куриный.
10. – Что вы будете заказывать на второе?
– Мы еще не выбрали. Что бы вы посоветовали?
– Я рекомендую взять тушеное мясо с овощами.

1. of 2. to; of 3. of; with 4. –; to
5. to 6. of 7. for 8. –
9. to 10. out

1. fry 2. boil 3. bake 4. grill
5. roast 6. stew 7. pickle

1. meal 2. food 3. food; food 4. dish
5. meal 6. food 7. dish 8. food; food
9. dish 10. meal

1. c 2. d 3. a 4. c
5. b 6. d 7. b 8. c
9. b 10. a

1. apple 2. meals 3. cooks 4. cup
5. pudding 6. hungry 7. hunger 8. appetite
9. bread 10. cook

1. cookery books 2. dish 3. recipe 4. ingredients
5. snack 6. eat out 7. waiter 8. menu
9. bill 10. tip 11. fast food 12. take away
1. entertaining 2. cutlery 3. napkin 4. starter
5. main course 6. vegetarian 7. diet 8. side dish
9. dessert 10. washing up 11. sink 12. crockery

1. order 2. the menu 3. different dishes 4. the regular
5. appetizer 6. choice of 7. will do nice 8. dessert
9. black coffee


I. Fill in the gaps with the prepositions.

1) Nick has always been interested ___ radioengineering.

2) Eleven thousands of students were admitted ___ the Belarusian State University of
Informatics and Radioelectronics in 2005.
3) The academic year in Belarus begins in September and is divided ____ two terms.
4) If you miss a lecture you may copy ___ notes.
5) If a student fails ___ a subject he is allowed to repeat his examination at the
beginning of the next term.
6) George is graduating ___ University, isn’t he?
7) Last summer I entered ___ BSUIR.

II. Chose the correct word from the box:

pass notes miss subject first-
enter courses lecturer take fail

1) Higher mathematics is my favourite __________ at university.

2) You ______ too many lectures this term. You’ll have some problems.
3) It’s really hard to _______ university.
4) No one likes to ______ in an exam.
5) In July she _______ her entrance examinations, ______ them well, and now she is
a ______ student.
6) University __________ normally last five years.
7) A ________ gives lectures and students take _______ .

III. Explain the difference between:

a. to take an exam – to pass an exam
b. to graduate – to leave
c. a seminar – a practical
d. to study full-time – to study part-time

IV. Translate from Russian into English:

1) Минский радиотехнический институт был основан в 1964 году.

2) Срок обучения длится 3 года.
3) Сейчас более 11000 студентов обучаются на 9 факультетах.
4).Учебный процесс обеспечивает высококвалифицированный
преподавательский состав.

5) Этим летом я поступил в Белорусский государственный университет
информатики и радиоэлектроники, и теперь я первокурсник факультета
компьютерного проектирования.
6) Не очень то весело догонять группу, после того, как пропустил много
7) Он провалил экзамен по химии и теперь сидит зубрит.

Ex. 1 Ex.2
1 in 1 subject
2 to 2 have missed
3 into 3 enter
4 up 4 fail
5 in 5 took, passed, first-year
6 from 6 courses
7 7 lecturer, notes



I. Supply the missing prepositions.

1. In summer I go in ... swimming and hiking.
2. Jean is a very outgoing person. She is crazy ... dancing.
3. Mrs. Clark never goes ... ... a meal. She’s fond ... cooking.
4. When I travel, I always take a camera with me. I’m quite interested ...
taking photos.
5. Robert has been collecting old bottles for 20 years. I think he’s sick and
tired ... collecting.
6. Susan uses her walkman everywhere. She listens ... jazz and pop-music
7. I’d like to go ... the club and play a game ... billiards. In fact, I’m keen ...
playing it.
II. Match the place and the reason for going there.
A sportsground, an exhibition, a theatre, a casino, a disco, a gallery.

1. ... to watch a perfomance.

2. ... to look at paintings.
3. ... to try to win money.
4. ... to go in for sports.
5. ... to look at things collected.
6. ... to dance and relax, and watch people dancing.

III. Translate into English.

1. Чем ты увлекаешься?
2. Я очень люблю спорт, особенно зимние виды: бег на коньках, лыжи.
3. Я увлекаюсь фотографией. Куда бы я ни поехал, я всегда беру с
собой фотоаппарат.
4. Ваше увлечение мне кажется как познавательным, так и практичным.
5. Джейн интересует коллекционирование книг 19 века. В ее коллекции
около трехсот книг.
6. Сегодня люди очень заняты и у них не очень много свободного
7. Многие люди согласятся, что отдых и смена обстановки также
важны, как и работа.
8. Если вы выбрали хобби согласно вашему вкусу, то вы – счастливый
9. Хобби предоставляет большой выбор деятельности.
10. Хобби – это делать что-либо, создавать что-либо, собирать что-либо
и узнавать что-либо новое.

IV. Insert a suitable word from the box into the blanks.
buffet, coach station, departure lounge, harbour, quay, cabin, deck,
destination, platform, runway

a) Most o f the young people on the boat slept on the … in their sleeping bags.
b) As the train drew to the station, Terry could see her sister waiting on the … .
c) I was so nervous about flying that I left my bag in the … .
d) By the time I got to the …, the bus to Scotland had left.
e) As soon as the boat left the …, the storm began.
f) We hadn’t had anything to eat, but luckily there was a … on the train.
g) I’m afraid there is only first-class … free on the boat.
h) Tim reached Paris safely, but his luggage didn’t reach its … .
i) There was a queue of cars on the …, waiting for the car-ferry to the island.
j) Our plane nearly crashed into a fire-engine on the … .

V. Insert the following words:

exhibits, masterpiece, the dress-circle, the billboard, the usherette, in advance

1. Let’s ask … to show us to our seats.

2. Do you mind sitting in …?
3. I’ll try to get tickets …
4. The museum’s … are at present located in 5 buildings.
5. The performance resembles a polished … rather than a slice of real life.
6. Let’s go over to … and see what’s on at the cinema.

VI. Insert the prepositions where necessary:

with, in, on, out, upon, to, at, into, by, through, for, of, with, about, behind

1. Who is … the cast today?

2. His plays are very popular … the public.
3. How did you find yesterday’s performance? I was bored … death.
4. They always touch … important social problems.
5. This collection must be accessible … broader audiences.
6. This story took me … journeys to unknown parts of the world.
7. My sister can pick … any tune … the piano.
8. What’s … … the cinema today?
9. When we stepped … the hall the usherette was there to show us … our
10. What sort … film was it? Did you have a good time … the cinema?
11. It isn’t customary to leave one’s hat or coat … the cloakroom.
12. Ordering tickets … advance … phone is a great convenience … the movie-
13. In fact the picture has an excellent cast … Gregory Peck playing the leading

VII. Translate the following dialogue into English.

– Послушай, Ник, ты не мог бы мне сказать точное время?

– Без четверти шесть, а что?
– Ну вот, снова я опаздываю. Кэйт будет ждать меня возле Художественного
музея. Мы хотим посетить там выставку национальной белорусской вышивки.
– Тогда поспеши. Насколько я помню, Художественный музей закрывается в 8
часов, а полтора часа мало, чтобы посмотреть все.

Ex.1 Ex.2
1 for 1 a theatre
2 about 2 a gallery
3 out for, of 3 a casino
4 in 4 a sportsground
5 of 5 an exhibition
6 to 6 a disco
7 to, of,on

Ex: IV
a) deck f) buffet
b) platform g) cabin
c) departure lounge h) destination
d) coach station i) quay
e) harbour j) runway

1. the usherette 4. exhibits
2. the dress-circle 5.masterpiece
3. in advance 6.the billboard

Ex: VI
1. in 9.into , -
2. with 10. of, at
3. to 11. in
4. upon 12. in, by, for
5. to 13. with
6. on
7. out, on
8. on, at

I. Choose the appropriate variant for each situation.
1. Last summer Olympics … two years ago.
a) were conducted b) have been c) were held
2. The Bulls opened the score after the first minute of the … .
a) match b) competition c) championship
3. One man doesn’t make a … .
a) command b) group c) team
4. The player with the highest … wins the game.
a) goal b) score c) record
5. Brenda goes jogging every morning to keep … .
a) exercised b) fit c) trained
6. Our team … the match by two goals to nil.
a) beat b) defeated c) won
7. The local stadium isn't large enough for so many … .
a) audience b) viewers c) spectators
8. All … for the race should make their way to the track.
a) competitors b) rivals c) supporters

II. Complete each sentence with a word from the box.

Provide an opportunity, to be the host, to compete, capability, rival, to break

record, to win, strength, to support, skill.

1. Who has … the world … for the 1000 meters? Is it a Belarusian sportsman?
2. Twice a week I play basketball. It’s a very interesting and exciting game and it
requires great …
3. Sport … for people to express themselves that it is not always possible in work
4. In 1980 Moscow … of the Olympic Games.
5. Who … the gold medal in the figure skating during the Olympic Games in
6. Runners from many countries … for the international prize.
7. The “home” team were playing in blue and white shirts and their … were in
red and white shirts.
8. Tom offered me to go to the swimming pool and I … his idea.
9. Do you have the… to lift this weight?
10. Sport competitions give a possibility to demonstrate your physical …

III. Complete the sentences with the necessary prepositions.

1. You’re hopeless … tennis.
2. Will you train this girl … the competition?
3. These two teams compete … the Cup.
4. Belarus will hold a competition … biathlon.
5. My brother is very fond … skiing.
6. I have gone … … dancing since my childhood.
7. Belarusian sportsmen took part … the Olympic Games in Torino.
8. I need to brush … my skating. I haven’t skated for ten years.
9. My father was really sorry when he had to give … sky diving but he had a bad
10.You can’t participate … the World Championship. You’re … … practice.

IV. Replace the underlined words with the

a) antonyms.
1. The forward of the national team shot the first goal.
2. Last year the British hockey team won 7 matches.
3. All the “Milano” supporters were astonished. The players had
never played in such a way. It was a real foul play.
4. I prefer outdoor sports. Hockey is my favourite one.
5. He is the most famous player among the professional sportsmen.
6. I was surprised to see Amelia after two years. She has changed a
lot. She is in such a good sport shape.

b) synonyms.
1. This competition is always held in the open air.
2. He had the lowest number of points, and he lost the round.
3. The trainer of our team took part in the Olympics ten years
4. Sabrina Berretti threw the ball to Julia Orlandi who
managed to shoot the goal.

V. Express the same in English.

1. Тебе следует заняться плаванием. Ты в плохой форме.
2. На турнире по теннису я болел за белорусскую команду.
3. Это был замечательный матч. Наш нападающий открыл счет на третьей
минуте матча. Но соперник сравнял счет. Затем наша команда забила еще 2
гола. И Беларусь стала чемпионом.
4. Моя сестра хорошо играет в шахматы. Она даже тренировалась к
международным соревнованиям.
5. Бразильский спортсмен установил мировой рекорд. Но он не прошел
допинг-тест и был дисквалифицирован.
6. Жители нашей страны увлекаются различными видами спорта.
7. Белорусы постоянно принимают участие в Зимних и Летних
Олимпийских Играх и выигрывают медали.
8. – Почему ты перестал заниматься боксом?
– В этом спорте слишком много жестокости.

Ex.: I.
1. c 5. b
2. a 6. c
3. c 7. c
4. b 8. a

Ex.: II.
1. broken record 6. competed
2. skill 7. rivals
3. provides an opportunity 8. supported
4. was the host 9. capability
5. work 10. strength

Ex.: III.
1. at 6. in for
2. for 7. in
3. for 8. up
4. in 9. up
5. of 10. in, out of

Ex.: IV.
a) 1. defender b) 6. a bad sport shape
2. lost 7. outdoors
3. fair play 8. score
4. indoor 9. coach
5. amateur 10. passed


I. Insert articles if necessary.

... (1) people are not so honest as they once were. ... (2) temptation to steal is
greater than ever before — especially in ... (3) large shops. ... (4) detective recently
watched ... (5) well-dressed woman who always went into ... (6) large store on ...
(7) Monday mornings. One Monday, there were fewer people in ... (8) shop than
usual when ... (9) woman came in, so it was easier for ... (10) detective to watch
her. ... (11) woman first bought ... (12) few small articles. After ... (13) little
time, she chose one of ... (14) most expensive dresses in ... (15) shop and
handed it to ... (16) assistant who wrapped it up for her as quickly as possible.
Then ... (17) woman simply took ... (18) parcel and walked out of ... (19) shop
without paying. When she was arrested, ... (20) detective found out that ... (21)
shop-assistant was her daughter. ... (22) girl 'gave' her mother ... (23) free dress
once ... (24) week.

II. Fill in the gaps with the prepositions: for, in, from,. on, at, by, to.

1. I would like to have something ... this shopping list.

2. You can pay ... credit card or ... cheque or ... cash.
3. When 1 need new clothes, a dress, a suit or costume ... everyday wear I prefer a
ready made one.
4. Before buying a new coat I always try it......a fitting room.
5. I planned to buy a new suit but one was a bit tight... shoulders and another one was
loose ... me.
6. We usually buy all we need... our local shops and... the market.
7. ... the supermarket you can buy everything ... toothpaste and soap up... wallpaper
and a spade.
8. My friend prefers buying clothes ... a catalogue or ... mail... a reasonable price.
9. When I asked ... a refund the shop assistant wanted to know what was wrong with
the shoes I had bought.
10. I liked the jacket very much but unfortunately they have not got jackets ... size 12.

III. Choose the right word

1. advertisement 3. catalogue 5. list 7. purse 9. money

2. bargain 4. deposit 6. manager 8. receipt 10. trolley

a) You push this in the supermarket and fill it with food

b)................................................. You are given this as proof of buying something
c)................................................. This tries to persuade you to buy something
d)................................................. You put money, especially banknotes, in this
e)................................................ This person is in charge of a shop
f) You might make this before you go shopping
g) Leave this if you can't pay now but want to buy later.
h) Do this if you want to get a better price
i) Coins are usually carried in this, especially by women.
j) Read this to find descriptions of goods.

IV. Use the words to complete the sentences: customer, shoppers, buyer,
consumers, lend, borrow, go with, match, suit, become, fit
1. Streets are crowded with Christmas ....
2. ... are demanding more environmentally friendly products.
3. Have you found ... for your house yet?
4. We offer a 10 % discount to regular . . . .
5. You …… someone money which is yours and which they will give you back; that
person …….the money from you.
6. The figure-hugging dress ... her properly now, she's lost some weight.
7. The green of her dress ... the green of her eyes.
8. That blue dress ... the girl with the blond hair.
9. This nice hat ... well your costume.
10. Your new coat ... you and I like the colour.

V. Insert each of the given words in the correct space.

pay push find spend take

buy sell need complain look for

I love shopping. I love looking round the shops and seeing alt the things and all the
people. My friends say I like to (a) _______ money. It's probably true. There's a very
good supermarket near me. They have everything you (b) _____________ for your
house. If you want a tin of sardines, a tube of toothpaste, a box of chocolates, a carton
of milk, a packet of biscuits, a bottle of beer or a jar of jam, you can (c) ___________ it
at the supermarket. They (d) _____ everything. If you want a lot of things, you
can use a trolley and (e) ______ it in front of you. .If you don't want much, you can
use a small basket. Then (f) _____ the things you want. If you can't (g) ____
them on the shelves, ask an assistant for help. When you see what you want, you just (h)
_____ it from the shelves and put it in the trolley. When you have everything, you must
stand in the queue at the check-out to (i) _______. Give your money to the cashier.
He or she will put it in the till and give you your change. If there is anything wrong,
if the service isn't good, customers can (j)______ to the manager. Our supermarket is

VI. Fill in the gaps with words given below.

dress try fit get dressed undress

put on
on suit take off wear
As it was his first meeting with Julie's parents, George thought quite hard about what
he was going to (a) ___ . When going out with friends he normally (b) _____
quite casually, but Sunday lunch with strangers was different. Twelve o'clock
-definitely time to (c) ____. George (d) ___ a clean shirt and (e) ___the jeans
he had bought the day before. They (f)____h im well, but they looked too
new. He (g) ___them and (h) ___ his dark green trousers. He would (i)____
these and his leather jacket and maybe a tie. But that didn't look right either -
green just didn't (j) ___ him. Oh, God, why was he so vain ... ? He (k) ___ and
started again

VII. Choose the right word

Street markets
Most people enjoy looking for (1)___in street markets. It can be very enjoyable
walking around the (2)___, among the crowds of (3)___ and trying to spend as
(4)____ as possible. Of course it depends (5)___ the market. In fruit and (6)___
markets, there is usually a wide variety of (7)______ produce, but it may not be
cheap. There may be goods at (8)___ prices at the end of the day, however. Clothes
markets can be a problem, as it is difficult to (9) ____ on new clothes in the open
(10)____! My favourite are antique markets, where although there is not much (11)
____ of finding valuable objects which are also cheap, you can enjoy yourself looking
at all the
things for (12)____ .Whatever kind of market you look (13) _____ , and whether
you buy things or not, you usually (14) ____ feeling completely worn (15) _____. Still,
up interesting way of shopping.

1 A cheap B sale C inexpensive D bargains

2 A tables B stalls C boxes D stores
3 A shoppers B public C buys D goods
4 A little B soon C late D is
5 A from B with C on D to
6 A salads B green C farm D vegetable
7 A new B fresh C young D early
8 A half B bottom C reduced D down
9 A look B try C have D take
10 A time B shop C light D air
11 A likelihood B instead C in spite D luck
12 A that B Ball C sale D others
13 A round B for C up D out
14 A shut B bring C get D end
15 A clothes B however C out D through

VIII. Translate into English

- Чем могу вам помочь?
- Я хочу купить светлый плащ.
- Какой размер вы носите?
- 46.
- Как вам нравится этот голубой плащ? Мне кажется, он будет вам к
- Мне нравится цвет, но не нравится фасон. У вас есть плащ такого же
цвета, но другого
- Взгляните на этот плащ. Как вы его находите?
- Мне он нравится. Я бы хотела его примерить.
- Проходите, пожалуйста, в примерочную.
- Думаю, этот плащ немного узковат мне.
- Да, вам нужен плащ на размер больше. Снимите этот плащ. Я принесу
размер 48. Вот, пожалуйста.
- По-моему, этот плащ хорошо сидит на мне.
- Да, это ваш размер.
- Сколько он стоит?
- 3000 рублей.
- Я возьму его.


1. -; 2. the; 3.-; 4. a; 5. a; 6. a; 7. -; 8. the; 9. the; 10. the; 11. the; 12. a; 13. a; 14. the;
15. the; 16. am; 17. the;18. the; 19.the; 20.the; 21.the; 22.the; 23.a; 24.a;

1) foom 6) in, at
2) by, by, in 7) at, foom, to
3) for 8) by, by, at
4) on 9) for
5) in 10) in

a. 10 f. 5
b. 8 g. 4
c. 1 h. 2
d. 7 i. 9
e. 6 j. 3

1) shoppers 6) fits
2) consumers 7) matches
3) a buyer 8) suits
4) customers 9) goes
5) lend, borrows 10) becomes to

a. 7 f. 10
b. 6 g. 5
c. 2 h. 9
d. 4 i. 1
e. 3 j. 8

a puf on f fit
b wore g took off
c get addressed h put on
d put on i put on
e – j suit
k undressed

1. d 9. b
2. d 10. d
3. a 11. b
4. a 12. c
5. c 13. a
6. d 14. c
7. d 15. c
8. c


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