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Today, we are going to talk about the department of Puno.

The department of Puno is in the southeast of Peru,It was founded as San Juan
Bautista de Puno on November 4, 1668.

Puno is A place full of attractions and charms. The home of Lake Titicaca, from
where, according to legend, the children of the Sun, Manco Capac and Mama Ocllo,
emerged from its waters to civilize the masses, worship the Sun God and found
the powerful Inca Empire. This is Puno, full of mysticism and millenary history,
where its people will enchant you, its climate will strengthen you and its attractions
will make you fall in love.

Because in Puno everything is related to the history of ancient Peru, that from
which the first civilizations emerged, and that still preserve their teachings and
practices to this day: just look at their native villages, where they still practice
ancestral customs that end up being one of the most powerful attractions for
domestic and foreign tourists.

Puno functions as a commercial center and link with the southern Andes, it is a
great trader of wool and alpacas.
It has an important cultural heritage and has been named Capital of Peruvian

Thank you
The customs in Puno, we can mention the brilliance of the crafts, dances, fairs,
festivals and costumes that have earned the department the title of Folkloric
Capital of America. Puno has more than 300 typical dances, among Aymara and
Quechua. The most famous dance is the Diablada puneña, but also the colorful
dances of the Sicuris de Taquile.
Feast of the Virgen de la Candelaria - It is the largest and most important of
the highlands and one of the most significant religious festivals in South
America.The festivity begins on January 24.
Feast of the Payment to the Earth.- On the island of Amantani there are two
ceremonial centers that are Pachamama and Pachatata, every third Thursday of
January the payment to the earth is made, being the coca leaf one of the
essential things for this ritual. These are rituals to thank and ask the earth for
the benefits for the crops.
San Juan de Dios Patron Saint's Day - On March 8, this festivity is held in
honor of this saint, the patron saint of the sick and hospitals.
Staging of Manco Capac and Mama Ocllo - For the anniversary of the city a
staging of these mythical characters which are part of a well-known story, are
considered children of the Sun God who come out of the waters of Lake Titicaca.
The zampoña or Sicuri is one of the oldest musical instruments of the
Pucará little bulls - One of the best known handicraft products are the little
bulls, these little bulls are placed on the roofs of the houses as a sign of
protection for the families.

These are only some of the traditions, thank you

GOOD AFTERNOON EVERYBODY , tourist attraction in Puno
Puno, cradle of mysteries and great legends, this beautiful city hosts a pre-Inca,
Inca and colonial cultural mix that is present in the architecture of its temples,
archaeological centers and colonial mansions.

Among the main tourist destinations of Puno stand out:

The Plaza de Armas and the Cathedral of Puno (1757) were built on an
ancient ceremonial site called "Supay Kancha", the circle of the Devil in Quechua.

The viewpoints - The viewpoints surrounding the city, such as Kuntur Wasi or
Puma Uta, offer a beautiful view of Puno, Lake Titicaca and its surroundings.

The Yavari ship - Built in England in 1862.

It is said to be the oldest iron ship in the world in operational condition.

Of course Lake Titicaca is the main tourist attraction in Puno - it is the

highest lake in the world and has several islands between Peru and Bolivia.

The Uros Islands: are the famous floating islands of Titicaca, built entirely of
totora reeds.

Taquile: famous for its traditional textile art, which has been recognized as a
World Heritage Site by UNESCO.

The Island of the Sun: is a very important island; legend has it that on this
island lived the god Inti (sun), who created his children Manco Capac and Mama
Ocllo, the first Incas who founded the great empire of the Incas. There are mor
places that you can visit.

Thank you
Good afternoon everyboday. I am going to talk about the gastronomy
The gastronomy of Puno is of simple techniques, it is not a very elaborate
cuisine. Puno food is distinguished by the fire of the wood oven, the use of clay
pots and all the smell of mother earth. To a great extent, they use in their typical
dishes ingredients such as: meats, grains, herbs and tubers.

Pesque de quinua Pesque is one of the best typical dishes of Puno, where the
essential ingredient is quinoa.

The Chairo.- It is a delicious and nutritious soup from Puno, one of the most
requested by the villagers after each workday, for its high nutrient content. It is
a hearty stew prepared with lamb meat, shallots, vegetables (carrot, celery,
beans, garlic, onion), potato, black chuño, salt and oregano.

Chicharrón de alpaca This dish must be one of those that you must try once
in your life, the reason is that it is unique and you will not find one like it
anywhere else on the planet. This dish is very rich and nutritious, originally from

Huatía .- It is a meal based on potatoes. It is prepared in an earth oven,

We also have the Sancochado puneño, the Chupe of quinua, the fried trout.

Puno is a special place to visit, Puno is one of the most beautiful places in our
country, you have to know it.

Puno is waiting for you.

Thanks for your attention.

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