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There are lot of amazing dreams and desires I have and want to fulfill in my life.

Some of
them are quite interesting.

I can say , " The dreams of my life are not only dreams , are the goals of my life which I
want to live , achieve and experience . "

I am going to mention some of these here.

Firstly I want to be the proud of my family by making their dreams true.Although their
dreams are mine and mine theirs.

I want to stay simple , humble , down to earth , laborious person , love of my family
throughout my life.

Regarding career I want to become an IAS officer.I am very dedicated towards my goal.I
want to serve people within the power of administration.

After cracking UPSC , I want to take study leave for further education in Literature.

I want to study all my favourite subjects to attain knowledge about them that is History ,
Geography, Physics , Psychology , Philosophy ,Economics , Hindi and English literature ,
Political Science , Astrology , Public Administration , Sociology and others in which I am

I want to achieve this grand success before my grandparents and want to see and experience
their happiness at its peak.

I am fond of reading. I want to open a public library in my life to fulfill the other's passion of

I am emotionally attached to my village...It is just like a dream place for me.There is a love ,
there is a life and so many things I like about it.

I want to do every possible effort for the welfare of my village.

I don't want to change the condition of people of the society instead I want to change
their mentality, their wrong perspectives.If this happens the Condition will be
ultimately changed.There should be morality , there should be humanity because it
includes all the good deeds.
I want to organise a grand occasion of Srimad Bhagvata Katha once in my life.

I am a passionate writer.I want to write novels as there are variety of characters inside my
mind , the people whom I met , whose lives touched me to the core , and a lot of incidents
related to me.I want it all to pen down.

I want to flourish my ideas , way of thinking through the passion of writing.

I am an amateur poet and want to pubish all my poems in the form of book in my life.

I want to pursue PhD in in Geography . This is the most interested subject I've ever come

I also want to be an educated politician though I know that politics is notorious in India.But
in my perspective if you really want to do development by making the best use of
government's money then Join Politics.

I am emotionally attached to my mother.I want to be her mirror.She is my mother,teacher,

mentor, friend , the best care taker and everything for me.

I want to write her biography.

I am a regular meditator and want to be the best.I want to meditate near the shore of the the
sea to experience the great inner peace beyond this unresting world.

I like cooking and want to be a good cook like my mom.

I want to be a humble person like my father.

I think it is less possible but I want to meet the idol of my life Atal Bihari Vajpeyi ji once in
my life.May God gives him a long and healthy life.

I want to do something for girls' education. It is my heart's desire.

I want to learn classical music specially playing Sitar , Santoor , Tabla and flute also.

I want to learn archery , photography, painting and car driving.Actually , I want to achieve
perfection in all the skills I have.
I want to learn music to sing the ghazals of Jagjit singh in a melodious tune that is as good as
I can sing.

I can see my future and I know that It is bright.

I know that like today in my future there would be true love , there would be betrayal , there
would be ups and downs , there would be friendship , success and failure , happiness and
sorrow but I am sure there would be difference.

It may seems quite romantic that I want to listen the song Chand si mahbooba ho meri from
my future life partner for me.

I want to be a best wife for my future life partner.

I wish that my life partner would a good singer.I want to learn music from him .Yes , I know
it is a melodious dream.

Like a good daughter I also want to be good daughter in law.

I want to visit the places of my interest specially famous libraries of the world , famous
museums , historical places and so on.I want to visit Indus Vally site and there are lot of
places I want to see.

Like everyone I also want to visit foreign but before visiting foriegn , I want to visit all the
tourist spots of India , all the states of India especially North - eastern states.I want to see the
culture of the people living there , want to listen their language , want to enjoy their festival ,
want to write journals on them and all the aspects of their life what I can feel , enjoy and
appreciate.I want to experience unity in diversity in India.

I want to make travel my parents in Maharaja express.This is one of the beautiful dreams I

And in addition to all that I want to organise a grand party once in my life and I'll invite all
my teachers who have taught me from my childhood.I want to deliver big big thanks to them.

So there are some of my dreams and desires I shared here.I want to make them true , want to
achieve , fulfill , experience and live them.I know I can achieve them.


There are lot of amazing dreams and desires I have and want to fulfill in my life.

I am going to mention some of these here.

Pertama , untuk mimpi terdekatku saat ini adalah membahagiakan kedua orangtuaku melalui
nilai ipk yang aku dapatkan setiap semester. Aku ingin orangtuaku merasakan bangga dan
senang dengan hasil belajarku disini dan untuk membuktikan bahwa mereka tidak sia – sia
mengeluarkan biaya untukku kuliah.

Kedua, aku ingin lulus tepat waktu dengan ipk yang terbaik juga serta mendapatkan
pekerjaan yang aku idamkan yaitu adalah berkerja di kementerian keuangan.

Ketiga, aku ingin membahagiakan keluarga, orang – orang yang aku sayangi yang sudah
mendukungku dan selalu ada disaat aku susah dan senang.

Keempat , aku ingin umroh bersama keluargaku yaitu ayah , ibu dan kakak suatu saat nanti
yang biayanya dari hasil kerja kerasku.

Kelima, aku ingin dapat mencukupi seluruh kebutuhan orangtuaku suatu saat nanti ketika aku
sudah bekerja dan memiliki penghasilan sendiri

Keenam aku ingin membangun masjid yang ditujukan untuk pertama kedua orang tuaku dan
kedua aku dan keluargaku.

Ketujuh aku ingin menikah dengan seseorang yang tepat yaitu yang taat beribadah , berhati
baik, memiliki iman yang kuat serta saying terhadap aku dan keluargaku

So there are some of my dreams and desires I shared here.I want to make them true , want to
achieve , fulfill , experience and live them.I know I can achieve them.

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