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Writing Unit 9

There are some schools where sport’s classes aren’t a compulsary subject. I think that sport lessons
should be compulsories at schools.

In one hand sport classes help you to know how to do the warming up correctly, and in these classes
are told important things like how to stretch your muscles to avoid having an injury and they can
help you too to know how to make a sport routine if you want to keep fit.

On the other hand, sport is something important for health. You need to do some kind of sport not
only to help you phisically but mentally because in both cases is good for you. Physically is
important to keep our body in movement and mentally to help us to get distracted of our studies or
even our problems.

And also with the sport classes you can learn about new sports that you didn’t practise before and in
these classes you will be teached how it is played and the rules of the sport.

In conclusion, as I said before, I think that sport lessons should be compulsory at schools to help
kids and teenagers healthy ways of keeping fit and ways of avoiding getting injured while practising
a sport, and you can also learn a lot about other sports.

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