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Department of Management Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business

Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang


Journal of Digital Marketing and Halal Industry

ISSN: 2716-4810 (print) ISSN: 2716-4802 (online)

Utilization of Digital Marketing to Improve Sales Volume of MSME's


Nafiudin Al-Bantani, Hamdan

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Universitas Serang Raya, Banten Indonesia


Micro, Small, Medium Enterprise (MSME's) marketing is still

limited to traditional models and has not yet utilized digital
marketing optimally. The purpose of this article is to identify the
use of social media to increase the sales volume of MSME's
products. This article uses the literature study method, using
secondary data. Data analysis techniques used a descriptive
approach. The results of studies and analysis show that the
importance of using social media such as Collaborative projects
(Example: Wikipedia), content communities or sharing media
Article history:
such as YouTube, social networking sites (example: Facebook),
Received 26 February 2020 and virtual social worlds or market places such as open outlets,
Accepted 03 July 2020 Tokopedia, and shopper. Optimizing social media can increase
Published 10 July 2020 market share and sales of MSME's products.

Digital marketing, social Media, @2020 Journal of Digital Marketing and Halal Industry
and Micro Small Medium

children's toys, drinking water refills and etc.

Introduction (Department of Commerce, Industry and
Cooperatives, MSME Serang City). In
The most common type of personal business comparison, the service sector in Serang
in the City of Serang is the trade and services includes photocopy, makeup artist, laundry,
sector. The trade sector in terms of scale is taxi, sewing services, carfix, tourism (tour and
generally divided into two, wholesale and retail travel), courses/tutoring subjects, t-shirt
trade. Retail trade products include cuisine printing, photography, barbershop and salon,
(warteg/warnas), groceries, pulses and data internet rental, etc.
packages, household furniture, vegetables,

* Corresponding author. email:

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Journal of Digital Marketing And Halal Industry
Vol. 2, No. I (2020) 29-42

Serang is now known as a city of emping chips information technology. It is digital marketing.
production. Emping is one of the superior Digital marketing makes it easy for business
potential traded by MSMEs in Serang City people to monitor and provide all the needs
because the raw material used is one hundred and desires of potential customers. On the
percent comes from the region of Banten. other hand, potential customers can also
Emping is famous chips made by melinjo in search for and get product information just by
Serang. There are two kinds of Emping chips, exploring the virtual world. In other words,
ceplis and raw. It named Cemplis chips because digital marketing can reach all people
they are made from melinjo, which is usually wherever they are without the limitations of
given a spice or a different taste, such as the space and time. One of the digital marketing
taste of onions, spicy flavor, and some are even tools is social media. Several studies have
given the taste of shrimp. While raw chips concluded that the use of social media can
made from melinjo leather that is still raw. The increase sales volume. Case studies on bag
second leading potential product of Serang sales at bag craftsmen in Ciampea (Muniroh
City is Sate Bandeng. The special taste of Sate Leny, 2017), and digital marketing are seen as
Bandeng is very popular in Serang and any the best media of promotion in terms of its
other city such as Tangerang, Bogor, Cilegon effectiveness and efficiency. They can increase
and Jakarta. sales volume significantly (Theresia Pradiani:
2017). Based on this background, the
Although Serang has products that have the formulation of the problem in this study is
potential to be liked by many people, the fact how the effect of digital marketing on the sale
is not that relevant. MSMEs have not been volume of MSME products in Serang. And the
able to develop their businesses; we can see it purpose of this research is to know the effect
from its stagnant scale of sales volume. This is of digital marketing on increasing sales of
due to limited access to marketing and MSME products in Serang
business networks that are not extensive
(Mubarok, 2019). MSMEs do marketing only
in the traditional way that has been passed
Literature Review
down for generations since ancient times. It is
called word of mouth. MSMEs do not have Definition of marketing, according to (Kotler,
the insight and understanding of information 1997) is a social and managerial process in
technology that can be used as a marketing which individuals and groups get what they
media. MSMEs also do not have access to need and want by creating, offering, and
obtain various information about the exchanging products with other parties. The
marketing system and information on market definition of Marketing according to Harper
developments that exist. W (2000: 4) that Marketing is "A social
Along with the development of the industry process involving important activities that
that if businesses are not able to adapt to these enable individuals and companies to get what
developments will potentially lose the they need and want through exchanges with
competition and lead to bankruptcy, therefore other parties and to develop exchange
businesses must be able to adapt by utilizing relationships. "The definition of marketing

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Vol. 2, No. I (2020) 29-42

mix according to (Swastha, 2002) that According to Swastha (2002: 147) the price
Marketing Mix is "a combination of four is "the amount (plus a few items if possible)
variables of activities that are the core of the needed to get a combination of goods and
company's marketing system, namely products, their services".Price is the amount of
price structures, promotional activities, and money that must be paid by consumers to
distribution systems. get a product. Price is the only element of
the marketing mix that provides income or
1. Products
income for the company while the other
The definition, according to (Kotler, 1997) three elements (products, places,
that a product is anything that can be promotions) cause costs. Unlike the
offered to a market to meet needs. product characteristics of distribution
Products marketed include physical goods, channels, these two things cannot be
services, people, places, organizations, and changed or adjusted easily and quickly,
ideas. Five levels of products planning an because they usually involve long-term
offer or product, marketers need to decisions. The main determining factor in
understand the five product levels, namely: pricing is the company's marketing
1. The main product is the benefits actually objectives. These objectives can be in the
needed or will be consumed by customers form of profit maximization, maintaining
of each product. 2. Generic products are the survival of the company, adding a large
basic products that can fulfill the most market share, making leadership in terms
basic product functions. 3. Product of quality, overcoming competition,
expectations are formal products offered applicating social responsibility. One of the
with various attributes, and conditions are marketing mix components is the price. So
formally expected and agreed to buy. 4. prices need to be supported and
Complementary products, namely various coordinated with each other with other
products, attribute quipped or components of the marketing mix, namely
supplemented with various benefits and promotion, products, and distribution.
services so that they can provide additional Cost is a factor that determines the
satisfaction and can be distinguished from minimum price that must be set so that the
competing products. 5. Potential products company does not experience losses. Thus,
are all additions kinds and changes that every company has to pay huge attention to
might be developed for a product in the cost structure aspects (variable and fixed),
future. Product attributes are product as well as other types of costs such as
elements that are considered important by opportunity costs, controllable costs,
consumers and are used as the basis for pocket costs, incremental costs, and
purchasing decisions, and product replacement costs.
attributes include brand, packaging,
3. Place
labeling, complementary services, and
guarantee The definition, according to Kotler (2006:
63) Place is "The activities of companies
2. Price
that make products available to the target".
A place is a distribution channel, a series of
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interdependent organizations that are the product. Consumers cannot recognize a

visible to one another in the process of product that is already good at a good
making products or services ready to be price, so the product will not succeed in
used or consumed. Location means it the market. Facilities and infrastructure
relates to where the company must be needed effectively so that information
based and conduct operations. In this case, about the presence of a product can reach
there are three types of interactions that the community or consumers. The effort to
affect the location, namely: introduce the product to consumers is the
beginning of promotional activities. Philip
a. Consumers come to the company if the
Kotler (1997, 142) defines promotion as an
situation is like this, then the location
activity carried out by a company to
becomes very important. Companies
communicate the benefits of its products
should choose a place close to
and to convince consumers to buy. Julian
consumers so that it is easy to reach. In
Cummins (1991, 11) defines promotion as
other words, it must be strategic.
a series of techniques that are used to
b. The company goes to the consumer is a
achieve sales or marketing goals by using
location that is not too important, but
cost-effectively, by adding value to products
what must be considered is the delivery
or services to intermediaries or direct users.
of services must remain of quality.
Usually not limited in a certain period. The
c. Companies (service providers) and
promotion mix is a company's total
consumers do not meet directly are
marketing communication program
service providers, and consumers
consisting of advertisements, personal sales,
interact through certain means such as
sales promotions, and public relations that
telephone, computer, or mail. In this
the company uses to achieve its advertising
case, the location becomes very
and marketing objectives. According to
insignificant as long as communication
Basu Swastha (1999), a mix of personal
between the two parties can take place.
selling and other promotional tools, all of
Both the location and selected channels
which are planned to achieve the sales
are very dependent on market criteria
program. The promotion mix consists of:
and the nature of the service itself. For
example, in freight forwarding services, a. Advertising (advertising), namely all
if the market wants fast and timely costs that must be spent by sponsors to
delivery and the nature of goods that make non-personal presentations and
are not durable, then the location promotions in the form of ideas, goods,
chosen must be a strategy, and channel and services
should direct sales to be controlled. b. Personal selling, namely personal
presentations by company salespeople
4. Promotion
to make sales successful and build
No matter how good the quality of a relationships with customers.
product, how attractive as it looks or how c. Sales promotion, namely short-term
big the benefits are, if no one knows about incentives to encourage the purchase or
its existence, then it is impossible to buy sale of a product or service.

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d. Public relations (public relations), which Strauss & Frost, 2012, p. 28) specifically
is building good relations with the emphasizes that e-marketing is a marketing
related public to gain support, build a activity carried out using Internet technology.
"corporate image" like. And deal with or Marketing activities, such as making,
get rid of gossip, stories, and events that communicating, and offering products that
can be harmful. can provide value to customers, clients,
e. Direct marketing (direct marketing), company partners, and the wider community.
namely direct communication with
According to Jagdish & Sharma (2005, p612),
several targeted consumers to obtain
e-marketing creates fundamental behavioral
direct responses with several target
changes in business and consumers similar to
consumers to obtain direct responses by
those related to the introduction of cars and
using letters, telephone, fax, email, etc.
phones, which reduce the need for a channel
to communicate directly with certain
approach. E-marketing uses the Internet as a
consumers or businesses to receive an
platform that allows companies to adapt to
immediate response.
customer needs, reduce transaction costs, and
Digital marketing is a marketing practice that allow customers to move anytime and
uses digital distribution channels to reach anywhere without worrying about place and
consumers in relevant, personal, and cost- time.
effective ways (Satyo, 2009). Marketing
Based on the opinion of Mohammed et al.
activities will be carried out intensively using
(2003) the influence of internet marketing on
computer media, both from product offering,
the company's marketing strategy, there are
payment, and delivery. In the context of
four ways, namely:
marketing, the condition of the global crisis
has made many organizations start thinking 1. Increased segmentation with the internet
about and searching for savings methods. market segmentation is getting wider,
because of the increasingly broad
It is not a secret that the organization's highest
marketing reach. The Internet does not
costs always come from marketing and labor
limit the breadth of marketing reach
costs (Sanjaya, 2009: 13). Therefore business
because all consumers around the world
organizations must be clever to see
can access it easily.
opportunities for effective marketing activities
2. Develop strategies more quickly in cycle
in the digital age at a cost that is cheap and
time with a faster and easier flow of time,
and marketing strategies can also be more
According to (Fang, Chen Ling. Lie, 2006), e- quickly developed.
marketing is the marketing process to 3. Increased accountability of marketing
customers using web media of services and efforts information that can be obtained
products. Promotion, Advertisements, quickly and easily can improve the
Payments, and Transactions can be made company's strategy to be further improved.
through web pages. Users of Internet So marketing can be done more
marketing can access information easily transparently.
anywhere with a computer connected to the 4. We are increasing the integration of
Internet. marketing strategies with operational
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Vol. 2, No. I (2020) 29-42

business strategies. The integration of the quantity, and time. Task (what will be
company's marketing strategy and achieved). Measured quantity (how much).
marketing strategy via the Internet will Time frame (when). Most e-marketing aims
improve business strategies and operational to achieve various objectives, such as the
strategies. following: Increase market share. Increase
the number of comments on a blog or
According to Strauss and Frost (2009), the
website. Increase sales revenue. Reducing
seven stages in designing e-marketing are
costs (eg, distribution or promotion costs).
Situation Analysis, E-Marketing Strategic
Achieve brand goals (such as mend when
Planning, Objectives, E-Marketing Strategy E-
we come back)—increase database size.
Marketing), Implementation Plan, Budget,
Achieve Customer Relationship
Evaluation Plan. The detailed explanation is:
Management (CRM) objectives (such as
1. Situation analysis in the first phase is the increasing customer satisfaction, frequency
beginning of a business concept by of purchases, or customer reference levels).
analyzing the strengths, opportunities, Improve supply chain management (such as
weaknesses, and threats for the company. by increasing member coordination, adding
In this section, the situation analysis used partners, or optimizing inventory levels).
is the SWOT analysis. According to 4. E-marketing Strategy E-marketing strategy
Rangkuti (2004), SWOT analysis is the includes a strategy regarding 4P and
systematic identification of various factors relationship management to achieve the
to formulate a company's strategy. This objectives of the plan regarding Product,
analysis is suggested on the logic that can Price, Place, Distribution Channels, and
maximize Strengths and Opportunities, but Promotion.
as a matter of course, we take Weaknesses 5. Implementation plan at this stage, the
and Threats. The strategic decision-making company decides how to achieve its
process is always related to the objectives through effective strategies and
development of the company's mission, strategies. F. Pearimemihihab marketing (4
goals, strategies, and policies. Thus strategic P), management strategies, and other
planning (strategic planner) must analyze strategies to achieve the objectives of the
the factors of the company's strategy plan and then compile an implementation
(strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and plan (Implementation Plan). The company
threats) in the current conditions. This is also checks to ensure the right marketing
called Situation Analysis. SWOT analysis organization at the venue (staff,
compares the internal factors of Strengths departmental structure, application service
and Weaknesses with external factors providers, etc. outside the company). The
Opportunities and Threats faced by the Internet has changed the place of exchange
business world. from marketplaces (like face-to-face
2. E-marketing Strategic Planning (E- interactions) to marketspace (like screen-to-
marketing Planning Strategy) face interactions). The main difference is
3. Objectives (Objectives) Objectives in e- that technological interfaces now mediate
marketing include aspects of the task, the nature of the exchange relationship.

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Vol. 2, No. I (2020) 29-42

With the move from people-mediated to visitors every click. To get accountable
technology-mediated interfaces, there are budget information, calculations need to
some interface design considerations be made about revenue forecasts,
encountered. intangible benefits, cost savings, and e-
According to Rayport and J.Jaworski. marketing costs (marketing costs).
(2003), there are various elements in 7. Evaluation Plan E-marketing planning is
designing a website, namely context (the carried out. Its success depends on
context of the site reflects the value of continuous evaluation. This type of
beauty and usability of the site), content evaluation depends on the purpose of the
(content is all digital objects contained in a plan. To determine the marketing results,
web in the form of audio, video, image or companies can use a balanced scorecard to
text ), community (community is a bond of measure the success of an internet
relationships that occur between fellow marketing program and whether the
visitors or customers of a website because internet marketing program is suitable
of the similarity of interests or hobbies), according to the objectives of the company.
customization (customization is the ability Andreas Kaplan and Michael Haenlein
of the site to modify itself in accordance define social media as "an internet-based
with the wishes of its users), application group that builds on the
communication (communication between ideology and technology of Web 2.0, and
companies and customers, consisting from which enables the creation and exchange of
Broadcast Dimension, Interactive user-generated content" .4Social media is
Dimension, and Hybrid Dimension), online media that supports social
connection (the ability of a website to move interaction. Social media uses web-based
from a webpage to another webpage or technology that turns communication into
other website with onclick both text, interactive dialogue. Some of the popular
images and other toolbars), and commerce social media sites today include Blog,
(commerce is a feature of the customer Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Path, and
interface which supports various aspects of Wikipedia. Van Dijk also explains another
the transaction trading and has dimensions definition of social media. Social media is a
such as registration, shopping cart, security, media platform that focuses on the
credit card approval, one click shopping, existence of users who facilitate them in
order through affiliates, configuration their activities and collaborations.
technology, order tracking, delivery Therefore, social media can be seen as an
options). online facilitator that strengthens the
6. Budget, the key to strategic planning, is to relationship between users as well as a
identify the expected return on investment. social bond marketplace is an internet-
During the implementation of the plan, based online media (web-based) place for
the marketer will continue to monitor the conducting business activities and
actual revenue and costs to see the results transactions between buyers and sellers.
that have been achieved. The Internet is Buyers can find as many suppliers as
one tool that can be used to monitor possible with the desired criteria so that
results because the technology records they get according to market prices. In
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contrast, suppliers/sellers can find out on. This condition is accelerating with the
companies that need their emergence of various social media expressive
products/services (Opiida, 2014). The sites such as Blogs, Facebook, YouTube,
marketplace is an E-Business model that Flicker, Twitter, and so on. People are
deals with sellers and buyers. Market Place increasingly connected and the community is
in Indonesia is one of the national growing. They began to change the rules of the
economic driving forces in the context of game and become influencers in their
facing the era of globalization. For this, the community. The members will listen more to
MarketPlace needs to be developed in an suggestions from fellow communities than the
orderly, reasonable, and efficient manner. characters and commercials. If, in the past,
only figures or artists became influencers, now
Based on the background and theories that
everyone can become influencers. The term
have been put forward, the authors formulate
consumer (passive) shifts to prosumer (active)
a hypothesis on whether there is an influence
(Situmorang, 2011: 222). Online shopping is a
of the use of digital marketing technology on
process where consumers directly buy goods or
the sale of MSME products in Serang.
services from sellers in real-time, without
direct intermediary services with sellers
The Method, Data, and Analysis
Online shopping is defined as the behavior of
This article uses a descriptive qualitative visiting online stores through internet media
analysis design with literature study methods. to search, bid, or view products to buy and
A literature study is written by looking for obtain the product. Online shopping occurs
theoretical references that are relevant to the when a customer chooses the Internet to
case under study. This article was written transact because of many factors that motivate
based on previous studies that have been customers to buy. Shopping through the
conducted sourced from relevant international Internet offers unique advantages. Through
and national journals. The data in this study shopping, via the Internet, a buyer can see in
used secondary data sourced from books, the advance the goods and services he wants to
Internet, and previous research reports. Data spend via the web promoted by the seller. This
analysis techniques used a descriptive shopping activity is a new form of
approach. communication that does not require direct
face-to-face communication. But can be done
separately from and to all over the world
through the media of Notebooks, Computers,
Result and Discussion or Mobile phones that are connected with
internet services. In the context of online
Consumer behavior began to shift, and stores, in general, internet users can be
consumers began to use the Internet for classified into three types of users; Non-
various purposes ranging from finding news purchases, browsers, and Purchasers (Dejan,
and information, emails, various files, photos, 2010).
listening to music, watching movies, and so

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1. Non-Purchasers are internet users who creation of user-generated content using

have never made searches and purchases at internet media and web 2.0.
online stores.
The benefits of social media for marketing are
2. Browsers are internet users who only make
an easy way to know more customers, and
purchases at these online stores.
make more dean with them, not only that with
3. Purchasers are people who have done
social media we are able to find target
searches and purchases at online stores.
consumers more effectively for example with
Entrepreneurial technology is a vehicle that demographic strategies such as targeting
facilitates individuals, business organizations, consumers based on age, location and so on
regions, the State towards prosperity, and like Facebook and Twitter these two examples
therefore it becomes intellectual satisfaction have these devices. And with social media we
when we discuss it. By definition, are able to expand our target market and find
entrepreneurial technology is an investment new customers, one example is by utilizing
project by gathering special individuals and #hashtags related to business and then used to
collecting heterogeneous assets associated with get suitable prospective customers, by
advances in science and technology to create following and Like or commenting posts so
corporate value. There are four dimensions to that they know the brands and products that
entrepreneurial technology: a) The final result. will be offered to consumers. And consumers
b) the target of the final result. c) The can provide feedback directly related to the
mechanism used to provide the final result. d) business that we live so that we can know what
The interdependence of this mechanism with exactly is needed by consumers. Still related to
scientific and technological advances. Digital the benefits of social media about fan page on
marketing is marketing using the application Facebook with fan page facilities consumers
of digital technology. One form of digital can directly send suggestions, criticisms, and
marketing using electronic media or the messages about products, with social media we
Internet is internet marketing (e-marketing). E- are able to develop target markets faster with
Marketing is a marketing process that uses competitors, increase website visitors and
electronic communication technology, search engine rankings, help consumers be
especially the Internet. The role of digital able to reach a business. There are several
marketing strategies can be important in types of social media, according to (Kaplan,
following the development of digital Andreas. Haenlein, 2010).
technology and developing plans to attract
a. Collaborative projects
consumers and direct it to the combination of
This social media allows users to
electronic communication and traditional
collaborate in loading, editing, or
communication (Chaffey, D. Chadwick, F.
correcting content. Example: Wikipedia
Johnston, 2009). "Social Media, a formal
online encyclopedia. Marketers can build
definition of the term first requires drawing a
connections with contributors to this
line to two related concepts that are frequently
service to present the right data and
named in conjunction with it: Web 2.0 and
information when it comes to related
User Generated Content" (Kaplan, Andreas.
brands, especially if the content is specific
Haenlein, 2010). This means that social media
to the brand.
is an application that allows the exchange and
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Vol. 2, No. I (2020) 29-42

b. Blogs effective business promotion tool because it

Blogs that represent the earliest forms of can be accessed by anyone, so the
Social Media and Blogging are online promotion network can be wider.
business models that use content to
Social media is an indispensable part of
educate and market products and services.
marketing for many companies and is one of
Blogs tend to have two parts: They create
the best ways to reach customers and clients.
content and update it constantly. They also
Social media such as blogs, Facebook, Twitter,
allow users to get involved. Examples are
and YouTube have a number of benefits for
WordPress and Blogger.
companies and are faster than conventional
c. Content communities or media sharing
media such as print media and TV
The main purpose of this media is to share
advertisements, brochures and leaflets of social
content between media users. There is
media when combined with the use of
video content, for example, YouTube, slide
communication tools such as mobile phones
share, for instance, PowerPoint
can be easily done by businesses reaching the
presentations, and types of photos using
final consumer as in the United States there
Flickr media, and for text types, for
are more than 70 million small businesses that
example, bookcrossing. Businesses can use
use Facebook to increase their sales.
this type to share visually strong content,
such as product photos, brand activities, to Mobile devices such as the iPhone allow users
content such as infographics or videos. to stay connected, and two platforms
d. Social networking sites dominate the largest global market share,
Social networking sites are applications namely Android (85%) and iOS (Apple: 14%).
that allow users to connect by creating The growth of smartphone usage from 2009 -
personal profile information, inviting 2016 for the United States is 55% and 44%.
friends and colleagues to have access to The user community is more involved in the
these profiles, and sending emails and Internet because it has a mobile device.
instant messages with each other. Because most people do not have a computer
e. Virtual social worlds in addition to a mobile device to be
Virtual social worlds are applications that commonplace. Therefore along with the
simulate real-life via the Internet. Virtual growth of cellular users will lead to the
social worlds are sites that allow users to potential use of the Internet and use the
interact in three-dimensional platforms money to shop online.
using avatars that are similar to real-life— Several studies that have been carried out both
examples of e-commerce: Tokedia, nationally and internationally prove that social
Bukalapak, and so on. media plays a role in increasing sales as
f. Virtual game worlds research conducted by (Handaruwati, 2017) by
The virtual world, which implies a 3D utilizing social media that was not previously
environment, where users can appear in used because it is not yet familiar with being
the form of avatars desired and interact able to receive many orders, so that sales
with others as in the real world. For volume is increasing fast compared to sales the
example, online games social media is an old way. Digital marketing is seen as the best

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Vol. 2, No. I (2020) 29-42

medium as the most effective means of conversation partners, so that what we need to
promotion (Pradiani Theresia, 2017). do is listen to customers, find what makes
them want to be heard, listen to what makes
Websites and social media applications.
them interested and comfortable and develop
Likewise, digital technology is increasingly
content that is appropriate their desires.
being implemented by companies to respond
Fourth, be humble; we need to study the
positively to customer needs apart from that it
existence of social media because there are
can drive sales and increase efficiency by
many out there who have preceded us in using
reducing costs. Information quality can be
these media, don't ever assume we are more
transferred through digital technology
proficient in using social media.
(Watson, 2006) Organizations are very focused
on using digital technology to improve the Fifth, Be unprofessional; avoid creating
quality of the information provided to their content that is too serious and formal. And no
customers (Foroudi, P., Jin, Z., Gupta, S., need to hire writers or content creators who
Melewar, TC and Foroudi, 2016). Therefore, require expensive fees and don't be afraid of
businesses are able to utilize digital technology making mistakes in content.
to cross information related to MSME
products. Examples are usage (e.g., newsletters,
webinars, podcasts, courses). Conclusion
According to research conducted by (Trio
Based on the results of the literature study, it
Mohamad Febriyantoro, 2018) that all MSME
can be concluded that to increase sales of
practitioners state that the use of digital
MSME products, and MSME practitioners can
marketing provides benefits that they are able
use digital marketing. Not only Facebook,
to interact and inform directly with
Twitter, Instagram, but MSME practicioners
consumers, MSME practitioners say that the
can also cooperate with marketplaces such as
use of digital marketing expands their market
Bukalapak, Tokepedia, and Shopee. MSME
share, increasing consumer awareness because
practitioners can also use media sharing such
SMEs routinely update information about
as YouTube, making videos with marketing
products every day and increase sales because
content to communicate the existence of
some MSMEs also collaborate with several
MSME products.
marketplaces such as Shopee and Tokopedia.
Based on the discussion above. So if we want
to continue to develop and maintain Recommendation
relationships with customers, the first is that
we must always be active and make sure that The development of industry 4.0 is the
the content we put into social media is up-to- development of information technology so
date and fresh and make sure that we engage that we can apply marketing following
and interact with customers. Second, be technological developments so that businesses
honest and respect the rules in social media, can continue to compete following the times.
never give misleading information because it The lack of knowledge about information
will harm our company. Third, give interesting technology that entails the perpetrators of
things, because no one wants boring business actors in following the development
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