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The briefs:
We are amidst the 4th Industrial Revolution, and technology is evolving faster than ever.
New forms of technology--such as the Internet, personal digital assistants and mobile phones.
The rapid advancement of computers and communication technologies has reached a point
where technology is omnipresent in almost every facet of our lives. This has enabled
individuals and society to become interconnected in ways that were previously unimaginable,
making access to information easier and transforming how we communicate.
Technology in our life:
Technology has become an inevitable part of our lives. We cannot imagine to survive without
technology in today’s fast-moving world. When employment, socialization and cultural
propagation happens with globalization, we cannot survive without technological
involvements. The Coronavirus pandemic has moreover proven, how important technology is
for us, to stay connected, work, communicate and basically survive.
Technology in the army:
Rapid advances and convergence in fields such as robotics, information technology and
artificial intelligence will continue to have a revolutionary impact on the battlefield of the
future. The disruption associated with these technologies will most acutely be experienced by
the human combatant at the tactical level, with increasing cognitive demands associated with
the employment and use of new capabilities.
Pros and cons:
Technology is considered to be the one, is developed to reduce the effort of people. Which
provides countless visible advantages for human beings. It is conspicuous that from paper
clips to ultra-modern space crafts work on the principles of science and technology.
Moreover, people are much rely on the benefits of this and a life without computers, vehicles
and other tech-applications is unable to imagine. Thus it is obvious that now human life runs
with the beats of these advancements.

However, at the same pace technology brings some threats to people. For instance, the
inventions of weapons especially nuclear war gadgets are extremely dangerous for the
existence of the entire life forms on earth. In addition to that, an increased use of motor
vehicles causes the contamination of our ecosystem and thereby directs certain problems such
as global warming and unsteady climates. So the inappropriate application of these
advancements will lead us to tremendous problems.
The briefs:
The Internet is an increasingly important part of everyday life for people around the world. It
has revolutionized the computer and communications world like nothing before. The Internet
is a global network of billions of computers and other electronic devices. With the Internet,
it's possible to access almost any information, communicate with anyone else in the world,
and do much more.

Roles in our life

Today, the internet has become unavoidable in our daily life. Appropriate use of the internet
makes our life easy, fast and simple. The internet helps us with facts and figures, information
and knowledge for personal, social and economic development. There are many uses of the
internet, however, the use of the internet in our daily life depends on individual requirements
and goals.

Role in the army

The Internet was first invented for military purposes and then expanded to the purpose of
communication among scientists. The invention also came about in part by the increasing
need for computers in the 1960s. During the Cold War, it was essential to have
communications links between military and university computers that would not be disrupted
by bombs or enemy spies.

Contemporary military operations are becoming increasingly complex, multifaceted, and

unpredictable. As the technological capabilities of allies and adversaries advance, more
pressure is put on military commanders to anticipate, assess, and take action in increasingly
pressurized environments and restricted timeframes.
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a potential solution to this problem. By integrating systems of
sensors, actuators, and control systems into existing military infrastructures, the military can
become more efficient and effective.

Pros and cons

The advantages of the Internet :

The biggest advantage of the Internet is communication because good communication allows
you to develop your business and reach a wider audience. It has also improved education.
People can study at home. Even a teacher can prepare his or her lesson and download it
online so that he or she can share these files with the students, who can access them from any
Internet-connected device anywhere in the world.
The disadvantages of the Internet:

The disadvantages of the Internet are cyberbullying and trolls. Because of cyberbullying,
there are cases where the victim commits suicide. The extent of the problem can be guessed
here. That’s why we have to stay away from all forms of bullying on the Internet. Your
personal data may be hacked at any time. So you need to have the right knowledge about
cybersecurity while using it as an essential thing. It is best not to play too much online and
avoid all addictive sites.

Internet addiction:
Internet addiction is a behavioral addiction in which a person becomes dependent on the use
of the Internet, or other online devices, as a maladaptive way of coping with life's stresses.
Internet addiction is becoming widely recognized and acknowledged, particularly in countries
where it is affecting large numbers of people, such as South Korea, where it has been
declared a national health problem. Much of the current research on the subject of Internet
addiction has been carried out in Asia. It is also a growing concern in developed nations in
North America and Europe.

how to use the internet effectively

The Internet is a tremendously useful tool, but can easily become a black hole for
productivity. While for most people it's not realistic to try to avoid the Internet altogether, it's
entirely possible to manage our habits in a way that allows us to use the time we do spend
online more effectively. The first, become aware of existing Internet habits by creating an
Internet activity log, identifying your problem areas, then getting acquainted with your
dopamine and resolving to make necessary changes. Finally, implement changes by
minimizing the screen time, avoiding multitasking, restricting the time spending on social
networking websites and considering getting rid of the Internet at home.

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