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DIRECTOR: Don Hall and Carlos Lòpez Estrada

CAST: Kelly Marie Tran - Raya(voice)

Awkwafina - Sisu

Izaac Wang - Boun

Gema Chan - Namaari

Daniel Dae Kim - Benja

Benedict Wong - Tong

Jona Xiao - Young Namaari

Sandra Oh - Virana

Thalia Tran - Little Noie

Lucille Soong - Dang Hu

Alam Tudyk - Tuk tuk

Gordol Ip - Merchant #2

Dichen Lachman - General Atitaya

Patti Harrison - Tail Chief

Jung Kang - Dang Hai

Sierra Katow - Dang Hai

Ross Butler - Spine Chief

Fançois Chau - Wahn


There was a prosperous land called Kumandra until evil spirits called the Druun began to ravage
everything. Druun absorbed people souls, turning those into stone. The last dragon, Sisu, concentrates he
maging into a gem and banishes the Druun, restored everyone to life, exception for the dragons. A power
struggle for the orb divides kumandra's people into tribes, based on theire placement along a giant dragon-
shaped river: Fang, Heart, Spine, Talon and Tail.

After 500 years, chief Benja of heart tribe train his daughter, Raya, until she finally becomes a guardian
of the gem. Chief Benja decides to hold a feast, believing that the tribes can be united once again. During
the feast, Raya befriends with the daughter of chief Virana of the Fang tribe, Namaari, who gives Raya a
dragon pendant as a gift. Raya trust Namaari that's why she shows Namaari the location of the gem but
Namaari, betrayed Raya, reveals that she is trying to help Fang steal the gem. Benja and the other tribes
arrive at the scene and start fighting over the gem, which gets destroyed in the scuffle. As each tribe steal
a piece of the orb, the reawakened Druun ravage Heart and its people. A wounded chief Benja,
discovering that the Druun are weak against water, he throw Raya into a river before getting petrified

For the next six years, Raya treks across Kumandra to find Sisu in order to help her recover the missing
orb pieces. After reaching a ship wreck in Tail, Raya finally manages to summon Sisu, who admits that
she did not create the orb, but only used it on behalf of her siblings and can gain her siblings' powers
when she touches its pieces.

They recover the second piece from a ruined, booby-trapped Tail temple, granting Sisu shapeshifting
powers; and encounter a hostile Namaari and her tribesmen after Raya's stolen portrait of Sisu. Escaping
the temple, they escape on the boat of young restauranteur Boun, who lost his family to the Druun.
Despite Boun's friendliness, Raya does not fully trust him, and insists that Sisu stays in human form.

The group arrives at Talon to claim the third gem piece, during which Raya encounters "con baby" Noi
and her trio of monkey-like companions, the Ongis, who adopted her after the Druun petrified her mother.
After a chase, Raya recruits Noi and the Ongis while Sisu encounters Talon's chieftess, who sinisterly
offers her to the Druun for the other orb pieces. Raya rescues Sisu and reclaims the third piece, allowing
Sisu to spew out fog which they use to escape.

The group then arrives at Spine, where they meet Tong, a fearsome warrior, and the village's sole
survivor. Namaari arrives and Raya holds her off in a fight so the others can escape, but before Namaari is
able to defeat her, Sisu turns back into a dragon and saves Raya. Realizing that Sisu is a dragon, the
companions agree to help Raya, and Tong hands over Spine’s gem piece, allowing Sisu to control rain.

As the group get closer to Fang, Sisu suggests allying with Namaari rather than stealing the final piece.
When Raya refuses, Sisu takes her back to the remains of the Heart and tells of how her siblings' (Pangu,
Jagan, Pranee, and Amba) trust in her was what really empowered her to save Kumandra. Raya relents
and decides to give Namaari the dragon pendant as a peace offering. Raya and Sisu meet privately with
Namaari, but Namaari, torn by her responsibility to save Fang's reputation and her wish to help defeat the
Druun, threatens to shoot them with a crossbow upon seeing the orb pieces. Sisu tries to calm Namaari
down but is fatally shot when Raya lashes her sword on Namaari's crossbow.

With the last dragon dead, and the water subsequently gone, Fang is overrun by the Druun. Raya enters to
confront Namaari, whom she finds to be mourning over the petrification of her mother. The two fight
while Raya's companions rescue the people of Fang using the gem pieces. Raya, besting Namaari,
prepares to kill her, but stops upon realizing her fault in Sisu’s death due to her inability to trust others
and heads off with Namaari to aid the group instead. As the Druun gain on Raya's group, Raya,
remembering how trust allowed Sisu to save the world beforehand, urges the others to unite and
reassemble the gem, showing her faith towards Namaari by handing her piece and allowing the Druun to
take her. The rest follow suit, with Namaari assembling the gem before the Druun petrify her as well.

With the gem reassembled, and everybody trusting each other, the Druun are vanquished and everyone,
including the dragons, are revived. The dragons revive Sisu while everyone reunites with their lost loved
ones, including Raya and Chief Benja. The dragons and the tribes gather at Heart to celebrate and finally
reunite as Kumandra.


The main themes of raya and the last dragon are trust and unity.


Raya and the Last Dragon is a movie which is bright, colourful, and filled with vibrant shots. As I
watched the movie I realized that it is somehow connected to our situation right now where we are facing
a global problem that kill people all over the wolrd. Just like on the film where they trusted each other
that's why they defeated the evil spirit called Druun, we also need trust, collaboration and unity to defeat
the problem that we are facing right now.

Also, I realized that Kumandra is somehow like to our world. In the film, Kumandra are divided into
five lands, the heart, tail, talon, spine, and fang. Look around at our own world and our own country,
there was a lot of fracturing and division.There's is no unity between us, there's always a competition
between each land. There's no collaboration and trust. Our leaders are always competing to know "who is
the best" among them. Instead of trusting, uniting and collaboration between each other, we always fight
and argue. That's why we can't solve or defeat the problems that our world is facing because we people do
not know the value of trust and unity.

What I learned in this film is that we can defeat any problem ,hard or easy, if there's unity between us, if
we trust each other, and if there's a collaboration between us because there is no problem that we can't
solve if we are one.

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