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K: Good afternoon Dayana.

D: Hello Kelly. How are you?

K: I’m very Good. And you?

D: I’m great. Can you help me with an interview, please?

K: Of course, but Can I ask you some questions too?

D: Yes. Let’s start! What’s your favorite month?

K: My favourite month is December because is my birthday, it’s Christmas, and I like to share
with my family. At Christmas we usually eat a lot and sing Christmas carols and received gifts.
And you?

D: My favourite month is August because I travel with my family for herranza activity. I like to
spend time with my family.

K: What’s your least favourite month?

D: My least favourite month is February because it’s Carnival and the people play with water,
paint and talc. And you?

K: My least favourite month is February too because it's Carnival and I can't go out because
there is a lot of traffic for the comparsas.

D: What’s your favourite day of the week?

K: My favourite day of the week is Sunday because in the morning I take my dog for a walk,
then in the afternoon I go with my friends to the park and after we have pizza. And you?

D: My favourite day of the week is Monday because I often stay at home all day and I have
English class in the affternoon.

K: What’s your least favourite day of the week?

D: My least favourite day of the week is Sunday because I usually get up early to work all day.
That day I'm very tired! And you?

K: My least favourite day of the week is Monday because I usually have to study and I do

D: What’s your favourite time of day?

K: My favourite time of day is in the evening because I sometimes watch comedy movies and I
go to bed. And you?

D: My favourite time of day in the evening too because I usually practice dance and then I sing
with my sisters.

K: What’s your least favourite time of day?

D: My favourite time of the day is in the morning because I often wake up early to help my
brother in his work and attend my parents’ shop.

K: My least favourite time of day is in the morning too because I often wake up early and I go
to study at university, but I like study at university with my classmates.
D: Thank you for help me.

K: Than you too. Would you like to go to a café?

D: Yes, of course. Let’s go!

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